06-19-2023, 11:26 PM
OOC: I did this for VWA and thought I'd share it here. It ties into stuff here because I am a stickler for continuity and details, but it shows different parts of things written for here. There's a lot of exposition you guys already know, but the VWA guys don't, so keep that in mind.
The last several years had treated Amy well. Her last match had been with SCW in 2019, a win over someone very familiar to not only herself, but also VWA – Andrew Raynes. Since then she's spent her retirement busying herself with her two passions – the New Horizon Foundation Women's Shelter, that she started in 2017; and BlackOut Academy, that was started in early 2019. The shelter has since helped hundreds, maybe a few thousands, of women escape dangerous and abusive relationships, a good number of them with their children. The academy has produced several stars into the wrestling business, including a handful of World Champions.
On the personal side (although business and personal was always mixed when it came to Amy's life), things had been just as well. Amy and her husband Wyatt were doing just fine, thanks, despite the reactions they got when it was made public that their marriage was an open one. She had been in a secondary relationship with Jason Helms for the last nearly five years. Wyatt had a few others here and there (including Jason's wife Aniya) but none had become as serious as Amy and Jason were. But everyone knew everything going on everyone approved, and things had gone smoothly for years.
Until last month, anyway.
Amy walks into a small locally owned grocery store, located about ten minutes away from her home. Despite the near-by location, it's been several years since she stepped foot into this particular store. But today it was necessary. Amy had just left the shelter, in something of a daze, and this was the only place that sold what she needed, where she felt comfortable buying it as a well-known name.
Amy grabs a buggy, even though she only plans on picking up a few items. She knows what she wants, but she's killing time to get there. Maybe if she walks through the whole store, she might change her mind. Amy shakes her head to herself as she goes slowly down the first aisle. Likely not.
Today was a shit day.
Its started being shit as soon as Amy woke up, because today marked exactly one month since Jason ended their relationship. It had hit Amy in the face like a brick, she never would have seen that coming – they'd had zero problems. But, there were apparently some problems between Jason and Aniya, his wife, and they'd mutually (or so he said but Amy suspects Jason had little choice in the matter) decided to close their marriage, end all outside relationships, and focus on each other. Rationally, Amy knew she couldn't be mad about that – she and Wyatt had the same clause, so to speak, in their agreement. If at any point one of them became uncomfortable or upset with the arrangement, it could be called off. Amy just never contemplating the idea that anyone in this arrangement would actually play that card. She'd told him she understood, and even told Wyatt she was fine. Upset, but fine. The truth though is that she was barely keeping her shit together.
Jason had been a trainer at the Academy for a few years, and he stayed one week after breaking the news to Amy that he and his wife were moving back to Los Angeles. He wanted to give the students notice. Amy appreciated that for their sake, but it made things exponentially harder for her. She had to go to work with a front, pretending everything was okay.
Amy shakes her head to herself again as she turns the corner to the next aisle. There's nothing in her buggy yet. She was still pretending. It was something she had always been good at – hiding from the world, and even those closest to her, what exactly was going through her head, what emotions she was feeling. It was a learned behavior from over twenty years ago when she hid from most people how badly her first husband treated her. Some skills born from trauma never go away, they just become adapted to new purposes. Amy had actually been rather proud of the way she handled herself the last time she saw Jason. It was at BOA, in her office, the morning he and Aniya were flying out...
Amy was in her office, looking over student applications for the upcoming summer class, when someone knocked, then came in without waiting for her to answer. Only one person did that, and Amy was surprised he'd still taken the liberty. She looked up from her computer.
He closed the door behind him, and locked it, also a normal thing to do for him, but odd since he'd ended their relationship.
“Yeah, hi... I hope it's okay that I came in?”
“Of course it is. I just didn't expect to see you today. Don't you have a flight?”
“Yeah, I do. But I couldn't leave without speaking with you one more time.”
Amy stood up from her seat and walked around her desk, then leaned on it. “Why? I thought we've both said what we needed to say Saturday.” That had been Jason's last day training.
“Maybe we did. Maybe I just wanted to see you before I leave.”
Amy crossed her arms, protectively against herself. “If you think there's gonna be some kind of last minute hook up, we already did that and-”
“No, no. That's not what this is. You know me, if it was I'd just point blank ask. No, that was done and I'm satisfied with it.” Amy had stayed the night at his place the day he broke up with her. She wasn't satisfied with any of this, but she had no choice in the matter. “I just wanted to see you. Say bye.”
Amy nodded. “Okay. I admit I'm glad you did.” She smiled.
Jason took a step forward and reached out for a hug. “Come here.”
Amy had no hesitation as she stepped up and let him wrap his arms around her, as she slid hers around his waist. She refused to allow herself to cry. Not again, not in front of him. Moments of the last five years flew through her mind – Jason helping her drunk ass back to her hotel room, making her smell and savor a coffee before drinking it the first time they slept together, the day Bree caught them kissing in a hallway at a fan event, tagging together in SCW, being there for each others' knee surgeries, dozens of nights spent together all mashed into one memory. There wouldn't be another, this moment, this hug, would be the last. Despite her refusal to herself, her breath caught in her throat and she couldn't stop the small sound that escaped, or the few tears from appearing. She reached up with one hand to get rid of the evidence. Jason pulled away and looked at her, she looked up and saw his eyes red, too.
“If this is the last time I'm gonna see you for a while, if ever... I need you to tell me the truth. You didn't have any choice in this, did you?”
