Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab
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Konrad's announcement to his NASCAR team, teammates and friends about his wrestling match next week. Richmond, Virginia. Friday 1st April. (Off-Camera)

Things have been going right in Konrad's way as of late; apart from the tag match, he purposely threw away due to his lack of trusting any wrestler in Supreme Championship Wrestling to rely on Konrad. He won his match against Justin Davis at Retribution, the first guy since the Underground title was reborn; Konrad retained the belt. Today was a different day because instead of making his announcement in the back or the press conference, he decided to bring all his teammates, team and friends who weren't in his team to come to the fan stage right before the racing weekend started.

Of course, Brad placed the title on top of the speakers as Konrad requested it to be there. Konrad was full of smiles, feeling he had nothing to be unhappy about, for now, although he got himself in a fight with a NASCAR driver again in Texas, that's in the past. He had something far more critical. The other friends in NASCAR who weren't in a team with him were AJ Smith, Kyle Jones, Chase Jacobs, Dale Owens, William Roberts, Bubba Stewart and Noah Richards. All were either in Cup Series and/or Xfinity series.

When the wrestling theme song played, his friends at least sighed in relief that it wasn't anything to do with NASCAR. Konrad walks out with his red and black face paint with his black and red suit as he places his hands in the air before walking towards his Underground title belt to pick it up. Brad puts the belt around his waist. Konrad had a microphone in hand with a smile on his face as fans gathered around behind his NASCAR friends.

Konrad Raab: "Thank you for coming here today, Brad Rogers racing team and my NASCAR friends. Bet you're all wondering, what have I got to announce today before racing takes place this weekend, huh? Before you all ask, it's nothing to do with retirement plans in either NASCAR or wrestling. Things are too electric for me right now to do that."

Konrad smiled as he placed his head down, trying not to show any emotions, although it gave everyone a bit of a chuckle on the last comment. His fiancee Luiza stood on the side of the stage, while all of his team and teammates stood on stage with Konrad and Kyle Young patting his shoulder.

Konrad Raab: "I know, unfortunately, some of you Xfinity racers can't attend this because practice and qualifying sessions clash with this, but I know you'll fully support me. You all know me for being a professional wrestler, right?"

The fans and his NASCAR friends cheered; despite him being immensely hated in Supreme Championship Wrestling, even if it was about the company, he still respected his fellow drivers and some respected Konrad.

Konrad Raab: "What I've never discussed is how long I've been wrestling. Next Friday, a certain date is critical to me regarding wrestling, you see. A date that signifies the most important date in my entire wrestling career. All of you NASCAR drivers, always remember the first race you've done in Xfinity and Cup Series classes. It's no different with professional wrestling in my case."

Konrad nodded his head, being thrown a water metal bottle that he caught before taking the lid off and taking a few sips of it before placing the cap back on. Konrad cleared his throat before speaking again.

Konrad Raab: "Because back in two thousand and twelve, I had my first ever professional wrestling match, a guy who eventually became a mentor to me after our match, Vantage. He was the World Elite Wrestling Universal champion. Of course, I didn't go or challenge for his title because back then, I was a non-wrestler with only a few weeks of training by my ex-wife. The match happened on a PPV called World Elite Wrestling Retribution in Paris, France."

That was very uncomfortable for Konrad, considering the significant fights he and Fizz had in the past, and he couldn't say her name because of the emotional pain he felt each time her name came up. Konrad pats the title.

Konrad Raab: "I got myself destroyed in the match by Vantage after I gave him a few punches because obviously, he had all the skills in the world, and I know truthfully if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be standing here. Because on the eighth of April, it'll be ten years of me being a professional wrestler. On the seventh of April, all of you, besides Xfinity guys, are invited to watch me wrestle against Owen Lee as a part of my tenth anniversary of being a professional wrestler."

Luiza whispered to Brad during the announcement as she already knew everything about Konrad's career. He told her months ago, but every fan and his NASCAR friends cheered and applauded for Konrad as he suddenly like Konrad knows he'll do on Thursday when he walks to the ring, pours in tears. All the Brad Rogers Racing team gathered around him, including his teammates, and Brad came next to Konrad and placed his arm around him.

Brad Rogers: "Obviously, it means a lot to everyone that they reach ten years in any sport professionally, NASCAR or wrestling, but I can relate how much his match against Owen Lee will mean a lot. I will be in New Orleans, Louisiana, to watch this man wrestle, as so will Kyle Young, Denny, Christopher and Martin. We all know how important this means for Konrad, and we'll always be rooting him on."

Konrad Raab: "I got you NASCAR Cup Series drivers tickets right in the front row along with my twin brother, the team, of course, and my other friends who saw my first ever wrestling match back in two thousand and twelve against Vantage. As for you fans, you all are more than welcome to go to Smoothie King Center website to get your tickets for my wrestling legacy to be remembered and then, I continue to make more wrestling moments."

Brad Rogers: "He may act differently in wrestling, but he's still a part of Brad Roger's racing team, and we're all happy and proud of Konrad for his promotion work in wrestling and NASCAR."

