Ace Sky vs. Deanna Frost
The Guard Tower

I’m going to start this off by sharing a story with you guys. And yes, it’s a ‘Mom’ story, so prepare yourself. My son, David, when he was 3, Selena and I got him his very first bike. Not a tricycle, we had had that for about a year or so. No, this, Selena had really spent on this.

Wait… let me explain… my wife likes bikes. She has a motorcycle – you didn’t think she just wore all that leather because it makes her look sexy as hell, did you? I mean, it does, but she also loves motorcycles and she wanted her children to learn to ride bikes at a young age. As I’m telling this story, Amiliah will soon be getting her first bike, which is what made me think of this story as I’m getting ready for my next SCW Breakdown match.

ANYWAY! Selena and I got this gorgeous dark-red bike for David. It was so small – especially compared to Selena’s motorcycle. I mean, I could lift it up and carry it through the story. It was so cute! And we made sure it was great quality, the breaks worked, everything to ensure safety. Got a matching helmet and all that, too.

We get to the day of David’s birthday, hiding the small bike in a closet in the basement, we bring it to him and his face lights up. I mean, I will always treasure that memory – the way he smiled and the way his eyes sparkled as he saw the bike before him. And, like any mom can attest, first thing kids do when they see something shiny?

Oh! He had to ride right away! Had to had to had to!

We got outside and he was already trying to ride it like he would his tricycle. Of course…the one thing they don’t tell you after you’ve ‘mastered the tricycle’ is the fundamental difference between a bike and trike.


Well, off he went, right into the driveway and scrapped his knee – it was like thirty seconds tops of being outside. Next thing we know, he’s crying, asking for help, and he’s too scared to go back on the bike.

Thing is, both Selena and I knew this would happen. After all, bikes are harder to ride. So, after bandaging up his knee, I’ll never forget this, he was so scared to go on the bike. Still, we told him that everyone falls off their bike the first time around. And several times after that. But – cliché as it sounds – what do we do when we fall down? We get back up.

It took weeks of having to stand with him, holding the bars and back, before he could do it on his own, but now? Now he’s going up and down hills, he’s trying to bike while standing on his pedals – he crashes sometimes still but he learns from that.

My point, which I think is obvious by now, sorry, is that when you fall down, pick yourself up and if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

And that’s…well, that’s me.

For those of you that missed it? Yeah, I lost my challenge to Adam Allocco. I think many people expected that given the difference in our abilities. But… I mean, I genuinely thought I could win. And, during the match, I didn’t even care that he was using the same move with me. If he was THAT ‘confident’ in his abilities that he felt I wasn’t worth more effort? Then I would beat him and change his mind.

But I didn’t do that. I lost.

And don’t get me wrong, I am beyond proud of how I did. And I am beyond grateful to Sharper and the SCW staff for giving me the encouragement and their feedback on it. The fact that so many people have been telling me how ‘close’ the match was? For a woman that’s only been an official wrestler for less than a year against a two-decade career number one contender? That’s incredible for me.

Now, I’m not going to waste this time talking about Adam’s ‘ego’ and his tweets, because, hey!, he’s the one that couldn’t just ‘squash’ me in a match that I, in his words, ‘couldn’t handle’ or ‘wasn’t ready for’. So, I’ll leave him to protecting his fragile ego and I’ll move on with what I want to talk about.

Point is, I got knocked down. Now? I want to get up and keep going. I want to keep going so that, the next time Adam faces me and wants to mouth off about ‘not being ready’ or treat me like he did in the ring? I’ll be the one walking out with a smile on my face while he hits the mat in frustration.

But that all starts with a first step of ‘getting better’ and I’m going to do what I should have done last week: defend my new Television Championship!

And I am exited for that! Because, I can promise, I won’t be dodging this match. I took this title from an individual that believed she could buy her victories rather than earning them. Who believed that she could dodge and avoid any match she ‘didn’t want to be part of’.

I don’t want to be like that. Like I said weeks ago, I was asked to bring some integrity to this title like my wife has to the world title. And you know what’s in the word integrity?


