Deanna Frost vs. Bree Lancaster
OOC: Part 2 – Counts for both Deanna’s matches.

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

The Witches of Alden


Frost ‘Forever Home’
Manhattan, New York
July 17th, 2023

A laugh escaped Deanna as she ducked out of the way of the pair of kids that ran past her, the short redhead opting to spin around one of the large, stone gargoyle statues that decorated the massive backyard of her home. The two children, Norm and Sadie, paid her no mind as they chased each other, too enraptured with their game of tag and the little party-favors they held to really see the hostess getting out of her way.

In a way, Deanna’s new location behind the back of the large statue offered her a bit of a respite and the young woman released a slow exhale that was mixed with her laughter as she held her hand over chest, feeling her heart beating a little faster than it normally would.

One of the joys of having children… she thought to herself while she leaned against the smooth stone, the decoration, with its massive wings, back and horns able to cover her entirely with its shadow. Casting her gaze downward, Deanna saw the bright sun surrounding her on both sides, the spring day absolutely gorgeous and perfect for this party.

This party…

She released a quiet sigh as she allowed her eyes to flutter closed for a moment, further savoring the break from the chaos. All of this had started last month. With Amiliah turning five, a big birthday for a kid, Deanna and her wife, Selena, had spared no expense when it came to celebrating, using their time between their SCW engagements to plan a grand party. People in costumes, games, the works. It had been a tiring, yet worthwhile party, especially for Deanna.

She had already missed so many birthdays during her incarceration in Frankfurt, not to mention the many milestones in Amiliah’s young life that when she finally had gained her freedom after being wrongfully accused, her youngest daughter wasn’t really a baby anymore. She was a child, yes, but Deanna had missed first words, first steps, first this and first that – all for the daughter that was, biologically, truly hers. Yes, all three of her children she loved with all her heart. There were no ‘favorites’ in the redhead’s mind and there would never be. Each one of her children were special!

But she would be lying if she laughed and said she didn’t feel like a ‘stepmom’ or a ‘stand-in’ during the early years of her marriage to Selena, and while she had ‘carried’ David in the pregnancy, there was nothing of herself in him or Elsianna – Selena and Ryan Scythe being the biological parents of the two. Amiliah was hers – she had Deanna’s hair and eyes and nose and sense of adventure. She was perfect. She was Deanna’s own ‘biological contribution’ to this family – was that weird? To call it that? – she wasn’t sure.

Regardless, losing nearly two years of Ami’s growth had stung Deanna, leaving the woman no option but to vow to herself that she would savour every other milestone that came her way. Last month, celebrating five years of life had been one of them and Deanna had not shied away from it, jumping into the party-planning all by herself while Selena handled her own ‘issues and demons’ in SCW.

So why another party? In a word: David.

Again, Deanna sighed a little, stealing a glance around her makeshift ‘hiding spot’ to see all the kids running around the backyard. Some were playing the board games she had laid out, others were jumping around in the bouncy castle that was further up the path, closer to the pool and gym house the Frosts kept, others still were helping themselves to the food and drinks table. It took a while for the redhead to navigate her gaze around the mass of children – and adults watching them all, including Gerda, the Grays, Cunninghams and Asmonds – but she finally spotted her son having the time of his life inside the bouncy castle, the little boy bouncing up and down with delight.

What had she really expected from him? She thought good naturedly. He was seven now – or would be in a few days – and had seen his sister get a massively big party last month. Why wouldn’t he have demanded the same thing? Elsianna didn’t care about such things – the eldest daughter sitting to the side with her own friends while also playing with Amiliah over at the games section – but David had always been the jealous type. If his sisters got something, he wanted one too. If they went somewhere, then he had to pick or have a say. Deanna wasn’t sure if it was ‘middle-child syndrome’, such research being more Selena’s thing than hers, but she hadn’t been at all surprised when David had demanded a ‘bigger party’ simply on the grounds that he was ‘older’.

For a moment, Deanna rolled her eyes at the ‘logic’ the child had used – not because he had used it, but rather, as she thought about it from the ‘shadows’, she realized how achingly similar it had been to the logic of some adults she had to deal with in SCW. Hadn’t The One broken her arm months ago because Deanna was rising through the ranks faster than she was, compromising some makeshift ‘mission’ the woman now known as Kristen Scott had made? Bitter jealousy. Deanna thought. And she didn’t even want to get started on the ‘logic’ or people like Kimberly Williams and Adam Allocco. Yes, for the former, Deanna had ‘mended things’ somewhat. She understood the woman a bit more and the ‘chaos’ Kimberly wanted to bring into SCW was, in a way, her version of ‘integrity’. But still, childish logic followed so many people – the kind that even her kids would shake their heads at.

