Crystal Zdunich vs. Diamond Steele vs. Konrad Raab vs. Derek Adonis
Relaxing and quiet morning with Luiza Doe. Chicago, Illinois. Wednesday 21st July (Off-Camera)

Inside the bedroom in an apartment, two people were sleeping in bed. Two people known as Luzia Doe and Konrad Raab had their time alone together. Konrad wanted to spend time with Luiza on his own, so he could get to know her more, especially she will be another part of Konrad's life. Konrad had never looked better. He's more fitter now than he was in the prime of his wrestling career.

Luiza had her arm around Konrad's chest while Konrad rested his hand on Luiza's hip before Luiza moved her hand around Konrad's shoulder. Luiza opened her eyes, as so did Konrad right about the same time. Luiza kissed Konrad's shoulder as they looked into each other's eyes with Konrad had a smile on his face, as did Luiza.

Luiza Doe: "Morning, slave."

Konrad Raab: "Morning, mistress."

Luiza Doe: "Last night was."

Konrad Raab: “Yes, it was.”

Konrad and Luiza go for a kiss before they quickly let go as both still had a smile on their face, even without Minerva.

Luiza Doe: "You take good care of me. I can see why Minnie spends a lot of time with you."

Konrad Raab: “What can I say? I want to make Minnie happy, and after the past few days and last night, I want to make you happy as well."

Luiza Doe: "That's another reason why apart from what Minerva said about my past and my future wrestling career, she brought me along."

Konrad paused for a second, hearing what Luiza said, showing that there was someone out there who could change Konrad's wrestling career as well as Minnie had. Being a part of something special, like being a part of The Jackals, was great; it got Konrad attention he never had before, but something was missing from the story.

Konrad Raab: “What do you mean?”

Luiza Doe: “Twitter arguments. You need to stop dragging fights on. Make a point and move on. Don't fight everyone on there. You need to focus on your matches, not the shit you deal with on Twitter."

Konrad Raab: "I'm showing I'm not taking any more shit from people."

Luiza Doe: "You can do that in the ring, slave. I understand you've snapped because of being sick of being picked on; Minnie told me about that. Be the monster in the ring, not out of it."

Konrad nodded as he was interested in Luiza's plan and liked it. Luiza kissed Konrad on his cheek more to give him some care, especially with him breathing in and out like he would lash out.

Luiza Doe: "I took your phone because I saw you wanted to argue on Twitter again, and that's not what The Jackals are about. I'll tell you on Twitter if you fight on there when I'm not around you to stop. Focus on your opponents and use your anger in the ring. Stop acting like the world hates you. If someone gives you shit, so what? Show them you're not to be fucked around in the ring. Do you understand?"

Konrad Raab: “Yes, mistress.”

Luiza Doe: "Good because you'd gain respect. I will be your calming medicine and put the glue together."

Konrad sweats from his head as he holds his chest again as he growls, leaving Luiza concerned because she hadn't experienced this with Konrad before, more because they were still getting to know one another. She shakes, feeling she had said something wrong to Konrad.

Luiza Doe: "Are yo.............."

She was interrupted by Konrad forcing her head on his heart, making sure her ear is right on his heart. Konrad closes his eyes, breathing in and out while stroking on Luiza's arm and gently kissing it. He sighs in relief.

Konrad Raab: "That's much better."

Luiza Doe: "Oh, thought you had a heart attack?"

Konrad Raab: "No, it's just a way of me wanting your love, feeling protected. I want you to hear every beat of my heart as it's fast all for you. It's how I am when I'm in love, and the anger feelings I have by doing that goes away from my system."

Luiza Doe: "That's so sweet. You're not a bad guy; I think it's sexy; you do things for a girl and make them happy. Especially when you submitted to me."

Konrad nodded; he loved every minute of being in bed with his girlfriend. He knew Luiza was helping him. It seemed like they didn't want to get up at all, especially not Konrad, who was getting more interested in Luiza by every minute. Konrad had never felt happier than he had with Luiza, who wanted to care for Konrad.

Luiza Doe: "I want to know more about you. You know how Minnie and I got to know each other when we talked the other day and when we dealt with Sienna. What was your family like?"

Konrad Raab: "Horrible. My dad, a giant piece of shit. He beat me up every single day, burned me, beating the shit out of me every night. He wasn't proud of me being his son. My mum treated me well, as did my sister and my twin brother Markus Lord Raab who you may have heard of, considering he's a professional wrestler as well. My dad treated the two bullies that used to shit on me at school all the time better than I got treated as his son."

