Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
I of the Storm

“What Could Have Been...”

Hennepin Healthcare Clinic – Urgent Care Wing
June 15, 2019

“I said, 'No'!” Deanna exclaimed as she held her arms out – though she wasn't entirely sure how much of the nursing staff she was going to be able to block with her small frame – the male nurses, on their own, looking more like football players or bouncers than medical staff. 

She could believe that she was having to fight the staff again. Even if it was a different doctor and nursing team this time around, how frigging hard was it to relay messages between teams?

“Mrs. Frost, be reasonable.” chastised the man in the front. Unlike the team of two men and one woman behind him, who wore scrubs of blue and green, this person (a little taller than Deanna) wore round glasses and a 'doctor's coat'. It wasn't the attire, however, that was causing Deanna to stand between them and the bed behind her, but rather, it was the stand with the bag of chemical and the IV that was attached to said bag. “She is clearly in a lot of pain and we want to fix it.”

“You think I don't know she's in pain?!” Deanna huffed, refusing to lower her arms as she stood there. She had not bothered to change from what she had been wearing earlier – she had believed that, whatever happened, her wife would have returned to her, sore but looking for comfort and snuggling with her beloved pet. So, Deanna had dressed just for that – her wife's 'blue Frost' hoodie' and gray trackpants – perfect 'snuggling' attire. 

But when reality had happened...

“She's my wife!” Deanna added fiercely. “Not just some patient like she is to you! She's EVERYTHING to me!”
“Then why don't you let us help make her more comfortable so she can rest fully and recover?” the doctor asked – Deanna catching the annoyed glances from the nursing squad further back.
“Because my wife can't have painkillers!” Deanna stated. “Like I told the last team that came in here thirty minutes ago!”

She was really annoyed by this. Regan and Kennedy, who had become dear friends of her wife, had come and gone at Deanna's allowance – the redhead having assured them that if there were any issues, she would contact them on Selena's cellphone, which sat in Deanna's pant-pocket. She had considered herself fortunate that none of them had seen her fight so hard the first time to prevent the medical team at this healthcare clinic from hooking Selena up to whatever painkiller they had.

She'd never forgive me if she woke up with that thing in her arm... Deanna thought, her eyes locked on the sharp needle of the IV she could see in one of the male nurse's hand.

The doctor, meanwhile, had moved a little to the seat to pick up the chart at the foot of the bed. He eyed it carefully before turning his attention to Deanna. “It doesn't say anything here that she is allergic to painkillers.” he stated flatly, clearly not impressed with the younger Frost's impeding of his duties.

“That's because she's not allergic.” Deanna stated, crossing her arms. “She's a former addict, okay? She's been clean for a long time but she refuses any kind of painkiller, regardless! So if you come any closer with that-” she pointed at the needle in the nurse's hand. “Then I will scream for whoever is YOUR supervisor and I'll sue this whole clinic for malpractice and disregard to patient care!”

She had no idea what she was talking about – and it was clear that some of the nursing staff thought the same thing, given their 'we're not buying it' expressions. Still, it wasn't them she was trying to convince.

“I see.” was all the doctor would say before shuffling back to his team. “Well, once she is awake, the decision will be up to her. But if you are...her caretaker-”
“Her wife.” Deanna stated flatly. “It's 2019.” she added with a narrowing of her eyes.
“Then I will adhere to your wishes until then.”

The doctor gave a nod before quickly excusing himself from the room, no doubt forgetting about the stubborn redhead as soon as she was one foot out. Quietly, Deanna breathed a sigh of relief before turning around to face the bed she had been protecting on and off for the past hour.

Lying there, covered mostly by a sky-blue blanket, lay her wife, Selena. “You could have said something.” Deanna whispered with a sniffle, reaching up with a hand to rub her nose. “I mean – two is better than one, right?”

No response was given and Deanna hadn't been expecting anyway. Solemnness in her heart, the young girl walked around the bed, back to the side she had stood by in-between fighting the staff, gently retook the closest, pale hand of her wife's that she could, holding the appendage gently within her hands. “Okay, maybe you wouldn't say anything, but you could definitely give him a dirty look with your eyes!”

Casting her eyes upward, Deanna saw the quiet expression of her wife, Selena's eyes were closed and most of the lower section of the face was covered by the breathing tube that had been pushed down her throat as soon as they had arrived. She could hear the machines working on the other side of the bed, telling Selena's body to breath and exhale as they filled and removed air from her lungs. It bothered Deanna to know end – something, anything, telling her wife what to do. That's not how she is...

She knew she was being childish thinking this way, but there was no other way for her to think. She had barely any time to process what had happened. One second, she had been watching Selena's match on the television inside their tour bus, the next, the window just a few feet from her had been smashed open but a sledgehammer! She had barely had enough time to scream in shock and fear before scrambling to the other side of the bus, trying to get away from whatever maniac was after her. One second later, hearing all the officials out there – and even Regan screaming – she had turned her head and seen...and seen...

Selena on the ground, not moving...

Much like now....

Closing her eyes again, not only to stop the tears from falling from them, but to try and drive that image out of her head, Deanna lowered her head to kiss the soft knuckles on her wife's hand. Hard to believe that the hands that defended and sacrificed so much for SCW – that were often bloody and stomped on, could feel so soft to her. Few people understood that, and no one but Deanna truly knew how soft and loving Selena's hands could be...

How she longed for those hands to touch her now – help her drive out the reality of this moment. 

“Come on...” she whispered with a half-smile. “You're supposed to be up by now.” she tried. “I mean, if you're just going to sleep around all day, then who's going to take me shopping around Minnesota tomorrow like you promised?”

No response was given, Selena not moving from her place on the bed. Deanna's eyes scanned her wife's face. She saw the platinum-blonde hair – undone and fanned out over the pillow. She saw the bruises lining her wife's arm, growing in color as they developed. She had no idea what else was hurting her wife, and were it not for her wife's past issues with NX and painkillers, Deanna would have done anything to help her alleviate the pain she knew her wife would be in when she awoke.

If she awoke...

Deanna banished that thought as soon as it was formed. The doctors had looked her over as best as they could. There were no spine injuries – thank the gods – no broken bones... just bruises and trauma from the fall...

The fall through the...

Again, Deanna abandoned the thought mid-form. She had heard from Regan, Kennedy and some of the staff that had stopped by. Her wife had been lucky to fall on the crash mat rather than on the solid steel of the ramp... as if that was supposed to pacify her. What was she supposed to do? Thank Giovanni for his benevolence? Despite her not being involved as heavily as other partners and managers in this business, the redhead was smart enough to know that there was nothing 'noble' in that man. He hadn't 'aimed' for crash mats. He had just desperately thrown her wife wherever he could...

Taking a deep breath through her nose, Deanna gently held her wife's hand to her cheek, feeling the cool, softness of the skin against hers.

“Remember?” she whispered. “You said you wanted a black suit to wear for our second wedding.” she bit her lower lip, unable to stop the thoughts that came to her head. Their second wedding, to be held at the Schoenburg Castle – the place of their honeymoon – was less than a month away. It had been short-notice for Deanna, who Selena had surprised with a few weeks ago, but the Snow Queen – her beloved wife – had planned it as perfectly as she could. Even in the involvement of Nicodemus in an attempt to bring down the Frost/Frostmere clan had not deterred the redhead from smiling brightly when thinking about it, feeling the joy of marrying her beloved once more...

She could not feel that now. Now, all she could see was her wife, at best, limping down the aisle with her and...at worst...

She slammed her eyes shut again, but this time, the tears fell freely down her cheeks. Why was her family being punished for being good people?! Their daughter, Elsianna? For defending a helpless animal, was now scarred for life, her arms literally set on fire by an evil child. And her wife? For defending a title she cared for – defending SCW, the federation she cared for – she was, like so many other times since Deanna had known her, left bruised and hospitalized.

How much more can she take? Deanna thought, using her free hand to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. How much more can I take?

It was a pair of questions that had often visited the young woman's mind – especially in such situations as these, the answer always being as elusive as a foggy mist.

“I can...” she opened her eyes again to gaze at her wife's face. “I can picture it.” she offered. “But I rather you have your hair free...like it is now.” she reached up with her free hand to take a few strands of Selena's platinum-blonde hair in her fingers, gently letting them run through her digits. “I think if I wore the dress Mercedes fixed – still can't believe she got all that Play-doh and peanut butter stains off it – but I think if I wore that with the new veil she added and you wore a suit... it would look so beautiful... don't you think?”

Deanna stared quietly at Selena's face, which gave no expression or reaction to her words. It was enough to cause a few more tears to fall from Deanna's eyes before she shook her head, burying her face in Selena's hand again.

“Look, I don't care why you did it.” she pleaded. “I don't care if you were stupid. I don't care if you have to do it again! I don't care if you have to get revenge! I don't care if we have to delay the wedding. I don't care if you have use a wheelchair to go down the aisle because you're so stupid and stubborn and loving and caring that you'll just do it anyway rather than cancel it – I don't care! I just wish you could come back...” her cries had become moreso that than pleas as her tears dripped upon Selena's hand. “Just please... Selena... come back to me...” she finished as a whisper before the sobs overtook her ability to speak.

Come back to me...


Selena's eyes snapped open as she jolted back, her feet catching her from falling to the floor despite her wearing heels. Quickly, her eyes scanned the small, confined room around her, seeing the mirrors on both sides of the space while there were silver, large doors (reflective as well, but not as much as the mirrors) on the other sides of the wall. Her eyes took in the button-pad in front of her, and it was that that reminded her that she was inside an elevator.

How long was I out? she asked herself for a moment before she felt the elevator give a jerk, indicating it had reached her floor. The movement gave her a, somewhat,  clear answer to her question. After all, she reasoned as she looked around the small confined room again, she was the only on in the elevator, and while she didn't remember pushing the button for the floor, who else would have? 

