Ricky James vs. Kelsai Adamson-Mason
Another week, another victory for Ricky James, who seems to be on a bit of a hot streak after several up and down weeks in SCW. After an impressive showing at the Last Laugh battle royal, coming up just short of winning a shot at the Adrenaline Championship, Ricky James finds himself with another opportunity at SCW gold with his second SCW Television Championship match. After earning his way into a small TV Title tournament, Ricky went on to defeat SCW Hall of Famer Tommy Valentine to earn a TV Title match at Last Grasp of Reality, where he will take on Kelsai Adamson-Mason, who is no stranger to the TV Title, having won it on multiple occasions. 

A casual viewer would likely think Ricky is in complete control after notching wins over Blake Mason and Tommy Valentine and cruising into Last Grasp of Reality. Ricky looks confident and polished on SCW television. He does not seem to be as easily distracted as he was in earlier matches. He seems to be keeping his anger in check and staying focused on his opponents. With Lucy Huckabee Sanders in his corner, Ricky James looks ready to take the next step in his career by capturing his first title in SCW.

We know Ricky hasn’t actually been “cruising” though. The last couple of months have been filled with personal struggles for Ricky, as he has begun taking medication to deal with the constant visions and flashbacks he was having for months prior. Little is known about this “medication”, but Ricky has reluctantly taken Lucy’s word that the medication is, in fact, helping him.

When you look at the immediate results, Lucy may be onto something. Ricky is certainly more focused and relaxed in the ring as of late. He has somewhat managed to keep his composure during interviews and promos, something he used to struggle with on a weekly basis. After getting into a lot of trouble at the start of his SCW career, even serving a suspension, Ricky has cleaned up his act a bit. 

Perhaps Lucy Huckabee Sanders was right. Or perhaps she’s full of shit. Despite Sasha’s immense patience with Ricky and her clear unbiased management style (she has given Ricky MULTIPLE title opportunities), Lucy and Ricky maintain that “Shady Sasha” is out to get them. They maintain there is a massive conspiracy against them. Even when Sasha rewards Ricky’s in-ring performances, Lucy is able to spin it and claim some phony lawsuit was the reason for Ricky’s opportunities. 

Ricky knows she’s full of shit. He knows he’s full of shit at times too. Deep down, this is very apparent. Ricky has shown skepticism of Lucy before. He has asked about the medication and Lucy will not elaborate. He watched Lucy blatantly disobey their lawyer and shoot a promo, during which she spread several lies, in Karen’s office. Ricky took notice of Lucy refusing to answer Karen’s phone calls after Karen undoubtedly saw the promo. Ricky knows there wasn’t a “settlement” reached in court. 

So why does Ricky go along with everything? Well, he continues to see positive results from Lucy. He continues to win matches and is now once again one victory away from winning gold. As long as his career is going well, it’s better for Ricky not to ask questions. Lucy has led him this far, so why question her methods? The positive end results outweigh the means for getting there. As we have seen on several occasions, Ricky does not mind taking a shortcut to win. If succeeding in SCW means keeping his mouth shut around Lucy and not questioning her methods, he will keep his mouth shut. He will even take it one step further, completely suppressing any skepticism of Lucy and fully buying into what she says. Ricky can easily flip that switch in his head as we have seen him do right before a promo, interview, or “Emergency Press Conference”. When Ricky is winning and The Silent Majority are gaining momentum, it’s easy for Ricky to just leave that switch on.

This recent success has made it easier for Ricky to follow Lucy’s orders to not speak with his neighbor, Joe. Ricky has not spoken to Joe since the argument between Joe and Lucy a few weeks ago, just a day before Ricky defeated Tommy Valentine to earn this TV Title match. Granted, it is easier to avoid someone like Joe, who is not the most technologically inclined individual, these days. Still, Ricky has been back home since the argument and has chosen to stay away from Joe at Lucy’s request. That is big for Ricky, who has always viewed Joe as a father figure. 

Lucy seems to have firm control over Ricky, and as long as Ricky continues to have success in the ring, it looks like Lucy’s grip will only tighten. From the moment she met Ricky, Lucy has assumed control of most of Ricky’s life, something Ricky has always been okay with as Lucy has helped him get started in the United States and was instrumental in getting Ricky signed with SCW. Lucy, despite the fact that she constantly spews propaganda, knows how to promote The Silent Majority, and it is safe to say that without her help, no one would know who Ricky James was. On top of all that, Ricky clearly has some type of feelings for Lucy. Perhaps he “tolerates” her out of love.

