Lucas Knight vs. Kimberly Williams
1 of 2. Good luck.

November 3rd, 2021
Wilderness of Massachusetts
Off Camera

It’s been just a few days since The Woman Scorned and reigning SCW Underground Champion Kimberly Williams defeated Syren at SCW Breakdown. That same night she pulled off what many considered an upset victory against Syren, The Woman Scorned also learned who she would be defending the Underground Championship against at Under Attack…

…Lucas Knight.

Unlike Williams, Lucas did not have a victorious night on Breakdown. His team of Holly Adams and Glory Braddock failed to advance in the Trios Tournament. What that means for Kimberly is that the attention and focus of The Order of Chaos member is now fully on her and the Underground Championship. Despite the one hiccup on Breakdown, Knight has been on quite the roll lately, having recently won the SCW World Tag Team Championship with Christy Matthews. He has the chance at Under Attack to leave a double champion. But The Woman Scorned is bound and determined to further prove herself as a major player in SCW. She became Underground Champion by beating Jordan Majors in the steel cage, she shocked the world and defeated Syren, now she has plans to add the legendary name of Lucas Knight to her list of victims.

Before she can turn her full attention to Lucas Knight, Williams must first deal with some personal issues. For the past couple of months Kimberly has been on a quest to learn about her past. It has been a journey of self-discovery for Kim. She knew quite a bit about her mother’s side of the family, the Jones family led by its matriarch and Kimberly’s mother Angelica Jones. She knew next to nothing about her father Sean and his family, the Williams family. And Kimberly only knew one person who may know something, or at least knew where Kim could start her search. That person was Kimberly’s own business manager, the mysterious Romanian Sorinah Floreschu. Most people would have just simply asked but Kimberly is not most people. In typical Kim fashion she felt the best way to get the information she needed was to kidnap Sorinah and torture her into giving her the information she needed.

This strategy did prove fruitful as it led to Kim finding out about her aunt and uncle, Cynthia Johnson and Douglas Williams. Cynthia had moved to Alaska and changed her last name from Williams to Johnson and Douglas was incarcerated in a Massachusetts state prison. Cynthia’s move and name change was due to Douglas’s incarceration, because she wanted to avoid the public shame he brought on the family. Douglas, it turned out, was a convicted serial killer. And as Kimberly would later find out, her own father Sean Williams may have helped Douglas in his killing spree.

Kimberly now has the answers she was looking for; she knows about her father’s past, about his family. But new questions have arisen in its aftermath; what direction should Kimberly take? Sean, before he died, had tried to redeem himself. Should Kimberly try to redeem herself or should she follow in Douglas’s path and embrace her inner darkness?

It is dusk deep in the wilderness of Massachusetts. The Woman Scorned is skipping happily through the tall trees and forrest that surrounds her. There is no clear path and most hikers would easily have gotten lost. Kimberly, however, knows this path very well. She has taken this path many times. She has a bag of groceries in her hand. These are supplies intended for her prisoner, Sorinah Floreschu, whom she is still holding captive. Sorinah has been Kimberly’s captive for months now. She has been kept alone, shackled to the wall of a small shack that Williams can see off in the distance. Kimberly had kept her alive because she needed her knowledge and insight, but now that she no longer needs Sorinah she no longer needs her alive. Should she kill her? A part of her wants to kill her. Sorinah and her deceased sister Emma have been responsible for a great deal of pain in Kimberly’s life. Sorinah deserves to die. Still, a part of Kimberly also wants to show mercy. A part of Kimberly wants to just release her. That part of Kimberly is the part that wants to redeem herself and her family name, just like her father tried to redeem the family name. But will she continue her father’s quest for redemption of the Williams family reputation or will she embrace the psychosis that seems to plague members of the Williams family?

