Kimberly Williams Trios Cash-In RP Thread
OOC: 2 of 2 for Kim

March 25th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Breakdown is less than a week away and the anxious anticipation towards Kimberly Williams and her chaotic Trios Cash In is building to a fever pitch. Every single champion has been put on notice. Every single championship is being defended in one single, barbaric, underground rules match that will last the duration of Breakdown. The champions of Supreme Championship Wrestling are anxious, nervous, and some angry, about this cash in. Why wouldn’t they? Their titles are in serious jeopardy. Despite what some may think, this isn’t a match booked out of spite. Kimberly hasn’t done this to hurt anyone. This is her gift of entertainment to the fans, her Kimmymaniacs who love the chaos of Underground Rules, and it is a gift to her fellow wrestlers on the SCW roster, because anyone and everyone who is an active wrestler can enter the match and challenge for a title. Obviously the Trios Contract holder herself, Kimberly Williams, will be participating in the match; but her goal is singularly focused on winning the Underground Championship back. It is the one championship that means more to her than any other championship in all of professional wrestling. Kimberly hasn’t been quite the same since losing the Underground Title to Owen Cruze back at Body, Heart, and Soul.

Yet on this Saturday before Breakdown, before the Trios Cash In and her big chance to regain the Underground Championship, The Woman Scorned seems a little distracted. Early in the week Kimberly found out that her nephew, Sean Connor Jones, was in trouble at school. According to Sean, his grades had dropped and the school principal wanted to speak with his mother. Kim, being the identical twin sister of Sean’s mother Marie Jones, knew that his mother would overreact. And in a perhaps misguided attempt to be the “cool aunt” decided to impersonate Marie and have that meeting with the school principal while Marie was away on other business. Playing the part of Marie Jones was easy enough for Kimberly. She has had to do it on more than one occasion. She expected this meeting would go smoothly, she would get Sean out of trouble not only with the school but with his mother, and Sean could then straighten himself up on his own. But The Woman Scorned was blindsided when she learned that Sean was lying to her the entire time. The school principal wasn’t all that concerned about the grades as they were about Sean skipping school.

Kimberly was played for a fool by her nephew and she fell for it. Now she has to face the music and confront her sister, Sean’s mother Marie. Marie obviously cannot be too happy with what Kim did in her attempt to parent Sean. But Kim had the best of intentions. She meant well. She only wanted to help and yet again her good intentions only seemed to create even more trouble. Times like this make Kimberly wonder if she should even try to help anyone?

And so Kim now finds herself walking up to the front door of her sister’s home in Boston, Massachusetts. The eccentric ginger is dressed in torn denim jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and flip flops. Her long red hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back. She approaches the front door and sighs before ringing the doorbell. Kim can only wait in nervous anticipation, preparing to be fussed out by her sister at any moment. Eventually she hears the door knob turning. The door swings open and it’s almost like looking in a mirror; she sees her twin sister Marie Jones standing there just inside, wearing a black knee length pencil skirt, black flats, and a red silk blouse. Williams sheepishly smiles and waves.

“Hi, sis! What’s up?” Kim waits on a response but doesn’t get anything. Instead Marie just sighs as she steps to the side to allow room for her sister to step inside. Kim shrugs her shoulders and then steps across the threshold. Her sister remains silent but does motion for her to follow her through the home and into the living room. “So, uh, you cleaned up!” Kim says quickly attempting to start some small talk. The attempt fails miserably as Marie remains silent. Kim sighs as she sits down on the comfortable cream colored sofa. “Uh, what about those Pats? Think we’ll make the playoffs next season?” This attempt at small talk again fails. Marie ignores her twin, walking past her out of the living room and into the kitchen. Kim rolls her eyes. “Come on, Marie! I already apologized a dozen times! Or was it two dozen? I don’t remember!” Kim whines. A few moments later of waiting and Marie returns to the living room. Only she is carrying two glasses of red wine with her. She hands one to her sister Kim before sitting down next to her on the sofa.

“I thought we could use a drink.” Marie states.

“Oh I get it…” Kim grins “’re gonna poison me!”

“No, that’s your thing. Not mine.” Marie takes a sip of her wine. “I just figured that we could use a drink to ease the tension considering what happened.”

“Now don’t go overreacting, Marie. This isn’t the end of the world. And I know that for certain because I asked my hamster Caligula and he told me the end of the world isn’t until at least another two or three years from now.”

“Kim!” Marie raises her voice, which startles and silences her sister. “Try and take this seriously, because what you did was very serious!”

