Adam Allocco vs. Selena Frost
The Royal Letter

The camera opens up to reveal the SCW World Champion, Selena Frost, sitting in a leather chair in front of a dark red curtain. Her hair is tied in its iconic braid, which matches her pale skin but contrasts the magenta shirt and blue jeans she wears. Sitting in her lap is the SCW World Championship, the champion’s sapphire eyes resting on it as her fingers graze over it, the Snow Queen in quiet contemplation.

There’s something… Taking a slow breath, Selena lifts her head, though her hands continue to hold the world title. Something that I want to clear out of the way right here and right now before we get too carried away with things. I know I can get a little hot-headed and cold-tongued when I start talking and I really want to start this with a clearer mind, especially before my opponent opens his mouth and tries to outtalk me again. And this is something that’s been said by my opponent over and over again - and by nobody else - but it’s been the backbone of the majority of his promos over the last few weeks. she gives a tilt of her head, quickly licking her lips before speaking.

The idea that I am and continuing to ‘underestimate Adam Allocco’.

A slow, sad smile breaks across her features. Yeah, it’s sad that I have to start what could very well be one of the greatest world championship matches in SCW history like this. I mean, consider the facts. We are talking about the Rise to Greatness main-event here. An event that comes along once a year. An event that every superstar dreams about being part of. We are talking about the SCW World Championship match! A match that forty people, just recently I might add!, tried to kill one another to get into. We are talking about a champion that has held the title longer than any other superstar in the near 20 years of SCW history – the weight of such an accomplishment. And, on the other side, we are talking about a man that BEAT addiction and alcoholism in record time just to get back here and face said champion – a man that has two decades of wrestling experience! And last, but certainly not least, we are talking about a situation – with VERY few exceptions, as I pointed out last year – that RARELY favours the defending champion. Even including last year when I retained against Ace Marshall, the majority of Rise to Greatness main-events have always ended with a new SCW world champion…

Looking away for a moment, the champion seems rather reflective in that second before returning her gaze back to the camera. And what bothers me here, Adam, is that, with all of that – all of that history and majesty, all of that pressure and high stakes, and all you’ve bragged about and done these past few weeks – with all of that… and you genuinely think I am underestimating you...

Shifting her weight a little, Selena adjusts the world title over her shoulder, crossing a leg over the other. Adam, the reason I am here as the world champion is because I’ve NEVER underestimated my opponents – especially those that are willing to do anything to win, as you have proudly made clear on a constant basis. From the Brand to Glory Braddock to Double Jeopardy – the list is a long one of opponents that I have beaten and there wasn’t one that I underestimated. I saw what each one brought to the table, good or bad, brought to the ring and I worked my ass off to be ready and prepared, just like I will be ready and prepared when it is your turn to try and take this world title from me this Sunday.

Selena’s fingers drum a bit on the gold plates of the title. And when that happens, Adam, when you get your shot, I know exactly what I am in for – the man, the family – that I am putting everything on the line against. In fact, while this may seem unpopular or absurd to you, maybe it’s you that’s been underestimating me because you think I don’t know a thing about you, Adam. That I don’t know a thing about the Allocco family you’ve spoken of – of you and your son.

The Snow Queen shrugs. So, let me clear that up right here and now, Adam, in case you never paid attention or never were informed. While you were gone from SCW for the umpteenth time, I was there when your son, Alistaire, came into SCW. I was there when he burst onto the scene and told the world that he was going to make SCW – make all of wrestling – a better place. That he was going to bring morality and prestige and honour back into SCW. And, in case you don’t know, it was me that your son pinned inside the Elimination Chamber to capture his first SCW World Championship back in 2017, mere months after his debut – a feat that has NEVER since been duplicated.

I was also there when your son won the 2019 Taking Hold of the Flame battle royale and, while I was beating the most powerful wrestler ever to walk into SCW – Xander Valentine – in record time at Rise to Greatness, I got to see your son win the world title again by pinning Syren in the triple-threat main-event. A match where he told you to stay backstage – because UNLIKE you, Adam, he wanted to become world champion on his own skill and ability – to fight clean and respectfully. With integrity.

Now…I could go on about your and my history, too. I could talk about how you came at me with Bison Jones – The Golden Boys, trying to take the tag-team titles off of Regan Street and I almost two years ago. I could talk about the disrespect you showed my sister, Regan, by making an adult parody of her documentary – and how you ultimately got beat by Frozen Hell.

