Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner
OOC: In two parts due to length
Project: Black Ice

”What Dreams May Come...”

Schonburg Castle
Oberwessel, Germany
June 5th, 2021

Smack. Smack. Smack.

The uneven sound of strikes were the only sound, with the exception of a grunt or gasp that would escape the lips of the striker. 

Smack. Smack. Smack.

Some sounds were louder, some were softer. Some were duller and some were sharper. 

It was all barely audible in Selena’s ears, the sound of her blood pounding in her eardrums drowning it as she continued to push herself harder. She felt her bruises under her leggings cry in protest, warning signs that they would only grow and further mar her skin if she continued.

She drowned their cries as she did the sound of strikes. She struck harder, her groans and shouts heavier in the night air.

The castle grounds did not possess a built-in gym of sorts – “Why would it?” Gunther had asked long ago when Selena had first inquired. That said, it did possess a shed! And it was from that shed that Selena have stored some exercise equipment over the years to keep her constant training whenever she travelled.

Of course the last few weeks, aside from jogging along the castle grounds and throughout Oberwesel, the equipment that had been used the most currently stood where Selena had dragged it out and set it up. The standing kick back of red and black was one of the larger pieces that occupied the shed, complete with a base weight that allowed to stay in place regardless of how hard Selena kicked…

The Snow Queen kicked harder, her breath hitching as it exhaled into the night sky.

I want you to be happy. I want you to go and become World Champion like you said. Hell, go and headline Rise to Greatness. Go and move back to your ‘forever house’. I want you to reach a point of normalcy and genuine happiness with Deanna… Then… then… I’ll be there to take it all away.

It wouldn’t stop. The voice – distorted by same kind of machine when Selena had heard it in that blasted phone call – was burned into her ears and her brain, both of which, unlike her strikes and breathing, did not require ‘sound’ to be ‘heard’.

I want you to be happy. 
Become World Champion… 
Headline Rise to Greatness… 
Move back to your ‘forever house’… 
Then… I’ll be there to take it all away.

“No…” Selena growled under her breath as she continued her variety of kicks against the bag – every kick she knew: roundhouse, crescent, shoot, her patented superkick, jumping roundhouse… faster and faster she went, feeling her heart protesting as it beat faster and faster, desperately trying to keep up with her frenzy of movements. Still, the voice in her head persisted.

Be happy. 
World Champion… 
Rise to Greatness… 
‘Forever house’… 
Take it all away…

The words were now a damn premonition in her mind – a step by step prediction spelling out another doom that promised to consume her and her family. 

Why? Her mind rallied. Why did they need another person trying to destroy their lives?! What was so special about her/the Frost family…

I’m just a stupid girl from Nome… she kicked the bag again! Champion
Just some nobody that became a wrestler! She ignored the pain of another, kick her bruises continuing to respond. Greatness…
Just a crazy miner’s daughter! her mind screamed! Forever…away…


She had heard her ‘name’ in the same instant she heard her voice screaming ‘NO!’, her frame having spun around in its own warped sense of reality and hatred and frustration – the cauldron of emotions spewing out of her, like boiling water, at the slightest provocation. And burning the poor child that stood just a few steps away in the doorway of the castle in his Marvel superhero pyjamas.

How long the two of them – mother and son – stood like that, wasn’t clear. For the Snow Queen, reality seemed to take its time returning her to the present – pulling her awareness along until finally connecting with her frustrated, tired brain.

But realization soon hit her as she finally recognized the four-year old boy stand before her, the piece of paper and pen clutched in his hands, his small eyes wide at the sight of his mother…

The sight of her…

The castle had no mirrors outside – “Why would it?” – so the Snow Queen had no idea what her son was seeing. Still, she could feel the tension in her body, feel how wide her eyes were, how clenched her jaw was. And what she could see was the look of shock and panic in poor David’s face.

Before she could squeak out a syllable, the boy had dropped the single piece of lined paper and pen he had been carrying, running back into the house as fast as he could, as if he had seen a real ghost that the castle ‘legends’ (that being Gunther) spoke about.

“No- David!” Selena tried, calling out. She barely had taken a step when she stumbled, her sore muscles making good on their promises for Selena’s piss-poor behaviour. She felt them shake and ache, their own brand of cursing her name in their own language. Still, she pushed forward, stumbling her way towards where her son had gone. 