Same with behaviour – from tantrums to whining… Alexis Quinne had even trashed a changeroom due to a loss on Breakdown not too long ago. Even Deanna’s wife was having her tantrums-

Quickly, the Queen’s Guard clamped down on those thoughts, not allowing the train of thought to continue on its current path, though her eyes did travel past the bouncy castle to the dock below the winding path that lead to the lake. Without any trouble, she caught the sight of platinum-blonde hair, the near-white standing out like a sore thumb as the Snow Queen, world champion of SCW, quietly watched the children that had opted to go swimming in the lake that was the ‘center/heart’ of Black Arrow neighbourhood. She could just make out the navy, round neck cutout midi dress her taller wife wore, the wind fluttering a bit of the long skirt that flowed just past the tops of Selena’s shins. As the woman turned, her attention clearly on the children within her care, Deanna spotted the scars lining her wife’s back. Selena refused to let such things inhibit her ‘choice of wardrobe’. She was proud of her scars, something Deanna had adopted – the redhead gazing down, briefly, at the shadow-scar lining her arm.

Her eyes back on Selena, the woman could not help but smile, albeit a sad one, as she watched Selena laughing and smiling at the children. A mask… Deanna thought knowingly.

The pair of them had, seemingly, kept the ‘truce’ they had enacted on their fight during their conference of sorts with the Aldens, the younger Frost reasoning, well-so if Deanna could say so herself, that they keep their ‘unity’ at least until everything in Toronto was ‘handled’.

And it made sense, didn’t it? Deanna had reasoned. What was done was done. She wasn’t going to change her mind about the United States Title OR finally getting on the main-card of Rise to Greatness! D. had PICKED her as the contender for the United States title after she had won the high-end matches she had on the past few Breakdowns and Quinne had challenged her outright over that decision. And while Selena had tried to reason with Deanna about picking one or the other to focus on, the younger woman had flat-out refused.

Why? Partially it was because of Selena and their argument. Enough days had gone by since it for Deanna to, at least, be honest with herself. Selena had gone too far, hitting a metaphorical low-blow with Deanna’s ‘lack of a match on the RTG main card’. It had made Deanna angry and wanting nothing more than to shove it in her wife’s face.

Her win over Kimberly, Adam, and Luz had given her that chance. Not only did she have a shot at the title she desired so much, but she had her match on the main-card to boot. Hell, if she played her cards right, not only could she ‘have her cake and eat it too’, but she could, effectively, push her match so high up on the card, changing what could be an ‘opener’ to one of the ‘main-events’ of the night!!

Now THAT would be the most amazing thing! Deanna thought, unable to stop the giddiness. She could imagine herself standing backstage at the Rogers Center – an arena she had frequented many times in her years as a manager/wrestler – telling Selena ‘oh, I’m sorry, love! I can’t be in your flashy entrance or in your corner for the main-event… My match is right before yours and I’ve got to go prepare! Good luck, though!’… I’d even given her a little peck on the cheek! Deanna giggled a little as she continued to lean on the cool stone.

Of course, she wasn’t REALLY going to miss being part of Selena’s entrance or even being in the Snow Queen’s corner for the main-event, provided the platinum-blonde asked her to. Unlike previous years, Deanna had had zero discussion with her wife regarding their entrances. Deanna wanted something special for her first match on the main-card – not something as flashy as the main-event, that was just crazy, but again, something that drove the point home to her wife that she was there, on the card with her! Competing for a title, just like her, and in more matches than her!

And all I gotta do is beat someone that was good enough to beat Selena…

Like cold water doused on her, Deanna felt all her excitement and, dare she say, smugness be replaced with the nervousness and anxiety that riddled her. She had never been double-booked before! Least not that she could recall! And yes, she had the chance to now not only prove so many people’s perception of her wrong, even get some satisfying retribution on Selena for her words… but to do it all…

I have to beat two former world champions…

She heard the sound of a ‘gulp’ until she realized that it was her own throat making that action. Alexis Quinne on her own was a challenge! But Bree? It was the former world champion that was making Deanna the most nervous. Bree had succeeded where Deanna had failed, not only winning the United States Tournament but also beating the woman that had beaten her in Amelia Blythe!

Despite herself, Deanna felt the familiar pull such ‘opening thoughts’ created. She wasn’t supposed to be thinking about work right now! She was supposed to be playing hostess to her son’s birthday – showing that she could do it all while her wife played ‘superhero’ or ‘savior’ or whatever it was she was in SCW at this point.

But she couldn’t shake it, just like she couldn’t the other times she had thought about it and faced the ‘cons’ of her RTG choice. Bree was one of the best wrestlers in SCW today! Selena had even struggled with taking her on, and that was before the woman had gone away and come back with a better attitude and passion for SCW! Like holy cats… Deanna thought. You want to talk about double-duty! Not only is SHE booked twice too, but she JUST finished holding two titles at once! And she even held the world title and united states title at the same time back when!

