Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab
December 2nd 2021

Montreal, QC

Owen stands backstage at Montreal, keeping as low profile as he possibly could at a Breakdown event. Several members of the SCW staff had seen, and acknowledged him, but in the main he’d stayed away from the roster. He was in Montreal to put the finalities on his contract, and with that done, he was taking in the end of the show, a huge match with massive consequences for so many. Ace Marshall and Lucas Knight are going at it, Lucas pulling Ace up, looking for the UKOD, but Ace countering with a makeshift inside cradle




The crowd noise is off the chart, Owen shaking his head a little, as the ring announcer gets to his feet, Matt Hodges lifting Ace’s arm aloft.

Phillips: Here is your winner, via pinfall, Ace Marshall.

Owen: Bet that’s not the end… cue ambush

Almost as he speaks, the Jackals run past him, none of them even noticing that he is there. Kandis, Tommy and Drake run through the curtain, and down the rampway to a chorus of boos.

Owen: Well, there’s a shocker.

Only now does he notice Daisy Lee who has accompanied him on the trip. He’d asked her to be ringside for him in the opening matches until he found his feet and she had agreed. However, there was a lifetime ban that needed some sorting… thankfully the SCW had obliged. Owen turns his attention back to the monitors, as the Jackals attack an already spent Ace and Lucas, Christy also getting manhandled by Tommy before she can do anything about the attack. Nate Chapel does his best to fight back, but the numbers game is just too many, the assault too much. Even Autumn Valentine making an appearance does nothing, as the Jackals once again use their numbers. Once again Owen turns to Daisy, who tilts her head ever so slightly to one side.

Owen: What?

Daisy: What? You’re telling me that you’re just going to stand there and watch that happen.

Owen: You’re kidding me, right? That’s three on one. They have just taken out some of the most experienced talent on the roster. It would be suicide.

Daisy scoffs, almost laughing at him.

Daisy: Yeah, maybe… but isn’t this what you came back for, to right a few wrongs. Well right there in front of you, a ‘wrong’ is occurring. You want to show people that you have changed, this is the perfect opportunity for you to do it.

Owen: You coming with me?

Daisy: I promised Olek I would be on my best behavior. I can’t spoil that on day one, now can I?

Daisy smirks, as Owen turns back to the monitors and see’s Tommy stomping down on Christy who is helpless right now. Ace tries to fight back, landing a shot on Kandis, but Drake nails him in the ribs, Drake and Kandis then stomping down on him. He then turns back to Daisy

Daisy: Well?

Owen sighs, puffing out his cheeks.

Owen: Fuck it…

Daisy nods to someone, and ‘Here we go’ by Chris Classic hits over the speaker system

Daisy: Know it. Go get ‘em tiger.

Owen runs through the curtain and is almost bowled over by the noise from the crowd. He doesn’t stop, and slides in the ring, flipping over a kick from Kandis, and jumping off the middle rope, taking out Drake and Tommy. Kandis tries again, but Owen is too quick, and evades her shot, taking down Drake once more. Ace clotheslines Tommy from the ring, Christy getting to her feet, which is just the distraction Owen needs to nail Kandis with a Superkick, Kandis rolling to the floor. Owen stands in the middle of the ring, and looks out over all the fans, who to a man and woman are all cheering, the explosion of noise bringing a tide of emotion over Owen, who never again thought he would experience this. He looks up the ramp, and into the entranceway, unnoticed by everyone else is Daisy, who simply nods her head, before disappearing. That simple act brings a smile to Owen’s face, Kandis rubbing her jaw and looking on in pure shock making the smile even wider. An ‘Owen’ chant then starts to break out, Owen taking the deepest of breaths, composing himself. He’d made the statement, he’d shown he was back… and next week if allowed, he would explain why. 

New York City

Owen walks back through the curtain, the buzzing of the crowd still ringing in his ears. They had listened, and right now that was all he could ask for. He hadn’t been dismissed, or at least not by everyone, and it seemed that there was more than enough people willing to give him a second chance. A second chance that he had no intention of passing up on.

Daisy: You did good out there

Owen: You think?

Daisy: Well, people weren’t throwing things at you… so that’s an improvement, right?

