Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward
Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward

2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, March 26, 2019
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SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
[center] SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Her Timey Wimey Fantasy World Adventure" [/center]

{The episode starts in the woods on the outskirts of the Goddesses castle where Katie and Hurse are hiding away behind some trees. Katie is wearing her white cloth dress and a flower crown as she peeks around the tree to check on the Goddesses army patrolling the castle. She tries to find a some way she could get inside to rescue TJ, Katelyn and Autumn. Though Hurse doesn’t seem as interested as he sits on the ground in some druid clothes and minds his business as taking on an army isn’t on his to do list.}

Katie Steward: Oh Goddess, I don’t see anyway how we can get inside the castle. I can’t use my wings and fly as I’ll be spotted instantly. Could you like use some of your nature magic?

Hurse: And do what? Swallow them up in the Earth? That’ll be murder, Katie. Do you want to murder a bunch of people that serve the Goddess?

Katie Steward: Well there is no greater honor than giving your life to the servitude of a Goddess … Ok fine, you’re right we can’t murder them. I just don’t know what to do.

{A flash of blinding colorful light shines near them for a second and then vanishes. Iris appears next to them, a little girl who helped them escaped from the demon Balor and musketeer Paris the last time.}

Iris: Hello. What are you guys doing? Do you need anymore help?

Katie Steward: Iris? How did you.. Where…

Iris: I’m the Goddess of Rainbows and you guys needed help.

Hurse: Is Barry safe?

Iris: Yeah, the musketeer lady took him back to him mom.

Katie Steward: Well that’s at least good news. Robin won’t be hunting us down looking for her son. Or maybe she will just to see you hanged.

Hurse: That’s just Robin being Robin.

Katie Steward: Sure… anyways, we’re not doing anything because it’s impossible to make it to the castle without the soldiers spotting us.

Iris: So you need to get rid of the soldiers then?

Katie Steward: We’ve been over this already. We can’t do that. These are good men who devote their service to the Goddess.

{Katie tries to explain it to Iris, but the little girls nature is impulsive and she’s already gone in a flash of colorful light.}

Katie Steward: Where did she go?

{Behind Katie, out in the field where the soldiers are it all lights in a colorful glow.}

Hurse: I think I have an idea.

{Katie turns around and sees the glow right before it and all the soldiers disappear.}

Katie Steward: She didn’t just do what I think she did, did she? Is this why I’m here? To stop her? She’s just a little girl.

Hurse: I think, she just teleports people from one end of her rainbow to the other end. So I believe she just moved them from our path.

Katie Steward: Oh well that’s good. I was getting a little nervous.

{Before Katie can breath a sigh of relief Iris appears in the field in a colorful light and she’s not alone. She holds the Goddess by the arm like she’s bringing her along with her. The Goddess pulls her arm away from Iris. She’s not liking being dragged around.}

Gina Pierce: Stop pulling on me. Iris you are very far from home little girl. Now why did you bring me here?

Iris: She just wants to see you and save her friends.

Gina Pierce: Who?

{Katie sprints out from the woods and confronts the Goddess.}

Katie Steward: Leave her alone.

Gina Pierce: Oh Iris, you foolish girl. Why would you bring me to her? She killed our King.

Katie Steward: That wasn’t me. That was a demon. That’s why your little mercenary didn’t kill me and I had to save Barry.

Gina Pierce: Even if you didn’t, you’ve still had a hand in it. You’ve trespassed and stole things that didn’t belong to you and now your friends will be punished from your sins.

Katie Steward: No.

Iris: Goddess, she’s really not trying to hurt anyone. She protected Barry and I believe her when she says she just wants to talk.

Gina Pierce: Such a naive eyes that you have Iris, but I know what she wants. She wants my throne and she’s stealing our treasures in a power play for it.

Katie Steward: That’s not true. I just want to be who I was and I thought this journey was going to help me, but apparently all it did was turn you even more against me. Hurse, tell her about my journey. Hurse?

{Katie looks around and realizes Hurse didn’t bother to run out with her to confront the Goddess.}

Katie Steward: Of course. Coward.

