Dawn Lohan vs. Ravyn Taylor
Dawn Lohan

|| Death of the Heroes Journey. ||

Breakdown. October 31st. Halloween night. Dawn found herself in an interesting position. She had been down this road before, losing a championship is never easy. Knowing what to do next? The hard part. She knew one thing for certain, the path she wanted to create for herself. Dawn found Abigail earlier in the night dressed as a fern stalking Jack Parker. Before her sister instigated a war there was no coming back from, Dawn stopped Abigail. In the midst of that conversation she let Sam Raine and Crissy Gardner know officially where she stood. No war with The Network. She had no interest following that yellow brick road. Dawn sat alone in her hotel room.  She didn’t anticipate being alone for very long. Knowing how the night went, she expected a visit from her sister. One of the few times in her life that Abigail was predictable. All Abi had to do was walk through the door connecting the two rooms. Right on cue, Abi showed up.  She sat on the bed next to Dawn.

“Why did you have to be a killjoy tonight?” Abigail frowns. Dawn didn’t notice her sister’s sad face as she is staring at the ceiling, mostly lost in her own train of thought.  

“You never let me stop you before.” Dawn said matter of factly.

“True. Come on, going after The Network is more fun with you, Dawnie. Besides, you would have come to save me. Not going to put you in a situation you don’t want to.”

“Thanks Abi. I appreciate that.”

Abigail lays right next to Dawn on the bed. Looking at the ceiling, Abigail ask, “Mind telling me why we’re not going after the tag team titles? I looked at the schedule. Bree and Scott being on the other tour complicates matters. The go home show to Breakdown is in Worchester. Can easily use our rematch clause on that night. The boss loves us, lets put in a call. Put a damper on Bree’s plans. Not like you to deny a challenge.”

Dawn turns over to her side. Looking at Abi she emphatically says, . “You don’t even hate, Bree.”

“You don’t?”

Dawn shakes her head. “Annoyed, yes. Hate? Wouldn’t go that far. There are people who have done a lot worse to me. I forgave them. Show Bree a little compassion, that’s all I ask.”

“Ok, now you’re starting to sound like my sister. Now riddle me this, why aren’t we going after the tag titles again? You love those belts. I only cared about them because I wore them with you.”

Hearing Abigail say that brings a smile to Dawn’s face. “Aww, that’s sweet of you to say.”

“Don’t get used to it.” Abigail pokes Dawn in the side.  “Come on, don’t keep a girl waiting; why aren’t we going after the tag titles. There has to be a proverb somewhere that goes talking helps the soul. You and Kate closing yourselves off at the same time isn’t my idea of fun.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Katelyn is holding back on me.” Abigail sighs. “Its cute she is putting on a brave face. Why can’t she confess not being able to wrestle is bothering her? How hard can that be?” Abigail sighs. “Sucks feeling powerless.”

“Kate will come around when it's time. Promise.”

“Hope is no good without answers, Dawnie.” Abigail giggles. “Now, what is bothering my favorite sister in the world?”

“Sweet of you to say. I know I’m not your favorite.”

“Of course you are.”

“I doubt that.”

“The only sister I would share Katelyn with is you. If that doesn’t tell you, you’re my favorite, what does?”

“You’re not touching Daisy’s ass, Abi.” Dawn pokes Abi.

“Who says I already haven’t?” Abigail winks. Dawn gives Abigail a glare letting her know she doesn’t find any of this funny. “Ok. I haven’t. Made you think.”

Dawn sits up. She shifts her position so she is looking at Abigail. In kind, Abigail sits up as well.

“Fine. I’ll tell you. Promise me you won’t worry.”


A week ago, Dawn went to the local Starbucks in the morning to pick up her favorite, a Peppermint Mocha. She wasn’t going to allow losing the World Tag Team Championships three days ago to boggle her down. Her morning routine wouldn’t change. Dawn was set to walk out of Starbucks, out of the corner of her eye she could have swore she caught the image of someone she knows. Dawn stops short of leaving, she thought to herself this can’t be. No chance. Deciding it is better to know than not knowing, Dawn looked to her left to confirm her wildest suspicious, Mary Mallory is sitting at a table.

No coffee. Just a friendly wave. Dawn sighs. The last time she saw Mary Mallory was when Mary stopped by the place that her and Daisy live to make her an offer she couldn’t refuse, a chance to avenge Kennedy and become World Tag Team Champions at the same time. Dawn couldn’t pass up the opportunity. As history as dictated, the team with Max Kane didn’t last. Dawn brought Abigail to SCW to have her back. The rest is history as the old saying goes. Standing at the door Dawn silently told herself she had a choice to make, engage Mary Mallory or ignore her. From personal experience she knew it was best to talk to Mary right then and there. No need to prolong this any longer than it should. Taking a deep breath she doubles back in the store. She walks over to Daisy’s mother-in-law.