Jason hesitated a moment, Amy could tell he didn't want to answer her. But, then he shook his head. “No... no, I didn't.” Amy took a deep breath and nodded. Aniya had played the card. “Don't be mad at Aniya, she had good reasons-”
“I'm not. I'm certain she did, and that they're none of my business. I just needed to know... if...” She needed to know that he wouldn't be leaving her if he had a choice. But she couldn't say it.
“I know. Words don't exist for me to say how sorry I am.” All Amy could do was nod, and swallow hard to keep herself in check. “Listen, this might not be a permanent thing. If... or rather when, because I have every intention of doing so... Nia and I work our shit out, maybe we-”
“No.” Amy shot him a glare. “Don't do that. Don't leave me with any grain of hope for something that we both know isn't going to happen.”
“You don't know that it won't.”
“Yes I do. I won't let it.” Jason gave her a surprised look. “I'm not playing any will we, won't we, back and forth games, Jase, I can't. You know damn well I am not emotionally stable enough for that. If you're really leaving today, leaving me... then this is it. I can't live with maybe.” It hurt her to say that, but it would have killed her if she kept expecting and hoping for him to come back, only for it to never happen.
“Alright, if that's how you need it to be, I respect that.” Jason placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Both had given up trying to hide their emotions and were red-eyed. “I need you to know that I love you, and I'm always going to.”
“I know. I'll always love you, too.”
Jason leaned in slow, giving her the chance to stop him if she wanted, but she didn't. His lips met hers, and they grabbed each others' face at the same time. The kiss lasted two or three long seconds before Jason broke away. He grinned at Amy, and rubbed her cheek dry with a thumb.
“I should go.”
“You should.” Amy backed away out of his grasp. She didn't trust herself. Noticing the condition of his face and reddened watery eyed, Amy grabbed a tissue from the box on her desk. “Here. You should...”
“Nah. I don't care. Let them see.”
Amy just smiled in reply, as Jason opened the door and stepped out. She followed, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, hugging herself. Jason turned after a few steps, and gave a big wave to the room – a few students were there. Everyone waved back. Amy just continued to watch, as he turned again and walked away to the door to the stairwell. She watched him disappear through it, certain n her heart that while they may speak again – text, phone – she would likely never see him again.
Amy realizes she's stopped in the middle of the aisle, gripping the handle of the buggy so hard her fingers are white. She makes herself ease her grip. So far, she'd only had contact with Jason once after he left – a text to let her know they made it home safe, and to suggest they go no contact for a while to make things easier. Amy didn't think anything would make it easier, but she agreed anyway because asked.
Amy makes herself continue walking down the aisle, this one was snacks. She glanced over the chips and pretzels, cookies and crackers. None of it appealed to her. She forced herself to try to think of something good. Something that was going right, that might snap her out of this mood and leave the store before buying anything. Immediately her mind went to two people, Wyatt of course... and her good friend Simon Lyman.
Amy smiled to herself at the thought of him. He was one of the first people to welcome her when she joined SCW. She quickly found out that he, too, was a recovering alcoholic, and their friendship grew from that shared experience. Many times one of them would call the other to talk them away from the bottle, almost like they were each other's sponsor. Simon was the first person Amy hired at BlackOut Academy to be a trainer alongside her. He was even now in a relationship with one of Amy's best friends, Nadine Hunter. HVW and VWA fans would remember her as a commentator and reporter. She was also Heath Lancaster's girlfriend at the time of his death, and had been pregnant at the time. That baby girl, Kayla, was now nearly 14 and got along well with Simon's daughter Angelina. In that respect, Simon was almost family.
A few weeks ago, maybe two months, she and Wyatt had an important conversation. A few years ago, Amy and Simon had a brief... affair, is the only word to call it. At the time Wyatt didn't care for the idea and essentially made her choose between them. Obviously she chose her husband. But Amy and Simon remained friends. He started seeing Nadine soon after Amy called things off. But time passed and things changed, and Wyatt didn't see Simon as the threat he once thought he was. He also had a request of Amy that he knew she would want something in return for – he wanted to start seeing another one of Amy's good friends, Bonnie Comeaux. She was one of Amy's first abuse survivors she helped and inspired the shelter. Wyatt had been instrumental in her ex's arrest – the man had been running from their house and Wyatt tackled him to the ground so the police could cuff him. The two had a certain kind of bond since then. Bonnie was now the Director of the shelter. Her daughter Carly was Loki's age and Amy was pretty sure the teens were dating. It was a big ask, with how close Amy and Bonnie's friendship is, but Amy made her ask in return, the one Wyatt had expected – allow her to see Simon again. And so the deal was made.
Amy smiles to herself in the store as she turns down the next aisle, still nothing in her buggy. That had come together shortly before Jason's exit, and Amy truly believes that if she didn't have both Wyatt and Simon to lean on, she would have broken down long before now. She thinks about calling Simon right now... but no. Maybe later.
Amy continues strolling slowly, passing a few other shoppers. One man seemed to recognize her and she gives him a smile and a nod. She forces herself to think of something else good, something positive. Work. SCW, and VWA. She'd come out of retirement, and already had a match in SCW, teaming with Simon. They'd lost, and Amy was upset about it but not enough to take the shine off the fact she'd done it at all. It had taken months for her to get cleared. Doctor visits and physical therapy and more doctors... and then finally, not long before VWA's comeback show, Heroes Never Die, Amy got her clearance. It was scheduled for just a few days before the SCW Pay Per View where she would be getting back into the ring. Amy knew she had to make a phone call... to Jude Lawson. And that changed all of his plans.