“I know, I know…” Kim nods her head and composes herself. She realizes her attempt to lighten the mood in this tense situation is not working at all, so she quickly takes a more serious tone. “...where is Sean, anyway?”

“Sean is upstairs in his room and you can go see him eventually but first we need to talk about what you did.” Marie says, pointing at Kim. “You went into an official school meeting with the principal, pretending to be me, pretending to be Sean’s mother…do you realize the kind of trouble you could have gotten yourself into? Or Sean? Hell, even me?!”

“In fairness I have done far worse than that and got away with it.” Kim says, grinning sheepishly. “Uh, you didn’t tell the school that was me, did you?”

“No, I kept your secret.” Marie answers, rolling her eyes.

“Thanks. And look, I really am sorry for going in there and taking advantage of you, pretending to be you, trying to help Sean hide what he did from you. I just wanted to be the cool aunt, y’know?”

“I know, I get it.” Marie nods her head. “You meant well, you wanted to help Sean. But you DO realize that he manipulated you, right? He took advantage of you because he knows that you want to be the fun aunt.”

“It pissed me off.” Kim remarks. “He lied to me! He blatantly lied to me, telling me it was just bad grades and nothing more. He conveniently left out the part about skipping school! Believe me, sis, had I known he was outright skipping classes then I would not have helped him. I would have left him at your mercy.”

“Even if it was just about grades, Kim, you shouldn’t have left me out of the loop.” Marie says scoldingly. “He’s your nephew and if you ever need to speak to the school on my behalf that’s fine, but ultimately parenting him is my job. You cannot keep his bad behavior away from me and that’s exactly what you were trying to do.”

“I know, and I’m sorry…” Kim sighs deeply “...but…” her voice begins to crack. Something begins building, some emotions and deep seeded feelings. Marie can tell something is off with her twin sister and tilts her head to one side, studying her closely.

“What’s wrong?”

“Just some stuff he said to me, that’s all.” Kim shakes her head. “It wasn’t important.”

“What did he say?” Marie asks, now her curiosity is peaked. “If he said anything to you offensive then that’s not right. You may share the bulk of the guilt for helping him but he needs to respect you.”

“Don’t go and punish him, Marie.” Kim says pleadingly. “I mean, what he said wasn’t wrong. It’s just…” her voice trails off again. Marie takes Kim by the hands and squeezes tightly.

“What is it?”

“He just…” Kim sighs “...I was scolding him for lying to me, for deceiving me, for skipping school, letting his grades drop, and then he went and reminded me of how I have no room to talk because of the awful things I did in the past, specifically how I kidnapped you…how I…” tears form in Kim’s eyes, tears of regret as she recalls the crime she once committed against her own sister. Marie embraces Kim a tight hug.

“Look, calm down. It’s ok.” Marie pats her on the back as they hug. “Sean is just a typical teenager. He spoke without thinking and he didn’t mean it.” After breaking the embrace Marie leans over and snatches a tissue from a box and hands it to Kim. “Trust me, Sean adores you. He may be mad right now, but he loves his Aunt Kim.”

“Are you sure?” Kim asks with a small hint of a smile. “He seemed pretty mad.”

“Trust me. He loves you.” Marie motions towards the hall. “Now go talk to him. I think a nice chat will help both of you right now.”

Kimberly nods her head. She hugs Marie one more time before rising up off of the sofa. Then The Woman Scorned makes her way through the living room and out into the hall. Kim turns towards the staircase and ascends the stairs. Ordinarily the opportunity to visit with her nephew is a great thing but right now she is concerned. She can’t help but think about what mood her nephew will be in. Will he still be angry with Kim? It was Kim who did tell his mother about what he did, it is Kim’s fault he is in trouble right now; technically it is his own fault he is in trouble, he is the one who skipped class, but Sean will no doubt blame the ‘snitch’ who turned him in. The Woman Scorned reaches the top of the stairs and immediately heads towards her nephew’s room. The door is already slightly ajar. She pushes it the rest of the way open and steps inside. She sees her nephew lying on his bed reading a Spider-Man comic book.

“Hi there, kiddo.” Kim says. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” Sean says, laying the comic down on his nightstand. Kim walks over and sits down on the edge of the bed next to Sean.

“I heard that your mom finally dropped the hammer on you.”

“Yeah, she grounded me.” Sean says, nodding his head.

“Well I hate it, kiddo, but hopefully it will teach you a lesson. What you did wasn’t any good. You skipped classes, and that led to your grades suffering. You can’t let stuff like that happen.”

