Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost
OOC: Selena’s second.

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

The Witches of Alden


Frost ‘Forever Home’
Black Arrow Neighbourhood
Manhattan, New York
April 15, 2023

The children were playing quietly in the next room, or as much as they could for a ten, six, and a four year old (although two of their birthdays were fast approaching: Amiliah in another two months and David in three). The noise, slight words that sounded muddled and distant and the occasional ‘beep’ and ‘boop’ (and all variations within) of video games or cartoons, didn’t bother Selena Frost as she paced around the room on the other side of the basement-floor, specifically her ‘office-space’. Her sapphire eyes kept scanning the pieces of printed paper in her hand, her head giving an occasional nod here and there or a wince and a tilt – her animated form of reading the text on the paper as she paced. Occasionally, she would stop, her eyes would squint, and she’d even silently word whatever she was reading a few times, her voice coming in and out as if to try the sentence out verbally before going right back to pacing.

Deanna did her best not to say anything as her wife continued the requested review. It had, actually, been a rather funny approach for this request. Deanna had marched into the room while Selena was finalizing their tax-statements for the year (of all things), double-checking her notes and numbers before submitting everything to the family’s accountant, Pierre, when Deanna had burst in. ‘Can you review this?!’ she had asked, holding up eight pages of single-sided paper. She had looked so in need of help, standing there in green-shorts, a gray t-shirt and her dark-red hair in a ponytail, as Selena’s was, though the Snow Queen had chosen a floral-designed, spaghetti-strap summer dress that went down to just below her knees. Around her neck, like Deanna’s, was their ‘Frost Crest’ necklace, Selena’s dragon an arctic blue as it protected the snowflake behind it and Deanna’s blood-red as it protected its own.

The sound of a ‘YES!’ temporarily caught both women’s attention, the two staring out the open door of the office, which lead past the ‘cinema room’ and into the main of the basement, towards the sound of David as he continued to play his video game – Selena was sure it was Metroid or something. He had been on a kick for that franchise the last few days. The thought caught her – giving her a temporary smile as she pictured her little prince playing. Of course, she had her own ‘stash’ of a few video games that only she could play, specifically of her favorite video-game franchise: Castlevania-

Quickly, the Snow Queen shook her head, resuming her pacing through the room as her eyes caught sight of Deanna sitting in the chair by the door, having remained quiet for the last fifteen or so minutes (which amazed the platinum-blonde). There would be time for her to dig out her collection of games and storm Dracula’s castle after the weekend, when they were the SCW world tag-team champions again… which is why this was so important.

Pretending to be back in the ‘critiquing’ mode, Selena stole another glance at her beloved wife and partner. It had been nearly a year since Deanna had requested her wife to review her promo material for ‘The Guard Tower’. After Rise to Greatness, and Deanna getting her first non-Television singles title victory, the redhead had tried to write her own promos without any help, desiring to build her singles career while they awaited their chance to challenge for the world tag-team championship. Not that Selena could blame her wife. RTG had been an incredible weekend for them both as singles wrestlers, and while a victory in the main-event had eluded the Snow Queen, she had refused to let that ruin what had been a series of worthwhile events for her and Deanna. Still, she had respected her wife’s decision and gave her space, only collaborating with the younger woman when a ‘joint promo’ with the both of them speaking was planned – sometimes even leaving the house to go for a walk or workout in the pool/gym house while Deanna dressed and filmed her promo in another part of the house. There were even times – Selena recalled – that she would not even get to see Deanna’s promos until they were aired on SCW or YouTube, having to have a genuine first-time-viewing reaction like the rest of the SCW Universe.

Still, there was that nagging feeling in the back of Selena’s brain as she continued to read. Why now, after all these months? Deanna was a very capable shoot-writer and was getting better every day. Was she nervous? If what she had read so far was any indication, that certainly was possible to Selena. By and far, there was so much more riding on this match than their previous battles for the tag-team championship. While the Frost wives had respected Light in the Darkness – Selena so proud that they had taken her words to heart and continued to improve as they had last Breakdown against Chance and Kelsai – and they had been pushed to the limit with One and Pro, not to mention their battles with Farmstead that had established them as tag-team champions at the start, the words of Ravyn Taylor had some validity to it.

The House of Frost had never fought former world champions before as a tag-team. Now they were facing two. And while Selena had more experience than most in regards to Ace Marshall and certainly in regards to Ravyn Taylor, the same could not be said of Deanna. Again, Selena stole a glance at her wife, who was distractedly eyeing her own hands as she rubbed them together. Was that it? Had Ravyn’s words last Breakdown gotten to Deanna? The Infamous member, Selena had to admit, was beyond amazing at turning a phrase and attacking a weak-point or an insecurity with her words. With those and little else, she had unleashed Luna upon SCW, riled up names like Xander Valentine and Vixen Cain, and had made Hall of Famers like Christian Savior and Shilo Valiant wallow in defeat. Mind games were her bread and butter, and the only reason Selena was not overthinking what those two could be ‘planning’ together, assuming they could co-exist together like Ravyn bragged, were distractions like this and taxes.

