Asher Hayes vs. Glory Braddock
1 of 2

January 21st, 2023
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

One week has passed since Glory Braddock took care of the first and, in her mind, the primary threat to her control over Glorious Golden Enterprise, the company she has held near and dear to her heart since 2012. During this ten plus year ownership of the company, there was a brief two to three year stint when she had lost the executive authority to run the company as she saw fit. A faction from within the Board of Directors took a vote of no confidence in her mental stability to act as the chief executive and stripped her of her powers. Yes, Braddock did eventually win back the popular support of the board and in turn regained her executive authority. Still, the stunning act of betrayal left her paranoid and worried that it could happen again. So when she heard from one of her long time supporters, a man known as Floyd Ryan, that another faction was plotting similar actions against The British Bombshell, well she could not just sit idly by and let it happen. Something had to be done.

Who was plotting against her? Floyd pointed the finger at Aurora Alan, the sitting chairman of the board and sister of the founder of the company. Aurora, meanwhile, pointed the finger at Floyd and as evidence of his agenda she pointed out how Floyd was jockeying for position to become the next chairman and how he had connections to organized crime. The truth is that either could be plotting against Glory Braddock. Both could be guilty of plotting against her. Aurora could be directly plotting against her while Floyd was busily manipulating Glory, using her for his own designs.

Braddock does not appreciate being manipulated and used. Yet, at the same time, she wants to squash all possible threats to her power. So The British Bombshell decided to plant the bug in the ear of federal authorities, who at the time were investigating Floyd Ryan’s criminal connections. She can rest easily knowing that an arrest of Floyd is imminent and that is one threat she will no longer have to worry about. Still, one threat remains and that is the threat of Aurora Alan. Glory does not believe that Aurora is as power hungry as her older brother and sister are; she believes that Aurora is an honest woman. But Aurora is also very cunning and business savvy. She is also an Alan and there are many on the board of directors who are still loyal to her family. Glory had sold Aurora a small minority share of her company to Aurora in order to appease those Alan family loyalists on the board. But Aurora has been with the company for too long now. She has become more and more knowledgeable of the inner workings of GGE. Braddock recognizes that Aurora can become dangerous and a serious threat, whether she realizes it or not. She must declare Aurora Alan. She must make certain that she is no longer a threat to her power.

Currently Glory finds herself in the Miami living room of Aphrodite Noel, the woman Glory has adopted as her new ‘mother.’ Braddock’s recent string of paranoia only began with the rumors of a hostile takeover, but it all got worse and worse with the revelation that her oldest daughter Melinda Braddock, was once again dating arch rival Clyde Sutter; to cap it all off, Glory’s biological mother, a woman she had long confided in for guidance, passed away rather suddenly due to a massive heart attack. Aphrodite taught Glory everything she knew about business. Glory attributes her success in business to Aphrodite. All Aphrodite wanted was for Glory to join her family, as a daughter, become a Noel. Glory had resisted for a long time but the grief of her mother’s death, combined with the paranoia, forced Glory to give in. She has now returned to the arms of Aphrodite and returned to her place as her daughter. In return, Glory got the advice she needed in order to navigate the troubled waters of this hostile takeover. That is one problem out of the way. Aphrodite also filled the motherly void left in Glory’s life. That is the other problem that has been solved. Still one more remains. And again, Glory needs the help of her ‘mother.’

Braddock is currently sitting on a plush luxurious leather sofa in the living room. She is wearing a pink metallic long bell sleeved mini dress with black sheer tights and black patent leather high heeled pumps. Her long blonde hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. A few moments of waiting and she is joined by Aphrodite Noel, who enters the living room carrying two glasses of red wine. The British Bombshell attempts to rise up from the sofa but Noel insists that she remain seated.

“No, no, don’t get up.” She says, smiling warmly. “You are a guest in my home, Lindsay.”

“Thank you, mother.” Glory says as she takes the glass of wine Aphrodite hands her. Lindsay Noel is the name, the identity she has chosen to take as a daughter of Aphrodite. Some may question her sanity, it wasn’t too long ago Glory would have questioned her own sanity, but by becoming someone else, anyone else, she is able to numb the pain of losing her beloved mother, Maria Kirunsky. By taking on a new identity and living this fantasy, if outright false life, of Lindsay Noel, then she can forget about ever losing her real mother. Forgetting is the only way she can deal with the loss. Glory takes a sip of the wine and sighs. “Delicious.”

