Vengeance (Kim Williams & Jessica Lasiewicz) vs. Blake Mason
September 30th, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

A traditional three-storey Victorian townhouse fronted by a picturesque patio, with beautiful large bay windows. Every house like this needs a strong foundation, which is quite fitting for two figures that stand side by side of one another, staring on at the beautiful image of craftsmanship. It is a gorgeous home but this isn’t a surprise to one Jessica Lasiewicz.  As a matter of fact, the young woman known as The Archangel is no stranger to this place at all.  This is where she grew up and she still, to this day, thinks of this as a second home. Jessica stands outside, wearing a white dress with contrast black lace bodice detail and silk georgette contrast panel with bubble hem skirt.  Sandals with a slight heel are on her feet and she dons her signature black leather jacket that is very similar to that her mother famously wears.

It was strange, being here again after so long.  Despite how long she had been away, she still remembered everything about the place; the blue hydrangeas planted in the front yard, the soft tinkling of the wind chimes that reminded her of summer afternoons. The blue paint had faded since Jessica had last seen it, but she still recognized it. It looked like the color of the sky before a bad storm.  This home has seen three generations of Jones women grow into powerful women, from Kelly Kurensky and Mary Kursensky, both of whom were refugees originally from the old Soviet Union who would change their names to Kelly and Mary Ford upon their family relocating to Boston, to Kelly’s children, Angelica Jones and Kayla Jones, and then Angelica’s children, one of whom stands here today looking up at the familial home.

Why is she here tonight?  That’s a question she doesn’t yet have an answer to; only Angelica does, for she summoned her.  By the time she got home, night had fallen and enveloped the city in a blanket of darkness. She scurried down the path towards her house, her shoes slapping against the stone steps that led to her front door.  Fallen leaves littered the walkway, bathing it in dark red and orange, and she stepped on them with a satisfying crunch. The porch light was on, and the familiar yellow glow made the house feel warm and inviting. A brand new flower pot to the right of the door was filled with pink and yellow chrysanthemums.

Jessica walked up to the door.  She went for the doorknob.  The metal of the doorknob was cool against her palm and she twisted it with ease, entering the well-lit living room.  She twisted it but it was locked.  Jessica raised my hand to knock and did so. She heard the "ding-dong" sound coming from inside, and someone running to get the door.  It opened slowly, and her mother's warm, loving face was revealed.

“Hi, Jess!” Angelica exclaims with a joyous look on her face.  She stretches out her arms and embraces Lasiewicz in a tight hug. She steps away and gives a look at her daughter as if she is giving appraisal of her appearance.  “You look amazing.”

“Thanks, mom.  But c’mon, it’s not like you don’t see me.”

Angelica smirks. “Actually you don’t visit very often, Jess.  I had to ask you to come today and I wasn’t even sure that you were going to come.”

“Oh gee, not trying to put me into some kind of guilt trip, are you?” Jessica answers back, rolling her eyes.  Angelica responds with a shake of her head.

“Me?  Never.”

“Good, because you know damn well that I would visit more often were it not for my busy schedule.”

Angelica nods her head, acknowledging her daughter’s wrestling career, which has been quite a success.  Then again, she was born into a wrestling family.  Both her mother and father were former world champions.  She has a passion for this business running in her veins.  More so than anything else she has also inherited her father’s sense of righteousness, his moral code, his sense of right and wrong.  It is for that reason that she calls herself The Archangel.  She views herself, in a way, like the Biblical Archangels, meting out justice wherever it needs.  And yes, that ends up making Jessica a very busy woman, wrestling all over the world.  And on top of everything she is a married woman now, married to Kyle Butler, another professional wrestler.  The rigors of a busy wrestling schedule will always and forever keep Jessica separated from her mother.  But at least on this occasion, Angelica has insisted on a visit.  Angelica doesn’t ask for much and she felt obliged to give her this.

“Anyway, come on in…” Angelica steps aside to allow her daughter room to enter the home, a home Angelica often jokingly calls Purgatory.  This “Purgatory” though is like home to Jessica as she steps across the familiar threshold and into the home.  Jessica walks a little ways down the hall and then into the main living area.  It is there that the eyes of The Archangel grow wide as she spots her half-sister, Kimberly Williams, lying down on the sofa.

