Wolf & Williams vs. Happy Farmstead Friends
1 of 2
Ooc note: my kim roleplays should be read in this order, parts 1 and 2 are posted in the match thread against DeeDee McFrosty…parts three and four are contained here. So if you have trouble following along, you may want to read my roleplays against Deanna first. That’s the proper chronological order.

July 25th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It is Monday in Boston, Massachusetts and the kickoff to the events of Rise To Greatness are less than a week away. One individual who will be quite busy during SCW Rise To Greatness this year is the reigning SCW Underground Champion Kimberly Williams. The Woman Scorned is already scheduled for double duty, defending her Underground Championship on the pre-show against Deanna Frost and then challenging for the SCW World Tag Team Championships with Sarah Wolf in a Happy Farmstead Fight on the main show. And if Kim gets what she wants, she will even be participating in the gimmick battle royal, meaning the deranged ginger will be in three matches at Rise To Greatness. The Queen of the Death Match will indeed be very busy this coming weekend at Rise To Greatness. But this weekend isn’t the only bit of business that is keeping Kimberly’s attention.

A couple of weeks ago The Woman Scorned came into contact with a self-described agent named Eduardo Hernandez who seemed desperate to do business with the deranged ginger. Why would anyone want to risk their own health and well-being by doing business with the uncontrollable Kimberly Williams? Kim doesn’t even particularly like agents anyway. Very few agents have done right by her and thus she has a hard time bringing herself to trust them. Just like all of the other agents who have spoken to her, Hernandez promised Kim the entire world. What none of them realize is that Kim is a complex and complicated woman. She doesn’t want the world handed to her on a silver platter. Just look at the squalor she lives in; her home is a very small residence with just one kitchen, one bathroom, one living room, and one bedroom. Those rooms are all tiny and ratty.

While most would prefer to live in opulence and luxury, Kim is just as happy living in filth. She is lying on her ratty torn up sofa that rests upon unwashed, dirty, raggedy green carpet. A tiny cage containing her pet hamster, Caligula, rests on a nearby coffee table. It isn’t much, it is very simple, but this is all the “luxury” Kimberly requires. You can offer Kim money and power and she would turn it down. She doesn’t want that. What does The Woman Scorned want? What could Eduardo Hernandez offer Kim that would make her consider his offer to represent her as her agent?

There is one thing Kimberly wants that she cannot seem to get by herself; she wants the district attorney’s office in Boston, Massachusetts to drop the charges against a woman named Carol Johnson who is accused of multiple assaults and attempted murder of Kimberly and her family. The charges are very much true, which is why the DA wants to press charges to the fullest. But Kim also recognizes why Carol was pushed over the deep end. Carol went crazy when her oldest sister was murdered by Kim’s uncle Douglas Williams. Kim’s family had taken her sister from her, Kim would be indirectly responsible for taking Carol away from the Johnson family as well if she were prosecuted. Kim doesn’t want her family to be responsible for any further damage done to the Johnson family. Kim wants mercy shown towards Carol, and if Eduardo Hernandez were to convince the DA’s office to be lenient then Kim would give Hernandez a chance.

Surprisingly enough, this sleazy looking agent did manage to convince Massachusetts officials to drop the attempted murder charges. He’s still in talks to try and get all charges dropped, but even dropping the attempted murder charge is an incredible feat in and of itself. Therefore Kim has to live up to her word. Call her a psycho, an agent of chaos, or sadistic, but she is a woman of her word. She promised to give Hernandez a chance if he could come through, so he will give him a chance at managing her career. And the first bit of business is to work on her image.

The Woman Scorned is at home waiting for the arrival not of her new agent Eddie, but on Eddie’s associate, a woman he called Savannah. Kim isn’t sure what to expect. She wasn’t told what she looked like, she wasn’t even told what Eddie meant by ‘working on her image’, she was just told that Savannah would meet her this afternoon.

“I wonder where this Savannah chick is anyway?” Kim asks out loud, even though no one is there with her. Well, no one except her hamster Caligula. The deranged ginger reaches into the cage and pulls out Caligula. She places him on her chest and smiles at him. “Do you know where this dipshit is, Caligula, huh?” Kim rubs noses with Caligula. Just then she hears a knocking at her front door. Kim’s face lights up like a Christmas tree.