The VWA fans and roster had expected Amy to be at the show. She was the last VWA World Champion after all. August 28, 2016. The final VWA show – or so everyone thought at the time. VWA fans know the history, it doesn't need to be said. For the last near-seven years, Amy had been content and proud of her distinction as the FINAL VWA World Champion. She had to be at the reunion show, and so she was advertised.
What no one but herself, Jude Lawson, and Wyatt knew though – was that she was cleared. And she was ready and able to defend the championship. The fans had lost their shit. Some of the roster backstage greeted her with shocked faces and a warm welcome back. Others... were not as welcoming. Amy watched the 7th Circle of Hell with interest – the winner would be her challenger. Against all odds... that winner was Faith Lockheart.
After the show, in her hotel room, Amy and Wyatt – of course he went with her – sat in their hotel room relaxing, getting ready for bed. Amy was siting up in bed, propped up on pillows. Wyatt laid next to her, one arm under his pillow propping his head up a little.
“Okay, no one's around, we're relaxed... tell me. Are you really ready for all of this?”
“All of what?”
“This. VWA, the title. When you started trying to get cleared, it was for SCW, teaming up with Simon. Now you're here. Jude Lawson legitimized the last seven years as a real reign instead of just crowning a new champion, and you agreed to defend it. That's a lot for you, before you've even stepped foot back into a ring yet.”
Amy sighed. “Yeah, it's a lot. But what else could I do?”
“Stand your ground. This is something you never thought you'd be asked to do, or even wanted to do. I know it, you've said it countless times. You didn't have to agree to this.”
Amy turned to face her husband. “I don't think you understand how my conversation with Jude went. I wasn't asked and I agreed. I offered.”
Wyatt sat up. “What?”
“You're not wrong, okay? Over the years, I did say those things. And I meant it when I said it. I always felt VWA ended the way it was meant to. The three of us in that cage. I damn near killed myself and those two men to win the championship. I fucking earned it. But... no one thought VWA would ever come back. I was the last champion, I am medically cleared to compete. Don't you think it would go against everything I ever stood for if I tried to hide that from Jude? SCW is an international promotion, he'd have found out roughly fifteen seconds after my music hits Sunday night. No... I couldn't do that.”
Amy saw the understanding reach Wyatt's eyes halfway through her rant. “Guess I can't argue with that. You did stand your ground, the moral one.”
“But are you ready?”
Amy sat back against the headboard with a sigh. “I don't know. I'm ready for SCW Sunday. That's just a tag match. This? Defending a World Championship that just a few months ago I thought would never need to be defended? I don't know... no. Fuck Wyatt, I'm nearly forty-seven years old. Did you ever think I would be doing this at this age? I sure the fuck didn't!
Can't say that I did." Wyatt gave her that half grin.
"Then you understand I can't really answer that question. But... the match isn't for another two months. I have plenty of time to get ready. Shake off some rust in SCW.”
“At least you have a plan. As long as you're happy to do this, and you want to, I'm right behind you.”
“I know.” Amy smiled at her husband, then leaned over and kissed him. “You always are.”
Turning another corner, Amy finds the next aisle. This store isn't very large, so there's only one aisle left after this one... the one she's working her way towards. Amy reflects on the memory she just recalled. She hadn't felt completely ready for VWA that night, and here now, today, she feels even less ready than before. But the reason has nothing to do with wrestling. Instead, it involves a young woman named Annie, who called the shelter for help.
Amy stops where she is and recalls the young woman's face. Pretty, but timid. As most abused women were. Sweet, scared as a mouse when Amy first met her but found strength quickly the more she and Bonnie helped her. Amy absentmindedly picks up random items from the shelf, pretending to look at them, stalling, as she recalls the day she met Annie...
Amy had work to do today. A young woman named Annie had called the New Horizon Foundation's emergency crisis line in the middle of the night. Volunteers were sent to rescue her while her abuser wasn't home. Amy's task today? Get Annie settled in one of the shelter's three safehouses located spread out through the metro area. She was placed in Maplewood, so called after the street name it's on. But first, Annie needed supplies. The house was stocked with household items – dishes, pots, bedsheets, bath towels, the linens all new. But Annie had arrived with just the clothes on her back and $17 in her wallet. So, Amy took Annie to a large room on the first floor of the shelter, they called the donation closet. It resembled a small thrift store, filled with clothes, shoes, purses, hats, blankets, children's toys, books... all of it donated. Each woman entering the shelter had access to this room and choice of anything she needed or wanted. Many came with little or nothing, just like Annie.
“Wow, this room is amazing.”
“It's actually a little understocked right now, donations have been slim lately.”
“No, no... it's wonderful. I can't believe you do all of this. I had no idea...”
Amy gently led the young brunette into the room, to the clothes section first. “Everything is organized by size, and item. You can take anything you want.”
Annie pawed through one rack. “Anything?”
“Anything and everything. That's what its here for, to make you as comfortable as possible.” Annie smiled as she dug through the racks, pulling out t-shirts and jeans and long skirts. “If you want to talk, I'm here to listen.” Annie looked up sharply. “But if you don't, that's okay, too.” Annie smiled, then went back to the clothes. After a minute or so of only discussing the clothes, Amy assumed Annie didn't want to talk about her experience. But then...
“I couldn't have ever worn something like this.” Annie held up a mustard yellow halter top. Not especially skimpy, just with no sleeves. “Not that he wouldn't let me, just that it would show too much.” Amy didn't have to ask, she knew Annie meant bruises. Annie though pushed her sleeve up and showed it to Amy. There were deep purple bruises in the shape of finger tips. Neither woman said anything as Annie put her sleeve back down. “But I like this color. I could put a shirt or jacket over it.” She tucked it into the handbasket Amy had given her.
