Kimberly Williams vs. James Evans
SCW Underground Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

No word limits in play

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, January 20, 2024
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
January 14th, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

Deep in the heart of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, the nightlife seems to be fairly normal. The dimly lit streets, streetlamps create shadows upon the sidewalk and barely penetrate the darkness of the city. The moon shines high overhead but one can barely tell. The city is practically empty with the exception of the one or two lone drunks going to a bar or leaving to go home. Police vehicles patrol the area looking for signs of disturbance. Is everything appears to be normal but this is not the case. Something is different, something is off, and it is about to reveal itself soon.

There is one flickering light hanging over a bus stop. The shelter of this particular bus stop does not provide much protection but for the homeless individual seated on the plastic seat, it does the job. His torn brown jacket, stained tattered short, and jeans create an image of a sad individual with a sad story. Off in the not too distance is the all too familiar Waffle House logo sign. This homeless individual had just come from there but now waits here. His wais isn’t long as a bus slowly pulls up, coming to a slow and safe stop in front of the bus stop. The door of the bus opens and the driver is heard shouting at someone from within “Last stop!”

“I heard ya the first time, ya grouch!” The voice belongs to Kimberly Williams and, sure enough, it isn’t long before the demented ginger can be seen skipping her way to the door. Williams is wearing torn denim jeans, black boots, a German colored t-shirt with Konrad Raab’s face plastered on the front with the word “Oktoberfest” on the front, and a Queens of Chaos logo black leather jacket. “The wheels on the bus go ‘round and round! Round and round! Round and round! The wheels on the bus go ‘round and round ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY!” She sings happily and cheerfully.

“And if I have to hear one more verse of that song I am gonna kill ya!” The angry bus driver threatens. Kim turns and sticks her tongue out at the driver. In response, the driver flips the double bird to Kim. The eccentric ginger giggles and waves happily before hopping off of the bus. Kim approaches the homeless man. She tilts her head to one side and studies him carefully. Then she points back at the bus.

“He’s really grouchy this evening. Do ya really wanna get on that bus with him, Charlie?”

“That’s the typical arrangement, young lady.” The homeless man, whose name is apparently Charlie, answers back. Kim shrugs as she reaches into her pockets and produces a wad of cash. She hands it to Charlie.

“Here ya go! Have a blast! And buy yourself a whiskey while you’re at it!”

“Thank you, Kimberly.” Charlie says. He slowly stands up and approaches the bus. Kim waves her goodbyes. Charlie waves at her. The bus driver just flips her off again. Kim continues to wave goodbye while Charlie gets onto the bus. The door shuts behind him and then she watches as the bus drives away, leaving Kim alone at this bus stop in Baltimore, Maryland.

Therein lies the real mystery here; why is Kimberly Williams this far from her home in Boston, Massachusetts? It really makes little to no sense. Her personal life has been dominated lately by her nephew, Sean Connor Jones, whom she has had to take care of in the absence of her twin sister, Sean’s mother Marie Annabelle Jones. Marie had left to rejoin the Inner Peace Enlightenment cult and Kim was forced to step up and take care of Sean. But then Marie returned home. She left the cult. Still, despite this joyous occasion, Kim was not fully ready or satisfied that Marie was ready to take up the full responsibility of parenting Sean. The Woman Scorned cares deeply for her nephew and would not leave his or his mother’s side until she was convinced that Marie was prepared for such a task. The thing is, Kim is not convinced. Not yet anyway. She is not ready to trust Marie with the care and responsibility of Sean’s well being. And yet Kim has left Boston, left Sean in the full care of Marie, just to travel down to Baltimore. Why would she leave Sean in the care of her sister, whom she isn’t fully ready to trust yet? What is so important for Kim to take what she believes is quite the risk?

One could also point to the risk she is running with her professional career. SCW Body, Heart, and Soul is one week away and it is taking place in her hometown of Boston, Massachusetts. She gets her rematch against James Evans for the Underground Championship and she has the homefield advantage in more ways than one. The fans in attendance will solidly be behind her, cheering her on. Equally as important is the lack of travel. Kim doesn’t have to drive any long distances or catch any flights. She is already in town for her big championship match against James. She has the full week to train and prepare without having to worry about travel arrangements. And yet she has intentionally taken away some of that preparation time just to travel to Baltimore. The SCW Underground Championship means everything to Kim. But something here in Baltimore must be just as important to her for her to make this kind of risk. Why? What is it that brings The Woman Scorned to Baltimore, Maryland just one week away from a huge championship rematch?

