End of the Year Open Invitational
OOC: Marie

December 1st, 2020
Buffalo, NY
On Camera

Grudge Match
Twin Magic vs. Anti-Authority (Steve Powers & Adam Craig)
[This Match, as advertised, is deeply personal and a true grudge match as the four meet in the center of the ring and begin brawling at the bell. While the referee tries to get Kimberly and Steve out of the ring, Marie uses the chance to land a low blow to Adam Craig. Referee Shawn pack turns around and questions Marie. While Marie keeps pack distracted, Kim slides in and drills Adam in his notoriously bad leg with a pipe. Kim is chased out of the ring by Powers. Marie meanwhile works over the leg of Craig. She starts with a leg grapevine. Then a single leg crab. Marie tags out to Kimberly. Kimberly locks in Scorned. Just as Craig is about to tap Steve breaks it up. Kim goes to reapply the hold but Craig kicks her into the turnbuckle. Craig finally tags out to Steve. Steve Powers in and drills Kimberly with a lariat. Marie comes in but Steve intercepts with a boot followed by The Very Best Finishing Move. Unfortunately Kimberly has recovered and has produced her lead weight penguin Wasley. While Shawn Pack is forcing Marie out of the ring Kim blasts Steve with the penguin. Kimberly locks in Scorned. Craig attempts to break it up but Marie catches him with a chop block to the injured leg. Seeing no option, Steve taps out.]
WINNERS: Twin Magic

[Marie then picks up the deadly penguin and smashes it over Craig’s leg repeatedly. Shawn Pack orders her to stop but Kimberly drops pack with Shadowblade. Marie locks Craig in a figure four on the ring post! She’s making it abundantly clear that she wants to end Craig’s career!]

Marie: Retire! Retire! Just quit this business! Quit!

[Suddenly Angelica Jones hits the ring, much to the surprise of everyone. Kimberly had been fending off officials but she doesn’t stop her mother. Angelica approaches Marie.]

Angelica: Let go! Let him go!

[Marie holds on for a few moments longer before releasing the hold. The referees and officials go to check on Craig and pack. Marie stares down her mother.]

Angelica: It’s over. Ok?

Marie: Yeah...

[Angelica turns around and then with her back turned Marie picks the pipe back up and cracks her in the back of the skull! Marie takes off the thin mat revealing the concrete outside. Marie sets Angelica up and drops her head first on the concrete with Ave Maria. Kimberly stands by unsure of where her loyalty should lie...both are family...meanwhile Marie drops Angelica with a second Ave Maria. Marie then pile drives Angelica outside on the concrete. Marie stands up.]

Marie: Now it’s over. And the Jones Family belongs to me now.

[Marie walks off. Kimberly briefly looks down at her mother before following Marie out.]

December 15th, 2020
Charlotte, NC
On Camera

"You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
But I never thought I'd live to see it break
It's getting dark and its all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And its comin' over you like its all a big mistake"

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen….

"Holding my breathe, won't lose you again
Something's made your eyes go cold"

Announcer: ..."The Phoenix" Marie Annabelle Jones!!!!!!!!!!

A spotlight shines down at the top of the entrance ramp. Pyro goes off. Then Marie Annabelle Jones steps through the curtain, wearing her ring gear and her signature black leather jacket. A broad, somewhat condescending grin is on her face as she gaze out at the fans in the arena who boo loudly despite the fact that is waving at them in almost a regal manner. The Tron shows images of her striking at her opponents with her finishing and signature moves as the lyrics of "Haunted" by Taylor Swift begin to flow through the arena.

"Come on, come on don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong, your all I wanted
Come on, come on don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back now, I'm haunted"

Marie begins to make her way down towards the ring to loud booing from the fans. As for Marie herself, she pays little to no attention to the reaction she is receiving from this hostile crowd. Her focus is solely on the ring and the determined stride with which she walks tells that story.

"Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I say to you
He will try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I'm wishin he was you instead"

Marie hops up onto the ring apron. She strikes a sultry and sexy pose for the audience. She then smirks, shakes her head smugly muttering 'in your dreams' before stepping into the ring. She then hops up onto the second turnbuckle of the nearby corner and holds her arms up high into the air, getting a reaction from the crowd.