Except the poor boy was long gone.

Resting her elbow against the cold stone of the castle wall along the doorway, she forced herself to take a few more breaths to try and calm her still rapidly-beating heart. She had not wanted anyone from her family to see her like this. Usually, she had worked out with her equipment (on weather-permittable days) in the garden expanse, the large area filled with the variety of flowers Gunther took care of perfect for focus and meditation. However, the last few days – ever since Breakdown, when she could no longer distract herself or ‘put off’ thinking about the World title match at Taking Hold of the Flame - her World Title Match at Taking Hold of the Flame – she had hidden herself into one of the castle’s alcoves closer to the sections of the castle containing rooms that were currently not in use due to the pandemic.

Away from the others – so they couldn’t see this kind of ‘ugly’ training. Because that’s exactly what it was. It wasn’t focused, planned, or designed to make Selena better in her abilities like her usual training. No, she had realized after returning her from last Breakdown, that she currently couldn’t train like that. This ‘training’ was brutal, angry, uncontrolled, meant to hurt her, distract her, drown out her thoughts because all she could think about was the fucking hell she had been placed in.

To lose was to fail Deanna, SCW, and go back to square one, back to the sidelines for who knows how many years. But to win was to invite possible doom back into their lives…

Despite herself, the Snow Queen turned to lean her back against the cold stone, feeling the cold of it, combined with the cold of her sweat press into her skin and clothes, allowing her to feel the chill in her spine as she slumped to the ground, sitting on the steps her son had occupied a moment ago. 

Why couldn’t this be some kind of prank by Holly or Asher?! She had thought multiple times in the last few days. They were certainly petty, desperate, and delusional enough! 

For Asher, the man was pretending he was Co-World Champion, which was a can of worms Selena had spoken about to death in the past (and would again, if her first draft of her first promo was to be followed when she filmed it in a couple of days). The bastard hadn’t even been able to give her a solid match a few weeks ago, opting to lose by disqualification so he could ‘keep his title’ in his own mind. 

Holly wasn’t any battle, running around, refusing to fight Selena in the ring and settling for a countout draw rather than anything else. Hell, she was desperate enough to run around the ring and attack Deanna! This could have easily fit the bill for her – Cid Turner as World Champion was the meal ticket both Asher and Holly… and to deny how dangerous Selena was in the ring after the number of people she had defeated in her career was just stupid. Of course, the platinum-blonde had contemplated the possibility of all of this being some kind of mental game by those two to save their ‘golden goose’, perhaps copying from the playbook of CHBK or Ravyn Taylor.

But no one had cared about Selena’s private life at the time of that call. No one cared about Selena in SCW at the time of that call. She wasn’t number one contender then. Datura was. Hell, if it wasn’t for Mr. D., she wouldn’t even have been number one contender if he hadn’t taken her win and rewarded it as he had. Syren would have just joined the list of other legends and icons that Selena had beaten in an impressive match: names like Xander Valentine, Kelcey Wallace, Ravyn Taylor, Kennedy Street, Bree Lancaster, etc. 

Plus, Selena knew that she couldn’t fool herself. She knew the threats were legit. 

Be happy. 
World Champion… 
Rise to Greatness… 
‘Forever house’… 
Take it all away…

There was no mistaking that feeling she felt hearing those words, the caller – the supposed maestro to everything she, Deanna and their family had suffered for nearly two years – mockingly encouraging Selena to do exactly what she dreamed…

Taking a shaky breath and exhaling it into the night air, Selena turned her head to see the piece of paper David had dropped, the flimsy article pressing against the wall near her, thanks to the breeze that ran through the castle. Gingerly, after wiping her hands on her leggings as best she could, Selena reach over to take the paper into her hands, turning it over so she could read it under the ‘porchlight’ bolted into the castle wall above her head.

“I will not resort to violence to solve my problems.” She read aloud, sapphire eyes scanning across the top line of the paper. The line was written out, scribbled a little. And it repeated itself down the entire page and the other side of it, Selena checked.

She shook her head, a tired smile gracing her features. This had been David’s punishment, it seemed. She had left the matter in the hands of Deanna after the events of the wildlife park earlier today. What was supposed to be a pleasant ‘distraction’ to help the Frost wives regain their focus after a third week in a row of being one upped by the A/C Blondetourage Unit had devolved into their second-born getting into a fight with a classmate, over what Selena still wasn’t sure. Her son had claimed it was regarding their dog, Oberon, and the story Selena had told about his ‘lupine ancestry’, which the Snow Queen now regretted.