Konrad Raab: "Oh, and I won't be wearing this gear or hear that theme music when I wrestle Owen Lee. You all have to wait and see what colour my gear will be and what theme song I'll be coming out to, but the clue is all of those things you'll see; it's what I wore for my first ever match against Vantage on eighth April two thousand and twelve. Thank you, everybody; good luck to all of my fellow friends in the race and enjoy the weekend. I will be back here on stage to answer your questions tomorrow morning."

Konrad places his arms in the air, patting his Underground title before going off stage. Suddenly, he spills into tears, sitting on the steps, due to a moment he'll never forget in his wrestling career. More than his title wins, Konrad's had in his career. Konrad goes back to his motorhome and washes the face paint off his face. As he goes into his room, he sits on the bed and gets emotional fast. Luiza comes to place her arms around Konrad.

Luiza Doe: "I had no idea about Vantage ending up being your mentor."

Konrad Raab: "He was, and I speak to him occasionally. I'll see if he can come to watch me wrestle against Owen Lee. Truthfully, my wrestling career wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him. One day, I will take you to a place where I got wrestling training from after my second ever wrestling match. Sorry for crying like a bitch."

Luiza Doe: “No, I understand. I can't wait to see what that fancy dress shop when we get back to Chicago what they've made for you. They are excellent at making clothes memorable for people like yourself."

Konrad Raab: "I know you'll get it spot on from the clothes you saw me wrestle against Vantage with. It's a shame I'm forbidden to use The Killerplauze nickname due to law legalities Markus and I went through back in two thousand and fifteen. I can't even say it on camera or on stage, just that moment there."

Luiza Doe: "I know, and I got the nickname figured out for you. It's all covered. No, I'm not going to tell you. You'll find out when I collect the clothes on Monday."

Konrad Raab: “Damn you babe.”

Luiza giggled at Konrad, getting frustrated about keeping the nickname she created for him a secret. It saw Konrad stop getting in tears, and he got himself changed, a way for Luiza to get Konrad right back in focus. Because he was wearing new gear this weekend, he didn't have the green overalls ready. When that happens, Konrad goes to Brad Rogers Racing head base they have at the track to collect them. He brings them back to his motorhome and relaxes for the day due to Xfinity and Cup Series practice and qualifying sessions and the Xfinity race happening tomorrow.


German friends arriving in America already? Richmond, Virginia. Sunday 3rd April (Off-Camera)

It had been a tough weekend with the number of problems on his Xfinity Series and Cup Series car. However, they got fixed in time during the Xfinity race, but Konrad had brake issues, and he could only finish third, although he did get extra money for the race. It was a cash race for those in the top five in the championship. Konrad was still shaking his head from his performance yesterday, despite finishing third, which wasn't too bad for Konrad on a new track.

As Konrad stood by his green car before the Cup Series race started, every driver had to be on the grid after driver introductions. Konrad stood in shock as he turned his head around to see the guys on the pit walk that only special VIPs can go in to see the drivers. He stood there and said to himself as he spotted a big man with glasses.

Konrad Raab: "Elton?"

When they turned around, the big man with glasses known as Elton came toward Konrad and the other guys who attended Konrad's first-ever match on Thomas Dangel, Steven and Anthony. Konrad was shocked because he knew he didn't get them tickets to watch him race NASCAR Cup Series.

Elton: "Shocked to see us, I see?"

Konrad Raab: "Yeah. I don't remember buying you guys tickets to see me race in NASCAR."

Steven: "That's because you didn't."

Thomas Dangel: "We couldn't wait any longer to see you and celebrate your tenth-anniversary match."

Anthony: "Since you told us about you doing NASCAR, we looked online and saw a race happening today, so we got tickets and flew here. Besides, nobody shows up fashionably late to things anymore. We come from Germany to not only see you wrestle but race too."

Konrad Raab: "Ah, it's great to see you guys, honestly. Because I have been wanting you guys to come and enjoy the experience of watching the NASCAR race, it's lively, and you sometimes can hear the fans when you drive the car. Although you can get a lot of accidents in this series."

Konrad wasn't lying; he still couldn't get over his accidents with Brad and Ross lately. It was not the day for Konrad to talk about it as it was mainly about wrestling that Elton, Thomas, Steven and Anthony came for. Konrad smiled, beaming as he could, when all of a sudden, his teammates of Denny, Christopher and Kyle Young, came over to Konrad.

Elton: "Ah, are these your teammates?"

Konrad Raab: “Indeed they are. Meet Kyle Young, Denny and Christopher. These guys watched my first ever wrestling match I told you all about on stage on Friday, Elton, Thomas, Steven and Anthony.

Kyle Young: "Ah, we finally meet, huh? Great to have you guys here. Konrad did tell me about you guys in private before. He's a great driver; he needs to work on his restarts, corner entry, and exit timings on road courses. Oh, and the dirt track Konrad needs to work on a lot more."

Steven: "I see that you two are pretty close for him to talk about us. Thomas and I did more than watch Konrad's match; we also did commentary in German. We can't do that because Supreme Championship Wrestling wouldn't allow us to commentate on Konrad's match. But we still have a good time."