"Oh, oh, holding my breath, won't see you again
Something keeps me holding on to nothing"

Marie: Why? That’s what all of you want to know. The fact that you are asking this question shows your ignorance because why I did what I did two weeks ago on Shotgun should be painfully clear. But I will gladly explain my thought process in greater detail for those of you who are slow on the upkeep.

She holds up one finger.

Marie: First of all, who did I attack first? Adam Craig. He was my primary target and I targeted him because he did not know when to quit. He was among the first to join GCW in its inaugural year back in 2001. But he got his start much earlier than that, so this seven foot dinosaur has been wrestling since the Jurassic age. And yes, he is a GCW original, but just because you are a GCW original doesn’t give you carte blanche to keep coming back, to keep hogging the spotlight from superstars on this roster who deserved it much more than him. D’Nae Moore has been sitting on the sidelines and for what? So Adam Craig can come out here with his doofus friend Steve Powers and get jobbed out again and again? That’s a waste of talent and I would like to think that me injuring Adam Craig, taking Adam Craig out, has made more room for people like D’Nae, Livvie Nelson, and others on this roster who should take a hint and quit while they were ahead. But Adam?

Marie shakes her head and makes a “tsk tsk” sound.

Marie: He didn’t know when to quit. So I made that decision for him. Tonight I am facing Steve Powers and more than likely this is probably upon his request, he probably wants payback for what I did to his friend. Well Steve, you’re just as guilty as Adam because you are also a has been. You should quit and let others have the spotlight. But you have not done that. You have not stepped aside and passed the torch to the next generation. So The Phoenix will be the one who decides that tonight is the night that you step aside...permanently. And that’s all I was doing two weeks ago. I was just doing my part to help the new blood of Global Championship Wrestling by weeding out the geriatric bastards who refuse to retire. But then she had to get involved…

Jones sighs deeply. She appears deeply troubled as she paces back and forth.

Marie: Do any of you honestly believe I wanted to do that to my own mother? I knew she was there, but I had honestly hoped to God that she would not come down and stop me. I had hoped that she would not get involved. Unfortunately she could not help herself. Angelica Jones is just like Adam Craig and Steve Powers in that she did not know when to quit. The woman has broken barriers for women everywhere in this sport. She has been a thirteen time world champion by defeating men two or three times her size. She is a member of the GDW Hall of Fame, MCW Hall of Fame, MWA Hall of Fame, and the GCW Hall of Fame. How many can claim to have been inducted into four professional wrestling Halls of Fame? Not many. The woman has done it all in this sport. She has paved the way for so many coming after her. What else is there for her to do? The answer to that question is easy; NOTHING! There is nothing left for her to accomplish. Angelica Jones, much like Adam Craig and Steve Powers, is just one of those legends who sticks around and wrestles pointlessly, endlessly, and worst of all selfishly.

The crowd boos loudly but Marie shakes her head.

Marie: It’s true! She is selfish because she refuses to quit! She continues to stand in the way of the future!

The Phoenix pats herself on the chest.

Marie: She stood in my way! Yes, she not only stood in the way of wrestlers on this roster who don’t get booked simply because of Angelica Jones hogging up air time, but she also stands in my way of taking up the mantle as the new Matriarch of the Jones Wrestling Family. Angelica has held that torch, she has held that mantle for a very long time, far longer than she should have. She should have retired a long time ago and gave her sister, my aunt Kayla a chance but she wouldn’t. She was too selfish. Kayla, you see, is a model in more ways than one. Not only is she a true beauty model but she is also a model of how a wrestler should act. Do you see Kayla running around competing all the time? No, Kayla knew when to quit. She knew when to stop. But her selfish older sister, my mother, did not know when to quit. She would not step down and pass the torch to Kayla, and she would not step down and pass the torch to me.

Jones growls angrily.

Marie: So I reached out and took the damn torch from her! Now I am the Matriarch and I will be a far better Matriarch than my mother was.

The fans boo again. Marie snickers.