Still, as the door opened, Selena gave her head a solid shake to clear up the cobwebs. It was hard to believe she had dreamed so much in such a short time. The elevator ride was only a few floors, from the top floor of the arena to the basement where the backstage space was, but damn, it was something else. The only thing she could recall was that she had been falling. Falling from a great height, as if she was flying or parachuting, but she had had neither wings or a parachute. There had been a thought in her head, she recalled. Something like Get to her! Get to her! – a damn compelling force that had almost made her want to sprout wings and fly, to where and to who, she had no idea. 

“Maybe it's just stress.” she sighed as she walked out of the elevator, reaching up to fix the top of her black, pantsuit. Before her eyes, she could see the white halls of the backstage area – the arena of tonight's show, though she could not recall which arena/town she was in. After so many shows like this, what was the point in remembering? It just made it all the more depressing to the young Snow Queen.

She heard the clicking of heels, hers, as she walked down the hall, passing several staff members as she did. Most of them had their hands full of equipment, and some were clearly struggling with seeing where they were going – mostly because of the round shades they all wore as part of the “uniform” (along with the tie-dye, swirled shirts that read the company name).

Still, Selena knew better than to question something like that. It was just the way things were. She had enough to fight over, which was probably way she was being called to the “depths” as people were calling it. Unless you were called down there, you didn't go there – you didn't bother the boss and the staff.

I think Katya would have been a better choice than this... Selena thought bitterly as she walked, feeling the tightness of her hair bun at the back of her head. She wasn't allowed to wear her hair in a braid anymore. That had been one of the first rules for her specifically – it had been either the bun or cut the whole thing off. With a sigh, she adjusted the black glasses that rested on her nose, the glass in front of her eyes having no alterations for the one viewing through them. It was all for appearance.

And that's what it's all about now, isn't it? another bitter thought. One of many that plagued her mind as she continued to walk through the halls, turning at one intersection to enter a larger space with concrete floors. She could see skyjacks and cables and wires and even a scaffold of sorts, but she refused to look at that for too long – just made her skin crawl. 

“Ooo, someone's in trouble.” she heard from beside her. With a turn of her head, she gave a roll of her eyes. “When am I not in trouble?” she asked plainly to the man standing beside her.

“Fair enough.” he gave a grin and Selena could see the struggle in his eyes.
“You in control?” Selena asked with a lifted eyebrow.
“Depends on who you're asking.” came the reply as the man leaned against the skyjack. “Not like you could do anything about it one way or the other.”
Selena sighed. “I just want to know if I'm going to be jumped or beaten up this time around.”

With a smirk, Abel shrugged. “Not by me. Not this time.” he added. “I'm not interested in the boss' sloppy seconds.”
The notion made Selena's skin crawl, but she kept her reaction as down as possible. “Flattering.” she settled on saying.
“Well, it can't be too bad.” The wrestler formerly known as James Evans grinned before crossing his arms darkly. “I mean, if I haven't heard or been told anything, he might only want to scold you for last week.”

Selena gave no immediate response. She had made a mistake – she knew – when she had run down to the ring and gotten involved. It was rule one of the federation's new system: Don't get involved in the boss' work. 

Essentially, that translated to, whatever the boss did, no one got in the way. She had done that when he had tried to beat some “sense” into the young, newer talent, Owen Cruze. The boss had taken a liking to him after the whole fiasco in the chamber. And while he had lost the match, the boss had noticed how well Owen had performed – something Selena had known for a while. So, Owen had become his... “special project”... was that how the boss had put it?

Regardless, Selena had defied him in running down and helping Owen last week and she KNEW that this was the reason she was being called down. 

“Maybe he'll do me a favour and suspend me like he did Regan.” She half-smiled hopefully.
“A mercy killing?” laughed Abel. “If I'm not that kind, you think he will be?”

Abel's loud laugh filled up the space, causing Selena to shake her head as she walked past him, continuing her way down the, seemingly, never-ending hallways. She couldn't really blame the young for how he was now. Just like she couldn't call the staff stupid for wearing sunglasses indoors as they worked. Everyone was just doing what they could to keep their jobs – keep their livelihood just that... alive.

Though, like many times before, Selena wasn't entirely sure why she still wanted this livelihood so badly. There had been a time, not too long ago, that this had been everything to her. The travelling, seeing the world, defying expectations that people had put on her as a woman – similar to her life in Nome, Alaska. Defying those norms and striving to be the best? They had been worthwhile goals. But, the sad truth was that those days were gone and now? Now, the platinum-blonde felt more and more like she had back in her hometown, waiting tables for the drunk and ignorant people that could only see her as “The Crazy Miner's Daughter”. 

Conceal... Don't feel... she quietly thought, breathing fully and deeply to control her various emotions. This place hadn't broken her yet and, while she couldn't do much, she was still going to do all she could for those that couldn't fight for themselves. For those that hadn't given up yet like James had to – the poor boy allowing his alter-ego to run rampant in order to have a modicum of peace from the boss and his staff.

Her thoughts stopped suddenly as she suddenly found herself standing in front of a large, wooden door, the words “Rabbit Hole” carved on it (as if by a knife). Same as every other arena... do they even charge him for that or does he cut it from our pay? Selena mused before lifting her hand up to rap on the door a few times.

There was a moment of silence before the door was swung open and the Snow Queen immediately came face to face with a pair of wild eyes. Their owner sniffed and snarled at her, as if she was a scrap of meat that was meant to be devoured. Had Selena not been used to this kind of mannerism from the man, she would have jumped back or even fled the scene in terror. But she had been here enough, seen the effects of those broken by the boss and, instead of fear, all she felt was a deep sadness at the multi-colored-mask wearing man.

“Hello, Konrad.” she simply said, the sadness evident in her voice and bleak smile. “Boss taken you out on your walk yet?”

Like James/Abel, Selena knew that the creature she was addressing wasn't truly Konrad. The man known as Iceman had been one of the first people to be crushed by the boss' new regime – his will, Selena once believing to be the strongest SCW had ever seen – having been shattered from months and months of mental assault. Now? Like with Abel, the personality the boss wanted had taken over and Black Ice was left staring at Selena. She had spent a few matches with this creature, and, while she knew she shouldn't tease or mock him because of how dangerous he was compared to Konrad, she still couldn't bring herself to accept that this was it for the veteran wrestler... that part of him could still be there...

Not today... she sadly told herself, standing her ground in front of the door while the masked man snarled at her.

“Let her in.” came the commanding voice and immediately, Black Ice suddenly disappeared – as if he was yanked back into the room, allowing the suited platinum-blonde to follow him inside, closing the door behind her. 

The sight before her eyes didn't surprise her: she had been here many times. The bright fabrics of red, purple, blue, orange, really the entire spectrum, hanging off the walls, the carpeted floors that had to be put into the space at every arena they went to, the beanbag seats that littered the far end, the lava lamps that took up every corner of the “office”, and, most of all, the repugnant smell of smoke coming from the hookah that was by the largest, rainbow beanbag seat, the occupant taking a long smoke of it as Selena stood before him. Like the beanbag seat, his attire was rainbow, tie-dyed – a multicolor business suit where Selena's was stark black.

“Ah...” he puffed with a smile, the smoke from his throat coming out in a cloud that made it halfway towards Selena before dissipating. “Selena.” he grinned. “Glad you got my summons.”

Selena did not reply. She had learned that dealing with the new boss of SCW – No... she mentally corrected herself. WCW... was best left to allowing him to ramble and chat until he directly asked a question.

“Do you know why I called you here from on high?”. Such as that...
“You mean from my changeroom in the farthest bathroom in the arena?”

“A palace built for a queen, yes?” smiled the slimy owner, causing Selena to sigh and reach up to scratch her temple. To her right, she could see the boss' cohort, Sam, holding Konrad's chain-leash, giving it a quick tug as her eyes met Selena's, as if to remind her that, at any moment, Sam could let Black Ice loose on the Snow Queen.

“I imagine I'm here because I got involved with Owen Cruze's match with Konrad and James-”
“Black Ice and Abel.” corrected the sunglasses-wearing boss. “Your limitations and labels on my people have long since been removed.”
“Well...be that as it may.” Selena stated. “I interfered in the handicap match, so you're probably going to punish me for it.”

There was a moment of silence as Selena stared down the rainbow-suited man, who pushed himself out of his beanbag chair to stroll around the room. “You know...out of all the free denizens of my Wonderland... you are the only person that can't seem to get with the program.” he gave a shake of his head. “Why do you fight me, Selena? Can't you see the good I've done? I can understand your stubbornness for the first few months while the power was transitioned to those that deserved it, but now?”

Despite herself, Selena did her best not to roll her eyes at the same old dribble she had heard from him every time they met like this. She had thought him unbearable before, but now? With his control over the place she loved? It was near-enough to make her want to give up and quit just like...like...

Selena bit her lower lip hard, but not enough that anyone in the room would notice.

“Is it because you're not 'The Face of SCW' anymore? That you have been delegated to what you've always been? The errand girl of whoever is in authority?”

Selena's jaw clenched shut but she kept quiet, despite her boss prattling on.

“Your role hasn't really changed when that is considered. I mean, you were the 'yes' woman for O., fighting all his battles for him against Regan and everyone else. You were the 'yes' woman for Sasha, fighting her battle for control for her. And all you did was serve them so you could be the poster-girl for their company. Now, I've let you keep that position as secretary here – running errands for me and for my staff. How is that a bad thing? Is it the uniform?” he eyed Selena up and down, making Selena's skin crawl. “I thought it was becoming of a secretary.”

“I am not a secretary.” Selena stated finally. “I'm a wrestler.”

“You WERE a wrestler.” the bearded operator replied, waving a finger at the Snow Queen. “But I will not have a general of the Lizard Kingdom infecting what I have perfected. Your job is to do as I say for the betterment of the Wonderland. Now, that might involve being in a match, if I say so, but you are simply 'the Snow Secretary' – no big matches, no big spotlight, no fans cheering you, no titles, nothing! Are we clear?”