Luiza Doe: "No wonder why you understand Minerva attacking Peyton because you would do the same if these school bullies were wrestlers."

Konrad Raab: "Of course I fucking would, even if they pretended to be heroes because I understand being neglected by a family member and it makes you want to take their fucking head off."

Konrad felt good about expressing more about himself, more to Luiza, who wanted to know more about Konrad. However, Luiza gave multiple kisses to Konrad to relax his tenses with the shakes he had because of his anger.

Luiza Doe: "Calm down, slave."

Konrad Raab: “Sorry mistress. On top of all that, my ex-wife cheated on me before I slept with Minnie as well. So I got a ton of anger in me."

Luiza Doe: "I'm sorry to hear that. But you're in a much better place now with me, Minnie and The Jackals."

Konrad nodded at her, agreeing with what she had said. Because Konrad's so in love right now, he wanted to do something; Konrad brushes the hair away from Luiza's neck and placed his lips on there, sucking hard before Konrad stops to kiss the part where he pressed his lips hard on her neck multiple times before he put his head on the pillow.

Luiza Doe: “Oh, a love bite? I quite liked that."

Konrad Raab: "Because you're wonderful. You listen to everything I say, and it's made me love you even more. I loved taking you out for a meal yesterday where we just talked and ate great food."

Luiza Doe: "For a fifty-four-year-old man, you're not so bad to look at; in fact, you look better than ever. What gets me the most about you is your personality, so attractive for any woman to be inspired with, especially me."

Konrad and Luzia looked into each other's eyes and go in for a snog, Konrad having his tongue down Luzia's throat before they let go. Konrad nodded his head, smiling because he enjoyed the snog, before Luiza places her head on Konrad's chest, placing her ear against his heart.

Konrad Raab: "You're beautiful. You're breasts and your ass, more than what I need to make myself happy, well sex, of course as well."

Luiza Doe: "I thought you did with my breasts before we made love. I love how tall and big you are, not overweight, but perfect size wrestler. I love your eyes, and I love your six-pack chest."

Konrad Raab: "I'm a gift to treasure; let's put it that way."

Luiza removes her head from Konrad's chest and kisses his heart as Konrad kisses Luiza's cheek. Konrad's never been happier to talk things outside of wrestling which had been a first in a while.

Konrad Raab: "I want to take you somewhere fun, like bowling, arcades and even nightclubs after I've come back from Germany, I promise. Give me a call; I'll be there for you. I will protect you as well if any fucker tries to hurt you."

Luzia Doe: "Same for you as well."

Konrad Raab: "Do you like to do any of those things?"

Luzia Doe: "I like everything, but I am picky on some things; personally, I like to surprise and be surprised. So how about it?"

Konrad Raab: "No problem, I can do that."

Luiza got up from the bed, found a small whip in Konrad's bedroom, and smacked it across his chest. Konrad smiles enjoyed being whipped with it. He signals to do it again as she did. Luiza dropped the whip and got back in bed with Konrad. With Konrad's match coming up, Luiza, at the same time, knew after all the wristbands they made, had to get Konrad back on topic.

Luiza Doe: "You can start to be a monster wrestling wise by using your anger against Derek, Diamond and Crystal."

Konrad Raab: "It's still the same fucking problem I've had since two thousand and sixteen. Title matches on Breakdown shows."

Luiza Doe: "Minnie told me about that too. I understand; shockingly, you've not had one on a PPV for so long."

Konrad Raab: "Yet, people wonder why I've gone fucking insane? It's because of this repetitive shit. Cassidy shouldn't be in that Adrenaline title match. I fucking should be there, not in a god damn title contention match. Fuck, is that hard to understand?"

Luiza slaps Konrad on his head, clearly not thinking straight, clearly fit rage of anger due to the same story about title matches on Breakdown shows. He was desperate for change, and it didn't seem like he was going anywhere with that. Luiza held Konrad's head tightly, making sure he pays attention as they stand up in Konrad's bedroom after she whips him a few times.

Luiza Doe: "Calm the fuck down. Listen to me; you can win this match, win the title and wrestle to defend the Adrenaline title at the PPV event. Come on, Konrad, think clearly at your mistress. I understand you want title matches at PPV's. Just look at the match, tell me what you think, take away the title shot at Breakdown show."

