Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab
December 24th 2021


Owen sits in a booth, at the bar that was situated just a few hundred yards from his house. The renovations were well underway now, and the builders had promised everything would complete around March next year, and on top of that, he was scheduled to return to competitive action at the End of Year Special against Drake Hemingway. He had a lot to be thankful for, he knew that. But he could help but feel a little bit sorry for himself, after making the decision to spend Christmas alone. It wasn’t for the lack of trying from his family. Taylor, Shaun, Kloe and even Daisy had all tried to persuade him to spend Christmas at theirs. But Owen felt like he needed this, no matter how lonely he currently felt, it was another way of him showing he could stand on his face. 

“Hello stranger…”

Owen looks up from his drink, and at Charlotte, the bar owner who he’d spoken with on a few occasions. Without invitation she parks herself in the booth, placing her bags by the side of her,

Owen: Oh hey… Scott said you weren’t around today. Didn’t expect to see you.

Charlotte: Yeah, finishing off my Christmas shopping, but thought I’d call in and make sure everything was ok.

Owen: You’re a workaholic you know that?

Charlotte: I get that a lot. But running your own business isn’t easy… you’d know that. You must put in the hours if you want it to work

She motions over to the barman, nodding at him and then pointing at Owen’s drink, before turning back to him.

Owen: Guess so, but my Mom and Pixie did most of the hard work.

Charlotte: Well, I need to make this a success…

Scott brings over a Gin for Charlotte and another Jack Daniels for Owen.

Charlotte: And thankfully I’ve got a cracking bar manager… haven’t I Scott?

Scott: Yep, you do. Anything else.

Charlotte: No, I think we’re good. Thanks

Owen: Cheers for the drink.

Charlotte takes a sip of her drink before responding.

Charlotte: You looked like a guy that needed another. 

Owen: Do I?

Charlotte: Too right, what’s up?

Owen finishes off his first drink, and licks his lips removing the excess. He then shrugs his shoulders.

Owen: I don’t know, guess I’m just feeling a little bit sorry for myself. 

Charlotte: Really? Gotta admit, you don’t seem the sort to let things get the better of you.

Owen chuckles, if only she knew.

Owen: Yeah well, I guess you don’t know me very well. Ignore me, it’s just spending Christmas alone, I’m not used to it.

Charlotte: Not going home to family?

Owen: They asked me too, so it’s not their fault. I just feel like this year I need to be on my own.

Charlotte: Ramping up that independence?

Owen: Something like that yeah. I just think if I went home now it would be sending the wrong message.

Charlotte: And so here you are like Billy-no-mates

Owen: Seems so.

He lifts the second glass, holding it to Charlotte as a thank you, before downing the contents in one go.

Charlotte: Keep putting them away like that, and you won’t even remember Christmas

Owen: Nah… it’s your fault anyway, I wasn’t going to get another. I don’t know… I think I want to feel the loneliness and how shit it feels so I can do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t happen again. You know, making sure that next Christmas is much better. In fact screw that, next YEAR is much better. 

Now it is Charlotte turn to hold up her glass

Charlotte: And here’s to that

Owen takes his glass and clinks it against hers.

Charlotte: I’m sure it will be great. But… if at any point you feel like you need someone and it gets too much, you’re welcome to come round here. I’m doing dinner for me and the staff, you’re welcome to join us.

Owen: Thanks for the offer, but I’m sure it’ll be ok. 

Charlotte: And I think you will too. But if not, the offer is there. 

Owen nods his appreciation, still even now not realizing that the offer wasn’t totally unselfish, and that she would have loved him to join them. Charlotte had been thinking about Owen a lot since she met him. He was unlike the guys that she usually ended up dating, she tended to go for guys that ended up either cheating on or stealing from her. She picks up her bags and gets to her feet, taking her drink with her.

Charlotte: Anyway, sorry but I’d best get on, lots to organize for tomorrow

Owen: Of course, and thanks again

Charlotte: Not a problem, take care of yourself Owen.

Owen: You too.

She walks off, nodding to Scott as she does, Owen getting to his feet and brings both glasses to the bar.

Scott: Cheers, you didn’t have to do that.