Reaching the last page, Selena scanned the last set of paragraphs, her tongue pushing against the inside of her cheek before giving one nod of her head, turning to gaze at Deanna, the redhead seeing her wife’s eyes on her.

“Well?” the smaller woman asked, a hint of hopefulness in her voice. “Any good?”

Opening her mouth to speak, Selena turned to look at the paper. “You’re going to say all of this?” she asked, holding up the sheets.

“Yeah.” Deanna shrugged, before her face adopted a sunken look. “Why? Is it bad?”

“No!” Selena quickly remarked, marching over to her wife to take one of the seats beside the former Underground champion. “It’s just…” she held the papers out before them, her other hand gesturing up and down towards it. “It’s a lot.” She settled on explaining. “You’ve got eight pages here and… that’s about twenty to twenty-five minutes. Not including emphasis or pauses. I mean… that’s asking a lot to put on the fans, Deanna.”

Biting her lower lip, Deanna nodded her head, not crushed by the critique but still a little disappointed. “I got into a groove.” She admitted. “Maybe I got carried away.”

“I can see that.” Selena smiled, reaching out with her free hand to take Deanna’s closest hand, squeezing it gently. “Not that that’s a bad thing.” She explained. “But there’s a time and a place for it. And if you go on and on like this, you’re actually doing the opposite of what I think you’re intending to do.”

Her head jerking in a few movements this way and that, Deanna seemed to try and process the platinum-blonde’s words. “I… I don’t really understand.” She glumly admitted after a few seconds of thinking.

“Okay, well…” Selena scanned through a few pages before settling on one. “See, right here…” she gestured to one of the middle paragraphs. “You go on and on about how many times I’ve beaten Ravyn and how you learned from me and how you get her style and how you were the one that leveled the playing field years ago when I beat Syren.”


“Well… who cares?” Selena shrugged. “Me beating Ravyn does nothing for you. Everyone knows I’ve been training you since the get-go. And who cares about a match two years ago?”

“I…” Deanna tried to find the words but seemed to come up dry. “You do?”

“I do.” Selena nodded slwoly. “I feel that was the real start of getting to the world title, but also you becoming a full-fledged wrestler… but no one will else will think that and no one will care. In fact, if you show Ravyn that you’re obsessed with throwing the past back in her face after she accused us of that last Breakdown, she’ll think she’s got you in the mind games and that will make things so much more difficult for us. Like immensely.”

She gave a quiet sigh. “This…” she held up the papers again. “This is solid. It’s good, Deanna. But we’re not just against another tag-team. These… take it from me… they’re former world champions. Both are extremely dangerous. Ace has gotten past me so many times that it’s almost scary.”

“You’ve beaten him too.”

“Yes, I have.” Selena nodded. “But again, almost two years ago. He TIED me, Deanna. Not got sixth place with four points. Tied me. And he came into that match later than even we did. That’s terrifying.”

It was something that had been playing in Selena’s mind. She knew better, speaking of her own experience, to dismiss Ace simply because he enjoyed being a ‘clown’ in SCW, looking for whatever entertained or amused him with his antics. No, she had made the mistake in the past and he had embarrassed her during her second reign as world champion. Yes, she had gotten a measure of revenge against him over the years, but still, she had learned really quick how, beneath that ‘joking, aloof’ personality he brought to SCW, there was an intelligence and, dare she believe, viciousness that actually could match Ravyn Taylor’s – though far more subtle than the ‘Bad, Bad Girl’.

Hell, the second she had decked him in the middle of the ring during the ‘title presentation ceremony’, she had mentally cursed herself at forgetting that. Ace had strolled in and played her with ease – pushed every button with incredible precision with his antics of ‘Ace Frost’ and ‘The New House of Frost’ and ‘replacing Deanna’…

In every way… part of her shuddered at the crudeness the man had inferred. Would SCW had booed her if they knew what he had said to her? Would D. had looked at her in such shock and, eventual, disappointment if they knew the disrespect Ace had shown her and her marriage? Doubtful. Selena thought. If anything, the owner of SCW – current owner, she reminded herself – would have probably just spoken down to her like he had later that night about being ‘played’ by Ace for the umpteenth time.

“Ace and Ravyn…” Selena spoke slowly, trying to keep her mind on the present, trying to focus on helping her wife. “They know how to play me. I’m certain at least one of them knows how to play you if the other night in Washington was any indication. We can’t just…” she held up the sheets of paper. “We can’t just rant at them. We have to be precise. Choose our statements carefully and, above all, not show too much emotion or weakness – or that they have gotten to us.”

Giving a slow nod, Deanna slowly took the papers back from Selena, eyeing them silently for a moment before speaking. “Is that why you recorded that message and sent it to O.?” she turned her head to see the surprised expression on Selena, the Snow Queen’s mouth hanging open a little.

“Late last night.” Deanna continued. “I couldn’t sleep without you, so I searched the house… looking for you.”
“I didn’t…” Selena tried, looking away a little. “I didn’t see you.”

“No. When I reached the office, I could hear you shouting, but your voice…” Deanna sighed. “Your voice was shaky. Like in Iowa. When I heard you coming out of the office to go to the bathroom, I hid in the dark in the other room. When you passed me… I heard you sniffling again. Like you were crying again.” The Queen’s Guard worked her fingers a little, perhaps in guilt or perhaps trying to not make a big deal of her own feelings of what she had concluded. “I snuck back upstairs when you came back and waited for you in bed after that.”