She gazed at the paper again, almost amazed at the simplicity of this punishment. No grounding or yelling or something extreme to deal with their child. Just a piece of paper, a pen, and a tedious task to solve what had been a frustrating problem/situation. It was almost… unreal.

“My mom use to have me do that…”

The voice caused Selena to jolt a little in surprise, the platinum-blonde being ripped out of her thoughts by the sudden intrusion. Almost dropping the paper from her hand, her head jerked upward towards the voice, releasing a sigh of relief at the sight before her.

Standing on the other side of the doorway wall was Deanna, looking down at Selena – her expression a mixture of sadness, concern, and tiredness. She wore a dark green night gown and her hair, her red mane was a red waterfall falling down against her back. Tucking her nightgown behind her rear and legs, she moved to sit on the steps beside Selena, reaching to take the paper from the older woman’s hands.

“When she died…” Deanna continued her story. “My sister took over the practice. Didn’t matter how bad it was. If you broke something, you wrote it out. If you lied, you wrote it out.” She turned the paper over in her hands. “I can’t tell you how many times I got writer’s cramp.” She half-laughed.

“Is David, okay?” she asked, knowing why and how Deanna had found her.
The redhead nodded. “He came running to me-“ Deanna stopped herself, lifting her eyes up to gaze across the space, spotting the standing kick-bag to the side. “He was a little spooked. He actually thought that you were mad at him.”

Selena groaned, pressing her palm into her eye socket and cheekbone.

“Selena…” Deanna offered, keeping the proof of their son’s punishment in her farther hand so she could use her closer one to take Selena’s into hers.

Feeling her wife’s touch, Selena removed her hand from her face, taking a short breath. “I’m scared.” She admitted. “I got so into my head – I still am.”

The redhead nodded. “Today didn’t help, did it?”

“Gods, Deanna.” Selena laughed bitterly. “I know you tried – we tried – but all day it just kept coming at me. Everything that’s happened, everything we worked for… so close-“ she turned her head, sapphire eyeing emerald. “We’re one week away.” She smiled sadly. “One week away from…from…”

She couldn’t say it. She couldn’t put it into words – that would make it far too real – and she knew if she did that. If she voiced it now, she would just be setting herself up for failure because… she couldn’t allow herself to be that happy.

Be happy… That was the cue that the maestro was waiting for. Selena’s ultimate happiness. And Selena couldn’t give it to them – she couldn’t let it play that way and have Deanna taken from her again… So, she closed her mouth slowly, her words failing her.

With a tilt of her red-haired head, Deanna regarded her wife for a moment, before turning and spotting the pen David had dropped along with the paper. Reaching over to her side, she picked up the plastic-encased utensil, turning it over in her hand before handing it to Selena. “Write it out.” She ordered.

Selena’s sapphire eyes stared at the pen for a moment before shifting over to regard Deanna with a raised eyebrow, an expression that clearly read ‘Are you serious?’. Deanna’s answer was merely to move her hand up and down, once more offering the pen to her wife. 

With a slow sigh, Selena plucked the pen out of Deanna’s hand, the other taking the paper from the redhead as well. She took in the paper, grateful when she immediately noticed how David, with his writing/punishment, had stayed within the margins of the lined paper, leaving a good section near the stop of the page untouched by words and promises of “I will not”. 

Shifting her position, the Snow Queen turned towards the closest side of the doorway, pressing the paper against the flat stone and the pen the pen against the paper. She could feel the course texture of the wall under the flimsy page as she slowly wrote done a single sentence, her cursive writing far more elegant than her son’s printing – though she only had to write what she wanted once… not dozens of times like David had to.

When finished, she quickly lowered her hands and turned her frame back to sit flush against the stone wall, her eyes on the cobblestone walkway that lined so much of the castle grounds. Without looking up, she thrust the paper out to Deanna, the redhead gently taking it in her hand as Selena’s free hand nervously twirled the pen she still held.