“Kim?!” Jessica asks, somewhat astonished.  The surprise comes from the fact that she had asked Angelica if anyone else would be here but was told that they would be alone.  Yet here she finds Kimberly Williams.  Kimberly is the identical twin sister of Marie Jones, the children of Angelica and her first boyfriend Sean Williams.

Kimberly immediately pops up off of the sofa, turns, and waves playfully at Jessica. “Hi there, sis!  Took you long enough!”

“What do you mean?!”

“I mean you’re late.” Kimberly says with a smirk, tapping an imaginary watch on her wrist. “Mom and I were beginning to worry about ya!”

Kimberly runs over and embraces Jessica in a tight hug.  Kimberly is incredibly strong and it takes everything Jessica has to break the embrace and push her away.  Jessica backs up and shakes her head in astonishment.  She turns and looks at their mother who smiles sheepishly in the doorway.  Jessica points an accusatory finger at her.

“You knew…”

“Of course she knew!  Didn’t you?” Kimberly asks.

Jessica is about to answer when Angelica steps in between them and cuts off her daughter with a verbal request. “Kim, why don’t you go get some glasses and a bottle of wine while I talk to your sister.”

“Sure!” Kimberly turns and hops away, out of the living room, and out of sight.  Once Kimberly is gone Jessica turns to face Angelica again and growls angrily.

“What is she doing here?”

“Calm down.”

“You said we would be alone.”

“Calm down and sit.  I’ll explain everything.”

Jessica stares intensely at her mother.  Angelica should know by now that Jessica isn’t very trusting of Kimberly.  She should know that things between the two are tense and yet Angelica invited her anyway.  What is the deal?  Lasiewicz wants to know and she decides to sit down and hear her mother’s side of the story.  The Archangel sits down on the sofa and she is immediately followed by Angelica.

“Yes, I invited Kim.  And I know that you don’t like her…”

“I like her just fine.  I just don’t trust her.”

“Whatever.  Point is that things are tense between the two of you.  I blame myself in large part for that being the case.” Angelica sighs deeply and shakes her head. “I wasn’t exactly the ideal mother for you girls.  I gave up Kim at birth, I treated Marie as the favorite, and you…”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Jessica would rather not hear her mother beating herself up any more than she has to.  She just wants Angelica to get to the point.  Angelica nods her head.

“My mother and her sister, your great aunt Mary, had a powerful bond that kept them strong through even the most difficult of circumstances.  I was lost for most of my teenage years until I reunited with my sister, your aunt Kayla, and our bond kept us strong and helped us survive through traumatic tragedies.  You and Marie have that same strong bon, together you will survive anything.”

She motions to the door where Kimberly had just exited a few minutes ago. “Your sister was lost.  Many thought there was no hope for her, that she would just be better off locked up in an insane asylum.  But Marie never gave up on her and sure enough Kimberly found her way back out of that darkness thanks to the bond she formed with Marie.”

“What are you suggesting, mom?” Jessica asks with skeptical tone.  Jessica doesn’t get her answer before Kimberly Williams comes rushing back in with the requested glasses and a bottle of wine.

“I’m baaaaaack!” Kimberly declares loudly. “I got what you needed AND carried it in here without dropping it!  I shoulda been a waitress!”

She hands out the glasses, one to Jessica and one to her mother before keeping one to herself.  Kimberly then pours some, Angelica’s favorite...into the glasses.  Angelica takes a sip of her wine before nodding her appreciation to Kim.

“Thank you, Kim and I am glad you came back.  I want you both in the room when I say this.  As sisters you have the opportunity to have a powerful bond.  And yet while Marie and Kimberly may have formed a powerful bond, as have Marie and Jessica, I do not think you two have formed such a bond yet.”

“So what?” Jessica says bluntly.  Kimberly sticks her tongue out.

“It is important that you have that bond because one day you may need each other.  One day you won’t have me or Kayla or anyone else.  You may have only each other to rely on.  Family is very important and that’s why I want you to form that bond.”

“Great, so what do you want from us?  Go have a damn picnic?”

“Can we go to Disney World?” Kimberly asks.  Jessica rolls her eyes.

