Kimberly Williams Trios Cash-In RP Thread
{NUMBERS: Chapter 2}

Hailey was there... The Oracle's brother was there... They were there, arguably for the same reason I was, and I had to stand there and make a decision.  Do I believe them or not?  I had to decide, within a fraction of a second, it seemed to me, whether or not these two were there in my best interest, or were two of the greatest masterminds in stealing The Oracle from under my protection that ever existed.

It was something that even after reaching out to my "contact," I still had my doubts on.

And why wouldn't I?  Why wouldn't I doubt the TWO PEOPLE who's relationship to The Oracle, and her safety, outside of my own, coalesced within the home of Hailey's parents, with her brother present, and just coincidentally running away just in time to not be snatched up as well?  And why wouldn't they want him?  He was the guardian.  He was the person who allowed her to leave her dormitory with my predecessor, and ultimately myself.  He was as much a part of this as we were, and he knew it.  He was just the ultimate prisoner.  He was the one who had no options but to obey.

So in the case of Hailey's family "guarding" The Oracle, why wouldn't his role be the same?

They show up... He delivers the goods... He vanishes back into the darkness...

With Hailey, why wouldn't she want to do something to make her life easier?  For a few years, her and her family were living a life of shit, being forced to do everything, effectively, under disguise, and hopefully without being seen by anyone who would recognize them.  All because Hailey crossed the douchebag who was before me, and she felt she could take before either of us were ready.

I know she wants her redemption... But in who's eyes?  Is it truly in the eyes of The One, and wanting to seek redemption in the eyes of The Oracle, and receive her blessing, or is it redemption in the eyes of her parents?  Does she want to redeem her loss, redeem her failure to them, because she feels like it is the one way she can reinsert herself into the family with the greatest impact.

These are my thoughts...

These are what worry me...

These are, I will admit, why I wasted no time in imparting them in the grander plan because should they feel the need to have nefarious tendencies, I was aware, and prepared.  But if they were honest, I was giving them the opportunity of a lifetime to save themselves and their families from future destruction...

Well, Hailey's family... The Prophets were going to be fucked at my regard either way...

So after their return, things were quiet for a short period.  The three of us laid low, finding refuge in small towns outside of The Compound's reach, and away from anywhere where we would be seen as anything more but deviants looking for cheap lodging for the night for whatever actions we saw fit, and the motel management didn't ever hear about.  And we used that to our benefit as much as possible.  We didn't have many clothes at the time, so a lot of people saw us as miscreants and we just cared about the fact we had legit cash on hand, and weren't going to make them ask any questions.  

After a period of time of waiting, there was a lot of uneasiness among us all.  I was waiting on what was next, Hailey wanted to prove herself, and The Oracle's brother wanted his sister returned to his safe guardianship.  I understood all of this and accepted the reality that I was going to have to be the one to shoulder the blame of all of the successes and failures that we may have.  It's why when the time came to bring all parties together, I knew there was potential for hostility, questions, and even more fear of those who have surrounded me.

Off of a sideroad of a highway, in a rural part of the Midwest, between the county line where The Compound's reach ends and Hailey's family's house is, a car is parked off in the woods, obstructed from view.  The location was picked as a spot where, "unless you know where it is, you wouldn't dare go there," type of location.  The trio of Hailey, The One and the brother of The Oracle all stand around their vehicle that they have been basically living in.  The brother is pacing, obviously uncomfortable with the situation, while Hailey is nervously standing, leaning on the car, still unsure of everything, and The One is vaping, while sitting on the hood.  The brother's nerves finally get the best of him, and he wants answers.

Brother of The Oracle: Ok... Seriously... Why are we here, and what is going on?

The One: Like I said, this is part of the next phase of the plan...

The One doesn't even look in his direction when she replies, and continues vaping, obviously the most calm and collected of the bunch.  What the others don't know is The One is hoping the elevated levels of THC in her vape keep her anxiety regarding the situation as low as it can be.

Brother of The Oracle: Seriously?  Why all of the vagueness?  Why can't you ever just give a straight answer?!

Hailey steps over to the brother.

Hailey: Calm down, man.  I get it.  I'm sure we all have nerves, and I know I'm curious as well.  But the fact is, this woman hasn't ever come up short with us when having a plan, and she's going to do what's in your sister's best interest.