Owen: It did seem like people were listening

Daisy: Of course, they were. Owen, if there’s something that you should have learned over the past few months, it’s that you’re not a bad person. You’re just someone who lost their way, and with good reason. You’ve laid it all on the line for them, and ensured there are no secrets, when you didn’t have to. I think many out there and at home will have appreciated that, more than you realized. And those that didn’t…

Owen: They don’t matter

Daisy: Exactly. That was your biggest problem before, you wanted to please everyone, when the simple fact is you can’t.

Owen see’s someone out of the corner of his eye, and when he realizes who it is, he tries to quickly look away, not wanting to make eye contact, but just a moment too late. He wasn’t sure how Jaina would react to the news him coming back, but as she walks over, it seemed like he was about to find out. 

Jaina: Hey Owen, err Daisy isn’t it?

Daisy: Yeah, that’s right, and you must be Jaina.

Jaina: That’s me.

An awkward silence follows, Daisy deciding to take her leave

Daisy: I’ll catch up with you later Owen, you did good out there. Bye Jaina.

Owen: Cheers, I’ll drop you a text later.

As she walks off, Jaina turns back to Owen.

Jaina: Well, she wasn’t what I expected.

Owen: She’s changed a lot… she’s helped me get through this like you wouldn’t believe.

Jaina: And now you’re ready to return?

Owen: As ready as I’ll ever be. And that’s thanks to Daisy. 

Jaina: That’s good then.

There is another moment of silence which Owen moves quickly to fill.

Owen: This isn’t going to be a problem is it, Me being back in the SCW?

Jaina: No, why should it be? You and I happened a long time ago… and anyway, I’m happy with Christian now.

Owen: Oh no, I didn’t mean that.

Jaina: Oh?

Owen: Yeah, I mean after what I did. I was a bit of a dick and let a lot of people down, you included. 

Jaina: Yeah, you were a dick for sure.

They both have a chuckle at that comment, a directness he’d gotten used to when it came to Jaina.

Jaina: But no one is above making mistakes. Mom taught me that most people deserve a second chance, and it seems like the fans are giving you yours. I like to believe that I know the real you, and that person that attacked Mr. Drachawych certainly wasn’t the guy I knew. Listening to you out there, it understandable how you lost yourself, but I also got the impression that you’ve managed to make that change and that’s good enough for me.

Owen: I’ve tried. I’ve a lot of bridges to rebuild or sure. 

Jaina: Well, this bridge… we are going to be OK Owen, and I’m sure there will be many more who feel the same. Life’s too short right?

Owen: Yeah, life’s too short, but thank you Jaina. Your forgiveness means a lot.

Jaina: I’m not sure about that, but you’re welcome.

She hesitates, there was obviously something else that she wanted to say but not sure if she should approach the subject. Owen is quick to pick up on this and gives her the option. 

Owen: Was there something else that you wanted to say?

Jaina: I’m not sure if it’s any of my business.

Owen: Seriously, go ahead. I’m trying to be an open book.

Jaina: Well, this whole ‘Owen Lee’ thing… I get it, I get why you would want to distance yourself from the Cruze surname but are you sure it’s the right thing to do.

Owen: I reckon so yes.

Jaina: All I’m saying Owen, is for you to make sure that it’s what you want to do. 

Owen: What do you mean?

Jaina hesitates again, making sure she uses the right words to put her opinion across without offence. 

Jaina: As you know, my Dad isn’t Loki’s biological Father, but Loki see’s Wyatt as his real Dad and loves him just the same. and I know… Loki knew the truth from the start, so it’s not the same as your situation, but still, what Orlando did for you when he was alive must count for something?

Owen sighs deeply but tries not to react with any animosity. 

Owen: It does Jaina. It means everything to me that he took someone that wasn’t his own son and treated him the same as his own daughter. I looked up to that man, he was my hero… but he lied to me. And honestly, it feels like a betrayal. That’s why everything I do from here on in, I don’t want it to be part of some ‘Cruze’ legacy. I want to build my own, away from all the lies and the deceit. I can’t do that with that huge shadow hanging over me. I won’t do that. But I agree with you, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m the person I am today because of him. I wish I could front up to him, shout at him and let him know just how much I hate what he did, but I can’t. And I think that makes it an even bigger issue.