She wanted to yell back. Wanted to scream that that was NOT her nickname. She had fought like hell to get to where she was – never given any handouts and fought for everything she believed in. It didn't matter who was in power now – she was tired of having her identity dragged through the mud because of-

“Or...” came the smug voice of her employer. “Do I need to remind you that it really is your fault that you're so unhappy?”

Selena's eyes widened, her previous trail of thoughts and confidence gone in a second. Immediately, as if like a movie, the memory flashed across her mind. There she was, dressed as the Snow Queen, fighting in the chamber at Retribution, three teams fighting for the very control of SCW! Sasha, her mentor's daughter, having a team with her, Owen, Kennedy and Regan against The Beauty Network and the Wonderland! The battle had waged on, with Selena starting the match against James Evans and she had been so tired...so banged up from the length of the match...

She had made a mistake – taken her eye off the ball for a second...

And, what could have been a defining moment for Owen Cruze, had become the clear-cut victory for the man standing before her now, grinning from ear to ear.

“You don't need to remind me, Giovanni.” Selena stated. “I remember.”

The boss, Aries, gave a click of his tongue inside his mouth before nodding his head. “I thought so.” he stated in smug triumph. “So, what shall we do about this then? I mean, I could have YOU face Konrad and Abel tonight. Would that seem fair?”

Selena said nothing, resigned to her fate.

“Then again...since Owen DID win his match last week, which I'm sure he would have done without you – sad you don't believe in him as much as I do – perhaps I could give him a shot at the World title?”

Selena's head snapped up. “NO!” her voice dropped in a plea.
“Why not?” Giovanni asked. “Does he not deserve it? I believe in him...”
“You know why not!” Selena implored. “Syren won't give him a fair shot! She'll have everyone on her team ambush and hurt him! For fuck's sake, she almost crippled Sienna!”

Selena had no love for the Iron Angel, that much was certain, but even she could not believe that Sienna had deserved what had happened. Syren had returned a few weeks ago in a desperate attempt to reclaim her spot as the World Champion, which Sienna had been the Interim champion of. But rather than seek a fair “winner take all” match like Sienna had wanted – Syren had simply struck with Ravyn, Alexander Crowe, CHBK, and Christy Matthews – the Beauty Factory unaware and unprepared for the assault. Now, Sienna was on injury leave, leaving Syren as the only World Champion in WCW.

And what had Giovanni done?

Part of Selena wanted to scoff but she stopped herself. The owner had done nothing! He didn't care about the titles, the main-event, or what either of those things represented! The only thing he cared less about were the people under his employ. He was thrilled that people were acting out as however the hell they wanted to! He adored the chaos! And as long as Syren didn't bother him and his “Wonderland Championship Wrestling”, she could get away with whatever the hell she wanted!

“I think you give too little credit to the boy.” Laughed Giovanni. “I think he has what it takes to become world champion.”
“Not if you just let Dark Fantasy rip him apart before the match like every other competitor that's gone after Syren!” Selena countered.
“Oh?” Giovanni gave a tilt of his head. “Do you recommend someone else for the boy? What do you think Sam?”

He turned his head to his associate, he kept her hands gripped around the leash of Black Ice. “Well...” she seemed to think it over. “Perhaps the Snow Secretary is right. I mean, maybe Owen needs a bigger challenge!”

“A bigger challenge, you say?” Giovanni asked in feigned enthusiasm. “What did you have in mind?”
“Oh, well, if I had to follow Selena's train-of-thought, since she thinks Owen deserves more than the WORLD TITLE... I'd have to say... maybe Xander?”

Selena's eyes widened and she almost screamed, but her voice was caught in her throat. 

“Ahh...” Giovanni turned to Selena. “Now THERE'S an idea!”

Desperately, Selena fought to give her voice some strength. She had to stop this! She had to say something! Syren was bad enough! A nightmare even, but Xander?! Xander Valentine, the Executioner of the Wonderland... that was a death sentence! He had almost broken Selena's vehicle to pieces with a sledgehammer a few weeks ago simply because she had stood in his way from killing Brittany Lohan after the two's match. Thank the gods no one was in the vehicle... 

And then the others? Sasha, Dean Black... she closed her eyes to try and stop the memories and the tears at the same time... Mr. D.... she had been powerless to stop the monster from destroying the old man, Xander showing no mercy to the creator of what was once SCW...

“Please...” she felt her voice squeak. “Please...don't...”
“What was that?” asked Giovanni, holding his ear with his fingers. “I can't quite hear you.”
“Please don't do this.” she repeated. “I'll do anything.”

There was a moment of silence, but Selena knew that her boss was smiling his Cheshire cat grin at her defeat. This was how it always went down. Giovanni knew how to hurt Selena – knew how to make her buckle and surrender. She hated him having that power over her, but, in the end, she cared too much about everyone else. And she blamed herself for every failure that SCW had suffered as it had been transformed into the nightmare that was Wonderland Championship Wrestling...

“I'll tell you what.” offered Giovanni. “Since I am benevolent, I will say that you 'encouraged' me to give Owen Cruze a world title match tonight – since you seem to like that idea better than this newest one. Unless, of course, you want me to go full head and send him to 'the creature of the Wonderland'?”

Quickly, Selena shook her head, earning a grin from Gio. “Splendid. Have faith, Selena! Owen just might be the next world champion! The Wonderland supports him! Why don't you?”

Selena said nothing, merely settling her eyes down at her hands. Moments like this, beaten, emotionally and mentally, was when she felt so alone. How many of her friends had quit here as soon as Giovanni had taken over? Kennedy... she couldn't endanger her husband from Gio's wrath. Regan? Suspended indefinitely... Gloria Braddock? A new friend, Selena had hoped, but that light had been quashed when Gio had locked her in a room with Black Ice...

She was the only one left... in a never-ending losing battle with the Master of the Wonderland.

“And as for you...” Giovanni's words, coupled with a snarl from Black Ice broke her thoughts. “You can be in Owen's corner tonight! I insist upon it! You can watch him become a world champion the likes of which you could never be!”
“Headlining Rise to Wonderment!” Sam added with a sneer.
“Quite so!” Gio laughed. “You never did that, do you?”

Selena said nothing but shook her head as she kept her eyes on her hands. 

“Well, you can watch all of that! But, I trust, for your sake, that you believe enough in Owen not to interfere this time around. Otherwise...”

Selena quickly nodded her head. “I won't.” she promised. “I swear.” she added. She knew what Giovanni was implying. Not only would he sick Xander on Owen is she disobeyed, but she, herself, would face 'the creature of the Wonderland'...

“Well...” laughed Giovanni in delight. “I don't know about all of you, but I think this meeting was quite beneficial! And with 'Taking Hold of the Rabbit' around the corner, I feel we ALL need to be on the same page for the Wonderland. Don't you agree, Selena?”

“Yes, sir.” Selena replied with a nod of her head.
“Very good.” Giovanni stated with a wave of his hand. “Dismissed.”

Selena turned quickly and walked out of the room faster than thought possible. She was back in the hallway and several paths down before she stopped to punch the nearest wall. She wanted to scream but it felt like her throat was blocked. Every part of her hurt, even her body – which made no sense aside from her hand feeling warm and... wet? For a moment, Selena cast her eyes on her hand, seeing the tears there. Reaching up, she felt her cheeks, which were dry.

Had she cried in front of Giovanni? Oh, he would have been so much happier if she had, and it was another nail in Selena's heart. Another failing of hers as “The Face of SCW” - THERE IS NO SCW ANYMORE! her mind screamed as she stood against the wall, wrapping her arms around her. 

She was so tired... so tired of being along. So tired of feeling powerless. So tired of watching the place she loved sink deeper and deeper into...whatever THIS was!

But what could she really do? She was alone. She was powerless. And this place? This was the Wonderland now...

Opening her eyes after a few more breaths, Selena pushed herself off the wall. She wished she could be in her dream again. The one she where she had been falling and falling. Maybe she would crash, maybe she would fly – but either scenario seemed better than the hell she found herself in. And in that dream, she had been looking for someone. Her mind had been screaming “Get to her!”, she remembered that much. 

For a brief moment, Selena's heart filled with something she had not felt in so long. Wishful hope. To have someone you needed to save – someone that was more than a peer/fellow wrestler – someone that was just more... Selena ached for someone like that in her life. She envied 'dream Selena' as she walked down the halls again, not caring which way she went until something filled her ears:

”Come back to me...”

She froze, turning her head towards the sound and its origin – two massively wooden doors. Had they always been there? Selena had no idea, nor did she fully know how she had gotten to this place, but as she gazed at the wooden design, she knew exactly where she was. For on the door, etched in black like the mark of Cain, was some kind of serpent, but, at the same time, not a serpent. It had arms, it had claws, it had – Selena could not make heads or tails of what was on its face... but, despite it, she knew what this symbol meant...

The Creature of the Wonderland...

She heard the heel of her shoe snap before she realized that she was running. Her feet stumbled but she did not fall – she was not so lucky as “dream Selena” to fall forever – she just shrugged out of both shoes, leaving them there as she continued to run from those doors. Running on and on until she was certain she was away from it – as far away as possible. Back at the top of floor of the arena, in the farthest bathroom in the building – where no one bothered to go to.

Her “palace”, according to Giovanni...

The platinum-blonde slumped to the ground, her hand over hear heart, trying to calm it. Why had she ventured to that dreadful place? Why had she allowed herself to get lost in the “depths”? Why did she have to torture herself by fighting the power when, if she just got along and did what she was asked, things would be better?

And yet, more powerful than these familiar questions was the one that haunting door she had fled from had raised – Who was that voice? And why did part of me... WANT to go inside?

