La Pequena Luz, Penguin & Calvan Greene vs. Kinneck, Cruze and Ravyn Taylor
+++ Miami – 10th December 2022 +++

The last few days had passed by in a blur, as the events of the past week or so caught up with him. Professionally, and personally, he had been tested to his limits, as he had tried to make sense of everything that had happened. Professionally, he could deal with, he didn’t have time to breathe on that score as the Trios Tournament presented itself just a week after the World Championship victory against Xander Valentine. But personally, was a different kettle of fish altogether, as Owen tried, and ultimately failed, to rehearse what he was going to say to Charlotte when faced with the reality of everything that had happened. She was going to be a mess, and rightfully so, the problem for Owen was that he literally couldn’t do a thing about it, his brief only to be there for her as much as he possibly could. The bail amount had been increased, no surprise in that, and Owen had no problem paying it, to keep her out of prison as long as he could. Unfortunately, there was a sense of inevitability about the whole thing, Charlotte already having admitted her crimes. The only delay was whether the Police were going to push for murder, and whether they believed that Charlotte meant to start the fire, but there was nothing to suggest that. Once they agreed to manslaughter, then the only question was the sentence, a sentence that could range from anything up to twenty years. So, sat in front of her, cradling a cup of coffee that Charlotte’s sister, Max, had made for him when he arrived back at his house, it was one of those rare occasions when he didn’t know what to say. Charlotte’s demeanor one of someone who knew her fate and was only waiting for someone to say the words. Having tidied up in Owen’s kitchen, it is Max that breaks the silence, something that Owen is immediately glad of.
Max: She’s been like this for a few days now withdrawn and not really saying anything. I keep telling her to stay positive…
Charlotte: Bit difficult to stay positive when you know exactly what’s going to happen
Max: I’ve told you; you don’t know that.
Charlotte: Max, I admitted to starting the fire…
Her mannerisms wobble a little, as she finds difficulty saying the words.
Charlotte: And now Scott is gone, because of me. I deserve everything I get.
Owen takes a sip of his coffee; glad the conversation was going on around him. He still was at a loss as to what to say. Charlotte catches the look like Max gives her and shakes her head.
Charlotte: What? It’s the truth. If I’d not done it, Scott would still be alive.
No matter how much he wanted to, Owen couldn’t disagree with that statement. Although he had understood how desperate Charlotte had become, it didn’t take away the events of what happened that evening. For the first time, Charlotte seems to notice Owen’s silence, and she turns to face him.
Charlotte: And you agree don’t you Owen?
Owen most definitely felt put on the spot, there was no hiding from the conversation now. He leans forwards and places his coffee on a coaster, not for any other reason than to delay having to respond. He then looks up at Charlotte and nods his head.
Owen: Yeah… but it was still an accident.
It wasn’t really the most succinct of replies, but it was all he had considering the seriousness of the situation. Charlotte’s rolling of the eyes confirms to Owen that there was literally nothing that he could have said to improve the situation. What he didn’t know however was that Charlotte didn’t want her situation ‘improving’ she just wanted it to be over.
Max: We’ve got to stay positive, all of us.
Owen: But Charlotte is right Max, there is nothing to be positive about. I’ve been speaking to my Lawyer, and although he doesn’t believe they have a case to upgrade the charge to Murder, there is no doubt that Charlotte will be charged with accidental manslaughter. If she had admitted it before the police charged her, then she might have gotten a lesser sentence, but now it is unlikely she will get anything less than five years.
Max: Fine friend you are…
Owen is about to react, but he understands what Max is going through, and so he takes a second before he responds, keeping any animosity out of his tone.
Owen: Max, I get it… you want to do what’s best for Charlotte, we all do.
Max: Doesn’t seem like it.
Owen: But the fact of the matter is, there is no getting away from what she did. And she knows that. The best we can hope for is that the cops understand what she was going through and take the stance that this was a tragic accident. And then hope that the judge shares the same opinion.
Max: So, we all giving up?
Owen: No, we are being realistic. The best thing we can do now is prepare Charlotte for what’s to come.
Max shakes her head, and turns on her heels, heading out the house through the front door without saying a single word. Owen for a moment considers following her but doesn’t see any good coming from that. Instead, he focusses on Charlotte, who has her head lowered.
Owen: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset her.
Charlotte lifts her head and attempts a smile.
Charlotte: She’s always been the same, trying to play big sister when I didn’t really need it. She’s the type of person who thinks things will just go away instead of facing up to them. I’m sure if it was up to her, she would have just ignored this, right until the moment I was put away. I mean, I get the benefits of being positive…
Owen: But sometimes there isn’t any point
Charlotte: Exactly. There’s no getting away from this. I set fire to the bar, and now Scott is dead. That’s a fact. But I didn’t mean for this to happen, how could I? Scott was my best friend.
Owen: I know… and the cops will realize that too.
Charlotte: I hope so Owen… his poor family though. What must they think of me?
Owen: They will be grieving. I dread to think.
