Deanna Frost vs. Bree Lancaster
OOC: Part 3 – Counts for both Deanna’s matches.

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

The Witches of Alden


Frost ‘Forever Home’
Manhattan, New York
July 17th, 2023

For the umpteenth time, Deanna pressed her hands against the nearby tree, using the support of it to stretch her legs, followed by another round of stretching her arms and shoulders. Nervously, she threw a couple of jabs into the air, testing the freedom of movement she had in her black trunks and t-shirt. Her hair was tied tight in a ponytail and her feet felt good in the ground with her running shoes on.

In other words, she was dressed to move… which wasn’t helping at all with her fidgeting as she waited.

She wasn’t wearing a watch on her wrist – of fear of it getting in the way – so she wasn’t sure how many more minutes she had left until Raphael arrived. Maybe he won’t even show up…

Was it wrong to be so hopeful? It did seem a little… ‘overreaching’? Was that the right word? Still, the redhead found herself, at least, partially hoping all the same. Sure, it was like hoping Bree would ‘over-party’ at the Hall of Fame party and come to the preshow with a bad headache, or Alexis Quinne would come in smug and overconfident due to having only one match to worry about while Deanna had two – hoping for such things was a bit of a stretch, but Deanna found herself doing so all the same.

Because she was scared.

Off in the far distance, she could spy her ‘Forever Home’. She had waited till Selena had fallen asleep, quietly kissed her wife’s cheek, then snuck out of the house to get to the forest area of their trail. A little closer than the house, she could also spot the gym/pool house that she realized she should have used. No… she re-reasoned. Darkness might be a bit of a help here tonight.

To clarify, she wasn’t in complete darkness. There were enough lights coming from the streets just a ways off and she had, personally, pulled some battery-powered bright-lights from the garage (usually used for Halloween) to set up a sort of ‘fighting circle’ around the large, wooded space. Still, it was a far contrast to the spotlights that would soon cover her when she took to the ring in Toronto.

Rise to Greatness… gods, what am I thinking? Once again, that thought rode loudly into her mind. The idea of challenging Raphael Alden to holmgang was ludicrous! Of doing so mere days before the biggest pay-per-view of her career? Utterly insane!

Again, the redhead ran every poor scenario in her mind. Yes, Freya had said these battles were meant to be ‘non-lethal’ and no danger to the combatants – a sort of ‘gentleman’s duel’ if that made any sense, but how in Tartarus could she trust that Raphael would even play by those rules? Gods, they hadn’t even DISCUSSED rules! What if he came in with a gun or a pistol?! First of all, that would wake up the kids and Selena – meaning a pissed off wife, yeah, how am I going to explain THIS to her?! – but also the fact that Raphael would be there WITH A GUN!

And even if he did play by the rules Freya Alden had explained, what if Deanna hurt herself? Took a bad step, a bad punch, or something? She wasn’t even sure she could beat Bree Lancaster or, even, Alexis Quinne under ‘normal conditions’. What if she mucked up her knee? Had a nagging injury from this?

She shook her head, trying to ‘stretch out her worries’, but they persisted. There was no ‘maybe’ about it? If she walked into Toronto anything less than 100%, Bree was going to destroy her. Quinne would knock her out and beat her. And everything she had worked for for the last year would be for nothing!

Back to the midcard or preshows. Back to just being part of ‘The House of Frost’.

It wasn’t that she was ungrateful or even unwilling to be part of it. But she was so close to being her own person now! Even O. D. had said so – the very man that had called her out on her tantrums and frustrations earlier in the year, effectively giving her the ‘timeout in the corner’ that she needed to reassess her career and choices. It had been him that not only chosen her as the number one contender for the United States Championship, but had also authorized Alexis Quinne’s challenge against the Queen’s Guard. And this is how you’re going to thank him for finally giving you this opportunity? came the mocking tone in her head. By risking injury…

“Okay, shut up!” Deanna whined to herself in a low growl as she paced around the mildly lit area. She didn’t WANT to do this, but she didn’t have a choice in the matter! She would rather have been sleeping! She and Selena had an eight hour bus ride to Toronto in the morning – the two women both wanting to be in Toronto a few days early to settle in, get some training/studying done and just… settle. Was that the right word?