Konrad Raab: "I see three weak ass opponents not delivering on their expectations. I see three weak ass opponents losing to me. Also, I seek revenge on Derek for two reasons. Vomiting on Kandis and beating me for that TV title years ago."

Luiza Doe: "I was too young to watch wrestling at that time, but I did look back and see that you two did have a great match. Diamond, you could say, is a threat after defeating Cassidy. But you're right, Cassidy especially after that loss, shouldn't have an Adrenaline title shot. My point about defending the Adrenaline title still stands."

Konrad realised Luzia was right, he could very well defend the title at the next PPV if he wins the title, but Konrad wasn't happy about it being on the next Breakdown show. Then again, with the opponents he's facing, he smiles as Luiza whips him again and kisses his chest.

Konrad Raab: "Yes, you're right, I overlooked the part of defending the title at a PPV event. I've beaten Crystal before in another company, and she'll be completely unfocused as she always is about this match; Diamond may have gotten the win over Cassidy but barely been around, and I don't know what the fuck's gone wrong with Derek. The guy was champion for a year, yet he's slacked way off since then."

Luiza Doe: "There's one thing you don't lack, and they do, consistency. They aren't consistent wrestlers, nor is anyone interested in seeing those guys go for the Adrenaline title and win the belt. Everyone does with you, and we're proud you're a part of The Jackals. Use your anger by destroying them in your way."

Konrad Raab: "And cause them to fucking bleed everywhere, my mistress. I will viciously beat the shit out of them, leaving them in a bloody mess, then I mangle their bodies, breaking parts of their body. I will shutter their fucking ankles to get my title shot. This match is mine, and their bodies will be swept away to the hospital with me bathing in their blood. It's perfect."

Luiza Doe: "That's better, my slave. Now, let's do you know what."

Konrad Raab: "I agree. I love you."

Luiza Doe: "I love you too."

They get back into bed, but this time all you could hear is the noises the pair of them were making. Half an hour later, they stopped, and they got up to get some lunch when they got out of the bedroom for the first time since last night, and then after making more wristbands for the Germany flood disaster, they spent the entire day together as a couple. 


Konrad is in trouble with his mother. Chicago, Illinois. Thursday 22nd July (Off Camera)

It's eight in the morning in Chicago, where Konrad and Luiza are asleep together in the same bed. They spent a lot of time together, being by themselves since Sebastian had a girlfriend himself and stayed at her house. As they were asleep, the phone suddenly rings as Konrad ignores it. 

The second time, however, because he didn't want to wake up Luiza, he picks up the phone. He presses the button and leaves the bedroom before putting it to his ear when he got downstairs to his living room.

Konrad Raab: "Do you know what the fucking time is?"

Female voice: "Oh, that's a charming way to greet your mother, isn't it?"

Konrad and his mother haven't spoken since before Christmas. At the same time, Konrad couldn't have known who it was because he was still tired.

Konrad Raab: "This is not a good time right now."

Ingrid Raab: "It's a good time as any. Look, we need to talk about the stuff you're doing. Well, it's not just me who wants to talk to you; it's your Auntie Elyse as well."

Konrad Raab: "Sorry, but I'm busy; I got a female guest at my house."

Konrad shook his head; not wanting to talk to his family was one of the things on his mind, well outside his twin brother and his cousin. Still, Konrad could barely keep his eyes open, especially the late-night he had with Luiza.

Ingrid Raab: "I don't care. We need to talk about the stuff you're doing. I think I'll let your auntie take the lead with this because I don't think I can talk about it."

Konrad Raab: "No, we aren't, not here, not now at eight in the morning."

Ingrid Raab: "Another load of excuses. We aren't going off the phone until you want to talk."

Konrad Raab: "Fat chance of that happening when I'm not in Germany."

It was clear it's going nowhere with Konrad's argument with his mother, and straight away, Auntie Elyse snatched the phone from Konrad's mother.

Auntie Elyse: "What the fuck's wrong with you? Since before Christmas, you have changed and not in a good way either."

Konrad Raab: "I told my mother, I'm not talking about this on the phone. That's for pussies."

Auntie Elyse: "How do we know the next chance you come to Germany will be in what October/November time that you usually come over to do your fucking wrestling tours?"

Konrad Raab: "Oh my god, you are fucking stupid. Aren't you aware of what happened in Germany as of late?"