Again, Charlotte forces a half smile, and she reaches out, Owen places his hand on hers.
Charlotte: Never change Owen… the truth is what I need right now, not some ill-fated positivity trip.
Owen: I’m not going anywhere Char, no matter what happens, I’m here whatever you need.
Charlotte: I appreciate that… don’t suppose you’ve got a nail file, do you? Might be needing one to break out.
It was a half-assed attempt at humor, but it wasn’t a joke that fell flat for Owen. She was going to need that humor and then some by the time this was all over.
Owen: I don’t have one, but I’m sure Jennifer has.
Charlotte: How good her nails always look, I’m sure she has a few.
Owen pauses for just a moment, the smile leaving his face as he takes it down a notch.
Owen: Char, daft question, but are you ok? Seriously?
Charlotte pauses for a moment, biting her bottom lip, showing all the anxiety wracking her body right now.
Charlotte: Honestly Owen, going to prison, paying for my crimes. Yeah, I’m ok with that because it’s the least I deserve. But losing Scott and it being my fault. Being responsible for someone’s son being taken away from them. I’ll never be ok with that.
Owen: I’ll get you through this Charlotte.
Charlotte: Will you?
She lowers her head, as a single tear escapes down her cheek and falls to the floor.
Owen: Yes, I will. You’re not a bad person.
Charlotte: I’m sorry… but I’m not sure you can.
There was no emotion in her voice, but that only added to the foreboding nature of her words. The person he saw in front of him right now was a shadow of the bolshy bar owner he had met just over six months ago. In front of him was a woman that had been broken by recent events and was having great difficulty in trying to find a way out. Owen had been in that dark place himself, where every signpost only pointed to one way out, and right now, Owen knew that was precisely the course of action she was considering. To get away from her feelings, the sentencing, to just end all of that in a single heartbeat. Again, Owen was lost for words, and although neither of them speaks, the two of them were most definitely on the same wavelength. Prison wasn’t as inevitable as Owen had believed.
+++ Miami – 11th December 2022 +++
If anything, it seemed like the police were dragging their heels, trying to find something that wasn’t there. Of course, it might not have been that it might have been that they were just busy dealing with a multitude of cases, but the situation certainly wasn’t helping Charlotte’s nerves. Max hadn’t come back round, although she had spoken to Charlotte on the phone, and apparently gone off on a rant against Owen which Charlotte had immediately shut down, which had made Max even more against Owen than she was before. Charlotte put it down to jealousy, knowing that no one had helped her more than Owen had, and probably would continue to do in the future. It didn’t make it easier that his Lawyer could only confirm that a decision was ‘imminent’, which seemed to be code for when they were good and ready. More than anything, Owen was concerned that he would have to leave from Breakdown tomorrow, and once again leave her alone in the house. And considering her thinly veiled comments from before, he truly didn’t know what she might do. Even now, whilst she was upstairs having a bath, it wasn’t without Owen considering that she might attempt to drown herself and be done with all of this. And it is that concern that finds him stood at the bottom of the stairs.
Owen: Char… I’m making lunch do you want anything?
Owen waits for a reply, but doesn’t get one, causing him to scowl.
Owen: CHAR!!!
He only slightly hears a reply of ‘yeah’.
Owen: You want any lunch?
Owen hears the bathroom door open, and Charlotte’s voice a lot louder this time.
Charlotte: No, it’s OK. Not hungry thank you. Just getting dressed.
Usually, Owen would have concerned himself with the fact she wasn’t eating, but this time he was just relieved she’d replied. He walks back into the kitchen and continues preparing his sandwich, whilst looking out over the ocean beyond. His attention is taken by a man who walks his dog, the knife hovering over the uncut bread. A loud knock at the door breaks that concentration, Owen placing the knife down on the counter and heading to the front door, wondering who it could be. No sooner as he opened the door, does a woman, potentially in her forties, push by him, Owen more than a little shocked by the intrusion. The woman looks around the house, Owen not sure what is going on, before finally she turns her attention to him.
Woman: Where is she?
Owen: Who?
Woman: Charlotte, I know she is living here right now, so where is she?
Still not sure who this person is, Owen continues with caution, not wanting to say the wrong thing.
Owen: I’m sorry… but who are you?
Woman: Excuse me?
She looks at him more than a little incredulously, as if he was the one who had just pushed into her house uninvited. It didn’t seem like the kind of situation however that he needed to escalate.
Owen: Look, I’m trying to be reasonable here, but I don’t have the first clue who you are and what you want with Charlotte, so how’s about we sit down…
Woman: I’m NOT sitting down, and I demand to know where Charlotte is. I want the woman who killed my son to explain to me why.
The penny drops, this must be Scott’s Mum, and thus her rude behavior and indeed her anger is instantly explained. Owen now fully understands the situation he found himself in, and slowly positions himself before the stairs and the woman, just in case she tries to get upstairs.
Owen: She’s not here… she went out for a walk.
Woman: Then, I will wait for her.