It was daunting! Like David vs. Goliath… and Deanna was the Israelite that Goliath had squashed enroute to fighting David! That’s how it felt! Bree’s accolades, her abilities, they all dwarfed Deanna’s! Hell, she had won more titles this past year then Deanna had in her entire career! More experience, better instincts…

“And yet I have to win…” she whispered quietly against the stone, her breath misting over the smooth surface as she kept her head resting against it. Despite her excitement over it all, not to mention the negative emotions of dread and nervousness, what added to the latter was that… she had no idea how. She had spent every moment she had in the last few weeks (in-between Selena-managing, class-taking, and party-planning) studying Bree’s matches, not hard to do given her history, especially the matches since the woman’s return.

She knew the moves Bree liked. She knew the style the woman favored. Could even tell someone the various brands Bree seemed to favour in her attire! Was that relevant? Deanna didn’t know! But it was… something, wasn’t it?!

You’re spiraling… Her mind warned, her reasoning trying to regain control before Deanna suffered a breakdown. Slowly, the redhead breathed in and out from her hiding place. Yes, the weight on her shoulder was massive, and yes! She stood a good chance of crashing and burning so hard against a more experienced, more versatile - hell, just say it! her mind ordered – BETTER superstar in Bree Lancaster, that Alexis Quinne could just easily pick up the scraps of Deanna’s broken form (emotionally and physically broken) and just add that to her ‘win list’.

But… and she felt it again in her soul. The one thing Selena had given her years ago, and even seeing her wife in her ‘spirals’ of anger, frustration and, even, depression, Deanna still had it. That sliver of hope. Of belief. She drew on it now, brought it to calm herself. To replace the fear, once more with excitement. Because, yes, she could crash and burn – be right back to where she was when “The Five Moves of Doom Match” had dogged her for a year…


What if she could win? What if she could do it? What if she could find a way like she had twice over with Adam Allocco? What if she could find a way to do what, she was guessing, not a soul really believed she could do – except maybe Mr. D..

“What if I can…” she whispered, sighing against the statue, feeling the crippling, negative emotions recede back to the dark corners of her doubt and soul. She could, again, hear the sounds of the neighbourhood kids, some even from David’s school, playing and having a good time. She could smell the barbeque that Gerda’s husband, Kai, was using to make hot dogs and burgers for the party goers.

In essence, she was back to… well, not normal cause well nothing about the Frost family was normal, but she was stable. She was grateful for what was headed her way by the end of the week. She was, again, excited for it.

She was excited to go to the Hall of Fame ceremony, dressed in style like Selena would be, and attend the after-party… maybe even steal a dance with Selena before retiring early to get some solid sleep and prepare for the pre-show. Gods! Deanna couldn’t help the laugh that came from her. Maybe Bree will come to the preshow hung over and I’ll have a chance!

It was stupid to consider, but it was the humor Deanna needed to push herself out of the shadow of the gargoyle and step into the sunshine once more. As she did, as if on cue, she saw her wife’s head turn, perhaps catching the auburn of Deanna’s hair as it was, once more, bathed in sunlight. Regardless, the woman offered a small wave to Deanna, which the redhead reciprocated as she continued to, once more, walk through the party, checking in with the adults, some of the kids, and even checking the air-pump-generator that was continuously filling the bouncy castle.

Things will be okay after the weekend. Deanna thought, though she wasn’t sure if she was thinking the notion as strongly because she believed it or because she was trying to convince herself. Either way, she wanted it to be true. She would go to Rise to Greatness and, whether she was right and proved Selena wrong, or she heard the woman’s trademark ‘sigh’ and ‘told you so’ that she had heard so many times in their marriage, especially in Deanna’s ‘blossoming career as a wrestler’ – and that would be it. The issue would be quashed between them and, whether they were both winners or losers in Toronto or some kind of win/loss mixture, they could spend the ‘SCW offseason’ getting back on the same page as a couple.

For that, Deanna was beyond excited. As SCW took its usual August “hiatus” that it did every post Rise to Greatness to reset for the new season, Deanna and Selena had always used that time to spend with their children and one another. It was a time to recharge and a time to recover from just… everything.

Of course there’s the festival first…

Despite herself, the redhead could not help the spark of intrigue that shot through her at the thought, her eyes, once more, seeking out a quick glance at her wife monitoring the children, though it immediately brought with it a sense of sadness as well.

Selena had already made the decision on behalf of the family regarding the festival of Lughnasad, the world champion vehemently refusing any participation in the Alden’s ‘witchcraft’ festival – the odds of their ‘invitation’ being an elaborate trap being just too high in the Snow Queen’s mind.