She gave a shake of her head before casting a glance away from her house and towards the gated exit/entrance of the property. She had left the gate open just a bit, enough for someone to pass through without any difficulty – which begged the question why he was still-

“Thinking I wouldn’t show up?”

Again, that damn voice, like earlier today, seemed to appear out of nowhere, causing the redhead to jump a little, though she refused to cry out, her body dropping into a familiar ‘fighting stance’ that Selena had taught years ago as she spun around towards the voice.

Standing before her, once more, was Raphael Alden. Unlike earlier today during David’s birthday party, however, the man wore black pants and a black wifebeater. His hair was still immaculately combed back and his beard was combed down just as well. Patiently, he stood in the light, waiting for Deanna to lower her hands, which the redhead did.

“Do you always just ‘appear’ like that?” she asked. “I’m starting to see a trend.”

“Old training.” Was the only answer the man gave.
“As what? A ninja?” Deanna shot back without thinking as she walked around the space, her remark earning a slight scoff and smile from Raphael.

“We going to do this?” Deanna asked, shrugging her shoulders.

“In a moment.” Raphael nodded, holding a hand out. “I believe an apology is in order.”
“I’m not apologizing for not inviting you. Neither will Selena.” Deanna almost spat out quickly.

“No. I mean from me.” Raphael sighed, earning a rather shocked expression from Deanna. “It occurs to me that, from the shock of your challenge, that I didn’t observe the… proper protocols.”
“’Proper protocols’?” the young woman asked, resting her hands on her hips.

“Yes.” Raphael remarked. “I am a gentleman, Mrs. Frost.” He stated, ignoring the snort that came from Deanna at his self-observation. “And, as a gentleman, I should have taken your ‘lack of understanding’ of Alden-ways into account with this challenge.”

“Are you backing out?” Deanna asked, trying to hide the note of hope in her voice. “Calling it off?”
“Oh, it’s too late for that.” Raphael remarked. “Family honor and all that.”
“Right.” Deanna sighed. “Then what is it you want?”

Carefully, non-threateningly, Raphael approached Deanna, taking the few steps needed to stand close to her. “I wish to discuss the rules of engagement.”

A moment of silence passed between them.

“That’s it?” Deanna asked.
“That’s it.” Raphael remarked. “Holmgang requires such things, and I, for one, refuse to duel someone without some semblance of order.”
“Okay…” Deanna tilted her head. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Step one.” He started. “Weapons.”
“Ummm…” Deanna shrugged. “I thought fists and kicks were okay.”
“Admirable.” Smiled Raphael. “But this is a ‘duel’. Not a ‘slugfest’.” The way he said that word, trying to adopt an ‘over-the-top’ American accent – Deanna would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t feel mildly insulted by it.

“Well…” Deanna shrugged. “Alejandra said that, if weapons were used… they were dull or wooden-“

Before her, Raphael suddenly produced two identical wooden knives, the white/black-haired man even striking them together twice to prove the material of their make.

“So… you just have wooden knives lying around?” Deanna asked with a raised eyebrow.
“You think you’re the first person to challenge me to a holmgang?” he laughed. “I’m old enough to be your father.”
“Yeah well, you wouldn’t want to…” Deanna shook her head, speaking without thinking as she was prone to do. “Last thing I heard of my parents was that, before they died, they MAY have been part of this ex-Nazi group-”

“Fascinating.” Raphael interjected, his disinterest apparent. “Since I chose the weapons, you may choose the general rules.”
“General rules?”
“Yes.” He answered. “How we declare a victor.”
“Oh!” Deanna huffed. “Yeah… uh… Points or yield. That’s what Alejandra said was the traditional.”

“Fine.” Raphael remarked. “Ten or five?”

“Uh…” It took a moment for Deanna to think of that. Alejandra had said that the traditional number was ‘ten’, but apparently ‘five’ would work too. And while her instincts told her to ‘stick to the basic outline’ of how things were done (as her mother-in-law had described), five points meant that she only had to land a hit on Raphael five times to be declared the winner. And, much like her upcoming pay-per-view matches, Deanna was sure that the longer they wore on, the less and less likely her chance at victory became!