The answer to that question is still unknown. Kimberly is whistling jovially and happily, getting closer and closer to the shack that contains her captive. Williams gets a few feet from the shack and stops. “Yoo-hoo! Sorry, I’m home!” Kimberly snickers nastily, knowing that Sorinah hates being called Sorry. Typically Kim gets some sort of response, even if it is just a groan. This time it is different. This time The Woman Scorned hears nothing from Sorinah Floreschu. “Hey, Sorinah! You still in there?!” Kim asks, chuckling nastily, knowing that Sorinah has to still be in there. She waits for a shout or any kind of response from her captive but still hears nothing. Kimberly shrugs and then decides to walk towards the shack. Kimberly enters the shack.

“Sorrrriiinnnaaaahh?” Kimberly looks inside and gasps. Even The Woman Scorned was not expecting to find this sight that is before her. Williams finds Sorinah Floreschu’s lifeless body, dangling from the ceiling, the chains wrapped around her neck in a noose. Williams sighs and slumps her head in shame.

“Well damn…if anyone was gonna kill you it should have me!” Williams throws the groceries at the wall and shouts angrily in frustration. “And you made me waste perfectly good money on groceries!”

Williams goes over to the lifeless body and stands next to it. She props herself up against Sorinah’s corpse and shakes her head. “I wanted you to be here when I told you that I did it. I finally did it. I found out about my family!”

“What did you find out you wonderfully, gorgeous human being?” Kimberly answers on behalf of the deceased Sorinah.

“I’m glad you asked, Sorry!”

“I like how you call me Sorry! You should call me that more often!”

“Thank you, Sorry! You are so much easier to get along with now that you’re dead!

“It’s funny how death makes a person’s stresses go away.”

“True. But anyway, as I was saying, I met my Aunt Cynthia in Alaska. She seemed happy to see me but at the same time I could tell she was hiding something. I mean, you don’t move to Alaska and change your name to stay under the radar for no reason. And it couldn’t be just because Douglas was a killer. Everyone has a black sheep in the family. If Douglas being a serial killer was the only bad thing in her life why leave? Why go away? I knew there was something she was hiding.” Kim taps Sorinah on the nose. “And I suspect you were hiding something too. I suspect you knew more than what you were letting on and could have saved me a lot of trouble had you just been honest with me from the start.”

“You’re right, of course, you genius! But I was trying to protect you.”

“Listen you rotting corpse, I don’t need protecting. But you know what I learned? You know what I found out? I found out that my dad, Sean Williams the priest…Sean Williams the police officer…he was also Sean Williams the serial killer!” She chuckles nastily. “And the whole police officer gig, that was all a way to ease his conscience. That was his attempt to redeem himself and his family by doing some good. He figured doing some good would wipe out all the bad that he did.”

“Well Kimberly, as smart, genius, and intelligent as you are, as good and wholesome as you are, I am certain that you can figure out how to deal with it.”

Williams sighs and shakes her head. “Maybe…thing is, I have a quandary. My daddy was trying so hard to make up for his dark past. So do I continue to follow in his footsteps and make up for my family’s past? Or instead of running from my family’s past do I choose to embrace it?” She smirks. “I mean, my dad and my uncle were both psychotic killers. If two out of the three kiddos were psychos, there’s a good chance ol’ Aunt Cynthia probably has some skeletons in her closet too. So do I follow that darkness or do I run from the darkness? What do you think, Sorry?”

“I don’t really think anymore. I’m dead.”

Kimberly punches the dead body angrily. “Well then what good are you!” Kimberly screams angrily at the top of her lungs. She turns and starts punching the walls of this shack. She starts kicking at it as well. This shack is not very well built and this body has been hanging there for a few days now. That pressure combined with Kimberly’s punching and kicking at the walls finally leads to the beam that was holding Sorinah’s body to break. Sorinah’s corpse falls down on top of Kimberly. The Woman Scorned is shocked at first but quickly pushes it off of her. She gets on top of the corpse and wraps her hands around the throat, as if she were choking it.

“This was not how it was supposed to end! Damn you! This was not how it was meant to end!” Kimberly lets out another animalistic scream before releasing her grip on Sorinah’s throat. Kimberly rolls over and lies down next to the body. She lies there for several moments before she begins to cry.