Kimberly casts a glance at the Waffle House sign off in the distance. She smirks and begins to make her way, with a bit of a skip in her step, in the direction of this famous establishment. The Woman Scorned whistles as she goes, with little care in the world as to what might be going on around her or what is about to happen one week from now at Body, Heart, and Soul. Defeating James Evans and regaining her Underground Championship for a record tying fifth time is important, make no mistake about that, but this is a different animal altogether. Whatever the reason is that brings her here, it has brought a sense of solace and contentment to The Woman Scorned.

It doesn’t take long before Williams makes her way to the front of the restaurant, this Waffle House. Kim gently pushes on the door to open it and gain access. She steps across the threshold into the warm, inviting atmosphere of this establishment. It is quiet inside, with the only real sound coming from sizzling grills and just a few chatter of the other customers inside. Almost every other customer in this restaurant (and there are very few) are seated on seats at the counter. But there is one individual sitting in a booth on the far side of the Waffle House. He has brown hair and appears to be in his early or mid-forties. This man is wearing a plaid button up shirt, a brown leather jacket, denim jeans, and sneakers. Kim points at him and starts skipping in his direction. He looks up in time to see Kim standing over him and waving playfully.

“Lawrence! Lawrence of Arabia! How ya doin’?”

“Larry.” The man says, correcting Kim. “You know I hate that pet name you gave me.”

“Most people hate the pet names I give them.” Kim admits with a nod of her head. “I mean, I don’t get it. I thought DeeDee McFrosty was a cool name but apparently Deanna Frost hated it.” She motions to her Konrad t-shirt. “But Oktoberfest loves his name!”

“Isn’t he a little psychotic in his own right?”

“True but that’s what’s great about him!” Kim exclaims happily.

“If you say so.” Larry sighs and motions for Kim to sit. “Please, sit down.” She nods her head and then sits down across from him. “You’re late.”

“Blame the bus driver. He kept stopping to pick up people and let people off…”

“That’s what bus drivers do.”

“Ok, well I’m sure all that yelling at me to quit singing slowed us down some.”

“And that would be your fault.” Larry says, pointing an accusatory finger at Kim.

“Me? Why is it my fault?”

“Have you met yourself?”

“Nooooo…” Kim grins “...but I hear I’m a barrel of laughs!”

Larry sighs and shakes his head. One of the servers at this Waffle House stops by their booth. It is a middle aged woman with black hair wearing a Waffle House uniform. She is carrying a coffee pot and uses it to refill Larry’s cup of coffee. In her other hand she has a cup of coffee, black. She places it in front of Kimberly.

“Your usual, Kimmy.”

“Thanks, Babs!” Kim playfully salutes the waitress. She walks away. Kim then turns back to face Larry who has his hand over his mouth. It doesn’t take long for Kim to figure out what’s wrong.

“You’re laughing.”

“Yes, yes I am.” Larry says, finally giving up on trying to contain himself. He starts laughing. “I just realized the humor in all of this.”

“Which is?”

“You threw the bus driver under the bus.”

“I did?” Kim thinks about it for a moment and then snaps her fingers. “Well! I guess I did!” The two share a long and hearty laugh together for a few moments. Eventually things quiet down and Larry takes a sip of his coffee.

“I do miss you, Kimberly. I wish we could meet more frequently.”

“Yeah? Blame CHBK. He handles my SCW schedule nowadays.”

“Are you throwing him under the bus now?”

“Nah, I like him.” Kim shakes her head. “But if it were Shaun Cruiserweight, I’d throw him under the bus in a heartbeat. A literal bus.”

“It is good to hear that you are getting along with management now.” Larry states. “But what about your other issues?”

“I have no issues!” Kim says in protest.

“Perhaps I should be more clear. Have you murdered or kidnapped anyone lately?”

“Oh that.” Kim rolls her eyes. “I can honestly say that I haven’t kidnapped anyone. Not since I kidnapped my sister. But…”

“But what?”

“...pretending to be Marie was awesome!” She exclaims. Larry chuckles.

“It may have been fun but trying to replace your sister? Thinking THAT would solve all of your problems? Now that was insane.”

“And that’s why I spent time in a loony bin!” Kim points out.

“True. But there is one other thing.” Larry frowns. “You didn’t answer my question about murder.”

“Awww do I have to?”