She pulls out a chair and only now takes a seat, Owen however maintaining his position.
Owen: She might be some time
Woman: I can wait.
Owen hears a noise upstairs that thankfully the woman doesn’t seem to pick up on.
Owen: Why don’t I just tell her you called round?
Woman: I am not going anywhere until I speak to her. In fact, how about you explain to me why you are letting her live here.
Owen: Because she is my friend.
Woman: My Scott was her friend as well…
Her eyes start to glisten over, her anger covering up her obvious and understandable misery.
“It’s OK Owen, you don’t have to defend me…”
Charlotte appears on the stairs, the woman’s eyes widening as she visibly grits her teeth at the sight of the person who she believed wholeheartedly killed her soon. Owen stays in between them both as the woman stands and menacingly makes her way over.
Charlotte: Hi Michelle…
Michelle: Don’t you dare ‘Hi’ me.
For a moment, there is nothing but silence, the tension in the air the kind that could most definitely be cut with a knife. If the woman had struck out, Owen knew it was more than likely he would be the one who took the impact to ensure that Charlotte didn’t. Surprisingly however, the woman doesn’t lash out, and indeed seems to break down, her legs buckling from underneath her, Owen catches her before she falls and does damage to herself. Charlotte quickly grabs a chair, and Owen gently places Michelle on it, before grabbing a glass from the side and pouring her some water. As he passes it to her, Michelle nods appreciatively, Charlotte taking a seat the other side of the table.
Owen: You, ok?
Michelle takes another sip of water, and then places the glass on the table. She then turns to look at Charlotte, any anger now taken over by misery.
Michelle: Why?
Although the question wasn’t complete, it didn’t really need any explaining. Owen sits down as well, wondering if he should leave them to it, but deciding that wasn’t the best course of action. It was obvious to him that Michelle had arrived intent on causing Charlotte real harm, but as with most decent people, common sense had taken a hold, before her sadness had broken her down, and the events of recent days caught up on her.
Charlotte: I loved Scott. He wasn’t just my bar manager; he was my confidante. He was my best friend in the whole world. If I’d have known he was in the bar, I would never…
Her voice crackles with emotion, and she pauses for just a moment, giving herself just a little time to compose herself.
Charlotte: I loved him Michelle, I loved him like a brother. I’m so, so sorry.
Before all of this, Charlotte and Michelle had been very close. Michelle knew that when Scott came out, Charlotte had been one of his greatest allies and backed him where others had turned their backs on him. Sorry however didn’t cut it, and Charlotte knew that more than anyone else. Sorry would never been enough for the hurt she had caused.
Michelle: Scott loved you too…
Her voice is filled with grief, her emotions bubbling over as she starts to sob uncontrollably, Owen watching with some concern as Charlotte stands and throws her arms around Michelle, who reciprocates the gesture. It was a complete one eighty on the way she had entered the house, and strangely enough, Owen felt more capable of dealing with the anger. But for someone who had experienced so much grief in his life, he still didn’t feel equipped to deal with the heart ache of others. As they both part, both their eyes bloodshot, Owen clearly doesn’t know what to say, or indeed do. So, he does nothing but let the moment play out.
Michelle: So, what happens to you now?
Charlotte: It doesn’t matter what happens to me.
Michelle: Of course, it does…
Charlotte: I deserve everything that happens to me. I can’t escape this; I shouldn’t escape this.
Michelle: Scott wouldn’t want this for you.
Charlotte: Well, I don’t want this for you. Justice deserves to be served, and accident or not, I’m still to blame. Nothing can bring him back, but at the very least I can do this.
Owen had never seen strength like this, as Michelle somehow manages to shrug of her grief, recognizing the guilt that Charlotte obviously felt. It didn’t matter to Michelle how much she might shout and scream at Charlotte, she could never do the damage that Charlotte was doing to herself. And Owen recognized that damage more than anyone else. The self-hatred Charlotte was feeling right now reminiscent of his own loathing not too long ago.
Michelle: I should go…
Owen: Do you want me to call you a cab or something?
Michelle: No, it’s OK, I think I’m going to take a walk along the beach. And Owen, I’m sorry for barging in the way I did. I just…
Owen holds up his hand.
Owen: No need to apologize Michelle… I understand.
Michelle: And I hope you get through this Charlotte; I hope we both do. Scott would have wanted that.
Charlotte: I’ll try.
They hold each other for another few moments, before Michelle turns away and walks out the house, Owen following her and opening the door for her. She then turns, and only nods, not saying another word before she heads off down the driveway. Owen shuts the door behind him, and puffs out his cheeks, before heading back into the kitchen, Charlotte once again crying into her hands. Owen puts his arms around her, trying to console her but knowing that there was nothing in this world that could ever do that. His fear for her well-being growing with every minute that passed by.
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RE: La Pequena Luz, Penguin & Calvan Greene vs. Kinneck, Cruze and Ravyn Taylor - by Owen - 12-13-2022, 02:49 PM

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