“So is this who I am? Look at me! I’m lying here next to the corpse of a woman who killed herself. And to be perfectly honest, I drove her to it. I kidnapped her and put her here. She was stuck here for months, alone, and that combined with the torture, of course her mind was going to go…I should have seen this coming…” she sighs “...and maybe I did see it coming, but I just didn’t care. And it isn’t like this is the first time I’ve done something like this. I killed Sorinah’s sister, the woman who kidnapped me at birth and raised me, I killed Emma. I kidnapped my own twin sister Marie and held her captive for two months while I replaced her in her life. And then when we made peace, I would later go on to kill her abusive ex-boyfriend Damian O’Toole, thinking that by killing her abusive ex it would somehow make things right between us?” She wipes tears from her eyes. “I’m a monster, just like uncle Douglas and my dad.”

Williams sits up and runs her hand through her long red hair. “But do I have to be a monster? Uncle Douglas himself said that he has gotten the help he needs. He has bettered himself while serving time in prison. And my dad, he worked hard to make the world a better place as a police officer in atonement for the crimes he committed.” She turns and looks at Sorinah’s dead body. “What should I do?”

Kimberly waits for an answer, which obviously does not come from the corpse. Williams chuckles and shakes her head. “I suppose you aren’t going to answer any more questions, are you? And I suppose that means I’m on my own when it comes to figuring out where I go next.” Kimberly stands up. “But first I need to bury you…”

November 4th, 2021
Wilderness of Massachusetts
Off Camera

Kimberly did not come prepared to bury anyone. She fully expected Sorinah Floreschu to be alive and well when she arrived back at the shack. Finding her dead was an unexpected and unwelcome surprise. So Williams had to go back into town and find the necessary supplies to get rid of the body. It wouldn’t be until the next morning that Kim returned with a shovel as well as gasoline and a lighter. Kimberly would bury Sorinah Floreschu and then set the shack ablaze. She no longer needed the shack. Let it burn. Let the memory of this place burn. Williams sits at the spot where she has buried Sorinah. The shack is on fire in the background. Kimberly gazes at the burial spot, marked with a small stone, and a tear rolls down her cheek.

“I’m sorry…” she chuckles, realizing the pun she inadvertently made “...uh, I mean, I apologize. I took this over the edge, I suppose. I took this too far. I was angry and upset with my past, with how so much about my past was lost to me, and then when I learned about who I really was and where I came from, I didn’t like it. I snapped and I took it all out on you. I shouldn’t have done that.” A smile creeps across the face of The Woman Scorned. “But all is not lost. I did learn something from this. I learned that I can choose my own fate. I can choose to follow the same dark path of my father, or I can take a new path. I am not destined to be a monster just because my uncle was a monster or because my dad was a monster. And at the same time, I do not have to pretend to be a saint because my dad pretended to be a saint. I can do whatever the hell I want. I can be whoever I want to be.” Kimberly stands up. “Now, there’s one final place I need to go.”

November 4th, 2021
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Kimberly knew that this revelation was not just something that impacted her and her alone. There is another party with a vested interest in this news, someone who deserves to know the truth; Kimberly’s identical twin sister, the other daughter of Sean Williams, Marie Jones. And unlike Kimberly, Marie seems to have never had any signs of inheriting their father’s psychosis. At the same time, Kimberly wants to get Marie’s insight on this as well. The Woman Scorned sits alone on a bench in a park in Boston, Massachusetts. It is bright outside. Children are playing and having fun. But Kimberly has more on her mind than fun. She is waiting on the arrival of Marie as we speak. Her wait is not a long one.

“Kim?” Williams turns her head. It is almost like looking into a mirror. She spots her twin sister approaching, waving her hand in the distance. Kimberly politely waves back. As Marie gets closer Kim rises up off the bench. The sisters meet and embrace in a tight hug.

“Oh it’s been soooo long, Kim! How are you?”

“I’m ok, I guess.”