Gina Pierce: Ok, I can hear your prayers. I hear your pleads of wanting want you lost. Your Goddess hood back that you’ve lost your way from.

Katie Steward: Yes. I was challenged. I’ve been challenged. For my crown, for my faith and now I just can’t get it back.

Gina Pierce: Ok. Then I’ll give it back. I’ll give you everything that you want and your journey, you quest will be fulfilled.

Iris: Yay!

Katie Steward: Thank you.

{Katie is overcome with emotion as she is happy to here the Goddess will give her everything back. She runs over and grabs her giving the Goddess and big hug. She closes her eyes and hugs the Goddess tight. Her journey is over.}

{The scene quickly changes as Katie looks to transport from the field with the Goddess and Iris and into an SCW wrestling ring where she is hugging Syren. Syren looks a little creep out and the fans sits in silence at the awkwardness happening in the ring. Syren breaks the tension by wrapping her arms around Katie and lifts Katie off her feet and slams her down on the mat. Katie screams as she opens her eyes at the sight of the SCW fans laughing at what they think is a comedy spot. Syren grabs Katie’s arm and locks her in an arm bar.}

Katie Steward: AH! What’s happening? Where am I?

Syren: Are you serious? Did you give yourself a concussion during your entrance?

Katie Steward: Ugh, no?

Syren: You’re currently defending your World Championship at Retribution where you’ve already screw up the opening to the match that we’ve worked on.

Katie Steward: … I’m what?

{Katie tries to power her way back to her feet and fights Syren and gets up to a knee. She reaches out and pushes on Syren’s arm trying to free herself from the armbar. Katie tries wrestling Syren while in her head she’s trying to figure out what’s going on. Katie gets back to her feet and breaks herself free. She runs to the ropes and bounces off running at Syren at full speed, but unfortunately for Katie Syren grabs her and hits a massive power slam leaving Katie laying on the mat. Katie rolls around in pain and stares up at the arena lights. She notices the Retribution banner with herself on it.}

Katie Steward: She did it. I mean, I did it. I’m back. I’m a Goddess again.

{Katie starts uncontrollably laughing as she overcome with happiness. Syren leans against the ropes and overhears Katie once again referencing to herself as a Goddess and just rolls her eyes. Syren walks over and grabs Katie’s feet. Syren begins to spin Katie around in an airplane spin. The crowd pops for the move as each section can hear Katie scream getting louder and quieter in the move. After quite a few revolutions around Katie hits the mat and looks around at the spinning arena leaving the scene to fade out.}

{The scene opens to backstage in Guerrila position and Katie Steward walks inside from the arena with her SCW World Title. Her music can be heard playing in the arena to celebration her victory. They are a few applauds in guerrilla that sound a bit repetitive and feel bored. Katie doesn’t pay too much attention to them and she notices a camera backstage.}

Katie Steward: I’ll like to thank everyone for making this possible. I feel truly blessed and it is an honor to be your SCW World Champion. I didn’t think this would happen.

{Katie does her usual and fantastic Hollywood acting chops and she shreds a tear for the camera and meaning ever word. She walks over to Mr. D and gives him a hug in his final show before leaving guerrilla area. On her way out she walks by Sasha and Katya who look at one another and nod.}

{Backstage, Katie walks around as she’s just overcome with emotions. She notices Katelyn standing around and Katie runs over and hugs her.}

Katie Steward: Oh My Goddess, I am so happy to see you’re here and safe. I can’t believe we pulled that off.

{Katelyn peels herself away and ducks under Katie’s arm.}

Katelyn Buehler: What the hell? What’s wrong with you, Katie?

Katie Steward: Katie? It’s Kate. Don’t you remember. We’re Brats.

{Katelyn looks at Katie like she’s crazy and just turns and walks away. Katie looks confused and then she holds her head getting a bit of a headache. Katie’s manager, Gina Pierce walks up from behind Katie and wraps Katie’s ring robe around her.}

Gina Pierce: Hi Champ. Looking good.

Katie Steward: Gina. Hi. This is amazing, but of course then again, I am.