“Yes, we do.” Larry states emphatically while nodding his head. “One reason we have maintained our friendship is to keep one another honest. So tell me; have you murdered anyone recently.”

“Fine.” Kim sighs. “The last time I murdered anyone was some idiot named Damian.”

“Oh Kimberly…” Larry sounds disappointed “...why? What were the circumstances?”

“He was my sister’s boyfriend…well, ex-boyfriend. They had broken up because he was an abusive drunk. He came back and tried to be all lovey dovey and get back together with her. Marie was on the fence about it, she wasn’t sure what to believe. But me?” Kim shakes her head. “I wasn’t convinced by his act one bit. So I dressed all fancy…y’know, like Marie…and I pretended to be her. I went out on a date with him. When he started getting abusive and controlling again, proving to me that he hadn’t changed one iota, I lured him out away from everyone and I slit his throat.”

“I see. Well that certainly changes things.” Larry takes another sip of his coffee. “You were justified. He deserved it.”

“I feel so much better knowing that I have your approval.” Kim says sarcastically with a wicked grin. “But now that I was honest to you, I believe that it is now YOUR turn, right?” She points a finger at him. Larry, without hesitation, nods his head.

“Very well. Ask any question you like. I am an open book, my dear.”

“Great! I love books! Hopefully this is a romantic comedy!” Kim says with a grin. “First question…” she reaches out and touches his forehead “ you still hear those voices in your head?” Kimberly waits for Larry to answer. There is a long pause and Kim takes a sip of her own coffee while she waits. There is some reluctance from Larry’s part but eventually he does nod his head.

“Yes, sometimes they return.”

“Do you ever obey them?”

“Never.” Larry shakes his head vehemently.

“So you’re cured?” Kim asks.

“A cure, to me, would mean I no longer hear the voices. Alas, I fear those voices may be with me permanently. The fact that I no longer obey them is progress. And I owe that to religion.”

“Oh God…”

“Exactly.” Larry says with a smirk.

“Do not make jokes!” Kim motions to herself. “That’s my shtick! Besides, I’ve had to deal with some cults these past few months and let me tell ya, they’ve been a real pain in my ass. Don’t tell me you’ve gone all culty now too.”

“Nothing of the sort.” Larry shakes his head. “I merely have a friend who introduced me to a Catholic Exorcist. Anytime the voices return he performs a minor rite of exorcism.”

“Exorcism, eh?” Kim’s interest is peaked. She arches her brow and studies Larry skeptically. “I thought exorcisms were long drawn out processes and had to have a Bishop’s approval. How can your new priestly pal go around and perform exorcisms on you willy nilly?”

“A Solemn Rite of Exorcism must go through several hoops, cut through red tape, and yes, get a Bishop’s approval. A minor rite of exorcism needs no such approvals.”

“So it’s like Bud versus Bud Lite? Or Pepsi versus Diet Pepsi?”

“If you want to put it that way.”

“Well tell me this.” Kim snickers knowingly. “Do you actually believe that this exorcism stuff is working for ya? Has it always been the demons all along or just the demons of your mind?” She taps her own head. “The docs said it was all in your head, Larry.”

“I know full well what my doctors have told me. I can also honestly say that the legitimacy of the exorcisms means nothing. The result is all that matters and if it gives me peace of mind, which it does, then that is all I need.”

“I love you, Larry!” Kim laughs before sipping her coffee. “And I love these meetings! Really I do! We should do them more often?”

“I believe I just said that earlier…” Larry remarks, his voice trailing off.

“Yeah but I’m serious. We should. But maybe we should change things up a little? I mean, do ya think these Waffle House staff ever get tired of seeing two ex-psych ward patients show up and talk about the good old days back in the padded room?”

“I am certain that they have seen far stranger things.”

“True but c’mon, let’s do something different next time!”

“What do you suggest, Kimberly?” Larry asks.

“Well…let’s meet at our old stomping grounds!”

“The mental hospital?” Larry shakes his head. “No! Absolutely not!” He chuckles. “I never wish to see that place again.”

“You are such a wet blanket, y’know that?” Kim states. Larry nods his head.

“And you are a bit of a party animal, my friend. Perhaps that is why we became so close? Opposites attract.”

“You’re a good friend, Larry.” Kim says. In a rare moment of honesty, a rare moment of Kim letting her guard down and showing her true self, she smiles warmly. “Marie managed to reach through to me, rid me of that hate, make me at least somewhat sane. But then having some grip on my sanity and yet fully realizing I was still court ordered to spend a few more years of my life there, that would have broken me. That would have killed me. You helped me get through it.”