“Ok? Is that it?” Marie scoffs. “You became SCW Underground Champion, you just beat Syren, you should be on top of the world.”

“And I’m about to beat Lucas Knight at Under Attack.”

Marie smirks knowingly. “That’s right! That’s the confidence I like to see!”

Kim motions for Marie to sit down. Marie does so and then Kim follows suit. “Anyway, I got your message that you wanted to meet me here. What’s up? What do you need to talk to me about?”

“I do need to talk to you and it is kind of important. You know how I was out looking for information about dad and his family?”

“Uh-huh,” Marie says, nodding her head “at least I remember mom mentioning it, and I remember Jessica mentioning it. I’m surprised you never came to me. I mean, I didn’t spend much time with him before he died but I did get to spend some time with him. I could have told you that he was…”

“...a good man.” Kimberly says, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, that’s what I heard from mom. I figured I’d hear that from you too. ‘A good man’ is a little vague, don’t ya think? I wanted to know what made him tick. Y’know? I mean, half of my DNA..hell, half of OUR DNA, Marie…it comes from him. Half of what makes us up is Sean Williams. So I wanted to know what made him tick. What went on in that brain of his. And I wanted more than ‘he was a good man’ as an answer.”

Marie nods her head. “Fair enough, I suppose. So what did you find out?”

“To be honest, I debated even telling you. Even after I texted you asking you to meet me here, I still debated skipping out on this, because I wasn’t sure you were ready for what I found out. But then I decided you deserved to know the truth and make your own judgment.”

“What truth? What are you talking about?” Marie is clearly confused. Kim is still unsure about telling her sister this but she is every bit Sean’s daughter as Kim is, so she decides to tell her.

“Look, Marie…Sean wasn’t exactly the nice guy you and mom thought he was. Our dad had a dark past, just as his brother, our uncle Douglas. Our uncle Douglas is in prison for murder and Sean should have been in prison for murder too, but he got away with it because Douglas took the rap for all of the killings, even the ones Sean perpetrated.”

“Killings?” Marie’s eyes grow wide with shock. “Dad was a murderer?”

“That’s what Douglas says.”

Marie shakes her head. “He is in prison for a reason, Kim. He can’t be trusted.”

“I am a better judge of character than you, Marie. Remember I am the one who had Syren pinned as a manipulative bitch while you were drinking the kool-aid she was giving you. And I spoke to Douglas and I believe him when he said Sean was a murderer too.”

Marie sighs deeply. “You’re right, you are a good judge of character. But still, even if our uncle is telling the truth, what our father did still does not define our lives.”

“Doesn’t it?” Kimberly says, her voice more shaky this time. “I mean, uncle Douglas is definitely a murderer, our dad more than likely was a murderer, our mom is a murderer and has had bouts of psychosis. Why wouldn’t it follow down the line? Why wouldn’t that make us psychopaths too?”

“Because we can refuse to follow the family history.” Marie says definitively. “Yes, nature has a lot to do with who we are, but so does nurture. I may have killers as parents, but I also had good, wholesome people in my life who helped raise me. I had good influences, our step-dad Andreas Lasiewicz, our Aunt Kayla…”

“Yeah, and I was raised off the grid by a sociopath.” Kimberly says scornfully. “So does that make me a sociopath?”

“You can be…” Marie takes Kimberly’s hand and squeezes it tightly “...or you could choose to be different, you could choose to be a good person. I’ve seen you be a good person and I know you have it in you.”

Tears form in Kimberly’s eyes. “It’s hard, Marie…it’s so hard to believe that….”

“I know. And I know after finding out all of this information, it must be very hard for you to fathom, it must be hard for you to process it, but believe me, Kim, you are capable of being a good person. Or you can be that sociopath, that monster you think you are. Ultimately the choice is yours.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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Lucas Knight vs. Kimberly Williams - by supremecw - 10-31-2021, 03:45 PM
RE: Lucas Knight vs. Kimberly Williams - by The Matt - 11-04-2021, 10:39 AM

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