Biting her lower lip, Selena stared down at the floor. She did NOT want to tear-up in front of Deanna again! She had hated herself for breaking down like that back in Iowa weeks ago. And while the redhead had become a ‘voice of reason’, more so than before, for her, Selena had had to watch her wife try and hide her own insecurities and fears with this massive match coming up – fears of being chunked down the ladder of tag-teams. Fears of having to wait months and months for any rematch, like they had for all their singles title reigns – Selena still on ‘the waiting list’ for a world title rematch. Fears of proving Ravyn right and being ‘the weak link’.

Last Breakdown had been that eye-opener for Selena, the Snow Queen realizing just how much more was on her wife’s smaller shoulders than her own.

“I…” she tried to explain. “I needed to get through that.” She admitted. “My thoughts about O. and SCW… they were distracting me. Seeing Ravyn put it all-“ she gestured outwards with her hands. “Out there like that? It made me realize where my priorities need to be right now.” She gazed back at Deanna determined – even taking her wife’s fretting hands into hers strongly. “On us. On getting back the tag-team titles this weekend.”

“Can you imagine?” Deanna suddenly thought wistfully. “Deanna Frost – two-time tag-team champion. Selena Frost, FIVE time world tag-team champion.”

The Snow Queen laughed at that. “I don’t know if they’ll count it or not.” She shook her head. “But the numbers don’t matter, Deanna. I’m not Syren. Actually…” she looked ahead a bit towards the bookshelves that lined the circular office space. “I was talking about getting back the titles because of… Amy and Simon.”

“Oh my god! I know!” came the joyful remark. “Now we’ve got Hall of Famers coming into the division!”

It was beyond adorable to see her wife get so giddy, bouncing a little on the chair, but Selena could not help but feel more excited about the idea herself.

“How long has it been since you fought Amy?” Deanna asked, earning an exhaled ‘huff’ from Selena.
“Oh gods… years. I think 2016? With the Shot of Adrenaline tournament? But I don’t think I ever really fought Simon before…”

Even her voice was catching in the excitement. Because it was exciting! After 2022 being the year the tag-team division had been put through the ‘ringer of embarrassment’ with the Farmstead Friends making jokes and gimmicks the ‘definition’ of the tag-team division, the House of Frost had taken the tag-titles and watched as things slowly started to change.

First, Light in the Darkness had returned, eyeing them for a shot. Then her old rival, Bree (easily one of the biggest rivals Selena ever had) and Datura had entered into fold, standing presently as the next contenders once this matter at Playing the Wildcard was concluded. Then there were The Playgirls, Kelsai and Chance if last Breakdown was any indication, and now Simon and Amy Chastaine…

“Gods…” Selena breathed. “We REALLY have to win this.” She whispered. “Like REALLY really.”

Deanna gave a nod for a moment before, once more, casting her eyes down to her paper before flicking them up in her grasped hand. “I’ll get back to work on this.” She determined resolutely, pushing herself to her feet. “Thanks for reading it.”

“No problem.” Selena smiled, pushing herself to her feet to gently kiss her wife’s cheek. “You’re on the right track.” She added. “Just focus on that confidence I saw the other day. Use her words to motivate you, not mess with you.”

“Oh, good one.” Smiled Deanna, who rushed over to Selena’s desk. Grabbing a pen that rested on it, she quickly scribbled. “’Use her words to motivate you… not mess with you.’ Got it!” Turning around, she gave a bright smile before she was moving past Selena, stopping only to give a bright, pressing kiss to her wife’s lips, the sound of it gentle and cute. “Thanks, minx.” She whispered again. “I’m going to the gym to work on this.”

“You can use my office-“ Selena offered but the redhead was already on her way, pen in hand, and gone in seconds.

With a slow sigh, Selena allowed a grateful smile to cross her features. She needed this place, her Forever Home, and moments like these to keep her sane. She couldn’t tell Deanna how honest and raw she had been on the “Believe It!” bus – or how much she actually meant her words, both on the bus and in that recording she sent to D., not just born from frustration and despair, but actual consideration.

Quietly, she cast her eyes back over to her computer, which sat on her desk. She didn’t want to tell Deanna the truth of the matter. How she was stealing a page out of O. D.’s book and quietly vetting offers. It had started after they had come home from Iowa, Selena still dealing with her breakdown and feelings of hopelessness regarding the future of SCW. And while a good night’s rest with her wife, not to mention a little TLC from the beloved redhead in gentle love-making, had brought Selena back to some semblance of normalcy, the feeling of ‘doom’ had still persisted.

And if O. D. – as Selena had put it – was willing to abandon ship over a supposed need for ‘family’… what about her and her family?

That had been the start for her, just casually and hypothetically, putting some feelers out. From TIA, who had put together the World Series of Wrestling, to XWF, UWWA and a few others. Nothing promised. Nothing guaranteed. Just a ‘hey… what if I have some extra time on my hands for a more prominent role in your roster with my wife?’ kind of thing.