“It didn’t have to happen, y’know?” Sean says, staring accusingly at his aunt Kim. “Why did you have to tell mom?”

“We already went over this, kiddo. You skipped school. I can’t keep that kind of thing from your mom.”

“But you KNEW she would overreact! She overreacts about everything! She takes everything way too seriously! She isn’t cool like you…” Sean sighs and shakes his head “...well, cool like you used to be.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kim asks. “I am cool.”

“I thought you were cool but if you were cool then why did you tell mom?”

“Sean, I do want to be the fun aunt, the cool aunt. But more importantly than being fun and cool is being an aunt who cares about you, kiddo. I don’t want to see you waste your life away.”

“Wasting my life?” Sean chuckles. “You got to be kidding, right Aunt Kim?”

“I’m not kidding.” Kim shakes her head. “Your mom grounded you for skipping school. But I never went to school. I never got to attend school at all, I never even graduated high school because I was raised by someone who never really gave a damn about me.”

“Wait, I thought grandma…”

“Your mom had your grandmother to raise her, but I didn’t.” Kim shakes her head. “The woman who raised me didn’t care enough about me to make sure I was raised properly, that I had the proper education. I never got to have recess like you do, I never got to make friends at school the way you do. I never got to learn from a normal teacher who cares about me. You have so many advantages that I never got.” Kim wipes a tear from her eye. “I wish I had a normal childhood like you have but I never got any of that.”

“I never knew that.” Sean says quietly. “I’m sorry Aunt Kim.”

“It’s ok, kiddo. I don’t like talking about it that much so I never told you. Point is, because there was no one there to teach me right from wrong I ended up doing some awful things that got me into big trouble; yes, including when I snapped and kidnapped your mom.”

“Yeah, about that.” Sean sighs. “I’m sorry for bringing that up, Aunt Kim. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s ok, kiddo. I know you didn’t mean it. But what I need to get across to you is that because I didn’t have anyone who cared enough about me to raise me properly, I ended up making awful, terrible mistakes that landed me in trouble with the law. Had it not been for your mother, I might have been locked away forever, I might not have gotten the chance to spend time with my favorite nephew.” Kim smiles warmly.

“But I only skipped a few classes.” Sean says, shrugging his shoulders. “That’s it.”

“I know that’s all you did. But that’s how it starts, y’know? It starts with small, seemingly insignificant things like that; but then it only grows from there. Once you are willing to do that, you are willing to start doing something worse, and worse, and worse still. Your mom cares about you, I care about you, and we’re just trying to keep you from going down that wrong path.”

“I get it, Aunt Kim.” Sean nods his head. “You can trust me, I won’t make those mistakes.”

“I hope so, kiddo.” Kim embraces Sean in a tight hug. “I sincerely do.”

March 30th, 2023
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
On Camera

What happens when you give a deranged lunatic a blank check to do whatever the hell she wants? This is the question that has been on the minds of the entire SCW roster ever since the self-proclaimed Queen of the Death Match herself, Kimberly Williams, won a Trios Contract, earning herself the right to book any match she saw fit. Pure and utter chaos is what will rule the day on this coming Breakdown and nothing will ever be the same; at least, that’s the plan. It is a bright sunny morning in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The camera feed opens out on a hotel room balcony overlooking the Edmonton skyline. It isn’t long before the woman responsible for the oncoming chaos enters the scene; Kimberly Williams. The eccentric Kim is dressed in a plaid pink knee length skirt, boots, a matching plaid pink jacket with “Queens of Chaos” written on the back in black lettering, and a purple plaid shirt underneath. Kim spins around to face the camera. A look of confidence is on her face.

“Good morning, Canada!” Kimberly exclaims loudly. She waves her hand towards the camera, motioning towards the cameraman to get closer to the railing of the balcony. “C’mere and look!” She guides the camera over to the edge to take a look, a crowd of people have gathered below, the vast majority of whom are SCW fans, Kimberly Williams fans! “Hi there, Kimmymaniacs!” The people below cheer loudly. Kim then steps back in front of the camera. She winks. “You can tell that the Canadian Branch of the Kimmymaniacs are excited about the beautiful, glorious chaos that will reign supreme this evening on Breakdown! These great fans are looking forward to the great entertainment that my Trios Cash In is about to produce! And if you want unique, if you want creative, you got just that with MY cash in! I mean how many times must we see someone use their Trios Contract to give themselves a world title match, am I right?” The camera looks back down at the camera and the fans boo. Kim guides the camera back up to look at herself and she is grinning from ear to ear.