“Or, you can wear it when those go away. We'll make sure you don't get any more.”
Annie smiled. “Right... I almost forgot I left. I won't.... he can't....” Annie covered her face with her free hand, crying.
“Is it okay if I give you a hug?” One of the first things Amy teaches her volunteers – always get consent for physical touch. Most of these women haven't had that choice in a long time. Annie nodded, and Amy wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “I know, it's big. It's a huge decision you made for yourself, and I know you may be scared, but it's only going to get better from here.”
Annie nodded, and sniffled. “I know. I know, and I can't thank you enough, Ms. Amy. Yeah, I'm scared about leaving, I have no family around here. No job, no money. But I'll never be as scared as I was last night...”
“Not again, you won't.”
Annie went on to choose more items. Two pairs of shoes, a crocheted blanket that reminded her of one she left behind. Amy got a few more details about the kinds of things Annie's husband Kirk would do. Amy can't help but be reminded of herself, twenty-odd years ago. Even more so when Annie gave more details and some of them were things her ex used to do, too. Amy promised herself that she would do everything in her power to make sure this woman was safe. Kirk hadn't put Annie in the hospital yet, like Blane did to her, and she was going to make damn sure it never happened.
Amy realizes she's been holding a bottle of olive oil for the last few minutes. She shakes her head at herself and puts it back. Annie had been doing so well. Amy had found her an office job, so she could save money. It wasn't public facing so her ex wouldn't have a chance to find her. The shelter's legal team got an order of protection against Kirk. They were in the process of drawing up charges. Annie had been saving money from her job so she could move to Texas, with an aunt that offered to take her in. Everything was going so well... if only Annie hadn't been pregnant.
Amy tried to talk Annie out of contacting Kirk to tell him. She explained what happened to her with Blane when she was pregnant with Jaina; how he'd changed during the pregnancy but not even a month after Jaina was born, he'd gone back to old ways. Amy saw the look in Annie's eyes and thought she understood, thought she'd gotten through to her.
But then Annie called Amy....
“I'm going to meet with Kirk, and tell him about the baby.”
“Annie... I can't stress to you enough how bad of an idea that is.”
“I know you think so, and I know what happened to you, but I wouldn't feel right not even giving him a chance to change. You gave your husband a chance.”
“Yes, I did... and he nearly killed me for it.”
“He's never tried to go that far. I have to give him the chance, please tell me you understand that.”
“I do... it's still a terrible idea. Let me go with you. Or Bonnie. Anyone.”
“No... he won't talk to me if I'm not alone.”
“Don't you see how dangerous that is??”
“We're meeting in a public place, he can't do anything.”
“I'll be fine, I promise. I'll call you after.”
“Annie, where-”
But Annie ended the call.
Amy never heard from her again.
This morning, police called the shelter with news. Annie was dead. She was found at her husbands house, with a broken neck and stab wounds in the abdomen. Kirk did not want to be a father.
Amy leans on the buggy handle as she recalls hearing the news less than an hour ago. Bonnie took the call, relayed the message. Amy had to leave the shelter. She couldn't let the women there see her this upset. They'd want to know what happened, they would guess it was Annie because some of them knew she hadn't been heard from. Then they'd know how badly Amy had failed. She let Annie down, she let Bonnie down, she let the entire shelter down. She tried to talk to her, tried to convince her to stay away from that man, tried to save her... but it wasn't enough. She didn't try hard enough to convince her, she didn't stop her from meeting with him, she.... simply failed. Instead of protecting Annie from Kirk putting her into the hospital, Amy had failed to protect her from Kirk putting her into the morgue. Amy takes a deep breath with her eyes closed. There were people around shopping and she had to compose herself. Public, Amy, you're in public.
Amy had failed before, but never this badly. A woman was dead because Amy couldn't do her job. And all of the good things Amy had going on in her life – SCW, VWA, the BOA students, Wyatt, Simon – couldn't balance out the horrible. Jason had left her. And Annie was dead. The pretty young woman who had reminded her so much of herself.
Forcing herself to breathe normally, Amy makes the turn to the last aisle. She had always known she was making her way back here. Going up and down every aisle had been a mind trick, to see if she could talk herself out of what she came here to buy. Instead she had only convinced herself even more that because she had so massively fucked up with Annie, this wouldn't be so big of a deal. It would be easy to turn away from this aisle right now, forget she ever came into this store and go home.
But she can't.
Amy quickly grabs one item from the shelf, then one item from the cooler along the wall. She abandons the buggy right there and strides up to the register. It's been several years since she's been to this particular store, she used to be a regular. Amy is pretty sure the blonde cashier is the same one from years ago. The blonde does a double take as Amy puts her items on the counter. She says nothing though. Amy is sure the woman recognizes her. Maybe if the blonde had said something, anything, acknowledging that she knew who Amy was, she would have stopped and left the items there and walked out empty-handed. Instead, neither woman speaks, the blonde didn't even say the total out loud, as Amy completes her purchase. The blonde double-bags the items, and Amy grabs it without looking at the blonde in the eyes, or saying one solitary word.
The OJ and amaretto would go down like medicine, as soon as she gets home.
