End of the Year Open Invitational
SCW Princess | Giovanna Steward | "A Dream of Failure"

{The episode starts inside of Gigi Steward bedroom where she is asleep in her bed. The room looks a little bigger than the last time it was visited. Gigi is covered in big blanket, almost buried by them. Her phone lays on the table near her bed and the time changes to 10:00 the alarm set on it goes off. Gigi rolls around on the bed. She can’t escape the blankets gasps. The bedroom door opens and in walks a dark haired woman that isn’t Maddy. She older and a lot more filled out. She walks over to the windows and opens up the curtains revealing the Los Angeles in the background. Gigi is definitely not in her apartment bedroom. The woman turns to the bed and looks at Gigi wrapped up.}

Theresa: Time to wake up, Gigi. You must had an interesting night last night, huh?

{Gigi hears the woman’s voice from under the covers. She breaks through the blankets and sits up in the bed. She looks at the woman who is now sitting at the end of her bed.}

Giovanna Steward: Mom.

{Gigi looks around the bedroom and she doesn’t recognize anything there She rubs her eyes trying to fix the illusion around her, but it’s still the same. She is sitting in her bedroom with her mom.}

Giovanna Steward: What? I did I get here?

Theresa: Well you came home last night after spending it with friends and then when to bed. Oh Gigi, you didn’t drink too much, did you?

Giovanna Steward: No? I don’t think so. I don’t remember…

{Gigi tries to remember what happened the night before or anything else before waking up, but nothing.}

Theresa: Well that’s good. I’ll let you wake up fully then. I’ll go find you something to eat downstairs so when you’re ready come down, ok?

Giovanna Steward: Ok.

{Gigi’s mom gets up off the bed and leaves the room. Gigi throws the blankets off of her and gets out of bed. She walks around the room and over to the window to check out Los Angeles. The city looks normal. She feels normal.}

Giovanna Steward: Madison!

{Gigi runs over to her phone and grabs it. She picks it up and frantically scrolls through her contacts looking for Maddy’s name. She scrolls through it about half a dozen times, but Maddy’s information isn’t in her phone. Neither is Katie’s number.}

Giovanna Steward; What is this? Did I delete their numbers?

{Gigi dials Katie’s number manually, but she just gets her voice mail.}

Giovanna Steward: What? She didn’t even answer.

{Gigi paces around the room trying to think. She sees a computer on a table and runs over to it. She googles Katie’s name in the search bar. Up pops Katie Steward, an actress and professional wrestler. Gigi smiles, but it doesn’t last as she notices ‘retired professional wrestler is there.}

Giovanna Steward: What? She’s not retired.

{She continues reading Katie’s career wiki entry and her last match was the Goddess Gauntlet at Rise to Greatness where Lenne Perez captured the Women’s Championship for the first time.}

Giovanna Steward: That was my moment…

{Gigi googles her name into the search, but nothing comes up for Gigi Steward. She enters her real name into the search and finds her social media pages. Unfortunately nothing is posted on them lately.}

Giovanna Steward: If Gigi Steward doesn’t exist… I live with my mom…

{Gigi tries one last name and she searches for Maddy’s real name and sees what she’s up too. Maddy looks to have a normal life without any mention of Gigi in it. Gigi stands up from the computer. She is so confused. The last 15 years of her life have been practically erased. Gigi starts to leave the bedroom. She hears a faint voice calling her.}

Madison Steward: Gigi…

{Gigi spins around and searches for the voice, but she doesn’t see anyone in the room. Gigi leaves the room and heads downstairs to talk to her mom. So she can figure out what in the world is going on. Gigi makes it downstairs she is met by her step sister Isabella who runs to her and hugs her.}

Isabella: Gigi! You’re awake. Do you want to play with me?

Giovanna Steward: Oh hi Bella. Maybe later I want to talk to mom right now.

Isabella: Ok.