“That must be here! Come on, Caligula! Let’s go see her!” Kim places Caligula back in his cage. Then she hops up off of the ratty sofa and walks over to the front door. Kim opens the door and spots a woman standing there in a dark green maxi dress and sandals. She has a stoic look upon her face. Definitely doesn’t look like very fun. But that’s ok, Kim is fun enough for the both of them.

“Are you Ms. Williams?”

“Call me Kim! Kimmy! Or Sasha! Or Katya! Or Kennedy Street!” She chuckles. “Yeah! Call me Kennedy Street! Keenie for short, honey!” Kim reaches out and embraces the woman in a tight hug. Based on the look of disgust on her face, the woman isn’t exactly thrilled with this show of affection. Eventually the embrace is broken. The woman quickly dusts herself off, as if Kim were dirty.

“Yes, of course…Kim…” she rolls her eyes “...my name is Savannah, Savannah Darling.”

“Like Wendy?”

“Wendy who?”

“Wendy Darling. Like in Peter Pan!” Kim says happily. “I love that story!”

“No…not that Darling. Now may I come inside so we can get down to business?” Savannah pushes her way past Kim and walks into the home. Williams is a little taken aback with how rude Savannah is, how NOT FUN she is! Kim sticks her tongue out at Savannah while her back is turned, then she follows Savannah into the main living room area. Kim stands next to Savannah. Ms. Darling’s face is contorted into a look of sheer disgust as she takes in the view of the nasty looking living room that Kim calls home.

“Is this the dump that you live in, Ms. Williams?”

“Yeah, isn’t it great?!” Kim exclaims happily.

“Why on earth would you INTENTIONALLY live in trash?” Savannah asks as she turns to face Kim and places her hands on her hips, staring down The Woman Scorned with a judgmental look.

“Why not?”

“Must I spell it out? Ms. Williams, I was under the assumption that you were connected to a great deal of wealth. Mr. Hernandez informed me that you inherited some wealth from a Sorinah Floreschu. Correct?”

“Uh-huh!” Kim nods her head. “I am thinking of using it all to buy a tank! Or a zoo!”

“Why? Why waste your money like that and live in filth like this when you could buy such a better place to live in? You could have all of the luxury in the world, Ms. Williams. You could hire a maid or a butler to clean up this mess at the very least. Why do you choose to live in such nastiness when you could afford better?”

“I dunno,” Kim shrugs her shoulders “I just want to! I don’t need that shit that stuck up rich bastards think they need! This kind of living is what I’m used to, even if it is filth as you want to call it.” Kim winks. “Besides, Caligula like it this way!”


“Caligula!” Kim repeats. She rushes past Savannah and then goes to the hamster cage. She reaches inside the pulls out Caligula. She brings the hamster over to Savannah and shoves him into her face. “Say hi to the nice lady Caligula!”

“Hi there, sweet cheeks. Now gimme a kiss!” Kim provides the voice of Caligula.

“No thanks, Ms. Williams.”

“C’mon, you hot piece of ass, kiss me!”

“It’s just an animal, Ms. Williams. Please quit this nonsense of pretending that it is speaking with me.”

“I am talkin’ to ya, bitch!” Kim…errr Caligula exclaims.

“Please, Ms. Williams, no one actually believes your hamster can actually talk.”

“Oh fine!” Kim says as she pulls Caligula back towards her and starts stroking him. “You’re no fun.”

“And you should grow up.” Savannah points out. “We are here to work on your image, Ms. Williams, not to play games. Mr. Hernandez informed me that you were willing to proceed with his plans to market you and that begins with your image. Are you going to be serious about this or should I leave and inform Mr. Hernandez that you changed your mind?”

Kimberly already is beginning to regret her decision to go along with this. But she did make a deal with this Eddie Hernandez character. She agreed to work with him and whatever his plans were if he could help her out with the Carol Johnson situation. He did his part and now Kim feels obligated to do her part. The Woman Scorned sighs and nods her head.

“Fine, just let me put Caligula back in his cage.” Kim walks back over and places the hamster back in the cage. Savannah follows her.

“Very good. Now may I see your wardrobe?”