{{ Tuesday, May 9
New Orleans }}
New Orleans }}
The last several years had treated Amy well. Her last match had been with SCW in 2019, a win over someone very familiar to not only herself, but also VWA – Andrew Raynes. Since then she's spent her retirement busying herself with her two passions – the New Horizon Foundation Women's Shelter, that she started in 2017; and BlackOut Academy, that was started in early 2019. The shelter has since helped hundreds, maybe a few thousands, of women escape dangerous and abusive relationships, a good number of them with their children. The academy has produced several stars into the wrestling business, including a handful of World Champions.
On the personal side (although business and personal was always mixed when it came to Amy's life), things had been just as well. Amy and her husband Wyatt were doing just fine, thanks, despite the reactions they got when it was made public that their marriage was an open one. She had been in a secondary relationship with Jason Helms for the last nearly five years. Wyatt had a few others here and there (including Jason's wife Aniya) but none had become as serious as Amy and Jason were. But everyone knew everything going on everyone approved, and things had gone smoothly for years.
Until last month, anyway.
Amy walks into a small locally owned grocery store, located about ten minutes away from her home. Despite the near-by location, it's been several years since she stepped foot into this particular store. But today it was necessary. Amy had just left the shelter, in something of a daze, and this was the only place that sold what she needed, where she felt comfortable buying it as a well-known name.
Amy grabs a buggy, even though she only plans on picking up a few items. She knows what she wants, but she's killing time to get there. Maybe if she walks through the whole store, she might change her mind. Amy shakes her head to herself as she goes slowly down the first aisle. Likely not.
Today was a shit day.
Its started being shit as soon as Amy woke up, because today marked exactly one month since Jason ended their relationship. It had hit Amy in the face like a brick, she never would have seen that coming – they'd had zero problems. But, there were apparently some problems between Jason and Aniya, his wife, and they'd mutually (or so he said but Amy suspects Jason had little choice in the matter) decided to close their marriage, end all outside relationships, and focus on each other. Rationally, Amy knew she couldn't be mad about that – she and Wyatt had the same clause, so to speak, in their agreement. If at any point one of them became uncomfortable or upset with the arrangement, it could be called off. Amy just never contemplating the idea that anyone in this arrangement would actually play that card. She'd told him she understood, and even told Wyatt she was fine. Upset, but fine. The truth though is that she was barely keeping her shit together.
Jason had been a trainer at the Academy for a few years, and he stayed one week after breaking the news to Amy that he and his wife were moving back to Los Angeles. He wanted to give the students notice. Amy appreciated that for their sake, but it made things exponentially harder for her. She had to go to work with a front, pretending everything was okay.
Amy shakes her head to herself again as she turns the corner to the next aisle. There's nothing in her buggy yet. She was still pretending. It was something she had always been good at – hiding from the world, and even those closest to her, what exactly was going through her head, what emotions she was feeling. It was a learned behavior from over twenty years ago when she hid from most people how badly her first husband treated her. Some skills born from trauma never go away, they just become adapted to new purposes. Amy had actually been rather proud of the way she handled herself the last time she saw Jason. It was at BOA, in her office, the morning he and Aniya were flying out...
* * * * * * * * * *
{{ Monday, April 17
BlackOut Academy }}
{{ Monday, April 17
BlackOut Academy }}
Amy was in her office, looking over student applications for the upcoming summer class, when someone knocked, then came in without waiting for her to answer. Only one person did that, and Amy was surprised he'd still taken the liberty. She looked up from her computer.
He closed the door behind him, and locked it, also a normal thing to do for him, but odd since he'd ended their relationship.
“Yeah, hi... I hope it's okay that I came in?”
“Of course it is. I just didn't expect to see you today. Don't you have a flight?”
“Yeah, I do. But I couldn't leave without speaking with you one more time.”
Amy stood up from her seat and walked around her desk, then leaned on it. “Why? I thought we've both said what we needed to say Saturday.” That had been Jason's last day training.
“Maybe we did. Maybe I just wanted to see you before I leave.”
Amy crossed her arms, protectively against herself. “If you think there's gonna be some kind of last minute hook up, we already did that and-”
“No, no. That's not what this is. You know me, if it was I'd just point blank ask. No, that was done and I'm satisfied with it.” Amy had stayed the night at his place the day he broke up with her. She wasn't satisfied with any of this, but she had no choice in the matter. “I just wanted to see you. Say bye.”
Amy nodded. “Okay. I admit I'm glad you did.” She smiled.
Jason took a step forward and reached out for a hug. “Come here.”
Amy had no hesitation as she stepped up and let him wrap his arms around her, as she slid hers around his waist. She refused to allow herself to cry. Not again, not in front of him. Moments of the last five years flew through her mind – Jason helping her drunk ass back to her hotel room, making her smell and savor a coffee before drinking it the first time they slept together, the day Bree caught them kissing in a hallway at a fan event, tagging together in SCW, being there for each others' knee surgeries, dozens of nights spent together all mashed into one memory. There wouldn't be another, this moment, this hug, would be the last. Despite her refusal to herself, her breath caught in her throat and she couldn't stop the small sound that escaped, or the few tears from appearing. She reached up with one hand to get rid of the evidence. Jason pulled away and looked at her, she looked up and saw his eyes red, too.
“If this is the last time I'm gonna see you for a while, if ever... I need you to tell me the truth. You didn't have any choice in this, did you?”
Jason hesitated a moment, Amy could tell he didn't want to answer her. But, then he shook his head. “No... no, I didn't.” Amy took a deep breath and nodded. Aniya had played the card. “Don't be mad at Aniya, she had good reasons-”
“I'm not. I'm certain she did, and that they're none of my business. I just needed to know... if...” She needed to know that he wouldn't be leaving her if he had a choice. But she couldn't say it.