{Isabella turns around and runs off.}

Giovanna Steward: Bella is here. That must mean my parents are not together anymore in whatever this is too.

{Gigi walks into the kitchen where she finds her mom. Her breakfast is sitting at the table waiting. Gigi walks over and sits at the table and her mom joins her.}

Theresa: I’m sorry, it’s just cereal. Bella picked it out.

Giovanna Steward: No. It’s ok. Where’s dad?

Theresa: Your dad. He’s probably asleep right now. It’s the middle of the night where he is. Are you feeling ok, Gigi? You are acting a little weird.

Giovanna Steward: I’m sorry. If I’m making you a little nervous. Everything is a bit of a blur.

Theresa: It’s ok. Just kinda of getting a little concern. Do you have any plans for today?

Giovanna Steward: I think I’m just going to go out for a bit of fresh air. Thank you for breakfast.

{Gigi finishes her breakfast while her mom watches her. Gigi gets up and heads to the garage. Inside the garage awaits the new End of the Year prize car. The camera slowly shoots it and gets a shot of its features for a shameless product promotion plug. Gigi stands in the door way of the garage with the keys in hand. Gigi nods and wonders maybe this world isn’t that bad.}


{The scene changes to later that day. Gigi is busy trying to figure what is going on in this strange world that she’s living in. Her first stop was visiting Katie. She parks the car outside the gate and looks at the house from the driver side window. She browses the internet on her phone checking out what happened to her in this world.}

Giovanna Steward: Retired. She just has her movie career. A few Oscar nominations. Linked romantically to a couple of the Hollywood Chris’s. Rumored to be joining one of the comics cinematic universes for a mysterious role. She is definitely living the life she wanted. Just without me in it.

{Gigi continues scrolling through her phone when there is a knock on her window. She looks up to see a police officer standing there. Gigi rolls down her window for him.}

Officer: You can’t park her, Miss. These are private residents.

Giovanna Steward: I’m sorry. I’m not a paparazzi or something. I was just sending a quick email. I’m going now. Thank you.

Officer: Alright. Take care, Miss.

{The Officer walks back to his patrol car and Gigi drives off to her next destination.}


{The next scene opens at a shopping mall. Gigi walks around looking at her phone as she estalks, Maddy. She finds her at work at the mall. Gigi finds her on a break hanging with a couple of friends. Gigi gets close enough to her, but still a safe way back so she’s not intrusive.}

{Gigi again she hears a faint voice calling her.}

Madison Steward: Gigi, hang in there… Don’t leave us…

Giovanna Steward: Maddy.

{Gigi looks around, but doesn’t see where the voice is coming from. Though her saying Maddy also didn’t go unnoticed.}

Madison Steward: Uh Hi, did you call me?

{Gigi turns to Maddy who step away from her friends and walked over to her.}

Giovanna Steward: I’m sorry. I thought you called me.

Madison Steward: No. How did you know my name?

Giovanna Steward: Your name tag.

{Maddy looks at her name tag she wears for work that she still has on during her break.}

Madison Steward: Oh, fair enough.

Giovanna Steward: You really don’t recognize me?

Madison Steward: Should I? I don’t think we ever met before.

Giovanna Steward: I just woke up this morning in a bed in a strange world and not remembering the night before and the last 15 years have been erased.

Madison Steward: Seriously. We were friends?

Giovanna Steward: We were more than that. Sisters. We were a team. Definitely a dream of being tag team champions one day.

{Maddy suddenly burst out laughing and she can’t control it.}

Madison Steward: I’m sorry. You’re saying I’m a wrestler.

Giovanna Steward: You are so much more than that. Definitely should be doing more than working a retail job at a mall.

Madison Steward: I’m sorry, but you don’t really know me.

Giovanna Steward: Yes I do and you know I’m right.

Madison Steward: No. You don’t. You don’t know me.