Jaina: And Kloe?

Owen: Moms a different deal… we have shouted. That anger I feel has been given an outlet. I’m ready to talk to her now I think, especially after getting it all out in the open tonight.

Jaina: That’s good. I hope you can find some forgiveness.

Owen: I do too, because right now it’s lonely.

Jaina: If ever you want to talk Owen, I’m always here. 

Owen: I’m sure Christian would love that.

Jaina: He’d be fine. He understands as well Owen, all you gotta do is call and I know he’d answer. There are a lot of people who still care about you, all you gotta do is put yourself out there. What you did was no doubt stupid, but it wasn’t unforgivable and I’m sure many agree.

Owen didn’t want everyone, just the select few would suffice. But he certainly appreciated Jaina’s words.

Jaina: Anyway, best get on… I have a job to do after all. But remember, if you need to talk…

Owen: I will Jaina, thank you.

She holds out her arms, and the pair embrace. Nothing more than the embrace of friends who had found their way back to each other and were now able to move on. As they part, Jaina smiles at him.

Jaina: Take care of yourself Owen. 

Owen: You too Jaina.

And with that she walks off down the corridor, catching up with a camera crew. Owen watches for a moment, before turning on his heels and heading off towards the exit. The first step had been taken, and now it was up to him to once again prove his worth. And with his allies finally forming, more than ever he felt more than capable of achieving more than he ever thought he could.

December 11th 2021
Los Angeles

Owen had considered going to his Mom’s home but thought that the two of them would be more comfortable if they had dinner together, in neutral surroundings. Even via text, Owen could tell be Kloe’s reply that she was ecstatic to receive the invitation, but as he sits at the table alone, waiting for his Mom to arrive, even now he was still having second thoughts that this was the right thing to do. He’d never hear his Father’s side of things, but he felt that he was ready to hear his Mother’s ‘excuses’. That however hadn’t gotten rid of the nagging doubts that this would once again end with Owen losing his temper, hence the restaurant being the better idea. One thing Owen couldn’t afford to do was cause a scene, which made one of the most sought after restaurants in the area the perfect choice. He’d already ordered a bottle of rose, this Mother’s favorite, and it was chilling in the ice bucket ready for her arrival. Finally, and after another glance at his watch, Kloe walks through the door and is shown to the table by the waiter, who holds out her seat. She sits down, and immediately, and without saying a word, Owen pours her a glass, the waiter a little bit put out by his intervention.

Waiter: Would you like a few moments to decide?

He motions towards the menu’s and the looks at Owen.

Owen: Yes please… I’ll let you know when we are ready.

Waiter: Of course, Sir.

Owen places the bottle in the bucket, and then pours himself a glass of water. More than anything he wanted to be clear headed as he listened to what Kloe had to say. Owen sits back in his chair, inviting Kloe to speak first. He didn’t want to drive the conversation, he just wanted to listen if he could.

Kloe: I was really happy to receive your text. I thought after what happened in Miami…

Owen interjects

Owen: Yeah, well a lot has happened since then.

Kloe: Oh?

Owen: It doesn’t matter, I just concluded that it was better to hear you out

Kloe: Well, I’m glad that you did. 

Owen simply nods, motioning with his hand for her to continue.

Kloe: I don’t know where to begin.

Owen: How’s about that time you cheated and started this mess in motion?

Kloe lowers her head

Kloe: Guess I deserved that.

Owen feels a pinch of guilt, it had been a cheap shot and he knew it,

Owen: All I want is the truth Mom. That’s all.

Kloe takes a sip of her wine for courage, and then starts to speak.

Kloe: When I first met Orlando, he had just come out of a relationship with Sallie. In the beginning, I thought he was still in love with her… and over time I thought it had passed. One evening though I found a text on his phone from her, pouring her heart out and saying that she still loved him, and I lost it. I went out, and I got drunk, blind drunk… and when I realized I was incapable of getting home I didn’t call Orlando, I called his brother… Finn.

Owen: Good old Dad

Kloe ignores the comment and continues. 

