Aaron Blackbourne
This post is reserved as a "running character sheet" of the various demons Blackbourne has or will portray, on the chance they might resurface again down the line for a match.

The Cerberus
Anyone familiar with Greek mythology knows a cerberus is often known as the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the Underworld, tasked with preventing the damned souls inside from escaping back into the mortal plane. This particular Cerberus, however, has simply grown tired of this role and wants more, especially to prove its worth to its master Hades that it's just as capable as any of his other monsters for causing destruction when unleashed on the world above. Aaron struck a deal with the monster to give him this wish, and the beast's aggressive and hard-hitting nature was a perfect compliment to the existing toolset he gained to work with while the two were one. Ferocious and unforgiving, the Cerberus seeks to strike fear into the hearts of the same men and women who have painted it many different ways in legend and mythology, but not always in a light truly portraying what it's capable of.

The Stress of Perfection
One of the more interesting demons Aaron's ever conceived, mostly because it's source isn't any sort of preexisting legend, monster or even anything that could have a physical representation by normal perception. The Stress of Perfection is an entity born of a complimenting idea to the belief that 'there's no such thing as perfection, and if there was we'd all stop pursuing it.' If a perfect human being were to exist, would it be too farfetched to say that having to maintain that perfect lifestyle every second of your life lest you fall victim to the perception of others that you're not truly perfect like you claimed to be would be one of the most stressful experiences a human being could ever endure? This is the physical embodiment of this concept, the monster hiding beneath the 'perfect reflection of yourself' that only appears when the glass breaks to expose the ugly truth beneath, born of all the stress you tried to endure to prevent that. The Stress of Perfection is a methodical entity, and while it will often stick to Aaron's normal style as it was originally born of his own 'perfect reflection,' it has a tendency to also wrestle a slower, more methodical pace and technical style that almost seems like the antithesis to Aaron's usual fast-paced striking and creative plan-on-the-fly mindset in an attempt to try and expose the flaws in its opposition to prove that they, too, may not be as perfect as they claim to be.

While Ferrugo isn't exactly a 'demon' per se, it's not hard to see him as some kind of monster. Named for one of the Latin words for rust, Ferrugo is a character Aaron created some time back but could never seem to find a story concept to completely immerse him in. The character is a cursed immortal individual with mechanical limbs to replace ones he's lost that serves as the ringmaster to the Carnival of Rust, a traveling carnival that employs individuals who feel they don't have a place anywhere else in the world, hooked up with the same mechanical limbs Ferrugo wears to bind them all together for all eternity. According to the 'legends' surrounding the carnival, it only appears once the sun has set and completely vanishes when the sun rises, and anyone still trapped within when this happens lose their life force to the twisted ringmaster and become a twisted freakish beast to perform wherever the carnival next surfaces. Ferrugo's true intention, however, is to extend his curse throughout the entire world to create a 'world of rust' free from the shackles of death, which in his mind will remove the consequences of all conflict and bring about world peace as there will no longer be any point to wars or anything that could arise from the differences in human beings such as racism or gender-driven issues. Being a natural-born showman and desiring to spread his own creative message, Ferrugo takes the reins Aaron has offered in order to tear the house down along with whoever stands in his way of making sure his message is loud and clear.

In Old Norse, Kaldr is the word for cold, which in and of itself is a perfect opening description for exactly what Kaldr is. A demon designed by Aaron based both on his long lost love of wintertime since moving away from Massachusetts to the west coast where the weather is somewhat warmer and some of those old ideals on what a fierce monster might be described as by people, Kaldr is a stoic entity who is very proud of its power, to the point where it refuses to engage in conflict unless it was a personal reason for doing so to avoid unnecessary collateral damage. Best described visually as what happens if you try to make an ice sculpture that combined the proud and fierce wolf that hunts in snowy forests and the most common interpretation of Death himself before trying to bring the statue to life through magical means that may not entirely be pure, Kaldr is a representation of the cold itself, from the idea of freezing up in sheer terror to the belief that the mere presence of the grim reaper in a room causes the temperature to plunge to make you very much aware of his presence. Because Kaldr has no personal vendettas, it took some convincing to accept Aaron's offer of sharing what they are capable of through him, but one thing Kaldr respects above all else are those willing to fight for a personal reason no matter the cost and especially those that do not hesitate to charge into battle no matter how much the odds may seem stacked against them as long as they fight the battle their way, two things that sum up the creative soul very well.

Zeitgeist is a philosophical German concept from centuries ago that translates to "spirit of the age" or "spirit of the times." This makes it an accurate name for this creation, especially considering Zeitgeist himself was one of the first full-fledged creations Aaron put a considerable amount of time into after pondering the idea of the term when it came up in a philosophy class he took in high school for college credit. Zeitgeist is an extremely powerful being that has full control over the concept of time, from being able to see all details of anything in the past, present or even future to bending and manipulating time to his will. He is very much aware of the power he possesses and never seeks to use it for personal gain, hence why he tends to be a more neutral entity and only intervenes when he has a reason to. That said, he heavily respects his creator considering how long they've known one another and is one of the few entities that can serve as a sort of mentor or guide whenever Aaron needs someone to help him sort things out within his own head. Even though a calm tone and demeanor is virtually the only expression he ever shows, he can sometimes come off sounding like a smartass considering his powers to see and comprehend all events that may or may not play out along a timeline create the perception that he knows everything. Still, he is one of Aaron's most dangerous entities, as trying to remain neutral does not mean he's incapable of fighting; simply unwilling to normally because of how easily he can overwhelm a foe. While being embodied by Aaron does not grant him the sudden ability to mess with time, the one noteworthy thing he does grant is the frightening ability for Aaron to be able to calmly analyze and react to situations going on around him far quicker than he normally would, almost lending the belief that he's watching everything play out in slow motion before responding in real time. Zeitgeist is certainly not a creation to take lightly.

