The Hellbilly” John Goddard vs. Peyton Rice
The Hellbilly” John Goddard vs. Peyton Rice

Katya ensured this match was filed and signed. Peyton Rice debuts on the SCW roster in a match that could put her young career in jeopardy against the debuting Hellbilly, John Goddard. 
Singles: 1 RP Limit; 2 RP Limit for Tag Team Matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, January 15, 2019
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This character has been a long time coming, i'm both nervous about bringing him here to SCW but also excited. Hopefully at least he is well received because i feel he could be great here, but only time will tell. I know facing Omar's new girl Peyton wasn't what I had expected and neither did he. But here we are. I had a lot of fun writing this as i'm sure you might be able to tell. 

I'm posting now because I have to leave for work and won't have any time to do so as we're expected to be busy.

Hope you enjoy, I rarely ask but some feedback if any of you do end up reading would be greatly appreciated.

Omar, good luck mate. 

The War of Attrition...
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Career Achievements

- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 1x EMERGE Champion
- 2019 SCW Rookie of the Year
- Under Attack 2020 Elimination Chamber Winner
-Winner of the 2019 Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament
- Made her SCW Debut at Rise to Greatness XV by defending the EMERGE Championship successfully against Kandis. 7.21.18

Singles Record - |W - 61| L - 04| D - 2|
Overall Record - |W - 67| L - 11| D - 2|

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