Owen: No worries man, take it easy…

As he turns to walk away, Scott gets his attention.

Scott: Owen?

Owen: Yeah

Scott: You do know she likes you right?

Owen: Huh?

Scott: Charlotte, she’s got a thing for you bud. 

Owen: Give over.

Scott: She does bro, it’s written all over her face.

Owen: Don’t think so

Scott: Alright, if you say so. But I’ve got a nose for these kind of things

Owen rolls his eyes

Owen: Night Scott, have a good Christmas.

Scott laughs at Owen’s dismissive face.

Scott: Yeah man, you too.

Owen walks out the bar and into the night air, Scott words spilling around his head. He didn’t see it; all her saw was a friend. What he certainly didn’t want was that kind of complication, when Jennifer was all he wanted.

December 25th, 2021

Owen peers out the window, at people going about their Christmas Day, and he cannot help but feel miserable. Christmas time at his house had always been a joyous affair, and he was missing that. In his right hand he holds an untouched Jack Daniels, but remembering Charlotte’s words, he places it on the window ledge, just as a knock is heard at the door. Owen sighs, and walks over to the door, opening it to Charlotte, who is holding a plate wrapped in foil. She holds it out to him, and he takes it.

Charlotte: I thought, even if you didn’t want to come, I’d bring you something to eat.

Owen: You shouldn’t have.

Charlotte: Well… couldn’t stand the thought of you not eating, and I know what it’s like to have to cook for one.

Owen: Yeah… couldn’t be bothered.

Charlotte: Thought so.

For a moment there is an awkward silence, with neither of them knowing what else to say. When suddenly Charlotte leans forwards, Owen’s eyes widening as she kisses him on the lips. As she pulls back, there is a huge smile on her face, and she bites her lower lip… had this been her plan all along?

Owen: Err…

Charlotte just laughs, turning on her heels and heading away from the house. She then looks over her shoulder towards him.

Charlotte: Merry Christmas Owen… 2022 will be better, you’ll see.

As Charlotte walks away, his places his hand on his lips where Charlottes had been just moments before, and a smile slowly forms on his face.

Scene fades.


6th April 2022
New Orleans

It had been strange going back to New Orleans, the scene of what had been the most traumatic experience of his life and one that had wide ranging effects on his life. His biological Father taking his life before his eyes. He’d ensured to leave it until the very last minute before he left, and after getting off his flight had headed straight to the hotel room, with no desire for sightseeing. As he appears on screen, he is sat on the bed of his hotel room, this a DIY promo, filmed on a propped-up iPhone. Behind him on the bed and floating above him is a 10th Birthday Helium Balloon, and he motions over his shoulder towards it as he starts to speak. 

“Like it Konrad?”

He turns, looking at the balloon before turning back.

“I mean, I was going to send you a present, but everything I could think of, I don’t think you would have appreciated. Honestly bro, I had a mug, which I thought was ironic as that’s precisely what you are these days, but written on the mug was World’s Worst Loser… it was in my Amazon basket and everything. But I didn’t need you losing your temper and getting all pissy because if there is something you are going to have to do over the course of the next ten minutes or so it’s listen. And we all know that you have an issue with that at the best of times, never mind when you get all antsy. Which now seems to be a weekly occurrence for the Iced Blood, or whatever stupid name you go by these days. I need you to pin those huge lug holes back, take away any personal feelings you have towards me, lose all bias and then, then perhaps you’ll learn a thing or two. Because if you think that I’m going to allow you to come out here and give me an history lesson of Konrad Raab’s best bits, just because you’ve been wrestling now for ten years to the day, you are sorely mistaken. I mean, I know your best bits wouldn’t take up a massive amount of time, but regardless. I’ll be damned before I let this match be all about a celebration for someone like you. Someone who disrespects this industry that has given him a decent living for exactly a decade, every time he steps into the ring. 

Now before you get on your high horse and tell me about your other ‘activities’ that you engage in which have absolutely NO relevance to what is going to happen on Breakdown this week, let me stop you right there. I couldn’t care less what you do outside the ring, who you’re shacking up with, whether you’ve still got the gimp mask or not, or a fetish for the old anal beads. 