Kloe: Anyway. Finn picks me up, and I’m still angry, believing that Orlando is cheating on me. And Finn is complementing me, telling me his brother is an idiot. I’m sorry to say I needed someone, literally anyone in that moment, and so when he leaned in to kiss me, I didn’t resist. But then he started wanting more… I don’t know if I felt guilty, or I realized that what I was doing was wrong, but I pushed him away and he didn’t take kindly to that. He started calling me a tease… a whore… started to tear at my clothes. He forced himself on me, and well, I’m sure I don’t need to go into detail about what happened next. I can’t believe I didn’t fight back, but I was just too drunk. 

Owen: He raped you?

Kloe doesn’t confirm it with words, but does indeed nod her head, closing her eyes with what seemed like her shame.

Owen: Shit…

Kloe: When I told Orlando what had happened, everything, he was livid. He wanted to kill Finn there and then, but his Father talked him down. Orlando’s Father basically told Finn to either get out of the country, or he would call the police. And he told him to never contact us again.

Owen: Hold on… I thought there was a fight or something, and Finn killed a guy by accident.

Kloe: That was all true Owen, Finn moved to Australia and got in with the wrong crowd. But it had nothing to do with Orlando. None of it did.

The waiter catches Owen’s eye, but Owen shakes his head, not wanting to delay Kloe’s story. The waiter instead makes his way to a different table, allowing Kloe to continue.

Kloe: When we realized that I’d gotten pregnant, Orlando was amazing. Right there and then he promised me that you’d want for nothing and be treated just like his own son. And he made good on that promise tenfold. As you got older, Orlando mentioned more and more than he wanted to tell you the truth, believing that it wouldn’t matter to you. But I wouldn’t ever let him, for fear of you knowing how you’d come into this world and the circumstances behind it. I can see now that he was right… he usually was. But I was so scared that it would ruin your relationship, I dug my heels in, and Orlando being Orlando he wanted to make sure that I was happy. If he was here now Owen, he’d tell you exactly what I’ll tell you now. You WERE his son. To him, it didn’t matter how it happened, you were his flesh and blood and there was never any question. I just wish he had the chance to tell you himself.

The waiter comes over again, and this time Owen doesn’t resist as Kloe orders her food, Owen then settling on the steak in a pepper sauce. Kloe sips from her wine again, knowing that this was a lot for Owen to digest. Finally, after fully ten minutes he looks back at Kloe who hasn’t taken her eyes off him for a while.

Owen: And this is it?

Kloe: What do you mean?

Owen: The truth. There are no more sordid details waiting to come out?

Kloe: That’s everything I promise. I wish things had been different, I wish I’d never got drunk that night, and I wish Finn wasn’t such an asshole to take advantage. But your Dad…

She pauses, she’d taken care not to say that, but she’d slipped up. Thankfully Owen doesn’t react.

Kloe: He did everything he could to make sure you grew up into a fine young man, and whether you believe it or not, he succeeded. I just hope that one day you can put this behind you and realize that he was your Father in every single way that matters. And if you want to blame anyone it’s me… not him.

Owen rubs his eyes, the revelations of this evening a little too much. 

Kloe: I miss you Owen, can we get past this?

It was the question he’d expected, even if it wasn’t the answer, he’d rehearsed so many times. 

Owen: I can’t imagine what you went through, and the sacrifices you both made. I guess it would have been easy for you to have had an abortion but you didn’t. The two of you made the best of it, you brought me up, had Ruby and made a family out of a shitty situation and I reckon you both deserve credit for that.

Owen shrugs his shoulders.

Owen: But Mom, you DID lie to me, and although I think I can forgive, it’s something I’ll never forget. It’s gonna take time, and if you’re happy with waiting, then I’m happy to give it a try. 

Kloe: Seriously?

Owen: Yes. I was angry, SO angry, but now it’s mainly disappointment, but at least I can see why you did what you did and try to understand.

Kloe: So where do we go from here?

Owen wasn’t ready to deal with that question, he’d already dealt with enough, and to his relief the food arrives right on cue.

Owen: Now Mom, we eat.

Kloe smiles, as if reading his thoughts. The future, their future, a discussion for another time.
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Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-04-2022, 07:29 AM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Owen - 04-06-2022, 01:28 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-06-2022, 11:46 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Owen - 04-07-2022, 05:57 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-07-2022, 11:58 PM

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