{Maddy turns away and storms off from Gigi. Gigi is sadden that the Maddy she knew wasn’t there with this one. Gigi again hears the faint voice calling out to her. Also a sharp pain attacks her side. She lifts up her shirt a bit to check and noticing the bloody wound in her side. Gigi freaks out at the sight of it. She tries to sit down on a nearby bench, but she becomes weak and just collapses to the ground and passes out as the scene fades.}


{The scene opens up to Gigi waking up in a hospital bed. Her side is bandaged up and her mom sits by her bedside. Gigi lets out a tired moan alerting her mom that she is awake.}

Theresa: Gigi, you’re awake. You scared me to death. I didn’t except getting that call. Why were you so far away at that mall?

Giovanna Steward: I was just visiting a friend. Or least I thought she was. I don’t know.

{Gigi fight through some of the pain she’s feeling.}

Theresa: I’ll go find the doctor and tell him you’re awake. Maybe he can bring something to help.

{Gigi’s mom leaves the room as Gigi lies in her hospital bed. Her mind is spinning in circles. Her best friend didn’t remember her. Honestly that pain hurts more than whatever she’s feeling pounding her side. A doctor walks into the hospital room in his white coat and looks around.}

Giovanna Steward: Hello?

Francis Evans: Oh hello, what seems to be the problem today?

Giovanna Steward: Oh No, this is a nightmare. This world he’s a doctor.

Francis Evans: No. Not a doctor. Although I’m a bit of a healer. It’s in my genes. I was just looking for the cute nurse and the coat helps so security thinks I belong here.

{Francis walks over to check on Gigi’s wound.}

Francis Evans: Oh that’s a nasty hole in your side. Though it is healing and pretty fast too.

Giovanna Steward: What do you mean? Did you…

Francis Evans: No. It’s not me. It’s her.

{Francis looks towards the door where Gigi’s mom is standing.}

Theresa: Get away from her.

Giovanna Steward: Mom? What’s going on? What is happening?

Theresa: It’s fine, Gigi. Security will come and escort him out of the building.

Francis Evans: Do you not see it? She’s not there. She’s out of place. Everything else around you is a dream. I’m sure you noticed that this world isn’t real.

Giovanna Steward: It has come to my attention, yes.

Francis Evans: She is the one that created this world. It all centers around what would it be if you lived with her instead of your dad.

Theresa: Shut up.

Francis Evans: I’m just helping her understand. She’s sacred. No one knows who she is, she’s got a hole in her side and you won’t tell her anything. She just wants to know who you are…

{Gigi’s mom has enough of listening to Francis explain the way of the world Gigi is living and wipes him out of it. Gigi freaks out, sitting up in the bed. The world around her fades away and Gigi sits in bed in a white room with her mom standing in front of her.}

Giovanna Steward: Who are you?

Theresa: Goddess of Dreams. You were wounded in battle and I put you in a sleep to heal your wounds.

Giovanna Steward: And Maddy.

Theresa: She’s by your side. Her voice is who you’ve been hearing. She is quite a strong spirit. No wonder you went to her.

Giovanna Steward: Are you really my mom?

Theresa: Yes.

Giovanna Steward: So the magic I had earlier?

Theresa: With time you should grow my powerful. Until then you’re still a novice.

Giovanna Steward: When can I leave, or wake up?

{Gigi’s mom walks over to Gigi’s bed side. Gigi instintly pulls away a little. Gigi’s mom hovers her hand over the bandage using a bit of her dream power to help quicken the healing process. She pulls off the bandage revealing her side is healed.}


{The scene rapidly changes to the Goddesses Realm where Gigi and Maddy’s quest have taken them to a castle. Inside Maddy leans by Gigi who is laying on the floor. She holds her side. She notices a yellow glow flash underneath her hand. Maddy moves her hand checking and noticing the wound is gone.}

Madison Steward: Gigi?

Giovanna Steward: Maddy, is that really you?

Madison Steward: Yes. You’re ok? I don’t know how?