“Five is fine.” She blurted out. If she could catch Raphael by surprise, landing five hits would be so much easier than landing ten!

In response, Raphael handed her one of the wooden daggers. It felt light in Deanna’s hand, the handle fitting into her palm smoothly. She gave it a few practice swings and stabs, testing its weight. She had never really used weapons before, but that wasn’t really her strategy – she thought as she stole a sideways glance towards her taller, broader opponent. Raphael hadn’t said anything about ‘style’ of fighting.

Maybe if I can trip him up or disarm him, I’ll have a better chance…

“Lastly.” He asked, turning his gaze over to Deanna, who stepped back a little. “The stakes.”

“Yeah…” Deanna sighed. “I don’t suppose you could just leave us alone and forget about all of this stuff with the Aldens?”

Despite himself, Raphael released a laugh. “Oh that was good.” He smiled. “You know, if nothing else, I appreciate your ambition and moxy, my dear.”

“Yeah, well… that makes one of you.” Deanna shrugged. “So what is it you want?”
“Well, let’s put this matter plainly.” He shrugged. “The duel itself is enough for me to forgive the slight to denying my invitation. I shall say so to the board of elders. However, should you best me, I will…” he gave it some thought. “I shall consider your mother and her family’s personal debt to me erased.”

Deanna’s eyes widened. “What debt is that?” she asked, once more without thinking. All she had learned about this man was that he had been arranged to marry Alejandra. Her mother-in-law’s running away to Nome to escape said obligations had certainly not been well received, but was that the ‘debt’ Raphael spoke of? It seemed too great a ‘slight’ to be settled in a duel with Alejandra’s ‘daughter-in-law’. “Are you talking about Alejandra’s past with you?”

“Oh no.” Raphael shook his head. “But that’s my business.” He grinned. “Best me and the matter will be dropped.”
“And you won’t challenge Selena to a duel?”
“That’s what this-“
“No, I mean permanently.” Deanna corrected. “You’ll stop getting in her way. You’ll stop with these traps and invitations. I mean you keep the hell away from us.”

He was silent for a moment, his head tilting to the side. “Is that what you want?”

“Yes.” Deanna remarked.

“Disappointing.” Raphael sighed. “I am not sure about your wife, Deanna-“ he used her first name, the redhead’s eyes widening at that ever so slightly. “But from what I’ve heard, you have really embraced the whole ‘learning our ways’ journey. I’ve even heard you’re one of the top students in your class.”

“So?” Deanna asked, shrugging her shoulders.

“Well… it’s disappointing that such an avid learner would wish to deny herself experiences to more learning.”
“I’m not.” Deanna stated, crossing her arms over her chest, keeping the wooden knife pressed against herself. “I just don’t trust you. And I’d rather learn on my own without your help or ‘invitations’.”

“Very well.” The older man shrugged. “Defeat me and I’ll drop any debt the Aldens have AND I will keep away from yours and Selena’s ‘progress’. You have my word.”


“Not quite.” Laughed Raphael. “You still have to beat me. And then there’s the matter if I win.”

The sentence, simply and calm coming from the taller person, still sent a chill through Deanna’s entire core. “If you win…” she whispered, earning a wider smile from Raphael.

“Did you not consider that a possibility when you challenged me?” he half-chuckled.
“What do you want?” Deanna asked, ignoring his remark.

“Oh, nothing much.” He shrugged his shoulders, slowly pacing around the lit area. “No need to get fortunes into this. Still, there is the matter of the festival.” He turned his head to eye Deanna. “That should do I think. If I beat you, you and Selena must take part in the festival.”

Deanna’s eyes narrowed at the man. “You mean your trap?”

Raphael’s grin widened. “Call it what you will.” He simply said. “But that is my prize. If you refuse, this duel doesn’t happen and I will go and publicly deal with Selena’s insult to my invitation myself, which the families will get behind, and I can only tell you how much THAT will make things worse for Freya and-“

“Fine!” Deanna spat. “If you beat me, we’ll be there.”

