Trinity Street
[Image: 347zcxu.jpg]

Wrestler's Alias: "The Matriarch of Monarchy" Trinity Street
Wrestler's Real Name: Alexis Sinclair Street
Pic Base: Kate Beckinsale
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Birthdate: 6-01-83
Birth Place: Kensington, England
Current Residence: Malibu, CA.
Hair: Long, Dark Brown
Eye Color: Baby Brown
Piercings: 1 Belly Button, 1 on Each Ear
Tattoos: None
Wrestling Style: Technical, Submission, High-Flyer
Alignment: Heel
Years Pro: 15

Finishers: "Thy Kingdom Come", "The Mark", “Sovereignty”, "Sound of Silence"
Finisher Descriptions:
"Thy Kingdom Come": "Thy Kingdom Come!" is Trinity's version of the Spike DDT in which she applies a front facelock to her opponent. Trinity then jumps down onto their back, swinging her legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving them down to the mat face, forehead, or head first. Another variation sees Trinity quickly draw one of her legs backwards (usually the leg closest to the opponent) before swinging it forward to build extra momentum. She then drops onto her back, driving the opponent head first to the mat. The move knocks the opponent unconscious, Trinity easily rolls them over and covers them for the 1-2-3. (Also Known as The Spike DDT or Even Flow DDT) (Trinity's Primary Finisher)
"The Mark": Based on the field goal kick but named for the punt kick used in American football, this sees Trinity take a run up to a kneeling opponent and strike them in the head with the sole of his foot. It is similar to the soccer kick in MMA and will stun or knock the opponent clean out for a set up to her other finishers or end the match quickly. She will make it a point to use this move on her most hated opponents. This is the absolute most deadliest punt kick in all of wrestling from her Soccer background and if hit right can end careers.(If multiple opponents involves she will end the punt kick with a discus forearm on the other opponent) (Quick Match or Secondary Finisher) (Preferred Finisher on Enemies)
"Sovereignty": Trinity performs a senton, flipping 630 degrees forward before landing, i.e. one full rotation (360 degrees) following by a somersault senton (270 degrees).  In Trinity's sometime she will deviate and in another variation she is facing away from the ring and situated on the top turnbuckle, performs a 180° turn in mid-air and then performs a 630° senton onto a lying opponent in one fluid motion landing on the prone opponent with such impact and going for the 1-2-3. (630 Cannonbal Senton)(High Risk Primary Finisher) CLICK HERE
"Sound of Silence": This neck lock sees Trinity sit above a fallen opponent and wrap her legs around the opponent in the form of the figure 4, with one leg crossing under the opponent's chin and under Trinity's other leg as Street squeezes and chokes the opponent until a choke out or submission. In an illegal version of the hold, best described as a hanging figure four necklock, Trinity stands on top of the turnbuckle, wraps her legs around the head of the opponent, who has their back turned against the turnbuckle, in the figure 4 and falls backwards, choking the opponent. In most matches the hold would have to be released before a five count or get a DQ if she feels like letting go(Submission Finisher)
Signature Moves: "Autocracy", “De-Feet”, "Recall", “The Power Trip”, “The House of Street”, "Crowning Achievement”, “The Paralyzer”
Signature Descriptions:
"Autocracy": "Autocracy" is Trinity's version of the "Jumping Stunner". It involves Trinity stalking her opponent and quickly jumping up and applying a three-quarter facelock (reaching back and grabbing the head of an opponent, thus pulling the opponent's jaw above Trinity's shoulder) before falling to a seated position and forcing the opponent's jaw (but predominantly the opponent's neck) to drop down on the shoulder of Trinity and knocking them out with the violent whiplash for the easy 1-2-3. Trinity can strike this move at any time without warning to ANY opponent no matter the size.(Primary Signature)
