Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee
10th June 2022


One of the benefits of living in Miami and away from most people that had been a part of his life for so long was that when he engaged in ‘downtime’ that was precisely what it was. The ideal opportunity for him to totally switch off from everything else and relax. People knew him in Miami, but not enough to approach him, so in the main he could go about his business without any interruption. This morning he had found himself walking around the nearby Mall, buying himself a couple of pairs of new trainers and taking in some lunch. In the early afternoon he had taken out his motorbike down the long stretch of roads that was never out of view from the ocean. Now, he pulls up outside his house and kills the engine, stepping off the bike and leaving it parked outside. He then enters the house through the side door from the garage, walking straight into the living area and thumbing through the post that arrived earlier. Happy that there was nothing of real importance, he then heads through and into the kitchen, grabbing himself a Coors Lite from the fridge and opening it. He then turns to look out the kitchen window, past his back garden and his eyes widen. 

Owen: What the fuck…

Hurriedly, he slides open the patio doors and out onto the rear porch where there, sat at his table, a bottle of white wine in front of her with a full glass, is Maisie Phillips. Quite possibly the last person he ever expected to see. There was a lot of history between Maisie and his family, in particular Shaun, but the last time he had seen her she had been making a pass at him. It was Owen’s belief that she was behind his dog Gerrard almost being hung from a tree back in England, but he could never prove that fact. 

Owen: What you doing here Maisie? 

Owen sighs with relief as Gerrard must hear the commotion outside and runs downstairs and straight outside. 

Maisie: Ah would you look at that, the little doggie remembers me.

It felt like she was taunting him, but Owen knew that losing his cool right now would only play into her hands. He makes sure to keep Gerrard by HIS side though.

Maisie: Would you like a glass?

Owen: No… how’s about you tell me why you are trespassing before I call the cops.

Maisie only smiles, totally unaffected by his attitude.

Maisie: Well, that’s not very nice is it?

Owen: Maisie, what are you doing here?

Maisie chuckles to herself and takes a sip of her wine, taking her time and enjoying Owen’s obvious annoyance. Finally, she places the glass back on the table and turns to face Owen, purposely allowing him to see up her short skirt. She then bites her bottom lip, grinning at the same time.

Maisie: Tell me Owen, how’s Jennifer?

Owen’s face drops, as the realization hits home. That’s realization is followed by disbelief that he’d not realized it before.

Owen: It was you… you sent the pictures to Regan

Maisie puts her hand to her mouth in pretend shock

Maisie: Oh my, was it supposed to be a secret. My bad, I hope you didn’t get into any trouble. I mean, it is quite deceitful Owen, I thought you were better than that.

Owen: It was none of your business… all of this because I didn’t fall for your games.

Maisie laughs even louder

Maisie: Oh Owen, you sweet little boy. You think I sent those pictures to Regan because I was jealous?

Owen: Well, what else could it be?

Maisie: I sent those pictures Owen to simply send you a message, and I couldn’t care less who you are with. You turned me down, I don’t care… that’s your loss not mine. Should have known someone like you wouldn’t know what to do with a real woman. No, I just wanted to make it clear that if I want to, I could make your life VERY difficult. I take your little life apart piece by piece, just with a few more items of evidence. Thank God Regan is a powder keg always waiting to go off huh? I don’t WANT to hurt you Owen, but for that not to happen then you would have to do something for me. Something that would make my life that little bit better. 

She picks up the bottle, looking to refill the glass, Owen however placing his hand over the top.

Owen: Enough. Just tell me what you want?

Maisie sneers, rolling her eyes.

Maisie: I want you to help me split up Angyalka and Shaun.

Owen’s eyes widen, and if it wasn’t Maisie saying it, he would have thought it was a joke. 

Owen: Are you crazy? 

Maisie: Not according to my Doctors. Totally cured by all accounts.

Owen: He’s not going to leave Angyalka, he loves her, they have a little girl together.

Maisie: Details, Details Owen. I know he still loves me; he just needs a little reminding.

Owen: No, I won’t do it. Angyalka is the best thing that ever happened to him.