Marie: You don’t believe me? Look at some of Angelica’s recent actions as Matriarch of the family; or should I say, INACTIONS? My sisters, Jessica and Kimberly, actively were fighting against Aphrodite Noel and Aubrianna Powers in another promotion but Angelica refused to take sides. She wanted to remain neutral, all so she wouldn’t upset Aphrodite. Then when her cousin Glory Braddock was on that massive power trip did she publicly speak out against her? No, once again Angelica may have privately disagreed with many of Glory’s actions but she refused to take any kind of bold stance against it so that she would maintain peace within the family. My mother chose neutrality instead of being a real, true, decisive leader.

Jones approaches the camera.

Marie: Mom, I know you are watching this from home and I want you to listen to me very closely. I hope you understand that it hurt me a lot more than it hurt you, and I mean that. I did not want to put you on the shelf but you left me with no alternative. I had to do it for your own good and for the good of this company. And mom, if you want to put in public appearances do that. If you want to revive your singing career do that. Or if you just want to be comfortable sleeping with Aphrodite Noel, then do that...I think it’s disgusting but if that’s how you want to use your free time then do it. Use your free time doing whatever you want, because you have had a wonderful career and you have earned this time of retirement. But please, stay retired. Someone will call you soon, it may be the owner, Glory Braddock...or it may be the GCW President Francis Taylor...or it may be General Manager Tabitha Silverstone...but whenever they call and ask you to come back for one more match, please decline. Better yet, don’t even answer the phone. You are RETIRED now, mother! So just accept it!

Jones points up towards the ramp.

Marie: Speaking of people who should be retired, bring out the next fossil on the list, bring out Steve Powers, I’ll put him out of his misery.

December 15th, 2020
Charlotte, NC
Off Camera

The Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, NC is playing host to another edition of Global Championship Wrestling Shotgun.  Marie Annabelle Jones, better known as The Phoenix, has already been in front of the packed house in Charlotte informing of why she did what she did, why she obliterated Adam Craig and, more shockingly, her own mother.  Then The Phoenix would proceed to do exactly as she said she would; she beat down on Steve Powers, picking up yet another win.  And as she walks back up the aisle, as makes her exit back towards the exit, she hears a sound she hasn’t heard in a long time, one that will again become familiar…

...booing.  The booing and jeers from fans who do not understand.  They are angry about something they could not possibly understand because they are not in her position.  They are not the sons or daughters of a legend.  They are not Marie Annabelle Jones.  They do not have to sit back and watch her mother embarrass herself and humiliate herself time and time again by returning to the ring, by continuing to wrestle long past her expiration date.  They boo her because she took Angelica Jones from them.  But they do not understand the pain Marie felt when she executed her own mother.  Marie’s hand was forced.  She did what she had to do because Angelica Jones gave her no other choice.

The Phoenix even gets some judgmental stares from officials and other wrestlers in the back as she passes through the curtains and begins to walk through the hallway.  Those judgmental stares are not lost upon her nor are they unexpected.  They, like the fans, do not understand the position that Angelica Jones put her daughter in.  Marie did what she felt she had to do.  They do not understand and they never will.  Therefore Jones chooses to ignore them.  Let them judge.  Let them pass judgment upon her.  Marie knows what she did was for the best and that is all that matters.

Well, that is almost all that matters.  Deep down inside Marie realizes that there is one group of people whose opinion does matter and who does have a right to judge.  There are an elite few who do understand what Marie is going through; her family, more specifically her sisters.

Her identical twin sister Kimberly Williams is here tonight.  Marie hasn’t actually asked Kim what she felt about her actions but, then again, Kim never confronted her.  Now that Kim has had a chance to hear for herself the explanation behind Marie’s actions she can finally see if Kim will back her up.  The Phoenix has no doubts about where the loyalties of The Woman Scorned will lie.  Marie and Kim are very close and Kim owes her life to Marie.  When the rest of the Jones family was ready to give up on Kimberly and let her rot away in a mental institution for the insane, Marie was fighting for Kim.  And when Kim was ready to reenter society, only Marie was ready to welcome her and embrace her with open arms back into the family.  No one else in the Jones family would.  Marie has no doubts about Kimberly’s loyalty.

