Kimberly Williams Trios Cash-In RP Thread
OOC: 1 of 2 for Kim

March 21st, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Retribution is now in the rear view mirror and all of the frustration, the angst, and the stress that Kimberly Williams put herself through ever since losing the Underground Championship at Body, Heart, and Soul has hopefully been put in the past as well. The Woman Scorned may be among the most unique of individuals, and she may appear to be very different from the rest of her famous wrestling family, but one thing she and her mother Angelica Jones have in common is a desire for perfection; a desire for success. If she commits to something she wants to put her everything into it. And for the first few weeks since Body, Heart, and Soul she believed that she had failed the Underground Division. After a brutal Underground war with Alexis Quinne at Retribution, Kimberly is no longer concerned that she has failed in her quest to carry the Underground Division on her back. Now Kimberly can focus on her Trios Cash In, which is the very epitome of chaos.

The Woman Scorned has decided to use her Trios Contract to put every championship in SCW on the line in one single match. But unlike previous wrestlers, such as Jake Starr and Greg Cherry who used it to give themselves opportunities at every title, Kim is giving everyone on the SCW roster who wants a shot at every title to join in the chaotic fun. That’s right; everyone against everyone for every championship is the essential point of this upcoming challenge on Breakdown. But for Kimberly Williams, her goal is singular; she wants to regain the Underground Championship. Kim doesn’t want the World Title, US title, Adrenaline Title, Tag Titles, or Television Title. Kim wants the Underground Championship back in her possession. Her goal with this Trios Cash In is to become Underground Champion again and rock the landscape of SCW to its very core.

Breakdown, though, is about a week and a half away and there’s still plenty of time for the Queen of Chaos to prepare to put her plans into motion. Right now Kim wants to take time to focus on something equally as important, if not more important, than any of her professional wrestling career goals. The Woman Scorned wants to spend time with her family.

Family has become increasingly more important to the deranged ginger. When Kim was locked up in a mental ward several years ago, it was her family, specifically her identical twin sister Marie Jones, who reached out when no one else would and offer to help her through the difficult times and challenges. It was Marie who was willing to give her a chance and accept her with open arms, despite the crimes she had committed. Every single time since then when Kimberly stumbled along her path towards growth, maturity, and redemption, it was family who took the time to pick her up, dust her off, and help her back onto the right path. After losing three times at Rise To Greatness and being on the brink of quitting SCW, it was Kim’s mother, Angelica Jones, who reached out and offered to help her out as her manager. After losing the Underground Title at Body, Heart, and Soul, once again it was her mother, Angelica Jones, who talked Kim down from the brink. Her family has always had her back. Kim is proud to be a part of a family that helps one another out in difficult situations; so Kim is happily willing to oblige when asked to help out her family, even if the task is a small one.

In this instance, Kimberly Williams is at her sister Marie’s home in Boston, Massachusetts awaiting the arrival of her nephew, Sean Connor Jones, from school. Sean is in grade school and will start high school very soon. Ordinarily Marie would be here when he was dropped off by the bus but she is busy with another appointment. Marie, like Kim, is still an active professional wrestler with her own public appearances she needs to make. Kimberly is more than happy to sit here and be with Sean until Marie returns. It gives Kimberly an opportunity to bond with her nephew. The Woman Scorned currently finds herself lying on the comfortable cream colored leather sofa in her sister’s luxurious living room. She is wearing torn denim jeans and a black “Queens of Chaos” t-shirt. She has no shoes on her feet, her flip flops are lying on the floor.

Williams hears the front door opening. Her face lights up with excitement as she realizes that Sean must have arrived. Kimberly truly enjoys spending time with her nephew. If you didn’t know better, you might think that Kim herself would want to be a mother someday. But Kimberly knows that she would not make a good mother. At least, she doesn’t believe she would make a good mother. She just isn’t sure that she has it in her to be a disciplinarian. Kim is an agent of chaos, not an agent of law and order. Kim would much rather be the fun aunt than a strict disciplinarian. The Woman Scorned swings her legs over the side of the sofa and then stands up, turning around just in time to see her nephew Sean entering the room. He is wearing denim jeans, black sneakers, and a long sleeve black sweater. He appears to be rather dejected, he looks sad and upset about something. Kim doesn’t notice it right away. She is too happy right now to notice anything.