“Your word?” Raphael asked with a bit of accusatory tone. “I’ve given mine.”

“Yes.” Deanna sighed. “I give my word Selena and I will attend the festival if you defeat me.”

“Good.” He grinned before holding his arms out. “Shall we?”

Looking around, Deanna gave a quick check of her surroundings, slowly drawing around and closer to Raphael as she paced. “Don’t you need a witness or something?”

“Taken care of.” The man smiled mysteriously. “I didn’t think you’d want to be disturbed.”
“Admirable.” Deanna replied with a hint of sarcasm, drawing, slowly, ever closer.

Just keep him talking… her mind whispered. “Or maybe you just don’t have any friends. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you really with anyone. You followed us to Tony’s alone. You weren’t really with anyone at the ball. And now, you’re here by yourself.”

“Or maybe I left my spouse in bed without waking her.” Teased Raphael, his eyes stealing towards the house. “I assume you told her-“


Deanna’s mind screamed as she saw Raphael’s eyes move towards her ‘forever home’, the opening too good to pass up! With a burst of energy, she leaped off her back form, springing forward for a stab. She only had to travel a few inches and-

I’ve got him! she almost cried out as the dagger found its home in Raphael’s side… only because the man had sidestepped her leap, letting the knife graze him in order to wrap his arm around the attacking arm of Deanna, the older man turning his head to gaze down at the, now, trapped Deanna.

“Sorry.” His grin was wolfish. “Were we already starting?”

In a flurry, he brought his knife-wielding weapon down. Trapped in his hold, Deanna had no choice to but to take the strike into the shoulder, followed by one to the chest. It was costly move, as it freed her arm, but as she stumbled back and away, she saw the grin on his face as he cranked his neck a little to loosen it.

“I believe that is 2-1 for me?” he stated. “Though that was a good plan!”

“Can it!” Deanna spat angrily, her plan having backfired and, now, putting her at a huge disadvantage. Before her, Raphael merely twirled his own dagger between his fingers. He made no step towards her, but neither did he retreat from the redhead. He merely stood there, eyeing Deanna, which only further infuriated her.

In a rush, she jumped forward, feinting left at the last second and going for Raphael’s leg. Again, she felt her dagger strike home, but once more, she was met with resistance as her attack left her exposed – allowing Raphael to throw the ‘attacked leg’ up, catching Deanna in the side, stunning the smaller woman just long enough for him to land two more stabs: one on her side and the other on her own leg. Once more, Deanna was forced to retreat, jumping back to give her ample space, which Raphael allowed.

“4-2.” He counted. “Last chance.” He added smugly.

It was clear to Deanna, at this point, the strategy the smug bastard was employing. He was LETTING her get in close and get her strikes in. Why not? Why worry about losing a point if you were gaining two for every one your opponent landed?

He’s been toying with me! Deanna’s mind screamed, a familiar blend of rage and embarrassment filling her. It was that familiar feeling of powerless – the one she had vowed to never feel again after being humiliated by Adam Allocco a year ago!

You’re outclassed.
You’re not good enough!
You’re not ready.

The old thoughts that she thought she had killed – perhaps she had and now they were ghosts haunting her – slammed into her mind! Clenching her jaw, she fought back on them with all she had. I AM READY!

With one last cry, Deanna threw herself towards Raphael, who merely waited for it. Holding her dagger up, she went for a quick slash – or so Raphael thought as he moved to intercept and counter. However, it was Deanna’s turn to catch him, the redhead, at the last second, rolling under his arm. Jumping up to her feet, Deanna thrust her dagger forward, pressing it in-between the shoulder blades of Raphael and holding it there. “There!” she breathed. “I win!”

Despite his stunned nature, Raphael turned his head back, his gaze quickly recovering. “I don’t think so.” He remarked. “If anything, it’s still 4-3.”

“I said ‘points or YIELD’.” Deanna corrected. “If I get you in a position that would be considered ‘lethal’, you have to yield.” For emphasis, she twisted the knife a little into his back. “I’d say this qualifies.”

“Unless I leap forward and out of the way.” Raphael countered. “Not like you have a strong hold on me.”