“Not quite.  Your aunt Kayla and I were a dominant tag team back in the day.  We were world tag team champions in GDW, GCW, SCW, and MCW.  We were tag team of the year twice, once in 2009 for MCW and once in 2013 for GDW.  I think you two can match what we achieved or, better yet, exceed it.”

Jessica arches her brows out of curiosity. “You want us to team up?”

“Yes.  What better way to form that bond than by working together as a tag team?  You’re forced to watch one another’s back in the ring.  You will travel the world together.  It is the ideal way to form that bond.  Teaming together is how Kayla and I worked on that bond after we had been separated for over a decade.  If it can work for us, I know it can work for you.”

Kimberly shrugs her shoulders. “Why the hell not?  I’m game!”

“What about you, Jess?” Angelica asks.  Jessica sighs.

“I don’t know, I’m isn’t that I don’t want to, it’s just…”

“Why not?” Angelica applies the pressure. “Don’t say you’re more of a singles competitor because as of late you’ve been competing in tag team action almost exclusively with Summer Collins.  You can share your talents with your sister.”

Jessica thinks on this for a moment.  Finally, she nods her head. “Ok, fine.  We can give it a shot.”

“Yay!” Kimberly cheers loudly, hugging Jessica around the neck.  Jessica sighs, wondering what she just got herself into.

Jessica Lasiewicz
On Camera

Vengeance is such a negative word, full of such harsh connotation.  It may well be harsh but why should it be negative?  There are many who deserve the wrath and vengeance that befalls them.  Karma is a bitch, as they say.  But I want to ask you something, Blake Mason…do you regret anything?

Any of the pile Sienna, Chris, Owen, I could go on and on, do you regret any of it?  Do you regret those times you tried to end the careers of your fellow athletes?  Or maybe instead of your direct actions maybe you regret some of your indirect actions?  Do you regret the monsters you created?

Not that I particularly care if Bree Lancaster takes offense to the term “monster” being used in comparison of her, but the fact is you made her.  Some...not all, but some...of those actions she takes are all on your head.  The blood is on your hands because you helped corrupt her.  Do you regret creating that situation SCW now deals with?

I could go on and on but I’m not, and it isn’t because I don’t feel justified in playing judge, jury, and executioner.  I am, after all, The Archangel and I am the judge, jury, and executioner.  Anyone with half a brain could look at you and your past and easily come to the conclusion that everything that has befallen you, you brought it upon yourself.  And I would be fully and whole heartedly justified in eliminating you from existence at Under Attack.  If I were to end your career that night, I would sleep easily.

The real question is do you regret pissing off Katya?  I mean, if we are being honest with ourselves, this isn’t about any of the bad things you have done in the past.  Everything I brought up, all of your sins, none of it matters to her.  Katya just wants you gone.  She wants you gone and she is hiring Kimberly and myself out as little more than assassins with the goal of taking you out of SCW.

I don’t like this any more than you do, Blake.  I know the kind of person Katya is and I know exactly why she is putting you in this handicap situation in a Luxury Suite Brawl where basically anything and everything is legal.  But like I said, I am The Archangel and I have taken it upon myself to mete out justice.  You have brought a great deal of this upon yourself, Blake.  You may have changed your ways...then again, maybe you didn’t...but you have committed a great many sins, some sins unknown to all but a few...some of which you believe no one else knows of…

...but The Archangel knows, Blake.  And The Archangel will make you pay and if that day of vengeance is Under Attack then so be it.  And even if this were not about vengeance, there is still the fact that this is a competition and you know as well as I do of the family I come from.

If you want to talk about two of the most successful wrestlers and most competitive wrestlers in the history of this sport two names will come up, Angelica Jones and Andreas Lasiewicz, and they happen to be my mother and father.  Do you think I’m one to back down from any challenge, even if the challenge is blatantly in my favor as this one is?

The answer, as you already know, is NO!

Apologies in advance, Blake, but I will do what I must.  It did not have to come to this.  None of this had to happen.  And I think you know that you can blame yourself for most of this...if not all of it…

[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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RE: Vengeance (Kim Williams & Jessica Lasiewicz) vs. Blake Mason - by The Matt - 10-15-2020, 05:38 PM

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