While Lucy has more control over Ricky than any human should have over another, there are still many times where the two are not on the same page, as we will once again see today….

Laredo, Texas
January 20th, 2021

Ricky James stands front and center amongst a small group of what looks to be protestors in front of the Webb County Courthouse. Ricky is wearing a yellow Gadsden Flag shirt with the letters “TSM” added above the snake. He is holding a flag pole with a large American flag in one hand and a megaphone in the other. Others in the group also have large American flags, Gadsden flags, Confederate flags, and American flags with “TSM” printed on the middle stripe. One member of the group, standing closest to Ricky, is shirtless wearing a makeshift bear skin cape and a viking helmet with horns with the letters “TSM” painted on his face in red, white, and blue. Ricky signals for the group’s attention and begins to yell into the megaphone.

Ricky: Good afternoon gentlemen and fellow patriots!

The small group erupts in cheers and immediately breaks out into a “U-S-A! U-S-A!” chant. Ricky grins before continuing.

Ricky: We are here in the great state of Texas, one of the best states in the country, quite frankly. We are here to show our patriotism and stand up to the evil sociliast politicians trying to take over this country and trying to take over Supreme Championship Wrestling! Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve seen how corrupt politics have become these days. We have seen rigged elections. We know globalists from failed socialist countries are infiltrating our beautiful country and trying to spread an awful message that our freedom isn’t important. We have seen this in politics and we are seeing it now in SCW. Time and time again, Shady Sasha has channeled her inner Stalin as she attempts to push a new wave Canadian socialism onto beautiful, hard-working, honest American wrestlers. 

The crowd boos. Ricky nods his head in agreement.

Ricky: Shady Sasha has shown a clear bias to particular wrestlers - mostly Canadians and Canadian sympathizers. She has enlisted the help of foreign powers like Germany to help push her agenda. She has screwed over great Americans like Bree Lancaster, Sienna Swann, and of course, myself. She has stripped championships from Americans and handed out title opportunities to her friends and her hitmen. She enjoys putting women in harm’s way, endangering the safety of beautiful people like my manager and associate, Lucy Huckabee Sanders.

The crowd boos briefly before then breaking out into a “L-H-S! L-H-S! L-H-S!” chant. Ricky smiles.

Ricky: Yes, Lucy Huckabee Sanders is quite amazing, and she does not deserve the treatment she has been getting from Shady Sasha. But Lucy is a fighter just like myself. Together we have foiled plot after plot from Sasha. Nothing - not crooked officials, cheating opponents, or a dictator in charge - has been able to stop The Silent Majority. We are persistent with our message and I back up our talk in the ring. The Silent Majority has started a movement in SCW that transcends wrestling. This is a movement for ALL Americans. We are taking back our country, damnit!

The crowd again erupts and begins another “U-S-A! U-S-A!” chant. A passerby turns to the group and looks at them in confusion before shaking his head and walking away.

Ricky: The fight to take our country back continues today in Texas. As I mentioned, Texas is one of the best states in the country, home to some of the finest patriots we have ever seen. Unfortunately, this socialist movement is beginning to spread into this great state. Texans have been able to hold off left-wing extremists over the past few years, but it is obvious based on how close the votes have been that many of the recent elections have been rigged. Fortunately, true patriots still outnumber the socialists, but it is obvious the socialists have gotten to some of the politicians here in Texas. So today we will march into this courthouse behind us and make sure everyone knows we will NOT stand for a socialist takeover! 

A couple guards standing outside the courthouse have observed the group for the last few minutes. One guard whispers something to the other and the two share a laugh. Ricky signals for the crowd to follow him into the building but abruptly stops as his phone rings. Ricky puts his hand up to stop the crowd and steps away to answer the phone.

Ricky: Hey, where are you! We are about to do this -

LHS: Ricky why the hell am I seeing tweets about you being in Texas? Why the hell are you in Texas?

Ricky chuckles.

Ricky: You’re kidding, right? We were meeting here for our rally.

LHS: Uhhhh no, Ricky. We were not. Do you remember what I told you?

Ricky: You said “meet where it all began”.

LHS: Where it began for us in SCW, Ric! I’m at SCW Headquarters in Toronto! Why the hell would you think I meant Texas?

Ricky: I’m at the courthouse, Lucy. You remember. In Laredo....

There is a brief pause before Lucy answers.

LHS: I was not talking about THAT, Ric. I meant where we started, you know, where you signed your contract?