The response had been immediate and incredible. In the days and weeks that followed, several offers had been made to the Snow Queen for both members of the House of Frost, from one-night only events to full contracts. It was humbling, exciting, and yet… an eye-opener to Selena.

For despite the financial offers, the promises of title opportunities, and so much more and better than what SCW was currently offering/treating her and Deanna… the emails she received had – rather than make her hopeful for the future – only cemented her frustration with SCW! She didn’t want to go anywhere else! She wanted to stay! The guest appearances and supershows across the world was one thing and she loved doing those, but she didn’t want to leave SCW completely! She wanted to stay as ‘The Face of SCW’! Hell, even if she couldn’t be that, she still wanted to stay! Even if the ship was sinking, her heart still wanted to go down with it.

No… Deanna didn’t need that weighing down on her when she already had enough pressure heading into this match. With the stakes as high as they were, the future of the tag division and The House of Frost in the balance. Not to mention Ravyn basically calling her the weak link…

With a long exhale, Selena stepped away from the office space. She didn’t want to think about this anymore and she certainly wasn’t in the mood to finish doing taxes today. She would have gone to the pool/gym house to get a cold swim to clear her head, but Deanna was there and needed her space to think. Besides, someone had to watch the kids.

That decision made, Selena quickly ducked out of the adjoining cinema room and into the main space of the basement, making her way down to the playroom section where she spied, sure enough, David playing his Metroid game with Amiliah playing with her Legos, building some kind of tower, it seemed, and Elsianna with her book, watching Amiliah mostly (in case her little sister got a hankering for some plastic-candy-pieces).

Without a word, Selena walked into the room, sitting down beside Amiliah. The small, redhaired child looked up to see her mother looking down at her before Selena leaned in to kiss her small forehead.

“Eeee…” Ami shook her head playfully at her mother’s kiss, which only prompted Selena to blow a playful raspberry-kiss on her daughter’s skin, causing an even greater reaction, a laugh and a ‘no no no!’ by the child. The sound caused Elsianna to lift her eyes from her book before the eldest simply returned to reading.

“What are you building, fireball?” Selena asked Amiliah, picking up little pieces of tree-legos and seeing the assorted… well, mess… her daughter had made.

“I’m trying to build Regorala…” the last word came out as a bit of a slur and, if she wasn’t a four-year old child, Selena would almost have thought her daughter was having some kind of stroke with how her lips warped and twisted, trying to say the word. “Algeematrigoo!”

“I’m sorry?” Selena half-laughed, casting her eyes along the expanse of figures and building pieces.

“She means ‘Altragoraix’.” Came Elsianna’s voice, the young blonde turning her head to gaze at her mother, having the Snow Queen’s attention. “It’s the world Asuna and I created for our DnD group.”

Selena tilted her head towards the girl. “And you couldn’t go with ‘Magicland’ or ‘Fairy Fountain’? Something in English?” she teased.

“It’s Elvish.” Elsianna shrugged.

“It’s got pretty trees!” Amiliah explained. “And fairies! And evil monsters that the elves fight!”

“Is that so?” Selena smiled at her youngest, reaching over to ruffle the little one’s hair before casting her eyes at her son further down the room, sitting on a couch as he made the character in his video game jump and shoot. “How’s the blasting, David?”

“Great.” He replied. “Except this Space Pirate is messing me up.”

“Did you try jumping on his head? That always worked when I was a kid.”
“That’s Mario.” Despite not seeing his face, Selena could feel her son rolling his eyes at her.

“Mother.” The voice came from Elsianna, the eldest pushing herself up. “Are we still going today?”

The question caused a slight panic to rise in the platinum-blonde, Selena racking her brain trying to remember every conversation she had had with her child. Think, Selena! she desperately tried. It’s a Saturday so… a walk? A show? A game? No… I would have remembered those!

“Umm… Elsa…” Selena sighed, a look of guilt washing over her features. “Can you please be more specific?”

Folding her book up and placing it on the floor beside her chair, the young girl gave a nod. “Destination Cosmos opened this week over at the Hall Des Lumieres.” She spoke the French part amazingly well – Selena made a quick reminder to thank the child’s French teacher at the school later. “It’s that big art exhibit-“

“Oh!” the memory was like a mental kick in Selena’s brain. “The Space immersion thingy! It was a big tour through space or whatever, right?”

The eldest daughter gave a nod.

“Elsa wants to go to space!” Amiliah exclaimed, picking up a large tower of white legos. “VROOM!” she exclaimed, lifting it up into the sky and ‘defying gravity’. “Rockets away! Save the world from Martians!”

“I’m doing that.” David shot back. “And they’re called Space Pirates.”
“SPACE PIRATES!” Amiliah exclaimed. “Pew pew!” she added, simulating the rocket-ship apparently having lasers built-in as well like a Star Wars movie.

“So, mother…” Elsianna tried. “Can we still go?”

Reaching into the pocket in her dress, Selena was, temporarily, surprised when the pocket was empty. Must have left my cellphone in the office. She quickly concluded, choosing then to cast her eyes towards the wall where the analog clock was placed. The black circle with silver numbers and arms quickly told the time.