For that, Deanna couldn’t blame her wife. With nearly seven years of marriage and ‘adventures’ and ‘disasters’ involving the Scythes, Frost/Frostmere, Dragon Slayers, and the monster known as Killjoy, to say that the Frost wives had had their fill of evil families or bitter siblings or murderous cults would be a strong understatement.

For the redhead, much like her wife, Deanna just wanted things to settle down, allowing herself to focus on her wrestling career, winning titles and earning accolades so she could, one day, stand tall beside her wife as a sort of “veteran” or “significant member” of the history of Supreme Championship Wrestling, all while being a good mother and wife in her family.

Still… she was still a curious little cat.

And despite the very possible danger/risk, she couldn’t help being intrigued of the festival – of the unknown. Originally, she had simply joined this ‘crazy notion’ (as Selena put it) to assist her wife in clearing the debt the Aldens had with the rest of their chapter so that the Frosts could move on and leave them in the dust. Simple.

But, as the months had passed and Deanna had attended the classes, listened to lectures, and even doing her wife’s homework (including the handfasting paper she had been riding her wife to finish – Deanna rolled her eyes at the memory), she had, slowly, grown more and more invested and intrigued. In many ways, it was similar to how she had begun as a manager in SCW, watching her wife wrestle more and more, her interest growing until, finally, she had dared to give it a try!

She found this family’s ideas/religions/beliefs interesting. And the idea of seeing a festival of it? I wish I could go… she allowed herself to think, her eyes still watching Selena in the distance as she leaned against one of the nearby trees on the trail. If only to experience it…

“Quite the turnout.”

The voice caught the young woman off-guard, causing her to spin around on the spot towards its source. She was expecting a neighbour, maybe one of them just being a little playful with her – she did have that kind of repour after so many years living here with them.

However, as her emerald eyes took in the man’s trim beard, combed back hair (all a perfect blend of white and black), black suit and obnoxious smirk, the shock that ripped through her was ripped out and replaced with anger and frustration.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, eyeing her surroundings to make sure no one was near them.

“Well…” smiled Raphael Alden, the older man strolling from where he stood – having seemingly snuck up on the youngest Frost wife – to walk around the small clearing of trees. “Unless my information was incorrect, this was an open invitational.” Reaching into his pocket, he held up a flyer, one of the many Deanna, herself, had posted around the neighbourhood lampposts and ‘public bulletin board’ that stood further down the way.

“Yes.” Deanna answered, crossing her arms over her chest. “To friends, neighbours, and family.” She stated.

“Oh…” Raphael smirked, shrugging his shoulders. “And I’m not ‘family’?” His smirk only grow as he tossed that damned smugness back onto Deanna.

“I really don’t know what you Aldens are to one another.” Deanna answered simply. “But you’re not a Frost and you’re no direct relative of Alejandra. So no, you’re not family.”

“Well, that is…” he seemed saddened, fake as it appeared to be to Deanna. It reminded her of the hammy acting she had seen with some of the SCW roster in the past like Holly Adams and Giovanni Aries. “Most unfortunate.” He added with another overly-heavy sigh. “I really had wanted to wish young David a happy birthday. I, actually, thought it was due to some oversight that I did not receive any invitation.”

“No oversight.” Deanna’s tone grew colder at the mention of her son, the redhead instinctively stepping to the side a few steps to better reposition herself in Raphael’s way from approaching further onto the property and party. Quietly, she prayed to Odin that Selena had not noticed her or Raphael. “You weren’t wanted.”

Again, that smugness as Raphael clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “And after I had gone to such trouble inviting you to an Alden-family festival.”

Deanna’s eyes widened, though only marginally, in understanding. “So it WAS you that sent out the invitation for the festival of Lughnasad…” her voice trailed off, Raphael adopting a slight, temporary, expression of surprise.

“Proper enunciation of the name… I’m impressed.” He smiled.

“Why?” Deanna asked. “That I attend class? It’s not that hard.” She shrugged. “Selena’s even better than me.” She flat-out lied, earning a laugh from Raphael.
“Slight exaggeration, I think.” He chuckled knowingly.

“From the man that send a black, embossed letter rather than an email?” Deanna raised an eyebrow. “You know, I threw a social worker off my property recently.” She added, tilting her head a little like she saw Selena do in her promos to look a little more intimidating. “Don’t think I can’t do the same to you.”

“Now now…” Raphael raised his hands. “Violence never solved anything.”
“You do know Selena and I are wrestlers right?” Deanna laughed. “Like actual fighters, right?”

“Sure. Sure.” Raphael laughed. “Thugs in rings, I get it.” He added with a verbal jab, his ‘overly-refined’ accent ringing through with those particularly words.