That’s right! Grit as in work! Hard work! The kind of work that you sometimes have to roll your eyes at and go “Oh no! I gotta go to work! I rather sleep!” because, you know, sleeping is awesome.

But I am ready to do that work! I am ready to treat every defense like it will be my last as the Television Champion. It’s all new territory for me, being a champion, having a title, working towards some greater goal that is yours and not something your wife started. I mean… it’s also scary but come on!

But yeah, hard work. That’s what I am ready to do. Because I don’t want people to think that I took this belt just to finally have a title. I didn’t do this just to join ‘the champions’ club’ or whatever people are calling it. I did it because I believe in what Shaun Cruze wants to see in this division. I want to work hard for something like that. And I want to prove that me winning the title was no fluke. Was no ‘flash in the pan’ just because of one loss last week.

No, I am going to pick myself up and I am going to do the work.

The question is, Ace Sky, are you ready to do the work with me?

Because I heard you loud and clear – or at least loud, you kind went off on gender identity and sexual orientation, which, as a lesbian, had me lifting my eyebrow while you tried to make your point, but I can appreciate you reaching some sort of concept of ‘inclusivity’ and ‘growth’ – which is what pride month is all about. So, thumbs up to you, sir! I plan on wearing a rainbow sarong during our match as well – and I know Selena has something in mind for her attire too when she faces Owen Lee. Something to look forward to for sure!

But let me get us back on focus. Tonight – you and me, Television title. My first defense and your first chance at an SCW championship. That makes this match super special. It makes it something that we will both remember, I am sure.

But it’s also makes it a match where we need to personify the ‘GRIT’ in integrity. Because, while others may have ‘counted you out’ as you said, I’m not one of them. I’m married to a woman that knows how to fly, Ace, and she’s the SCW World Champion! She’s the best in the world and she got there knowing how to fly and be technical, which are your ‘gifts’ as you say.

So to take you lightly, I know, would be a mistake. But… I think it’s you that’s taking me lightly. I mean, you didn’t even mention my name or the championship or what winning it means. And I don’t see that as a sign of disrespect, Ace, I don’t. But maybe you don’t know me or, more importantly, what this title means or what it means to me.

The Television title is a title that forces you to stay on your toes. To always be on your best game, even if the odds are stacked against you. It’s pushing through challenger after challenger if you want to stay on top every week – and yes! It’s supposed to be on the line every week, which I tried to do but was shot down last week. It’s about endurance and heart… and grit. I’m really starting to like that word!

Anyway, I don’t think you get that yet and, more importantly, I don’t think you get what that means to me and what I am prepared to do keep this title and continue my mission to raise to integrity. And no, I don’t mean by unprofessional or untoward in some form of misconduct. I mean taking all the leg drops and submissions and high-flying moves you can do and keep on going. I mean being able to wrestle even when you’re so sore and tired.

Make no mistake here, Ace, you may be a 20+ years veteran, just like Allocco, but I am very aware of your different styles and tactics. Even so, I’m not interested in being knocked down again unless I can get right back up – and that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to give you everything I have and then take everything you can throw at me, and then get back up.

I may not be the better high-flier like you, Ace, or perhaps the better grappler like Allocco or the better striker like my wife is.

But tonight, in Calgary, Skyguy? Regardless of those shortcomings, I’m going to be the better wrester and I’m going to be the better Television Champion for SCW.

Believe GRIT!

And Checkmate, bitch!
Deanna Frost

SCW World Tag-Team Champion
SCW United States Champion
SCW Underground Champion
SCW Television Champion
2x Winner of Elimination Chamber (2023)
Winner of Last Woman Standing Match (2023)
SCW Rookie of the Year (2022)
Match of the Year (2023)

Messages In This Thread
Ace Sky vs. Deanna Frost - by Konrad Raab - 06-25-2022, 06:09 PM
RE: Ace Sky vs. Deanna Frost - by Ace Sky - 06-26-2022, 02:53 AM
RE: Ace Sky vs. Deanna Frost - by QueensGuardSCW - 06-28-2022, 10:30 PM
RE: Ace Sky vs. Deanna Frost - by QueensGuardSCW - 06-29-2022, 04:42 PM

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