Don’t give a shit.

What I want to talk about is why we should celebrate ten years in a business that at least from where I am looking, you’ve struggled to find anything like a modicum of success. I mean, let’s look at it with unbiased eyes for a second. Yeah, you’re towards the back end of your career, and thus struggle to keep up with, well, people like me. Yes, you are in your fifties, which to be fair, I credit you for starting late, and going on this long, knowing that being that age comes with certain ‘restrictions’ on what you can and can’t do. That’s not just me saying it Konrad… that’s science. Age does catch up with you, there’s no denying that. But let’s face it, there’s not going to be a great deal of evolution here is there? It’s simply not possible. Now, you might say that going from the nice, if a little confused guy you were to this… thing, who walks around these corridors like he owns the place, simply because he lucked out and owns his what, second title since he came here five years ago was it? You may well say that is evolution, and changing tact, being an asshole brought you the Underground Championship, so perhaps it was a good decision on your part. But being known for brutality, and yeah, I guess you’re stronger than me, so I’ll give you that too… does anyone REALLY look at you and think ‘fuck, I ain’t messing with that guy’, like they did someone like Blitzkrieg, the last true monster to stink out this place? Or even Tsunami who cracking skulls in the present day? 


Brass tacks sunshine, I told you this the last time we faced, when you were struggling mentally, you’re not looked at like a monster in its truest form, someone for us all to fear. You hold the Underground title, the definition of barbaric, and yet Kim Williams is pleading to take it from you. If given the chance, I’d step into the ring with you tomorrow, and the Underground isn’t really my domain. You’ve been splattering the red stuff all over the place, and yet STILL you are hard pressed to find someone who will take you seriously. Why do you think that is? 

I’ll tell you. 

Because although your actions are that of a monster, and yes, I could well end this match having spilt blood, I certainly wouldn’t be the last, and it wouldn’t be the first time either… thanks Daisy.”

He chuckles, hoping that she was listening to the private joke. 

“Simply put, the words that come out of your mouth sound like they are coming from that of a five-year-old who still hasn’t mastered the art of toilet training. Playground threats from you that I know full well Lucas Knight had difficulty keeping a straight face upon hearing them. Maybe you’ve done this on purpose, placing people on the back foot, but honestly, I don’t believe you’re that intelligent. No… it’s just like you attitude is that of a toddler, a toddler prone to tantrums. And you call me a man-baby? If anyone needs the fucking naughty step, it’s you.

But it’s not about what happens here behind camera is it? I went to the expense of that balloon, and I doubt you’ve paid it any attention, and the reality is you shouldn’t, because just like your soccer career it has very little to no bearing on our match. What matters is what happens when you get into the ring right? Where you have destroyed many individuals after being under the tutelage of Minerva. I mean, the Jackal’s kicked you to the curb the minute Minerva high tailed it, so they weren’t convinced by SCW’s version of Michael Myers, or his usefulness. But if it comes down to brutality, spilling blood, that’s your gig isn’t it? Someone like Owen Lee, the high-flying, high-energy technician isn’t going to stand a chance in that environment. Right?”

He stares at the camera, a grin forming, a grin that is almost a sneer.

“Wrong. Because if that is where you intend taking this Konrad. If we are going Underground because that is what you do best, I am more than willing to come along for the ride. Have a word with Olek, make it Underground Rules. Go one step further bro, put that shiny on the line and I’ll be more than willing to relieve you of that particular honor. Does that sound like I’m being negligent? Do you think I don’t know what I’m getting myself into? I’ll tell you why I can challenge you this way Konrad with absolutely no fear. In fact, I’ll sum it up in three words…

… Daisy… Rhea… Lee.”

He shifts position in the bed, ensuring to remain in the camera shot.

“Because if there is something, I set about proving after my return, starting with your best mate Drake, it was that I was no longer a one trick pony and that there were more strings to my bow than before. I’ve always been a speed merchant, one of the quickest in this company, and then against Alexis I showed that as a technician, I have become more than sufficient. Getting down and dirty, that was always a weakness of mine, but thanks to Daisy and Rachel, and in particular the ‘Slaughterhouse’, and yeah… it is still working. Because of those people and those principles, I have endured things that you cannot possibly imagine Konrad. Even more pain than that time Minerva shoved a traffic cone up your wrinkly old ass.” 