Deanna’s voice soon filled her ears as the redhead read. “I dream I’m kneeling in the ring next weekend, weary and worn out from a great match. I hear the bell ring and my name is announced as the winner and the new World Champion…” she cast her eyes up. “So far so good.” She teased Selena before continuing. “Then, I look up and it’s my wife, not the official, that’s handing me the world title. We’re both so happy… everything is so perfect…”

That was all that Selena had written down. Quietly, Deanna read it again. And again. She read it five more times, the words resonating in her head, the emotion behind them shaking her to her core.

“This is what you want?” she asked, a slight shake in her voice.

Selena could only nod, her eyes still locked on the cobblestone, both hands not fidgeting with the pen. “That was the image that’s been in my head ever since…” her breath hitched. “Ever since I saw you on the bus the night before Retribution…” It was Selena’s turn to have her voice hitch in her throat. “You standing there, telling me you were never going to leave my side. That we would be together for everything… I…” she sighed. “I didn’t care how long it took, it’s all been to get to that point.” Without looking, she reached over with the pen in her hand to ‘stab’ the spot on the paper her ‘wish/statement’ had been written down.

“But why can’t you say it?” Deanna asked. “Do you not believe you can do it?” 

Selena shook her head. It wasn’t that at all. Was she nervous about Cid Turner? Yes. The bastard was the most unpredictable opponent she had ever considered. By all logic, Datura should have beaten him at “Careful What You Wish For”. By even more logic, Bree Lancaster, a harder-working, more independent woman, and far hungrier for the World title kind of superstar should have beaten… and yet, they hadn’t. They had been denied. Whether it was luck, divine intervention, or Cid just hiding his skill with a kind of ‘possum strategy’, Selena wasn’t sure. 

But did that mean she couldn’t beat him? No, she was different than Datura or Bree. She hadn’t been gone for months and had no expectations like Datura. She hadn’t become complacent due to world title matches over and over again like Bree had. Cid was… he was something (Selena wasn’t sure what) but ‘unbeatable’ wasn’t one of them. She was certain she could find a way to overcome him, especially if Holly and Asher were barred from ringside and the Golden Boys would be too distracted with Lexy’s Angels to be much help. The playing field seemed even, increasing her chance for – for the first time in dealing with the A/C Blondetourage Unit – a fair match!

Even so, Selena couldn’t speak her deepest wish, even if she was so damn close she could practically touch it! She couldn’t allow herself to hope and make it real – because if she did make it real…

She shut her eyes and shook her head again, driving that hope out of her brain. She had no idea what she was going to do. She didn’t want to drop the match to Cid. She didn’t want to hand him an easy ticket to Rise to Greatness. She sure as hell didn’t want to simply be a statistic for Cid to brag about and put down in his, Holly, and Asher’s little tirades. 

She wanted to be World Champion.
She wanted to be World Champion with Deanna by her side…

The two sat like that for several minutes, neither speaking. The sound of the wind and, occasionally the sound of the wildlife that prowled and lived on the outskirts of the Oberwessel town could be heard in the distance. Selena didn’t know what her wife was thinking. Hell, she wasn’t sure she knew what she, herself, was thinking, her brain constantly going back between fighting to beat Cid or fighting and letting Cid beat her to prevent the potential ‘doom’ that had been promised to her. Out of the corner of her eyes, she studied her redhead’s posture and expression, Deanna resting her hands on her knees and her chin on her hands.

What is she thinking? Selena wondered. Is she annoyed that I can’t speak my dream because she wants it to? Does she feel left out because I can’t share? Or does she suspect something’s wrong and is frustrated because I’m too scared to tell her?

The nature of these questions continued to assail Selena’s mind as she remained silent, watching as Deanna’s eyes shifted from the paper to the stones on the ground for another few minutes. And just as Selena was prepared to break the silence, the sudden clapping of Deanna’s hands jolted her in surprise.

“Right!” declared Deanna jumping to her feet, immediately wobbling. “Oh no. Bad idea. Bad idea.” She declared in slight alarm. “Got up to fast – leg and feet are asleep! Oh geez!” She stumbled, trying to keep her balance.

With a push against the wall, Selena sprung up and caught her wife in her arms, whether Deanna truly needed it or not. The taller Frost held her beloved wife there, almost in a soft embrace. Except Selena was soon joining her wife in complaints.

