Giovanni Aries & Cid Turner vs. Selena Frost & Deanna Frost**
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The camera opens up to the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, the place empty of people as the camera scans the area. Empty chairs are seen. An empty rampway is seen, but as the camera changes to strolling along the catwalks, there is one person seen. A woman with red hair sitting on the catwalks, her feet dangling over the side. She is dressed in blue jeans and a dark green sweater that’s a little too big for her, for it hangs cutely around her shoulders, a little baggy but adding to her character. Her hair is tied back with a few locks framing her face.

Okay, so maybe I’m still new to this whole thing as a wrestler, but can I ask a simple question here?

What is everyone’s fascination with ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’? More accurately, what’s the deal with people making assumptions that they have no basis or facts on?
she asks as she looks down, observing the empty arena that will house Breakdown tonight.

Example, the assumption that if you complain enough, you’ll get what you want. If you post enough messages on Twitter, you’ll get what you want? I mean, I really don’t get that. Don’t get me wrong, Twitter is fun! I love posting photos and messages of my day and my life with Selena and our children. It makes me smile. But two weeks ago, Kim Williams and Marie Jones whine on and on about Kim getting a shot at the Underground championship. I mean, they even come up with some dumb nicknames for everyone – except I don’t think I got one, which is fine with me because they’re stupid names. I mean, Selena isn’t from Juneau, Alaska. She’s from Nome! I mean, anyone that’s paid even the slightest bit of attention would know that about her – she’s the damn Snow Queen, right?!

The Queen’s Guard gives a shake of her head, pulling herself to her feet with help from the guardrail. I’m sorry guys… she sighs. I guess I’m still a little mad about that match. I mean – no one likes getting stood up, in real life or in wrestling. But Twin Magic bailing let down all of you too. And the truth is… I really wanted to face them and make them pay for what they did to me and to Selena over the past few months. I mean, you get kidnapped, handcuffed to a fence and whatever, and you kind of want some kind of payback to your kidnappers. Am I wrong? But more than that… I wanted to show the world what Selena and I could do as a team. I’ve wanted to truly show that… for a long time now. To stand side by side with my wife, as an equal in the eyes of the True Believers and the SCW Universe. As someone that not only supported Selena’s fight for integrity, but fought for it as hard as she does.

She clicks her tongue inside of her mouth. But, like little boys that pull a girl’s pigtails and then run away – those two sisters didn’t want any part of The House of Frost…. Which I also don’t really get.

I mean, with Selena, I get it! She’s the world champion! Best in the world kind of thing – not meaning to steal from Glory but Selena IS the world champion. Stands to reason Kim and Marie wouldn’t want someone of THAT calibre. But me? I mean… I think I’ve won three matches now in my entire career? Compared to that, didn’t Alistaire Allocco become World Champion after three matches? Not like I’m near that level of “holy cats!”.

Now, I would talk about the Connection, but I think the Snow Queen is waiting till Breakdown to deal with them. So…back-a-roo to what I was saying to all of you. Kim’s got it in her head that she can bail on her matches and still get title shots. Spit in the face of opportunities and then get more?

What the hell kind of logic is that?
Deanna shakes her head in disbelief, turning her gaze to the camera.

Kim, you lost to us. You forfeited. Now you think you’re deserving of another title match of some kind? Seriously? You still owe ME a decent match! she smacks her chest with her hand.

I just don’t understand why people would run away from matches. I mean, even if you lose, it’s a learning experience, right?! A chance to get better? Learn more about being a wrestler and the opponents you face, right? Isn’t that how you become a better wrestler? Isn’t that how you learn to win matches and thus truly EARN opportunities? I may be new as a wrestler, but I managed Selena for a number of years and I definitely remember the countless GMs of SCW saying things like that. “Earning Opportunities”. I don’t know – running away from matches just seems counter productive to that.

The redhead gives a little shrug before slowly walking down the catwalk, her hand on the rail and the camera keeping on her. Least I don’t have to worry about tonight’s opponents running away. But speaking of people making assumptions based on no facts…

A dry laugh escapes her. Yeah, yeah guys – Cid and GiGi – we know the history, don’t we? ‘Manipulating’, ‘brainwashing’, ‘fraud’, ‘paying off officials’, ‘witchcraft’ and indecent insults that made no sense when you started them back in April or May of last year, Cid. Want to know how I know that? Cause it’s always the same with The Brand – the same logic. The same excuses. Just… the same. Cause it worked for Cid Turner… once.