Ricky: Well I don’t know why you had to be so secretive about it.

LHS: They track text messages, Ric. I figured it would be obvious to you…

Ricky: Well I figured you would’ve known I was in Texas, I put it all over social media just like you usually do. 

Lucy groans.

LHS: Jesus Christ, Ric. Do I have to be monitoring you 24/7? Do I need to put a bell on you?

Ricky: Luce I- 

LHS: Don’t “Luce” me. And please stay off social media. The fake news there is worse than at our press conferences. They will delete anything you post. You leave the social media stuff to me, okay?

There’s another moment of silence as Ricky does not answer.


Ricky: Yes….got it. 

LHS: Good. Anyway, this is quite a situation you’ve put us in, Ric. The people here are waiting for you.

Lucy, in Toronto, holds her phone up in the air and Ricky can hear a large crowd, much larger than his following in Texas. Kellyanne is with Lucy and a few other staff members at a makeshift Emergency Press Conference setup in a parking lot across the street from SCW Headquarters. 

Ricky: Well I’m sorry. Don’t you think it’s sort of on both of us? I mean this is kind of embarrassing, I’m right by Mexico and you’re up in that cesspool…

LHS: No, Ricky. This is not on both of us. I make the arrangements. If you didn’t know where I meant you should have called me and asked. 

Ricky: Well I..

LHS: Let’s not dwell on it anymore, Ricky. I’ll figure it out, as usual. Stand by and keep your phone on. 

Ricky: Okay but…

Ricky hears the sound of Lucy hanging up. Ricky stands there with the phone up to his ear looking shocked. He slowly lowers the phone and sighs. Ricky turns back to the group that had been following him and sees most of the people have dispersed, with a few men from the group  in front of the courthouse taking selfies with police officers. Ricky sighs and drops his head down as he awaits another call from Lucy.

What a monumental miscommunication. It does seem a bit odd that Ricky would think Lucy would hold a rally in Texas. It is odd that Ricky never followed up with Lucy to confirm details. It is almost inconceivable that the two of them could travel to opposite ends of North America without knowing where the other person was. 

Is it odd, though? We know The Silent Majority, while appearing like they have everything together, is actually very disorganized. We have seen impromptu Emergency Press Conferences on SCW programming where Lucy and Ricky slap a camera crew together last minute. We have seen Kellyanne attempt to hijack a wedding reception to give The Silent Majority a platform, and that did not end well. So while this seems like a ridiculous set of circumstances, judging by The Silent Majority’s recent history, something like this happening should not surprise people.

The Silent Majority’s disorganization aside - how could Ricky not follow up with Lucy after instructions as vague as “where it all began”? Well, clearly that meant two different things to Ricky and Lucy. Perhaps Ricky did not follow up because he wanted to believe they were meeting at the courthouse in Laredo. That holds a special place in Ricky’s heart. Ricky’s motive wasn’t to “storm the courthouse” with demands of politicians - if that were the case, the courthouse isn’t exactly the place to do that. Ricky and the small group of followers who read his messages on social media looked absolutely ridiculous, and Ricky should have been smart enough to see the disaster coming. 

Ricky wanted to believe the TSM rally was happening at that courthouse because that is where Lucia Hernandez-Santos and Ricardo Jiminez were legally married, and where Ricky James received a legal status in America. The Webb County Courthouse in Laredo, about three hours from where Ricky James grew up in Mexico, truly is where it all began for Ricky James. 

To Ricky, the marriage has been about much more than a piece of paper, despite the fact that Lucy does not feel the same way. Lucy will refuse to acknowledge that it happened and sees it as nothing more than a necessary step to launch Ricky’s career in America. The two will never publicly admit to what happened, but it is clear Ricky still thinks about it constantly. Ricky has feelings for Lucy and at times struggles to hide them. Lucy will completely shut Ricky down, seeing their relationship as nothing more than a business relationship.

Ricky’s head went to one place after reading “where it all began”. The only thing stronger than his trust and commitment to Lucy on a personal level might just be his love for her. Perhaps it does not matter how well Ricky does - well, winning certainly helps Ricky keep his faith in Lucy. But regardless of wins and losses, Ricky has an emotional attachment to Lucy that will keep him loyal.

Ricky took the emotional route, while Lucy took the business route. It is less surprising for Lucy to not follow up, as she clearly does not have the same feelings for Ricky. If Lucy had cared to check in on Ricky’s social media accounts, she could have caught the issue before Ricky traveled. Lucy assumed her instructions were clearly coming from a business sense and it would be obvious to Ricky that they were to meet at SCW headquarters. Lucy should have known better, and this is yet another example of how truly disorganized she is, despite trying to appear like she has everything together on camera.