Suddenly Maisie throws the wine bottle, and it crashes into the wall sending shards of glass everywhere. She stands, almost flipping the table over with her legs. Strangely, she then seems to almost as quickly calm down, and moves her hair from in front of her face, composing herself.

Maisie: No Owen… I was the best thing that happened to him. He should be with me.

She looks down at the broken glass and hunches down, picking up a few shards not even wincing as she cuts herself, blood dropping onto the patio.

Owen: You’ve cut yourself

Maisie: Have I? I didn’t even notice.

She says that sentence menacingly, Owen half believing that she was going to go for his throat with one of those shards. Instead, she turns, and drops them into the trash, before turning back to Owen covering her hand.

Maisie: Sorry about the mess… I’ll leave you to consider my offer.

She walks towards the back gate but pauses there, turning to face him.

Maisie: Don’t keep me waiting too long Owen… I’ve never been known for my patience, ask Ivy Knight.

And with that she is gone, Owen puffing out his cheeks, the relaxation he was feeling just a few moments ago now diminishing to almost nothing. If Regan found out now, there was no question that he and Jennifer were over before they’d even had the chance to restart. As far as he was concerned, Angyalka and Shaun were unbreakable, and nothing that Maisie could do would change that, so could he play along and risk his relationship with Shaun that was already on dodgy ground. Suddenly, Miami didn’t feel as far away from trouble as he thought. He needed to speak with Jennifer. The only way he could see was to come clean, them going to Regan before she found out second hand. Could Daisy help with the fallout? Owen certainly hoped so. Or maybe, just maybe… Owen could play Maisie at her own game. He picks up his phone and dials a number, because there was only one voice he wanted to here right now. He waits a few moments, until someone answers.

Owen: Hey Jen.

15th June 2022

Scene opens with Owen Lee on the banks of the Trinity River in Dallas. After nodding at the camera that pans around him, he picks up a flat stone and skims it effortless across the water, looking more than pleased with himself as it eventually sinks. He flexes the fingers of his left hand, wincing only a little at the sharp pain in his wrist that was once again starting to heal after the events of Taking Hold of the Flame. With a smile, and nothing in the way of animosity he starts to speak.

“No complaints.”

He knew his fans would know what he was talking about, but he continues regardless. 

“Like I said on social media, it was kinda frustrating to make my way through much of the field, much like I did last year in fact, and then fall short again. Managing to come top five on two separate occasions isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. After all, it’s not like I got eliminated by a Hairless Penguin is it?”

He chuckles to himself, the sarcasm in his voice very apparent.

“Nah seriously, congrats to Alexis Quinne, Syren, the aforementioned Penguin and of course the winner Adam Allocco. The four of you were outstanding, and there’s no shame in finishing behind you in the pecking order… no pun intended Penguin. If you’re going to lose, then it’s nice to think that you couldn’t have done much else… any of the last eight or nine could have been going to Rise to Greatness if events had transpired even a little differently. Again, like I said on social media, I’m not going to point to a singular event that excuses my elimination. I got caught, it’s as simple as that. But at the same time, I’m not going to ignore that once again, Josh Hudson proved that he has a bug up his ass about me. Like I said in my promo, Josh was eliminated because he was that focused on eliminating me, he didn’t keep his eyes on others. Syren and Adam got him quite simply because his focus wasn’t on winning THOTF, it was on making sure I didn’t. And you know what Josh, I’m not going to lie. For someone with the accolades you have, and all the experience you possess, you are going out of your way to prove that you are nowhere near worthy of carrying a belt with the prestige of the United States Championship. 

Ability? No question. 

The characteristics of a champion? Not a chance. 

You’re still bleating to anyone who will listen, how I shit all over the business that made me, and how I don’t deserve this second chance that I’ve been given. Still acting like a child when you address me, when you are supposed to be one of the foremost representatives of what this company stands for. An adult. For sure Josh, I made mistakes. But how many have YOU made, and yet still stand there as the United States Champion? 

Hypocrisy much?