{At the other end of the room, Regent Queen Robin stands holding a bloody stained sword in one hand and the artifact that Gigi and Maddy need for their quest in the other.}

Madison Steward: She’s too strong for us.

{Gigi picks herself up with Maddy’s help.}

Giovanna Steward: We can’t leave without that artifact. We need it to save Katie. We promised Barry we’d saved his mom from this demon.

{Regent Queen Robin walks towards the Boy King who is leaning up against the wall and looking scared at what his ‘mom’ has become.}

Regent Queen Robin: Oh Barry, you are so grounded, young man. You’re also never seeing that girl again.

Boy King Barry: You’re not my mom.

Musketeer Paris: Your Highness, what would you like to two with these two?

Regent Queen Robin: Don’t need them. Get rid of them as you want.

{Paris smiles getting her wonderful orders from her Queen. She turns around to follow them out only to notice Gigi and Maddy are missing.}

Musketeer Paris: What did they go?

Regent Queen Robin: Who cares, they failed in what they were after. We need to figure out what is so special about this trinket.

{The scene changes to outside the castle walls where Gigi and Maddy are found with Gigi’s Mom who pulled them out.}

Giovanna Steward: What happened? What did you do?

Theresa: I saved you.

Giovanna Steward: Are you going to help us? Teach us how to beat her?

Theresa: I’m not as strong in this realm. My realm is that in the dream. If you can, you must learn your power and it will be enough to defeat her.

Madison Steward: What about me? Do I have a power?

Theresa: No.

Madison Steward: Awe.

Theresa: Although it doesn’t mean you’re useless. You are the most valuable asset that Gigi has. That is what I learned.

Madison Steward: What is she talking about?

Giovanna Steward: It’s a long story.

Theresa: Come we have a lot of work ahead of us.

{Gigi, Maddy and her mom walk away from the castle as they regroup after losing the battle against the Regent Queen and her Musketeer.}


{The scene changes to Hollywood in a studio lot where we Gigi sits in a director’s chair in front of the camera. She smiles looking excited to be back.}

Giovanna Steward: I’m back. These last 6 months or so have been a revitalization of my spirit and the time away as helped with my mental health. As we all know and preach our mental health is important. Now I’m feeling great again. I’m ready to hit the ring and shake off 2020 for what it was and welcome a brand new Gigi to SCW. A new year and a new me. That is what we do. My inner strength, my power will blossom like never before and the shit show that people have putt on in SCW will be coming to an end. Like seriously, the last 6 months I’ve kept and eye on the product. Everyone just taking a downward spiral on the moral compass. Now I just witness what things would be like without Katie’s legacy in SCW. Without me in SCW and it was a scary time. Now I know no one really noticed me being gone for the last 6 months. I may be a Steward, but I’m not delusional. I know the world didn’t revolve around me, but maybe it should. There are a lot of terrible people clogging up TV time. Maybe this battle royal can be the beginning of change. A better 2021 and less morality breaker sin eaters.

Giovanna Steward: I’m coming back to SCW because it is where I belong. SCW needs me just as much as I need it. This battle royal is going to help set the bar for me in 2021 for change. It might not be a lot. I will probably fail, but it doesn’t matter. SCW needs the Princess. They need their Demi Goddess back and no matter what happens I will not stop fighting in this battle royal. You know what’s going to happen. Out of everything that’s happen this year. At least people can look at this battle royal and say Gigi Steward finally won it. Unlike everyone else in this company. She didn’t cheat to do it.

{Gigi sits back in her chair. Her happy demeanor fades for a more serious one. Her feeling for how SCW turned out the last 6 months without her and seeing what if the last 15 years could’ve been. Gigi Steward maybe the most determined she’s ever been.}

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End of the Year Open Invitational - by supremecw - 12-16-2020, 10:07 PM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Cid - 12-22-2020, 01:05 AM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Team Desire - 12-29-2020, 09:58 PM

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