Azrael is an anomaly among Aaron's mental menagerie, primarily because of the fact that he's not originally his own design. Azrael's creation is actually courtesy of Aaron's tragicially now-deceased brother Andrew, and the only known origins behind his creation involve a possible gimmick/identity Andrew wanted to take on if he ever decided to join the wrestling business himself. Pulling from some of the things that helped set Andrew apart from his brothers, Azrael is the name of the Angel of Destruction and Renewal in the Hebrew Bible, pulling from Andrew converting to Judaism, and his appearance also includes elements that are Japanese in origin that refer to Andrew's klove of the country and its culture. There's very little Aaron can share beyond this, however, as he's hesitant to further flesh out something that's not his own to begin with, but should he ever change his mind we may see Azrael surface again at some point down the line.

The Cursed Design
The Cursed Design is another intriguing anomaly from Aaron's imagination, being similar in concept to the Stress of Perfection in that it's not necessarily a demon or anything with a true physical representation, but instead a design of a melting skull with a nail having been driven into its head at an angle from the top right. The real idea behind it makes it one of the more versatile options in Aaron's creative arsenal, as it's meant to play to the belief that everyone can see the same image and interpret it in different ways if they're given very little context about what it actually means. Is the design cursed because Aaron's taking a huge gamble and accepting that it likely won't pay off? Is it simply meant to represent him being 'consumed' by his own imagination or some dark force? Is the curse more directed at his opponent for one reason or another? What even is the curse, or is there a curse at all? It's one of those concepts where Aaron's creativity has produced something that's open to interpretation, allowing you to use your own imagination to decide what it may or may not mean, which in and of itself creates a unique mind game when presented to an opponent as it makes it even more difficult to try and gauge what exactly they're about to face.

The Ink Demon
At first glance, the Ink Demon seems like Aaron's take on the main antagonist from the popular indie horror game Bendy and the Ink Machine, however this demon seems more disturbing by comparison once you really dig into it. Originally born of a nightmare Aaron had due to the stress of his old feud with Scarlet Grey and an incident regarding that from Kelcey Wallace's 2018 Halloween party, the Ink Demon was initially a hostile entity that existed deep in his imagination, believing it was not one of Aaron's creations and therefore had no reason to do his bidding. A conversation between the two prior to Under Attack 2019 saw an alliance be formed through the creative soul convincing the inky beast that his 'true master' had abandoned him to rot in his subconscious, and the monster took the offer he was given to prove he was so much more than just an abomination serving as an attack dog, embracing the opportunity to consume anyone who opposed him in ink and watch them struggle until there was nothing left... perhaps even as a warning to his former 'master' for the fate that may await him now that he and Aaron have made peace.

The Twin Stars
The Twin Stars are unique among the creations Aaron has shared with the world as this is the first time he's actually portraying not one, but two entities simultaneously. The duo is composed of Dreambender and Gleeful, twin brother and sister who are both immensely powerful cosmic beings despite their appearance as children. They are two of Aaron's oldest and most powerful creations, having never seen the light of day after countless months of work piecing them together due to an unfortunate circumstance where he was beaten to the punch in sharing them with the world by someone else who happened to create very similar characters associated with their own AU spinoff of a popular fantasy show. Just because they haven't been seen since because of the potential accusations of theft, even if Aaron rightfully had the idea first and had zero idea that someone else had a similar idea using a different concept, does not make them any less dangerous. With one being as innocent as reckless as her childlike look would lead you to believe and the other being very calculating and methodical in his approach, the two balance one another out perfectly and mesh their powers well into a nigh-unstoppable force of time and space. Up until now, it would've been a question of which one would appear, but if the two of them have found a way to merge themselves into one more powerful demon, one can only imagine what awaits whoever dares to oppose their cosmic might.

Pandemonium can best be described as chaos incarnate. A being that has no true form and simply assumes whatever appearance it finds most amusing for the situation at hand, Pandemonium was born of Aaron's imagination trying to bring to life the idea of what chaos would resemble if it were one of the demons inhabiting the artist's mind. This demon has no comprehension of right or wrong, only that everything it lays eyes on must be devoid of order and reason at all times. Pandemonium is one of the more unpredictable creations Aaron's ever put together, but it does have a sense of respect for the way its creator's mind works and is more than happy to take an offer to reveal itself to the world beyond to reinforce the level of controlled chaos that its creator likes to operate under when necessary.
[Image: yC0vuyj.png]

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Aaron Blackbourne - by Ruppy - 08-01-2018, 07:45 PM
RE: Aaron Blackbourne - by Ruppy - 08-01-2018, 07:47 PM
RE: Aaron Blackbourne - by Ruppy - 03-24-2020, 07:17 PM
RE: Aaron Blackbourne - by Ruppy - 05-30-2020, 03:34 PM

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