Justice and rainbows
We open with an anime style intro

Missato is the one
Everybody loves her shes so fun
Miss Missato is the one who is your number one

Love justice and rainbows
fighting for every thing awesome
Miss Missato number one
Fight the evil hippopotamus

We see clips of anime Miss missato having highly stylized battles with numerous creatures and then an ominous shot of the hippotimus king. 

Never give up 
Miss Missato is the one
Miss missato rides the magic rainbow to your heart.
Fight the evil hippototamus king. 

Fight for Justice and Rainbows

[Image: DbCUfG9WkAAfw1T.jpg]

We open at a pub it seems old timey like from lord of the rings or something as you see many of the patrons of the establishments are animals wearing human clothes that seem to be talking amongst themselves. Miss Missato enters the bar wearing her usual white and gold outfit looking like the best waifu you've ever seen. she carries with her the head of an ogre

"MISS MASATO!" Every one in the bar screams out in delight not at all in the same way they would in an 80/90s sitcom that took place in the bar. 

A rabbit person scampers up to Miss Massato and says

Rabbit person: Thank you so much from saving my family from those Evil toad people and their master the Evil Count Fudgeula. We would have never been able to make it out of our burning giant donut shaped house if it wasnt for you.

Massato: You are so cute! Can Miss Massato hug you!?!

Rabbit person: Of course

Miss massato hugs the rabbit person. 

Miss massato: You are very Fluffy and nice Miss Massato has sworn to protect all things cute and nice. Miss Massato takes her job as the waifu princess very seriously even if she must decapitate All the bad guys!

 a group of small mole children walk up to her and one says

"Miss Massato can you decapitate our teacher he's so mean he gives us homework all the time."

Miss Massato: Is your teacher evil?

Mole Child: -pauses...-

Miss Massato: Be honest because part of being a true Justice fighter like Miss Masato is to Always tell the truth. Its not all decapitating cereal mongering pyro maniacs. 

Mole Child: It isnt fun.

Miss massato: Is it evil Homework?

Mole Child: Evil homework.

Miss Massato: Yes Miss Massato once had a teacher that tried to make her do evil homework. 

Mole child: OH no what did you do!

Miss Massato: Usually miss massato always listens to her teachers because only bad guys dont listen to their teachers. But when this teacher told Miss Massato to do evil homework Miss Massato had no choice but to cut off their heads.

Mole child: No it was math.

Miss Massato: It is true Math is no fun. But it is not evil to be a true Agent of truth and justice you must always know what is good and bad.

Mole child: I get it thank you so much Miss Massato.

Miss Massato: Any time Little one.

Miss Massato says patting the child on the head.

Miss massato walks to the bar handing the orgres head to the tender

Miss Massato: These citzens that love justice and are in dire need of peace. Deserve refreshment please accomendate them justly. 

Bartender: Of course Miss Massato but will you marry me!

Miss Massato laughs

Miss Massato: Sorry but Miss Massato is only married to justice and peace. 

The Bartender is horribly disappointed but Miss Massato smiles at him and that seems to fix everything for him. 

A man stumbles into the pub . The man has several arrows sticking out of him and a sword sticking out of his throat. 

Man: Miss Massato....the evil Hippopotamus King...He murdered me...but i had to come...to you.

the man says dying oh yea its not a normal man its a part man part otter.

Man: I'm dying...but I had to ask you Miss Massato....Will you marry me....

Miss Massato: Please dont die!


Miss Massato: I'm sorry Dying otter guy...but i am the waifu princess but I will avenge you i will bring justice to the world and all citizens of the world. I shall enter the world of emerge and for peace and justice ...oh yea and rainbows I will be victorious and win!

the otter man dies after miss massato smiles at him giving him a moment of peace before he died.

Writer of Dillusion, David Helms, Katelyn Buehler, Kordy and Bianca Evans

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RE: SPIRIT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT - Please read Within - by Foreverzerov1 - 10-05-2018, 05:12 PM
RE: SPIRIT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT - Please read Within - by LilithEvans - 10-05-2018, 11:24 PM

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