Pushing herself up, Selena leaned against the cold sink of the abandoned restroom, the single light on the ceiling flickering on and off. Quietly, she turned the faucet on and splashed her face with cold water - so many months of crying had made her not wear makeup these days. She wanted to strip this suit off and don her wrestling attire. She wanted to go out to the ring and speak her mind! To inspire like she use to...

Like she use to...

Did that Snow Queen even exist anymore? Selena thought as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She could only see the bruised expression and blood-shot eyes before her, not the smile of the woman that had once declared that “believing” was enough to conquer any obstacle – that fire called passion was enough to be the best...

“I'd give anything to have her back...” she whispered to herself as she lowered herself to her knees, her head resting against the porcelain sink. 

But sadly, as she waited there for her next summons – this one for tonight's show – she knew that this wasn't supreme championship wrestling anymore. This was the Wonderland...

And there's no such thing as wishes in the Wonderland...


[Image: tetXUW1.jpg]

The screen flickers a little, the graphic not loaded as seamlessly as it usually is before the shot immediately changes – not to one of the arena where Taking Hold of the Flame is being held or inside the ring of said arena – but rather to what appears to be the interior of a study room/office. In the background, there is a wide shelf of books that stretches as far and as wide in the back as the camera can view. What takes up the foreground, however, is far more surprising as, like the scene, it is not what is accustomed to the promo style of “Frozen Central”. 

For instead of a platinum-blonde Snow Queen sitting in the middle of the ring, ready to discuss the immediate future of herself and of SCW, the audience is greeted to the image of a red-haired beauty as she fidgets with the cellphone that is recording her.

There, hope that looks even... she whispers before sitting back in her chair. The woman's hair is wrapped in a loose ponytail, but a few strands remain to frame her sweet, gentle face. Her features are soft, save for one element – the blood-red eyes that indicate this woman has either not been able to sleep, or has been crying recently. Still, she takes a deep breath before as she settles into the large, dark blue armchair.

Giving a quick smile, she waves a shy hand. Hi, guys... her voice is a little shaky, but what else can be expected from Deanna Frost? I know I'm not usually the one that shows up and talks for these things – and I've never really seen myself as someone that can do what my wife does. But...

Emerald eyes look away from the camera in her phone, Deanna's gaze becoming a little distant, as if she is lost in thought. But it seems that I can't help but be dragged into it over and over again. And it's not like I don't get it – the first time this happened, Chris Cannon pulled me out of my seat, over the guardrail and threw me against the ringside plastic thingy- the redhead snaps her fingers. The barricade! That's what it's called.

Reaching up, her small hand massages both her temples with the thumb and two front fingers that can reach. My point that I'm trying to make, I guess, is that I've been happy being the supporting wife for my Selena. And for people that don't like dealing with her – or can't deal with her – inside that ring, being her wife makes me a target. Odds are there hasn't been many managers or spouses that appear at shows that don't have a story or too about their significant other or client “bringing their work home” in such a way...

She chuckles a little as she supplies the air quotes with her fingers and hands. I'm blabbering, I know. I just – it's hard for me to cut to the point, because, even though I get it, I don't really understand why, I guess? she tilts her head to look at the camera. Because this should be a time that I should be trying to control my wife's excitement, right? How many years as she wanted to give you guys “The Unbelievable Main Event”? It comes by only once a year and every year, I swear that no one works harder than Selena to be ready for it. I mean, when she won the U.S title, all she wanted to talk about was her defending it as much as she could and taking it all the way to Rise to Greatness – maybe even to the main-event of the show! I mean, you guys should have seen her!

Deanna's expression brightens as her voice suddenly adopts slightly more proper tone and accent. Wouldn't that be amazing, De? Putting the United States Title on the line in the main-event of Rise to Greatness? How much more unbelievable can you get? It's never been done before! she drops her accent. I wish I could capture that smile on her face all the time. Bring it back whenever she needs it...like now... her expression falters. 

Maybe I'm too hopeful. Maybe I don't get the meaning of things here or 'how things go' in SCW like Selena does, but with such happiness and worthwhile goals to strive for... I don't get what would possess a man like Xander Valentine to come after me and my wife's bus with a sledgehammer. Are you afraid of my wife, Xander? Is that why? Were you too scared to just challenge her to a match? I mean, you didn't even try that approach. Didn't walk up to her and challenge her, just took a sledgehammer and went to town!

I won't lie, you scared the hell out of me. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been so scared as that moment, Xander. It replays over and over in my head. When Chris Cannon grabbed me years ago? That didn't even come close – and I was terrified back then! And keep in mind, that was when he was just a pompous jackass – not the evil, dark and brooding 'I-don't-care-how-many-people-I-hurt' guy that piledrove Blake Mason! The only comfort I had was that my babies weren't with me on that bus...

Awkwardly, Deanna runs a hand along the back of her skin, scratching the skin, irritated. 

And while all that is happening for me, there's a person that comes online and tells everyone that my wife “deserves this”? That she has only herself to blame? That it was her ego that put me in danger?

Deanna clamps down on her bottom lip with her teeth, biting a little harshly before opening her mouth again to speak. Can you confirm that, Xander? Did my wife's 'ego' lift up that sledgehammer or was that you? Because I think that if my wife was THAT good, being able to wrestle a scaffold match AND destroy her own bus at the same time, I wouldn't EVER have to be scared for her wrestling in roofed cages or scaffolding matches or Tactical Warfare matches, would I? 

And if anyone is asking, THIS is why I've hijacked my wife's computer to put together this segment, using her format. Because I think that someone – a non-wrestler that actually watches the show – needs to say something to the slimeball that declared that my wife's ego was responsible for Xander's actions.

Deanna narrows her eyes.

How dare you, Mr. Aries. How dare you blame my wife. You think my wife is responsible for what happened to me? Why? Because everyone knows you're the mastermind behind it? Because you're trying to deflect that certainty onto someone else because you thrive under the notion of chaos? Is that it? My wife is one of the most amazing women I have ever known – she'd never deliberately put me in danger – me or my children. Know why? Because a ) unlike you, she doesn't need to involve me in her life inside the ring to be great. And b ) most importantly, because she loves me.

Do you know what that is like, Giovanni? Of course not – you've slandered the notion of love and marriage – I remember. You tweeted about it - “Marriage and monogomy is evil. Limiting.”

Well, I find it amazing. Finding that special someone – living for them? It's like those lifetime goals you and other SCW wrestlers preach about. But this one goes on and on for the rest of your life. You don't stop after you “win the title” or “become world champion” or “get in the hall of fame” - and there isn't a retirement. You work at it every day with the person you've shared your heart to. The person you've promised to give everything you are to. 

That's love, Giovanni. And that's what Selena has for me. That's what Selena has, period. So when you call it 'ego', it irks me. Because you think you can tell the difference between the two.

A sad chuckle escapes Deanna's lips.

You want to know what 'ego' is, Mr. Aries? Ego is losing a match and whining for months that you “let that person win”.
“Ego” is coming out to your wife's entrance, not because you want to honour her but because you want to mock her and hurt her.
“Ego” is, whenever a 'great plan' goes wrong, you lie to the world and say “I knew that would happen! It's all part of the plan!”. And because that example isn't as obvious as the other two, I'm referring to Ravyn when I say that.

Deanna shrugs. ”Ego” is declaring yourself the “Queen of Queens” or a “Goddess” and everyone should bow – I could go on, but I'll just use two more: she hold up her fingers to designate the number.

”Ego” is thinking you're above the title you hold and “ego” is blaming an elderly man for your own shortcomings...

You recognize those last two, Giovanni? Those are you. And they are what I see whenever you talk about Lizard Kingdoms or about my wife. Because, deep down, you hate her. You hate her because she's done so much more than you. Just like Regan and Kennedy. 

I remember last year. How you won this upcoming event last year. You didn't seemed to mind the 'allure' of gold then. You didn't seem to mind fighting for SCW then, did you? Didn't boycott anything, did you? But you failed. Came up short – and every time you look at my wife, at Regan, at Kennedy, you see something you've never been. Hell, I'll go as far as to bet the real reason you tore about the United States Title wasn't because it was some 'hypnotic tool' by the lizard people, but because looking at it reminded you of how close you came to finally becoming the World champion – and how you couldn't do it.

The redhead sighs. I don't have many regrets in my life, Giovanni, and none that have really haunted me. I live each day the best that I can, because it might be my last, and I make sure to love those that love me with all my heart. 

But you? All I can see in you is bitterness. Same in Xander Valentine – 

I mean, you have Xander – this supposed powerhouse, this monster, that ran roughshod in SCW during its earlier years. He disappears for years and years and then comes back and thinks SCW hasn't evolved, hasn't improved, hasn't grown and he should be hailed and feared as he was before. Basically, he's a male Syren – I know that will upset him, but that sense of entitlement? Yeah, that's Syren through and through. Thing is, SCW isn't the same. There are people that work harder than before. It's a new breed and Regan Street? My wife? They're leading the charge. And that's all Xander sees when he sees SCW and sees my wife. Someone that isn't a pushover like those he faced in the beginning. Someone that can bring the fight and isn't afraid of him.

And then we have you, Giovanni: Someone that came in for a short while in SCW, achieved nothing, and ran away with his tail between his legs. I don't know if it was 'too hard' or whatever the reason, but you came back better than ever and motivated yourself to actually get closer to the World title, and we all know how that went – 

You said my wife's ego is what cost her and what endangered me... Giovanni, this WHOLE Lizard King thing? This whole “Xander terrifying me” thing? It all has been because of your two's egos! Face it, Giovanni, the reason you went after Mr. D. is because your ego couldn't accept that you weren't good enough to beat Kennedy Street and become the World Champion. Xander Valentine? This whole attack was because he can't accept that he isn't the monster that he once was. That the SCW roster doesn't fear him like it use to. 