There was a slight pause right there from Elyse regarding what he said about Germany's event. She dropped the phone, in shock from his abusive language on his family. Konrad didn't care; he smirked if anything because he got addicted to being angry; well, he got addicted to doing something else as well. Elyse got back on the phone.

Auntie Elyse: "Can't you hear your mother? She's crying because of what you've said. Of course, we're aware of the situation in Germany. What has that got to do with talking about your behaviour?"

Konrad Raab: "Everything because I'm coming over there in two weeks. Do you want any more information?"

Auntie Elyse: "You're worse than we thought. Besides, your mother doesn't know what you've been doing in wrestling; I had to tell her because I do, and it makes me sick."

Konrad Raab: "Because I'm fucking happy? Wanting me to please everyone makes a lot of sense because where did that get me in wrestling? Fucking nowhere and I got tired of it. Well, get used to it because you aren't hearing me being nice to any fuck anymore. I'm done with that crap."

Konrad was indeed changing, and not even his mother can talk to Konrad; in fact, she's petrified of her son. Although Elyse knew it was no excuse for Konrad to be abusive to his family, even if he got pissed off with wrestling.

Auntie Elyse: "I hope you come back home because what we've spoken about is only half of the shit you're going to get. I was planning to go home in two days, but I can extend it for another two weeks to talk to you with your mother."

Konrad Raab: "And what if I don't?"

Auntie Elyse: "I will search high and low to find you because I know exactly where you live in Cologne; I know where you're going in Germany. I won't leave here until we've spoken and I found you. I can tell you're drunk because the real Konrad would never speak like this."

That was true; even when Konrad was angry, he was never like this to his family. It's Konrad drinking way too much wine with Luiza and drinking a couple of beer cans he had leftover that caused him to be so abusive.

Konrad Raab: "Now you know why I said it wasn't the right time to talk as well as a title contention match I got coming up, and I got company in my home. Fine, I'll come home and talk to you and my mother when I'm in Germany because I'm no bitch to argue over on the fucking phone."

Auntie Elyse: "Good. Hope to see you in two weeks then."

Konrad Raab: "We will."

Konrad got off the phone as Luiza came downstairs after hearing Konrad's anger, getting concerned about Konrad, even though she couldn't understand a single word in German.

Luiza Doe: "What's all that about?"

Konrad Raab: "Just my mum and my auntie wanting to talk to me when I'm in Germany. Nothing to worry about. I need to use the bathroom, and we'll go to California."

Luiza drank some wine last night in Konrad's home but didn't get drunk, while Konrad did. Konrad went straight to the bathroom that he was desperate to use. When he's done, he and Luiza got changed into their regular clothes. 

Konrad grabbed his and Luiza's suitcases to take downstairs. Konrad gave Luiza a snog before they get a taxi. Konrad called overnight before they drank alcohol to go to the Chicago airport on their way to Los Angeles, California.


Time to fuck up undeserving bitches and a prick shoot. (On-Camera)

"Ah, you fucking idiots, do you honestly think you three deserve this shot for the Adrenaline title? No, of course, you fuckers don't because you rarely on Breakdown shows, rarely wrestle. You three tend towards not being fucking consistent. I've been here every single fucking week, busting my fucking ass consistently.

Cassidy Carter stole my spot of being on the PPV title match. What the hell has she done to get herself an Adrenaline title match? She hasn't done shit, yet I'm passed over by her where she didn't eliminate anyone in the rumble? Are you fucking kidding me? What makes it worse is that Diamond single-handedly beat her on Breakdown, despite the distraction from Holly. Mr Dickhead once again, as per fucking usual, puts me in a title match on Breakdown without me getting my well deserved PPV title match, and it makes me sick.

It's okay; I got three people to cover myself in blood where they'd be fucked so bad that they won't remember a damn thing when I'm done with them. Let's see, seeing I started with Diamond, let's go with that. I hear about your commitments to SinCW and how you're some rock star. Listen, and this goes to you as well Crystal, people want to take you fuckers seriously, but how can they if you're only committed to that company? 

Sure, I consider Diamond a threat, and you are after that win against Cassidy. However, before that match, the last time you wrestled was back in April against Derek Adonis, who you've lost to. I've been one busy fuck all year round, and that's on top of me wrestling in other companies. I've always been there; I've always put up a god damn fucking fight. Sure, I've been losing matches, but they were against much higher competition than you have had. Cassidy is much like you, and the three of you in this match are hit or miss wrestlers.

