Blythe/Luz/Wolfe vs. The Holly Adams Brand
(Keira was used with permission from her handler)

Cassie got a measure of revenge against Holly Addams last week by interrupting her press conference and now at Road to Glory she was teaming up with The Light in the Darkness (La Pequena Luz and Amelia Blythe) to take on the Holly Addams Brand! Holly Addams and two mystery partners! Can Cassie get the win at the biggest SCW Show of the year?

Hero Academy, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 24th of July 2023, 11:00am

Well, this week has gotten interesting.

Whilst my half sister Krystal is halfway across the world causing mayhem in the other SCW I’m over here in the states still plying my trade, not just in my SCW either because I’ve been raking in the big bucks since I signed with EWC with Harper! In fact that was why me and Harper were coming here originally, to iron out the details of a little idea we had.

And if you pay attention to the hellscape that is modern day Twitter than you know what I’m talking about already! Team Hero 2.0 except not formed by a lesbian couple and instead two metalhead friends who happen to be trainees of that lesbian couple! So what changed? Well, it all started with an e-mail I got from the daughter of a controversial former wrestler called Steve Ramone asking me to put her in contact with Keira about training at Hero Academy.

Me and Harp were coming down anyway but this? Well, it changed some things, like Jessie being here instead of China!

”Morning guys, sorry we’re a bit late, me and Harp managed to sleep in.” I apologized to Jessie and Keira as we entered the gym, the rest of the trainees were off doing their own thing but Jessie and Keira were talking to a brunette girl who couldn’t be much older than a high schooler at least. ”Err, guys?”

“Oh sorry Cass, I didn’t see you there.” Keira apologized as she spotted me and Harper walk up to the trio, Keira leaned against the ring apron before motioning to the girl. “Meet Sophie Ramone, but I think you know her already.”

“Pleasure to meet you at last Cass.” Sophie responded with a sheepish grin as she extended her hand out to me for a handshake, I took it and Jessie promptly shook her head.

”Okay, pleasantries out of the way? Yes? Good, now we can get to the point I wanted to address.” Jessie responded with a scowl as she looked over the girl. ”How old are you exactly Sophie?”

“I just turned fifteen.” Sophie informed the veteran wrestler and I shared a look with Harper, I was a high school football player when I was Sophie’s age, Harper was a high school wrestling standout at that age but jumping into wrestling training already?! “I know I’m young but I want this.”

“It’s the fact that your so young that concerns me.” Keira sighed as she ran a hand down her face. “Harper’s our youngest graduate and she’s turning nineteen in September! I know she and Cass have had success.”

”And we’ve already seen that success go to Cass’s head! Or do I need to remind you of that whole “I’m going to ruin another girl’s title shot because I got screwed out of a title” saga?” Jessie quickly chimed in as she glanced over at me and I quickly turned away, I was not proud of that saga to say the least. ”Harper’s still the KCW TV Champ but the KCW Situation’s up in the air at the moment, isn’t it?”

”Yeah, they’ve gone silent on Twitter and everything.” Harper nodded in response as she brushed some of her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. ”What are you getting at Jess?”

”Cass had just turned nineteen when she graduated, Harper, as mentioned, is eighteen, I have no problem putting them through the rigors of wrestling training because they are on the verge of being adult women, you? You’re still young enough to be sent to juvenile hall if you get arrested.” Jessie pointed out and Keira nodded in agreement as she was clearly taking Jessie’s side in this. ”For that matter? Harper’s the youngest student I’ve ever seen here, why should Keira take a chance on a fifteen-year-old? And don’t say it’s because you have a famous wrestling daddy because Steve’s a forgotten relic at this point!”

“It’s because of the legacy my dad left behind!” Sophie asserted firmly and we all turned our attention to her. “When the GWA closed and he left wrestling to look after my mom whilst she was pregnant with me, he left behind a legacy to be respected! But then he came back and joined SCW a few years ago, and his actions with that Kaylee woman have tarnished his legacy.” Sophie let out a sad sigh as she leaned against the ring apron. “My mom hasn’t been the same since my dad divorced her, to the point where she flat out refused to let me train and follow in his footsteps! I’m only here today because mom doesn’t know I’m here.”

”You snuck out?” Jessie asked and Sophie nodded, I didn’t remember much of Steve’s wife Charlotte, but she seemed nice enough whenever she showed up. ”You realize that your mom’s going to be worried sick?”

“She’ll understand someday, but I must redeem my family’s name.” Sophie asserted and we shared a look before Keira chimed in.

“Cass, Harper? Go get hanged, I want you to take on Sophie in a Triple Threat.” Keira instructed us earning a surprised look from everyone before she added. “If she lasts five minutes and put on an impressive showing? I’ll. Train her for three years, if she’s good enough to graduate by then she’ll have a graduation match, if not?”

“I get the idea.” Sophie nodded and me and Harp quickly went off to the ladies changing room, I swear Las Vegas must be a wrestling prodigy hotbed because Sophie had no issues keeping up with us, by the end of those five minutes Keira had a new student as we stood in a corner each.

A student that me and Harp would be working closely with.

Cassie’s home, Reno, Nevada
Monday the 24th of July 2023, 18:00pm

*promo time*

All hail the princess.

”I’ve been calling myself “The Rebel Princess” since day one, why? Because I thought it sounded cool, it fit my personality to a t and I’m not gonna change it any time soon! But since then some people have taken exception to the Rebel Princess name, first it was Magical Cosmic Princess YUYU and now it’s Holly Addams and her brand!” I started as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”And I’m taking them on at Road to Glory alongside The Light in the Darkness!”

This will be good.

”And I gotta admit, getting to shut up the Queen of All Karens? There won’t be a more satisfying way to cap off my first year as a wrestler! That’s right, one year ago this week I graduated from Hero Academy! Funny how time flies, right?” I asked as I folded my arms. ”And since I don’t know who Holly is bringing along for this little match? It could be Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy for all I know!”

Funny that.

”Appropriate because Hollys going to need the Tooth Fairy once I’m done with her!” I added as I leaned forward. ”You wanna insult my persona Holly? Fine, but unlike your royal highness I actually fight my own battles! You can’t say that, can you? And at Road to Glory the princess will be yanking hat crown right off your head and then throwing it in the trash because who wants to be known as Queen Karen, am I right?”

It's that simple.

”I’m just a small-town girl, but I’ve been making big waves in wrestling for over a year now! And no, I’m not going to reference that small town song by that talentless country hack that conservatives love, you know the one!” I added as I folded my arms. ”And again, The Rebel Princess monicker doesn’t make me a real princess! I just took it because it sounds cool! But Karens like Holly took exception to it and I need to shut them up! Starting with Holly!”

With that I decided to wrap things up.

”And at Road to Flory I’ll do just that! The Holly Addams brand is going out of business and me and The Light in the Darkness will see too it!” I stated as ran a hand through my hair. ”Sorry Holly, hope you like flipping burgers! To all my fans? Im a world of people like Holly Addams, fake queens and annoying Karens? Be yourself and be a Rebel Princess! The Holly Addams Brand though is about to learn that me and The Light in the Darkness are Hungry Like the Wolfe!”

I turned off the webcam as the scene fades.
[Image: Cassie_Wolfe_Sig2.jpg?width=812&height=406]

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RE: Blythe/Luz/Wolfe vs. The Holly Adams Brand - by Cassie Wolfe - 07-23-2023, 09:49 PM

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