Her youngest half-sibling, Kelly McBride, is too young to fully comprehend what just happened.  She has also been guided by their aunt, Kayla Jones-Snow, as of late in preparation for Kelly’s future career.  Kayla has no doubt shielded Kelly from this scandal.  The real wild card, therefore, is her half-sister Jessica Lasiewicz.  It really is hard to pin down just what Jessica is thinking from moment to moment.  Jessica is a true enigma. Hopefully her words tonight will have gotten through to Lasiewicz.

Marie turns a corner and then finds her dressing room door.  The Phoenix steps through and expects to find her twin sister, Kimberly Williams, waiting patiently on her.  Kimberly is indeed there, but she isn’t alone.  Marie steps in to find Kimberly and their half-sister Jessica Lasiewicz in a heated conversation.

“Jess, what a pleasant surprise!” Marie says with a sickeningly sweet tone of voice. “I wasn’t expecting you here tonight.  Aren’t you on the Livewire Brand?”

“Silverstone let me in.”

“Isn’t it great that Jess came to visit?” Kim asks happily.  Marie nods her head in agreement as she walks over with outstretched arms, welcoming Jessica in for a hug.  After a momentary hesitation Lasiewicz finally embraces Marie in a hug.

“It sure is.  But don’t you have a SCW appearance to make tomorrow?  And then Jess, next Sunday you have an opportunity to become MWE tag team champions with your manipulative little friend, what’s her name again?”


“That’s it.  Summer.  You are a busy little thing lately, Jess.  Shouldn’t you be elsewhere?”

“No, I think I’m right where I need to be.” Jessica says with a coldness that indicates to Marie that Jessica isn’t here for a friendly chat.  Kimberly is bothered by this too and it is noticeable.

“Well we don’t have to talk about that, Jess.” Kimberly says, almost pleadingly.

“Oh yes we do.  We have to confront the elephant in the room.”

“But I hate elephants!  Have you ever had to dig through elephant poo, because I have!”

Jessica and Marie both turn a curious gaze towards Kimberly. “Seriously?”

“No, not really.  I was just trying to distract you two.  Did it work?”

“No…” Jessica says, shaking her head.  Kimberly shrugs her shoulders.

“Oh well, it was worth a shot.”

The Phoenix turns her attention back to Jessica Lasiewicz.  Jessica may the middle child but she is not intimidated in the least by her older sister and she lets that show as she gets up in Marie’s face.  Jones sighs deeply out of frustration.  This is exactly what she feared it would be.

“I take it you want to talk about what I did to mom.”

“You gave her a concussion, but you could have paralyzed her if not killed her.  Yes I want to talk about it, Marie.  What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Jones sighs and shakes her head. “I shouldn’t have to explain myself again.  Unless you missed what I said out there in the ring?”

“Oh no we heard!” Kimberly chimes in with a jovial tone. “She was fuming with flames coming out of either side of her head as she listened and…” Jessica turns and glares at Kim who smiles sheepishly “...sorry.”

Jessica turns and nods at Marie. “Yes, I saw and I heard everything you had to say.  But it sounded to me like you were just trying to justify a crime you committed.”

“A crime?  Jess, I did this for you and for Kim.  I did it for our entire family.  And you describe it as a crime?” Marie shakes her head in disappointment. “I’m hurt…”

“You are unbelievable.”

“What’s unbelievable is that you do not appreciate what I am trying to do for this family.  Seriously, Jess, do you honestly believe our mother was in the right?  She was hardly innocent and you know it.  You and Kim were fighting a revolution against Mora and her gang of thugs in HKW but our mother refused to even voice her support for you.  And why wouldn’t she support you?  Because her girlfriend Aphrodite Noel happens to be one of Mora’s thugs.  So our mother chose neutrality over family.  Glory Braddock, our mother’s cousin, went mad with greed, jealousy, seeking more and more power.  Throughout all this Glory would side with the likes of some of the worst people imaginable, including Sienna Swann and Bree Lancaster.  But did our mother speak out against Glory?  Did she try to stop Glory?  Our mother remained silent so as to maintain peace within the family.  She isn’t a good Matriarch of our family now is she?”

“No, she isn’t perfect.  But she is still our mother.” Jessica quickly answers back.