A nostalgic smile crosses Selena’s features for a fleeting moment. But… to say that I have a history with you and your son – with the Allocco family – would be a fair statement. And the idea of ‘wrestling’ and ‘Allocco’? It just goes together. Like a bird to air, fish to water, wrestling… Selena lifts up one hand before lifting up the other and eyeing it. And Allocco.

It is in an Allocco’s blood to be part of wrestling. It’s in Allocco’s blood to seek fame and glory inside the wrestling ring just as much, perhaps more, than he does outside it. In fact, as we’ve all heard many times – the Alloccos are so associated with wrestling that you became a promoter. You and your family spearheaded Majestic Wrestling. 

But more importantly, at least for me, the world knows that when an Allocco wants something bad enough – when an Allocco wants something enough that he’s willing to truly fight for it…
an almost excited smile crosses the features of The Face of SCW. It takes something akin to ‘otherworldly’ to stop him. Case in point, your son. Wanted the world championship? He got it. Wanted to win Taking Hold of the Flame and become champion again? He did it. 

I have experienced, firsthand, just how good your son – and how you – can be, Adam. I have spent weeks seeing it as you fought my wife, as you fought Hudson, as you fought Holly. I have spent years witnessing it. More than that, I’ve spent years seeing the unapologetic ‘asshole’ that you pride yourself on being and continue to be. I’ve seen the depths of what you’ll do to get what you want. And, as true as you say, that person has not changed. You’ve admitted that…

The platinum-blonde takes a slow inhale of breath. So, again I ask: with all of that, Adam, all of that history, all that ability and intelligence and borderline desperation in you, why the hell would you think – would you ever believe – that I would EVER underestimate you? She allows a moment of silence as if an answer can be given to the question, until she holds up her pointer finger.

In one word: arrogance. 

The other thing that is synonymous with the name ‘Allocco’. Pure, high-level, egotistical, narcissistic arrogance. 

It was your arrogance, Adam, that made you stroll into your first match post-royale against my wife and, in your promo, talk about how you ‘broke the glass mask’ that I, apparently, wear when you called me a ‘self-righteous bitch’.
Despite herself, an amused grin forms across Selena’s face, her next sentence slower. As if I have never heard that remark before from anyone else. 

Not from The Brand for the entirety of my two reigns as world champion this past SCW season, not from the likes of Bree Lancaster, Ace Marshall, or even Owen Lee just a few weeks ago. That I am a ‘self-righteous bitch’. That I am a ‘liar and a fraud’? That I am ‘up on my self-erected pillar’ - Oh no! Because Adam Allocco said it, THAT is what does it! That’s the difference maker! The intonation! The inflection! The insult is EXACTLY the same but because it’s the ‘great mastermind’ Adam Allocco saying it, you got me, right Adam? Sadly, Selena shakes her head.

Arrogance, Adam. Arrogance that you think you are so above everyone else. It was also arrogance that made you think that ‘four moves of doom’ was all that was needed against my Deanna. It was arrogance that made you interfere in Josh Hudson’s attack on me – claiming nobody but you would be ‘the one’ to beat me. And it’s arrogance that has you come back to SCW and promise that you’re going to ‘change the landscape of SCW’ like your son did... or tried to do, but I’ll get to that shortly. Selena holds her hand up towards the camera before lowering it back down.

The point is, Adam, is that that is where my attitude towards you starts to shift. Where I start taking this confrontation a bit more personally. Because you are more than good enough to challenge for the world title. You’ve more than earned your right to face the world champion, me, on the grandest stage in all of SCW – Rise to Greatness. I have zero issue with that. I actually respect that. I respect you wanting to make history with this father/son deal you’ve been promoting – even if I don’t entirely believe you on it. I can still respect the stakes. I WANTED our match to be about that. About you, the wrestling legend, against The Snow Queen, Selena Frost. I wanted that so badly because it COULD have been something beyond special. Match of the year? Screw that! This could have been ‘Match of the Decade’! Beyond imaginable – dare I say: unbelievable…

But because of your arrogance, Adam, while you have claimed all of these things – this change in wrestling that you will usher in, that you’ll carry the belt with pride – in the very same breath, you’re admitting that it doesn’t matter how you become champion, just as long as you ARE the champion when this is all over. That you will do ‘whatever you need to do’, legal or otherwise in the confines of the match, to become the world champion. And, of course, you’ve shrugged off the negative opinions of the SCW Universe and my opinions of such a thing, using the notion of ‘honesty’ as a substitute for ‘integrity’. As long as you are ‘honest’, nobody should complain or be mad or blame you for what you do, right?