“I know. Words don't exist for me to say how sorry I am.” All Amy could do was nod, and swallow hard to keep herself in check. “Listen, this might not be a permanent thing. If... or rather when, because I have every intention of doing so... Nia and I work our shit out, maybe we-”
“No.” Amy shot him a glare. “Don't do that. Don't leave me with any grain of hope for something that we both know isn't going to happen.”
“You don't know that it won't.”
“Yes I do. I won't let it.” Jason gave her a surprised look. “I'm not playing any will we, won't we, back and forth games, Jase, I can't. You know damn well I am not emotionally stable enough for that. If you're really leaving today, leaving me... then this is it. I can't live with maybe.” It hurt her to say that, but it would have killed her if she kept expecting and hoping for him to come back, only for it to never happen.
“Alright, if that's how you need it to be, I respect that.” Jason placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Both had given up trying to hide their emotions and were red-eyed. “I need you to know that I love you, and I'm always going to.”
“I know. I'll always love you, too.”
Jason leaned in slow, giving her the chance to stop him if she wanted, but she didn't. His lips met hers, and they grabbed each others' face at the same time. The kiss lasted two or three long seconds before Jason broke away. He grinned at Amy, and rubbed her cheek dry with a thumb.
“I should go.”
“You should.” Amy backed away out of his grasp. She didn't trust herself. Noticing the condition of his face and reddened watery eyed, Amy grabbed a tissue from the box on her desk. “Here. You should...”
“Nah. I don't care. Let them see.”
Amy just smiled in reply, as Jason opened the door and stepped out. She followed, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, hugging herself. Jason turned after a few steps, and gave a big wave to the room – a few students were there. Everyone waved back. Amy just continued to watch, as he turned again and walked away to the door to the stairwell. She watched him disappear through it, certain n her heart that while they may speak again – text, phone – she would likely never see him again.
* * * * * * * * * *
Amy realizes she's stopped in the middle of the aisle, gripping the handle of the buggy so hard her fingers are white. She makes herself ease her grip. So far, she'd only had contact with Jason once after he left – a text to let her know they made it home safe, and to suggest they go no contact for a while to make things easier. Amy didn't think anything would make it easier, but she agreed anyway because asked.
Amy makes herself continue walking down the aisle, this one was snacks. She glanced over the chips and pretzels, cookies and crackers. None of it appealed to her. She forced herself to try to think of something good. Something that was going right, that might snap her out of this mood and leave the store before buying anything. Immediately her mind went to two people, Wyatt of course... and her good friend Simon Lyman.
Amy smiled to herself at the thought of him. He was one of the first people to welcome her when she joined SCW. She quickly found out that he, too, was a recovering alcoholic, and their friendship grew from that shared experience. Many times one of them would call the other to talk them away from the bottle, almost like they were each other's sponsor. Simon was the first person Amy hired at BlackOut Academy to be a trainer alongside her. He was even now in a relationship with one of Amy's best friends, Nadine Hunter. HVW and VWA fans would remember her as a commentator and reporter. She was also Heath Lancaster's girlfriend at the time of his death, and had been pregnant at the time. That baby girl, Kayla, was now nearly 14 and got along well with Simon's daughter Angelina. In that respect, Simon was almost family.
A few weeks ago, maybe two months, she and Wyatt had an important conversation. A few years ago, Amy and Simon had a brief... affair, is the only word to call it. At the time Wyatt didn't care for the idea and essentially made her choose between them. Obviously she chose her husband. But Amy and Simon remained friends. He started seeing Nadine soon after Amy called things off. But time passed and things changed, and Wyatt didn't see Simon as the threat he once thought he was. He also had a request of Amy that he knew she would want something in return for – he wanted to start seeing another one of Amy's good friends, Bonnie Comeaux. She was one of Amy's first abuse survivors she helped and inspired the shelter. Wyatt had been instrumental in her ex's arrest – the man had been running from their house and Wyatt tackled him to the ground so the police could cuff him. The two had a certain kind of bond since then. Bonnie was now the Director of the shelter. Her daughter Carly was Loki's age and Amy was pretty sure the teens were dating. It was a big ask, with how close Amy and Bonnie's friendship is, but Amy made her ask in return, the one Wyatt had expected – allow her to see Simon again. And so the deal was made.
Amy smiles to herself in the store as she turns down the next aisle, still nothing in her buggy. That had come together shortly before Jason's exit, and Amy truly believes that if she didn't have both Wyatt and Simon to lean on, she would have broken down long before now. She thinks about calling Simon right now... but no. Maybe later.
Amy continues strolling slowly, passing a few other shoppers. One man seemed to recognize her and she gives him a smile and a nod. She forces herself to think of something else good, something positive. Work. SCW, and VWA. She'd come out of retirement, and already had a match in SCW, teaming with Simon. They'd lost, and Amy was upset about it but not enough to take the shine off the fact she'd done it at all. It had taken months for her to get cleared. Doctor visits and physical therapy and more doctors... and then finally, not long before VWA's comeback show, Heroes Never Die, Amy got her clearance. It was scheduled for just a few days before the SCW Pay Per View where she would be getting back into the ring. Amy knew she had to make a phone call... to Jude Lawson. And that changed all of his plans.
* * * * * * * * * *
{{ Thursday, April 20
Toronto }}
{{ Thursday, April 20
Toronto }}
The VWA fans and roster had expected Amy to be at the show. She was the last VWA World Champion after all. August 28, 2016. The final VWA show – or so everyone thought at the time. VWA fans know the history, it doesn't need to be said. For the last near-seven years, Amy had been content and proud of her distinction as the FINAL VWA World Champion. She had to be at the reunion show, and so she was advertised.