“See what I mean? They get it and that’s why I love them! They understand me and they get me! I bet they also understand why I did what I did with my Trios Contract…” her voice trails off, then a low and soft laugh escapes her lips “ really is funny how everyone in SCW is in panic mode and has been in panic mode ever since I announced my intentions for the Trios Cash In. But none of it was unexpected. Stuck up status quo holier than thou bitches like Juneau McFrosty of course will think the worst of me. Of course they will make ridiculous accusations like how I am doing this out of spite because I lost the Underground Title or because I hate SCW and want to burn it to the ground.” Williams shakes her head.

“How wrong you are! I don’t want to burn SCW to the ground. I love SCW! I love it just as much as my Kimmymaniacs love it, am I right people?!” The fans can be heard cheering from down below. Kim smirks as she nods her head. “I love this company. SCW took a risk on the strange, black sheep of the Jones family who just wanted to prove herself, who just wanted to prove that she belonged in this business, that she had it what it took be one of the best wrestlers in the world today. And I took that opportunity, that chance SCW gave me and I ran with it. I took the ball given to me and I became a World Tag Team Champion, Television Champion, a United States Champion, and recently a Trios Tournament winner. Then SCW helped me find my niche, something I enjoyed doing not out of a sick twisted pleasure I get from the pure barbarity of it all, but because of how much it entertains the fans…SCW introduced me to the Underground Division.” Kim laughs softly. “Why would I want to destroy an institution that has given me so damn much? Why would I want to burn down SCW, a promotion that has helped me more than any other promotion?” She leans over and taps the camera, as if tapping the viewer on the head.

“Think about it for a moment! Use your heads for something other than a target for a steel chair! I don’t hate SCW! I love it! I admit I may have an unorthodox way of showing my love, but I do love it! And I love my fans even more than that. So any notion of this cash in being about destruction or disrespecting SCW is nonsense. But I DO want to burn something down…” she smirks devilishly “...I want to burn down the status quo. People within the status quo of Supreme Championship Wrestling fear change. They fear things being different and that’s precisely what my Trios Cash In is all about.”

“Think for a moment about the championship scenarios in Supreme Championship Wrestling. Just think about it…who are the ones almost always in contention? You see people like Syren, Selena Frost, Josh Hudson, Owen Cruze, Adam Allocco, Glory Braddock, and the list goes on and on…those names are always the lucky ones pushed into the spotlight, pushed into the main event marquee. Those are the ones whose names are always in the bright light. Lately my name has been right up there too. But it wasn’t easy for me, because I had to fight and claw and pay the price to make it happen for me. I am no longer pretending to be an outside looking in because I did finally break through. I broke through at Body, Heart, and Soul when I got to be in the main event, and even though I lost I helped catapult the Underground Championship onto near equal status with the SCW World Championship. It took damn near two years to accomplish that but I did it through my own blood, sweat, and tears!” Kimberly sighs and shakes her head.

“Others won’t be as lucky. Do you think someone as unique and adorable as Princess Yuyo will be gifted opportunities like that? Or what about Cassie Wolf? What about my friend Oktoberfest? People may not like her and I admit that she’s not very pleasant to be around, but hell, what about Kandis? Some of these people may be going about things the wrong way…looking at you, Kandis and Oktoberfest…but they all have legitimate gripes when it comes to being overlooked here in SCW. This is what my Trios Cash In is all about…it is about fairness, equality, and giving each and every person in this company the same opportunities I was given, only I am giving these opportunities to everyone in one swift stroke in one big grandiose night of chaos! And more importantly it will be an even playing field.” Kimberly nods her head. “That’s right, it will be fair. If those people who have been on top for so damn long, the McFrosty’s the Syren’s the Braddock’s, and so on, if they are good enough to get the job done and win the championships then so be it. Fair play to them. They will have earned it. But everyone else on this roster will have the same opportunity to earn it and if they are good enough to fight through one long grueling night of Underground violence and endure it all to become a champion, then they will not only earned it but will have proven to the world that they belong at the top of marquee along with the other top stars.” Another devilish grin forms on the face of The Woman Scorned.