“Is it still open?” she asked, earning a quick nod from Elsianna.
“Until 10pm.”
“10pm?!” sapphire eyes went wide. “No way you’re staying up that late, young lady.”

Quickly, she pushed herself up to her feet, dusting off her dress. “Either of you want to come? David? Space exhibit?”

“No thanks.” David quickly said before resuming his ‘blasting’ on the television screen.
“Okay. Ami?”

To answer, Amiliah shook her head. “I’m gonna build Elsa a big ‘Moon Castle’… ON THE MOON!” She was instantly grabbing pieces and getting to work.

“Ooookay…” Selena smiled, a light chuckle escaping her before turning her attention to Elsianna, who was hopping up and down on her feet, perhaps the most excited Selena had seen her in a long time. “Guess that just leaves you and me.” She grinned before gesturing with a sweep of her arm. “Go make empty and get your coat. I’ll get your mom so she can watch the others.”

“Yes, mother.” Elsianna was off like a shot, disappearing in seconds and earning another chuckle from the older platinum-blonde. “You kids don’t get into any trouble, okay? I’m just going to get mom.”

She quickly made her way out of the basement and up the stairs to the main floor, opening the front door just in time to see Deanna running down the stone and grass path from the pool/gym house at top speeds!

“Selena!” she called out, holding her phone up. Within seconds, she had reached the taller Frost wife.
“Deanna.” Selena smiled. “You look like you just got a great idea. Writing going okay?” she didn’t wait for an answer. “Elsa and I are heading to this space exhibit – can you just move your work inside to watch the other-“

“Tannis had another episode!”

The remark caused Selena to halt all speaking as the breath was literally ripped out of her lungs. She stood there for what felt like an eternity, but was only a few seconds, as she tried to speak.

“She…she what?”

Deanna held up her phone. “Paul just called me. They were having a late breakfast – brunch –“ she seemed distracted for a wisp of a second before she continued on in a rush. “-and she collapsed onto the floor! She’s at the hospital right now!”

“Gods…” all thoughts fled from Selena’s mind as she pictured that poor girl – the one she and Deanna had been helping for weeks with their medical expenses and residence in the guest houses near the hospital. Again, she instinctively reached for her phone, but the pocket was still empty. “Can you call Gerda? I need her here to watch the kids.”

“On it.” Deanna nodded. “Let me grab my purse.”
“Just get my wallet while you’re there.” Selena pressed. “I’ll get the car-“


Turning around, Selena spied Elsianna standing on the stairway, a look of confusion on her face. She had changed from her black skirt and black shirt to blue jeans and a dark blue shirt with a galaxy designed on it. Her gloves, still covering her hands and forearms, matched the orange within the galaxy image.

“What’s going on?” asked in confusion.

For a moment, Selena was at a loss for words as Deanna bolted around them to make the phone call and grab the requested items. The Snow Queen, however, could only gaze at her daughter for a moment before she snapped herself back to reality.

“I need you to stay here, Elsianna.” She ordered. “Gerda will be here soon to look after you and the others.”

“But…” Elsa’s confusion only grew. “I thought we were…”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Selena assured. “The little girl in the hospital I told you about? Tannis?”

“The one that’s really sick?”

“Yes. She’s having a lot of trouble and she needs your mom and I.”
“But…” Elsianna bit her lower lip. “But you promised…”

“And I will keep that promise.” Selena stressed. “But right now, this is an emergency, okay?”

“I…” the child tried before settling back a little. “Okay…” she whispered before turning around and heading back up the stairs towards her room. Despite so much of her wishing to follow the ten-year old and explain everything to her, Selena simply didn’t have the time as Deanna came rushing back to her side.

“Gerda’s on her way. Here.” She handed Selena her wallet. “What’s wrong with Elsianna?”

“I’ll explain on the way.” Selena sighed as she spotted Gerda’s car pulling into the vast driveway that lead to their house, opting to veer wide and give the Frosts ample space to leave. “Let’s go, quickly.”

The two were out of the house, in their Jeep Liberty and barrelling away before Gerda had fully left her own car. “Gods, I hope she’s alright.” Deanna whispered, clutching her phone to her chest after firing off a quick text – to Paul and Sara, Selena assumed.

“She has to be.” Selena whispered as they merged onto traffic, zipping along the highways en route to the hospital. “She has to be…”

[Image: tetXUW1.gif]

The camera opens up to the Ky-Vee Arena in Kansas City, the site of perhaps the most unstable pay-per-view of the year: Playing the Wildcard. And while that instability could be from the name, the SCW Universe has witness it as being because of a Trios-Cash-in that has turned SCW up and around on its head. And like ‘damage control’ in a bad scandal, SCW management has some fixated on ‘correcting’ some of the changes made by it. One such change involves the SCW tag-team championship, which is why the familiar lights of ‘Frozen Central’ shine down on the empty arena. Why the mist rolls into and out of the ring. And why, inside, there stands familiar platinum-blonde. She wears black pants, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. Her hair is in its iconic braid and the SCW world tag-team title rests over her shoulder. Surrounding her, however, speaking change, are eight face-down, large playing cards in two groups of four. Two are above her, two are below her, two are to the right and two are to the left, all within the SCW ring.