What no one but herself, Jude Lawson, and Wyatt knew though – was that she was cleared. And she was ready and able to defend the championship. The fans had lost their shit. Some of the roster backstage greeted her with shocked faces and a warm welcome back. Others... were not as welcoming. Amy watched the 7th Circle of Hell with interest – the winner would be her challenger. Against all odds... that winner was Faith Lockheart.
After the show, in her hotel room, Amy and Wyatt – of course he went with her – sat in their hotel room relaxing, getting ready for bed. Amy was siting up in bed, propped up on pillows. Wyatt laid next to her, one arm under his pillow propping his head up a little.
“Okay, no one's around, we're relaxed... tell me. Are you really ready for all of this?”
“All of what?”
“This. VWA, the title. When you started trying to get cleared, it was for SCW, teaming up with Simon. Now you're here. Jude Lawson legitimized the last seven years as a real reign instead of just crowning a new champion, and you agreed to defend it. That's a lot for you, before you've even stepped foot back into a ring yet.”
Amy sighed. “Yeah, it's a lot. But what else could I do?”
“Stand your ground. This is something you never thought you'd be asked to do, or even wanted to do. I know it, you've said it countless times. You didn't have to agree to this.”
Amy turned to face her husband. “I don't think you understand how my conversation with Jude went. I wasn't asked and I agreed. I offered.”
Wyatt sat up. “What?”
“You're not wrong, okay? Over the years, I did say those things. And I meant it when I said it. I always felt VWA ended the way it was meant to. The three of us in that cage. I damn near killed myself and those two men to win the championship. I fucking earned it. But... no one thought VWA would ever come back. I was the last champion, I am medically cleared to compete. Don't you think it would go against everything I ever stood for if I tried to hide that from Jude? SCW is an international promotion, he'd have found out roughly fifteen seconds after my music hits Sunday night. No... I couldn't do that.”
Amy saw the understanding reach Wyatt's eyes halfway through her rant. “Guess I can't argue with that. You did stand your ground, the moral one.”
“But are you ready?”
Amy sat back against the headboard with a sigh. “I don't know. I'm ready for SCW Sunday. That's just a tag match. This? Defending a World Championship that just a few months ago I thought would never need to be defended? I don't know... no. Fuck Wyatt, I'm nearly forty-seven years old. Did you ever think I would be doing this at this age? I sure the fuck didn't!
Can't say that I did." Wyatt gave her that half grin.
"Then you understand I can't really answer that question. But... the match isn't for another two months. I have plenty of time to get ready. Shake off some rust in SCW.”
“At least you have a plan. As long as you're happy to do this, and you want to, I'm right behind you.”
“I know.” Amy smiled at her husband, then leaned over and kissed him. “You always are.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Turning another corner, Amy finds the next aisle. This store isn't very large, so there's only one aisle left after this one... the one she's working her way towards. Amy reflects on the memory she just recalled. She hadn't felt completely ready for VWA that night, and here now, today, she feels even less ready than before. But the reason has nothing to do with wrestling. Instead, it involves a young woman named Annie, who called the shelter for help.
Amy stops where she is and recalls the young woman's face. Pretty, but timid. As most abused women were. Sweet, scared as a mouse when Amy first met her but found strength quickly the more she and Bonnie helped her. Amy absentmindedly picks up random items from the shelf, pretending to look at them, stalling, as she recalls the day she met Annie...
* * * * * * * * * *
{{ Thursday, March 9
New Orleans }}
{{ Thursday, March 9
New Orleans }}
Amy had work to do today. A young woman named Annie had called the New Horizon Foundation's emergency crisis line in the middle of the night. Volunteers were sent to rescue her while her abuser wasn't home. Amy's task today? Get Annie settled in one of the shelter's three safehouses located spread out through the metro area. She was placed in Maplewood, so called after the street name it's on. But first, Annie needed supplies. The house was stocked with household items – dishes, pots, bedsheets, bath towels, the linens all new. But Annie had arrived with just the clothes on her back and $17 in her wallet. So, Amy took Annie to a large room on the first floor of the shelter, they called the donation closet. It resembled a small thrift store, filled with clothes, shoes, purses, hats, blankets, children's toys, books... all of it donated. Each woman entering the shelter had access to this room and choice of anything she needed or wanted. Many came with little or nothing, just like Annie.
“Wow, this room is amazing.”
“It's actually a little understocked right now, donations have been slim lately.”
“No, no... it's wonderful. I can't believe you do all of this. I had no idea...”
Amy gently led the young brunette into the room, to the clothes section first. “Everything is organized by size, and item. You can take anything you want.”
Annie pawed through one rack. “Anything?”
“Anything and everything. That's what its here for, to make you as comfortable as possible.” Annie smiled as she dug through the racks, pulling out t-shirts and jeans and long skirts. “If you want to talk, I'm here to listen.” Annie looked up sharply. “But if you don't, that's okay, too.” Annie smiled, then went back to the clothes. After a minute or so of only discussing the clothes, Amy assumed Annie didn't want to talk about her experience. But then...
“I couldn't have ever worn something like this.” Annie held up a mustard yellow halter top. Not especially skimpy, just with no sleeves. “Not that he wouldn't let me, just that it would show too much.” Amy didn't have to ask, she knew Annie meant bruises. Annie though pushed her sleeve up and showed it to Amy. There were deep purple bruises in the shape of finger tips. Neither woman said anything as Annie put her sleeve back down. “But I like this color. I could put a shirt or jacket over it.” She tucked it into the handbasket Amy had given her.