He pauses, allowing that statement to fester, that image now burned on the retinas of anyone listening. 

“Or maybe you took it all like a boss, I don’t know, I wasn’t there. What I DO know is I’m not the stranger to your ‘domain’ that you think I am. In fact, we go there, and I PROMISE you, I will thrive. You think YOU are capable of horrific things, but Rachel and Daisy are on another level. You think you’ve experienced pain… go to the slaughterhouse and come out of there anything other than a blubbering mess and I’ll give you your props as a ‘monster’ that should be respected. Till then, you’re just the prick with the timeless catchphrase.”

Owen puts on his gruffest voice


Ooo, you’re one scary mofo Konrad, you truly are.”

He shakes his head dismissively but continues regardless.

“Konrad, when all is said and done, you ARE a champion in this company and although you might not believe it, and I accept my words certainly may not have evidenced it, but I do respect you for holding a title belt in one of the most respected wrestling companies in the world. No matter how you claimed that title, or how you’ve defended it, you ARE the Underground champion, so you have found a way to hide away that which are to me your obvious flaws. Maybe people took you lightly, perhaps they thought they were in for an easy ride. But here's the thing Konrad, I never take short cuts and I will always do my homework. And I’ll find ways to claim victories, whatever the reputation of my opponent. People might not take you seriously, but I will, just the same as I do anyone, and I’ll come into this match with the same preparation as if I was facing Selena Frost, the current best in the world. And that fact alone is nothing but bad news for you. 

So, if you HAVE been given a free pass thus far, I assure you, there will be NO such generosity from me, because put quite simply, this is my first match against a current champion here in the SCW, and there is no greater opportunity for me to make a statement than by defeating someone on which that honor has been bestowed, whilst at the same time playing spoiler. I have a point to prove here Konrad, and there are questions that I still need to answer. But you need it, too don’t you? A victory to ensure your decade long career, something you’ve gone out of your way to mention, doesn’t end up like a damp squib. Can you live with that kind of pressure? Knowing that a defeat would ruin everything? 

But whereas you want people talking about you on April 7th, what happens if you walk out of New Orleans and everyone is talking about anyone but you? What if, in one of the biggest marquee matches of your career, your own personal ‘moment’ that you’ve been planning for what seems like months, you get dumped on your ass, or fall flat on your face by the ODE, a move that has already claimed some much bigger ‘names’ than you. What then Konrad? Will you choose another ‘personality’ to take the light from the Iced Blood, or will you go back to the Iceman himself, you know, the guy who at least held a modicum of respect from his peers for being a hardworking, decent human being who only had the best interests of SCW in his heart? Or will you, like many people think you should, call it a day, and save yourself the indignation of having a heart attack in the middle of the ring which is becoming more and more of an inevitability as the sands of time continue to the bottom of the hourglass. Either way, as I stated at the beginning of this promo, I’ll let you have your moment. Balloons, streamers, even confetti if you wish. I’ll play second fiddle for that occasion. But when the niceties are over and that bell rings. When the fans roar, and the referee motions for us to begin, none of that will matter. When the bell rings for the final time, your ‘decade of dominance’ will be forgotten. People will realize that Owen Lee is a champion in waiting. They will have witnessed me play spoiler, because Konrad it’s what I do. If you still don’t get it, this is the best visual representation I can come up with…" 

Owen turns behind him, and picks up a pin from the side cabinet popping the balloon

“That is YOUR celebrations going down like the proverbial lead… well in this case helium, balloon.” 

He winks at the camera

“Happy tenth anniversary Konrad. Enjoy the loss… my personal gift to you. Better than a lousy mug… right?”

He chuckles, as the scene fades
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Messages In This Thread
Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-04-2022, 07:29 AM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Owen - 04-06-2022, 01:28 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-06-2022, 11:46 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Owen - 04-07-2022, 05:57 PM
RE: Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab - by Konrad Raab - 04-07-2022, 11:58 PM

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