Brother of The Oracle: Does she have a plan?  Really?

Hailey: I believe her...

Brother of The Oracle: Believe all you want, do you even know if she has one?  Or is she just having us sit in the middle of the woods, waiting for some freak to jump out and slaughter us all?

Hailey: I believe she has plan... I know she does...

Brother of The Oracle: Then tell me about it.  Tell me what you know.  Tell me so I can "believe" like you do...

Hailey: I... I don't...

Brother of The Oracle: You don't know anything, that's my point!

Hailey: I know this... She got you out and free, didn't she?  Didn't she get the ACTUAL biggest prisoner off that premises and KEEP him off?

Brother of The Oracle: I... She...

Hailey: Exactly... Just relax a little... Like I said I'm sure we are all a little nervous...

The One, hearing all of this remains stoic.  She knows Hailey is right and knows that everyone is facing much of the same emotional struggles inside.  Hailey's response to The Oracle's brother, however, seems to calm his bellicose response for the moment, and the three go back to simply sitting around in the silence of nature.

After several more minutes, the silence is broken by the sound and lights of another vehicle making its way up the pathway.  The brother is immediately spooked, going back to his thoughts of having someone out to get them in the woods, and Hailey immediately begins to share the same sentiment.  Both look over at The One, who slowly stands up from the hood, and turns and walks in the direction of the vehicle coming their way.  It is a reaction that tells Hailey and the brother that this is something The One was expecting.

As the car reaches theirs, it leaves it's headlights on, illuminating everyone with its high beams.  While squinting, all can see the driver's door open and a figure step out, having the build of a man.  The One, however, stands there, staring the man and the headlights down, as the man's silhouette eventually can be seen somewhat blocking one of the lights, but no facial features are yet discernible.

The One: Are the headlights really fucking necessary?

Man: Says the woman with the most questionable background here, and two, questionable, companions I know nothing about...

Hailey: Questionable?  Really?

The man can be seen turning and looking at Hailey, and simply nodding.

Man: Especially you, if I'm being honest...

Hailey: Why me?  Who the hell are you?  You don't know anything about me!

Man: That girl was abducted from your family's house, wasn't she?

Now Hailey is immediately confused.  How would this stranger know anything about that situation?  This immediately charges Hailey up and she begins to make a beeline around the car to confront the guy.

Hailey: Who in the FUCK do you think you are, huh?!

Before she can make it to the man, The One simply extends one arm to her side and stops Hailey from advancing any further.

The One: Calm down, Hailey.  This is our ticket back in, and ultimately to freedom.  I'll handle it, I promise...

Hailey looks at The One questioning everything.  But her faith in her friend does allow her to take a couple steps back behind The One.  The One, then, turns her attention back to the man.

The One: Again... Are the headlights really, fucking, necessary?

Man: Let me ask you... Are they?

The One: Since the get-go I have been completely transparent about all of this and held up my end of all of our agreements.  You can see around us that it's just us, and they're who I told you they were on the phone.  So I would say you're as OK to reveal yourself as you can be...

The man pauses.

Man: Alright...

The man walks over to his vehicle and opens the drivers door, leans in and turns the headlights off, but leaves on his running lights so they have some illumination, but aren't blinded.  As everyone's eyes adjust, the man's identity becomes clear, as in front of them stands the federal agent who had infiltrated The Compound.  He is not recognized by anyone but The One, and Hailey wastes no time trying to get answers of her own.

Hailey: Hey... Who is this guy?

The One: Remember the federal agent who was running recon on The Compound, that I had to go shut down?  The one who was able to sneak in undetected while that dickbag predecessor of mine was still in charge?  Yeah, that's this guy...

Both Hailey and the brother immediately take a step back and their eyes widen.

Brother of The Oracle: WOAH WOAH WOAH!  You're telling me we're working with a guy you told us was trying get info on my sister?  And after what you did, you don't think he's got the handcuffs ready for all three of us after this is all over?

The agent raises his hands up trying to gesture for the brother to calm down.

Agent O'Connell: Let me formally introduce myself.  My name is Agent O'Connell.  I am a member of the FBI's SVU team, and my initial mission was to find out the truth about this mysterious "Oracle" who had been bringing a lot of luck to these people in this establishment.  We had gotten wind that it may be a child, so they had me go undercover, and find out... The truth is I uncovered a lot more than I expected.  The two of you, y'all are the least of my concerns.  The One here, she's the one who'd be the most likely to come with me once all of this is over.