Quickly, Deanna’s hand grasped the top of Raphael’s wifebeater. “There.” She remarked.

“Or trapped you again before you could stab. Or…” he turned his head again to gaze at her. “You could realize where my dagger is.”

Looking down, Deanna’s eyes widened as she saw Raphael’s weapon. It was lower and pointed directly at her, a mere inch or two from touching her body.

“I’d say I stab and I get my 5 points, meaning you must yield.”
“I got you first!” Deanna stated.
“No, you jumped me first.” Raphael countered. “But I would argue I stabbed you before you could even get a ‘killing blow’.”

Slowly, his wolf-grin reappeared. “Let’s ask my witness.” He stated, slowly moving around on the spot, Deanna having no choice but to follow him.

“Where is he?” Deanna asked, her eyes scanning the nearby trees.

“Oh, SHE is over there. See?” with his free hand, he pointed ahead from where he now stood, and Deanna was able to see the sight of her own ‘Forever Home’ standing before her… and also the light that was coming from the balcony…

A light that was now turned on.

“Oh, crap…” Deanna whispered before she was suddenly grabbed and flipped over. One second, she was standing behind Raphael, the next, she was pinned beneath him with his knife pressed right to her throat.

“That, my dear.” He half-whispered, half-growled. “Is a ‘lethal’ position. Now, yield.”

Deanna’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t yield! She couldn’t lose – not this easily! She had come so far! She had trained for so many months to being a better fighter! There had to be a way out of this! Desperately, in the span of a second, Deanna tried to run every scenario in her head, every counter she knew as a wrestler and as a fighter from her time in Frankfurt… and there was nothing. No matter how much she moved, she wouldn’t be able to move fast enough to stop him from enacting that ‘killing blow’, fake as it was with their dull weapons. And even if she could move fast enough to keep it ‘non-lethal’, it would still be a strike, giving him his fifth point and, thus, the victory!

Either way… she had lost. And she knew it…


She had barely gotten the word out when she felt Raphael being yanked off her, the man being tossed angrily into the ground, where he rolled a few feet away, his eyes searching wildly for his assailant. He didn’t have to look long as, standing in front of Deanna protectively in a magenta nightgown, stood Selena Frost.

“Enough!” she roared, her eyes blazing at the older man.

“Selena.” Raphael grinned as he pulled himself back up to his feet, even dusting himself off from the first he had rolled around in. “Glad you could make it.”

“You come onto my property…” she growled, every muscle in her body tensing. “And assault my wife.” She added with a hiss. “Give me one reason not to kill you right now.”

“Selena-“ Deanna tried but Raphael spoke over her.

“Other than your wife was the one that challenged and invited me?” he asked with a knowing tilt of his head.

Sapphire eyes went wide, Selena slowly turning her head towards the still down Deanna, who had pushed herself to her kneed. “Deanna?”

“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “He-“
“Holmgang.” Raphael stated. “I’ll admit it’s been awhile since we, Aldens, had it, so this was quite a nice little romp. Wouldn’t you say, Deanna?”

Unable to form any words, her emotions an angry blend of rage, shame, and even cowardice keeping her silent, Deanna merely clenched her jaw and fists, one hand gripping the wooden dagger with all she had. Selena, meanwhile, had returned her cold gaze towards Raphael.

“Well, this ‘romp’ is over.” She hissed. “Get off my property before I remove you myself.” She stole a glance at Deanna. “You’ll find that I’m a lot harder to throw around than my wife is.”

Okay, ouch! Deanna thought but said nothing, the angry woman before enough of a reason for the redhead to keep her mouth shut.

“Very well.” Raphael remarked with a shrug. “I trust you’ll handle matters on my prize, Deanna?” he asked, earning another angry glance from Selena.

“What did you promise him?” she asked.

“Oh nothing for you to worry about.” Raphael stated. “Though make sure your calendar has August 1st cleared.” He stated.

Realizing his inference, Selena’s gaze grew colder towards her wife. “You promised we’d go to the festival if he beat you?”

“I-“ Deanna sighed. “Yeah, I did.” She admitted,

“Oh for Odin’s sake!” Selena spat. “Why?!”