But Josh, now that Taking Hold of the Flame is out the way, and with it the World title shot, I’m going to make my own opportunity, and give me my Rise to Greatness moment. You’ve tried to take everything from me now on three occasions, and now Josh, it’s my turn to take something from you. I said it online, and I say it again now. You want to teach me the ultimate lesson, in front of one of the biggest wrestling audiences in the world? Rise to Greatness, you and me… United States Championship on the line. Forget the bullshit, leave the bluster in the back. Make the match."

Owen pauses for just a moment to allow that statement to sink in. He is quickly back into his flow, saluting towards the camera

“Glory, sorry to keep you waiting, bit of admin to do. Yet again we find ourselves placed in each other’s path. And would you look at that, once again I find myself having to prepare for a ‘different’, ‘more evolved’ version of herself. What was it you said again Glory? You were going to win Taking Hold of the Flame, right? Because NO ONE knows what to expect because this time it’s different. And using some more of your words that you directed at Polly Playtime and he demanding to be in the US title tournament, how did Taking Hold of the Flame turn out for you? Other than getting a few laughs at your little ‘joke’?

Another episode in the drama that is the many faces of Glory Braddock. 

I mean, how long ago was it that you and I last did this dance, and I alleged the exact same thing? And yet we are, and once again the SCW Media Machine is touting a ‘new’ Glory Braddock, a ‘looser’ Glory Braddock whatever that means, that let’s face it is the same person. Underneath, the exact same Glory Braddock resides, the ‘real’ Glory that honestly doesn’t need to play all these ‘characters’ and is much better than is being perceived and yet continuously does precisely that. Case in point how it simply doesn’t work, Konrad Raab. Yes Konrad, I’m talking about you again… get over it. Konrad was one of the most likeable people on the roster Glory, respected even. He turned to the ‘dark side’ and became the Iced Gimp, or the Iced Blood, whatever he’s calling himself now, and what changed? Nothing. He got ‘brutal’. He won the Underground Title by default… big deal. But you’ve been doing this your entire career, the moment the titles dry up, you change your path… rinse and repeat, a tale as old as time. 

If it wasn’t so predicable Glory, it would be hilarious. 

The minute you didn’t win the United States Championship match I wouldn’t have been given very high odds if I’d bet by the time Taking Hold of the Flame arrived you would have ‘reincarnated’. And here we are, yet another iteration standing before me. Shock. Horror.”

Behind him, dusk is starting to settle, and the lights of the city are starting to illuminate making it a truly beautiful sight. He looks over his shoulder for a few short moments before continuing. 

“And it shouldn’t bother me, in truth it doesn’t. Why should I care what you do when it has very little bearing on me? And I know what you’re thinking. Who’s this hypocritical son of a bitch preaching to me about changing ones attitude, or stance on certain things? 

Am I close? 

I mean, let’s face it, it’s not in the too distant memory that I was acting like a total prick. I turned on the very people that made me, ask Hudson, he seems to know me better than I know myself? But you see, the person before you didn’t come about on a whim. I didn’t decide to be this person again because I thought it would win me championship belts in the way you do. I was a lost soul, I needed help, I got it and now I’m better. I didn’t do it to win, or for ratings, I did it for me. 

And that’s the point I’m trying to make Glory. You’ve existed in this company on the back of your past, and very little else in comparison. And I want to make this clear, I don’t say any of this out of spite. The reason I say it is because without a doubt you are one of the most decorated people in this industry, never mind this roster. And since your debut, there is no denying that you have had a career that many would be jealous of. All you have done, all you have achieved, there is no question that you should be the undeniable favorite to come off Taking Hold of the Flame and kick off some momentum heading into Rise to Greatness. And yet you’re not. When it comes to this company you have underachieved. And why is that?”

Owen shrugs his shoulders

“I honestly don’t have the answers for you. I could give you my opinion, but let’s face it you ain’t going to listen to someone like me. I think I know what you’re thinking though. You’re thinking the same as the last time we met, that being you may not have been given a title shot, but you have been given an opportunity. Let’s take the ‘kid’ to school and take his place… that’s an incentive, right? All for one reason, put Glory Braddock on the pedestal that she hasn’t even sniffed for the longest time. Yes time… it catches up with us all. ‘Mate’. And Rise to Greatness is the perfect time to do it right? It’s when you fight harder than ever before and use all your ‘tricks’ and ‘experience’? 

