Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
        Ace Sky is backstage, his jet black hair is a man bun with the sides shaven, his brown eyes are full of his usual boyish optimism continue to make him look youthful despite the lines on his forehead showing his age of 40. Even with his beard he looks like he could pull off college age. His Texan drawl comes out when he gets more passionate. He has on his new white tights decorated in emblems of Third Eyes and stars. He is wearing his trademark navy blue aviator jacket that is also decorated
with many accoutrements of flags from Texas, the universal peace flag, and emblems of stars, rockets, peace signs and the quantum physics emblem.

cutting a promo for the battle royal, he is in a very positive mood due to his debut win.

                     Ace Sky:
         I have spent my whole life fighting from under, from being undersized and underestimated. 
        I keep fighting, that is what I do. I hold advantages experientially, mentally , physically and even  spiritually.
        I am TRANSCENDT, I will continue to transcend the competition here at SCW. 
       A lot may be bigger in size , none have a bigger brain. I am winning the head game, the athletic game.
       I will continue to transcend to the top of the rankings and soon I will be champion.

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RE: Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by Ace Sky - 05-30-2022, 01:50 PM

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