“Oh, would you prefer ‘Queensbury rules’, my liege?” Deanna mocked, poorly imitating Raphael’s accent while even throwing in a short, mock-curtsy for effect. This time, however, the older man chose to ignore Deanna, crossing his arms over his chest in slight impatience.

“Freya told you it’s customary to attend the festival, I trust.” He stated unflinchingly.

“Freya said a lot of things.” Deanna remarked. “Including a neat little tradition that may or may not involve weapons.” Before Raphael could remark, Deanna pressed forward. “And if that’s all you came here to know, well then you’ve wasted your time, because Selena won’t be there.”

There was a moment of silence between the two as they stood there, the party and music continuing a ways away from them. Yet, as the noises reached their ears and the seconds ticked away, Raphael’s expression morphed to a full on smirk – one that was taking every ounce of Deanna’s willpower not to knee right off his face! Musn’t jump up and break his nose with my knee. Her mind warned. Musn’t give him a concussion!

“And is that your final answer on the matter?” Raphael asked, rubbing his hands together.

“It is.” Deanna stated flatly. “I don’t know what it is you’re planning, Raphael, but we’ll have no part of it. We’re going to keep our word, Selena will graduate into the ranks of witches, whatever debt your chapter has over Alejandra will be erased, and we will be done with you.”

“So you say.” The refined man remarked. “But that will be rather difficult to achieve if you snub the family by not attending. Especially after you were ‘specifically’ invited by a rather high-ranking member.” Deanna’s eyes narrowed, which only prompted Raphael to continue. “Did Freya not explain that?” his grin widened. “A black envelope invitation is a special one. To refuse it is to snub the invitee and publicly insult them.”

“That…” Deanna searched her mind for the right words. “Doesn’t really bother me too much, considering its you. And I’m fairly certain my wife would just laugh in your face over it.”

“Indeed.” Grinned the vile man. “Which means I can take your refusal as a personal insult.”
“Oh, please do!” it was Deanna’s turn to laugh. “By all means-“

“And do what I must to regain my besmirched name.”

The last line forced Deanna into silence, the redhead standing there. She had no idea what Raphael was inferring in that statement, but she knew enough to know that this was the route he had wanted them to take! He WANTED Selena to refuse the invitation to the festival, he WANTED to appear the ‘insulted party’ for ‘acting on a kindness’, probably to ‘welcome’ the Frosts into the Alden family. All so he could enact some kind of ‘righteous vengeance’ on the family or something!

“Are you threatening my family?” she asked, feeling the prickles in her spine as her hands clenched into fists.
Raphael merely shrugged. “I am merely exercising my right to defend my honor. We, Aldens, are a very prideful group. Our reputations are everything to us… though I suppose your wife, like her mother, don’t carry much stock in such things as honor or integrity.”

He’s baiting you! Deanna’s mind screamed. Don’t fall for it! Don’t fall for it!

“You…” Deanna breathed, forcing herself to calm. “Clearly don’t watch SCW.” She simply said. “Otherwise, you’d know how stupid you sound just now.”

“Regardless, Deanna.” He continued, unfazed. “Your ‘fake fighting’ aside, I will be dealing with this slight in time.” He gave a curt bow, his smile never faltering. “I hope your son has a pleasant birthday.” He passed Deanna as he walked, his voice barely a whisper. “Tell Selena I’ll be seeing her really soon.”

She felt her whole body stiffen at that bold proclamation, time seeming to slow in her mind as the older man stepped away from her.

He’s going to hurt Selena somehow…
I’ve got to stop him! I’ve got to protect my wife!
Think, Deanna! You outsmarted Adam FRIGGIN’ Allocco!
Think! Think! THINK!

The young woman’s mind rapidly dug through everything she had read on the Alden’s, witchcraft, and the ‘ways’ they tied. Every assignment she had done, every note she had taken, every paper she had written for Selena so the world champion didn’t fail the damn class! Anything to stop this smug jackass from enacting some glorified slap-in-the-face-with-a-glove over his ‘hurt feelings’-

Deanna’s eyes went wide as the words processed in her brain!

“It is…A sort of duel declaration.”
“Like slapping someone in the face with a glove?”
“Something like that.” Freya nodded.

Freya’s words ricocheted inside Deanna’s mind, the redhead acting on instinct as she spoke. “I challenge you!”

She saw Raphael stop in his tracks, the man slowly turning around to eye Deanna. “Excuse me?” he asked, a mild look of surprise on his face. Too scared to hesitate, of fear it would stop her completely, Deanna marched the few steps needed to get right up in Raphael’s face.

“You heard me.” She only slightly stuttered. “You want to say we ‘slighted’ you or whatever? You want to talk about honor? Fine. I challenge you…” she narrowed her eyes. “Holmgang!”

For a moment, Raphael’s gray eyes went wide before he suddenly threw his head back, laughing but not so loudly that he could be heard by any one but Deanna. For a moment, he simply laughed before reaching up to wipe at his eye with a finger.