“Your sister got you through it.”

“Yes, she did, and I give her all the credit in the world. But even she couldn’t be there for me twenty four-seven. But you, another patient there with your own issues, you became my friend. You helped me.”

“We helped each other.” Larry reaches out and takes Kim by her hands.

“You know I have a boyfriend, right?” Kim asks with a smirk. Larry chuckles and nods his head.

“Yes. Mr. Wasley is a very lucky man.”

“I’m lucky to have him.” Kim sighs. “But you’re special too. And outside of my family, you are the only person I fully trust. Which is why I entrusted you with my little project after I was released.”

“Kimberly Frances Williams…” Larry now sounds less like a friend and more like a disappointed parent scolding his child. He releases his grip on Kim’s hands and shakes his head with a sense of disappointment written upon his face. “...she is NOT a project. She is a person.”

“Well how is the project…errr, she, how is she?”

“SHE is fine.” He sighs. “All things considered, she is fine.”

“Considering what?”

“You know what.” Larry states.

“Oh please. You’re being melodramatic. You’re taking this too personally.”

“It…” he sighs out of frustration “ you have me doing it!”

“Just roll with it, Larry!” Kim exclaims with a bit of a laugh.

“No!” He shakes his head. “SHE is a human being. So forgive me for taking this a little personally and perhaps even caring more than you do.”

“Calm down, Larry. You’re a great father figure to her. I’m sure she’s fine.”

“I am not her father.” Larry shakes his head definitively. “You know this.”

“Blood doesn’t always make one a good parent.” Kim points out. “Just look at me, for instance! My sister decided to run off and join some hippy sex cult commune and I had to step up and pick up the pieces of her family. I had to be a stand-in mother to my nephew Sean. And while I don’t wanna sound like I’m bragging, but I think I did a pretty good job of mothering while my sister was gone.”

“Is your sister back? And your nephew is safe?”

“Yup!” Kim nods her head. “All thanks to moi! See? It doesn’t take blood to be a good parent, Larry.”

“My sentiments exactly.” He points an accusatory finger at Kim. “Perhaps you should meet with this ‘project’ of yours more frequently since we have established and agreed that blood doesn’t make one a great parental figure.”

“Oh I see what you did there you sneaky little devil you.” Kim snickers and then shakes her head. “Nice try but no way. I think I meet with the project enough.”

“She is NOT a project!” Larry exclaims angrily and loudly, loud enough for several other patrons of the Waffle House to turn and look at them. Kim waves at them playfully.

“Don’t mind us! We’re practicing for a play!” A few moments of awkward silence later and the patrons return to their own private business. Kim then turns back to face Larry and grins. “You almost got us into trouble.”

“Perhaps YOU should considered staying a few more days? Meet with your…project?”

“No can-do.” Kim shakes her head. “I have other business to attend to.”

“More important business than this?”

“You’re lucky I was able to make this meeting, Larry!” Kim states. “I have a championship match! In Boston!”

“Against James Evans. I know.” Larry says, nodding his head.

“It would have been so much smarter to just stay home. But no, you wanted to meet so I came. But I cannot stay. I need to return. You just, uh, keep doing what you’re doing with our project…with her…whatever…” she sighs as she reaches into her pocket and puts some cash on the table “...that’s for the coffee.”

“Very well.” Larry takes the cash. “But we are not finished. We will talk again.”

“Until next time, Lawrence of Arabia.” Kim smirks as she salutes her friend. She gets up out of the booth and turns to walk away. Whatever project she and Larry was talking about is no longer her concern. It is completely out of her mind. Kim’s focus is on regaining the SCW Underground Championship from James Evans at Body, Heart, and Soul and she will do anything to accomplish that goal.

January 20th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
On Camera

We open in Boston, Massachusetts. The sky is a bright blue and the surroundings are very peaceful. Green grass is growing in this cleared off area with a few trees off in the distance as well as a few small homes and buildings in view in the distance. As the camera pans around we see a white monument surrounded by a rod iron steel fence structure. A few moments later and we hear the sound of someone whistling the tune of ‘Yankee Doodle’. It isn’t long until Kimberly Williams enters the scene from the right carrying her beloved plush penguin Wasley. The somewhat eccentric ginger is wearing a number 12 Tom Brady New England Patriots football jersey and denim jeans. Her penguin Wasley is wearing a New England Patriots hoodie that is just the size for him. Kim continues to whistle the tune of Yankee Doodle until she approaches the monument. She briefly faces the monument before turning around to face the camera.