“Or, you can wear it when those go away. We'll make sure you don't get any more.”
Annie smiled. “Right... I almost forgot I left. I won't.... he can't....” Annie covered her face with her free hand, crying.
“Is it okay if I give you a hug?” One of the first things Amy teaches her volunteers – always get consent for physical touch. Most of these women haven't had that choice in a long time. Annie nodded, and Amy wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “I know, it's big. It's a huge decision you made for yourself, and I know you may be scared, but it's only going to get better from here.”
Annie nodded, and sniffled. “I know. I know, and I can't thank you enough, Ms. Amy. Yeah, I'm scared about leaving, I have no family around here. No job, no money. But I'll never be as scared as I was last night...”
“Not again, you won't.”
Annie went on to choose more items. Two pairs of shoes, a crocheted blanket that reminded her of one she left behind. Amy got a few more details about the kinds of things Annie's husband Kirk would do. Amy can't help but be reminded of herself, twenty-odd years ago. Even more so when Annie gave more details and some of them were things her ex used to do, too. Amy promised herself that she would do everything in her power to make sure this woman was safe. Kirk hadn't put Annie in the hospital yet, like Blane did to her, and she was going to make damn sure it never happened.
* * * * * * * * * *
Amy realizes she's been holding a bottle of olive oil for the last few minutes. She shakes her head at herself and puts it back. Annie had been doing so well. Amy had found her an office job, so she could save money. It wasn't public facing so her ex wouldn't have a chance to find her. The shelter's legal team got an order of protection against Kirk. They were in the process of drawing up charges. Annie had been saving money from her job so she could move to Texas, with an aunt that offered to take her in. Everything was going so well... if only Annie hadn't been pregnant.
Amy tried to talk Annie out of contacting Kirk to tell him. She explained what happened to her with Blane when she was pregnant with Jaina; how he'd changed during the pregnancy but not even a month after Jaina was born, he'd gone back to old ways. Amy saw the look in Annie's eyes and thought she understood, thought she'd gotten through to her.
But then Annie called Amy....
“I'm going to meet with Kirk, and tell him about the baby.”
“Annie... I can't stress to you enough how bad of an idea that is.”
“I know you think so, and I know what happened to you, but I wouldn't feel right not even giving him a chance to change. You gave your husband a chance.”
“Yes, I did... and he nearly killed me for it.”
“He's never tried to go that far. I have to give him the chance, please tell me you understand that.”
“I do... it's still a terrible idea. Let me go with you. Or Bonnie. Anyone.”
“No... he won't talk to me if I'm not alone.”
“Don't you see how dangerous that is??”
“We're meeting in a public place, he can't do anything.”
“I'll be fine, I promise. I'll call you after.”
“Annie, where-”
But Annie ended the call.
Amy never heard from her again.
This morning, police called the shelter with news. Annie was dead. She was found at her husbands house, with a broken neck and stab wounds in the abdomen. Kirk did not want to be a father.
Amy leans on the buggy handle as she recalls hearing the news less than an hour ago. Bonnie took the call, relayed the message. Amy had to leave the shelter. She couldn't let the women there see her this upset. They'd want to know what happened, they would guess it was Annie because some of them knew she hadn't been heard from. Then they'd know how badly Amy had failed. She let Annie down, she let Bonnie down, she let the entire shelter down. She tried to talk to her, tried to convince her to stay away from that man, tried to save her... but it wasn't enough. She didn't try hard enough to convince her, she didn't stop her from meeting with him, she.... simply failed. Instead of protecting Annie from Kirk putting her into the hospital, Amy had failed to protect her from Kirk putting her into the morgue. Amy takes a deep breath with her eyes closed. There were people around shopping and she had to compose herself. Public, Amy, you're in public.
Amy had failed before, but never this badly. A woman was dead because Amy couldn't do her job. And all of the good things Amy had going on in her life – SCW, VWA, the BOA students, Wyatt, Simon – couldn't balance out the horrible. Jason had left her. And Annie was dead. The pretty young woman who had reminded her so much of herself.
Forcing herself to breathe normally, Amy makes the turn to the last aisle. She had always known she was making her way back here. Going up and down every aisle had been a mind trick, to see if she could talk herself out of what she came here to buy. Instead she had only convinced herself even more that because she had so massively fucked up with Annie, this wouldn't be so big of a deal. It would be easy to turn away from this aisle right now, forget she ever came into this store and go home.
But she can't.
Amy quickly grabs one item from the shelf, then one item from the cooler along the wall. She abandons the buggy right there and strides up to the register. It's been several years since she's been to this particular store, she used to be a regular. Amy is pretty sure the blonde cashier is the same one from years ago. The blonde does a double take as Amy puts her items on the counter. She says nothing though. Amy is sure the woman recognizes her. Maybe if the blonde had said something, anything, acknowledging that she knew who Amy was, she would have stopped and left the items there and walked out empty-handed. Instead, neither woman speaks, the blonde didn't even say the total out loud, as Amy completes her purchase. The blonde double-bags the items, and Amy grabs it without looking at the blonde in the eyes, or saying one solitary word.
The OJ and amaretto would go down like medicine, as soon as she gets home.
![[Image: Bree2022.png]](http://www.hardygirl.net/graphics/Bree2022.png)
SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion
(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion
~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15
1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion
Total (All Characters):