Gina Pierce: That’s great to hear. I have someone that wants to say hi and congratulate the champ.

Katie Steward: Oh, do you now? I wonder who that can be?

{Katie shares a laugh with Gina, but then looks confused.}

Katie Steward: Wait. Who do you have for me? I thought I knew, but the face is blurry.

Gina Pierce: (laughs) oh Katie…

{Gina turns and gets the person while Katie is left trying to figure out who she is thinking of.}

Katie Steward: G… Giovanni? No, why would he want to see me after the own Wonderland War?

{Katie turns around into the arms of a big hunky beefcake. Her face pressed against his chest as she looks up at him.}

Katie Steward: Hello… and you are?

Beefcake: (laughs) Oh Katie, that wit. That’s why I married you.

Katie Steward: Oh, yes husband. Well, (pats his chest) you definitely check off all the boxes. (Katie’s other hand goes a bit south) Yes, definitely all the boxes… Um Gina, can I have a moment?

{Katie and Gina step aside for a quick sidebar meeting.}

Katie Steward: Husband?

Gina Pierce: You don’t remember? The two of you met on the set of your movie. Ghostbusters.

Katie Steward: Yes. Of course. I remember. How could I forget? I met people care about that movie.

Gina Pierce: I’m aware. You don’t have to keep repeating the critics’ quote.

Katie Steward: So can I go and…

Gina Pierce: The night is all yours.

Katie Steward: Fantastic. (turns to her husband)… Chris?

Chris: Yes?

Katie Steward: Of course. They’re all named Chris. Date night, after I get cleaned up.

{Katie’s hubby nods back at her and she smiles. She turns back to Gina.}

Katie Steward: It feels great to be the champ.

{Gina smiles and shares in Katie’s laugh and Katie heads to her dressing room. She walks by Sasha and Katya and gives the sisters a nod. Katie continues into her dressing room and closes the door behind her. Katie sets the SCW World Title down and gets her things ready. She walks into her shower and starts the water and as she turns around she realizes she isn’t alone.}

{Inside the shower with her are Kennedy Street and Ravyn Taylor.}

Katie Steward: Kennedy, Ravyn? When did you two start hanging out together?

Ravyn: The sisters are working on a joint effort. With daddy stepping away they’ve got some plans for SCW as a whole and one of those things they actually agreed on. No more Katie Steward being shoved down people throats.

Kennedy: Yeah, so tonight, the Katie Steward show is hashtag canceled.

Katie Steward: Canceled? No more Katie Steward show. What are you saying? I’ve never been shoved down the fans throats…

{Katie glances into her dressing room and sees the posters and the SCW Title.}

Katie Steward: Oh, right… Ok now I see it. Just great, can’t even have 24 hours and a night out with the husband. That’s just my life, I guess.

Ravyn: Bored now.

Kennedy: So bored.

{Ravyn and Kennedy advance on Katie in the shower and Katie retreats stepping back into the shower up against the wall. Things don’t look too good for Katie as there seems to be no way out of this. That is until Ravyn takes a sword in the gut from behind. Ravyn collaspe to the ground and standing behind her is Ash. Katie’s daughter who looks a bit rough up and been through hell and back. Kennedy freaks out and jets by and runs out of the locker room.}

Ash: Seriously? How were you going to “Bruiser” Katie in the shower and not stomach it? That’s apparently a wrestling thing. I don’t understand what these writers come up with.

{Ash holds out the Spear of Lugh hands it over to Katie. Katie doesn’t accept it as she’s a bit freak out about what’s happening.}

Ash: Please, Katie. Don’t run. I’ve been through so much to get here.

{Katie freaks out and darts out of the shower. She runs out of her dressing room and immediately finds Gina.}

Gina Pierce: Katie, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the showers?

Katie Steward: Gina, they’re trying to get rid of me. They’re… wait, how did you know I was about to get in the shower?

Gina Pierce: I mean, you’re going to get ready for your date night and you just wrestled in the main event. Katie, you’re scaring me.

Katie Steward: No. This is right. You’re in on it. This is a complete coup.