Know why, Giovanni? Xander? Because my wife faces monsters like you, Xander, and ego-driven eccentrics like you, Giovanni, on a regular basis! Matt Auclair? Chris Cannon – hell, Rachel Tatum Lee is scarier to her than you are, Xander! Cause she doesn't have to hide behind anyone to do some REAL damage!

Deanna shakes her head.

You mock my wife when it is your egos – fueled by fear of being ignored or forgotten - that are so out of control. You take something beautiful like the representation of hard work – a championship title – and you drag it through the mud. You take something like a wife supporting her partner and you make it into mindgames and assault because you lack the courage to beat my wife fair and square. All the while breaking the spirits of men and women to try and corral them into your ranks. 

But you don't care about them, do you, Giovanni? You don't care about James Evans and how he struggles. You don't care about Owen Cruze and how hard he is working to be his own man. You don't care about Konrad Raab and his struggle to find his identity.

Because to you, and your ego, Giovanni, these people are just 'weapons', aren't they? Those were your words last Breakdown, weren't they? Weapons for the Wonderland? Targets to use against the people you are so jealous of – Regan, Selena, Kennedy...

That's why you've hidden away from the royale, hasn't it? That's why you've refused to not only defend the title you've won, but refused to even participate at the pay-per-view. Because how much would it hurt you if your Wonderland – Konrad...Damien...
Deanna's throat hitches a little at the next name. Xander... what would happen to all your egos if you got yours and were unceremoniously eliminated by the people you've done nothing but mock, cheat, steal from and insulted week after week?

She shakes her head. I know – and SCW knows – that my wife isn't lead my ego. She loves this business. Loves the United States Title and representing it. And she would do anything to protect SCW and would proudly fight till her last breath – not for fame or glory or the spotlight but for what she believes in. 

And that is what I can't find forgivable about you two. That you take something so beautiful - like love - and you twist it. You try and make it into something hideous. You try and paint her into this thing that she is not.

A sniffle comes from Deanna before she seems to become more resolved in her expression. Well the both of you will fail. You hear me? she straightens herself. The both of you will fail! Because if I can see your actions for what they are – your egos for what they are – then so can the smarter wrestling fans! You're going to fail because my wife is so much stronger than that! My wife is so much more driven than to be taken down by your cowardice and your words! Yeah, you may have the momentum right now and you may have the United States title, but there's a reason that Selena has never needed the main-event at Rise to Greatness or “The unbelievable main-event” to become a star like you needed, Giovanni. There is a reason you hate her as much as you do, Xander.

The both of you know what happens when you knock my wife down. She doesn't hide like you, Mr. Aries. She doesn't disappear for years like you, Xander. No! She gets right back up!

So go ahead and keep trying to cover her with your filth, your lies and whatever your little group can make up. Because sooner or later, my wife is going to break free of all that and her love – her love for this business – is going to take down all of your egos and shine through.

A quiet laugh comes from the redhead.

You know, I actually feel sorry for the two of you. The last person that laid a hand on me? He ended up getting put on the shelf. The last person that endangered my family? Selena destroyed him at Rise to Greatness and ran him out of SCW for good.

Maybe Giovanni is safe in whatever hole he's going to hide in that night... but Xander? Even Konrad or Damian if they show up?
Deanna shakes her head.

I cannot imagine what my minx is going to do to you...

Reaching forward, Deanna pushes a button on her screen and the footage goes dead.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
Ash Harte

The scene opens up in not a lavish apartment, but it’s not a dump either. The apartment must be located somewhere near down town New York, because the lights and sounds of the big city were filtering in to the apartment very easily. If you weren’t listening for it you wouldn’t hear the sound of a set keys jingling outside of the door. Moments later an exhausted looking Ash Harte entered the ‘living’ room of her apartment. It’s only been barely a week since she was in South Bend, Indiana to visit Minka Pressler to talk her into getting herself in to the battle royal that’s going to be taking place at Taking Hold of The Flame. Though she already misses the quietness of Minka’s farm house, because it was definitely more peaceful this. She drops her keys down onto the table next to the door as she shuts and bolts it shut.

When she left home to pursue a career in professional wrestling she never thought that she could live in a small quiet town like South Bend. She always felt that she had to live in one of the biggest cities if she was going to make it. So that was part of the reason why she decided to move out of Watertown, New York to the big apple. However, the major one was that she didn’t want to live in the same city as her ‘parents’, because they didn’t approve of her decision to become a professional wrestler. As she starts to walk through the apartment she notices that the light on her home answering machine is blinking. Rare I know someone having a home answering machine in the day and age of cell phones replacing home phones. Though, Ash keeps it mostly for nostalgia purposes, but mostly it’s so that she doesn’t have to give her ‘parents’ her cell number. She reluctantly walks over to the machine and pushes the play button on it, because she has a feeling the type messages that on there.

“You have… seventeen… new messages.” The machine said, before a beep was heard.

“Ashlyn, its grandma call me.” Ash scoffed a little bit at the woman that called herself, her grandmother. It’s true, the voice of the woman was that of Linda Harte, and was her biological grandmother. However, the woman was more like her mother than anything else as Ash never had a chance to get to know her mother as she died when she was really young and she never knew her father, because he supposedly wanted nothing to do with her. Another beep was heard as the machine moved on to the next message.

“Ashlyn, its grandma again. Please call me.” She said, Ash could only sigh, because other than the disagreement over her choice to become a professional wrestler she and her grandparents had a great relationship. The machine just kept playing the messages and with each passing one they were getting more frantic. Normally that would be nothing to sneeze at, because it could be wrote of as her grandmother getting worried, because they hadn’t heard from her for a few days. However, that’s not the case here… these are all from today and all from the last hour… one after the other. You know the kind of messages you get from an ex-lover just after you break up with them and they are pleading with you to take them back, that they’ll change, and that they still love you. That’s the kind behavior that’s coming from her grandparents at the moment. Something was going on with the both of them, but they weren’t talking about it… just telling her what she can’t do.

“No more new messages.” The machine chimed, and Ash let out a sigh of relief that she doesn’t have to listen to any more pleading from her grandparents for her to call them back. Don’t get her wrong she had every intention on calling them back, but not until after the battle royal at Taking Hold of the Flame, because then she could tell them look nothing to be worried about. That all the training that she paid for was well worth it. After taking a couple of breaths she starts talking to herself.

“In a few hours, I’ll be getting on a plan to head to Montreal, for my debut in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal.” She said, a smile creeping on to her face when she thinks about it. As how many people can calm that they made their debut in that match? How many can calm that they did that and won it? As that’s what she plans on doing and then she’s going to go on to win the SCW World Championship from Sienna Swan. To most that would be a pipe dream, but she was taught by several of her trainers to always dream big.

“I can’t express how excited I am for this as this will be the first time that I’m in front of the fans at an SCW show not as a valet, but as a wrestler to show them what I am made of.” She says, places her hands together in front of her chest and starts to rub them together. As some of her nervous energy is starting to manifest in her actions.

“Though I have to be careful, because there are more than a few draw backs.” She says, “I don’t know how I’m going to handle my emotions in the moment. The pressure of failing is going to be crushing, but more than that… it’s a battle royal. I don’t know whose going to be in the ring when I come out, I don’t know who is going to enter after I’m out, and well generally anything can happen.”

Ash pauses to take a deep breath to settle her nerves a little bit. “I have no idea who I’m going to wrestling against, but then again they know nothing about me… probably don’t even know my name.”

“Which is fair enough, because I haven’t done anything of note in the in the SCW.” Ash says, as she starts to take off her jacket that she’s wearing. She grimaces a little bit, because her left shoulder is heavily bruised and discolored at the moment. A little souvenir she picked up during her last ‘extra’ training session at the gym down the street from her apartment. She probably shouldn’t be seeking more training, because the Youngs, Singers, Presslers, and even Woody Hoyt have been great trainers, but her need to impress during the battle royal. So what if some guy in her local gym by the name of ‘Bear’ doesn’t have much in the way of wrestling training. He offered valuable experience in trying to overcome a sea human flesh considering that he stood at seven feet tall and nearly six hundred pounds that treated Ash like a rag doll.

“After this match though, I am sure that people will know my name even if I don’t win, because I’m going to stand out.” Ash paused again as her nerves started ramping up again. So another quick and deep breath to settle them down. “There is no doubt about it… this match could make or break me, but no matter the outcome I will shine in it, because even if I don’t finish up being the survivor I will learn something from it. No matter the match, win or lose, I will make sure that I gain something from it.”

Ash’s little apartment practice promo session is interrupted when all of the sudden her phone starts ringing. She didn’t even have caller ID on the phone, but she knew who it was that calling the phone. Which was easy, because only her grandparents were given that number and as such are the only people that call it. Outside of the few times that she receives telemarketer calls. She really thinks about just letting the call go to her machine again, but decides against it, because they would probably just call right back anyway. So Ash answers the phone, but puts it on speaker phone, because she had a feeling that this call was going to get loud on their side of things and she didn’t want them busting her eardrums with it.

“Hello, can I ask who is calling?” Ash asked, as just about every part of her body was hoping that it was one of those rare telemarketer calls.

“Ashlyn Simone Harte! It’s about time you answer the phone!” Shouted her grandmother and Ash let out an inaudible sigh as her hopes were dashed.

“I’m sorry, grandma, I’ve been out.” Ash said, as she already knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

“Doing what? Sleeping around with man whores?” Boomed her grandfather’s voice and Ash couldn’t help, but sigh again as it’s apparent that her grandparents had figure out how to use their own speaker phone finally. Which is great, because Ash had been trying to teach them how to use it so that she could talk to both and end happier conversations faster, but having to deal with both of them yelling at her in the moment… she wasn’t liking this. She obviously didn’t think this through when she got them that phone with the speaker.

“I’m not one to throw my love around like grandpa.” Ash said, but her mind betrays her a little bit as she remembers her reaction to Luke Dallas when she first saw him on Minka’s land. “I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.”