“You’re right but does that excuse her actions?  And speaking of which, those aren’t even the worst.  You and Kim are already achieving great things in HKW.  You, Jessica, could become MWE World Tag Team Champion within a week, and you and Kim may one day become tag team champions in SCW.  But what exactly HAVE you been doing in SCW?”  Marie looks over at Kim, expecting an answer.  With identical twins sometimes no words are needed and this is the case here as Kim immediately answers with her typical smile.

“Jess and I have been guarding our royal reptilian monarch The Lizard King!” Jessica rolls her eyes as Marie chuckles.

“That’s right, in SCW you two are bodyguards.  And while you serve as bodyguards people like our mother continue to wrestle all over the world.  She keeps the spotlight on her while it deserves to be on us.  You, me, Kim, we are the future of this family, not our mother.  Our mother should have retired years ago but she refused.  So I forced her into retirement.”

“And you think that makes it right?”

“I do…” Marie looks over at Kim “...and I think Kim agrees.  Don’t you, Kim?”

“Of course I agree!”

Jessica frowns. “Don’t lie to her, Kim.  We were just talking before she got back here.  You said you agreed with me.”

“Of course I agree with you, Jess!”

“No, you agree with me, Kim.” Marie states definitively.

“Yeah, I agree with you, Marie!”


“I agree with Jessica!”


“STOP IT!” Kim shouts loudly.  The Woman Scorned has finally reached her breaking point as she shakes her head vehemently. “Stop arguing!”

“But Kim, you said yourself that you don’t like what she did to mom…”

“No, I don’t agree with what she did.  I don’t agree with her tactics.  But she raises a good point.  Mom hasn’t exactly been there for us lately.  She could have chosen a better way to get her point across but what’s done is done.”

“So you’re willing to just give her a pass?” Jessica asks with wide eyed surprise.

“Am I willing to give my twin sister a pass?  Am I willing to give the person who came to visit me every day in the mental institution a pass?  Am I willing to give the person who gave me a chance when no one else would...a pass?” Kim nods her head. “Yeah, I’m willing to give her a pass.  But that doesn’t mean I agree with her.”

“Then what does it mean?”

“It means I want us to be sisters.  Friends.  I want us to be a family.  It’s all I’ve ever wanted my entire life.  Don’t risk it, Jess.  Don’t risk it just to prove a point.  Please?”

Marie smiles devilishly as she extends her hand. “What Kim wants is what I want, Jess.  I want us to be a family.  Can’t we agree on that at least?”

Jessica looks at Marie’s hand for a few tense moments.  She is tempted to refuse it but then sees the pleading look in Kimberly’s eyes.  Kimberly typically can put on a good strong front and hide her emotions but she is clearly emotional right now and is unable to hide it.  Jessica sighs and gives in, she shakes Marie’s hand.

“Fine...for Kim’s sake.”

Jessica immediately breaks the handshake.  Marie smiles triumphantly. “See, was that so hard?”

“I feel dirty.  So yes…”

“One day you will understand, Jess.  One day you will thank me.”

“Don’t bet on it.” Jessica turns and walks away.  Kimberly looks on with a momentary indecision, unsure if she should follow Jessica or stay with Marie.  Kimberly looks at Marie almost as if asking for permission.  Jones senses this and nods her head.

“Go on with Jess.  You two are needed at SCW for Breakdown.  So you may as well leave with your sister.”

“Sure!” Kim, seemingly relieved that she has permission from Marie, skips away happily and exits the room.  Marie is left alone.  She feels the heaviness and the loneliness filling the air.  But this isn’t a bad feeling.  This is to be expected as there can be only one Matriarch within the Jones Wrestling Family.  For a long time that was Angelica Jones.  Now it is Marie and she recognizes that being the matriarch carries with it a heavy burden of responsibilities.  Marie will carry those responsibilities wisely.

December 25th, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
On Camera

We open in a grand, luxurious living room.  The room is decorated to the nines for the Christmas season complete with stockings hanging over the fireplace and a giant tree with ornaments nearly covering the entirety, almost to the point you can’t see any green from the tree.  A Santa Claus and Reindeer figurines are decorating a table and a snowman figurine is on a shelf.  A few moments later “The Phoenix” Marie Annabelle Jones steps into view from stage left.  The gorgeous redhead is wearing a long sleeve black dress with a hemline that stops just at the knee.  She is perched atop black open toed high heel patent leather pumps.  A cool, calm smirk is etched across her face that seems to illustrate the confidence she has.