“How’s my favorite nephew?” Kim asks happily. “Ok, only nephew, but still, how was school?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Sean says quietly. Kim tilts her head to one side and studies him carefully. Then she approaches and embraces him in a tight hug.

“Oh what’s wrong? Did you get in trouble for maiming another student? That happened to me all the time.” Kim pauses for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders. “Ok, that’s a lie, I never went to school. But still, if I had, that would have happened to me all the time.”

“Uh, no, that’s not exactly it, Aunt Kim.” Sean says as he trudges slowly and depressingly past his aunt and sits down on the sofa. Kim watches him and begins to finally notice that something is amiss. The Queen of the Death Match walks over to the sofa and sits down next to her nephew.

“Alright, kiddo, tell me what’s wrong?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Did someone upset you?” Kim asks.

“Well, kinda.” Sean admits. “My school’s principal.”

“Do I need to maim your principal?”

“What? No…” Sean shakes his head vehemently. Kim sighs out of relief.

“Oh that’s good. I’m pretty sure maiming your school principal would not look good on your permanent record. So what did he do to you?”

“It’s not anything that he did, Aunt Kim. It’s what he’s going to do.” Sean sighs, this is clearly difficult for him. Kimberly listens intently. “He wants to speak to my mom.”

“Your mom?” Kim asks curiously. Sean confirms with a nod of his head. “What’s wrong, kiddo? Why would he want to speak to your mom?”

“I think I’m in trouble.” Sean states. Kim again studies her nephew closely.

“Ok, Sean, seriously here now, you didn’t actually maim anyone did you?”

“What? No!” Sean shakes his head. Kim again nods her head out of relief.

“Oh good! I mean, you have my blood flowing through your veins, kiddo, so you can’t be too careful about that kinda thing!” Kim smirks knowingly. “Soooooo what is it that you did that warrants a one on one with your mom?”

“I dunno.” Sean shrugs his shoulders. But that doesn’t convince Kimberly. She may be tad eccentric, some might even call her insane, but she is also very smart. She can tell when someone is lying. Her nephew is definitely lying right now.

“Be honest with me, kiddo. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you did.”

“Honestly, I don’t know.” Sean shrugs his shoulders. “I mean, maybe I let me grades drop a little bit…” his voice trails off after this admission.

“Bad grades?”

“Yes, bad grades.” Sean nods his head. “But that’s it. Honest!”

“So your school principal is all worked up because you have a few bad grades, is that it?” Kim asks curiously. Sean nods his head. Kim still isn’t sure she buys the story entirely. But Sean has never lied to her before. And she has no reason to doubt him now. Still, something feels off about this. “Why would he get upset about some kid’s bad grades? You’re not failing anything, are you?”

“No, definitely not!” Sean denies that vehemently. “My grades have just slipped lately.”

“And now he wants to talk to about your grades?”

“Yeah.” Sean sighs and shakes his head. “Mom is gonna freak out. You know how she is.”

“That’s true.” Kim nods her head. “Your mom is a little uptight about those kinda things.”

“Uptight? She freaks out over the smallest things. You get it, don’t you Aunt Kim? That’s why I need your help!” Sean’s voice sounds like he is pleading at this point. Kim’s curiosity is peaked. What is Sean getting at here?

“What do you want me to do about this, kiddo?” Kim asks. “This is between you and your mom. You just need to tell her about this when she gets back and…”

“No!” Sean shakes his head. “She doesn’t have to know anything.” He points at Kim. “You can go see my principal instead.”

“No, Sean, absolutely not.” Kim shakes her head. “Your principal wants to see your mom, not your aunt.”

“But you can pretend to be mom.” Sean grins. “You’ve done it before and you do it brilliantly!”

“Oh I get it, you want me to pull the wool over the eyes of your school AND your mother all to save your behind?” Kim shakes her head. “Absolutely not, kiddo. Sorry.”

“Oh c’mon, Aunt Kim!” Sean is begging now. “You know how mom overreacts! You know how uptight she is! This just a case of some bad grades, that’s all. Do you really think I deserve to have the hammer dropped on me for a few bad grades?”

“But you made this mistake. You need to fix it.”

“And I will.” Sean insists. “I promise I will straighten up and bring my grades back up. Just help get the principal off my back and avoid having to tell my mom?”