“It is your favorite.” Aphrodite says as she sits down on the sofa next to Glory. “I prepared it as soon as I heard you were coming over.” She arches her brow. “I take it your husband doesn’t know you are here, does he?”

“No he doesn’t.”

“You really should tell him.”

“I will tell him when the time is right, mother, I promise.”

“I believe you, Lindsay.” She pats her on the knee. “It’s just that I know Kurt did not exactly approve of our relationship the last time.”

“That’s why I am waiting for the right time to tell him.” Glory remarks as she sips on her wine. “I want to make sure he is ready to receive the news.”

“You cannot keep delaying, my child.” Aphrodite remarks. “He will eventually find out. You cannot keep this hidden forever. You do recall the last time you tried to keep something hidden from your husband, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Glory says with a sigh. She remembers all too well about how she had a brief one night stand with her childhood best friend Matthew Taylor. She nearly lost Kurt when he found out. She was lucky to be able to convince him to stay and give her another chance. “But Matthew and me…that was different…”

“Yes, I know. What you and I have is not romantic in nature. But still, you know that Kurt did not approve of our association even if it was not romantic. Imagine if he were to find out that not only were we involved again but you had taken your rightful spot as my daughter? You must tell him. Surely you must know this?”

“I know, mother.” Glory nods her head.

“Good.” She embraces Glory in a brief hug. “I love you and I want what’s best for you.”

“Thank you, mother.” Glory takes a sip of her wine. “Reuniting with you has been the best decision I could have made. After losing Maria…my biological mother…my mind, my mental stability, it all shattered. I could not trust my own judgment. Then the problems and crises began to pile up…my oldest child is dating Clyde Sutter again. My company threatened by a hostile takeover. Both situations needed to be handled delicately and I could not do it on my own. First, I needed calm in my life. I needed my emotions to be in check. You gave me that.”

“You needed a mother to guide you, I needed a daughter. I think we both got something out of this partnership.” Aphrodite says with a smile. “What of your other problems?”

“That’s why I am here.” Glory says as she sets her wine glass down. She reaches over to the table next to her and picks up an envelope. “I am in the process of dealing with one of those problems as we speak. Floyd Ryan claimed that a hostile takeover, a coup against me, was in the works and that he wanted to help me fight it off. Imagine my surprise when I learned that not only was he secretly using me to increase his odds of becoming chairman of the board.”

“So you believe he was manipulating you?”

“Of course.” Glory nods her head. “He also had connections to organized crime. He may have been on my side now but think what could have happened if I had helped him become chairman? Once in power and he no longer needed me…” her voice trails off. Aphrodite nods her head.

“I see. I also note you were speaking in past tense. Does that mean you betrayed him?”

“I could not let myself or my company be involved with organized crime. I will not pretend to be a saint nor will I pretend to have been completely honest and ethical in my actions. But I have never ever dealt with organized crime. I am not a criminal and I will not start now. So yes, I turned him over to the federal authorities who are dealing with him as we speak.”

“A wise choice, my daughter.” Aphrodite nods her head. “Keep your hands clean as much as you can. Just look at your former associate, Meagan Collins. Or your company’s founder, Matthew Alan. Both tried to gain power through less than savory means and look at them now. They are both in trouble with the law. If this Floyd was also involved in such criminal activity, then you needed to distance yourself from him.”

“I agree. Still, Floyd had always been loyal to me. He was the one who stuck up for me and argued on my behalf the first time the board tried to take power away from me. You remember, don’t you mother?”

“Yes.” Aphrodite nods her head and sips her wine. “They took power from you because they, like your husband, did not approve of our relationship.”

“Correct. Floyd had been loyal even through that. I had to take his warning seriously. Many members of my board of directors are still loyal to the Alan family. That is why I sold Aurora a 15% share of ownership and put her on the board as chairman. I did it because Aurora is honest and I could trust her but mostly because she is an Alan and it would appease those factions.”

“Do you believe Aurora was plotting against you?”

“No.” Glory shakes her head. “But I had to take into consideration the possibility that those factions were going to use Aurora as a means to get rid of me. All they have to do is strip me of my executive authority and right there, sitting pretty, is their perfect choice for my replacement…Aurora Alan. So while I feel it is necessary to keep her in the company, I also feel it is necessary to make sure she is harmless.”

“How exactly do you plan to make a woman like Aurora harmless?” Aphrodite asks with an arched brow. “She may be honest but she is still an Alan. She is cunning.”

