The Golden Boys vs. Doom & Groove vs. The Light in the Darkness vs. Vengeance
March 6th, 2021
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

March Madness has descended upon the world. For most of the sports world this is a reference to the college basketball season as it slowly approaches the NCAA Tournament. For Jessica Lasiewicz this time of year has been one of utter madness for numerous other reasons.

The Archangel is an active professional wrestler; very active. In the Millennium Wrestling Alliance she competes alongside her best friend Summer Collins as part of the tag team known as Fabulous where they are the reigning MWE World Tag Team Champions and have currently been fending off foes targeting them for their gold at every turn. Nothing new there for any champion.

In Global Championship Wrestling, Jessica is again teaming with Summer Collins and there they are the GCW Global Tag Team Champions. Recently they have come upon the radar of The Sovereign duo of Chantelle Chambers and Aubrianna Powers. The latter of the two has been in cahoots with none other Lasiewicz family “sometimes friend/sometimes enemy” Leviticus. Now Jessica finds herself preparing for a match where she will be fighting Powers in a church. Yes, a church. This is indeed March Madness.

Perhaps Supreme Championship Wrestling is where the madness is at its peak. Jessica finds herself teaming with her deranged half-sister, “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. Kimberly and Jessica have the same mother, Angelica Jones, but different fathers. Jessica was loved by both of her parents but Kimberly never was raised by either of her parents. Kimberly ended up turning into a deranged wreck. For the longest time Jessica would refuse to trust her eccentric half-sibling. This experiment, this team known as Vengeance, is their attempt to bond and form a relationship that for a long time never existed. They have had some success as a team, and despite losing to the Cookie and Jordan on the most recent edition of Breakdown, Jessica has to admit that the experiment has shown signs of success. In fact, Lasiewicz and Williams have a chance to shock the world and earn a tag team title opportunity at SCW Retribution if they can get past The Golden Boys, Doom & Groove, and Light in the Darkness. Can it be done? Jessica knows that anything is possible. Especially considering the roll she is on. She holds championships in two companies and is one win away from getting an opportunity at a tag title in a third.

Still, despite these many professional successes that are mounting up, The Archangel is bothered by a far more troubling personal matter, one that she had hoped was long since dead but has once more reared its ugly head; a certain Romanian woman known as Sorinah Floreschu.

Sorinah first appeared in Jessica’s life early on in her professional wrestling career. Neil Newman and Kyle Butler, who were enemies of Jessica and Summer at the time, were trying to run their careers into the ground. But Sorinah got involved and helped pull Jessica and Summer from the ashes. She would disappear for a few years until reappearing and once again involved herself in Jessica’s life, this time as her manager. Their business arrangement would end in a terrible, public breakup between the two and again Sorinah would disappear.

Now a couple years later Sorinah has returned. Once again Sorinah is trying to infiltrate Jessica’s life. She has already been talking not only to Summer Collins but Kimberly Williams. The surprise for Jessica was her connection to Kimberly. At first Jessica thought it was just a game Sorinah was playing but as it turns out Sorinah is more closely connected to Kimberly than she first thought. Sorinah is the older sister of Emma Storm, the woman who raised Kimberly Williams from birth to the age of eighteen, the woman who made Kimberly into the unhinged psychopath that she is.

Does Jessica trust Sorinah? Not one bit. But much to Jessica’s surprise, Kimberly does seem to trust this Romanian woman. Kimberly wants Jessica to give her a chance. The Archangel isn’t sure exactly what she will do when she does finally confront Sorinah again, but one thing she does know is that she wants more information. She wants to know what is going on and what Sorinah’s agenda really is.

The Archangel had hoped to make plans and had even contacted a close associate of the Lasiewicz family to try and look into this matter on her behalf. Unfortunately the individual was supposed to be here over an hour ago and Jessica assumes that he is not going to show up. Plus in less than thirty minutes another form of madness will be taking in the Lasiewicz household; NCAA March Madness.

Jessica’s all time favorite team, The Duke Blue Devils, are playing tonight. Jessica received a business degree from Duke and for a brief time was a cheerleader for the school. She is a very loyal Blue Devil. And tonight’s game isn’t any ordinary game. Tonight is a game against the school’s arch rival, The University of North Carolina Tar Heels.

Lasiewicz sits on a simply brown sofa in her living room, which is a rather modest living space compared to the homes of her family members who prefer extravagance and elegance. The walls are a cream color and the floor is a brown hardwood floor. Jessica, who is dressed in her Duke cheerleader outfit, has her feet propped up on the coffee table. A bag of popcorn is to her right and she has the remote control sitting to her left as she watches the commentators on ESPN discuss the upcoming game.

“This is one of the biggest rivalries not just in college sports but in all of sports. Carolina and Duke. The Blue Devils and The Heels. The…”

Jessica growls angrily under her breath as she listens to the analysts. “Heels...what kind of fucking name is that?! They’re named a god damn foot. What’s threatening about a damn foot other than toe fungus or bad smells?! And if they’re the damn heels then why is their mascot a goat? A goat that wears a shirt but no damn pants!” Jessica pops some popcorn in her mouth and then shakes her head with disbelief. “The Pantless Goats. Call it like it is, you idiots. The Duke Blue Devils versus The Carolina Pantless Goats.”