Smiling a little, though it’s in mild annoyance, Deanna looks up a little. Seriously, Cid, at what point are you going to stop trying to insult my place in all this? For months, even till recently, you insulted my marriage to Selena. Now, you think that she’s hiding behind me? Like you hide behind Cookie or hid behind Asher, or hid behind Holly, that it? When did that happen for my wife, Cid? Was it Taking Hold of the Flame, where my wife beat you in the ring by herself? Was it Apocalypse where Asher ran out to help you? Was it that Breakdown episode where I was barred from ringside and my wife, for a third time, fought you on her own? When did Selena use me as a shield, Cid? When did she hit YOU from behind with the world title? When did she hit YOU with a steel chair?

Or are you just spinning that narrative because you think it’s like jingling car keys in front of us? That if you do it enough, say it enough, we’ll believe you? That it’ll distract us from the reality that you’re the one that’s hiding, Cid. That you’re the one that needs someone. That you’re the one that’s always needed someone to get you through.

Because if I was just some ‘dumb’, ‘manipulated’ woman, Cid… If that were so, then maybe it be me where Cookie is right now. Or do I need to bring up how you tried to bed me because of some stupid prophecy your ‘head-follower’ told you about? Yeah, pretty sure that wasn’t discussed too much out loud, was it? Back at the end of 2021, True Believers, Cid tried to convince Selena and I to let Cid have sex with me. Apparently, he was trying to further his place in his cult and impregnate me simply because I have red hair. He didn’t care about my and Selena’s wedding vows of loyalty and fidelity – opting even for a menage-e-troi between the three of us, just to sire another kid – just like he tried with Syren…

Visibly, Deanna shudders at the memory of that proposal and the implications of it. Why do you have to make things so ugly, Cid? Why do you try and paint something as wonderful as my marriage with Selena as something filthy? Or me being with my wife as something we should be ashamed of? Something that can be traded away just by a proposition or something that we should be ashamed of for considering in regards to me being a wrestler? Why does my love for Selena have to be something taboo? Can’t it just be what it is? Can’t she and I just be what we are? Two consenting women in love? And moreso, how can you, a man of a failed marriage, a man who stalked Syren for months out of ‘love’ as he put it, a man who then proposed to the first woman that said yes to a date with you – proposed on said date – how can a man with all that baggage and more judge my relationship of nearly seven years?

Better yet, how can a man that has no integrity look down on my wife who has done nothing but fight for it? How can a man that preaches ‘betterment’ for everything and everyone destroy everything he touches?

Seeming to think about it for a moment, the young Frost gives her head a shake. What am I saying? This is what Cid Turner really does, doesn’t he? He makes everything cheap and ugly. Your matches with Tommy Valentine and then with Asher Hayes were proof of that.

Speaking of which, why couldn’t you do some real good for Asher Hayes? He wouldn’t be after you if you had been there for him like you promised you always would be. And Cookie! You took her friendship with Jordan Majors and destroyed it, making it seem like some ugly thing – why can’t you do some good, Cid, like you claim to do?! Why can’t you FIX Cookie’s relationship with Jordan instead? Isn’t that what a ‘god’ should do? Isn’t that what a ‘being out to make SCW a better place’ should do? Jordan Majors is going to be married in the near future – I know she would want her dear friend to be there. So why aren’t you helping make that happen? Helping to heal that bridge?

While we’re on the subject, why can’t you take responsibility for your part in Asher’s fall – in the fall of A/C Unit. I was never a fan of you two, but after all Asher did to bring you back into SCW, doesn’t he deserve that much?
she scoffs.

But no. That is, apparently, asking too much of ‘the great Cid Turner’. ‘A god inside you’, and yet you couldn’t even give Asher a decent title match one-on-one at Retribution, could you? You couldn’t fight him on your own for the sake of your friendship. You had to screw him out of his match and declare Giovanni as “replacement Aasher”. Is that what Gleebnorb stands for? Is that what being ‘more’ is to you? Taking shortcuts, selling out just for any semblance of power, and, like a parasite, going from new host to host?

Deanna stops at the cat walk. Cause if it is, Cid, I am glad that I am not part of that nonsense other than fighting you in this ring – and if you think I’m going to be intimidated by your repeated words of ‘punishing’ me or ‘spiking me on my head’ like you said the last time we fought, I’ll remind you of something about that. Last time you uttered those words? You failed and we sent you packing.

Seeing a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor, Deanna plays with it with her foot. You guys… you just make everything that you touch into something ugly. The stain that was the Co-World Champions crap, attacking with titles, having your flunkies interfere in your matches- didn’t you say, Cid, that Sammy, Clamydia AND Cookie would be there for this match? What? 5-on-2 the only why you and GiGi are going to show up? Why?! her head jerks up back to the camera.

