Cassie Wolfe vs. James Evans
Cassie has just scored the biggest upset of her career to date, pinning a former World Champion and Hall of Famer in Ravyn Taylor! And after a week off from action the teenager was back to wrestle at the latest PPV where she was taking on James Evans! Can Cassie keep the momentum going? And what would this mean for her going forward?

Cassie’s home, Reno, Nevada
Sunday the 23rd of April 2023, 16:00pm

Any other month and I would be right there.

The other SCW had been going to some random locations on it’s recent tour, starting in Canada then going to Barbados before spending two weeks in Scotland and capping off the build up to the PPV in Romania before traveling to London, all in the name of Unsolved Mysteries! But what was stopping me from attending?

My cousin, that’s what, I’m still not over the attack at Blaze of Glory XI!

Still that didn’t stop us from watching Climax Control and this week we had a guest, namely Jessie Salco’s cousin Harper!

”Come on, someone get out there already!” I screamed at the TV as I watched Krystal threaten to break another girl’s arm with a Kimura Lock, yes, I said another, my cousin’s been busy in the worst way possible! Thankfully my prayers were answered in the best way possible. ”Yes! Go get her Keira!”

”Wanna take bets on whose more shocked? The commentators or Krystal?” Harper asked jokingly as we watched Krystal release the hold and go face to face with Keira before bailing right before Keira hit the Seven Sins kick. ”At least now we can finally tweet about this!”

”Let’s wait until the show’s over, just in case.” I suggested and Harper nodded in agreement. ”So, you’ve been busy since graduation.”

”First match for Empire Pro, first title match with FCW and my London debut with Kingdom Come.” Harper responded with a nod before she stretched her arms and rested them above her head. ”Better watch out Cass, I’ll win a title faster than you did at this rate.”

”Don’t joke about that, otherwise I might come down to FCW and beat you for the Great Lakes Title.” I responded with a good-natured grin and Harper laughed in response, after a few minutes I sighed. ”Harp, do you think I’ll turn out like Krystal when I get older?”

Harper looked up at me with a surprised look on her face when I asked her that but quickly shook her head. ”Hell no! The past few weeks have revealed that Krystal isn’t as well adjusted as everyone thought, and that’s putting it EXTREMELY mildly, but you? In spite of your mistakes Cass? You’re still a good person, that’s something Krystal can never claim, not after everything she’s done since the attack!”

”I guess your right.” I nodded in response as I rested my hand against my cheek. ”I’m guessing your meeting up with Jess in London? Since she’ll be in the city for your Kingdom Come debut?”

”That’s the plan, it’ll be my first trip overseas since my parents’ murders, but I’m ready for it.” Harper sighed as she played with some of her hair. ”I’ve already won my first ever match, maybe match #2 will be just as easy?”

”That match didn’t look easy at all but sure let’s run with that.” I responded with a grin before we resumed watching the show.

Cassie’s room, Reno, Nevada
Monday the 24th of March 2023, 18:00pm

*promo time*

Here we go.

”Seems Supreme Championship Wrestling wants to put me against their legends! First Ravyn Taylor and now James Evans! A guy who has literally done everything there is to accomplish in SCW and has been wrestling since my age was in the single digits!” Did I make him feel old? GOOD! And as I thought about that I stroked Sandie as the four-month-old Labrador Puppy sat on my desk. ”Now, how did my match with Ravyn Taylor go? Oh right, I WON! And what’s stopping me from going two for two against James?”

Good question.

”His experience, weight, height and douchebag advantages for one thing! But when have I ever let that stop me from beating off a guy?” I asked bluntly before taking a sip from my drink, said drink almost ended up all over my puppy as I realized what I had just said. ”BEATING UP! I MEANT BEATING UP! For fuck’s sake, I’m a lesbian, how did THAT escape from my mouth?! Basically James, I’ve become a master of overcoming the odds about 50% of the time and your about to enter the percentage of those who I have beat!”

Sorry, not sorry.

”And who knows? Maybe if I keep scoring these upset wins I’ll be recognized as the talent and the future I am! Sure I’m still a rookie but even an old fart like James started somewhere.” I added before I resumed stroking my puppy. ”They had wrestling in the Stone Age, right? What? Too far back? Err, Ancient Greece? China? Rome? The Americas? Australia? Someone help this Aussie Metal Chich out here!”

It's that simple!

”Look, this guy could’ve been wrestling so hard that he caused the Big Bang for all I care, I’m still gonna beat him!” I declared confidently as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Because I have a proven track record against veterans now, and no old fart is getting in the way of my dreams of being the future of this industry, man or woman, doesn’t matter, I’ll beat them up equally!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”And if all else fails? I’ll just keep the gravy train rolling baby! James you’ve done a lot more than my in this business but that will just make my win over you that much sweeter! To all my fans? In a world of fake queens, be a Rebel Princess!” I said as I leaned back in my chair. ”And too old man Evans? I hope the last thing I hear from you as you realize that I’m Hungry Like The Wolfe isn’t “someone get this damn kid off my lawn!”

I turned off the webcam as the scene fades.
[Image: Cassie_Wolfe_Sig2.jpg?width=812&height=406]

Messages In This Thread
Cassie Wolfe vs. James Evans - by supremecw - 04-19-2023, 07:37 PM
“Maybe Things Will Improve?” - by Cassie Wolfe - 04-24-2023, 09:09 PM
RE: Cassie Wolfe vs. James Evans - by James Evans - 04-24-2023, 10:31 PM

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