“Is that because you are going through with that devil’s professional wrestling?” Her grandma chimed back in, which was pretty accurate as to why she hadn’t found someone to send her time with. Juggling that with her training would be too much to bare, but she can’t say she didn’t think about maybe hooking up with Woody a few times, but then she found out that he was married and that killed her fancy in him real quick.

“I don’t see what you have against it… why don’t you give it a chance? Let me show you how talented I am.” Ash says, even though she knows that it isn’t going to go over well with her grandparents. However, surprisingly the both of them are quiet for a long time. Which gives Ash both hope, but a sense of panic as well. Clearly there was a second conversation going on between her grandparents probably with their ‘knowing’ looks to one another seeing as she can’t hear a word that they are saying.

“Ashlyn, please don’t go through joining that vile business.” Her grandmother said, with an eerily calm demeanor given the topic of discussion they were having. Ash knew that was coming, because that’s always been their stance on her wrestling. For some reason they just have something against professional wrestling, but the moment that she asks for them to explain themselves… they clam up about it.

“Give me one valid reason why I should not follow my dream?” Ashlyn said, and despite the fact that she had hoped that this time was going to be different it wasn’t. Both of her grandparent’s clammed up in that moment.  It was a good several moments before anything was said again, but unlike the other times… Ashlyn got a response that she wasn’t ready for…

“We don’t want you to end up like them.” Her grandmother said, and it blew Ash’s mind, because she couldn’t figure out what she had meant by ‘end up like them’. Ashlyn is about to ask her grandmother what it is that she means by that, but before she can her grandfather cuts her off.

“Linda! I thought we were never going mention that?” He said, and the sound of his voice she could tell that he was furious at the slip of the lip that just happened by his wife. Now the question on Ash’s mind was what going on, because she was completely confused, but she didn’t get to ask that question either as all of the sudden the phone line went dead.

She couldn’t believe it, but the phone had been hung up on her in that manner. She really thought about calling her grandparents back to ask them what was going on, but she decides against it when she looks at the wall clock. It was just about time for her to be leaving for her flight and she still needed to get something to eat.

So she moved over towards the fridge after hitting the button on the base of the phone to turn the speaker off. She opened up the door to the ice box and the revelation of how Spartan the pickings were she made the decision that she was going grocery shopping the moment that she gets her first paycheck from SCW as an in ring competitor. As the contents of her fridge at the moment were a bottle of SMART water, a stick of celery, and a carton of Low Mein.

Out of the contents the only thing that she felt would be enough to satisfy her hunger was the Low Mein, but when she picked the carton up to open it and sniff the contents… she quickly changed her mind. She was DEFINITELY grocery shopping with her first check as the carton of Low Mein found its way to the trash can. Once the expired contents of the take out were thrown out she returned to the fridge to grab the bottle of water.

She didn’t like the idea of it, but she was going to have to stop for something on the way to the airport to eat.

