Vengeance vs. Jay Gold & Kelsai Adamson-Mason
OOC:The first was Jessica’s effort. This is the Kimberly contribution.

November 20th, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Kimberly Williams stands just outside of a bitter, cold, dark, gloomy, and quite creepy cemetery on the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts. Inside this cemetery are trees, some are alive and well, but most of them are dying. The Woman Scorned has made a pitstop to her home in Boston, the native home and seat of power for her family, the Jones wrestling family, and it is with one purpose in mind; to seek answers.

Despite the deranged, eccentric, if not downright psychotic front she puts on for the public, even a woman like Kimberly can be shaken up from time to time. The fact is that it would take a great deal to upset The Woman Scorned. Kimberly was separated from her birth mother, Angelica Jones, as a child and was raised off the grid by a sociopath. She didn’t even learn of her true identity until she was eighteen years old. By then she had been twisted and corrupted to the point that she had to spend time in an insane asylum. To say that Kimberly williams has been through complete and utter hell would be an understatement. It is unfathomable to think that anything could possibly upset her considering everything she has been through in her life.

Yet a chance encounter with a strange Romanian woman named Sorinah Floreschu in London, England has shaken Kimberly to her very core. Turns out Sorinah was once an ally and mentor to Kimberly’s half-sister and tag team partner Jessica Lasiewicz. That is how Kimberly met Sorinah; she happened upon the two of them speaking outside of the arena after SCW Breakdown had concluded. Jessica was visibly upset by the encounter but Kimberly put on a brave face for the both of them, mainly to comfort Jessica and keep her calm. But the truth is that Kimberly herself was shocked as well. What shocked Kimberly was learning of the woman’s name. Floreschu is not a typical name. It is rare indeed and yet Kimberly has heard of it before. It is for this reason that The Woman Scorned has decided to return to Boston, Massachusetts, a place where every fiber of her being was formed, for better or for worse, by a sociopath named Emma Storm.

The cemetery is cool and there is dew on the grass. The air is fresh and, unlike the unloved graves further away, here they are covered in bright blooms; their families, their loved ones who still live, have visited. The cemetery is a jumble of stones, as if the burial places were chosen by throwing the shovel in the air and digging where it landed. They sit at jaunty angles to one another, no two of them the same shape or size. The boughs of the cemetery twist like contorted bones, writhing in a silent scream. Beneath them lie the cold stones, each marking a dwelling place in which no-one is home. The cemetery whispers under the sallow moon, a frigid wind rustling newly browned leaves, each of them becoming more crisp. Kimberly Williams moves across the cold earth quiet, flat footed; her feet slow and steady but graceful as any ballet dancer on any stage in the world.

The cemetery should be spooky and fill Kimberly with chills, but this is not so for The Woman Scorned; walking amongst the bones of the dead is downright comforting for this deranged woman. In this mid-morning light under a cloudless sky, the air fragrant with pine-needles, it feels more like the park on a weekday afternoon. The Woman Scorned admires the ivy that creeps over the autumnal ground and pauses to read the inscriptions that will soon be stolen by the freeze-thaw of another winter. The ground has a softness that will be gone in just a few weeks more, frozen as hard as the stones it supports. Here, amid the long departed, there is time to contemplate without being disturbed. Few folks walk here for fun and it was filled up decades ago.

Kimberly makes her way through the cemetery, past several gravestones and ignoring other bystanders, because she knows exactly where she is going. Eventually she spots a tiny headstone off in the distance, near the back of the cemetery. Kimberly makes her way over and bends down. She reads the inscription: “E.F Storm”

This has been placed here primarily as a memorial because, in truth, no remains are buried here. Kimberly knows this because she made certain of that herself. She did not want this woman to have a final resting place considering what she did to her and her family. The fact that a headstone exists leads some to believe that someone is here but there really isn’t. Besides, no one would care anyway. Emma was a mystery and she wanted it that way. Very few even knew of her existence. In fact, Kimberly was convinced that only three people alive today knew of her existence: Angelica Jones, Sister Maria the nun with whom both Emma and Angelica worked with for a brief period, and Kimberly herself. But this recent revelation that Kimberly has overheard from the lips of Jessica Lasiewicz leads her to believe that this story may change in a big way.

