The Golden Boys vs. Doom & Groove vs. The Light in the Darkness vs. Vengeance
March 9th, 2021
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Trust is important for any relationship to flourish, whether it is a friendship, marriage, even a business-oriented partnership. There must be some amount of trust between the parties involved in order for any success to be gained. “The Archangel” Jessica Lasiewicz knows this to be true, and yet in a rather strange circumstance, some may even call it hypocritical, she has always had trust issues. The Polish native blames it on other friends, family, and partners betraying her in the past. When one is betrayed, when that trust is lost, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to ever win back that trust.

Few are ever given the opportunity to win back Jessica’s trust once that trust is lost. Once it is lost it is typically gone forever. The few who are privileged enough to get a second chance are family members. One thing drilled into the head of Jessica Lasiewicz from birth is the importance of family and of supporting your family. So when “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams stepped up to the plate requesting the opportunity to team up with The Archangel, despite all of her misgivings Jessica agreed.

Why would Jessica have problems teaming with her half-sister? It ultimately boils down to the very thing that got Kimberly sent to a mental institution in the first place. Kimberly was basically brainwashed into thinking her own family had to be eliminated. Part of her deranged psychotic plan to do this was to kidnap her identical twin sister, Marie Jones, and replace her. Fortunately Jessica knew Marie well enough to see right through Kimberly’s charade. Jessica could tell that Marie was not acting herself. Jessica discovered Kimberly’s plot, rescued Marie, and set everything right. Needless to say, Lasiewicz never expected to give Kimberly a second chance. She may be family, but she had crossed the line.

But then Marie herself, the one who was victimized the most, not only forgave Kimberly but helped her. She gave her the mental help she needed and ultimately brought her back into the family fold. So despite her own trust issues when it came to Kimberly, Jessica decided to give her a second chance. And looking back, The Archangel is happy she gave her somewhat demented half-sister a second chance. Kimberly has more than earned Jessica’s trust. And had it not been for Kimberly earning Jessica’s trust, Jessica would not be here tonight.

It is dusk in the upper scale, more luxurious part of Boston, Massachusetts. Jessica Lasiewicz walks side by side with her half-sister, “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. Jessica is wearing a royal blue that stops just at the knee, a white silk blouse, and black open toed high heel pumps. Her long hair is dyed pink and has some curl to it. Kimberly by contrast is wearing a much simpler attire of torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a t-shirt which reads “I Groped Mr. D” on the front. There is light from the streetlamps but there is no sound from either sister except for the sound of their footsteps. It is an eerie feeling, not for Kimberly but for Jessica; because Jessica knows what is coming up.

The Archangel is about to have a reunion with a woman she had once swore never to see again; Sorinah Floreschu.

Sorinah was born in Romania and spent most of her childhood there until moving to the United States. That is about all Jessica knows of Sorinah’s past. Sorinah and Jessica have had two previous business relationships, both times they ended on a very sour note. Now Sorinah is once again trying to reconnect with Jessica. She has already reached out to Kimberly, offering her services to The Woman Scorned and, much to Jessica’s surprise, Kimberly accepted. Now Kim is trying to get Jessica to listen to whatever it is Sorinah has to say.

Trust...the trust Jessica has for Kimberly is the only reason she is even willing to listen to what Sorinah has to say. She trusts Kimberly but does she trust Sorinah? Not at all.

“I sure hope you know what you’re doing.” Jessica says after a long period of silence as the pair continue their walk through this upscale neighborhood in search of the home of Sorinah Floreschu. Jessica, for her part, has never been to Sorinah’s home, even when they were allies she never visited Sorinah’s home. It is rather disquieting to Jessica at how close Sorinah has been living to her. Jessica lives in Boston and so does Sorinah. They’ve been close all this time and yet Jessica never knew it.

“Oh I got no fucking clue what I’m doing.”


“C’mon, Jess, you know me! I never know what I’m doing! I just do things and hope it all works out in the end!”

Jessica sighs and shakes her head. “That’s not very reassuring.”

“Don’t worry, Jess, Sorinah won’t bite. At least I don’t think she will. She never struck me as a biter. But if she does bite you, then I will stab her…” she reaches into her pants pocket and produces a shank “...with this!”

“Seriously? A shank?”

“Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time I killed a man to protect a sister.” Kimberly winks knowingly. Jessica rolls her eyes, clearly unimpressed with her half-sister’s hijinks.

“Again, not very reassuring.”

Kimberly and Jessica continue to walk down through this neighboorhood a few more blocks in silence. Jessica isn’t quite sure where they will end up, because she has never been here before. She isn’t sure what to look for. She is literally being led by Kimberly Williams. That in and of itself shows the trust she has for The Woman Scorned. After awhile Kimberly comes to a stop and points towards a large home.

“That’s it.”

“That’s where Sorinah lives?”

“Yep.” Kimberly says, nodding her head. She turns and smiles warmly at her half-sister. “Thanks again for coming, Jess. I mean that seriously, by the way.”

“Look, you have earned my trust. That’s why I came. You insisted that I give her a chance and so here I am; I am willing to hear her out. I am doing this for you because you are family and I trust you. But understand that this doesn’t change anything between me and Sorinah. I have more experience with her than you do and I do not trust her. So while you may be willing to give her a chance I cannot make that same promise. I only promise to listen to whatever she has to say. Understand?”

Williams playfully salutes as if she were a soldier and Jessica were her commanding officer. “Aye, aye, sir!”

The Archangel lets the joke slide. She motions for Kimberly to lead the way. Williams marches up towards the home of Sorinah Floreschu with Jessica following suit. The pair reach the front door and Kimberly knocks, she knocks to the tune of ‘shave and a haircut two bits’. Kimberly laughs hysterically but Jessica just rolls her eyes. The siblings are not kept waiting long. The door opens and immediately they are greeted by the sight of none other Sorinah Floreschu. The Romanian woman is wearing a tight green dress.

“Sorry!” Kimberly exclaims, leaping forward and embracing her in a tight hug. Sorinah sighs out of exasperation but accepts the hug nonetheless. Eventually the hug is broken and Sorinah nods her head.

“Ah, yes, welcome Ms. Williams…” she looks over and her smile grows bigger upon seeing Jessica Lasiewicz, the woman she has wanted to speak with for a long time “...and I see you finally brought Ms. Lasiewicz to my home.”

“I only promised her I would listen to whatever it is you had to say. Nothing more.” Jessica says stoically. Sorinah nods her head, indicating that she understands. Then Kimberly produces her shank and waves it menacingly.

“Right, and if you get out of line I promised I’d gut you !”

“Ah, yes, well hopefully it won’t come to that.”

“Silly Sorry!” Kimberly says, dropping the shank and shoving Sorinah playfully. “I would never gut you. Beat you over the head ruthlessly with Wasley maybe, but never ever gut you.”

“Let’s just hope resorting to any form of violence will be unnecessary.”

“But that’s no fun.” Kimberly says, folding her arms over her chest and pouting like an upset child.

“There will be plenty of time for ‘fun’ later. First we have business to discuss, yes?” Sorinah locks eyes with Jessica. The Archangel glares defiantly back at the Romanian woman.

“You’re right, we do have business to discuss. So let’s get this over with.”

“As you wish.” Sorinah steps aside to allow her visitors room to enter her home. Jessica and Kimberly steps inside. Sorinah shuts the door and then leads the pair down a hall and then through a door that leads to a large luxurious living room. Sorinah motions to a sofa.

“Please, make yourselves at home while I get some drinks.”

Sorinah walks away. Jessica sits down on the sofa, as does Kimberly. “This is a comfy sofa, isn’t it?”

“I suppose.” Jessica answers back.

“Yeah. I slept on it after fighting with that bear in the woods.”

“What bear?!” Jessica exclaims.

“Long story. But trust me, that is the LAST time I am ever doing hallucinogenic drugs again!”

Lasiewicz considers interrogating her half-sister further about whatever it is Kimberly is rambling about. But she doesn’t get very far before Sorinah returns with a silver tray and three glasses of wine on the tray. She holds out the tray. Kimberly snatches one, as does Jessica. Sorinah takes a glass of wine for herself and then sets the silver tray down on a nearby coffee table before sitting down on a chair near the sofa.

“Is this Welch’s grape juice?” Kimberly asks as she takes a sip. She shakes her head. “No, definitely NOT Welch’s.”

“It is my finest wine. I thought you Jones women loved your red wine.”

“You’re right, we do.” Jessica answers stoically.

“And if I am correct, it is your favorite of red wines.”

