World Hazard Festival.

Top 8 Finals.

Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.

5,000 people in the audience, standing on their feet, cheering as one. 

Tyler Jackson leaned against the ropes; sweat trickling down from his face. The truth was, if it wasn't for this ropes, there's no way he would be standing. How many matches had he wrestled at this point? Had to be at least eight. It took two matches just to make it here, to the finals. It took a hell of a lot earlier today to earn the right to be put into the tournament. 

In order to make it to the tournament, he had to make an impression. An impression to Franklin Myers to even be given the right to be here. An impression that lasted one year after he graduated from Golden Gate Wrestling Academy.

He leaned back against the ropes once he felt a sharp pan run through his legs. His vision was a bit hazy, but he could see her. 

Joy Summers. His opponent. The one standing in the way of him and his dreams coming true.

She was in a kneel position on the canvas. Her face was drenched; her pink top was damp. Her hair was disheveled, a causality of war. She had a story too. Everyone does. Everyone has a story that places them in the place they are at now. She wanted the same thing. A contract to EMERGE, the development fed of SCW. An opportunity out of the Bay Area scene and to make real money. Tyler knew a part of her story through her So Cal accent and her high maintenance personality from the times they've been in the same building. The part of the story she wanted everyone else to see. She was a beauty. The type that would make you stop and stare with carnal desires in your eyes. She didn't make a lot of friends because she was aware of this and didn't want anyone to ever forget. And that was fine with her.

It was also irrelevant at this moment.

She picked her head up, all dazed and confused. Tyler had given her his best shot and she wouldn't stand down. Underneath the glamour and the arrogance, lied someone fighting for a dream. The same dream.

The same dream Tyler was going for. The same dream that prevented him from quitting when he failed Golden Gate Wrestling Academy proper. The same dream that motivated him to improve when he was given a second chance with the new sub division MAX. The same dream that Alexis Quinne and Christy Matthews laid out for him. It was staring him right in the face.

His heart pounded through his chest to the beat of the sound of the crowd, diverting blood to his muscles. His hands started to twitch. It was within reach. His dream. Right in front of him.

He lunged forward and swung her right arm. His bicep connected with her chest ad down she went. His final act. The only burst of energy he had left. A fleeting moment of conviction now sucked away. His yes grew wider. If she kicks....

If she kicks out....

He had nothing left.

His body laid on top of his. The crowd roars. 

They chant in unison.


If she kicks out


If she kicks out...


And it's over. Th bell sounds. The crowd erupts. Tyler rolls over.

It's over.

The dream. Now a reality.
Minutes later.

None of it had settled in yet. 

Tyler's walk through guerrilla was a slow and plundering one. His feet burned with every step he took. His hair was completely matted down due to the sweat. With every step, he gritted his teeth due to the sensation of pain that would come to him.

Through the darkness, there was the light at the end of the tunnel.

And there were people there. His Mom and Dad. His three sisters; red haired Madison(25), Dahlia(27) and Saddie(18) and his younger brother, Steven(15). Franklin Myers with a piece of paper in his hands. All of them. Waiting for him with smiles on their faces.

A smirk grew on his He extended his arms once he reached the top.

His mother was the first to embrace him. His father the followed suit.

"I told you. I told you I could do it."

Tyler whispered to his mother. She wrapped her arms around his waist. He could hear his mother sobbing. They were muted because she was buried in his pecs, but he could hear it. Tears of joy. That's what it's all about. He laughed afterwards. Years of convincing her that this was the right path for him all turned out. She didn't say anything back. She only held to him even tighter. Tyler looked at his brother Steven, who was dressed in a blue t-shirt and black jeans and his long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Hey, Steven, come over here. Come on, hug me man." 

"You're too sweaty bro."

Tyler laughed.

"We're so proud of you. We're so proud." His mother kept repeating before she left go of him. She didn't care that her blue tanktop was now covered in her son's sweat. His father nodded his head and adjusted the glasses that was on his face.

"I knew you could do it. We all knew you could." That meant a lot, coming from him. Out of the two, he was the one that was on board with this to begin with. In general, he was very laid back. He allowed his kids to pursue whatever they wanted as long as it made them happy. That was even reflected by his black mullet. He was over 55 and yet, he was still loose and carefree about life.

"I'm glad you didn't fuck it up this time," Dahlia replied, teasing him. Tyler laughed as Dahlia ran her fingers through her blonde hair before stepping forward and embracing him. 

"Thanks. I appreciate it." She let go of him and smiled. That's when Saddie stepped forward and hugged him as well. Saddie was around 5'7, so she was actually taller than all the girls in their family. She had long arms and long legs too, which gave her a lankier appearance. Tyler cradled her raven black haired as the two held on to each other tightly. She had a vice grip on him. The way she held him is what finally got to him. This is what made him form little water bubbles around his eyelids. Being surrounded by his family on the biggest day of his life, holding on to Saddie as tight as he could, this was the tipping point. Tyler smiled and leaned into her right ear.

"One day this is going to be you, Sads. You're going to be here. It's going to be the other way around. This is going to be you one day."

She wanted to become a wrestler too. She saved up enough to enroll in Golden Gate Wrestling Academy, following his footsteps. Like him, everyone in his family thought she was crazy for even thinking she could. She had always been a fan, she's the on that made Tyler a fan. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be standing here. He wouldn't have gone the path he chose. If it wasn't for her, none of this would be possible.