The image set, the camera focuses on ‘The Face of SCW’ as Selena Frost lifts her head and gazes at the camera.

Been a crazy couple of weeks, hasn’t it? she offers an amused smirk before adjusting the title on her shoulder.

And perhaps that is a bit of an understatement. I know some would prefer the term: chaotic. Others would say it was ‘insane’. Others still would say ‘entertaining’. And me? Well, I’ve not been shy in voicing my disgust over the match that is the source of it all.

But whether you agree with me or you disagree with me, you cannot deny how things have drastically changed in terms of the landscape of SCW. New champions, new teamups, backlash, the fallout, SCW scrambling to restore some semblance of order in this grand mess of things.

She takes a second to look around the empty arena. Which leads me to where I am standing tonight. And where I will be when the show starts. Tonight, I plan to regain my wife’s tag-team title and for The House of Frost to, once again, become World Tag-Team Champions.

And the funny thing about it is, the guy responsible for this whole mess – the guy that my name is linked to for all of history as having a tag-title reign with – he doesn’t even want to use that name, does he?
she gives a shrug, almost in disbelief. I mean, week after week, even when I turned him down – I assume that doesn’t happen very often in his personal life, but let’s face it. I know I can do better – but every week, he’s come in flashing my name, flashing my catchphrase, borderline stalker, right? All to get my attention. All to get me to talk.

So… let’s talk, Ace. That’s what you said you wanted from me, so let’s do it. Let’s talk about you. How long has it been, huh? And I don’t mean since we fought and I beat you to the ground at Rise to Greatness. No, I’m not allowed to talk about the past with you saying to ‘let it go’ and Ravyn slamming me if I do, right? Bad Selena, right? No past talk.
she grins.

So, let’s talk about the present. Let’s talk about how you, once again – almost like a tradition and a trademark for Ace Marshall – disappear for months and months, you come back, and then proceed to take SCW by storm. You appear out of nowhere and are instantly on the minds and lips of so many of the SCW Universe. You are discussed, you are approached, you are even goaded back to the ‘way things were’ with Lexy Chapel, right? ‘Back to Neverland!’ – I mean ‘Back to Lexy’s World!’, right?

And for me, Ace, that wouldn’t have bothered me. It wouldn’t have. You around has always kept me on my toes. We’ve traded victories, titles, moments, even t-shirts. So you in SCW, much as you annoy me? You bring something that SCW needs.

And do you want to know the truth, Ace? For about a day, I actually contemplated teaming with you. I actually gave it some serious thought. The day after that match, when I learned what had happened and who I was chained to now? I gave it some thought. Not for me, not for the tag-team division, but honestly, for my wife.

Selena gives an honest shrug at the confession. Say what you will about me, Ace, but I’ve proven myself here time and time again just like you have. I’ve earned my rank, earned my scars, and I stand here as one of the best because I earned it. But on that night? During that match? I saw my wife not only pin Josh Hudson twice but make Owen Cruze submit! Did you do that? Did Ravyn do that? No. Not even I did that! But Deanna did.

And while I’ll probably hear Hudson and Ravyn complain that it ‘didn’t count’ because she fell through a door, Deanna proved that she could, at least, do it. That she could be good enough to pin and beat the top contenders. So… I thought, maybe I should just keep my mouth shut. Maybe I should just say nothing and just go with the flow of things. Maybe this was bigger than me and my desire to do right by this division. Maybe the right thing to do was to give you a proper chance and see if you could stand on grounds of integrity and honor and allow my wife the chance to further prove herself as a singles competitor!

Looking away for a moment, Selena gives her head a shake. And it’s not like it wouldn’t work in terms of technique and ability, Ace. You’re the only person to win the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royale twice over. No one else has done that. You’re a multi-time world champion, believe me, I remember that. And, back to that RTG main-event, you brought out the best in me in terms of stamina and pushing the limits of what I had to endure to get past you. So, yes, on paper, it did make sense to a degree. We could probably have done really well as tag-team champions while my wife went off to conquer the Adrenaline or the United States division or, dare I dream, the World title division…

Clenching her teeth, she gives a quick inhale as she strolls around the ring and large playing cards. But… like I said, that kind of thinking only lasted a day, Ace. Because I DO know you. I knew what was headed my way. It wasn’t integrity. It wasn’t honor. It wasn’t you looking to make SCW and the tag-team division something worthwhile again. It was you doing whatever the hell you wanted, screwing over or pissing off or burning as much or as many or whatever as you could and then, when you had had your fun, you’d be gone again… like always.

She gives another simple shrug. It’s true, Ace. You know it and I know it. It’s the same with the Alloccos, it’s the same with all of Infamous, especially with Ravyn. Flash in the pans, and then half-ass, and then gone. Over and over again. The neverending cycle of the ‘part-time’, ‘half-ass’ flavours that you embody, Ace.

And the idea of being paired with that. When my dreams for SCW or so much bigger than that. When my vision of SCW requires more than such fickle attendance? The idea of me condoning that in the tag-team division, the division that my wife and I put our hearts and souls into for months and months to get to… I couldn’t do it. It would be a slap in the face to me, to Deanna, to Light in the Darkness, to Amy and Simon, Bree and Datura, Chance and Kelsai, the Playgirls – hell EVERY SINGLE tag-team that has come out of the woodwork and are now busting their asses just for a shot.