“Why won’t you stay dead?” There is hatred that comes from Kimberly’s voice as she silently growls at the headstone. “I tortured you and killed you in my basement. I brought your carcass back to that old shack where we lived. You remember it, don’t you Emma? I could have had a normal childhood and grew up to be a normal human being but you made sure that didn’t happen.”

Kimberly shakes her head. “You don’t have the guilt all to yourself, though. My own mother gave me to you. Granted you manipulated her, deceived her, and ultimately blackmailed her, but still, she gave up and gave ME up. But you were the one ruined me. Instead of being a normal little girl I became a sociopath. I became a psychotic killer. You wanted me to become little more than an assassin. I learned my lessons well, too well, in fact...because they came back to haunt your ass. Because I hunted you down, tortured you, killed you, and then brought you back to that old shack where it all began and I burned it all to the ground. I had hoped that would be the end of it.”

The Woman Scorned reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a skull. “But you came a voice in my god damn head! I thought I was losing my mind all over again and I probably would have had it not been for my family taking care of me, comforting me, and helping me through that time. That’s something you wouldn’t know anything about, would you Emma?”

She places the skull back in her coat pocket. She pulls a small box out. She opens it up and pours it over the ground and it appears to be ashes. “Here, I brought your fucking ashes to this cemetery! The damn headstone that’s supposed to be yours! Now please, for the love of god stay dead!”

Kimberly’s rage continues for several moments. She seethes and tears form in her eyes. But then she immediately grows cold and stoic, emotionless. She slowly stands up and sighs deeply as she realizes that she is not alone.

“You know you cannot sneak up on me.” Kimberly smirks. “So who is it? Jessica? Marie?”

“It’s me.” This is one voice she didn’t expect. Kimberly turns around to find her mother, Angelica Jones, standing there a few feet behind her. Ordinarily Kimberly would be staying with her identical twin sister Marie Jones during her time in Boston but their mother, Angelica Jones, the matriarch of the family, had insisted on spending time together. Kimberly reluctantly agreed to the arrangement. She had snuck out and had hoped to avoid Angelica.

No such luck.

“What brings you out here? You’re not visiting my grandmother. That’s the only dead person you ever come to see. She’s buried in the Catholic Church Cemetery.”

“You’re right, I’m here to see someone who is alive and well. And that’s you.”

“Yeah? Well lately I’m not sure how well I am, but alive?” The Woman Scorned shrugs her shoulders. “I suppose I am.”

“What’s wrong, Kim?” Angelica asks as she slowly approaches her daughter. “You don’t seem well. You haven’t seemed well in over a week.”

A sinister cackle escapes Kimberly’s lips. “What happens when you take someone who is already deranged and then screw up their entire world? Wouldn’t their entire psyche just disintegrate even further?”

“I don’t know…”

“Well we’re about to find out.”

“Talk to me, Kim.” Angelica reaches out and places a comforting hand upon Kimberly’s shoulder. The Woman Scorned just sighs deeply.

“I’m not sure there’s anything to talk about, mom.”

“Hey, you’re calling me mom now. That’s progress.” Angelica says with a smile.

“Yeah, I suppose it is, especially considering we were not exactly on the best of terms.”

“I know. I heard a little of what you said. And Kim, please understand that giving you up was the most difficult, painful thing I ever had to do. It was the wrong decision, I know, and I make no excuses for my role in that. I could have made the right decision but I didn’t. But I was young, I was just barely a teenager and on my own when I was pregnant with you and Marie. And a pregnant nun would have been scandalous. Emma promised to keep my secret. She promised to have a cover story for me to explain my nine month plus long absence from the convent, she promised there would be no evidence that would lead me to getting in trouble with the church. In exchange she wanted one of my twins and she chose you. The other went into an orphanage.”

“I understand, mom. And you’re right, what you did was wrong. But I’ve forgiven you already.”

“We’re good?” Angelica asks. Kimberly nods her head.

“Yeah, we’re good.”

“Then can I please try to make up for some lost time? Maybe make up for my past?”

“What do you mean?”