Ricky continues to ponder what could have been as he sits outside the courthouse, where there are no more signs of TSM followers.


Toronto, Ontario
Across the street from SCW Headquarters

A crowd of roughly 30 people eagerly awaits an address from The Silent Majority. Kellyanne and her team have scrambled to get some equipment together. The stage, which had been set up nearly identical to stages for past Emergency Press Conferences, has been sloppily modified to accommodate live streaming Ricky James into the rally. A white sheet has been hung over the pipe and drape on the back of the stage, which covers up the “TSM” American flags. A projector sits on the podium in front of the sheet, and Kellyanne frantically tries to connect a cellphone to the projector. Lucy Huckabee Sanders, standing off to the side of the stage next to an unknown man in a suit, quickly grows impatient and walks up to Kellyanne. The crowd roars upon seeing Lucy, who turns and flashes a smile to the crowd before putting her hand over the microphone and scolding Kellyanne. Kellyanne mouths “it’s ready” and Lucy signals for Kellyanne to get off the stage. Kellyanne scurries off as Lucy turns back to the crowd and begins.

LHS: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for your patience. Thank you all for joining us today outside SCW headquarters for our most important Emergency Press Conference yet. I have a few announcements to make and then will be joined by a couple very special guests. First and foremost, I must start with some bad news. Ricky James will not be here in person today.

The crowd, comprised of entirely TSM plants, boos loudly. Lucy shakes her head.

LHS: I understand your frustration. Ricky intended to be here in person to address our great fans, but he unfortunately became physically ill at just the thought of stepping foot in this awful country. The sickness was too much for Ricky to travel. But rest assured, ladies and gentlemen - Ricky James WILL compete at Last Grasp of Reality and will go on to become YOUR SCW Television Champion!

The crowd erupts in cheers, and if it weren’t already obvious enough that the crowd is working for TSM, the fans begin to break out into a “U-S-A! U-S-A!” chant in Toronto.

LHS: But wait, there’s more! Ricky James WILL address the crowd via video call LIVE.

The crowd cheers even louder.

LHS: We will get to Ricky in just a bit. First, however, I would like to introduce the newest member of The Silent Majority’s legal team. It has become apparent that due to the international nature of SCW, we needed to secure someone who is unfortunately based in Canada. In fact, he operates just down the road here, within a mile of SCW headquarters. Ladies and gentlemen, this man is a world-renowned attorney. Without further ado, please welcome Mr. Rudy Powell!

The crowd applauds as Rudy Powell, the man who had been standing next to Lucy, makes his way up onto the stage and over to the podium. He smiles and shakes Lucy’s hand then turns to the crowd and waves.

RP: Thank you for that warm introduction, Ms. Huckabee Sanders. I know we have a lot to get to today and you are all waiting to hear from Ricky, so I will try to keep this brief. As you all know, The Silent Majority recently reached a settlement with SCW after Ms. Sasha D continued to abuse her power week after week after week. I don’t have to go into details, but we all know Sasha was guilty of many, many crimes. 

Despite the fact that this is taking place outside during winter in Toronto, Mr. Powell begins sweating profusely. He shakes as he pulls out a tissue from his jacket pocket and wipes his brow.

RP: SCW did not want to go to court with The Silent Majority. They knew we would win, and we would win big. It wouldn’t even be close, quite frankly. Rather than admit fault - rather than admit that Sasha cheated Ricky James out of multiple title opportunities, soliciting the help of a foreign nation to help in her efforts - SCW agreed to give Ricky James another opportunity at the TV Title in the form of a mini tournament, which Ricky will obviously win.

The crowd cheers and Mr. Powell smiles. He uses the pause to wipe more sweat off his head before continuing.

RP: Now I’ve been saying “we”, but I really shouldn’t be. I was not involved in these settlement talks. Things get a little messy when Americans sue a Canadian-based company, so Ms. Huckabee Sanders enlisted my help. I can assure you if I had been involved in the settlement talks, Sasha would not have gotten off so easy. Ladies and gentlemen, Sasha D should not be running SCW - she should be in jail!

The crowd erupts and begins a “LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!” chant. Mr. Powell, who looks like he just dunked his head in a bucket of water, grins.