“Yep…both of us stupid.” She muttered. “Got up too fast, too. Legs are still sore…Ow.” She griped.
“Didn’t you learn from me.” Deanna asked, leaning against her wife to try and shake her own legs ‘awake’.
“I thought you were going to fall.” Selena replied, shaking her own free leg to try and ease the dull aches.
“And what?” Deanna laughed. “Scrape my knee?”
“Scrapped knees are no laughing matter.” The platinum-blonde pressed, teasingly. “They can lead to infections, which can lead to amputation of the limb. Then how you gonna help me be World Champion, huh? You gonna hobble to and from the ring?”

“Oh, you were looking out for my leg’s well-being?” Deanna asked.

The two had managed to steady themselves, Deanna’s legs no longer asleep and the aches in Selena’s legs having dulled once more. Turning her head, Deanna stood up on her tiptoes to press her lips to Selena’s cheek softly. “My hero.” She whispered, smiling against the pale skin of Selena’s face.

“Not really.” Selena whispered, choosing to turn her head and nuzzle against the expecting redhead. “I just have a fondness for those legs…” 
“I like yours too.” Deanna whispered. “Especially wrapped around me.”
“That’s what I was going to say!” Selena laughed.

The two women laughed together before sharing a loving gaze, followed by an equally loving kiss. For Selena, she clung to Deanna far longer than was necessary, the need for her wife’s touch was desperate yet not in a sexual way. For a brief moment, she could feel the fears and doubts leaving her mind – no that wasn’t the right word – retreating to the back of her mind.

It was a temporary respite at best, yet the platinum-blonde desperately held it for as long as she could. But, air soon became necessary, forcing her to relinquish her hold on her beautiful wife, or at least break the kiss. Her arms remained wrapped around the, now, rather flush Deanna. “Wow…” Deanna smiled, opening her eyes. “Needed that?”

“More than you know.” Selena admitted. “Was there a reason you got up so fast?”
“Yes!” Deanna suddenly exclaimed, as if in sudden remembrance. “We need to go pack.”

“Why?” Selena asked. “The pay-per-view’s still over a week away. There’s no houseshows or Breakdown now – did I forget something?”

“No…” the younger Frost shook her head. “It’s not that… I just think we need to go somewhere to help you clear your head.”

Selena’s eyes widened. A place where Selena could clear her head… Immediately, her mind ran back towards the cold and harsh winds of the far north. The place she had gone to prepare herself for the war that had been the Roofed Cage Match against Bree Lancaster for the United States title…

“Nome?” she asked, her eyes wide. “You want to go to Nome…”

The redhead bit her lower lip nervously before shrugging her shoulders. “Close…” she replied. “You got three letters right…”

She was out of Selena’s arms before the Snow Queen could press further, rushing back into the castle to pack her bags. Nothing more was said on the matter for the rest of the night before the Frost wives went to bed and nothing was revealed to Selena the next morning when they had breakfast, said their goodbyes to the family, made their way to the private plane and began the flight.

Not that they didn’t speak or anything. The journey was filled with conversations of strategy – Selena, secretly, entertaining Deanna’s notions of how Selena could beat Cid, now that the odds were even. They spoke about who they thought was going to win the battle royale – Selena was quite certain that it would be Syren. The woman, when properly motivated (like a loss to a certain Snow Queen) was easily capable of incredible things. Deanna was certain that it would be a dark horse entrant like Owen Cruze. They spoke about how things would go if Selena were World Champion and faced one of them (again, Selena simply entertaining Deanna’s notions – still unable to tell her how impossible such an idea was becoming).

However, when the two woman felt the plane shift and turn, beginning their descent, Selena was certainly caught off-guard, checking the time on her watch. “That’s weird.” She stated. “Even with time zone changes, we’re still hours from reaching Nome. Why are landing?”

Oh the guilty expression the wrestler saw on her wife’s face then! How she practically devoured her lower lip with an overbite, finding fascination in the carpeted floor of the plan.

“De?” Selena asked. “Where did you tell them to take us?”

Selena didn’t wait for answer, choosing to move to the nearest window of the plane, opening the blind to glance out the glass to the ground below… where she immediately saw the tall, green woman standing like a beacon of hope and strength.

Selena turned back to Deanna, who’s overbite had turned into a full-fledged grin.

“Home?” Selena asked. “You brought us back to Manhattan?”
“I told you you got three letters right.” Deanna replied simply.