“Oh my!” he chuckled. “What has that old woman been telling you?” he asked.
“Do you accept?!” Deanna pressed, refusing to back down.

“Do you have any idea what you’re asking for?” he shook his head.
“Yeah.” Deanna answered, though she knew she was lying. “You and me. A duel. Simple as that!”

His laughter died down, his tone and expression growing more somber. “You’re serious?” he asked.

“Very.” Deanna’s emerald eyes narrowed. “You and me. Settle this matter and let that be the end of it.”

For a moment, Raphael said nothing, his cold-gray eyes studying the woman before him. “Brave of you.” He finally answered. “Fighting your wife’s battles for her.”

“She has her own war to wage.” Deanna remarked defensively. “She doesn’t have time to waste on inconsequential things like your plans.”

“Oh now you’re just egging me on.” The older man laughed. “Very well.” He finally relented. “Time and place?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Tomorrow at dawn?”

“Midnight tonight. Out here.” She gestured to the woods they stood in. “I’ve got kids-stuff to do tomorrow at dawn.”

Again, Raphael released a short balk of a laugh before nodding his head. “Midnight tonight. I’ll arrange everything else.” Was all he said before giving one last bow and excusing himself.

For Deanna, the redhead kept her breath held and her stance steady, strong, and on the spot until she was certain the bastard was out of sight. After that, she felt her knees give – she let them, just like she let herself fall to the soft grass.

“What the hell are you thinking, Deanna?” She whispered to herself. “He’s going to destroy you… and then what?”

She couldn’t stop the swarm of terrible images that came to her head. What Raphael could do – what he would do…

But what terrified her the most as she lay there in the soft grass wasn’t what he could do when he fought Deanna…

It would be what he would do once he defeated her…

The Guard Tower

So… how should we start this off?

Because, in case it hasn’t been made clear at this point, I am not Selena Frost. I don’t have two different segments for promos. I don’t have a “Royal Letter” and a “Frozen Central”. Hell, I barely have my own parking space in the family drive-way some days – you know, between the family car and the “Believe it!” bus some days.

What I have is my one segment and what I have are my own thoughts. And for the past two weeks, I have been hearing the same thing surrounding me. The incessant doubt echoing in the minds of the SCW Universe, almost as loudly as that never-ending chant of “We Believe! No, we don’t!”

But doubt can be a very powerful tool. It can be an amazing motivator. It can push us to do incredible things. In the span of a month, I used the doubt that was on me – the doubt that everyone was throwing my way – to not only beat Adam Allocco clean in singles action, but to do it again, along with Kimberly Williams and La Pequena Luz. In a month, not only did I put to rest that blasted “Five Moves of Doom” match that’s been haunting me the past year, but I showed the world what a difference a year can make in a person’s life! To go from “not ready” to “Ready for anything”! From “not it” to “Grit!”! From “Rookie of the Year” to – maybe – a “Champion in the Making!”.

However, there are those that think that, with this newfound confidence in myself – beating former world champions over and over again – there are some that are calling my current endeavour ‘a bit much’. That Deanna Frost, in her desperation to get on the main-card of Rise to Greatness, may have “bitten off more than she can chew”!

And to all of those doubters, True Believer or not, I will say… you are 100% correct.

I am not Adam Allocco. I am not Ravyn. I’m not Ace Marshall. I’m not Kandis. I’m not Bree Lancaster. I’m not arrogant enough or, in Bree’s case, brave enough to think I can take on the world without a hitch or with the utmost faith that I can do it. I’ve never done it before! I don’t have the experience like Bree does to make such claims. You won’t find ‘dual championship reigns’ in my resume. You won’t find main events of Rise to Greatness on my accolades or even top-tier title wins. Such things have eluded me in the year and a half that I have been an SCW superstar.

But in the span of one night, not only did I become the number one contender for the United States Championship, but I punched my ticket to Rise to Greatness’ main-card by accepting a challenge by Alexis Quinne!

I mean, you want to talk about ‘biting off more than one can chew’, right? Either of those matches alone are a pay-per-view quality, main-event calibre match. Alexis Quinne, former world champion, icon in the wrestling world, beaten some of the greatest names in SCW, including Syren. And Bree? I mean, do I even need to bring up her list of accolades? This promo would need another half an hour for me to do it!

Facing either of those women would have been enough and more than worthy for Rise to Greatness XX, but I intend to do the unthinkable. I plan to face both of them, with Bree on the preshow for the United States title and Alexis the next night on the main-card!

And so many people have just come to me in the last two weeks with the same look – the same question. “What the hell are you thinking, Deanna?”