RP: Now that I am involved, I am here to announce we are working on filing new lawsuits against Sasha D and SCW. The proof of wrongdoing is there, ladies and gentlemen. The proof of the conspiracy against Ricky James and Lucy Huckabee Sanders is clear as day. If you don’t believe me, just Google it. I have been practicing law for over 40 years, and this is the most open and shut case I have ever seen.

The crowd completely eats up all of the lies coming out of Mr. Powell’s mouth. Off stage, Lucy sends a text message to Ricky that reads “You are live in 5 minutes”. She then looks up at Mr. Powell, who sees her out of the corner of his eye. He turns to face Lucy and a drop of sweat drips off his nose that is so large, it makes a sound as it lands on the microphone. Lucy signals for Mr. Powell to wrap things up. He nods and turns back to the crowd.

RP: Anyway, Lucy Huckabee Sanders will keep you all updated on our progress. I will turn it back over to Ms. Huckabee Sanders as I believe we are ready for Ricky James. Thank you all for your time today, and God bless The Silent Majority!

The crowd again erupts as Lucy makes her way back onto the stage and Mr. Powell starts to walk off. He attempts to give Lucy a hug but she backs off, completely repulsed by the swamp that has formed on Powell’s head and neck area. She turns away from the crowd so they cannot see the dirty look she gives as Powell leaves the stage. She quickly turns back to the crowd and smiles as she steps to the podium. 

LHS: As you can see, The Silent Majority is not going to just let Shady Sasha get away with her actions. This little tournament wasn’t good enough - she must and will pay for what she did! But in the meantime, we have a more important event to address. This Sunday at Last Grasp of Reality, Ricky James takes on Kelsai Adamson-Mason for the SCW Television Championship, the title that should rightfully belong to Ricky. Honestly this “match” is just a formality. I’m not quite sure what Kelsai did to deserve this opportunity, but it looks like for the very first time, Sasha is not trying to stack the deck against Ricky. I mean, it is obvious Sasha is giving her friend preferential treatment as she tends to do, but I’m not so sure this is a gift that Kelsai wants to receive. If it wasn’t apparent at the Last Laugh battle royal, it will become very apparent this Sunday that Kelsai is no match for Ricky James. 

The crowd cheers as Lucy pulls out her phone.

LHS: But don’t take it from me….let’s hear it from the man himself. Ladies and gentlemen, your next SCW Television Champion…...RICKY JAMES!

The crowd goes wild as Lucy calls Ricky and steps back from the podium. Ricky quickly answers. An unflattering angle of Ricky’s face pops up on the sheet behind Lucy and the crowd cheers even louder.

Ricky: Hello? Can they hear me?

LHS: You’re here, live in Toronto, Ric!

Ricky: Hello?

Lucy rolls her eyes. There is a lag between the audio for Ricky, but the crowd shows patience as Lucy and Ricky embarrassingly work through their issues.

LHS: You’re here, Ricky!

Lucy turns her phone to the crowd. Ricky smiles and begins to address them. The crowd, obviously paid to support TSM no matter what, ignores the fact that there is a lag as Ricky begins.

Ricky: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out to support us today. I know they likely will not let you into the building on Sunday, so it is nice to be able to see you all now. I’d like to say a few words today - my final words before I finally officially become your CHAMPION OF TELEVISION!

The fans cheer loudly. Ricky smiles about five seconds after the cheers start.

Ricky: You know, we weren’t exactly thrilled about this little “Television Championship Tournament”. Everyone knows that title is rightfully mine. At the very least, Ashtray Hayes was stripped of the title he did not earn. And, although I should not have had to compete in TWO matches to be crowned your Champion of Television, at the very least, Shady Sasha gave me very little competition to get there. Last week I proved Trotsky Tommy Valiumtime has no business in the SCW Hall of Fame. I made quick work of him, and this Sunday I’ll make even quicker work out of Kissass Kelsai. 

The crowd boos and some fans make childish mocking kissing faces, following Kellyanne’s lead.

Ricky: I don’t want to go too much into the fact that I am forced to compete against a woman. We know Shady Sasha is okay with abusing women - it is what it is, and that will be addressed in court. I cannot be held responsible for my actions when I am forced to play under Socialist rules. All I can do is do what I did to Kelsai in the Last Laugh battle royal - eliminate her as quickly and humanely as possible. Now, let’s get back to why Kelsai even has this opportunity. This is yet another example of favoritism from Shady Sasha. And when I did a little digging on Kelsai, it’s pretty obvious why she is a favorite of Shady Sasha. Ladies and gentlemen, Kissass Kelsai is from Seattle.