Angelica looks over Emma’s headstone. “Obviously something is bothering you. By the end of Emma’s life you hated her, almost as much as I did, and yet you’re here visiting her grave. And some of the things you were saying would make anyone question your sanity.”

“I think anyone who knows me would question my sanity.” Kimberly says with a smirk.

“Fair enough. But don’t avoid the question, Kim. What’s wrong?”

“You really want to know?”


Kimberly sighs deeply. “Fine. You told me once how Emma gave you the chance to name me. One small thing from her, I guess. Tell me that story again.”

“Well my mom had told me stories of her time in the Soviet Union. She mentioned that my her father, my grandfather, had many aunts and uncles, but her favorite was her aunt Joachim. Pronounced Joa Kim. So I named you Kimberly.”

“And Williams came from my dad; the man you that you were so in love with that you were willing to risk your standing in the church over. You gave me his last name. But you didn’t give me my middle name.”

“You’re right, Emma gave you that.”

Kimberly nods her head. “You see, there’s a lot you don’t know about Emma. For one, her name wasn’t originally Emma Storm. Storm was a married name, she married a wealthy man for his money and status. Simply to advance her career. The woman had a thing for planning long term and getting access to his wealth was part of it. Sacrificing her marital status was nothing to her. But she had also wanted an heir. She wanted someone, a child, whom she could form in her own image and who would carry on her mission. Like I said, Emma really played the long game, even to the point of planning for someone else to finish her mission if she couldn’t finish it herself in her lifetime. Sean dad...he was the one who got that sociopath to show the slightest bit of humanity and emotion. Emma had legit fallen for him just as you did. Emma had wanted him to be the man who gave her an heir.”

She points a finger at Angelica. “But you got to him first. But Emma knew there was more than one way to skin a cat. When she learned you were pregnant with his children that’s when she began manipulating you, threatening you with potential church punishment. All so she could get one of your children, a daughter of Sean Williams that she had thought should have been hers from the very beginning. And that’s what she did with me. All the way until my eighteenth birthday she raised me as her daughter. Emma wanted an heir because she thought her family legacy would die with her. Before marriage, Emma was a Floreschu.”

The matriarch of the Jones family furrows her brow in curiosity. “Ok, so she was Emma Florsechu before marrying someone named Storm. Is that what’s bothering you?”

“Yes...and you have no idea why it’s bothering me, do you?”

Angelica shakes her head. “No, I don’t.”

“I didn’t think so. See, this is another thing that’s wrong with you, mom. You’ve been an absentee parent almost all of your parental life. You’ve always been content to sit on the sidelines and watch your children damn near ruin their lives before you bother to step in and try to help.”

“Kimberly, please…”

“No!” The Woman Scorned exclaims angrily. “It’s too late, mom! I’m too far gone now and the damage is done! What I have learned, what I have discovered, will impact me and Jessica in a big way and you know what? We’ll just handle it ourselves just as we have handled everything else.”

Kimberly walks on past Angelica in order to make her exit. Angelica then calls out after her. “Kimberly, wait!”

The Woman Scorned stops and turns to face her mother. “What?”

“What is it? Are you and Jess in danger?”

“I don’t know.” Kimberly shrugs her shoulders. “What I do know is some batshit crazy woman named Floreschu with some very close connection to Jessica has returned to Jessica’s life. And what are the odds that she and Emma are also connected?”

“It’s possible, and if it is then you should let me help.”

“No.” Kimberly shakes her head. “You’ve done enough, mom. Stay out of this and let me and Jessica handle it, ok?”

Angelica nods her head as tears form in her eyes. “Yeah…”

On Camera

“One, two, Kimmy’s coming for you…”

Three little girls are seen doing jump rope.

“Three, four, better lock your door…”

And then suddenly the scene cuts away to a dark boiler room area. Kimberly Williams steps into the scene from stage left wearing a black t-shirt with the words “I Groped Mr. D” on the front in pink lettering, and torn denim jeans. She has a brown glove with knives on each of the four finger tips of the glove. A sinister smile is etched across her face as she sings on...