Gina Pierce: Ok fine, we all were talking and we thought that maybe it was time to hang them up. You’ve had quite the run and Chris is great guy. He wants a family and sooner the better.

Katie Steward: This is insanity. This isn’t what I wanted.

Gina Pierce: What did you want?

{Ash shows up to try and talk to Katie.}

Ash: Katie, don’t run. None of this is real. The Goddess gave you this illusion, this fantasy world, but it’s not real. It’s not what you want. You didn’t earn this. This isn’t what you fought for. You don’t have your Brats. You don’t have Gigi.

Katie Steward: Gigi…

Ash: And Katelyn, Autumn and TJ are still trapped. You’re still on your quest. Please just come with me, because while Gigi might not been with you in this world. She was with her dad. I had to crawl out of purgatory to get here to you. We’re going to finish this journey together. Like you wanted.

{Ash holds out her hand. Katie looks at Gina and with a look like she doesn’t even recognize her friend. Katie steps away and takes Ash’s hand. Ash smiles and she hands over the sword to Katie, but Katie pushes it back.}

Katie Steward: No. You hold on to it. You’re going to need it now. For the battle ahead. Because I’m now ready to go to war.

{Katie and Ash walk away and they leave the arena together as the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to a studio in Hollywood, California were Katie Steward sits on set in her director’s chair. She wearing her ring robe with a bottle of water in her hand. A green screen is pull down behind her, but angled so still see the set behind her. Katie looks up at the camera on her and flashes her gorgeous smile at it.}

Katie Steward: Retribution is over and done with. A bunch of people when through hell and I was not apart of it. I was over looked and under appreciated and I guess the right call was made cause Sasha won the war. That’s just great. I guess the world can live happily ever after. Though like the old saying goes happy endings are just not stories that ended yet. Also it’s kinda of Hollywood’s thing to keep the cash cow moving with a sequel. SCW will make it better than Hollywood with a much bigger villain that the heroes need to contend with. A Queen, A Goddess, someone that they thought they had written off, but she was just buying her time to strike. Then will one refusal that evil that they thought was asleep has awaken. Now who is first to challenge the awaken Queen?

Katie Steward: Of course, this brings us to Glory Braddock. Oh Glory, such a great name and I’m truly happy for you. You’ve made your debut recently in SCW and now you get a match with me. If you don’t think or want that face off then you’re either a liar or an idiot. Now looking at this match as a privilege. That’s ambassador Katie talking. That’s what SCW wants. They want the nice and friendly Katie that sticks to the promotions and charity work to make them look good. To drain every drop that the name Katie Steward is worth for their benefit. Now Glory has a match with an SCW legend and after Retribution I’m feeling angry and I want to punish the wick. I want to take Glory and I want to ruin every bit of her and make her feel as defeated as I’ve felt. Derek Adonis gets his smut sutra on TV and tries ruining the TV Championship it. I should’ve beaten him and canceled his ass. Manvel hawks is disgusting filth and SCW just gives him a TV Title shot. I watch Tommy Valentine with the title who can’t beat me with the TV Title. Now Konrad is the TV Champion and I have Glory Braddock. It doesn’t matter what people say about me, because they might be right that I haven’t won a match recently. However I’ve also not lost a match recently either. Of course they do. I’m not the weaker person. I’m a Queen, a Goddess. You have to make your window of opportunity in order to survive a match with me. Now for Glory she doesn’t have the luxury of a multi person match. She stuck in the ring, one on one with Katie Steward and Katie Steward is a very unhappy and angry person. It’s not going to be pretty. It’s going to be very bad night for Glory Braddock. It’s going to be like it was the SCW came to Katie Steward and had a few suggestion on some creative difference about how I should be view on SCW TV. None of them will ever be the same again. Just like Glory I know you’re going to come to the ring with a smile, hidden or otherwise, but I know it’s there. After the match it will be gone, you’ll see the bitch of SCW has awaken and if everyone thought Katya was some bad ideas. Katie Steward is about to make her back in the villain’s spotlight.

{Katie sits back in her chair as she takes a sip from her water. The camera pulls back and a couple of studio light turn off as the scene and the episode end.}
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