Glory Braddock vs. Ace Marshall
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April 1st, 2022
Sacramento, California
Off Camera

Glory Braddock had a few days to think about what she would do about the Amelia Stone situation. Up until Retribution Braddock had wanted to teach her a lesson, the hard way, by beating her up in the center of the ring. Then when Stone had managed to outwit Glory at Retribution, it only further enraged her. But in the weeks since the SCW Retribution event, The British Bombshell has had plenty of time to ponder, to think about her next course of action. This thinking has led her to second guess her original plan; is a beating really what young Amelia Stone needs? Should Glory Braddock really just beat her up and call it a day? Braddock’s own husband, Kurt Logan, doesn’t seem to think so. In fact, Kurt seems to think that Braddock should take Amelia under her wing and mentor her, just like Glory is currently mentoring another young student named Fiona Osbourne. But Fiona’s situation is very different than the one Amelia finds herself in.

Fiona’s situation is complicated to say the least. Young Osbourne found herself first as a model at the modeling agency run by Glory Braddock’s cousin, Kayla Jones. As it turns out, modeling wasn’t her true desire in life, that Fiona was living with an abusive foster father who was exploiting her good looks for his own profits. In actuality, Fiona was a big fan of Glory Braddock and wanted to be a professional wrestler. When Kayla learned of this, it was a simple task of convincing Glory to take Fiona under her wing, to mentor her, and to guide her in the art of professional wrestling. By the time Glory found out about and met Fiona, the young woman was finally of age where she could legally abandon the care of her foster father. Now Glory is letting Fiona travel the road with her and learn from her. Glory hopes to get something out of this situation as well. She hopes that she can rediscover her old persona, she hopes to find in Fiona a reminder of why she started wrestling in the first place. But Glory’s husband Kurt seems to think that Amelia Stone can also help her rediscover something. He believes Amelia can help Glory rediscover the Glory Braddock that enjoyed herself, the Glory Braddock that knew what it meant to have fun. She doubted him at first but over these past few days she has begun to warm to the idea. And based on the events of Breakdown from Sacramento, California, it would appear as if perhaps The British Bombshell is ready to give Amelia a chance.

The British Bombshell is walking the backstage area of the Sleep Train Arena shortly after Breakdown has concluded. Braddock is dressed in denim jeans, tennis shoes, a royal purple crop top, and a black leather jacket. Her long blonde hair flows freely and cascades to past the shoulders. She has her gym bag in hand and walking side by side with her is young Fiona Osbourne, the young learner whom she has already taken under her mentorship. Fiona is dressed in a knee length orange skirt, sandals, and a plain white top. Fiona is already asking the question that is on the minds of many right now…

“So, Glory, I watched Breakdown tonight…”

“Good. Always pay attention to what happens. Good and bad, indifferent, pay close attention to all of it and learn from it.”

“Right, and, um…I’m not sure what I learned but I do have a question.”

“Is it about any particular match?”

“No…” Fiona shakes her head “...well, maybe. Uh, I was actually talking about Amelia.”

“Ah, I see.” Braddock nods her head.

“Yeah, I saw what you did. Does that mean you’re going to help her too like you’re helping me?”

“You’re not afraid to ask the tough questions, are you mate? That’s what I like about you.” Glory laughs softly. “I admit, I am warming up to the idea of working with Amelia. So yes, she may end up hanging around us more often. Would that be a problem?”

“Oh no.” Fiona says, shaking her head. “In fact, I was kinda worried you were going to hurt her.”

“I almost did, but that was my father’s approach. And sometimes my father’s approach was the appropriate one. But I needed to be reminded that different situations call for different solutions. There is no one size fits all solution for everything and everyone. Does Amelia need help? Does she need someone or something to keep her grounded in reality? Of course. But perhaps beating her up isn’t the right way to do that.”

Glory and her young protege stop walking. She places a hand on Fiona’s shoulder. “That’s another good lesson, not just about wrestling but about life. Sometimes you have to reevaluate the situation and change your approach. If you’re ever in a match and a certain strategy isn’t working, change your strategy. If you’re too prideful to ever admit that you were wrong, then you will always fail.”

Fiona nods her head. She and Glory turn to start walking forward again but Fiona stops suddenly. Glory notices that Fiona isn’t with her and stops and goes back to find her staring intensely in another direction. Her face is pale, like a sheet. Braddock snaps her fingers at Fiona. “Hellllllloooo? Earth to Fiona? What’s wrong, mate?” Fiona doesn’t say a word. Instead she just points with her index finger straight ahead. Braddock looks in that direction and she spots a man wearing jean shorts, sneakers, and a wife beater. He is glaring daggers of hatred ahead at the two of them. Braddock shrugs it off at first.