”You’re taking on not one but two former world champions. You’re taking on the winner of the United States tournament and then the woman that nearly beat Selena Frost a few weeks ago on Breakdown! What the hell are you thinking?”

It’s a fair question to ask. And I’m not minding that people are either doubting or, flat out, not believing at this point. Any sane or rational person would focus on Bree Lancaster and the United States championship and just take that for all it was worth, main card or no. I wouldn’t blame anyone else if they had done that if they were in my place.

But, if you will indulge me for a moment here, I’d like to just take a step back from the criticism and the nay-sayers and the people calling me ‘stupid’ or ‘arrogant’ or ‘foolish’ or whatever other adjective you want to slap onto my name!

I want to take a step back to one year ago, where I was put in another championship match on the preshow of Rise to Greatness. And you can ask the “Queen of Chaos” herself, Kimberly Williams, because she doubted me too. She told me I had to ‘embrace her chaos’ to have a chance. She told me that I had to sell out my beliefs and do things ‘her way’. One year ago, I went into the preshow with a chip on my shoulders and everything to prove and I proceeded to prove it!

I drove Kimberly, and myself, through the damn RTG parade display and I became the SCW Underground Champion to headline and cap-off an incredible preshow…

But… you’ll notice that I keep using that word, don’t you? ‘Preshow’. The show that ‘whets the appetite’ of the SCW Universe for the main-card, the show that is Rise to Greatness. And as amazing as that match was, as incredible as it felt to win my first big title on my own skill, my own beliefs, and as wonderful as it was to celebrate with my wife… none of it was good enough for the main-card.

It was a sobering thought. That all the blood I had given for that match, for the company, for all of you, and it wasn’t good enough compared to a “Family Farmstead match”… It wasn’t good enough compared to a contendership match featuring ‘Donnie Darko’. It wasn’t good enough for a ‘Gimmick Battle Royale’.

Now, I’m not discrediting any of those people. Rather I am discrediting the perception of me and what I can do. And after my first match with Allocco a year ago, there was no one to blame but myself – I understand that. There wasn’t much ‘stock’ in my name last year, but you have to understand. To witness one Frost at the main-event of RTG on one end, and for another on the other end of the spectrum. The distance between us in ability and worth… I won’t lie, that realization was just another chip on my shoulders. Another thing for me to carry month after month as I went along. Because I swore that, by the time we circled back around to this magnificent event, not only would I be good enough to fight on the same night as my wife, I’d be good enough to fight for a title!

Fast forward one year, and I have my title shot, but because of those same people that held such low value of me, again, I’m on the preshow so Bree and Datura can have their rightful chance at the world tag-team titles. Again, that bitter feeling swirled around in my gut. The idea that people that just came back – compared to those like me that spent all year trying – people like the Holly Adams Brand, like Team Desire, people like Justin Davis were just handed their spot on the main card…

So when the opportunity came to change all of that, did I take it without really thinking? You’re damn right I did! Because if Holly Adams can be on the main card, then I sure as hell do as well!

Because you have to understand something here. Being on the main card of Rise to Greatness isn’t just about the prestige. It’s not just about the PPV-paycheck or the buyouts or the interviews or even the titles. It’s about what being on the card represents. You get put on the main card? You’re a somebody. You get put on the main card of Rise to Greatness, it means you are something that is a highlight for SCW. You are part of an upper category of talent and ability and so much more!

And when you’re still being accused of ‘riding your wife’s coattails’? The main card of RTG, my own match? That is the resounding, defiant rebuttal I can make!

And the reason I bring all of this up when I haven’t even reached the preshow yet is because I need you to understand, Bree, why things are going to play out the way they are. You see, I don’t have to fluff you up with respectful sentences nor do I have to list off your accolades. You know I respect you. You know I admire you for all you’ve done since you came back. I even envy what you have managed to do in that time. I mean, you’ve won more titles since coming back than I have this whole SCW year. It’s incredible! Dare I say… if I can steal from Selena… it’s unbelievable.

And if this were any other night, under any other circumstances, I would take pride in knowing, in saying to the world, that I could challenge Bree Lancaster and put her to the test. That I could force out the very best in her because of how good I was. That, on any other night, would be the greatest compliment for me! That is how much I admire and respect you, Bree.

You and me? We’re not going to take this personally. We’re not going to be taking cheap shots at eachother. We’re not going to lowball here. We’re going to tell it like it is, aren’t we, Bree? That’s what this match is. It’s integrity. It’s passion. It’s you and me fighting for who we believe is the best person to be the SCW United States Champion!


It goes a little deeper than that for me, Bree. And I didn’t really realize it until last week when I saw Jaina holding the SCW United States Championship in her hands while you were running off with Datura, hunting down Ravyn Taylor and Ace Marshall.