The One turns around and faces her compatriots.

The One: He's right.  I have more at risk because of my behavior.  You two aren't in any danger.  I am assured of that.  When I found out the truth about The Oracle myself, all of the data I got from him, plus all of the data I had of my own, I backed up onto a USB drive, and saved it knowing one day it would be what ultimately saved The Oracle more than I could.  When they recaptured her, I knew I had to make my final move to reach out to those with more power than the three of us...

Hailey immediately pushes The One. ::>

So you are working with "the man" now?  I thought we stood for everything that went against the system?

The One: Hailey we stand for our word.  My word was to protect The Oracle at all costs, and also keep her brother, and now you, safe.  When she was taken again, I realized we needed help.  So I did what I did at risk of myself being taken along with The Prophets and whomever else they are after.


Hailey is not pleased.

Aren't you a fucking hero...


Agent O'Connell chimes in.

[b]Agent O'Connell:
Hailey, if I may interject, she actually is doing something pretty ballsy.  She's put her entire life at risk for three people to be safe.  It was part of the agreement she and I entered into.  You, The Oracle and her brother are completely immune to anything.  Once The Oracle is recovered, by whatever means possible, she will be debriefed and released into the custody of her brother.  Once we ensure she is healthy and we get information from her, which her brother will be allowed to be present for, she will be allowed to be freed to her brother.

Brother of The Oracle: I'll have my sister back?

Agent O'Connell: Yessir.  The One ensured that agreement was in place once we saw what information she provided, and saw how serious of a situation this was, we realized we had something.  And I won't lie... She saved my job as well, so I owe it to her to ensure the one thing she wanted, being the safety and immunity of the three of you, I was willing to guarantee her that.  I wouldn't guarantee her safety and immunity in the matter, but I would the three of you...


The brother walks up to The One.

[b]Brother of The Oracle:
You really did that for all of us?

The One: I told you I would keep my word to you and your sister.  And Hailey...


Hailey cuts her off.

Just... Don't... Not right now... I really don't know how I feel about this...


Hailey then walks up to Agent O'Connell and gets in his face.

... And I REALLY don't know what I feel about you.  People like you always turn on people like me.  People like you always lie to people like me.  So WHY should I believe you?  Why should I trust in a fucking cop?  All of you are corrupt.  All of you are in cahoots.  You protect one another over the real victims like, honestly, ALL OF US, including The Oracle...


Agent O'Connell slowly and secretly hands out a folded piece of paper toward Hailey.  Hailey looks down and grabs it reluctantly.  The agent then whispers to her.

[b]Agent O'Connell:
I think this will answer all of your doubt...


Hailey slowly and quietly unfolds the paper, and The One looks confused, not being able to see exactly what is happening.  Hailey reads the note, folds it back up and puts it in her pocket.  She quickly turns and walks to the side and goes around to the back of their car and leans on the trunk, no longer facing anyone.

[b]The One:
What's that about?

Agent O'Connell: Trust the process...

The One: What about being transparent with me?

Agent O'Connell: Again... Trust the process...


Hailey can be heard sniffling, as if tears are potentially flowing.  She decides to walk off out of earshot but still in the vicinity of everyone, and pulls her cell phone out.  She re-reads the document, and after reading it again, she slowly begins to dial her phone.  As the phone rings, Hailey hears the sound of her mother's voice pick up on the other end and say, "Hello?"

Mom... We need to talk...




Sitting in a dimly lit room, The One sits, head covered with a towel, apparently not even changed after her match from Retribution.  It is unclear if she sits in the arena after it has closed, or if she is simply in some darkened area where she has put a chair to isolate herself and reflect.

I'm going to be honest... I don't know what happened out there at Retribution... Well let me take a step back and clarify... I don't know what happened in my match, at Retribution, but I know one thing is for sure, Pro, she got what she deserved, and got her Retribution.  She went out there and she gave that shucking and jiving panda bear everything they could have wanted, and she made sure she was the one walking away with that now in her rearview mirror.

Me... Like I said... I don't quite know...