“Merlot.” Jessica says, nodding her head after taking a sip. “You remembered.”

“I remember much about you, Ms. Lasiewicz. You always were one of my well as my biggest regrets.”

“Yeah, regrets. There is a great deal of regret that I have when it comes to meeting you in the first place and working with you. But now I’m being told by Kim here that you want to make up for the past. You want to make things right between us.” Jessica scoffs as she shakes her head. “I am going to be perfectly honest with you by saying I think you are full of shit. I do not know what your agenda is but I am sure you have one.”

“I have but one agenda, Ms. Lasiewicz, and that is to right any wrongs I have committed against you. I am even attempting to right the wrongs my sister Emma committed against your family, and I am doing that by assisting Ms. Williams.”

The Archangel glares hatred towards Sorinah. “Yes, and Kimberly is the only reason I am even entertaining this nonsense in the first place. I trust Kimberly and for whatever reason that I do not understand, she seems to trust you. So I am here to listen to whatever you have to say. But before I hear your damn proposal, I think you owe it to Kim to tell her the truth about exactly how our falling out happened. Maybe then she can decide for herself if an alliance with you really is worthwhile?”

“Y’know, that’s a good idea.” Kimberly says after guzzling the last of her wine in one swift gulp. “Because, y’know, I never quite understood the beef she had with you.”

“Very well.” Floreschu sighs deeply before taking a sip of her wine. “It began early in Jessica’s wrestling career. Early on in her career she had been teaming with Summer Collins. Their natural talent, especially Jessica’s attracted me to them. But unfortunately it made them enemies of other individuals. You may recall the feud Jessica and Summer had between Neil Newman and Kyle Butler.”

“Uh-huh,” Kimberly says, nodding her head “but they’d eventually bury the hatchet, become friends, and then even got married and all ended well.”

“Yes, everything end well, but when they were enemies Neil and Kyle wanted to try and stop Jessica and Summer’s ascent to the top of professional wrestling. They beat them in a tag team match and by virtue of the stipulation of the match forced Jessica and Summer to quit wrestling and become valets. I anticipated that Jessica and Summer would not take to their new role very well and, as I expected, they rebelled. I used my connections to get hired as a Coach of sorts, to break Jessica and Summer and force them to accept their new roles as valets. But instead I used my role as their Coach to help free them of that stipulation and resume their wrestling careers.”

“You manipulated your way into our lives.” Jessica growls angrily.

“I helped you.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t somehow behind that valet stipulation in the first place just as a way to force yourself upon us.”

“Believe what you wish but I was only wanted to help. And you and Summer didn’t want my help after it was over so I gave you the space you wanted. But I did return later on to manage your career again. Under my tutelage you became GCW International Champion.”

“Under your ‘tutelage’ I became a self-centered narcissistic monster. When I finally snapped out of whatever spell you had me under, when I saw what I had turned into, I was ashamed of myself.”

“And again I left you alone. And I am proud to see what you have done for yourself without me. MWE World Tag Team Champion, GCW Global Tag Team Champion, and now one win away from an opportunity at the SCW World Tag Team Championship if you can just pull off this win at Retribution.” Sorinah smiles warmly at Jessica. “I know I made mistakes in the past, perhaps I should have been more up front with you in the beginning? And maybe I shouldn’t have tried to force my own principles upon you? But I only wanted to help make you into the best version of yourself and looking at where you are now, that is what you have become. And you did that without my help. I am very proud of you.”

“So what is the point in all of this then?” Jessica asks curiously, as she takes another sip of her wine. “If you think I’ve arrived, if you think I am the best version of myself, then what is it do you want?”

“I meant what I said, Ms. Lasiewicz; I have made mistakes and I wish to correct those mistakes. I had only good intentions and even my sister meant well. But we both made horrible mistakes. My sister is dead and cannot do anything to make up for her mistakes with Ms. Williams, but I can do something to redeem my family name. And I can do something to redeem myself in your eyes if you will give me the chance.” Sorinah reaches over to the coffee table, moves the silver tray aside, and picks up a piece of paper. She reaches over and hands it to Jessica.

“What is this?” Lasiewicz asks as she reads the document.

“It is a peace offering. It is a deed for land, with a nice home, in your native home of Poland. It is now yours with no strings attached.”