Sitting down, Dawn forces herself to smile. “Having a wonderful day, Mary?”

“Lovely.” Mary smiles coldly.

Cutting to the chase, Dawn says; “Take it you followed me here?”

Mary nods, confirming Dawn’s suspicions. “Ever perceptive my child. I wanted to check in. Nothing wrong with seeing how my favorite Lohan is doing.”

Dawn takes a sip from her coffee cup. Placing the cup down on the table, in no uncertain terms, she says matter a fact to Mary, “What do you want?”

“Interested to see if you caught on to the lesson I was trying to teach you.”

Dawn raises an eyebrow. “Never make a deal with The Devil?”

Mary chuckles. “No my dear. Try again.”

Dawn sighs. “It would help if I knew what game I was playing. Can never figure you out. Just when I have an answer, you switch the question.”

“Good. I haven’t lost my charm.” Mary reaches over the table to grab Dawn’s Peppermint Mocha. Once she takes a sip from it, she places the cup directly in front of Dawn. The Wonderful One shakes her head. “There was a point to all this, a hidden meaning. What forced you to get off your couch? What served as ample motivation to lace your boots back up one more time?”

“I was tired of Lexi and Chad making a mockery of the tag team division. Lexi being a complete bitch to Kennedy made my decision easy to align with Max Kane knowing what I was getting myself into.”

Mary nods. “Precisely. I find you fascinating, my dear. Your sisters are like me in a way. Abigail loves to play games. Not on the level I do. That’s neither here nor there. Brittany shares my penchant for destruction. But you, forever the hero. Doing the right thing. Coming to your friends rescue. Defending the prestige of the one division that has defined you all these years. A former World Champion going back to the tag division, interesting choice. It was a choice I presented to teach you a very important lesson. How did you feel being the Savior of the tag team division?”

“I--” Dawn pauses to ponder the question of Mary Mallory. She knew there was no point lying to Mary. Enough history between them that she knew it was pointless. What she was about to tell Mary she hadn’t confessed to anyone else. Not to Daisy. To Abigail. To them she put on a smile, acted as though everything was wonderful. Not entirely. The few times she blew up on Twitter she knew Bree being Bree would serve as a cover. Everyone is annoyed with Bree, no one would question her outburst.She figured Mary was playing close attention as well. She already knew the answer.  

To unburden herself, Dawn pushes on. “I hated it. I appreciate SCW giving me and Abigail a chance to become tag champions. Ranks up there with one of the most wonderful experiences of my career. The more I tried to be the defender of the tag division, the more I grew to hate it. For years I put SCW first. I put the pressure on myself to challenge any threat to the company. Don’t know how Selena does it. How she continues to put the companies protection over her friendships is beyond me. That’s the choice she made. Being champion was as much a burden as it was fun. Time to let the past die. Feels wrong to say, I could care less what Bree and Scott do with the belts. Not my concern anymore.”

Mary nods. “See. All you needed was a little push.”

“Lets say I believe this was your master plan all along. Why?”

“What are the youngsters saying these days? Ah yes. I did it for... reasons.”

Dawn scoffs, “Whatever reasons... can you please stop playing puppet master in my life? I’d appreciate that.”

Mary shrugs, “Afraid I can’t do that.”

“Come on, you are The Red Devil. You can do anything you want. There aren’t enough hours in the day to worry about me, taking care of your son and masterminding your plan to burn SCW to the ground.”

Mary lets out a hearty laughter. “Mika wants to kill Emerge, SCW is collateral damage, nothing to do with me, Dawnie. That is besides the point. I will always look out for my family. Since you and Daisy are still co mingling, we’re family. You are under my protection.”

Mary saying that sends chills up Dawn’s spine. “That’s sweet; I don’t need your protection, Mary. My life would be a lot more wonderful if you backed off.”

“I’ll always be invested in your success. Don’t worry. No ill will fall upon you if I can help it.”

“Doubt Mika shares your sentiment.” Dawn stands up. “Anyway. Nice talking to you. I should get going.”

“Of course my dear. Until next time.”

“Yeah... until next time.”

Dawn grabbed her Peppermint Mocha, with a sense of urgency she walked out the Starbucks not noticing the all knowing expression on Mary Mallory’s face.

October 31st.

Dawn sat in silence awaiting the response of her sister. Abigail can be as unpredictable as Mary. In truth, she had no way of knowing exactly how Abigail would respond. Anxious, Dawn broke the silence, “Come on, say something.”

Abigail taps her chin. “I’m thinking.”

“Abi!” Dawn demanded.

“Ok. Fine. I can’t judge. I have my own devil on my shoulder.” Abigail says referring to Cindy Todd. “When do I get to meet Mary? Is she as fun as Britt-Britt says?”