“It’s probably just a strange fan, Fiona. Nothing to worry about.”

“No…” Fiona’s voice trails off. She struggles to regain her voice as she gulps. “...that’s Todd. That’s my foster father.”

“Oh, so that’s the fine upstanding citizen you keep talking about.” Glory says with sarcasm dripping from her voice. She steps in front of Fiona. “Stay behind me, love.”

“He wants to take me back…”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

Fiona is obviously frightened as she shivers in fear behind Glory, who remains firm and steadfast, ready to defend her if necessary. The man known as Todd Osbourne, Fiona’s foster father, begins to stomp his way over to the two women. He attempts to side step Glory to get at Fiona but Glory keeps blocking his path. Three times he tries to get around Braddock but each time she won’t let him. Todd lets out a low menacing growl and then directs his rage at Braddock.

“I have no fucking clue who the hell you are, but that is my daughter and she is coming with me!”

“You certainly sound like a father of the year candidate, mate, but I’m afraid Fiona and I are joined at the hip, quite literally right about now.” Glory smirks knowingly. “So how about no?”

“You think you’re so funny don’t ya, bitch?”

“You’re quite the flatterer too. You didn’t tell me this bastard was so damn charming, Fiona?” Glory chuckles. “But yes, I do think I am funny. You know what else I can do other than be a laugh riot? I can also tell…” she pauses and waves her hand in front of her nose, scrunching and contorting her face as if she just smelled something rotten “...I can also tell that you have had way too much to drink before coming here! Heineken?”

“How’d you know…” Todd starts to say but then stops and shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter! Fiona is coming with me! She is my daughter!”

“Wrong, smarty pants. Technically you are her foster father. And Fiona is 20 years old. Am I right love?” Fiona quietly nods her head. Braddock grins. “Right. She has no legal guardian requirement. In other words, you’re out of a job Hulk. Why don’t you become Bruce Banner again and crawl back under whatever you crawled out of?”

Todd roughly shoves Braddock. “I’m done with your bullshit!” He reaches over to snatch Fiona but Glory gets in between them. He grabs Glory instead and glares down at her. “I told you that I am finished with you!”

“Let go of me and walk away, mate. This is your last warning.”

As expected, Todd does not heed the warning. Instead he throws a punch but seeing as Glory is a trained wrestler and add to that the fact that Todd is inebriated, Glory is easily able to dodge out of the way and as a result Todd goes flying and ends up falling face first on the concrete floor. He tries to push himself up and he stares hatred at Glory, who just smirks back at him. “Great job, Tough Guy. You really showed me.”

Fiona begins laughing, just a small, soft laugh but a laugh nevertheless. Glory hears it and begins to laugh herself. Todd also hears it and it only further enrages him. “Do not laugh!” He pushes himself the rest of the way and then charges. Again Braddock easily sidesteps him and then she sticks out her foot, Todd trips over her foot and lands face first in a nearby can of of yellow paint. Glory and Fiona are now laughing up a storm as Todd pushes himself up. He turns and stares angrily at the two women.

“You think this is funny?! Look at me?!”

“You’re right.” Glory reaches down, picks up the can of yellow paint, and throws the rest of it at Todd. “Now! The rest of you matches your yellow face!”

Fiona can no longer control her laughter. She can barely catch a breath because of her laughter. Braddock just stands there grinning from ear to ear. Todd is still fuming mad over this embarrassment. “You’ll be sorry for this!” He points at Fiona. “She is MINE! And I will sue your ass and get back what is mine!” With that said, Todd begins to storm away. Once he is gone Glory starts to laugh, enjoying what she has just did.

“I love them like that…”

“Like what?” Fiona asks in between laughs.


The two share another round of laughs. Fiona embraces Glory in a tight hug. “Thanks, Glory.”

“No problem, love.”

“But I gotta admit, I half-expected you to…well…”

“Fight him?”

“Yeah, I didn’t know you were capable of that.”

“I used to be. I haven’t done anything quite like that since I was closer to your age.” She shrugs her shoulders “I suppose I just lost that part of me? I lost that ability to prank people, to mock them, to be funny.”

“I dunno.” Fiona smiles warmly. “It looks like you were pretty funny to me.”

“Maybe. Still, a part of me says I handled that wrong. And yet another part of me feels at peace, as if I am finally doing what I was born to do, what I should have been doing all along.”