Selena shakes her head. And that baffles me, Adam, because…they are not synonymous. Being ‘honest’, ‘true to yourself’, while a virtue in its own right, is not synonymous with ‘integrity’, yet you treat it as if it is. You treat it as if you can now do whatever you want and you are justified in all that, because you’re honest about it and, hey, Syren did it! Sienna Swann did it! Ace Marshall did it! Bree Lancaster did it! On and on you could go about who’s done what you are going to do – or try to do - this Sunday in Nevada.

Again, Selena’s words are slower. And that, Adam Allocco, is why, while you THINK and SAY I am underestimating you, I KNOW you are underestimating me. Because you think such a strategy will actually work. Just like you thought your words – that unoriginal ‘glass mask’ barb - worked. Arrogance.

Because rather than listen and learn from this past year, rather than learn the reasons why this is only your FIRST Rise to Greatness main-event in SCW and - what? - your first pay-per-view chance at the SCW World title in how many years? - you already see yourself as ‘the master of the game’. You, as you said, ‘have answers where Selena has questions’. 

And yet, to prove that…you come here and say the same thing that every other person has said to me for the past year, for most of my career, in fact. You bring down my morals, belittle my beliefs, and say you’re just ‘keeping it honest’ and will do ‘anything to win the world title’. Let me ask you something, Adam, since you were the one asking this question during our pow-wow with Sharper. How DOES that make you any different than Ace Marshall? Syren? Cid Turner? Bree Lancaster – since you mentioned them. Because, like you, they ALSO mocked my beliefs and my dreams for integrity in SCW. Like you, they relished in the notion that they would do ANYTHING to win and become/stay the champion. And, like you, they thought they had ‘all the answers in dealing with Selena Frost’.

And one…by one…by damn one…
Selena counts the numbers with the fingers of her free hand. They fell to me. Because, for all their answers, all their plans, all their desperations and ‘willingness’ to do whatever it took to take the world title from me or to beat me or whatever, it didn’t happen.

And rather than understand that – understand the reasons why, rather than learn from it, Adam, you have picked up their ‘blueprint’ and just followed it step by step. Word for word. Guarantee after guarantee. You looked me in the eyes and made it clear that such a plan was more than good enough for me, more than good enough for Rise to Greatness...

Again, the Snow Queen shakes her head, a bristle of agitation in her. Adam, there is a reason ‘doing whatever it takes to win’ hasn’t worked for Holly Adams and the Brand against me. There is a reason that using the same ‘lines’ hasn’t worked in the past in ending my reign as world champion, no matter who you ask like Tommy Valentine or Kandis. There is a reason that ‘same old same old’ doesn’t apply to SCW anymore. she eyes the title on her shoulder.

Because of the new standard. Because of integrity. Because this is SCW – and more is demanded now! More is NEEDED now to become World Champion!

And because, for nearly 235 days, I have refused to let such a mentality as yours thrive in the SCW World title picture. For nearly 235 days, I have put my heart, my mind, body, everything I have on the line time and time again to overcome some of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced, refusing to do so ‘by any means’ but instead by talent, heart, and faith. 

Against masterminds like Giovanni Aries.
Against desperate ‘do anything to win’ fools like Holly Adams.
Against veterans and legends like Tommy Valentine.
Against wrestling greats like Autumn Valentine.

And through it all, Adam, I’ve refused to simply stay complacent. To let myself fall on the ‘same strategy’. I have forced myself, unlike you – rather than stay the same ‘asshole’ or ‘master bitch’ or whatever – to constantly evolve and adapt to maintain my integrity and the integrity of this world title.

With a slight scoff, Selena relaxes in her chair, her eyes still on the camera. Now you…you say that such a thing is an impossible task. You say that such a thing – making SCW be about integrity. About true Supreme Championship Wrestling - is impossible in SCW, so why bother? her jaw clenches for a moment before she answers. I’ll tell you why, Adam. Because it’s not. It’s not impossible.

When I see Aaron Demitria stand up to The Brand and refuse to let the world title be cheapened by a disqualification victory? That is a success.