“Neither team has had a good season this year but Carolina has been improving and…”

Jessica again growls angrily, not approving of the analysis from these so-called experts. “And we’ll whip their asses tonight and prove you idiots wrong!”

The Archangel throws some more popcorn into her mouth as she watches and listens to the television intently. A few moments later she is interrupted with the sound of a knocking at the door. Jessica reaches for the remote and turns the television off. She waits and listens and sure enough the knocking is heard again. She furrows her brow out of curiosity.

“Why the hell did Kyle come back?!”

Jessica automatically assumes that this must be her husband, Kyle Butler, returning home. Typically whenever Duke games are on he leaves. Jessica inherited a bad habit from her mother’s side of the family; she does not handle the defeat and failures of her favorite teams very well. Jessica has been known to accidentally break furniture when her team is losing or loses. And with Jessica already cussing like a sailor even before the game was scheduled to begin, Kyle knew that he should leave. So he has already left to train for his own wrestling matches. But why would he return so soon? Nevertheless, if this is Kyle then he must be returning for a good reason. Jessica rises off of the sofa and starts to exit the living room. She turns and walks down the hall towards the front door. Knocking is heard again and Jessica rolls her eyes out of frustration.

“I’m coming, Kyle! Geez, have some patience!”

The Archangel approaches the door and opens it. Much to her surprise she doesn’t find her husband standing there. Instead she finds the Lasiewicz family associate she has been looking for, a man who has most of the times been a friend of the family but at times has been a trouble maker. Yet he is very good at what he does. This man wearing a purple tweed blazer, matching purple pants, black shoes, and a white t-shirt underneath bows respectfully to Jessica.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Ms. Lasiewicz, but I am not Kyle Butler. I am Levi Timothy Craig, belovedly known to my legions of fans around the world as Leviticus, The Most Loved Man On The Planet, The Emperor of Entrepreneurship, Captain Capitalism, Master Media Mogul, Saint Levi, Your Righteous Savior, The Titan of Twitter, The Sultan of Social Media, The N…” Before he can finish his long ass introduction, Jessica snatches him by the throat and jerks him inside, slamming him up against a wall.

“Jesteś spóźniony. Gdzie byłeś?”

“Hey, hey, hey! I can’t help I was late babe! You know I loooooove making an entrance!”

“Zadzwoń do mnie kochanie, a wyrwę ci cholerną głowę.”

“No, no, no! Do not do that! Violence never solved anything!” Leviticus chuckles. “Well, except for slavery in America, Hitler, the threat of imperial Japan, except for all that violence never solved anything!”

The Archangel is in no mood for fun and games. She roughly throws Leviticus down onto the floor. Leviticus scrambles back to his feet and he begs off, seemingly pleading for his life. “Ok, look, I’m sorry I was late, but seriously, you can’t kick my ass right now.”

“Why the hell not?!” Jessica demands angrily, this time returning to her English language. Levi smirks and then motions to Jessica herself.

“If I am going to get my ass kicked, at least don’t kick my ass when you’re dressed as a cheerleader. C’mon now!”

Lasiewicz glares daggers right through Levi’s chest and into his heart. The Polish native angrily points a finger as she gets up into his face. “You are lucky I don’t beat the living hell out of you right now after you decided to do work against me for Powers!”

“I am Captain Capitalism, bab...I mean Jess.” He winks playfully. “I can be bought and what can I say? She paid well.”

“Does she have anything else planned?”

“Depending upon the price I might tell. But the price has to be right. I am Levi Timothy Craig and I can be bought! Unlike the win your Blue Devil’s CANNOT buy tonight!”

Jessica throws a right hand, knocking Captain Capitalism to the floor. Lasiewicz just stands there, staring a hole right through him as he pushes himself back up to his feet. He chuckles, shaking his head. “That one got a rise out of you. Hate the truth that your Dookies suck this year, eh?”

“It’s a bad year. We’ll bounce back.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but that won’t make this beating you’re gonna get tonight any better.”

“Are you trying to antagonize me you dumb son of a bitch?”

“Uh...yes, of course!”

Lasiewicz rolls her eyes. “You’re just lucky you are a friend of the family, even if you are a hired gun who can be bought by the highest bidder. Now come on, follow me, lets do business.”

Jessica marches back to the living room and Leviticus follows her. She sits down back on the sofa. Leviticus, upon seeing the popcorn, immediately snatches it and starts eating it. “Awesome! You brought me a snack!”

“That’s my snack!”

“Not anymore!”

“Whatever.” Lasiewicz sighs. “Just sit the fuck down and listen.”

“Sure, no problemo.” The self-proclaimed Most Loved Man on the Planet sits down and continues to eat the popcorn he just stole. “But can I ask you something? Obviously I get on your nerves. And you already know that I will do anything for a buck, that I’m not exactly entirely loyal to your family. Why would you even want to do business with me?”