He owed so much to her. More than she would ever know.

"You're going to make it, Sads." He kept repeating that to her. 

"Yeah so I can keep your ass one day." Everyone laughed together after her statement. 

"You have to make it first." He teased. But he knew. He knew that she would. He had faith in her. Saddie could do anything she put her mind to, he thought. He even sniffled a bit. Reality was setting in.

"I will, Ty. I will. We made a promise. Remember?"

"Of course."

"So I'm not going to let you down. I'm gong to make it. I'm going to do it." He used his free hand to wipe more tears from his face.

This was real.

This was really happening.

"Congratulations Tyler," Franklin Myers said. He then extended the paper to Tyler as Saddie let go of him. He looked at Franklin and then the sheet of papers; the contract that he was going to sign to be on EMERGE.

"You earned this and I couldn't be prouder of you." Tyler wiped some of his tears off his face.

"Thank you sir. Thanks.' He quickly shook his hand.

"I couldn't have done this if you didn't take a chance on me."

"I did't do anything, Tyler. You're the one that worked hard, trained, got better and won. This is your moment. You deserve this. I don't want to hold you up so here's your contract and congratulations." And then he handed Tyler the contract and patted him to the shoulders. He walked away as everyone around Tyler smiled as he looked down.

Sure enough, it was a contract to EMERGE. The prize. This represented the next step in his journey.

This represented where he was going.

Where the possibilities were endless. 

If I had to describe my life in one word, I don't think that's the first one that would come to mind.

So I guess that means you're more fortunate than me, Jennifer Helms.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I had life rough. Far from it. I had parents that cared. I had brothers and sisters that cared for me. I played for every sport that I went for, I gradated from college about a year ago. My dad run a brewery, my Mom's a social worker. We didn't exactly have humble beginnings. And even with that, I wouldn't say it was glamorous. I would say I was fortunate. 

I think you would agree with me based off your life, Jennifer, that that's not always been the case for you.

Unfortunately you did.

Unfortunately, you didn't have it like I did. Unfortunately, your parents treated you like shit. They left you. Unfortunately, that happened to you and that's bullshit. But thankfully, David Helms, Regan Street, they were there. And they picked you up and they raised you and they trained you into the wrestler and the person that you are today. The can't miss prospect. The one everyone has their eyes on.

Truly glamorous. 

And this one night tournament on Monday, only one person will have the right to say they were the first ever Spirit Champion. And there's where we met. That's where our stories come together. You, Jennifer Helms, the Glamorous One and me, the T-1000, the All Man, All Machine, Tyler Jackson. Ante Up vs Golden Gate as some people will make it out to be. Can't help it. But one of us goes forward to the finals with three other people and one of us walks out of the arena as champion.

There's a reason why I say even despite my background Jen that I wouldn't label myself under those words because two years ago, it wasn't. The truth is that I failed my training. I failed. Not the most flattering thing to happen to you. Your trainer telling you that you don't have it to become a wrestler. It's quite humbling actually. If MAX never existed, I wouldn't be here because even despite my physical gifts, even despite making it to all those sports teams, even after all the things that i've done that made me feel as if I could breeze by my training and become a wrestler, I would have been a failure.

Thankfully, I did get a second chance.

I'm here because of a second chance.

And when I look at this field of players, gunning for the same belt. Mark O'Brien, Sabrina Bello, Mya Denton, Lilith Evans, Ryan Singer, Miss Misato, you yourself Jen, we're all here because of second chances. Some of these guys are former champions in the past.

Second chances.

And it's those second chances that has my little sister at home, I'm going to embarrass you Saddie so deal with it. It has my little sister, enrolling in Golden Gate because she saw that if I was able to make it after fucking up, she can too. If I can make my dreams come true by winning the Top 8 tournament at World Hazard after being told I didn't have it what it took, she could too.

We're products of second chances.

We're diamonds in the rough. I know you can relate to that Jen. On Monday night, Jen, the thing is, there's not eight new championships being created. There's not eight trophies to be handed out. No, there's only one championship. And there's only one person that will say at the end of the night they were the first. Only one person can say they made history. That they became the first Spirit Champion. They'll be many to hold this championship but only one can say they were the first.

Jen, my target is locked in. The objective? Become the first Spirit Champion.

Which means anyone in my way, I have to move them out of my way.

And you're first up.

You have your reasons to do this. We've both been through a lot and unfortunately, one of us goes home empty handed. And the thought of going home without that championship is not an option. So when I hit you Jen, it'll be with purpose. When I slam you to the mat, 'll be thinking about everything that I've done to get here. 'll be thinking about where 'm gong because all that's n the past. What matters s what lies ahead. The here and now. So I will walk down that ring and I will look in your eyes and I'm not leaving that ring without a victory. 

How long can you go?

Because I can go as long as anyone in this tournament.

The proof was Top 8. The proof was World Hazard.

So I can go. And I will go to the finals, somehow, someway.

I then will go on and 'll face three other people and I will eliminate them and I will become the FIRST Spirit Champion and the mission will be complete.

I doubt that it'll be glamorous, Jen. Because truthly, it's going to take everything I have to beat you. but after Monday, I will be the fortunate One.

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RE: SPIRIT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT - Please read Within - by Alexis Quinne - 10-05-2018, 06:17 PM
RE: SPIRIT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT - Please read Within - by LilithEvans - 10-05-2018, 11:24 PM

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