Christopher: "You guys couldn't wait to celebrate with Konrad, huh? We'll all be there to watch in attendance. Even Brad is coming too. We won't miss this for the world."

Denny: "Brad and I saw Konrad win the Underground title against Lucas Knight. Konrad didn't know we were there, but he's truly something else in that ring."

The rumour was true; while Konrad succeeded in getting a German channel, the same one that covered Konrad's first-ever match, he couldn't strike a deal in time for Thomas and Steven to commentate the match and Elton wasn't allowed to interview Konrad either. Things were very different to two thousand and twelve.

Thomas Dangel: "With all this hype of you wrestling, one thing we haven't heard about and that's your opponent. Who are you facing against in your anniversary match?"

Konrad Raab: "Ah, don't worry. It was only announced on Thursday who it is. I'm facing that man child, the guy who changed his last name because he couldn't figure out who the fuck he is, Owen Lee."

Kyle Young: "Ah, I never knew when you knew about facing Owen Lee on Thursday. That's cool."

Denny: "I've seen him face Kandis last time I was at a wrestling show. But this will be so god damn special, and Brad Rogers Racing is gladly a part of it. Konrad does promote both sports at the same time."

Christopher nodded, agreeing with Denny's comments on Konrad's doing an excellent job on what he does to bring wrestling and racing fans together. Konrad was smiling like anything, more so he was a little emotional, even an hour before the race started, he didn't expect his German friends to be here so early.

Konrad Raab: "While I have to go home for a couple of days to learn this Martinsville track, collect some clothes and do a wrestling video, you guys are already booked into a hotel near the arena I'm wrestling in; which you have tickets for."

Anthony: "Oh, I know you have us covered pretty well. You always do look after your friends."

Steven: "We couldn't wait to see Konrad, Danny, Kyle and Christopher, so we wanted to come to America early before we all fly to New Orleans to watch a classic match Konrad will have against Owen Lee."

Konrad Raab: "It sucks I can't use my nickname I used for my first ever match because of law legalities Markus and I went through in court. I can't even speak about it in public like this, but Luiza said she'd got that covered for me, and I have no clue what nickname she has given me. Said I'll have to wait until Monday."

Everyone nodded as they didn't know that part of what Konrad said on the nickname front. Purely because he wasn't allowed to say it in public but said what he could legally say for now. Konrad will tell Denny, Christopher and Kyle later on after the race in private. Elton heard everything, but he missed one thing that he was only told a few minutes ago.

Elton: "That nickname thing is not the only thing you don't know about. You have to wait and see what Luiza told me about regarding what she has in hand. I can't tell you because it'll be a massive surprise, but you'll love it."

Konrad Raab: "Damn Luiza, hiding another secret from me. I hate being teased like this."

Christopher: "Oh, come on, man, secrets aren't always too bad. It wasn't long ago that I discovered my wife was pregnant. I was ecstatic about being a dad, delighted that I went on my knees and cried. The happiest moment of my life, well, the baby being born will change that."

Denny: "Great moments going on here with Christopher and Kyle's wife's being pregnant, me almost winning races, getting back on form and Konrad's leading the Cup Series championship, well also being the Underground champion too."

Suddenly, while all the others were chatting and engaging with Konrad, Brad ran towards Konrad and his drivers.

Brad Rogers: "I don't mean to interrupt this little party, but we have to do the national anthem in five minutes."

Konrad Raab: "We know, Brad, don't worry. I want you to meet my friends that attended my first ever match, Elton, Anthony, Thomas and Steven. This is our NASCAR boss, Brad Rogers."

Brad Rogers: "Ah, nice to meet you guys. Glad you're coming along for the ride, and nice of you to want to celebrate Konrad's wrestling legacy early by coming here."

Steven: "We were too excited about Konrad's anniversary match that we decided to check out this NASCAR business. NASCAR is getting some popularity in Germany, you know, thanks to Elton doing his German show about it."

Brad was biting his nails because while he did shake their hands, considering there were essential to Konrad's life and, in reality, his wrestling career as he was worried about the national anthem being ignored, and he mentions it again.

Brad Rogers: "It's nice to meet you guys, and I hope we can engage with each other sometime in the week, but you have to leave the track as we're doing the national anthem before the race starts."

Elton, Steven, Thomas and Anthony got together again and hugged Konrad as they all said this.

Konrad's friends: "Good luck and win this race."

Konrad Raab: "I aim to do just that. I'll see you four later."

His friends left the track as Konrad returned to his car, and so did Denny, Christopher and Kyle Young. The national anthem was going to start as Konrad took his hat off before the others around him sang the American national anthem. Then Konrad got in his car like the rest of the drivers did after the anthem had finished placing his belts and helmet on to get ready for the racing today in the Cup Series, hoping to win the race.
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-04-2022, 07:29 AM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Owen - 04-06-2022, 01:28 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-06-2022, 11:46 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Owen - 04-07-2022, 05:57 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-07-2022, 11:58 PM

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