The Woman Scorned knows deep down that she should just let Marie handle this, seeing as Marie is Sean’s mother. But Sean is begging, and Kim does want to be the cool aunt so badly. Finally Kim relents and nods her head.

“Alright, kiddo, I’ll help you out…”


“But…you cannot tell your mother I did this, ever, and you have to bring your grades up. This is your one opportunity, kiddo. I won’t help you like this again, are we clear?”

“Clear!” Sean embraces Kim a tight hug. “I love you, Aunt Kim!”

“I love you too, kiddo.”

A part of Kimberly realizes that what she is about to do is probably wrong. She should let Marie handle this. But that part of Kimberly is drowned out by the part of Kimberly that simply enjoys the love and adoration she is receiving from her nephew. What could it hurt to help him this one time out of this one problem? It isn’t like Kim has never stood in for Marie before. This should be a rather simple matter.

March 22nd, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Yesterday Kim had allowed her nephew Sean to talk her into deceiving Marie Jones, Kim’s identical twin sister and Sean’s mother. Pretending to be Marie is something that Kimberly has done frequently. She filled in for Marie during Marie’s run in UWA when Marie was, at the time, one half of the UWA World Tag Team Champions and Marie did not want to be tag champion. Kim filled in for Marie when Marie’s abusive ex-boyfriend came back seeking one more chance to make things right with Marie. Kim went out on a date with the abusive ex in order to determine if he had changed. When Marie had gotten herself involved in a cult, Kimberly infiltrated the cult by pretending to be Marie in order to rescue her sister from danger. Kim had once kidnapped Marie and took her place in all facets of her life; she literally became Marie in every sense of the word, and she did so for a solid month. It is this act that got Kim put in a mental ward for a brief period of time. To this day, whenever Kim and Marie work together as a tag team, they use the ‘twin magic’ strategy, switching places with one another to fool the enemy. Taking Marie’s place is something not foreign to The Woman Scorned.

Still, despite all of this, there is a nagging part of her mind that says that this one time, this one instance where Kimberly is taking the place of her sister Marie in order to save her nephew’s ass from a meeting with the school principal, this might be taking it a bit too far. Sean may be Kim’s nephew, but he is Marie’s son. Kimberly has no right to parent Sean, because she is not his mother. Marie has every right to know what is going on in her son’s life. Yet Kim cannot help herself. Sean loves his Aunt Kim and Kim loves being the cool Aunt. Kim isn’t the only one having second thoughts as she walks the halls of this school building after hours. Sean himself appears to be nervous as well as he walks side by side next to his Aunt Kimberly.

“I don’t feel so good about this, Aunt Kim.” Sean says in a hushed whisper.

“Me either.”

“Think we should just go back and tell mom?”

“What? No. No way I’m telling your mom now. Besides,” Kim points down at her feet “I didn’t wear freaking six inch heels for no reason!”

Part of being Marie means playing the part in every aspect. Kim may look like her sister but the way they act and dress is completely different. Marie is very conservative and super feminine in her attire whereas Kim prefers a casual look. Therefore, in order to trick anyone into believing she is Marie, Kim has to look the part. This evening for this meeting with the school principal, Kimberly is wearing a black pencil skirt with a hemline that stops just below the knee, black patent leather high heeled pumps, black sheer stockings, and a red silk blouse.

“No one told you to wear those shoes.” Sean points out.

“You’re right, but I HAD to wear the shoes. Its all part of the act. Your mother can’t wear any shoes with less than a three inch heel. That’s just who she is. Your mom also has a tendency to be a bit of a prude. So I have to not only look that part but act that part too. So tuck your shirt tail in, young man. Try to look decent.”


“You heard me, kiddo.” Kim says with a playful wink. Sean sighs and then proceeds to tuck his shirt in. They continue to walk the halls and then Kim looks down at Sean. “So, where is this principal’s office?”

“Just up ahead.”

“And what’s their name?”

“Rogers. Edward Rogers.”

“Has your mom had to meet this clown before?”

“Yes. A few times.”


Kimberly and Sean eventually find their way to the principal’s office. The door is marked “Principal Rogers” on the front. Kimberly looks down at Sean who still appears to be very nervous. He is still second guessing himself. Kimberly is second guessing the ethics of this whole thing but she doesn’t second guess her ability to fool this principal. She can make anyone believe that she is Marie.

