Wrestler's AliasCalvan Greene, The California Heartbreak Kid, Former Presidente, A Spectacular Ninja
Wrestler's Real NameKevin
Pic Base: John Hennigan
Weight214 pounds
BirthdateAugust 7th, 1983
Birth PlaceAlameda, California
Current ResidenceWherever the road goes

Physical Description: Gorgeous

Wrestling StyleSpot monkey

Years Pro15

- Shooting Star
Description - The 2nd best shooting star press ever, at least the highest

- Heart Throbbing Stunner
Description: Springboard Cutter

Signature Moves:
- Ball Buster (Lifts the opponent up as if going for a back suplex before carrying them over to the ropes and dropping them directly on the top rope) (Can be chained with a springboard roundhouse kick as they are hanging or he lifts them back up before dropping them with an actual back suplex)
- Breakdance Leg drop
- Double Underhook Facebuster
- Rolling Thunder
- Sliced Bread
- Shining Wizard
- Springboard roundhouse kick

Common Moves:
- Big swing
- Every concievable strike from the turnbuckle or from the ropes imaginable
- Jaw breaker
- Running knee strike to the face of an opponent sitting up
- Snake eyes
- Snap Suplex
- Spinning wheelkick
- Standing backflip into a pose
- Swinging neckbreaker

StrengthsHe's extremely agile and despite his shortcomings fairly creative. He's very good at catching his balance. Very durable which is a requirement

-Falls gracefully, either landing on his feet or rolling and doing a kip up

WeaknessesHe's kind of dumb and easily distracted. Overselling.

- Hits the turnbuckle like a missle when Irish whipped
- Has very fragile testicles
- Eye pokes are particularly fatal

Theme Song"Die another day" by Dance Gavin Dance Click me! <----------


"Die another day" begins to play throughout the arena to a small pop from the audience as his name pops up on the screen. Calvan runs out from the back before stopping at the stage. He raises his arms up and nods emphatically with the crowd happy with the acknowledgement. Slamming one arm down he runs down the ramp.

Phillips: "Making his way to the ring, from Orange County, California, Calvan Greene!"

Reaching the bottom of the ramp, he slides in under the bottom rope before running past Phillips while giving him two thumbs up. He jumps up onto the turnbuckle before removing his shades and and throwing them into the crowd. Removing his classic fur coat in a rather provacative manner he proceeds to toss at ringside where it completely covers up one of the Spanish announcers. He points out at the crowd and winks before jumping down and leaning into the turnbuckle in anticipation.
[Image: Ace-Marshall-smoking-1.png]

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Kevin - by Lt. Erect - 08-26-2022, 11:44 AM

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