"De-Feet": "De-Feet" is Trinity's version of the "Inverted Stomp Facebreaker" in which Trinity applies a standing wrist lock on her opponent, then places her foot on the opponent's face and falls backwards, forcing the opponent's face into her foot. The move is quick, sudden and high impact and can knock an opponent out in seconds setting them up for one of her finishers or easily going for the 1-2-3. (Signature Move)
"Recall": In "Recall", Trinity will surprise an opponent that is on the outside by running to the opposite side of the ropes or merely getting enough room to baseball slide on her knees under the bottom rope by bending backwards and landing crotch first on the head and shoulders of the opponent driving them to the floor head first, she then while still mounted on them delivers vicious rights and lefts to the prone face of the opponent. (Popular Signature)
"The Power Trip": "The Power Trip" is when Trinity comes off the top rope and does a flip over leg drop, crashing her leg over the neck of the opponent softening them up for her finisher "Thy Kingdom Come". (Signature Move)
"The House of Street": Trinity is fast on her feet as she rolls back her right leg and executes a savate superkick landing her boot on the opponents face. (Signature Move)
"Crowning Achievement": "Crowning Achievement" is used primarily for big matches, with her opponent sitting on the top turnbuckle exhausted, Trinity climbs to the top rope. Then after lifting the opponent across her shoulders and carefully turning around, Trinity leaps and hits a fireman's carry senton splash from the top rope, reminiscent of her husband Simon Lyman's "Simply Extraordinary" and going for the easy 1-2-3. (Signature Move)
"The Paralyzer": The "Paralyzer" is performed when the opponent is either downed or standing next to one of the ring corner posts. Trinity exits the ring to the outside and drags the opponent by the legs towards the ringpost, so that the post is between the opponent's legs (similar to when somebody 'crotches' their opponent with the ringpost). Trinity then stands next to the ring apron, on the outside of the turnbuckle/ropes and applies the figure four leglock with the ringpost between the opponent's legs. Trinity then falls back while grabbing the opponent's legs and feet, hanging upside down from the ring apron. The ringpost assists the move, creating more damage and leverage to the opponent's knee. The move is lethal and illegal. Trinity will use this move to hinder her opponents during a match and will break usually at the count of five ....if she feels like it. (Illegal Signature Move)
Common Moves:
Hip Toss
Arm Drag
Mexican Arm Drag
Dragon Screw Leg Whip
Standing Dropkick
Running Corner Dropkick (To face of seated opponent)
Spinning heel kick
Triple leg drop (three quick leg drop in succession to downed opponent)
Back Body Drop
Mexican surfboard
Abdominal stretch
Octopus Stretch
Pumphandle front slam
Back Suplex
Samoan Drop
Hammerlock body slam
Body Scissors
Side Russian leg sweep
Reverse Chin lock
Front Facelock (On the mat)
Side Headlock (On the mat)
Handspring Elbow
Fireman's Carry Gutbuster
Spinning Toe Hold
Hurricanrana Pin
Northern Lights Suplex
Elevated Double Arm Chickenwing
Full Nelson Face Buster
3/4 Turn Neckbreaker
Entrance Theme:  “Awake & Alive" by Skillet    Click Here For The Song
The chimes of "Awake & Alive" by Skillet play as the arena goes dark, the video plays of a candle flickering when suddenly as the chorus plays the candle is blown out.....
The light spotlights around the arena as Trinity comes out from the back wearing all gold and black with a hooded jacket and her bell-bottomed tights. She makes her way to the ring slowly looking around confidently at the crowd almost soaking up the response but focused the no matter what. The veteran stops for a moment and brushes her hair back when she removes the hood of her jacket. Looking back at her security who nods as the Matriarch of Monarchy makes their way to the apron as the crowd continues to give her a mixed reaction....
Trinity pays no attention to them as she continues to walk to the ring turning around on occasion and looking at the crowd, stopping and looking around with her baby brown eyes. She hops on the apron and perches herself looking around and posing half way through the second ropes...
She slowly steps in the ring going to the turnbuckle, looks at the crowd as they continue to boo her......