Sure enough, as I walked out of the apartment and into the street, the guards that had been posted outside were nowhere to be seen. The car was still on point, but the men themselves had gone, just as Amberstone had promised. Surprisingly for a fugitive who had a Government agency after him, the address was only a few miles away (because otherwise the timeline wouldn’t make sense and this isn’t Endgame dammit), and as I walked up to some double steel gates, I couldn’t lie, the snake was poking its head out of the cage
Really, you’ve never heard that saying before? I was shitting myself… geez keep up people. Anyway, I rattled the gates, the sound of steel piercing the night.
“Could you please step away from the gates Mr Cross?”
The voice startles me, and if I’m being honest here, it wouldn’t be any great surprise if a giant log had settled in my briefs. But I do as I’m told, because it didn’t look like I was going to get through them any other way. I’ve literally only just stepped back when I there is a click, and the gates swing open ominously, allowing me to step inside. Looking around, it looks like an old scrap yard, predominantly broken down cars. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to stay here, or go somewhere, and the wait starts to get awkward pretty quickly. Thankfully the voice breaks the silence again.
“Over to your right is two lines of cars, can you see them?”
Elijah: Yes
I didn’t know if he / they could hear me or not
“Good, make your way through the gap until you reach two large steel doors.”
He could hear me…
Now at this point, I’m not going to lie, well I might soon enough, but not at this point… I’d seen enough movies to suggest that I was just as likely to get anally abused as find two steel doors. But, I was desperate for answers right? And stepping towards the corridor of cars I was starting to realize exactly how ‘desperate’ I was for the truth. If you’ve been paying attention through this story, you’d know that I am firmly all about the Vagina, I have no desire for ye old Pork Sword. However, if a little bum sex was going to get me my answers, then so be it. It only hurts to begin with and he may have been kind and used lube. Anyway, the corridor of cars goes on for about 300 meters, until finally as promised I reach those very same doors, and with my anal virginity intact. (Shit, I admitted I’d done it earlier) Another click is followed by the doors sliding open, and an elevator revealing itself.
Elijah: What the hell is going on here?
No one answers, and staring into the elevator, its only intrigue that makes me step inside, that and this story would be pretty crap if I didn’t and went home. No sooner have I entered do the doors shut, the elevator starts to descend. Subconsciously I clench my perfectly formed buttocks together, steeling myself for whatever came next. The elevator stops, and the doors open to the darkest darkness I’d seen in my life. As I step out of the elevator, a single spotlight shines from the ceiling, and straight into my eyes.
“Mr Cross, can you please kneel, with your hands behind your head?”
Elijah: You’re shitting me right?
“Please Elijah.”
I assume the position, knowing that there were any amount of things that could escape from the darkness and that I would be powerless to stop them. After what seems like a lifetime the spotlight goes off, and the emergency lighting kicks in, bathing the area in a deep red. I see the little silhouetto of a man… scara… don’t do it Elijah.
“Excuse the theatrics Mr Cross, you never can be too careful.”
The area is then bathed in artificial light, and in front of my I see the guy from the TV, well he wasn’t actually on TV. It was Amberstone ok Christ.
Elijah: I was beginning to wonder what was going on.
Amberstone points to a computer terminal which is situated in front of four giant television screens, each flipping between images taken from within the compound. I recognize some of the areas, as I had been there just moments before.
Amberstone: The people watching you may have been taken care of, but I had to ensure that you were not followed.
Elijah: About them…
Amberstone holds up his hand
Amberstone: Not important Elijah, we should get down to business. You can bet G.U.A.R.D will not be stood around sucking their own dicks whilst we procrastinate.
Now, there were a few things wrong with that sentence. Firstly, I still hadn’t come up with what G.U.A.R.D stood for… and I know, it’s been nearly a year now. Secondly, I was become acutely aware that Amberstone had an obsession with dicks, not a big deal but something you might need to be aware of later. And thirdly, I had literally no clue what procrastinate meant. I’d google it later.
Elijah: Ok, so spill… why have I got all this going on?
Amberstone: Please Elijah, take a seat.
I take the swivel chair next to the terminal, and swing my legs round to face Amberstone
Elijah: Go…
Amberstone: To explain fully Elijah, I’m going to have to take you back twenty five years…
Fucking hell dude, I wanted answers not story hour.
Amberstone: When G.U.A.R.D was first put together in its original guise, it was indeed designed to protect Earth from ANY enemies, whether it be internal, or indeed extra-terrestrial. And for a good few years, it worked, until about five years ago when Halladay… I believe you’ve met?
I nod, yeah I’d had the pleasure of nearly throttling him.
Amberstone: Well, he became the Head of Operations, and instead of learning from our enemies, he set out to destroy them. Especially those with powers.
Elijah: OK, so hold on… where do you come in?
Amberstone: Well, before he took control, I was lead in a department that was trying to establish if you could in fact ‘create’ someone with superpowers. Halladay saw that as a threat by itself and shut us down, demoting me to the plastic surgery division, working with the clinic you registered with to cover up what we were doing. Only benefit being Charlotte and her Lavender Breasts
I remembered them well, seemed Amberstone had sampled them as well,but we had matters to deal with.
Elijah: I just wanted a scar removed???
Amberstone: We had to do ‘some’ legit work… but our main task was to change the appearance of anyone who was rehabilitated and would no longer commit crime and could therefore be released back into the population.
Elijah: But you used it as an opportunity to continue your work… and that’s where I came in?
Amberstone: Yes, but unfortunately Halladay got wise to my work… and here we now are. Both hunted by G.U.A.R.D (Which doesn’t stand for Gorillas under a ridiculous disguise but it really should), Halladay now wants to get rid of us both, but we can’t allow that. Literally, the fate of the world is at stake.
Now, I was properly confused… the world? He could see my confusion as well, though he probably just thought I was constipated or something.
Elijah: I don’t get it…
Amberstone: Because one day Elijah, an attempt WILL be made to invade Earth, and if Halladay has gotten rid of those which were created, or sent to protect us…
Elijah: We won’t stand a chance
Amberstone: Exactly.
Amberstone pours two glasses of whiskey and hands me one, as I think about what I had just been told. I’d always known I was on this planet for a good reason… saving it was as good a reason as any.
Elijah: Well, you certainly messed up creating me
Amberstone: How so?
Elijah: What’s the point of having a hero that is only useful if it’s in the midst of a storm? I don’t know about you bro, but if I’m planning an alien invasion, I’m doing it when the suns out you know? You could have at least made it so I can invoke lightening… like Thor.
Amberstone: Slight difficulty there, Thor is a God and born that way.
Alright Lady Gaga.
Elijah: OK, but that still doesn’t answer my question does it?
Amberstone: True, but that’s because you only have one piece of the puzzle. Is Thor as powerful without Storm breaker or Mjolnir?
I’m guessing there was that look of constipation again
Amberstone: Just follow me Elijah
I stand, as we walk into a side room, about twelve feet each way. In the middle of the room is what looks like a chamber.
Amberstone: As you are aware, the energy from lightening does indeed ‘charge’ you, but unfortunately that charge isn’t permanent. I’m afraid it does eventually run out, think of it as a battery, and not the longer lasting kinds. Whilst charged, you can as you have found fire lightening from your hands, you also have super strength and speed. The problem of course is its limitations…
He pulls the cover off the chamber, and reveals under a red and black suit, extremely figure hugging in all the right place AND it looked like it was my size. I look at him questionably…
Amberstone: This is the other half to the puzzle. I may seem reckless Elijah, and your first experimentation shows that perhaps I was, but I wasn’t going to just let you loose with this power, without knowing that you were worthy. I’m afraid with Halladay’s latest attempts on our lives, the situation is a lot graver than that and now I have to ‘take a punt’ on you.
I really thought he’d called me a cunt, but he presses a button, and a door slides open, Amberstone taking out the suit and holding it out to me so it’s soon forgotten
Amberstone: Try it on
He passes me the suit that is surprisingly light. I then step into it. As I do, the suit seems to compact, molding itself to my body. As it does, a wave flows through me, like the suit was being drawn to something
Amberstone: Can you feel that Elijah?
I nod, I can feel it alright, so much so I’d get an erection if the suit wasn’t so tight.
Amberstone: Now, you see the ceiling lights… hold out your hands
I gingerly lift my hands, bringing them up to the lights and almost immediately I feel the power surging through the suit and transferring itself to my veins. I can literally feel the electricity flowing through my body just like I had on that first night.
Amberstone: Now Elijah… release that power
I didn’t know where, or how… I wasn’t sure of anything right now except that it felt like that moment, just before climax. I thrust my hands in the direction of a pile of crates, the electricity surging out of my hands like a beam, and setting the crates on fire. Almost immediately Amberstone grabs a fire extinguisher, and puts out the flames, as I bring my hands up, looking at them in disbelief
Elijah: Whoa
Amberstone puts the extinguisher down after putting out the fire, turning back to Elijah
Amberstone: Whoa indeed, and that was from a low voltage light. Imagine the surge from an electricity pylon, or lightning bolts. With that suit, you can draw that power from literally anywhere, even out of the air. I can show you the power it possesses Elijah, it renders you pretty much indestructible… all you have to do is use it to help me bring down G.U.A.R.D.
Elijah: And I get to keep the suit?
Amberstone nods, as the surge slows down, but I am still aware it is there for me to draw on whenever I need it. It was a no brainer.
Elijah: I’m in…balls fucking deep.
Amberstone: Excellent… I need to do some further advancements on the suit. But we should be ready for a live test in three days or so.
Elijah: Live test?
Amberstone: You’ll understand… just be ready
Amberstone presses the middle of my chest, and the suit seems to deflate, allowing me to step out of it. Fact was, I couldn’t wait to step back into that son of a bitch, no matter what this ‘test’ entailed.
Elijah: Do I get a name?
Amberstone: Excuse me?
Elijah: A name… like Thor and shit.
Amberstone: You can call yourself whatever you like, as long as you get the job done.
Elijah: Lightening Man?
Amberstone: No… hell no.
Elijah: Flash?
Amberstone: Been done
I look at the smoking crates, which through the middle is burnt a circle, and then at the suit before looking back towards Amberstone with a grin on my face.
Elijah: Yeah… well in that case from now on you can call me ‘Zero’, like Ground Zero and shit
Amberstone: Zero huh? Well welcome aboard Zero.
Hearing it for the first time, it felt like I had found my purpose, and all I wanted to do was put the suit back on and get started. Little did I know, that it came a shit ton of man hours and responsibility. And suit or not, giving me responsibility had never been a good idea, and Amberstone and I were about to find out why.
Why didn’t I have a ‘Zerophone’ or a light that shined an image up into the sky when I was needed? I’d get Amberstone on that straight away, it didn’t seem that much to ask. No, I’d received a text, to tell me to be at a warehouse downtown where one of the local gangs was receiving delivery of a shipment of drugs. The plan was simple… harness the electricity, fry the fuck out of the drugs van, and then get out of dodge. But as anyone who watches Game of Thrones will attest to, plans never go to, well, plan. Dragon kebab anyone?
I’m getting ahead of myself… so I’d received a text from Amberstone… hold on a minute, how did he know this drugs deal was going down? Doesn’t matter, it’s can be an Avengers style plot hole. Right now I find myself perched behind a huge storage crate, watching the ‘action’ through the enhancement that had been built into the suit, a mask that now also covered my face, because that’s pretty useful when you don’t want people to know who you are.
Amusing myself with the ‘zoom’ facility, and zooming in and out on one of the guy’s ass cracks, I receive the fright of my life
“Be careful, that’s not a toy.”
Now be honest, you thought that was someone behind me right? Yeah well so did I.
“It’s me… Amberstone.”
You probably didn’t think it was Amberstone behind me, but I did. After a while though I figured out that Amberstone had also built something in said mask that allowed him to not only see what I was seeing, but also communicate with me. Pretty cool huh and not a rip off at all of any movie you may have seen.
“OK, just running some diagnostics… you’re good to go Elijah.”
Zero: Err, Excuse me?
“You’re powered up. Get out there and light it up.”
Zero: No, what’s my name?
You can’t tell, but knowing Amberstone, he was obviously rolling his eyes.
Amberstone: OK… you’re good to go Zero.
Zero: On it bro, like a car bonnet.
I step out from behind the crate, and walk towards the van, the four guys stood around all criminal like not noticing me. Once close enough, I stop and stand with my hands on my hips in my best superhero pose.
Zero: Good evening Citizens
I ignore Amberstone, and relish their look at they turn
Thug 1: Dude, Halloween was month ago
Thug 2: Seriously brah, that get up is wack
Rude. #jealousmuch
Zero: Step away from the truck and you will not be harmed.
“Technically it’s a van.”
Zero: Seriously, will you shut up already?
Thug 1: You dissing me bro?
Zero: No, I wasn’t saying it to you, I have this voice, in my head like.
Thug 3: You for reals?
Zero: Well, I could tell you the story, but needless to say I’m a superhero, and I need to stop those drugs on that truck from…
Zero: Does it fucking matter Amberstone… Jesus Christ.
“And now you’ve said my name… awesome.”
Zero: Look, just step back. I’ll fire electricity from my hands, no one gets hurt, job done.
Thug 4: You talk too much…
He starts to step forwards, a pretty crude plank held in his hand. I knew Amberstone said I would be pretty much indestructible but I wasn’t going to take the chance. I lift my hands, and just like I had done before, bring forth the power surge… which like I said, was the plan. For the record… it didn’t happen
Zero: Amberstone?
“Concentrate… you’ve lost your emotional connection to the suit. Try again.”
No one said anything about an emotional connection, but I do try again, and again get nothing, and now all four thugs were advancing on me
“You’re overthinking it… harness the power Elijah.”
Zero: My fucking name is Z…
The crack of the wood doesn’t hurt, but the force does drop me to one knee. Another to the face sends me flying backwards and to the floor, which is when the boots start flying in. I cover up to avoid the shots, and then catch the glimmer of a street light on a blade.
“Elijah… concentrate.”
Yeah, concentrate with feet trying to break my ribs. The thug lifts the knife and brings it down, aiming for my chest. I didn’t know if it would pierce the suit, but I wasn’t going to find out.
The light is blinding, as extreme power flows from the suit, throwing the Thugs through the air and landing over ten feet away. None of them move as I get to my feet, shaking my head
Zero: What the hell was that?
“I overrode the system and did it for you… neat huh?”
Before I can answer, I hear the waling of sirens, Amberstone does too apparently.
Amberstone: Get out of there, they will still be out cold when the police arrive.
Zero: But…
Amberstone: Next time Zero… come back to base.
If he’d called me Elijah, I would have told him to whistle, especially how this test somehow felt like a failure. Why couldn’t I get the link when I needed it, and why had Amberstone needed to bail me out? I hoped Amberstone had the answers.