Selena was dumbstruck in the best way. The idea of returning to Manhattan, to their forever home, had always crossed her mind – been the plan – but originally, they had decided to wait till the end of their children’s school year. 

“Clearly the castle and the towns weren’t helping you.” Deanna explained. “I thought…I thought we’d go someplace that had helped you before…”
“What do you mean?” Selena asked.

“Well…okay, so this is the most important match and whatever for us, right?” Deanna asked, her hands moving to further explain her point.
“Sure.” Selena nodded. “Definitely.”

“Right…so…do you remember what happened when we first got our ‘forever’ house?” she asked.

It took Selena a moment to consider her wife’s question, rolling it around in her head. “Well… I bought as a birthday gift for you, didn’t I? You were pregnant with David, right?”
“Right. So that would make it 2016… mid-2016-“

Selena stopped, her eyes wide before turning her gaze back to her wife. “How could I have forgotten?” she asked, almost amused.

The redhead nodded. “Soon as we had our home – our future set together… you won the Best of the Best Tournament…” she smiled.

That moment, that definitive moment… it had been what changed Selena’s career forever, just as the house they were going to had changed their lives forever. Winning that tournament – being only one of two to do so – had established Selena as something more than a gimmick, more than a ‘fake gold whore’ – it threw every overused insult and cliché back in the faces of those that spewed.

She was a wrestler! More than that, she had proven she was a great wrestler! And while she was still not ready, in her mind at the time, to be World Champion, she was on her way to being more than what others declared for her.

Deanna’s incarceration had changed her outlook of their home, however. She hadn’t stepped foot in it more than once since the redhead’s arrest, the memories too painful for Selena to take – the notion of what was stolen from her, the years stolen from both of them and their children…

Selena gave her head a shake, smiling and growing more excited as the plane landed at the Manhattan heliport. A quick Uber and twenty minutes later, the women could see their house as they approached the gate, their hands clenching the other’s. 

Unpacking from the vehicle and entering the code to open the metal-guarding, Selena retook Deanna’s hand, excitedly pulling her closer to the house. “I hope Kai hasn’t had an issue keeping it clean.” She said. “I don’t need anymore surprises today…”

“Well, shit!” 

The voice came loud and proud as Selena and Deanna reached the driveway, causing the Snow Queen to freeze in place, her brain unable to register what she had just heard. Slowly, her head turned in disbelief, her eyes widening at the woman standing in front of her house.

“No more surprises, huh?” the brunette laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. “So, should I just leave then? Last thing I want is to give the next World Champion a heart attack.”

Selena was too dumbstruck to see her wife smiling knowingly as she stood behind the platinum-blonde, her idea having worked better than she had hoped. As for Selena, she could only shake her head and blink several times, trying to convince herself she wasn’t seeing things.

“S…sister?” she asked, her eyes taking in the former World Champion.

“You were expecting Glory Braddock? You whore.” Regan Street laughed. “Now put your bags down and give me a damn hug!”


Nearly One Year Ago…

Rise to Greatness XVII
U.S Bank Stadium
Minneapolis, MN
July 26, 2020

Selena carefully used her towel, which was a little damp from already drying herself, to wipe the condensation that had fogged up the mirror. Ordinarily, she hated hot showers, the heat of the water often making her feel drowsy and sluggish, where cold, even freezing water (uncomfortable to others) perked her right up.

However, the sore woman had chosen hot water for the purpose of relaxing her muscles. She wasn’t sure if it had been the Samoan drop of the Starbreaker that Tommy Valentine and Kandis had landed on her or some other power move she just couldn’t recall, but she had certainly felt the aches and pains from the match they had finished not more than an hour/hour and a half ago. 

Seeing her reflection in the mirror, the Snow Queen couldn’t stop the smile that crossed her face. Now, she was not admiring her body – there were so many more women in SCW far better ‘endowed’ then here. But she was smiling at the person that greeted her in the mirror.

Because this woman was a tag-team champion. This woman was a dual-champion. This woman was… Selena smiled to herself… best friends with the newest “Supreme Champion” of SCW.

It was over. After seven long months of shortcomings and attacks, of being stalked and abused by tag-teams and enemies across the roster, Frozen Hell – the team of Regan Street and Selena Frost – were the new SCW World Tag-Team champions! The ‘sisters’ had achieved the goal, the dream, of Regan’s.