Trinity then looks up to the rafters and closes her eyes, extending her arms and soaking up the reaction of the fans while the music continues to play...
Suddenly a rain of fireworks comes down behind her to the ring as the fans boo more as she screams "This Ring is My Throne!" looking around so intense with a smirk on her face....
She gets down and leans against the corner, looks over at the crowd in confidence, taking off her jacket and stretching to get loose. Trinity has a few words to the referee while awaiting for the start of the match against her opponent….
Ring Attire:
Trinity wears to the ring a black and gold hooded jacket or a multitude of other colors. She also wears a black and gold trim attire ensemble consisting of a cut off long sleeve top v-necked with her cleavage showing, bell bottomed tights, knee pads and black boots. Her tights have "Trinity" written on her buttocks.
Street Attire:
Trinity dresses up very fashionably. She wears the latest designs and will always be dressed for the occasion. She will wear anything from jeans, sundress, dinner dresses, heels, sandals, boots, sneakers, t-shirts and blouses. Trinity has NO sense of mismatching and can wear anything and make it look good though lately she has been wearing more dark colors.
Trinity is kind, considerate and very giving to those close to her and her beliefs. Trinity loves to have a good time for she is a jokester and with those closest to her is always a joy to be around. She tries to be a role model to youngsters especially her baby sister Kennedy. To the rest of the world is a different story. There is a dark side to Trinity though and that is where the fine line is drawn. In the real world Trinity is a person the people can look up to, a stoic and strong woman that her presence alone in a room is felt but inside the ring or anywhere around her enemies and those that go against her beliefs Trinity can be aggressive, calculating, methodical, sinister and downright vicious. When surrounded by her few close friends and family her support system will keep her in a maintainable line but the former "Billionaire Bitch" has the tendency to fall back into the role of the bad girl if pushed too far which makes her volatile, dangerous and unpredictable. Trinity is on a crusade along with her husband, Simon Lyman, her sister, Chloe Barnes and brother-in-law, Donovan Kayl better known as Pay Per View to bring back "Family Values" to the world of professional wrestling. Trinity has become the most vocal of the group and can at times be irrational, attacking someone at anytime and anywhere with little to no provocation. PROCEED WITH EXTREME CAUTION

Alexis Street grew up with everything she ever wanted. Alexis along with her older twin brother Donovan Street and her younger sister, Kennedy were the children of British Mogul Vandermeer Street, the biggest and richest land developer in the United States and Europe. Vandermeer Street moved from The Royal Borough of Kensington-London, England to the United States (Miami, FL.) a few years after the the kids were born and he has built and architect most cities that we live in. As Vandemeer became older and could not run the business he left his business to his daughter Alexis and his son Donovan, Kennedy was still too young. Street INC. flourished under the two wonder children yet both were great athletes in school and Alexis, who always was the most popular girl in school, the prom queen, etc. could get her way with any man she set her sights on, always while young strived for better. Alexis was a track star and a 1st team All-American Soccer Player at the University of Miami. Alexis had an athletic lifestyle and the business bored her. With all the money she can spend...Alexis and her brother wanted more.
During an important business endeavor Alexis met Alexander van Warrington III. Mr. Warrington III is a very accomplished pro wrestler and business man and saw the interest in the Streets. AVW III paved the way for them to receive the best training and become superstars in return both AVW III and Street INC. merged to become the powerful organization known as Fortune "500". The Streets were trained by Superstar, "The Walk" (Rainbow Marchetti)....hired personally by AVW III and Vandemeer Street.
Trinity's family now has a deep wrestling lineage. While Trinity and Donovan have now made their names in the SWA, Kennedy has just begun to wreak havoc in the SWA. Trinity's father, Vandemeer has a very close relationship with CWF Promoter, Broderick Chase and the entire Chase family as the Streets and the Chase's have joined forces to completely dominate the wrestling business. Vandemeer keeps close tabs in the happenings of the World of Wrestling.