“Now what would having a Trios Contract be without being at least a little selfish with it? Yes, I stacked the deck in my favor in hopes of winning back my Underground Championship. That championship means more to me than anything else in this company and trust me, I have done damn near everything else. People like Glory Braddock talk about becoming Supreme and I have no doubts in my mind that she is hoping to place fourth or fifth so that she become one half of the tag team champions and finally achieve Supreme Status. And I am pretty close to Supreme status myself. All I need is the World Title and Adrenaline Title and I would be a Supreme Champion. If I was the selfish bitch then wouldn’t it make sense for me to stack the deck in my favor to become World Champion? Or at least Adrenaline Champion? Something to get yours truly one step closer towards that golden goose, that status that so many people think means so damn much!” Kim taps herself on the head.

“You are so damned closed minded that you cannot even attempt to comprehend what I am trying to do. Many of you are so comfortable in your own little worlds with your own preconceived notions that you refuse to open up your mind to try and understand what I am trying to do. I love SCW. I would do anything for SCW. And I love the great fans of SCW who have supported me every day of my career with this company. I also love the Underground Division. I am passionate about the Underground Division and what it means, what it represents. I will enter this chaos and do whatever it takes to once again become Underground Champion, to once again carry the flag of the Underground proudly, but now to do more, now to prove that I am the VERY BEST EVER to compete in the Underground Division!” A fierce intensity spreads across Kimberly’s face. “The Underground has been carried by many infamous names. You have had your Nicole Kinnick’s and your Rachel Foxx’s but now you have Kimberly Williams who is the Queen of the Underground, the Queen of the Death Match, and a Queen of chaos! When people speak of the SCW Underground Division I want people to remember the name Kimberly Williams more than any other name!”

“Is that selfish? Sure. But like I said, what’s the purpose of having a Trios Contract if you can’t be a little selfish with it? This Underground Championship is my legacy here in SCW. If you can’t see that, if you can’t understand why this championship is important to me, then I’m sorry. If you think I’m being a coward, or if I’m being spiteful…well, you’re wrong, but you’re not the people I give a damn about anyway…” she once again guides the camera towards the edge of the balcony and focuses it on the fans below who let out another loud roaring ovation, then Kim guides the camera back to focusing on her own lovely face “...THOSE are the only people whose opinions matter and they have never once let me down, they have never once backed down from their support of me, and I will continue to fight for them. They want the Underground Division to mean something…am I right?” Another loud cheer can be heard. Kim nods her head.

“And I am going to make damn sure that it means something! I helped bring it back alongside greats like Jordan Majors. I continued to put it on the map by defending it against Oktoberfest, Deanna, Sarah Wolf, and others. I put the Underground Title in the main event of a pay per view for the first time in a very long time, if not the first time ever. Now I put the Underground stamp permanently upon every other division and upon this company. Every single championship in this company will be defended within the confines of Underground Rules. Once again I will have made history within the Underground. And when the final bell sounds, when the night of chaos has ended, the ring announcer will say…and NEW SCW Underground Champion, Kimberly Williams!”

The Woman Scorned shakes her head. “This isn’t about stealing. It isn’t about desperation. This has been the plan since day one when The One, Adam, and I first learned we are going to be a team in the Trios Tournament. This was how I had planned to use my Contract even before I knew I would win it. So anyone who thinks this is cowardice or desperation on my part then fuck you!” She flips the double bird at the camera. “You don’t know me! You don’t know what Kimberly Williams is all about! I am passionate about this business! I love this business! And yes, I especially love the Underground! That’s what this match is all about…it is about putting the Underground front and center and giving everyone an opportunity, especially those who do not always get an opportunity! It is about leveling the playing field…” she pats herself on the chest “...but for me, personally, it is about regaining the Underground Championship, and it is about me showing the entire world, and any unbelievers, just how passionate Kimberly Williams truly is for this division.” A soft laugh escapes her lips.

“Underground isn’t for everyone, I understand that. So there’s no disrespect from me towards anyone who chooses not to participate in this. However, I greatly respect anyone and everyone who decides to throw their hat in the ring for this chaos, for this insanity that is about to ensue tonight, including those who ignorantly run their damn mouths about shit they do not understand and who are too damn lazy to try and understand. I respect everyone who participates in this match, but all respect aside, I will do whatever it takes to walk away with the Underground Championship and I will continue on until I know that this match, my Trios Cash In, was not done in vain, I will continue to fight until I know that this Trios Cash In will live on in the annals of SCW history as one of the greatest and most entertaining of all time.”

“You wanted to know why? That’s why. The talking is over. The next time you see me, playtime begins.” She waves at the camera as she skips away. The camera fades to black.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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RE: Kimberly Williams Trios Cash-In RP Thread - by The Matt - 03-29-2023, 11:12 AM

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