“Five, well, you know the rest! They DO know the song, right Betty?” Kimberly looks down at the glove, seemingly asking the glove this question. “Oh, wait, what’s that Betty? Oh right! I forgot to welcome everyone to The Kimmyland! A place of solitude for only the most deranged of minds! I think Gio and his Wonderland pals would fit in nicely here! But would they be able to leave under their own power?”

Kimberly sticks her ear up to the glove, as if listening to it. “Oh shut up, Betty, what do you know?!” Kimberly tosses the glove...Betty screen. A loud catch screech effect can be heard, implying that it hit a cat.

“Don’t worry, I don’t rely on Betty White alone for my guidance. I have other resources, tools, and friends to help me out. So if Gio and his Wonderland wanna try us, guess what I have?” Kimberly reaches down and brings up a replica of the infinity gauntlet worn by Thanos in the Avengers movies. “I have an infinity gauntlet! I could use this and snap half of my enemies out of existence! Of course Sienna being so damn full of herself I can’t help but wonder if this baby could take her out? That’s a lot of ego to eliminate even for an infinity gauntlet!”

Kimberly throws the glove to the side. An effect of shattering glass and then cars wrecking can be heard following the throw. The Woman Scorned then bends over and picks up a stuffed penguin...stuffed with lead weights. “Wasley here knows me. He, along with my family, are the ones who truly understand my kind of crazy. Wasley understands the level of crazy that I operate. Oh, wait, what’s that Wasley?” Kimberly puts Wasley up to her ear and listens intensely. She nods her head.

“That’s exactly right! See, that’s what I’m talking about ladies and gentlemen! Wasley truly understands me! He gets it! The question isn’t whether or not my enemies can leave under their own power like Betty White said and snapping my enemies out of existence would just be far too easy. The real question should be, whether my enemies will make it out of the squared circle alive.”

She points a finger at the camera. “And that’s the question I pose to Jay Gold and Kelsai! Two bright and shining faces, two beloved faces of SCW, and those beloved, bright faces may very well end up being maimed and bloodied by the time they’re finished in The Kimmyland. See Jay and Kelsai, what you get with me is honesty. I tell you the truth. People like Gio, Sienna, they are liars. Gio and the Wonderland promise enlightenment but they bring only chaos and destruction. But me? I promise chaos and destruction and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will bring chaos and destruction!”

Kimberly puts Wasley up to her ear again and listens. “Oh ok, I’ll ask...Wasley wants to know where the term “bet your bottom dollar” originated. The first five people to send me a correct answer to that question will get a slice of chocolate cake and a piece of that fucking door Lexy Chapel keeps ranting about. Also those who call in and correctly guess how Jess and I finish Jay and Kelsai on Breakdown will receive a crash prize of….” a drum roll is heard off camera “...ONE DOLLAR!”

Kim frowns and then shrugs her shoulders. “What? I don’t get paid enough, take what you can get and be happy you ungrateful bastards. Jay Gold, sweet Kelsai, maybe you two can play along? I mean, if you guess correctly you will get a dollar out of this! You’d still get cut up and maimed but at least you’d get a dollar! So take a guess boys...girls...boy and girl? Whatever, just take a guess! Do I finish it with a Shadowblade knocking Jay Gold back into a decade when he was still relevant? Or will Jessica make Kelsai scream in agony and give up to the Four Card Trick? However it ends, the result will still be Vengeance being brought upon the two of you, and a statement being made. And that is Wasley?!” Kimberly leans in and ‘listens’ to Wasley.

“That statement we’re going to make at your expense is...I FUCKING HATE BURGER KING FRENCH FRIES!” Kimberly pauses momentarily and then glares angrily at the penguin “That is NOT the statement Jessica and I want to make at Jay and Kelsai’s expense?! That’s the statement you want to make when deciding where to go out for a burger!” Kimberly tosses Wasley off screen. We hear the sound of Tommy Wasley shouting “OUCH! DAMN!” somewhere off screen. Kimberly is grinning from ear to ear.

“The statement we’re going to make at your expense is that Vengeance is here and we’re here to stay.”
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
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RE: Vengeance vs. Jay Gold & Kelsai Adamson-Mason - by Braddock - 11-23-2020, 04:36 PM

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