Throughout the last 3 plus years after Trinity made her debut in 2006, she quickly became one of the most hated wrestlers to come down the pike in a long time. Her legendary feud with Ariel Phoenix is still talked about this day.
Trinity would become ruthless, self-serving and manipulative. She would go to extreme lengths to ruin people’s lives, to get wins and to take any advantage she could over her opponents. Trinity, after very successful careers in WAM & ESW, came to the CWF. Finally in a National League setting, Trinity would be again be up to her old tricks and try to break apart any alliances she saw fit......during this time, The Society, a Fraternity of the most powerful businessmen in the SWA soon were ready to reveal themselves.
Trinity became close with fellow SWA Superstar, Monique Ivy. Together, they were part of the group known as Project Birthright. During that time Danny Darko and Timothy Raine fought against the corporate greed that AVW III and Birthright represented.
At that moment Trinity fell victim to an IRS investigation in which she lost all of her money, Trinity was now broke. She had to make some serious adjustments in her life to cope with the sudden change.
The opportunity was there to expose Street Inc. and Warrington Enterprises, Raine and Darko coerced Trinity and Monique Ivy to take a trip with them. This trip would be the catalyst for Trinity's change and the turning point of her life.
In Dangriga, Guatemala, Trinity was exposed to the horrors of the working conditions set by her own company Street Inc. For the first time in her life she realized that her wealth came at a price and soon the change of the Princess had begun.
Seeing how Trinity became emotionally involved, The Society decided to cut ties with Trinity and she was brutally attacked by her longtime friend AVW III to send a message to those that oppose The Society. Trinity was in the hospital for a week in a coma as a result, she would make a full recovery. After this, Trinity became a new woman for the time being.
Trinity became a fan favorite and for the latter part of 2009 and all of 2010 Trinity was one of the most popular wrestlers in all of the SWA. Trinity fought against many of the most hated including her newly found half-sister, the legendary Chloe Barnes and which they had a memorable match at ColossalCade in 2009 in which Trinity came out victorious. After that Trinity won many championships including being only the third woman to win the coveted SWA World Championship. Trinity soon began a relationship with Simon Lyman which turned out to be the strongest bond between two wrestlers that would last to this day, during that time she became bitter enemies with Danny Darko after he drugged Trinity and embarrassed her on National TV to get at Simon Lyman, soon after Trinity attacked Darko but never received an official match with him, one she yearns to this day and almost came to fruition until she found out she was pregnant with her first child in the summer of 2010. Trinity would take a year off from competition but still have an active role as an interim Promoter for the CWF Promotion out of Toronto, Ontario.
Trinity’s child came premature and on Dec 20, 2010 her and Simon welcomed Angelina Sinclair Lyman into this world. Just before the last ColossalCade of the SWA where Simon wrestled Vanilla Skyy, a match that Simon though lost received something much worse, the boos and jeers from the Philadelphia fans as some went as far as telling Simon to slap his newborn daughter, this would be the beginning of a disturbing trend that ate away at Simon and Trinity noticed but what no one knew was that the anger of seeing her husband in so much duress took it’s toll on Trinity and the hatred began to fester toward the fans in the next 6 months. The SWA closed it’s doors in February 2011 but a new chapter was about to be written.