“A wardrobe, eh? How fancy!” Kim smirks. “Right over here!” Williams approaches a nearby door that is actually just closet space. She pulls the door open and tons of shirts and jeans fall out onto the floor at their feet. Savannah looks down at this pile and takes a few steps back away from this laundry. She looks down at the pile and then back up at Kim.

“Do you clean your clothes?”


“Sometimes is better than never, I suppose.” She says as she bends over and picks up a t-shirt. She looks at it and contorts her face as she reads what the t-shirt has printed on the front. “I Groped Mr. D…”

“You did? You dirty little bitch.” Kim chuckles.

“I did not!” She exclaims angrily and points at the shirt. “That’s what your shirt says!”

“Oh so it does!” Kim replies with a grin. Savannah drops the shirt and picks up another. Once again she reads it out loud.

“Oktoberfest?” She points to the image of Konrad Raab next to a thing of beer underneath the wording on the shirt. “Why is this man’s head sitting next to a thing of beer?”

“Oktoberfest. Duh!”

“Of course…” Savannah drops that shirt and picks up a third shirt “...Ice Ice Kimmy?”

“It was a record hit, baby! It went to number one on the charts like a rocket!”

“Right…well let’s look at these…” she drops the shirt and picks up a set of jeans, they are tore. She looks through the rest of pile and finds more torn jeans and torn jean shorts. She then stands back up and glares at Kim. “...all of these are torn! Raggedy!”

“Thanks for noticing!”

“Do you have anything stylish, Ms. Williams?”

“Nope.” Kim shakes her head. “I never ever dress fancy. The only time I have ever worn fancy clothes was when I stole my sister’s clothes. We are identical twins, you see, so same size and shit!”

“That does it!” Savannah throws her hands up in frustration. “I cannot work with this!”

“So does that mean you’re going away?” Kim asks hopefully. Her hopes are dashed when Savannah shakes her head.

“No…we are going shopping. Mr. Hernandez authorized me to use his cash to buy you a new wardrobe if necessary and that is exactly what I am going to do.”

“When are we gonna do that?”

“Right now!”

July 25th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

This isn’t exactly how The Woman Scorned had planned to spend her Monday the week of Rise To Greatness. The psychotic ginger has been in an upscale luxury shopping center in Boston, Massachusetts browsing through a clothing store with a woman she had only just met about an hour ago, Savannah Darling. And to say that Kim looks like a fish out of water would be quite the understatement. Williams doesn’t feel right being here amongst the fancy feminine dresses in the lady’s section. For the past several minutes since they arrived Savannah has been trying to encourage her to try something fancier, or at least somewhat more ladylike than the attire she typically wears. Apparently ‘working on her image’ means a completely new wardrobe and a completely new look for Kimberly Williams and The Woman Scorned isn’t having any of this…

“I look stupid!”

Currently Savannah is seated just outside of a changing room. She hears the voice of her companion, Kim Williams coming from within the changing room and she sounds quite upset. But Savannah doesn’t seem to care. She stands up and pokes her head inside.

“Come on out, I’m sure you look fine.”


“Fine. I’m coming in.” Savannah walks right on through the door and into the changing room. There she finds Kim with a fancy pink dress…but the dress isn’t why she looks stupid. Kim is still wearing her torn denim jeans. Savannah has been quite stoic with almost no sense of humor since she arrived and met Kim, but even Savannah cannot help but laugh ever so slightly at this woman’s appearance.

“Don’t laugh!” Kim complains.

“I apologize, Ms. Williams, but you did it to yourself.” She points to the outfit. “You’re still wearing the jeans. You should remove them.”

“You want to take off my pants?” Kim feigns shock. “You really are very fast for a first date.”

“We’re not dating!” Now Savannah’s old, agitated tone has returned. “I’m just trying to assist you.” She points to Kim’s bare feet. “And why aren’t you wearing the shoes I found for you?”

“I HATE wearing heels!”

“You’ve worn them before. You said so yourself.”

“Yes, I wear them pretty much only when I’m pretending to be my sister. I steal her clothes and put them on and no one can tell the difference. It’s real fun. I took her place for an entire month several years ago…Marie didn’t think it was very fun because I had kidnapped her and locked her in a basement…”

“You did what?” Savannah sighs and shakes her head. “Actually, I don’t want to know.”