She seems to think about that for a moment before continuing. And while we’re on the subject here… Did you even think about them, Ace? All those teams that are waiting for this… she gestures towards herself and the camera. To be resolved? Did you think about them and facing them next? Or how many teams the House of Frost has drawn back into SCW? Or how they reverie this division now? Did that cross your mind while you joyriding and committing grand-theft-auto?

Because I’ll tell you a little story, Ace. Before Deanna and I held these titles, they belonged to a couple of guys in bird and bear costumes. I’m sure you know of them. Talented as they were, they didn’t take what being tag-team champion meant seriously. They were more interested in singing their songs and playing their games and gimmicks. The result? Fewer and fewer tag-teams wanted anything to do with SCW’s tag-team division.

A division that once housed such great teams as Black Cell, Karnivale, Dark Fantasy, The Next Level, The Cashmere Mafia… Frozen Hell.
She throws a wink towards the camera. Now had next to nothing. Hell, it got so bad that SCW management was LITERALLY throwing teams together like Kimberly Williams and Sarah Wolfe on Rise to Greatness! – the most important pay-per-view in SCW’s year – and they were just throwing teams together for the division just to have SOMETHING for it to do!

The division was seen as little more than a joke, Ace. And that’s when Deanna and I stepped in. We stepped in and we changed all that. Because we believed, we TRULY believed that the tag-team division was meant to be more than that. That the tag-team division and all the matches therein were meant to be more than jokes. More than gimmicks. More than mere ‘ornaments’ for a bigger ‘story’. We believed that the wrestling WAS the story. That the tag-division WAS the story.

Now? There’s so many new teams and developed teams returning that we’re booked solid all the way to Rise to Greatness, maybe longer. We had several tag-teams literally fighting the hell out of eachother just to become the number one contenders last pay-per-view!

A look of excitement flashes across Selena’s features. You want to talk to me about believing, Ace? I don’t believe you when you say that. I believe when I see that happening in the tag-team division and I believe when the SCW Universe are on their feet for teams like House of Frost and Light in the Darkness and the clinic that we put on at Retribution. THAT is what I believe. her voice echoes a little within the empty space.

And I knew that you would never honor that, Ace. Why would you? That’s not ‘entertaining’ to you. That’s work. That’s hard, months-putting in, staying when times are tough, honest work. And then, you bring the crème de la crème, the piece-de-resistance. You come down to the ring during that title-ceremony and you prove me right.

Selena’s expression changes to one of irritation and slight disgust. Because you weren’t selling me on Ace Marshall, were you? You couldn’t even do that, could you? No! You were trying to sell me on ‘Ace Frost’. On ‘The New House of Frost’, right? First night with your tag champion and you’re already mocking my WIFE and everything she and I went through to be here! You strolled in, pinned a few people and you managed to steal a tag-team title and you think that qualifies you to do that?! her jaw clenches.

That was the cold-blast of reality I needed, Ace. That’s what I needed to hear to fully know that I was right, because if you thought so low of what Deanna and I did for this division, if you thought so low of it that you could just easily ‘replace’ my wife and take on MY last name – the name I am so damn proud of – if you thought that this division was deserving of FUCKING Ravyn Taylor?! Then you know what? Not only did I do the right thing by knocking you flat on your ass, but clearly, I didn’t hit you hard enough.

Sapphire eyes narrow. Because I should have knocked you out the goddamn door that you crawled through to get back into SCW! she points up the ramp, to the backstage area before lowering it to return the attention to the camera.

Because every time those tag-titles have found there way into the hands of Lexy Chapel’s camp, they have been disrespected. They have been discarded. They have been underutilized and just as easily forgotten.

Zero Fucks to Give? Played hot potato with them over house shows just to give Christy that Supreme Championship status.
Farmstead Friends? I already talked about them.
And you? You are a two-time tag-team champion, Ace, and your reigns lasted a month on the lucky side. Sneeze and they were done. Take a nap and the titles were somewhere else… just like you.

Slowly, Selena gives a slow shake of her head and a bit of a shrug with her shoulders. You’re good, Ace. So’s Ravyn. But when it comes down to it, if this was about the tag-team titles for you? If you thought great things could be done for the tag-team titles, you never would have picked her and you know it. Cause, let’s face it, you’re not even on her list of ‘people she’d like to tag with’, or did you miss all the weeks and weeks she’s been gaslighting Syren, begging to get ‘the band’ back together.

Selena tilts her head. Yeah, you thought you had me there, didn’t you, Ravyn? All that talk about ‘the past’ and living it. You think I’d be angry at that? After all these years, you’re still whining about what? A nickname? A name I earned?

Let me ask you something, Ravyn. What the hell have YOU done to earn that nickname? Better yet, let me ask you, what the hell has Lexy Chapel done to earn that nickname? Better yet, what the hell has Syren done in the last… four or five years to earn that nickname?

I mean, you want to talk about the past? How long has she been on this kick of hers to ‘have O. D. drape the world title around my waist’ while she fails chance after chance, opportunity after opportunity to get the world title? Hell, didn’t she just lose to The One a couple of weeks ago? The woman that my wife knocked out earlier this year?