“Wouldn’t Cindy disaporve?”

“Likely. I should thank her. If it wasn’t for Mary pulling the strings I wouldn’t be here in SCW, with you.”

“Not true. Eventually you would have signed with SCW, no other company gives you the same thrill then SCW. UWA was ok. Admit it, UWA wasn’t IWC. You’ve been lost ever since they shut their doors.”

Abi nods, “Fair point. What does this mean, Dawnie? Done being the bastion of hope?”

Doesn’t take long for Dawn to ponder her sister’s inquiry. “I don’t feel great being coerced by one of the many devils in the wrestling business, I can’t deny she has a point. There had to be a desire to go back to SCW to play on. I would be here with or without her help. Would we be former tag team champions as of last week? Probably not. I have always felt a desire to be the hero, to behave in ways to show the world that there is hope out there. SCW, for the longest time didn’t have any. Week after week I put that responsibility on my shoulder.”

Dawn smiles at her sister. “I admire you for being free spirited, not caring, just being Abigail. Max let me down, he wasn’t the man I thought he could be. The Twins let me down, silly me for believing they could be better. Bianca has always been a lost cause. What really did it for me was Bree.” Dawn rolls her eyes. “Hate to say it, Fatal Fortunes should have never decided our challengers, the whole Jason mess was absurd. Part of me checked out. I was glad we lost. I should never say that, on the brightside I’m free now. We can both have our fun in other ways, that’s why I stopped you from instigating a war with The Network. I don’t want to be tag team champions anymore. I’m done being SCW’s hero. The company has Selena. That’s enough.”

Abigail leans over to hug her sister. “I support you, Dawnie; now and forever. No tag belts. What’s the plan?”

Dawn embraces Abigail back. “I don’t have one. For now, lets get ready for the tour. Give Crissy and Samantha a good show. I can worry about my next move later. Is Ravyn still the plan for you?”

Abigail nods. “From the moment I signed my name on the dotted line. Looking for the perfect opportunity to grab her attention. Tweeting the Raven poem is foreplay. That won’t impress her. Eventually all eyes will be on me.”

“Be careful.”

“Where is the fun in that?”

Knowing her sister was going to say that doesn’t prevent Dawn from laughing anyway.    


The scene opens with a close up of the angelic face of Dawn Lohan, ear muffs are covering her ears...  

“God, it’s cold out here.”

The camera pans out. The Wonderful One is wearing a black Northface winter jacket, blue jeans, and brown Timberland boots. Behind her is the famous statue of Paul Revere, a legend not just in Boston, history in general. From off camera comes another voice.

“Suck it up, Dawnie.”

Dawn rolls her eyes at Abigail. “Easy for you to say.”

“Shouldn’t you be used to the cold? Didn’t you learn anything from dating Selena? What is the point of dating a Snow Queen if she didn’t teach you to brave the elements.”

Dawn sighs. “If you don’t mind, the faster we wrap this up, the faster we can go back to our hotel.”

“Or we ask Blake to stay at this mansion. He has more than enough rooms to house an entire village.”

Dawn raises her eyebrow. “How exactly would you know that?”

“I’ll tell you later.” Abigail giggles.

Dawn doesn’t look reassured by Abigail’s vague answer. She can’t focus to much on that. The camera is still rolling.

“Lets talk history, shall we? There is more than enough history between Ravyn and me to fill an entire book. I’ll hold off on that for a second. The history that I am alluding to revolves around me and the SCW Adrenaline Championship. I was fresh off of getting beaten, left for dead in a boiler room. Suffered a concussion. Broken orbital bone. I returned to Supreme Championship Wrestling with such vengeance most people weren’t  safe. The first ever Shot of Adrenaline series came around. In one bracket, Red Rayne, the one who took me out. In bracket B, Selena, the woman whose head I wanted to kick off more then anything at the time. I did pretty good in the tournament. I lost twice. Both times to the longest reigning Adrenaline Champion of all time, Red Rayne. I was so close. Two times I had a chance to walk away with the title around my waist. Both times I failed. Failure isn’t the greatest feeling, like a trooper I moved on from that experience. The following year I had another chance to become champion. A Shot of Adrenaline round two. I choked, no denying that. Couldn’t repeat my feat of making it to the semi finals the year before.  I could use the excuse of Punk Hazard getting involved in my business, bottom line is I didn’t get the job done. Again, I had my one and only chance to become the SCW Adrenaline Champion. Also had a chance to become the Television Champion the same night, crashed and burned, no excuses, I lost. Could have become Supreme Champion that night; too. Wasn’t meant to be.”      

Dawn solemnly smiles.

“Unlike some people, I am not going to claim the SCW Adrenaline Championship is my World Title. I was World Champion, that would be a silly statement to make. But what I will say is, failing to become Adrenaline Champion has always bothered me; especially during my time away from the company. When you are away from a company you have always considered home, you do a lot of thinking. The thought crossed my mind, what if I never won the SCW Adrenaline Championship.”