“Well, in her defense.” Raphael laughed. “I didn’t give her much of an option. It was either this or I’d publicly challenge you. Your wife didn’t think that would go over well with your ‘wars’, I believe she said. So… here we are.”

“We…” Deanna tried. “We just have to go to the festival.” Her voice was barely a whisper, her hands still shaking from the rampage of familiar emotions within her, not the least of which was embarrassment.

“Not quite.” Raphael laughed a little. “If you’ll recall my wording: I didn’t say you and Selena had to merely ‘attend’ the festival. I said you two had to ‘take part in the festival’.”

Deanna’s mouth dropped open at Raphael’s words. How the hell could she have missed that?! Yes, it was semantics but what the hell did she expect from someone like Raphael?! That’s why he had seemed so civil to me during that ‘rules of engagement’ crap! she realized. He was trying to slip in his wordplay! Now I’m trapped. she heard the growl in her throat that she hadn’t meant to make, her emotions fuelling it.

“And what, exactly, did you have in mind for us to be ‘involved’ in, Raphael?” Selena asked darkly, her eyes back to being locked on the older man.

“Oh, it’s very simple.” He mused, his hands now behind his back. “The elders were talking a few days ago about the festival and the topic came up that there hadn’t been a certain…” he paused to find his words. “Element within the festival in some times.”

“What ‘element’ is that?” Selena asked. “And if you say ‘sacrifices’, I’m out.”

“Hardly.” Raphael scoffed, amused. “No, Selena, the elders were talking about a handfasting ceremony.”

The remark caused Deanna’s eyes to widen. “Handfasting?” she asked.

“Oh come now!” Raphael admonished. “I know they’d have already covered that in your class-“
“No, I mean… THAT’S what you want Selena and I to be involved in?”
“Pretty much.” Raphael shrugged.

“But…” Slowly, Deanna pushed herself to her feet. “Selena and I are already married.”
“Sure, but not by ‘Alden ways’.” Raphael observed. “It would certainly look good on you if you did it for the elders…”

“Not buying it.” Selena spat, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Whether you do or you don’t…” Raphael grinned. “I am owed for this duel. THAT is my prize.” He eyed Deanna, a smug smirk returning to his face. “Of course, you could deny it and bring the whole Alden family down on you worse than ever before… that’s always an option.”

“Just get the fuck out!” screamed Selena, actually startling the old man, who held up his hands.

“Alright. But if I were you… I’d think about it.” He added before quietly dismissing himself. Within a few moments, he was gone, even closing the gate behind him out of courtesy.

Alone in the wooded space, Deanna slowly brought her eyes to the back of her wife, who had stood in place since Raphael had made his exit.

“Selena, I-“

Immediately, the woman turned, her eyes burning towards Deanna with their glare.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” she asked angrily. “You challenged him to a contest you knew NOTHING about? What did you think was going to happen?!”

“I was trying to protect you!” Deanna tried to explain. “He came to David’s party-“
“And you couldn’t come get me? Couldn’t let me handle this?”

“You’re the one that refused his invitation!” Deanna spat back. “You insulted him and he acted on that! We could have just gone to the festival as visitors and he’d have NOTHING on us! He played us BOTH, Selena!”

Before her, Deanna saw Selena’s jaw clench, the older woman trying to process her wife’s words. In the end, she could only manage out an angry huff before turning on her heel and marching back to the house, leaving Deanna alone with the portable lights surrounding her.

“More than you could chew…” The redhead whispered as she slowly began gathering up the lights in the dark. “Way more than you could chew…”


The Guard Tower

Hey guys…

So, I know that usually I sit on the catwalks and talk for a bit – sort of like ‘looking over all of SCW’ as the Queen’s Guard. And I took that as sort of a professional and a personal endeavour.

Personally, I saw it as my responsibility to help maintain the ‘integrity of SCW’ that my wife, Selena, and I believed in. To look over her and SCW and be part of that goal. But personally, I also found myself looking over the catwalks, down into the ring, and wondering ‘what was my place in this SCW Universe’? I’d think about things like ‘will I be a good superstar?’, ‘will people look up to me?’, ‘will I be known as my own person or for who I married’? It’s where I could collect my thoughts and really talk about what was before me….