But the thing is we are ALL fighting harder, stronger… using all OUR attributes to get it done. You’re not different to anyone else Glory, your entire rhetoric sounds like something ANYONE could have said. But I do want to pick up on one thing you said. That being that momentum is everything. Because you’re right it is but trying to pass off that I need momentum after coming fifth in a forty person Battle Royal, that’s kinda lame. Even top ten in an event like this is an achievement, you should realize that, and I’ve done that in consecutive years. Even when I didn’t finish top ten, I was the Iron Man, lasting longer than everyone bar Sienna Swann. I’ve experienced TWO singles defeats since I returned. TWO. So I don’t see it as a difficult task to build momentum towards Rise to Greatness because I already have it in spades.

So much for studying me carefully huh?

But I do get how important this match is Glory, for both of us. I know that if I lose to you, ‘calling my shot’ against Josh will have nothing like the same substance. I know that if you beat me, perhaps it will be you who gets that opportunity on the biggest show in the world. And that would be the right thing as well, because you would have earned it. But, when I called that shot Glory, no I didn’t think about the rest of the roster, why should I care if they ignore me or not? Is it based on revenge? I’m not going to lie, taking that title from him would put a smirk on my face, but nothing more. If you HAD been watching me carefully, you’d know I believe some things, no most things are more important than Josh Hudson. 

At Taking Hold of the Flame, I wanted to win for one reason, for the World title shot. In our interactions you’ll have seen it for yourself. Josh is the one with the issue, whereas I couldn’t care less. The United States is a title that I have never held. And that is a fact that more than anything I want to change. And as for having ‘earned’ it, I point right back to that momentum you place massive importance on. Josh Hudson BESTED you in that tournament, he CHEATED me out of my place… that’s the difference. If he hadn’t, I’m very confident I’d be stood here now with the title over my shoulder. That’s an opinion I believe the match makers here in this company share, knowing I was wronged that night. And before, I might have sat back and waited patiently, and allowed people to step in front of me in the line. Not anymore. I’m IN the US title conversation already Glory, the only thing I did was state quite clearly that I should be next. You want to be the one to take me out that equation, that’s fine, be my guest. After all, that’s what competition is.”

He turns back to the water, the camera panning around to in front of him.

“So, Glory, I want you to understand, I KNOW who I’m dealing with. Nothing that you have said this week comes as any great surprise. You say you won’t allow yourself to be beaten, you WILL win this match. On and On, the same old promises very rarely delivered… it’s embarrassing. And please don’t insult me by preaching how much time I have Glory; I’ve already nearly lost my career once. No one can predict how much time any of us have because it could be over in a heartbeat. Making assumptions like that, that pretty much defines who you are Glory. Someone who states they prepare for any eventuality but very rarely does. This could be my very last Rise to Greatness. Something could happen on Breakdown and I may never wrestle again. That’s the mentality you face Glory. No arrogance, no complacency, just a guy wrestling EVERY match as if it could be his last. So be desperate Glory, come at me like a wounded animal. Please. Desperation means mistakes. Mistakes that I am one of the very best at capitalizing on, my speed unmatched.”

He winks at the camera

“Fourteen years’ experience means nothing if you don’t use it. And you won’t ever be THAT Glory Braddock you claim until you do. Get that drawing board ready ‘love’… I reckon you’re going to need it.”

Owen salutes the camera, and then walks away. The scene slowly fading.
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Messages In This Thread
Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee - by Konrad Raab - 06-12-2022, 08:29 AM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee - by Braddock - 06-14-2022, 10:49 AM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee - by Owen - 06-15-2022, 12:04 PM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee - by Braddock - 06-15-2022, 04:10 PM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee - by Owen - 06-16-2022, 06:12 AM

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