I mean, what is SO terrifying of losing?! I’ve lost before! I learned from it! I’m sure I’ll lose again and, again, I’ll learn from it. I don’t like losing, but I’m not going to have an army standing around waiting to jump my opponent just to get an ego boost from some win that wasn’t even earned!

And don’t act like you’re any better, Giovanni – least Cid WAS decent in his matches for a few months when he was World Champion – winning them fair and square. You haven’t had a shred of integrity in years! Are you really helping Sammy? Or did you run out of Wonderland-flunkies and just made do with who you could find? Cause last I checked? He hasn’t gotten any better as a wrestler or as a husband. But he seems to be giving you what you needed in saving your ass against Josh Hudson. In keeping you in your ‘winning ways’ as it were. Funny how the only person that seems to be benefitting from “nirvana” is the guy that claims to be giving it to others. And you say Selena is the one manipulating people? Hypocrisy much? she scoffs at that.

The fact is, you both are the frauds here. Neither of you have made SCW a better place or helped anyone or brought integrity to this federation – cause at the end of the day, that’s never been the plan for either of you, has it? Cause if it were, Sammy would be better off. Cookie would be better off. The FANS of SCW would be better off. And there would be no controversy. There would no cheap-ploys or scandals or lies or pyramid schemes or paid plants running in or ambushes orchestrated by you – and SCREW your half dozen segments playing on Breakdown every damn week!

It would be you two coming down here as Selena and I have done and earning every inch. Defending titles with integrity and honour. It would be you two coming down here and fighting Selena and I simply because it’s a main-event worth watching! ‘Something special’ as Cid said.

Slowly, Deanna shakes her head. But that’s not what Nirvanna is about. That’s not what Gleebnorb is about. What those two things are about is what they’ve always been about – make Giovanni Aries and Cid Turner relevant. Make Cid Turner and Giovanni superstars and to hell with the rest.

And it bothers me because for almost a year now, I’ve seen the real thing – the thing that you two have ‘claimed’ to bring but never have. I’ve seen true integrity. I’ve seen true care and love for this place. I’ve heard words – words that people like you two scoffed at. Words like “honor”. Words like “earning opportunities”. Words like “a standard worthy of SCW”. And these weren’t just words to put on a t-shirt or to sell tickets. These were words that were laced in ideals. Words that were part of true beliefs.

They were the beliefs of my wife and they were my beliefs. Beliefs that we have been willing to fight for and put our bodies on the line for while you two say them and then either run away or hide behind your one or more of your followers! Hide behind title attacks and ambushes…

Gently, Deanna raps her knuckles against the metal of the guardrail. Beliefs that have been the backbone of one of the greatest World Championship reigns in the last decade! Ideals and words that have kept us going through every dark moment of our profession and personal lives! Kept us believing! You want to know why Selena and I aren’t some ‘liars’ waiting to ‘pull the wool’ and ‘show our true colors’? Because THESE are our true colors! We’re the ones fighting for the good of SCW while you use OUR words, OUR beliefs, OUR goals as a punchline or as some schilling attempt to make some cash!

WE are bringing integrity and betterment to SCW! You guys are the ones cheapening it to line your pockets and prey on the most broken of us and it makes me sick!
her voice echoes throughout the empty arena, a pause coming from her as the echo dies down.

And it’s so simple because all I want is to show SCW what Selena and I can do as a tag-team. Not for the titles, not to move ahead in the ranks or however The Connection wants to word it but because… because we love each other and because we love the idea of teaming together. But all we’ve met is problems and ugly situations – and against you two? I’m not naïve to believe that this will be anything but ugly. That the two of you will, just like you have with everything and everyone else, from your television shows with Holly, to Cid’s title reigns, make this match into something ugly.

She gives one last shrug. Well I am prepared for ugly. I am prepared for ugly and I know Selena is as well. We are prepared for ugly. We are prepared for excuses. We are prepared for everything that you two can throw at us because, like I said, you are cheap imitations and we? We are the genuine article, you hear me?

This is a hill that Selena and I are ready to fall on. The question is… can you two say the same?

Eyeing the crumpled piece of paper, Deanna gently kicks it off the catwalk, watching it fall down…down… to the ring below…
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SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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RE: Giovanni Aries & Cid Turner vs. Selena Frost & Deanna Frost** - by SnowQueenSCW - 04-14-2022, 10:54 PM

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