But, with the RTG schedule the way it is, my wife is currently using the arena for her ‘Frozen Central’ segment, so I’m kind of here… recording in the ‘Believe it!’ tour bus while Eric gets a snack for himself from the convenience store down the street.

And sitting here, being on the outside of the arena looking in, like I would on the catwalks, sort of matches, don’t you think? Matches my year, matches my existence, matches my road to Rise to Greatness. Always fighting, always clawing to get in. To be part of the bigger picture. To be part of the marquee matches, the main-events beyond more than a support or a glorified cheerleader.

Which is why I respect you for challenging me, Alexis Quinne. Because I get why you would do so. Because, like me, you’re clawing through. You gotta fight for your share, for your place, just like I do. So, on that ground, I respect you and I respect you challenging me to my face rather than going behind my back to be part of this.

And make no mistake about it, Alexis, when I am talking about our match, I am referring to it as a United States Championship match because, in case I haven’t made it clear by now, I have EVERY intention of entering into our match being announced as ‘The New United States Champion’! You can rest assured of that!

And, in all honesty, Alexis, you should be terrified of that as well. Because I could see the gears working in your head when you challenged me. You fight me after I’ve fought a legend and future Hall of Fame like Bree Lancaster, then I’ll be banged up and worn out for my match with you, right? Easy pickings for you to grab the United States title and to put a stop to this downward spiral you seem to be having since that loss to Chance Owens aways back, right? Classic booking 101, right?

I’m not judging you on that, Alexis, it’s simply the nature of the beast with these ‘double-bookings’. But where the ‘traditional’ ends with me is that you shouldn’t be less afraid if I manage to beat Bree and come into Rise to Greatness with the United States Championship. No, no… You should be more afraid.

Because let’s dissect that for one second, shall we?! Bree Lancaster, arguably one of the greatest female wrestlers in SCW in the last five years. The woman that took my wife to task inside a roofed-cage match. The woman that has got BOTH tag-team champions running scared. The woman that has won more titles this year, alone, than you and I combined, Quinne. The woman that has actually, unlike you and me, headlined Rise to Greatness before.

You don’t have to beat that. I do. I need to beat that. And I have said it before. I said it now, and I’ll say it one more time: There is no ‘maybe’ for me. There is no ‘hope to’ for me. I NEED to beat Bree Lancaster and become SCW United States Champion. I need to overcome another ‘impossible opponent’ like I did with Glory Braddock and Adam Allocco, just to name a few. I need to do this in order to turn our match from ‘pay-per-view worthy’ to ‘Rise to Greatness 20th anniversary worthy’! I need to do this because this is the moment I have been waiting for since I first laced up a pair of boots!

And I need to do this, Alexis, so that I can, without any doubt in my mind, get YOUR very best against me on Sunday! Because that’s what I want! I want you coming at me with everything you have because deep down, you want that title! You need that title! That’s what I want, Alexis, because if I can beat not only Bree Lancaster’s ‘best’ but your ‘best’ as well?

Then not only will I be SCW United States Champion.
Not only will I be ‘somebody’ on my own terms and ability in SCW.
Not only will I prove my own worth in this business, but I will begin this new chapter of my career with more than a top-tier title.

Do you know what I will have, Alexis?

I will have legitimacy.

And I know that word gets tossed around a lot here in SCW, especially where titles are considered. Promises of ‘bringing legitimacy to a division’ and such, but you misunderstand me, Alexis. I am not talking about bringing legitimacy to the United States Championship division. Bree has done that from last month’s tournament. You and I, should either of us become United States Champion, will continue that kind of legitimacy; of that I am sure.

No, Alexis, what I am talking about is bringing legitimacy to my own name and my own career. I am talking about proving that, when I beat Bree, that the inevitable words and ‘theories’ about being ‘lucky’ or ‘a fluke’ or some kind of ‘divine intervention’ are killed the very next night! I am talking about not only proving my ability and grit in the toughest match of my career against Bree – and I include the Elimination Chamber where my arm was broken when I say that – but proving it beyond a shadow of doubt when I beat you on Sunday!