“I hope my Kimmymaniacs out there don’t mind me and Wasley channeling our inner Tom Brady and Bill Belichick this lovely afternoon! I mean, I think it’s appropriate considering Body, Heart, and Soul will be live from the TD Garden in my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts! This is going to be bigger than just an Underground Championship Match, and I mean that in more ways than one. This is a homecoming for me! I love competing all over the world in front of fans from every city in every country! But there is something special about competing in front of my hometown fans and I cannot wait to get to the ring tomorrow night in the Garden and entertain each and every one of you!” She blows a few kisses at the camera. “But this match at Body, Heart, and Soul, between me and Jimmy “Kool-Aid Drinker” Evans for the SCW Underground Championship; this is deeply personal for me.” She touches the Patriots logo on her jersey and on Wasley’s hoodie. “To the people of the New England area, this represents a dynasty. It represents something very special built by Kraft, Brady, and Belichick. And the Underground Championship, that division, that is MY dynasty.”

“Jimmy, you conceited fuck, you speak about making things better but its all selfish and self-agrandizing nonsense. You don’t care about anything or anyone else but yourself. You are on your stupid nonsensical mission without even giving a damn about what other people may think. The fans, the people who actually are responsible for your dumbass getting paid, they actually like the Underground. They actually like the violence. But do you give a damn about them? Do you give a damn about what the people want? You definitely don’t give a damn about the legacy and dynasty that I busted my ass to create! I brought it back. I forced SCW’s hand and made them resurrect the Underground. But it wasn’t just me. Another important player, someone who to this very day is very near and dear to the hearts of everyone in SCW, someone who helped me bring it back. Her name is Jordan Majors. This is her legacy too. You’re not just spitting in my face but you’re spitting in her face.”

“Lucas Knight and Konrad Raab fought for this…and yes, I used Konrad’s real name, so that should tell you how fucking serious I am right now…this dynasty I built belongs to them as well. You are spitting in their faces. Deanna Frost, arguably a main event STAR now, was boosted thanks to the Underground. This is her legacy too and you are spitting on it and on her. And yes, Owen Cruze, World Champion vs. Underground Champion title for title for the first time ever, and Owen won. That means this dynasty I helped build is partially his too. You are spitting on him. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Jimmy, this is bigger than just my rematch. This is bigger than me. I am not going out there to the ring tomorrow night fighting just for myself. I am fighting for all of them. I am fighting for Jordan, Lucas, Konrad, Deanna, and Owen. I am fighting for all of them because this is OUR legacy, OUR dynasty, and you are taking one great big shit all over it with your non-violence nonsense.”

“You think you know better than everyone else but you really don’t. That is your biggest mistake. You think that you have it all figured out but you’re wrong. You are dead wrong and you are going to learn firsthand just how wrong you are. Tomorrow night at Body, Heart, and Soul, I am going to give you a lesson in respect; respecting the hard work people like me have put in. Maybe you will learn some god damn respect when I give you a concussion by driving my knee into your fucking skull?” The Queen of the Death Match shakes her head defiantly. “That’s not all, Jimmy.”

“See, there’s a reason we are here. Wasley figured this was a great chance to educate everyone about a spot that is very near and dear to my heart, a spot in Boston that even this psychotic heart cannot help but love, cherish, and appreciate.” Kim motions to the monument and then to the surrounding area. “Welcome to Lexington Battle Green and this, the historical monument of The American Revolution! This is the spot where the infamous ‘shot heard round the world’ took place, the opening gunfire in the battles of Lexington and Concord which officially began the American Revolution; America’s fight for freedom from Britain.” She shakes her head. “No bloody king is gonna tell me what to do! If I wanna throw a bunch of tea into Boston Harbor then, by God, I’m gonna throw tea into Boston Harbor! Shit, I might even drag Jimmy Jones Evans to Boston Harbor, cover him in tea, and then drop him into Boston Harbor after I kick his ass and reclaim MY Underground Championship!” She smirks devilishly.