When Next Evolution Wrestling, NEWA opened it’s doors Simon took advantage of his time away from the ring with Trinity and their daughter as they brought in the River City Wrestling Promotion into the NEW Alliance. Simon and Trinity were pleased how it was going even seeing her younger sister, Kennedy become the top Champion of that promotion. Then during a battle royal, Gavin Taylor cried foul when he felt he wasn’t properly eliminated, this incident eventually led to Simon losing his position, a pill Trinity never swallowed and she would start training quietly to get back into ring shape and soon make her return to the ring. In June during an FSW live show Trinity came out to argue some points Simon began to make as he returned to wrestling. Trinity was concerned but as she tried to talk to him Madison Chase came down to try and smooth things over but when Maddie tried to convince Trinity and slap Simon, Trinity snapped on her best friend and protégé leaving her beaten and unconscious in the ring. This was the beginning of the NEWA version of Trinity, a woman full of hate and a lust for Power. The villainous vixen began to mow down the competition and eventually with the help of her stable mates re-formed Pay Per View, bought out FSW from Pete Floyd and used that power to defeat Madison Chase for the Deep South Championship. Trinity is back and this time she is not here to play games, she is here to become the most powerful woman in all of wrestling and will stop at nothing until she has it all. Trinity has become very vocal and does not care who she insults or hurts. Once NEWA folded Trinity while still promoting DCW came over to manage and mentor Regan Street in SCW, once DCW closed its doors she took over the reins of her younger sister Kennedy and her partner Dawn Lohan also known as The Cashmere Mafia.
Does Trinity have plans to come back to the ring?
You bet she does and If you don’t like it? Do something about it.
Alexis Street is the total package which is why her friends and her peers began to call her "Trinity". "Trinity"? A triple combination of Beauty, Intelligence and Talent. Trinity is both powerful and methodical, dangerous and cunning, motivated and proud and she will stop at nothing until she reaches her bring down The Society, to erase her past mistakes and to make things right. With the help of her new friends, especially Simon Lyman, Trinity is now on the right track to dominate NEWA, the right way, HER way.
Trinity is a beautiful 30yr. old brunette who stands 5'8". She has great muscle tone, great tan and great looks.
Trinity is a high flyer that likes to mix high impact moves to her repertoire. Trinity's greatest weapons are her legs and she will use those in any and all of her moves....she has some of the strongest legs in the NEWA. She's not going to go toe to toe with an opponent but instead run around them with blinding speed and strike with such quickness and cunning but don't underestimate her because she can wrestle with the best of them.
Trinity has many outfits she wears to the ring but likes to wrestle in tight cut-off tops with sleeves, bell-bottomed tights, knee pads and Prada Boots. Her colors of choice are White, Black, Red, Pink or Plum for her wrestling attire.
She always looks like a million bucks with make-up, manicures and pedicures even though now she is a lot more simple with her wardrobe . She is Talented in the ring, beautiful and most importantly...intelligent, a lethal combination. She is ready to take her place at the top of the SCW as the most dominate female wrestler on the planet.
-1x SWA World Heavyweight Champion (Defeated Elijah Hunter on 12/5/09)
-1x CWF Canadian Champion (Defeated Chloe Barnes on 12/26/09)
-3x CWF National Heavyweight Champion (Defeated AFWA on 10/21/09, Defeated Simon Lyman on 6/25/10, Defeated Vanilla Skyy on 8/06/10)
-1x ESW E-Crown Champion (Was Awarded The Title on 4/09/09 when Bobby Biceps Had to Give up the title due to a pre-nup agreed upon during their Divorce proceedings)