“Merry Christmas, everyone!  But I want to wish a very Merry Christmas to everyone in Supreme Championship Wrestling!  And in the spirit of Christmas I am prepared to give a gift to SCW!” Marie strikes a pose…

“Me!  That’s right, I am the gift!  I am returning to Supreme Championship Wrestling!  And I know what everyone will be asking, is this one night only or permanently?  Well you don’t get that information just yet.  I’m not THAT nice.  Besides, I probably should consult with my sisters, Kimberly and Jess…” Marie blows a kiss into the camera “...hi girls!  You’re killing it, ladies!”

Marie smirks. “But you don’t need to worry about whether or not you get a full fledged return of The Phoenix or just a one-off, because you don’t get to make that decision.  Only I make that decision and I will decide based on what’s in my best interest and the best interest of my family, the Jones family.  Everything this family has ever set out to do in this business we have accomplished with exceptional results.  Angelica Jones was a former thirteen time world champion.  Me and Jessica are both former world champions in our own right and I have no doubts that Kimberly will soon be a world champion.  And as for accomplishments here in SCW, we have already outpaced our own mother in a big way.  I am a former Television Champion, United States Champion, and World Tag Team Champion.  Kimberly is a former World Tag Team Champion and former United States Champion.  SCW is our home and we can return any time we damn well to make an immediate impact because that’s just how we do business.  Just look at Kimberly and Jessica...the team better known as Vengeance...they’re already in the thick of things, fighting main event level caliber talent.  And you want to know why?  Because Sasha and her family know not to waste the great talent that comes from the Jones family.”

“So of course when the time came for the End of the Year Battle Royal, Sasha knew that SCW had to have The Phoenix.  The Matriarch of the Jones Wrestling Family had to be there to represent the family.  The real question is what is driving me to return to SCW for this battle royal?  Is it for the payday?” Jones shakes her head. “No, although my agent did negotiate a great deal for this appearance.  Or maybe it’s the new car?  You’re insane if you think that I want the car.  I can buy any new car I want based solely on my family name alone.  As a matter of fact, WHEN I win this battle royal, I will tell you right now that all of the cash prize will go to a charity of my choice...the ASPCA, World Wildlife Foundation, and other organizations dedicated to treating animals well...and as for the car?  When I win, I’m giving the car to my sister Kimberly.”

Marie shakes her head. “That’s the problem with most everyone else entering this battle royal.  It’s all material for them.  They want the money and the car.  It’s the same problem with Christmas.  People have forgotten the real meaning of Christmas...being with family and celebrating loved ones, celebrating joy  Being happy.  People have forgotten that wrestling is a sport of kings...and queens...and is a sport where the spirit of competition is at an all time high.  The best of the best get together and fight to see who truly is the absolute best in a wrestling ring.  I happen to think that the Jones family is the most talented family bar none in professional wrestling and for far too long we have been willing to sit idly by and let others have the spotlight that should belong to us.”

“That ends this year and therein lies the real reason I am entering this battle royal.  You see, ladies and gentlemen, I am returning to SCW and entering this battle royal to remind the entire world that there is only one diamond in professional wrestling and as much as it pains Sasha to admit, even she has to know that the diamond isn’t in SCW right now.  The diamond is the collective talent within the Jones Wrestling Family.   And I will prove it by winning the battle royal.”

“If you think I’m being arrogant then by all means you are welcome to come and prove me wrong.  But you will meet the same fate as my mother did, the same fate that every other competitor who gets in my way on December 31st will meet.  I will drive their heads into the mat and then throw them out of the ring.”

Marie chuckles lightly. “The Phoenix is back SCW and she is rising back to the top where she belongs.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

Messages In This Thread
End of the Year Open Invitational - by supremecw - 12-16-2020, 10:07 PM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Cid - 12-22-2020, 01:05 AM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by The Matt - 12-22-2020, 01:27 PM

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