“My cousin, Anastasia, she is very busy right now and I would not think of saddling with one of my problems on top of her own. And then there’s Kamijo but he’s…” Jessica sighs deeply, remembering his untimely passing. Levi for a brief moment drops his eccentric attitude and shows a more human side.

“Yeah, I heard about that. Condolences.”

“Thanks. But I don’t need sympathy right now, I just need your help with a rather pressing matter.”

“And that would be what?”

“A woman named Sorinah Floreschu.”

“Is she single and hot?”

“Why the hell does that matter?!” Jessica exclaims.

“Just in case I get the urge to cheat on my wife while doing this job for you.”

Lasiewicz rolls her eyes. “I am fairly certain she is too old for you, Levi.”

“No way! I love a good cougar. Meow!” Suddenly Leviticus gets slapped by Jessica.

“Focus. Now then, her name is Sorinah Floreschu. She used to manage me a couple of brief times in my career but never very long. Our last tenure together ended on some rather poor terms. But now she is back and insists she wants to make up for her past mistakes.”

“Is that what she told you?”

“I haven’t spoken to her at length. Hell, I’ve barely seen her. I’m trying to avoid her because I don’t trust her. But she has spoken to Summer [Collins] and my sister Kimberly [Williams] and both seem to have bought whatever it is she’s selling.”

“Ah, I see…” Levi smirks knowingly “’re thinking about this seriously now, aren’t you? Because your best buddy and your sister are buying into this, you think that maybe there’s something to it.”

“Right, but you know as well as I do that I have my own trust issues. I don’t care if Summer and Kimberly trust her, I still don’t. I will meet with her, but I want to find out what game she’s playing. I want to know her real agenda.”

“And you want me to find out what the agenda is?”

“Exactly. Can you do it?”

“I think so.” He nods his head. “But what if I find out that there is no hidden agenda?”

“Then she’ll have earned my trust and I will eat my words.”

“Fair enough. I’ll get right on it then.” Leviticus rises to his feet and extends a hand to Jessica. She reluctantly accepts the handshake.

“Thank you, Levi.”

“No prob, your family has always paid well. Plus I am scared to fucking death of your father. I still proudly display the William F. Beauregard the 3rd Award for Most Likely To Get His Ass Kicked By Andreas Lasiewicz on the mantle above my fireplace.”

“I’m sure you do.” Jessica says, rolling her eyes.

“Oh and Jess?”


“Go Heels.”

Lasiewicz punches Leviticus in the face with a firm right hand that knocks him to the floor. Leviticus cackles like a hyena as he scrambles back to his feet. He waves his goodbye as he furiously walks away. Jessica sighs out of frustration as she turns back to the television and resumes watching ESPN.

On Camera

Do you know what all great tag teams have in common? Experience? Yes. Chemistry? Yes. But there’s something else that one needs before any of that other stuff can develop; trust. You must be able to trust your tag team partner with your well being, dare I say with your very life.

I started my own wrestling career as a singles wrestler but lately I’ve become a bit of a tag team expert whether I like it or not, and that’s rather shocking to those who know me because those who know me best know I have serious trust issues. Most of my family I can trust but outside of my biological family there’s only two people I trust enough to team with.

Kyle Butler, my husband. And Summer Collins, my best friend.

Yet here I am in SCW teaming with my half sister, Kimberly Williams. She’s eccentric. Some may say she’s psychotic. And despite her being family, there’s no secret that I once had some trust issues with Kimberly. You think she’s dangerous now? She used to be far deadlier than this and I could not trust her. I just couldn’t. But she was still family, and I would never abandon family. So we decided to work out our issues, we used this team, Vengeance, as an a way to build that trust.

Now I would trust Kimberly with my life. And we now stand a chance to be rewarded with a tag team title opportunity. But we have to earn it by making it past three other talented and deserving teams.

Golden Boys, do you really have the same kind of trust me and Kim have? I don’t see how you can possibly have any sort of trust at all, because I think we all know Adam Allocco would betray his partner at the drop of a hat if it benefits him. Bison may not know this but I do, so allow me to educate you; a Team has to put the TEAM ahead of individual priorities. And Adam Allocco only cares about HIS priorities, not those of The Golden Boys.

I know that Doom & Groove have everything necessary to make it to the top of the tag team division here in SCW. The trust, chemistry, and experience already led them to success in the tag team tournament. But now that you are in SCW proper you find that things are much more challenging than you may have expected. There are individuals here who are ruthless, cutthroat, and will screw over their own family to get ahead.

Still talking about Allocco I suppose.

Light in the Darkness is new to the tag team scene. But they’ve given me no reason to doubt their desire or willingness or ability to get the job done.

As far as Vengeance goes, Kimberly and I have the trust needed to go to war. We have the chemistry and ability to take on anyone in this division and we know that together we can become SCW World Tag Team Champions. We just need one chance.

And there’s no way in hell we’re gonna let anyone stop us. So please, stand in our way at Retribution. It just may be the last thing you ever do.

[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)

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RE: The Golden Boys vs. Doom & Groove vs. The Light in the Darkness vs. Vengeance - by Braddock - 03-13-2021, 08:22 AM

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