-1x ESW Big Apple Champion (Defeated Marvel in an impromptu match on ESW Madness on 1/15/09)
-2x SWA United States Champion (Defeated H20 on 1/03/09)(Defeated Jeffrey Nothing on 4/22/09)
-3X SWA Women's Champion (Defeated Sabra Esther Mizrahi on 7/4/08),(Defeated Georgia Snow on 7/29/08),(Defeated Ariel Phoenix on 11/19/08)
-1x WAM Mejor Lucha Champion (Defeated Sabra Esther Mizrahi on 6/22/08 by Cashing in Her "El Dinero En El Banco")
-2x SWA Horizon Champion (Defeated Ariel Phoenix on 4/19/08 in an upset victory during her 30 days of servitude to Phoenix),(Defeated Jeffrey Nothing in Tournament Final on 4/28/08)
-3x CWF National Tag Team Champion (w/ Monique Ivy as VIP Defeating The Guardians on 7/31/09)(w/ Georgia Snow-Street as The Lipstick Jungle by Defeating The Kings of Carnage on 3/2/10)(w/ Scott Thompson)
-2x CWF Rocky Mtn. Tag Team Champion (w/ Monique Ivy as VIP Defeating Erogenous Zone on 7/12/09)(w/ Georgia Snow-Street as The Lipstick Jungle defeating The Kings of Carnage on 3/22/10)
-1x ESW TAG CHAMPION (w/ Georgia Snow as The Lipstick Jungle by Defeating Legends of Today & Tomorrow)
-8x WAM TAG CHAMPION (3w/ AVW III as Fortune "500", 3w/ Donovan Street as Street INC., 2w/ Mercedes Benjamin as We Own The Night)
-1x SWA INTERNATIONAL TAG CHAMPION (w/ Donovan Street as Street INC. by Defeating Soci Nel Crimine on 5/3/08)
-2x WAM TIJUANA TAG CHAMPION (w/ AVW III as Fortune "500" by Defeating The Happy Faces),(w/ Mercedes Benjamin as We Own The Night by Defeating Working in T4N/DAM)
-1x WAM ETIQUETA DE TORNADO TAG CHAMPION (w/Donovan Street as Street INC. by Defeating Superior & Sadistic on 5/16/08)

-1x FSW Deep South Champion (Defeated Madison Chase at FSW Battle Grounds on 10/21/11)


- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion w/ Lucas Knight as Monarchy
- 1x MCW World Champion
- 1x Pro Wrestling Defiance World Champion
- 1x SWA World Champion
- 2015 Stable of the Year (Monarchy)
- Returned to SCW at Rise to Greatness XV and defeated CHBK by Knockout. 7.21.18
- Ended the career of CHBK brutally at Retribution 2016 at the expense of her own SCW career.
- Attacked and laid out Syren on her last appearance of Breakdown 2016.
- Was hit by a car at Violence in Vegas 2015 costing her a No Holds Barred Match against Red Rayne. She vows revenge.
- Voted To Receive SCW World Title Shot at the End of the Year Special 2015
- Brutally Attacked CHBK in a Tag Team Match w/ Kelcey Wallace in the Main Event at the last Breakdown of 2015
- Voted as 2015 IWC Most Shocking Moment (Attacking Danny Darko at Extreme Fury & Ending His Career)
- Competed in the Chamber Match at Under Attack 2015 Eliminating Ravyn & Selena Frost
- Was Part of one of the Biggest Controversy's in SCW History Attacking Ravyn Taylor after the Main Event of Rise to Greatness 2015 to Allow Kelcey Wallace to Cash in Lucas Knight's Trio's Contract and become a 2x World Champion
- 2015 Trios Tournament Winner w/ CHBK & Lucas Knight
- Won the 2014 End of The Year Special Battle Royal 12/31/14
- Defeated Ravyn Taylor in her SCW Debut Match on Supreme Saturday 7/21/13
- Led Regan Street to the Women's Championship in Fatal Fortunes 2012
- Managed The 2x World Tag Team Champions "The Cashmere Mafia"
- #10 Elite 15 (As Monarchy) (7/18/15)
- #3 Elite 15 (As Monarchy) (12/18/15)


Ravyn Taylor x3
Henry Van Stanton
Selena Frost x2
Simon Lyman x2
Donovan Kayl
Jake Starr x2
Derek Adonis
Shaun Cruze x2
Kelcey Wallace x2
William Mason
David Helms
Christy Matthews
Regan Street
Chris Cannon
Shaya Blackley
Shilo Valiant x2
[Image: 28ksdxy.jpg]

- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion w/ Lucas Knight as Monarchy
- 1x MCW World Champion
- 1x Pro Wrestling Defiance World Champion
- 1x SWA World Champion
- 2015 Stable of the Year (Monarchy)

Singles Record - |W - 190 | L - 35 | D - 5 |
Overall Record - |W - 236 | L - 49 | D - 8 |


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Trinity Street - by Trinity Street - 07-31-2018, 07:54 PM

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