“I take Marie’s place quite often, actually. Usually it’s just to help her. And that’s the only time I wear heels. And trust me, if I weren’t doing it for my sister I would never wear a pair of those fucking shoes again!”

“Do you even have the shoes with you?” Savannah asks. “The ones I bought you.”

“Yeah,” Kim points to a pair of strappy black sandals on the floor “why?”

“Take off the jeans. Put on the heels. And then we’re leaving.”

“Not in this.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It just isn’t my style.” Kim shakes her head. “Look, you and everyone else can be fake plastic Barbie dolls but not me. I’m real and this just isn’t real, at least it isn’t the real me.”

“Ms. Williams, please, even though those jeans make you look rather ridiculous right now, I can still tell that the dress looks good on you. The shoes would complete the look. Why won’t you just…” before she can get the thought out of her mouth, Savannah is silenced by Kimberly reaching out and snatching her by the throat.

“I said NO!” She exclaims angrily. “I promised Eddie that I would follow along with whatever plans he had but this is going too damn far! Tell me this, bitch, why the hell does he want to change my image so damn much? What is wrong with the way I look now?” The Woman Scorned releases her grip on Savannah.

Savannah can see the rage, the deranged look in Kimberly’s eyes and for the first time since meeting The Woman Scorned, Savannah is actually afraid. She takes a few steps back just in case she has to make a run for it. She does her best to compose herself and answer Kimberly’s questions.

“I understand that this isn’t your normal. But be honest with me, Ms. Williams, do you honestly believe that walking around wearing obscene shirts is normal?”

“What exactly is normal?”

“Fair point.” She nods her head. “But what if any of the promotions you wrestle for…say, SCW with their biggest event of the year, Rise To Greatness, and you show up looking like a hobo. Looking like you’re homeless. Do you think that is the image you want to present? Is that the image of a champion? Is that the image of a potential DOUBLE CHAMPION?” She grins. “Yes, I am aware of your bookings this weekend. Don’t you want to look your best for the after party?”

“There will be no after party.” Kim states defiantly.

“Then let me put it to you this way, Ms. Williams. When people look at you, they do not see a normal human being. I don’t mean to sound rude but let’s face it, you pretend your hamster talks…you are actively trying to murder a pair of children’s show characters…”

“FLAY!” Kim points out, correcting her. “Flaying is not murdering.”

“Whatever. My point is that your reputation precedes you. And you do not help your image or your reputation with how you dress and behave. People look at you and they see a deranged lunatic.” She sighs. “Is that the way you want to perceived? I thought that you wanted to be viewed differently. I was under the impression that you wanted the world to see the REAL Kimberly Williams.”

“Yeah, I do. But…”

“So answer this question…is the REAL Kimberly Williams the psychopathic monster that people perceive you to be? Or is the REAL Kimberly Williams someone who can be looked up to? A psychopathic monster would not have spared the life of Carol Johnson. Only someone truly pure of heart would have spared the life of the woman who had assaulted her and tried to kill her.” Savannah smiles warmly. “That is the what Mr. Hernandez sees as the REAL Kimberly Williams. And that is what I am trying to bring out in you. Someone who is warm, kind…and classy.” She pats Kim on the shoulder. “Think about that. I will be outside waiting on you.”

Savannah exits the changing room and returns to her spot sitting just outside. She isn’t sure yet whether what she said got through to the Queen of the Death Match. To be honest, she isn’t sure she could even get her this far, to a clothing store to shop for nicer things. The mere possibility that she could be successful would be incredible. Mr. Hernandez will be quite happy with this development. A few minutes into her wait and Savannah considers calling her boss. But she is stopped when she hears footsteps approaching. She turns and is pleasantly surprised to see Kimberly standing there in her pink cocktail dress and heels.

“Now there we go! We are all on our way to showing the world the real Kimberly Williams! How do you feel?”

“I already told you. I feel stupid.” Kim complains.

“You shouldn’t feel that way. You should feel gorgeous. Because you do indeed look gorgeous.” She grins knowingly.

“Thanks, I think…”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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RE: Wolf & Williams vs. Happy Farmstead Friends - by The Matt - 07-29-2022, 07:44 AM

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