“Let’s do this.” Kim knocks on the door and waits on an answer.

“Come in.” Come a deep male voice from inside. Kim opens the door and steps inside, followed by her nephew Sean. She immediately spots a middle aged balding man in a navy blue suit sitting at a large brown oak desk.

“Principal Rogers!” Kim gushes. “Nice to see you again!”

“Nice seeing you again, Ms. Jones.” He motions to the two empty chairs near the desk. “Please, have a seat.”

Williams sits down in one of the chairs and Sean sits down in the other. Sean clearly is nervous. Kim can’t imagine why but ignores it. She has a job to do.

“Do you know why we are here, Ms. Jones?”

“Sean here tells me he’s been having some bad grades lately.” Kim answers. She shoots a nasty look at Sean. “Trust me, that’s NOT my son. That’s NOT my Sean. I know he can do better than the grades exhibit and I assure you that he will bring his grades back up, Mr. Rogers.” Kim looks back at Sean. “Right, Sean?”

“Right, uh…right mom.”

“That’s good to hear.” Principal Rogers says with a nod of his head. “Unfortunately his poor grades are but a mere consequence of the bad behavior he has been exhibiting and the real reason we are here this evening.”

“What?” Kim is genuinely taken aback. She sensed that there might have been more to this whole story than Sean let on but she ignored her gut. Now the principal has seemingly confirmed it.

“Mom, I can explain…” Sean begins but Kim shakes her head.

“Hush, Sean. The principal and I were talking.” There is a hint of coldness in Kim’s voice. She doesn’t like having her trust betrayed, even when it is by her nephew. She looks back at the principal. “You were saying, Principal Rogers?”

“Yes, well, your son has been caught skipping school. In fact, if he doesn’t start making up some of his work and some of the time he missed, then he is in danger of failing.”

“Are you serious?!” Kim is growing angry. The principal nods his head.

“Quite serious, Ms. Jones. Now there are ways for Sean to make this up and get himself out of danger of failing and to raise his grades. However he will have to stay over after school quite a bit, perhaps attend some Saturday school.”

“I can’t go to school on Saturdays!” Sean exclaims.

“You will do what I say!” Kim says sternly. Sean grows quiet and sighs.

“Yes, mom.”

“He has a lot of missing work due to the days he skipped, Ms. Jones.” The principal explains. “It is possible for him to make it up without attending extra school, but it will be challenging. If you need any help with this, just let myself or his teacher know and we will be glad to assist. Sean used to be one the brightest young students here. It is a shame to see what has happened lately with him.”

“Yes, it is a shame.” Kim glares at Sean once more. Then she looks back at the school principal. “Thank you, Mr. Rogers.”

“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come see me again, Ms. Jones.” Williams and Sean stand up. Kim shakes the principal’s hand and then she and Sean turn and exit the principal’s office. For the first little bit as they walk the halls the pair remain quiet, in silence. Sean realizes that Kim is angry with him. He is afraid to say anything but knows he needs to at least thank his aunt for doing this.

“Thank you for doing this, Aunt Kim.”

“Don’t thank me, kiddo.” Kim says sternly. “Because I’m going to tell your mom.”

“What?!” Sean exclaims. “You can’t! I thought we promised not to tell her?!”

“You lied to me, Sean.” Kim states. “You told me this was just about some bad grades and had it just been about bad grades then yeah, I would have had no issues keeping your secret. But you KNEW this was about more than just bad grades. This was about you skipping school. Then you dragged me into this, manipulating me into helping you fool the school.” Kim shakes her head. “I’m telling your mom.”

“You can’t!” Sean says in a pleading tone. “Please don’t!”

“Skipping school is a big deal, kiddo.” Kim shakes her head. “I’m sorry but you left me with no choice.”

“Of course you have a choice. You act like you have a moral high ground but look at what you’ve done in the past, Aunt Kim! You kidnapped mom once and you act like…” Sean’s voice trails off when he notices the tears beginning to form in Kim’s eyes. He suddenly realizes that he legitimately hurt his aunt’s feelings. “...I, I’m sorry Aunt Kim. I forgot…I wasn’t thinking…”

“I’m sorry too, kiddo.” Kim states quietly. “I really am.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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RE: Kimberly Williams Trios Cash-In RP Thread - by The Matt - 03-27-2023, 09:43 AM

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