After a brief delay to allow the feed to catch up, the crowd boos on cue.

Ricky: Seattle is a bottom five city in America. It is worse than Vancouver. It is a hotbed for leftwing extremists and one of Shady Sasha’s favorite groups, Antifa. I swear, Shady Sasha just plucks cowards off the streets of cities that are burning down and places them in title matches. Kissass Kelsai Antifa Adamson Marxon is yet another example - just like Ashtray Hayes, Fool’s Gold, and Adonis the Adulterer. These people are losers who could not accomplish anything in their lives without a government handout. Unbelievable.

Ricky shakes his head.

Ricky: But this Sunday’s match is about much more than foiling another one of Shady Sasha’s feeble plots This match is about restoring greatness to a once prestigious title, the SCW Championship of Television. If you go back and look, it wasn’t just Ashtray Hayes and Trotsky Tommy Valiumtime who were handed titles for no reason. It seems there are several if not dozens of undeserving wrestlers who were handed the Championship of Television. Going down the list, I see Ms. Adamson-Marxon on it a couple of times, and it all makes sense now. Shady Sasha wants her Champion of Television to be a Socialist. What better way to spread her Canadian agenda than to have her representative of television be a left-wing lunatic? Sasha is desperately trying to ensure the Championship of Television remains a handout to undeserving people. Well NEWSFLASH, Shady Sasha. I EARNED the right to be your Champion of Television multiple times. I will actually fight for this title like I fight for freedom each and every week. The Champion of Television belongs in the hands of a true patriot and true role model. SCW deserves a REAL Champion of Television!

The crowd erupts five seconds after Ricky throws his fist up.

Ricky James: Chuck Norris….Roseanne Barr...Scott Baio….Donald Trump. I will soon join those very fine people as a Champion of Television. It will be my honor and privilege to follow in the footsteps of those people, and to serve you all. This Sunday marks the beginning of a new era in SCW. I promise you this...I wi-.................and…………

The video feed starts to buffer and Ricky’s words quickly become indistinguishable. Kellyanne and Lucy rush the stage to try to fix the connection while the crowd waits patiently. After a few seconds of fiddling around with the equipment, Ricky comes in clear for the first time all day.

Ricky: For a better SCW.

Ricky hangs up his phone. The fans look around, unsure of how to respond without guidance from Kellyanne. She picks up on this and turns to the crowd, encouraging them to cheer. They cheer on command. Lucy, clearly frustrated with the situation, rips down the sheet and slides the projector off the podium, destroying it in the process. She takes a deep breath, brushes her hair back, and flashes a smile as she addresses the crowd again.

LHS: Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the technical difficulties. It is clear the Canadian government is trying to censor Ricky James. I assure you, however, that he will not be censored after this Sunday. The Silent Majority will assume control of television and get rid of the fake news media for good. 

The crowd cheers as Lucy grins.

LHS: Be sure to tune in this Sunday at Last Grasp of Reality, when our hero Ricky James becomes OUR SCW TELEVISION CHAMPION! Thank you all for your time and your support today. This has been a message from Ricky James and me, Lucy Huckabee Sanders, Official Press Secretary of SCW. The Silent Majority. For a better SCW!

Lucy steps away from the podium as “Real American” begins to play loudly through the speakers, which are pointed directly at the SCW Headquarters building in Toronto. Rudy Powell, who has managed to dry off, steps back onto the stage and holds up Lucy’s arm like a referee holding up a winner’s arm after a match. The crowd cheers loudly as LHS and Powell wave.
[Image: QEi4Ejt.png]

1x SCW Television Champion

Wins:12 (Jobber, Jobber, Derek Adonis, Konrad Raab, Blake Mason, Tommy Valentine, Kelsai Adamson-Mason [TV Title win], Jay Gold [title defense], Maria Salvatore [title defense], Ace Marshall [via DQ], Gavin Taylor, Cid Turner/Selena Frost/Purity Pixie [w/Ace and Kandis, Trios 2021, pinned Purity])

Losses: 8 (Gavin/Powers, Jay Gold, Asher Hayes, Last Laugh 2020 Battle Royal [Last eliminated by Asher Hayes], Crystal Zdunich [TV Title loss], Retribution 2021 Scaffold Scramble, RTG 2021 TLC Match for Adrenaline Title, UA 2021 EC for Adrenaline Title)

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RE: Ricky James vs. Kelsai Adamson-Mason - by Ricky James - 01-22-2021, 12:02 PM

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