Selena holds up a hand. You know what? Let’s not go there. I’m sure she’s recovering just fine. She’s got a great match against Bree Lancaster and I am sure she will be able to pull herself together and give us a bit of that old ‘Syren magic’ and put on a barn-burner. I truly do.

But you? You want me to move on from the past, right? I mean, does this mean we won’t hear the words ‘phony’, ‘fooling’, ‘manipulating’, and ‘fake/fraud’ from you? You know, the same words I’ve heard every time you’ve managed to talk about me? Or is this going to be the same ‘Infamous blueprint’ that seems to run through the old group members whenever they deal with me, because that’s worked SO well in the past right?

Selena shakes her head knowingly, able to almost quote verbatim the old ‘catching points’ of Infamous’ promos against her (from Christy all the way to Syren). You know what? Let’s switch the questions a little bit again. Because I do find it funny, Ravyn – Ace Marshall kind of funny, actually, that you’re telling me to ‘step out of the past’ when you’re trying so hard to recreate it. I mean, Dark Fantasy? Reforming a tag-team that, while maybe the best tag-team that’s ever been in SCW, hasn’t won the titles in what? Over a decade? she gives a fake incredulous look. Really? And I’M the one living in the past? A knowing grin forms on her features.

You know, Ravyn, the more and more I think about it, the more and more it seems like you’re not really coming after the tag-team titles. You’re coming after me. You’re coming after me because… I’m the Face of SCW and Syren isn’t. You’re coming after me because… I’m the longest reigning world champion and Syren isn’t. You’re coming after me because I’ve raised this place to a standard where people like The One and Gavin Taylor can BEAT your wife!

And you’re coming after me because, while I can stand here with my wife as the world tag-team champion, your wife, despite all of that, wants nothing to do with you in SCW.

Her head tilts the other way. Like you said, Ravyn, the truth hurts. And the truth is, I finally can stand here and look at you with 100% certainty and say: Ravyn Taylor is jealous of Selena Frost… Selena takes a deep breath, as if savouring the notion for the first time in nearly ten years. Wow, what a feeling. All these years of feeling like I wasn’t smart enough for you – and now I’ve got you figured out as easy as a children’s book. And continuing on that, there’s a reason Dark Fantasy is merely a note in the history books now. There is a reason that the tag-team division doesn’t need you or Ace Marshall in it. There’s a reason that I am, indeed, ‘The Face of SCW’ despite your gripes with that.

And that’s because this isn’t 2011 of 2012. SCW is NOT your playground anymore. SCW is NOT a place for your disrespect and screwing around. That’s not how SCW works around here anymore. We’re about accountability. We’re about integrity. We’re about overcoming all the odds for Supreme Championship Wrestling! And you want to drag your drama into the ring, you want to tell me the same old line about how you’ll do ‘anything to win’? Drag in Konrad? Lexy? I say…
she shrugs. Do your best, Ace… Ravyn.

Because the last time you came with a plan, Ace, I knocked you out and made history at Rise to Greatness. Last time YOU came up with a plan, Ravyn? Not only did I beat you, but I saved your life from Luna and you ran off scared.

She looks around the ring and then down at the large playing cards. Playing the Wildcard? I’m putting your ‘plans’, this chaos and all this crap behind The House of Frost. We are moving on. We are back on track to making SCW stand for those letters again. We are going to move on to be better champions. Better wrestlers and provide five-star matches for EVERY tag-team that is waiting for this shit to be done and over with! Matches THEY all deserve that you will never give them! the accusatory tone is clear in her voice.

Because I don’t have a ten-step plan, guys. I don’t have a thousand different ideas. I don’t have backup plans. I don’t have pals waiting in the back to run in…

I only have one plan.
she holds up her hand and one finger.

And that is to overcome it all and do what I say I am going to do. Restore integrity and the tag-team division for all of the SCW Universe!

That’s my one plan. And unlike you two, who will just shrug your shoulders and move on or move out the second it suits you… I’m willing to risk everything for this one plan.

Carefully, Selena lays the SCW world tag-team title on the ground. Either I restore the House… or The House will die trying. Because I’d rather be without this title than tied to either one of you while you promise to bring it back to the joke it was before Deanna and I came along. Believe it!

Slowly, Selena backs away from the tag-title and the large cards in the ring, the camera locking on the title for a few seconds as Selena’s shadows is seen moving away from the ring… a second passing before another shadow comes and another hand reaches down and picks up the title… the camera moving up to the redhead that now stands before it and holding the title that once was hers.

So… guess it’s my turn…
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

Messages In This Thread
Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost - by supremecw - 04-12-2023, 10:44 PM
RE: Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost - by Lt. Erect - 04-15-2023, 04:22 AM
RE: Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost - by Syren - 04-23-2023, 07:02 PM
RE: Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost - by SnowQueenSCW - 04-24-2023, 07:40 PM
RE: Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost - by Syren - 04-24-2023, 11:34 PM
RE: Ravyn/Ace vs. House of Frost - by Lt. Erect - 04-24-2023, 11:41 PM

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