Jessica is shocked by this. She doesn’t believe it at first and reads through the deed, trying to find something, some catch, but finds nothing. She looks up at Sorinah and her shock turns to anger. “What game are you playing?”

“I am playing no games, Ms. Lasiewicz. I assure you that this is a very serious offer. I only want to make up for my crimes.”

Lasiewicz shakes her head furiously. “I don’t believe you.”

The Archangel jumps up and furiously exits the room. Kimberly sighs as she puts her wine glass down and then runs off after Jessica. Lasiewicz throws open the front door and storms back outside. Kimberly follows her outside and shuts the door behind her.

“Jess? You ok?”

“She’s got some kind of hidden agenda. I just know it.”

“I dunno. She seems genuine to me.”

“Twice she ruined my life, Kim! I know this woman better than you and I just know she is up to something!”

Kimberly frowns. She places a hand on Jessica’s shoulder. “Or maybe you just don’t want to believe that people can change.”

“That isn’t it.”

“Isn’t it? Jess, you and I both know that you have serious trust issues. Hell, you don’t even trust our own mother. You love her, you care for her, but you don’t even trust her. The bar for trust when it comes to you is set so god damn high no one can achieve it.”

“I trust you.”

“Do you? After that scene in there I’m beginning to wonder.”

“Of course I trust you. I wouldn’t have even listened to that crazy bitch had I not trusted you. I’m just surprised that you do trust her.”

“Who says I trust her?” Kimberly asks. “Just because I’m giving her a chance doesn’t mean I trust her, Jess. I know about second chances better than anyone else. I know that just because you give someone a second chance doesn’t mean you automatically trust them. I don’t trust her anymore than you do. But I am giving her a chance, if only to see if she is serious, to see if she is sincere.”

“And you think trusting...excuse me, giving her a chance, you think that’s a good move?”

“Who knows? We’ll have to wait and see. But if she betrays us.” Kimberly grins. “I will maim her.”

On Camera

I heard everything my sister had to say about this match. I listened to every single word she had to say about what it took to be a great tag team. And she is absolutely right when she says trust is the most important thing a team can have. And that’s what makes Vengeance such a special team. Those know who our history know that the idea of a Kimberly Williams and Jessica Lasiewicz team was almost unthinkable a year ago. But as they say, blood is thicker than water. And as Michael Corleone once said, “Fredo, you’re my brother and I love you, but never take sides against the family again.”

Oh, but then again Michael killed Fredo in the second Godfather movie. Bad example! Forget that! Or how about Roman Emperor Tiberius naming his nephew Caligula next in line to be Emperor of Rome?! Grant that was after Tiberius murdered Caligula’s brothers, mother, and sent Caligula’s sisters into exile...but hey! Forgive and forget, right? Family sticks together and what you have here in Vengeance is two of the most violent women in professional wrestling united for one cause…




...well, that’s Jessica probably isn’t doing this just to maim people like I am. So forget that! But there is one cause that we both do share in common and that is the desire to become SCW World Tag Team Champions. We’re not consumed and obsessed with being the best tag team ever, we’re not obsessed with having all the spotlight and glory, but damn it we are professionals, and any team worth their salt should be in this business to be the champions of the world and if you’re not then you are in the wrong damn business. And Jessica and I, we do want to prove ourselves among the best tag teams in the best tag team division in professional wrestling, and right now one of the hottest tag team divisions is the SCW tag team division.

Doom & Groove, Light in the Darkness, and The Golden Boys are all in this match gunning for the same prize Vengeance is after. That’s four teams, eight people total, all after one prize and you know what that math adds up to; total and utter chaos. And while Jessica can talk all she wants about trust, chemistry, and experience, I am going to be the one to tell you fine people how it really is; and the fact is that of the four teams in this match at Retribution there is no team better at handling chaos than “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams and “The Archangel” Jessica Lasiewicz.

I mean, our theme is Crazy Train for fucks sake! Chaos is our middle name!

Actually, my name middle name is Frances and Jessica’s middle name is Corey, but you get the idea. And the idea that you all will have to deal with is that only one team in this shit show is capable of earning this tag team title opportunity and that team is none other than Vengeance.
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
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SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
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2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)

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RE: The Golden Boys vs. Doom & Groove vs. The Light in the Darkness vs. Vengeance - by Braddock - 03-13-2021, 12:07 PM

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