Fiona takes Glory’s hand. “You’ve given me great advice, Glory. But do you want some advice from me for a change?”

“Sure.” Glory says, smiling.

“If it feels right, then just go with it. It probably IS right.”

April 6th, 2022
New Orleans, LA
On Camera

The camera begins to roll. We find Glory Braddock seated in a studio, on a stool, in front of a wall that has an SCW Breakdown poster plastered across it. The British Bombshell is wearing black workout shorts, white tennis shoes, and a royal purple t-shirt. Her long blonde hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back. A half-smile is etched across her face as she stares at the camera.

“Here are in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Big Easy!” Braddock chuckles. “Nothing is easy about Breakdown, especially when your opponent is a man like Ace Marshall, a man who you really never know what to expect from…he may come riding out with a tiger, dancing lizard women…he sure as hell had some fun Trios Contract Cash Ins…who can forget the Adrenaline Title on the line in the End of the Year Battle Royal? GiGi sure as hell won’t. And I know myself and David Helms won’t forget the fun we had during during the Trios Tournament.” Braddock laughs and then shakes her head.

“I remember back then I was quite the stick in the mud. I didn’t know how to have any fun. I also remember how you used the Trios Contract that year. You put the SCW World Title on the line in that great big ass gauntlet match. It was my one and so far only SCW World Title reign. And finally, I remember the last thing you said to me, what you said shortly after that Trios Cash In. You said you were happy to be the one to finally validate my SCW career.” Braddock shrugs her shoulders. “Well I don’t know about that, mate. Even without that World Championship win I still had a damn good run as Adrenaline Champion and I was a two time back to back Trios Tournament winner. I’d like to think that even without my short lived SCW World Title reign that I have had a good run in this great company. But sure, why not, let’s humor you for a moment and let’s just assume you did validate my entire SCW tenure.” Glory points a finger at the camera.

“Right here in New Orleans for Breakdown, I am going to return the favor. See, I couldn’t help but notice how you seem to want to get championship gold of your own now. Ol’ Ace didn’t used to care that much for gold, but now you want it? That’s fine. And you’re going to go through Syren to get that title opportunity? Well that sounds logical enough. I mean, it does seem like Syren is the proverbial revolving door when it comes to title shots. Fight Syren, beat her, get a title shot, repeat. Everyone gets a turn at Syren, literally and figuratively!” Glory again laughs. “I mean, that’s what I did to get my most recent shot at the SCW World Title. I beat Syren at Body, Heart, and Soul. Now you want to follow in my footsteps. I’m honored, Ace, I really am. And I’m actually cheering for you, mate. It would please me to no end to see Syren drop from being main event talent to jobber to the stars. But you’re a smart man. You’re not going to rely on just Syren to earn the title match you want so badly.”

Braddock pats herself on the chest. “You also want to rely on me. Is that part of what brought us together, Ace? It isn’t just our history, the fact that we have been partners and now opponents. You know I am a main event star in this company. You know my credentials and that beating me gives your claim to a title match credibility.” The British Bombshell shakes her head.

“Well it isn’t going to happen that way, mate. I’m not going to be someone’s gateway to greatness, I am not going to be a stepping stone for your bigger and better plans. But more than that, as focused as you are on claiming gold, that focus and obsession may very well backfire on you. In fact, I’m counting on it.” Glory nods her head. “Trust me, I know. I’ve been there, I’ve been that person. And that’s the only Glory Braddock you know. Whether you believe me or not, I am a completely different person now, Ace. If you prepare for what you know, you will get burned.”

Glory winks at the camera. “But hey! I am giving you the chance to validate your claim to a title opportunity. You get the chance to beat The British Bombshell. Thing is, it won’t be easy. Hell, it won’t be easy for either us. I know how unpredictable you can be but do you realize how unpredictable I can be? Now I won’t claim to be as unpredictable as you or even as unpredictable as my crazy cousin Kim Williams, but this new person, this new me, she is definitely unpredictable. Someone you cannot prepare for. So who the hell knows what is going to happen?” Braddock shrugs her shoulders.

“But what I DO know is that I am going to entertain the people, I am going to put on a show, and I am going to enjoy kicking your ass in New Orleans! See you soon, mate…” The camera fades to black.
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)

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Glory Braddock vs. Ace Marshall - by Konrad Raab - 04-04-2022, 07:27 AM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Ace Marshall - by Braddock - 04-05-2022, 12:48 PM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Ace Marshall - by Braddock - 04-06-2022, 02:20 PM

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