The reality is, I felt like I did the best I could, and I gave it my all.  I feel like I was on pace to do what I planned on doing, and next thing I know, I make a mistake, get caught, and am double-pinned only to see someone else walk out with the SOUL of this company, and a chance to beat up the Frosts, as icing on the cake.

So fuck me... I'm not happy...

Did you hear me Bree?

The One lifts her head, and the towel falls back behind her neck.

I'm not happy...

I'm not, "not happy," because YOU won.  I'm simply not happy because I didn't.  It sounds cynical, based on my track record of saying wins and losses don't matter, but this was one of those I felt I WANTED... I felt that taste in my mouth of an opportunity to, not just have some piece of metal over my shoulder, but to finally begin changing things.  I wanted to be that catalyst to transition Supreme Championship Wrestling to its next level, but no... One of the "elder statesmen" had to pull the rug out from under me...

I don't disrespect it...

I don't call BS or make excuses...

You used your veteran nature to do what you needed to, when you needed to, and for that, I will say I respect that...

But respect and happiness aren't something that coincide, and in fact, are mutually exclusive.  That's why I can be unhappy, but respect what you did.  That's why I can sit here and not say I deserve what you have.  That's why I am not going to be one of those people who everyone can simply point at and mock as a sore loser, because I'm not.  I take my losses.  I accept them.  I learn from them.  I RELISH those opportunities because it inevitably makes me more dangerous the next time around.  So while I am angered... While I am disappointed... I am not going to dred on it and let it define me.

And I damn sure am not going to let it distract me...


Because come Breakdown, we have the most "what the fuck" match I have ever been in, in my short career.

The One rubs the back of her neck and stretches it to one side, feeling the effects of the match at the pay-per view.

Now, what is this match?  What is this Trios cash-in of hers?

It's a culmination of something I saw coming all along... Ever since we teamed up to win these contracts.  I saw past her desire to win, and prove herself as someone to be taken seriously, and saw the greed that truly lay beneath the surface.  She may think she fooled everyone, but she didn't fool me.  You see, everyone, Kimberly Williams is a lot deeper of a person than she lets on.  She has a side of herself that she convinces others is who she is, when in fact is callous... She is calculated... She is very convincing.  She is always planning ahead, and by making people think the Trios was just about proving herself, she really wanted something that would give her what it is she TRULY craves...


And this match, it proves it.

Looking back at SCW, and the Trios cash-ins, this idea of every title being on the line has seemingly become the "status quo" of what people want.  Initially it was people putting themselves in the main event of Rise to Greatness, but it has turned into the match where everyone calls on the chance to see every belt be defended, and each time it's had to one-up the previous version.  Think about it... Firstly, it was the greed of Greg Cherry just wanting to win all of the titles for himself.  Then it turned to Jake Starr, and instead of doing it the same way, he decided to bring the Chamber into play, and put life and limb on the line for the same ultimate goal, but still one-upping the one before him.  And now you have all of the titles on the line, again, but not all for one person.  Instead, it's champions, contenders, and a collection of other individuals all in an Underground Rules clusterfuck, effectively in an ironman match for the entire duration of Breakdown... Then it's best score gets the best belt, second place gets the "second best title," and so on and so on...

And with that amount of calamity and clusterfuckery, the potential for the world to be turned upside down in the eyes of the fans of Supreme Championship Wrestling, is greater than ever.  And the potential for The One to do something shocking and achieving something far greater than she's ever been expected to do, is very, very, real.  It could mean more than anything I've had put in my path to this moment.  I mean, yeah I have a Trios contract all my own and I could make up whatever I wanted, but having someone like Kimberly pick me as someone else to be in a match of this magnitude brings who I am to a whole other level.  I mean, she potentially gifted me everything I've ever come for in SCW.  She's potentially given The One the keys to the kingdom, and the ability to show the world that things have officially changed.

And that's where I plan on ending up... On someone else's dime!

The One smirks.

Now I'll admit part of this whole thing I believe is out of respect.  I believe Kimberly saw my contribution and willingness to keep my word in the tournament, and is putting me in this match, and Adam as well actually, as a gift of respect.  And yeah, I'm thankful, to a degree, but yet I could become, not just one of, but THE MOST, sought after individual in SCW.  I could not just become A CHAMPION, but I could become THE CHAMPION.

