Camera fades into Lilith Evans sitting on a ledge somewhere as she overlooks the sunset. Her last win was great but she didn't want to have to do there. It was wrong to go there as she takes a deep breath.

Lilith- I didn't want to have to go there. I didn't want to win that way but you wouldn't let it die Mya. You wanted revenge and now you got it. I wanted it to die and yes I have to live with what I had to do the rest of my life. Well what I was forced to do. I was used yet again, controlled yet again like the cockroach you have with you did to me years ago. You know why I ran from him, the freedom that I seeked. The daughter that I had that I told about what her father did.

I am past that now and I am moving on but I am sure you want our path to meet again in the Spirit Tournament. That you want Gold but first you need to get past your first round opponent. Just like I do and no I am not saying that Ryan Singer is going to be easy. No way, nothing is easy in this sport. Ryan, I am sure you want this belt just like the rest of us and that what drives you drives us all. 

What happened last show will not happen again, Ben will not be involved but I am sure that was because of Mya's actions against him in the past. I don't expect him to help again and if he does, I will make sure that it will be the last time. I want that belt, I strive to be the champ. I want Gold. The addiction of it is what is drawling me in at the current time. Ryan, don't let me down and please give me a challenge. Some sort of challenge, let's blow the dam roof off the arena and make the people say, "dam this is freaking awesome" Let's make this the dam match of the year.

As for the rest of you, let's bring on more. Let's drive Emerge crazy and Mya if I do get you again in the finals, I again won't hold back.

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RE: SPIRIT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT - Please read Within - by LilithEvans - 10-05-2018, 11:24 PM

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