Now, I’m not going to make any assumptions or leaps in logic about that, Bree. I get why that happened and all the good that was intended. But staring down at that title – the title you left behind – it was a realization for me. Because I realized just how parallel that title’s RTG journey and mine were running. Because, like me, regardless of what I had done, regardless of what my name meant, I was still not good enough for the main card. The tag-title reign, ‘Rookie of the Year’, beating former world champions – still not good enough in the eyes of SCW management. Like the United States title, I was being sticked into the preshow and told that was ‘good enough’ for someone like me.

And while facing you, Bree, IS good enough for me.
Fighting for the United States Championship is good enough for me.
Being on the preshow of RTG and ONLY on the preshow of RTG is NOT good enough for me!

Bree, you are a legend in this business. You are a future Hall of Famer, you are a titan that is looking down at a rookie. But while you were chasing the tag-team titles, I was backstage, staring at the United States title and thinking, despite all the respect I have for you, that all of this was WRONG!

A Rise to Greatness – the 20th one – without the United States title was wrong.
Without Deanna Frost after the year I’ve had was wrong.
It all felt, in my soul, to be wrong!

And just like that, this match stopped being just a ‘preshow match with a title’ for me, Bree. This match stopped being just about beating one of the best in SCW for me. This match became the most important match that I have this weekend! This match became a do-or-die match for me! A match that, unlike you, I can’t ‘pace myself’ for the sake of my ‘Sunday match’ and my friend Datura. I can’t ‘save my energy’ so I have something in the tank to win the tag-team titles from. I can’t do any of that, Bree!

Because if I do… if I hesitate, if I give less than all I have, there is no doubt in my mind, you WILL beat me! You will beat me and that United States Championship will sit idly by in your bag on your shoulder.

Uncontested on the biggest night in SCW’s history.

On the sidelines, like I would have been. A mere decoration to a ‘bigger match’ – like I was to Selena last year. Forgotten...

And I cannot let that happen, Bree. I can’t let the title that you and I fought through a damn tournament of some of the best talent in SCW be downgraded as ‘less than important’ than Holly Adams wrestling through some video chat! I cannot let that title be put aside like you did last Breakdown while you chased the tag-team titles! I cannot let that title that has made careers and cemented legacies be more than a decoration at Rise to Greatness!

So not only am I going to save that title from the fate I had last year, Bree, I will also save myself from it. Because not only will I be taking that title from you and taking it to Rise to Greatness, I will be doing what you can’t and DEFENDING it on the main card! I will be putting it on the line, even if I have to limp to the ring from the wounds of our battle to do it!

For the past year, I have lived in the shadow of the Snow Queen. I have feasted well in the House of Frost – seen as royalty in many circles – and yet, all I have ever wanted was to break away from that. All I ever wanted was to be seen as my own woman, my own queen, my own person. You want to talk about a journey for yourself and for Datura? Bree, this is a year long journey for me! It’s a year long journey to not only just BE on the card but to steal the damn show and fight for the greatest titles in the world! It’s coming here week after week, month after month, hearing the detractors and still fighting to break out! It’s over a year of fighting through the pain and scars and the broken arm, not because I ‘am’ a somebody, but because I want to BE a somebody!

You think I don’t know how hard this will be? You think I’m not scared? You think I’m not afraid of failing and crashing and burning more than anyone has before including Kimberly going 0-3 last year? I know it all, dammit!

I know it all and I face it with every step I take to Toronto. Every day that draws me ever closer to this weekend! I face it because I HAVE to face it! I have to face it, Bree!

Because the other option? To go back to the sidelines? Back to being a ‘decoration’? To prove those that think I wasn’t ‘ready’ or ‘good enough’ for the main-card – to prove those people right? THAT is far more terrifying than even facing you!

You will go into this Sunday and, as I live and breath, Bree, I will watch you become the new SCW world tag-team champions! But you are going to have to do it WITHOUT the United States Championship on your shoulder. You’re going to have to do it without being a singles champion. Because I don’t care if takes every ounce of will and grit that I possess in my body, I am going to take this opportunity that no one wanted to give me – a match on the main card of Rise to Greatness – and a title that management didn’t care to see on the main card and I am taking us both up that card until we are sitting as one of the main-event title matches of Rise to Greatness 20!!!

I have waited for a year to stand before the world as my own woman! This Saturday, I will wait no more! I take the title, I set the stage of RTG, I force the graphic guy to change the card display and I change RTG in one fell swoop when I stand there not as just “Selena Frost’s wife”, not just “Deanna Frost”…

But Deanna Frost, SCW United States Champion!

Checkmate, bitches!
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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Deanna Frost vs. Bree Lancaster - by supremecw - 07-09-2023, 12:18 PM
RE: Deanna Frost vs. Bree Lancaster - by SnowQueenSCW - 07-22-2023, 03:14 PM

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