Yes, folks, The One could be your NEW WORLD CHMAPION, and it be because someone else gifted it to me on a silver platter...

But in a more realistic scenario, I could be a champion, in some variety, and I could do that by simply doing what I do best, and that is culling the herd of the weaklings.  Let's be real... Every clusterfuck like this will, inevitably, have weak links.  There will be people who, as this is an open invitational, will just decide they want to run their asses into the match, and then realize it was the dumbest idea of their entire career.  And that is where I will focus.  Why?  Because in something this chaotic, it's where the sharks will be swimming, and feasting on the prey.  Now after the easy prey, what is left?  Again, people will bring their personal issues into this and there will be personal battles happening, where it'll create situations where someone like me can jump in, again, and put more tallies next to my name.  Now if there are those who who have issues with me, I accept that, and they can come at me.

I don't back down from anyone, period...

But I am walking into this match focusing on who shows weakness, who I can exploit, and I'm just being honest.  I'm not going to pretend like there is some secret plan.  I'm going to just go out there and focus on the one thing that isn't involving the stapling of asses... And that's winning!

And it's honestly as simple as that... This is an opportunity for me to achieve everything in one night.  I have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and only one person to thank, and that's Kimberly.  All of the champions, all of the people who may randomly show up and hopefully win a title to catapult them back into the limelight, those who are desperate to "climb the ladder," they're the ones with everything to lose.  Hell Kimberly, too, has everything to lose because she made this up.  I am that outlier in this match with everything to gain, everything to prove, and the one who knows what kind of tricks to pull.

Again, let's be real about who I am... What happened when I first came into SCW?  What mind games did I play?  How did I get into the heads of others?  I did things nobody else had ever done.  I made it clear I was something different and someone special in the present and in the future of this business all because of the psychological games I was playing.  I then proceeded to continue to manipulate Beard, getting in his head, inducing pain in all of those he considered close to him.  I knew what buttons to push from day one, and in a match where anything goes, where all hell can and will break loose, and in a situation where I have already admitted I don't belong, I will lean on what I know, and what has worked in the past.  I will lean on the idea of getting inside people's heads.  I won't pretend like Underground Rules favor me, but I can tell you that I can do one thing, and do it well...

I can get inside people's heads...

So I plan on getting everyone's head in this match.  I plan on messing with people's perceptions, and having the mindfuckery put me at a level which is above and beyond those others in this match.  But to circle back... There's still Kimberly... She's a walking mindfuck in this company.  And even though I've torn down that wall and told you all who she is, she still knows how to do it well.  So I know that I want to, at the least, out fuck her mind.  I want to walk away knowing that she took this Christmas gift to herself, when she wakes up that morning and runs to look under the metaphorical tree for this gift from Santa himself, she opens it and realizes that it is filled with one thing, and one thing only...


When it comes to an opportunity like this, I want this moment, for everyone, to be that pizza party you had a child, when you had that kid show up you didn't invite, who didn't bring a gift, and steals every other kid's tokens to play the games because he got wind of it.  I want everyone to walk away wishing they could have gotten a mediocre gift, then felt like they were used as fodder.  Why?  Because I want to achieve my dreams.  I want to be greedy for once, and this IS a chance for me to be that greedy person.  I don't have to worry about my role here because Kimberly GAVE ME this FREE TICKET, effectively a second Golden Ticket, to have to use for my own gain.

So yeah... The One is going to let herself be greedy...

So I plan on that person who uses the others for my own gain.  I plan on being the kid who shows up to play everyone else's games and tell them how much fun I had.  I plan on being the person who reaps the rewards of what has been laid at my feet and I know I will not be alone in that mentality.  Greed has its place in life, and for The One, this is it.  I don't have to make a point.  I don't have to make this a giant philosophical match like the Adrenaline Championship.  I simply get to go out there and try and steal wins where I can, and see if I can walk away with a championship around my waist.

Will it work?

Will I succeed?

There are no guarantees when it comes to that, unfortunately.

But what is a guarantee is you die, you pay your taxes, and your life will forever be haunted by THE ONE!

The One looks above her head at the light illuminating her, and takes the towel from her neck, whipping it upwards, and bursting the bulb, resorting in the scene going into total darkness.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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RE: Kimberly Williams Trios Cash-In RP Thread - by TheOne - 03-30-2023, 06:14 PM

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