There was no denying the joy, the pride and, good Odin, the relief Selena felt in her heart. The match had been one of the most high-staked matches in her career, and that was including the two times she had put her hair on the line at Rise to Greatness…

At the memory, Selena quickly grasped her still damp hair, searching for a hairband to tie up the long, thick strands of platinum-blonde. She didn’t really have the time to tie it into her iconic braid. After all, Rise to Greatness was still going on! 

Regan had been kind enough to keep an eye on the television, allowing Selena to slip into the bathroom of the Helms/Street/Frost locker room to shower. Quickly finishing off her drying as much as possible, the new champion grabbed the clothes on the counter, dressing just as fast. She slipped into her underwear, followed by black leggings and her snowflake sarong, the matching t-shirt following. 

All taken care, Selena was out of the washroom, her eyes scanning the room frantically until settling on the television at one of the end room. Her sister and tag-partner (and fellow Supreme Champion… she reminded herself with delight) said on the couch, leaning forward, her eyes glued to the television. Near her, on the table, were the two tag-team titles they had just won and Selena’s United States Championship, which she had retained as well.

But, of course, the night of worries were not over just yet, especially for Regan. Turning her head, Selena spied the television screen as it displayed what the world saw – Rise to Greatness XVII still very much underway.

“Hey!” Selena smiled, gently nudging Regan’s shoulder with the back of her hand, gaining the Hellcat’s attention. “Scoot over.” She gently ordered, sitting beside her sister on the couch as Regan moved from the center. “He come out, yet?”

“Not yet.” Regan shook her head, allowing Selena to see the worry in her eyes. “They’re just doing the preview package again.”

Turning her head, Selena was just in time to see the footage of Bree Lancaster nailing David Helms with the Classifier, and while this was followed by footage of David Helms returning the favor by hitting Bree with his move “The Wake Up Call”, it was the former that had caused both members of Frozen Hell to flinch. Selena, especially, knew how dangerous the current World Champion was with that spear.

“He’ll be fine.” She whispered, reaching out to take Regan’s hand with hers. The Hellcat turned her head to regard her sister.
“Is it…” she seemed to consider her words, almost ashamed of them, which was odd for someone as proud (rightfully so) and confident as Regan. “Is it wrong that I won’t be happy unless we have it all?”

“What do you mean?” Selena asked, unsure of her words.

“I mean… I know we’re the tag champions…” Selena felt Regan squeeze her hand. “And you retained your other title-“
“And you’re the supreme champion, too! Don’t forget that.”
“Right, but… am I selfish for wanting David to be World Champion too?”

The question caused Selena to laugh without meaning to. 

“Oh, Regan.” She sighed, holding a hand up to calm her sister’s surprise. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, dear. It might be a little selfish, but it’s not wrong at all. Wanting ‘it all’ or ‘the trifecta’ or whatever people call it… everyone is like that.”

“Really?” Regan asked. “I don’t want to sound ungrateful-“
“Sister.” Selena pressed. “There’s no reason to be ashamed that you want someone you care for to be the World champion. I want David to win too.”
“Yeah, but you also hate Bree.”
“So I’m validly motivated to cheer louder than you.” Selena countered.
“Oh! You are NOT going to cheer louder or better than me, horse-hair!”
“Oh watch me, Hellkitten!” Selena countered-


The familiar sound of David Helms’ beginning entrance played, causing both women to jump to their feet, already screaming their cheers and support for the Taking Hold of the Flame royale winner. Of course, Selena got up to fast and ended up tumbling back onto the couch, having to try and again to get to her feet.

After David had made his entrance, the two women had then had a jeering contest to see who could ‘boo’ Bree Lancaster more (Selena was sure she won that with the “get ready to ‘let him win’, bitch!’ line).

Settling down, the girls watched the match get under way with the introductions. Even as the bell rang and the tieups began between the two combatants, the new tag champions remained silence, there attention locked on the screen, until Bree Lancaster rolled Helms through with a schoolboy, grabbing the tights-

“NO!” Regan yelled, jumping to her feet. “She’s cheating!” she yelled in vain, the color practically draining from her face as the official counted to two, with David able to kick out just before the three. “God, I can’t watch.” She turned, marching away from the television to pace the room, her nerves getting the better of her as she marched. “Distract me.” She begged in Selena’s direction.