Defeating Bree Lancaster and becoming United States champion will prove I CAN be a top-tier champion. Beating a former world champion in you, Alexis, will prove that I BELONG here as a top-tier champion!

That is why you should be more afraid of me if – scratch that, please – WHEN I succeed on the pre-show, Alexis. Because, sure, I may be banged up, bruised and hurting in every joint and muscle I have, but never will you see me more determined, more fierce and more driven to see my year-long story reach THAT conclusion! To go from the ‘girl that lost to five moves of doom’ to ‘the woman that beat two former world champions to survive and become the United States Champion’!

Bree Lancaster will get me at my best, and she will get everything I have in order for me to have a chance to beat her. You, Alexis? You will get me at my most dangerous! My most deadly! My most obsessed! Because, with that title in my hand, I will go to a place that few people would endure. I will take pains that most people would rather pass out from. And I will take every move and landing you can throw at me until there is nothing left of my will or my grit!

Because I don’t just want that ‘moment’ like Adam Allocco got last year at this event. I don’t just want a ‘feel-good’ moment that I can hang my hat on and then walk off into the sunset like Owen Cruze deserved. No, this is not about a ‘moment’. This is a year-long journey, Alexis, and it is a year-long journey meant to create many more journeys! This is about not just being a top-tier champion for a breath, no! This is meant to be the START of a top-tier championship reign… but a top-tier champion!

So do you see now, Alexis, why I do not go into this taking you any ‘lighter’ than I would Bree. Why I see you as just as dangerous and just as deadly to those dreams as Bree, herself, is? Because I have seen what happens when you are underestimated. I have seen what happens when people fixate on you as something that is meant to be stepped on enroute to ‘greater things’ and then, you turn around and take those things away from them.

How else did you become world champion? Because Syren underestimated you. Syren thought you were gonna be a pushover, and you pushed her right over and became world champion. And if that is within you, Alexis – the ability to beat one of the best wrestlers in SCW’s 20-year history, then how the hell’s bells could I possibly make that same mistake?

It’s funny because… you know in my year’s journey, I’ve heard it said by a number of people. The idea of certain wins and losses not mattering. Certain matches just ‘don’t matter’. Kandis, Ace Marshall, I’ve heard it from them, usually after they’ve lost a match but I digress.

That’s something that sort of sat with me because I was asked by a fan if simply being on the main-card of Rise to Greatness, isn’t that enough? One step up, wouldn’t beating Bree Lancaster and being United States Champion even for a night and defending it on the main-card, would that not be enough?

And I’ve already spoken my peace on my respect for both Bree and you, Alexis. You know how I feel about facing the two of you, but I need to make it clear: it isn’t enough. It DOES matter!

It matters because this was an opportunity given to me by a man that didn’t believe in me and now thinks I’m good enough to take on his second-highest title division. It matters because of every single person that has stayed with me and The House of Frost from day one and never faltered, even when half the audience was chanting “No, we don’t!”. It matters because I would rather crash and burn then settle! I would rather try and fail than ask ‘what if’ and I would rather epically fail then half-ass and say ‘it was good enough’.

Alexis, if it isn’t clear by now, then I will make it clear in this moment. You are not the one with the ‘advantage’ here. You are not the one with the ‘golden ticket’, you are not the one that has to just wait for your ‘golden goose’ to come home.

No. What you are and what you will be on Sunday is my proving ground. What you are is the nigh-impossible that I need to conquer. What you are is the force that I need to overcome so that I REMAIN the United States Champion!

I have left no room in my heart or soul for alternate outcomes. Either I will do all I say that I am going to do – the impossible… the unbelievable like my wife will… or you can bet your ass that I will burnout trying!

Checkmate, bitches! Because Rise to Greatness…finally… here I come!
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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Deanna Frost vs. Bree Lancaster - by supremecw - 07-09-2023, 12:18 PM
RE: Deanna Frost vs. Bree Lancaster - by SnowQueenSCW - 07-23-2023, 03:34 PM

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