“Could I live with that hovering over me?”

“Would I be comfortable looking back ten years from now on all the opportunities I missed out on; regretting I didn’t capitalize on any of them?”

“I could be one of those people who says I am content with all I’ve done. If I was truly content with everything I accomplished I would not be here right now. At first, I was happy to be here. I  was happy to be a champion. To represent this company. Along the way I grew more and more disenchanted. I am over the just being happy to be here feeling. I’m done simply existing. For the longest time I have been told you are the most talented member of the Lohan family. Britt and Abi even say it. I am more accomplished, on paper. What good is being the most talented driven member of the Lohan family if I don’t put my all into it?”

Dawn stops a moment to collect her thoughts.

“When this opportunity was tossed on my lap; I’ll tell you what I wasn’t thinking, the thought of recusing the Adrenaline Championship from you Ravyn never came to me. On paper that is how it should look. I have a history of wanting to quote unquote save every division I compete in from the alleged evil at the time. No one can deny when it comes to evil, you have been the most consistent at it. The head games you’ve played with Christy, your masterplan to become the SCW Adrenaline Champion. On paper, the fans are expecting me to wave the banner of hope to the promised land, swoop in, quote unquote save the Adrenaline Division from you. Sorry to disappoint the them, being the hero is not in the cards this Sunday.”

Dawn shakes her head.

“Being a self imposed hero is a burden I no longer want. There have been times in my career where I would fluctuate between wanting to be the hero and fighting for myself. I grew up in the Church. My parents raised me to put other people before myself. Ironic considering they were the biggest hypocrites in all the land. The golden rule I one hundred percent believe in. In a sport where others demonize you for being selfish, a gold digger, only thinking about yourself, I have often been caught between what it truly takes to succeed and what does a good person actually do. I am confident in myself that I would never resort to the depths you would Ravyn to become a legend in this sport,  I did face my own small crisis of faith after losing the tag team titles the way me and Abigail did last month.”

“I needed to ask myself whether continuing to fight for a division I love is worth setting aside my singles aspirations. The answer I came to is no, it isn’t worth the sacrifice. Love is a powerful thing. Loving a division can be just as dangerous as loving people. Every division in this company will still be around when I am gone. The Tag Division doesn’t give a damn how much I love it. The Adrenaline Division won’t appreciate me anymore when I beat you. Ravyn, I know what my priorities are. Winning. That is the name of the game. Not being a hero. Not playing savior. My desire is as plain as jane, the desire to become a singles champion again for the first time since I beat you at Taking Hold of the Flame 2016. Remember that?”    

Dawn smirks.

“I do. No, I’m not going to brag about it. What good would that serve. I lost the title one month later at Rise to Greatness 2016. I didn’t just lose a title. I lost myself. I crashed and burned. I allowed the need to become SCW’s hero to break me. Last month, losing the World Tag Team Championships; I could have fallen into the same trap. I corrected the mistake. I learned from the error of my ways. No more burden.”

“This Sunday you are set to face a Dawn Lohan you have never faced before. A Dawn Lohan without the weight of the world self imposed on her shoulders. A Dawn Lohan who is going to be a lot more fun than she used to be. You will be dealing with a Dawn Lohan who isn’t out to be the moral compass of this company. If there is one thing my sister Britt taught me, the old school way of advancing in this sport is to focus on what truly matters. For her it was violence, chaos. I never expected a title match this soon. I’d glad Mr. D’s daughter was kind enough to suggest me to be your second challenger. As an added bonus, Abigail has the best seat in the house to get your attention.”

From off screen, Abigail screams, “HI RAVYN. YOU SAID MY NAME ON BREAKDOWN. YOU MADE MY DAY. WOOO!”

Dawn giggles.

“Time to wrap this up. Wondering why I am shooting my promotional video from here? You’re a genius. You likely figured it out. For everyone who hasn’t connected the dots. It is Paul Revere who famously said ‘The British Are Coming. The British Are Coming.’ Today I stand at this monument with one unified message, Ravyn. ‘Lohan Country Is Coming.’ First me. Then my sister. Just like Paul Revere, we will stand on the right side of history. Try to have a wonderful day. Tomorrow at Bound By Blood, the only one having a wonderful day... is me!”

Dawn storms off camera as the scene fades on the statue of Paul Revere.

Messages In This Thread
Dawn Lohan vs. Ravyn Taylor - by Team Desire - 11-17-2018, 04:32 AM
RE: Dawn Lohan vs. Ravyn Taylor - by Serenity - 11-24-2018, 11:58 PM
RE: Dawn Lohan vs. Ravyn Taylor - by Syren - 11-25-2018, 12:45 AM

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