When I see Glory Braddock training her ass off and beating a legend like Syren just to face ME and try and be ‘the one’ to end my reign? That is a success.

When Tommy Valentine, Cid Turner, AND Giovanni Aries, of ALL people, face me with no shenanigans or plans – simply because they WANT to beat me at my best with my standard hanging there? For the pride of saying they could? THAT is success.

When our new boss, Shaun Cruze, is doing all he can to make ALL of SCW like I have made the SCW world title? When a man as powerful as him is facing down lunatics like Kimberly Williams and The Brand because he believes in that integrity? Wishing that integrity in other divisions of SCW like the Television Title? That, Adam Allocco, is success.

And when the SCW Universe cheer loudly with chants of ‘We Believe!’ and ‘This is awesome!’ when I show that standard in my matches? THAT is a success.
she smiles genuinely for a moment before her expression returns to a more serious one.

The reason why you think it is impossible, Adam, is the same reason everyone before you thought such a standard was impossible. The same reason everyone you wish to ‘emulate’ in words and strategy deemed it ‘impossible’. Because such a standard is just too hard for you, isn’t it? It doesn’t come easy to a man like you – maybe for the first time in your entire life, something ‘wrestling-related’ does not come easy to an Allocco. 

You came here like a bat out of hell, worked hard for what? A few months, one match, one royale, and got the biggest payoff one could get in SCW… But getting TO the dance is not the same as WINNING the dance. Ask everyone that, just like you did, got past Syren to get to me – getting TO me is one thing. BEATING me is an entirely different challenge. Ask Glory. Ask Cid. Ask Ace Marshall. Like you, Ace came out like a bat out of hell – won the royale for a second time in his career, the only man to do so - and he also thought HE had all the answers. And, like you, he wanted to do anything to win… and it still wasn’t enough.

Because the ‘answer’ to my standard, Adam, is too hard for you. Doing more than what everyone else has tried so far is too hard for you. So, you arrogantly deny it. You deem it impossible. You say it cannot be done or maintained. That it’s a fantasy. All to hide how deep down, the validity of such an answer? How real it actually is? It terrifies you, doesn’t it, Adam? Because you know, just like I know, how Ace Marshall’s fate last year could very well be YOUR fate in Las Vegas this year. And, unlike Ace Marshall, a bump in the road to an Allocco is like a damn ‘bridge is out’ on your journey…

Selena sighs briefly. Back to Alistaire, your son… lost the world title shortly after he won it the first time. Took him two years to get that mojo back. And all he could manage was just a few weeks with the title until, like before, he burned out and never again touched the top of the mountain.

Because once that doubt takes hold, Adam, you have proven that you are NOT strong enough – or brave enough - to face it. Not strong enough to try and overcome it. You run. You make excuses and you hide. Hide behind your addictions, your arrogance, and your delusions. That’s why you NEED to be the asshole, Adam. That’s why you NEED to underestimate me because as long as you have nothing to lose, nothing to account yourself for, nothing to respect or fear, and everything to gain – so long as it is short and easy to you - you can keep going.

Biting her lower lip, Selena leans forward towards the camera a little. But come this Sunday, you are no longer going to have all the answers to all the questions. Come this Sunday, you are going to find out why being just like the ‘others’ doesn’t work.

She places her free hand over her chest. From the bottom of my heart, from one reformed alcoholic to another, I pray that you stay on your journey of sobriety and getting your life back on track. As a family man, as a human, as a wrestler, as everything. But as a professional? You are going to need another vice to feed your ego, your delusions, and to line your pockets. Because if ‘the same as the others’ is what you’re going for – if THAT is what you’re giving me, Adam, and the SCW Universe on the greatest night in SCW history… then you’re going to end up just like the others.

Unconscious, beaten, and merely a footnote in the Reign of Integrity.

The world champion gives one last shrug, her cold eyes on the camera, on her intended audience. Believe it, Adam. Your move, King…

The camera stays on her for one more moment before fading entirely to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

Messages In This Thread
Adam Allocco vs. Selena Frost - by supremecw - 07-03-2022, 01:23 PM
RE: Adam Allocco vs. Selena Frost - by SnowQueenSCW - 07-29-2022, 10:01 PM
RE: Adam Allocco vs. Selena Frost - by HARDStyle - 07-29-2022, 11:03 PM
RE: Adam Allocco vs. Selena Frost - by HARDStyle - 07-30-2022, 11:01 PM

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