“Distract you?” Selena asked, pushing herself to her feet to join her sister on the other side of the room, Regan stealing glances to the television every few seconds. 

“Yeah. Anything.” Regan asked.
“Uh…” the Snow Queen’s gaze flew around the room before settling back on the shiny belts. “Looks the Golden Boys are our next opponent?” she tried.
“Nope.” Regan shook her head. “Don’t want to think about them. They tried to ruin our night.”
“Okay… uh…I’ve got Xander – actually, I don’t want to think about that.” Selena sighed. Every battle she had had with the Executioner of SCW, whether she had won or lost, had been nothing but painful. And while she would happily knock the bastard out again if given the chance, she was more concerned what facing him could do for her as a tag-team partner – especially if Xander ever succeeded in ‘taking her out’ as he had sworn to do since last year.

“Okay, how bout this.” Regan tried, stealing another glance at the screen to see her husband still fighting Bree – not seemingly needing to slow down. Her voice seemed more relaxed seeing that. “Your dream. What’s your dream.” She asked.

Without thinking, Selena’s mouth opened. “To have Deanna with me. Back in my arms…”

Unconsciously, Selena’s arms wrapped around her frame. It had been a year since her wife had been incarcerated in Frankfurt on, Selena’s was certain, trumped-up charges. And while she could not wait to return to Germany to share the glorious news with her wife about the events of tonight, Selena was more than envious of Regan, her sister having her husband, cousins, sisters, etc. with her to share in such a defining moment.

The Snow Queen would have given anything to have such a moment with her wife rather than a prison keeping them apart.

“Sorry.” The voice came from Regan. “That is not what I meant.” She offered. “I meant here, in SCW.” Turning around, the Hellcat propped herself up on one of the nearby tables, sitting so that she was the same height as Selena. “I mean… you helped me get my dream, didn’t you? Maybe now, I can help you get yours.”

A sad laugh came from Selena. “I’d rather we not discuss jailbreaking my wife out of prison.”
“SCW, Selena.” Regan repeated. “What do you want for yourself – your dream – in SCW.”

For a moment, time seems to slow for the Snow Queen, as if the question had triggered her mind to work overtime. Casting her gaze back to the screen, Selena watched as Helms spiked Bree with a vicious DDT, the fans so loud as they were on the edge of their seats. Even Selena and Regan, watching backstage, were affected by it.

It truly was the main event of Rise to Greatness.

With a sad smile, Selena turned her head back to Regan. “Nothing.” She whispered. “I’ve done everything there is to do, really. And some things no one can do. I don’t have…” she lied, and she hated that she was doing so. “I don’t have anything left on my bucket list.”

Regan gave no immediate response, but she glared at Selena, as if trying to read the platinum-blonde, however, turning her head back to the television for a moment, her focus was shifted as Bree, once again, was trying a cheating pin attempt! This time, her foot was on the rope, though, again, Helms managed to kick out.

“AH! I can’t take this anymore!” Regan shook her head, turning away and heading towards the door of the changeroom. “I’m going to wait at the gorilla…” she stated, reaching for the door and marching out.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Selena called out to the quickly retreating Regan, the platinum-blonde reaching out to gather the three titles belonging to Frozen Hell. As she awkwardly fidgeted them onto her shoulders, she turned her head towards the television as she heard Jonathan Knots screaming:

“…He’s got one leg now, and she knows it!” 

Over the announcer’s play-by-play, however, Selena could hear the fans screaming support for David, as well as chanting the company’s initials of “S-C-W”. With Regan gone, the Snow Queen allowed a small smile to grace her features. 

“Nothing on bucket list.” She repeated in a whisper only she could hear before rushing out of the changeroom to catch up with her sister. It was alright. She had helped Regan achieve her dream – Selena’s didn’t have to have hers come true…

Unlike Regan’s, hers was an unbelievable dream anyway…
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

Messages In This Thread
Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by supremecw - 05-31-2021, 01:27 PM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by Cid - 06-09-2021, 01:41 AM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by Cid - 06-11-2021, 10:06 AM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by SnowQueenSCW - 06-11-2021, 06:23 PM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by SnowQueenSCW - 06-11-2021, 06:24 PM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by SnowQueenSCW - 06-12-2021, 08:47 PM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Cid Turner - by SnowQueenSCW - 06-12-2021, 08:49 PM

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