Oh fucking hell, I have to talk about the weakest fucking bitch in this entire match, some tough girl, Crystal. Well, I'm just sitting here laughing at you. How does it feel for me to watch your recent match, not in SupremeCW, but UGWC on Thursday, when you lost my former student? How embarrassing a twenty-year-old kid beat your ass at Wrestlestock open. But you've lost matches against Derek Adonis so many times as well. 

You had a massive title opportunity against Adam Allocco, and guess what? You lost pretty convincingly. Here I thought my loss record was bad; yours is far worse. At least I've been relevant, being a part of The Jackals, hurting and destroying every living fuck that's gotten in our way and at least I defeated Chris Cannon. I've gotten angrier as well. 

You have defeated me before, but that was when that pathetic Konrad was around; I ultimately killed him because he was utterly worthless, so you can wash that win down your throat because that's irrelevant now. No more, I'm the nice guy, I'm a horrible vicious bastard, doing anything to knock your fucking ass down. 

Cause you to bleed because you are completely useless. Embarrassingly, you lost to a drunken bitch called Brandi Lynn Tucker in your last match, so yeah, nobody can see you want to win this match at all. You're a pathetic excuse of a professional wrestler. Being with Minerva, by the way, has given me strength for everything I've done wrong in my career.

Now, as for Derek Adonis, where the fuck went wrong with you? Derek was the guy who beat me for the TV title years ago and became a champion for a year. Now, where have you gone? Oh, right, slipping down the ladder, barely being relevant these days. Just like Crystal and Diamond, sitting on the sidelines. You're meant to be the biggest threat in this match because you've beaten all three of us, but you can wash that win you got over me down your fucking throat as well because that Konrad is dead and best forgotten.

I've grown to be more fucking dangerous than ever before, Derek. Go ahead, go and do your stupid preaches to god. Still, the only thing you'll be praying is not to be in a god damn hospital, covered with nothing but blood. Your body will be fucking mangled, especially when you vomited all over Kandis, which your fucking excuse was you ate a burrito. 

Who the fuck would be that fucking stupid to eat one of those before you had a wrestling match? Fuck sake Derek, I'm meant to take you seriously here and yet, you fuck about with that shit? You know how much I want to fuck you up after that, especially The Jackals expect me to do that, you stupid fuck.

So you see, you three are barely relevant to Supreme Championship Wrestling with your lack of consistency and barely showing up for shows. Nobody wants to see you three go for the Adrenaline title. If they see you win or lose, nobody is going to talk about you stupid fucks. Where I'm concerned, everyone will talk about Konrad Raab going for the Adrenaline title, whether it'll be against Cassidy Carter, Shilo Valiant, Datura or Holly Adams.

I don't give a fuck who it is. Still, the fact is all of you three are in the way of my goal of being a champion in Supreme Championship Wrestling because none of you three gives a fuck about growing yourselves as wrestlers. None of you cares about showing up every single week, and most importantly, nobody gives a fuck about the three of you. You three would be the most pathetic excuses of Adrenaline champions in history. They need a title contender that will be here all the time and will carry the Adrenaline title to the top. That's what I'll do, and you three won't do.

I got people behind me, haters and even The Jackals that I must win this match; I must be the one to give this match some relevance because I've never been more focused than ever to fuck the three of you up, and I'm going to take great pleasure of destroying you bitches fast. 

I'm fucking desperate for a title shot, most importantly, fucking desperate to go to the next PPV after Rise To Greatness and defend the Adrenaline title because I'm sick of being in the fucking shadows, I'm sick of being ignored for PPV title shots. That shit is not happening anymore. None of you wants this as much as I do, and I've never been more confident of winning this match either.

You three have no fucking chance, and it's all on me to get the job done because I'm The Iced GIMP, the horrible piece of shit that will go to any lengths to win this match. The Jackals will see me Rise To Greatness because I'm the best wrestler in this god damn match, and I will show you the real monster of Konrad Raab, along with my anger not restricting me to do whatever I fucking want. 

I love hearing you bitches scream in pain, and I love hearing you bitches be in pain. It will be fun when I am the next Adrenaline title contender and the next Adrenaline champion. I have faith in myself to because I have to be in the power of The Jackals. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Gimp as I will either pin you bitches with your blood covering my entire body, or I snap your fucking ankle to tap out."
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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RE: Crystal Zdunich vs. Diamond Steele vs. Konrad Raab vs. Derek Adonis - by Konrad Raab - 07-24-2021, 11:56 PM

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