“Correct. If she has the power and influence, she could make an impact. That’s why I got you this.” She hands her the envelope. “Call it a gift.”

“A gift?” Aphrodite opens up the envelope and removes the contents. Several sheets of paper are contained inside. Aphrodite quickly looks them over and then looks back at Glory. “What is this?”

“Aurora has 15% ownership. Now you have a 30% share of ownership. I maintain 55% share of ownership within the company.” She has a brilliant grin on her face as she points to herself and Aphrodite. “We have together 85% ownership.”

“Glory, I am…I don’t know…” Aphrodite is so shocked at this gift of 30% ownership that she forgets and uses Glory’s real name.

“But that’s not all.” Glory remarks. “With Floyd Ryan gone there remains an empty seat on the board of directors. As thirty percent shareholder, and as my mother, I want YOU to sit in his seat on the board of directors.” She picks her glass of wine back up and sips it. “Think about it.”

“I admit that it does sound enticing.” A smirk forms on Aphrodite’s face. “I would sit on the same board of directors that once tore our relationship apart, the same board that tore your power away from you because of me.”

“That’s exactly why I wanted you gift you with this.” Glory answers. “I do have executive authority, I want to keep it, but I am not able to keep people like Aurora Alan and her loyalists in check. I am still a very active wrestler. You can play a part in keeping Aurora and her people in line. Make certain that they tow the line and I do not have any further uprisings, no further talk of uprisings. It wouldn’t take up much of your time, I imagine.”

“It shouldn’t.” Aphrodite nods her head. “I would be glad to help you with this, Lindsay.”

“Excellent.” Glory sips her wine. “Now, I need your advice on one last issue…”

“Your daughter?” Aphrodite asks. “Melinda?”

“Yes.” Glory nods her head. “As you know she is dating Clyde again.”

“What was your problem with Mr. Sutter?”

“He had a major anger management problem the last time he dated Melinda. I know he physically abused her. I thought he sexually abused her but he denies it, so does Melinda, and honestly…” she sighs “...honestly I’m beginning to believe them. And lately he does seem to have genuine control over his temper. He seems to be calmer.”

“Then what is the problem?”

“I don’t trust him.”

“I see.” Aphrodite sets her wine glass down. “I seem to recall that I wanted both you and your sister. Your sister appreciated what I did for her. I got her the rehabilitation she needed, I broke her free from her drug habit, and she was so grateful she willingly leapt into my arms and became my daughter. I taught you everything you knew about how to succeed in the world of business. I expected you to do the same. Did you?”

“Mother, I…”

“Just answer the question.” Aphrodite says sternly. “Did you?”


“You rejected my offer. You rejected it because you were fearful of what others, namely your board of directors, might think. I imagine you still will want to keep this relationship quiet from the board of directors, even now that I sit on it. That’s fine. I do not feel upset by it. I am just happy to have you as part of my family. I knew you would eventually return to me. I just had to be patient and wait.” She pats her on the back. “I know your daughter will return to you but you have to be patient and let her live her life the way she wants. You cannot force it on her otherwise she will resist and reject you, the way you once rejected me.”

“So you think I should give Sutter a chance?”

“You obviously should not trust him. But do you trust Melinda?”

“Of course.”

“Then yes, give THEM a chance. Perhaps you ARE wrong about him? You were wrong about us, about THIS working out.”

“Yes, mother.”

Glory Braddock decides to lay down, with her head on her ‘mother’s’ lap. Aphrodite pats her on the head, gently comforting her and consoling her as a mother would her child. Aphrodite has given Glory the best advice but this piece of advice is perhaps the most challenging of tasks. She did, in fact, kick Clyde Sutter out of her wrestling school for being too violent and aggressive. Then she learned he got Melinda addicted to drugs and started beating on her. Finally, she found out that Clyde was related to her arch rivals, the Van Stanton family. Glory has no reason to trust Clyde Sutter. But Aphrodite says Glory, for her daughter’s sake, should give him a chance. Otherwise she could push Melinda further away. Can Glory Braddock trust Clyde Sutter? No. But she doesn’t have to. She just has to trust her daughter. She has to trust Melinda Braddock.
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
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Asher Hayes vs. Glory Braddock - by Konrad Raab - 01-24-2023, 02:38 AM
RE: Asher Hayes vs. Glory Braddock - by Braddock - 01-24-2023, 04:02 AM
RE: Asher Hayes vs. Glory Braddock - by Braddock - 01-25-2023, 11:31 AM

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