“Freedom. You gotta love it. That’s what started right here almost two hundred and fifty years ago today. Freedom is something that you don’t believe in, do ya Jimmy? You and your cultist wakkos have been marching around preaching your shitty gospel about how your way is the only way. You think your way is the only right way in wrestling. Hell, I love a good technical wrestling match every now and then. As I’ve said before, technical wrestling is my first love. Deathmatch wrestling is just my mistress. I became Television Champion, United States Champion, and World Tag Team Champion in SCW based on my technical skills. But I built my Underground dynasty upon my skills as a deathmatch artist. I can and have succeeded in this business on both sets of talents.” She points a finger at the camera. “But YOU want to go around claiming to know what is right and what is wrong? Newsflash, Jimbo, wrestling is a diverse melting pot, just like this great country, full of people from all walks of life and various different approaches to in ring action.”

“What about La Pequina Luz, one half of Light in the Darkness. She is a high flyer. Not my cup of tea but if that’s what she wants to do in the ring, if that’s how she wants to entertain the fans and compete, then why not let her? After you and I are finished dancing are you gonna target Light in the Darkness and tell them their approach is wrong? Hell, what about The Enigma? That creepy guy gives people the willies with his smoke and mirror mind games. Now I prefer a more direct approach. But if Enigma wants to play I have no problem letting him play. Are you gonna grow a set and tell him he’s wrong?” Kim’s face grows even more serious, if that is possible. “I’m fighting for them, as well. Not just Light in the Darkness or The Enigmatic Enigma. I am fighting for anyone on the SCW roster who doesn’t fit your mold. Because what it all boils down to, Jimmy, is that you are NOT the be all end all voice when it comes to professional wrestling. You do not get to decide who or what belongs in the wrestling ring.” Kim pats herself on the chest.

“Thus it has become my duty to take out the trash within SCW. And that trash is you. I am going to do everything within my power to kick your ass and get rid of you and your stain upon the Underground. And you stand there all high and mighty and cast judgment upon me?” Williams shakes her head. “You don’t know me. You want to call me predictable? You have only witnessed one side of Kimberly Williams. There is another side of me, a side that is capable of some horrific and awful things. I swore to myself that I would never ever go down to the dark place again but my hand has been forced. At Body, Heart, and Soul I will risk my very soul by venturing into that dark pace, that place that is capable of some of the most awful things imaginable. And I intend to inflict those horrific, awful acts upon you in order to regain the Underground Championship, in order to fight for the people who helped me rebuild the Underground, in order to fight for everyone to be free to be different from the likes of you.”

“Just like this shot at Lexington and Concord heard around the world was the beginning of the end for Britain’s colonial empire,” Kim points a finger at the camera “this night at Body, Heart, and Soul will be the beginning of the end for you and your House. Because I once fought the good fight alone but now others have seen through your charade, they have seen through your hypocrisy. Amy Chastaine, Chance, Owens, Kirsten Scott, and Cassie Wolffe have seen through your hypocrisy and have been inspired to fight against you. You aren’t just fighting me anymore, Jimbo. You’re facing an entire army of people pissed off at how you do business. They see you for what you really are; a coward who refuses to fight his own battles and a cultist bastard who brainwashes other poor saps into doing his dirty work for him. But Amy, Chance, Kirsten, and Cassie are going to take care of your House, and that leaves me to take care of you. They will cut down your army while I cut off the head of the snake.” William sneers. “And you know me, I love to cut things, and I look forward to carving you up tomorrow night and regaining my Underground Title.”

Kim shrugs her shoulders. “Face it, Jim Jones Evans, this is the beginning of the end for you. You cannot keep it up much longer. No one is buying into your movement. No one is buying what you’re selling.” She shakes her head. “Its been the same tired old shtick for months with you and your House and it has gotten you nowhere, nowhere except an Underground Title win, a title that will soon be gone if I have anything to say about it. And yet you call me predictable?” Williams chuckles nastily. “But by all means, run with that nonsense. And if you really want to talk predictability…” her eyes narrow as her intensity reaches its boiling point “...I predict that at Body, Heart, and Soul, the entire world will bear witness to a version of Kimberly Williams that no one has ever seen before, a Kimberly Williams that is willing to do horrific things to you, James. I predict that you won’t see it coming until its too late. Most importantly, I predict that I will be a five time Underground Champion. I predict that this is the end for you and all of that bullshit you stand for.” She smirks devilishly. “How’s that for a prediction, Jimbo? Kiss your championship and your ass goodbye.”

The camera fades to black.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: Good luck, dude. It's been an awesome feud in my eyes.

The Book of James: Re-Awakening
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome

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