“Ladies, Gentlemen and Children of the SCW… be fearful no longer. Your savior has arrived, and his name…is…ZERO!!!”
The empty space that the camera is focused on is filled by the muscular frame of Zero who steps into shot, smiling behind the mask… (You’re gonna have to take my word for that.) We are in a small room, a single window to our left. Outside the weather is calm, and there isn’t a single cloud in the sky.
“After my glorious resurrection was gratefully received by the citizens of EMERGE, it became clear that the problem had spread beyond my domain. I heard the words of Giovanni Aries, carried by the winds of hope and justice, and saw them falling on empty ears. I saw the carnage left behind by what he calls the Lizard King, and I realized that EMERGE was only a small part of the issue. That this ‘separation’ of the two cities would lead to a far bigger problem… a kingdom divided.
See, although EMERGE has become the breeding ground for filth, and corruption and is my true home. Right here in the SCW is where the real darkness resides. RIGHT HERE my good people is where I need to be in this moment, stood side by side with the one person who wants to bring in a bright future, and not burn your city and mine to the ground.
Look at it this way my friends, not all superheroes wear masks, and for the last two years Giovanni has been the superhero you have needed, taking the Flame last year,  only to be shunned by you all in favor of those that pull the wool over your eyes every…single…week. I have arrived, not only to help with the cleanup of your City, but to also make sure Giovanni’s word gets out there amongst the people, and isn’t stifled by those that don’t want you to know the truth… by doing whatever it takes to accomplish that.”
He now stands with his hands on his hips, in a classic superhero pose. I’m not saying that he has quite an impressive bulge in the crotchuler region, but it isn’t an accident that the camera seems focused on it for just long enough that it doesn’t get awkward.
“And citizens, it seems that I am in luck. As on the 2nd of June, all the enemies of SCW will convene in one place, all with one goal. To claim the legendary ‘Flame’ that gives them ultimate power, much like the fabled Infinity Stones. All believing that their inevitable victory will allow them to take over your city.”
He wags his finger at the camera
“Not on our watch friends… not on our watch. Only two people could possibly carry an object such as the Flame, two men that could wield such power effectively. One of them leads the Wonderland, and the other one? You’re looking at him. WE are the only ones that couldn’t be corrupted by its aura. WE are the only ones that wouldn’t be consumed by its power. WE can take hold of the Flame, and use it in the manner it was supposed to be, and for the reason it was created, not for manipulation, or greed, but for enlightenment.
To give people the chance to realize that they shouldn’t be afraid of what they believe to be different, just because there are others who shout louder. And to show that just because your name is Drachawych, or Street, or Lancaster, or indeed Swann, you have no more right to be heard than anyone else, no matter how much you squeal your innocence in the form of a ‘Tweet’. It is the citizens that should be allowed to decide, not the ego driven maniacs that preside over them by force feeding them a diet of lies and deceit.
And you see, this is why my experiences in EMERGE will hold me in good stead as I undertake this mission. Take my first opportunity for example, Ryan Singer… who waved the flag as the company man and was supposed to be the person that the ‘people’ could believe in, and yet his actions betrayed him. Is Selena Frost not exactly the same kind of person? Take Lilith Evans, who somehow managed to deceive the paymasters of EMERGE into believe they were of some worth. Are we not talking about the same situation with Casterillo? And what about Mark O’Brian, someone who craved for so long to step out of the shadow of his sibling, and yet failed every single time. Have I not just described ANY of the Streets, who will always be in Trinity’s shadow?”
He holds his stomach as he chuckles
“And the vane, full of himself, Jason Dillinger… who in the end was trying to persuade us that he was doing it all for the Citizens and that he wanted to be a better man for them. Is that not the rhetoric that we have to listen to from our ‘Champion’ Sienna Swann every single week? The Citizens actually being the last people that she thinks about. And her prettiness, I said prettiness and not pettiness even though I could have, in her mind allowing her to ‘lord’ it over you all.
But not me my friends, and not Giovanni. We see through the deception with clear eyes, and do not fall for the wiles of a temptress and matters of the flesh. I WILL eliminate those that live by a code of deceit and lies. WE will purge the SCW of its demons, and turn it AND EMERGE into the land of wonder it was always supposed to be. Without the anger and hatred that consumes it right now.”
He brings his right fist down into his left hand, squeezing.
“Enemies of SCW, listen up as I address you all. You may mock, and deride me as you did Giovanni, but I assure you that we will be the ones laughing in the end. You know not who I am, and I accept that. I know I have to prove myself to the Citizens of SCW, but I will do that by my actions. You know not what I am capable of, and the powers that I possess…”
He shrugs his shoulders and then brings his arms out, so he forms a crucifix shape. The lighting in the room starts to flicker, and in the distance the first rumblings of thunder are followed by a loud crack of lightening, and the eyes of his mask glow a light blue.
“…but at Taking Hold of the Flame, you are going to find out.”
He brings his arms forwards and holds them out in front of him, and then forms a diamond shape with his forefingers and thumbs.
“The Iron Dragon has arrived… the phenomenon is here.”
From the tip of his forefingers, to his thumb, lightening seems to strike between them, crackling intermittently.
“Sleep easy SCW… I got you.”
Patience Elizabeth Young, a name that many thought would be a household name by now is barely a whisper on the lips of wrestling fans these days. When the young Patience made her debut within SWC alongside Minka Pressler aka Crissy Gardner as one half of the tag team Bad Behavior she was destined for great things though so many people in the industry as she’s the daughter of Mike Young and the niece of Rick Young. While both men are infamous in their own regard very few can discredit what they have done in the business. So upon hearing that Patience was trained by both her father and uncle in their separate area of expertise in the ring. After not one, but three match of the year level matches with Alana Starr many felt that there was no ceiling as far as she was concerned. However, flash forward to present day that is hardly the case as Patience just suddenly disappeared from the world of professional wrestling.
Through sporadic and rare tweets on Twitter her fans would lean that she was involved in a car accident. She suffered a broken neck in the accident, but luckily it wasn’t severe enough to officially put an end to her wrestling career. It however, came at time when she was going through great emotional pain. She had just lost her infant son, Charlie, to S.I.D.S. caused by a defect that was missed in his lungs at the time of his birth. The thing that hit her the hardest about his death was that he passed away while she was wrestling against Alana Star in their final match against one another. That nearly have killed her to know that her son died and she wasn’t there for him.
It’s time a while, but she’s slowly forgiven herself with the help of her family, friends, and her husband. She’s accepted the fact that she wasn’t there for Charlie in his final moments, but she didn’t… that she couldn’t have known that he was going to pass away like that, because even the doctors missed the under laying cause that was the source of her grief. Even with her acceptance of the situation she couldn’t bring herself to get back into the ring, because it was still too painful for her to bare.
Her uncle, Rick, the great tactician that he was in the ring knew that Patience was going to be big deal in the business if she could only find her way back to it. So when the occasion arise that he would be re-marrying his wife, Jasmine, for the fourth time (don’t judge they’ve had issues) and that he wasn’t getting any younger. Decided to name her husband, Woody Hoyt, a former student of his wrestling school as the new head trainer and offered her job as the Head Director of the school while he was away.
Patience yawned from behind her desk in her office at the wrestling school, she hated having to get up at four thirty in the morning just so her husband could get to the school to work out with Ashlyn, Samantha, and on the rare occasion Minka. She understood the need for it though, because if he tried to work with any of them during the official classes the students wouldn’t leave them alone. Though she shouldn’t really complain too much, because she’s at the school so early in the morning she is able to get all of her work done before noon and have the rest of the day to herself. Which, after the first couple of days of this she realized that her uncle might have set her up for this. So that in her ‘free’ time she could watch the training, possible do some training, and find herself feeling like she was ready to get back in to the ring.
She had to curse her uncle a little bit for that, because it was working slowly, but surely. It started with just stretching with the students so she could keep limber, but it grew to running drills with them, to a selfie of her putting on the very outfit that she was wearing during her last match with Alana the night that her son passed away, and now a days she’s actually helping Woody teach some of the classes that are heavy with female wrestlers. It’s not that she doesn’t trust him with the female students, because she does… it’s because he isn’t quite sure how to work with them. When he was an active wrestler he had no problem wrestling against women just ask the likes of Nova Wonder and Nevaeh Summers. There was a code of conduct and an unsaid agreement between men and women wrestlers all understood, but with the students… they don’t know what to expect or aren’t completely invested in the training and only looking score some kind of sexual scandal to make themselves famous.
Which, considering the reputation that her uncle got while he was wrestling… this school has seen more than their fair share of those. It also doesn’t help that the school indulges in some training practices that would be deemed barbaric by most other schools. Some of which for legal reasons she has to have them sign waivers before they can even take part in, because they may end up injured or possible die. Which lucky, doesn’t happen, because there are safety precautions, but lawyers… they still want you to cover your ass. Like today… it’s everyone’s ‘favorite’ the dunk tank. Patience remembers her first time doing the dunk tank… it wasn’t fun and not the kind of tank you are thinking it is…
“Are you sure you want to do this, Patience?” Her uncle asked, “You don’t have to do this. You’re a Young and don’t need this kind of training to excel.”
“It’s okay uncle Rick, I want to do it.” She said, and at the time she didn’t realize it, but he was so totally using her and reverse psychology on the rest of the cast to prove to them that there was going to be no special treatment towards her, because she’s family.
“Alright, step up and grab the safety rope.” He said, and Patience did just that she stepped up to bucket of water that had a white rope fastened to it. She took a hold of the rope, took a deep breath, and plunged her head down in to the icy cold water. As the water started to sting her face she attempted to lift her head up, but she couldn’t. Normally at this point someone would panic, but not Patience as she knew it was coming. The idea of the dunk tank was to see how long some can hold their breath under water, but more importantly to push past it as well as the fear of someone drowning you.
The way that tank is set up to work a student is submerged with their breath held with only two ways for you to lift your head. The first way is that you tap out as if it was a submission hold, but when you start to run out of breath and start panicking, because someone holding your head under water the first thing you think of is ‘tapping’ out. The safety measure known as the safety rope was devised.  If a student starts to panic and loses all recollection that this is a just a drill and can’t remember to tap out. If they at any point let go of that rope they are let up.
 The regular record setting time was set by Dane Stig Severinsen with a time of twenty minutes even though unofficially it belongs to Tony Sietas. Sietas beat the old record by twenty two seconds, but due to controversy with Guinness still listing Severinsen as the record holder. As they claim that Sietas hyperventilated himself with Oxygen before his attempt and credits him with only nineteen and a half minutes. The school’s record though belongs to Samantha at seventeen minutes flat. Patience looks at the clock on her desk and it’s showing the time at quarter past seven. It was just about time for the first student to take the plunge.
Meaning that it was just about time for her to make her way out to help with the class. She stood up from behind the desk and walked up the full length mirror in the office to check her work out clothes to make sure were no holes or gaps where she might show a little too much skin. She moved towards the door of the office, but she didn’t need to open the door to know that something was off about today’s class. Through the window on the door she could see that the dunk tank hadn’t been pulled out yet, the class was all gathered around, Samantha and Ash were still there, and standing right next to her husband was her uncle and her father.
“What’s going on here?” Patience thought to herself as she opened the door and walked out in to the training area. She knew just knew something was up to seeing both of them here, because it’s been nearly six years since the both of them have been here at the same time. In fact, the last time that they were both here was the day that police came to arrest her uncle under suspicion that he killed Jeremiah Landry a former student. Who prior to his death was slandering her uncle and the school telling everyone that would listen that the school was nothing more than vanity project and the only students that make it happen to be members of the Young family and friends.
“Great, now we are all here.” Her uncle said, with a solemn look on his face. “I see a lot of confused faces here and I’m going to explain everything.”
“What’s going on, Uncle Rick?” Patience asked, as she stepped to the front of everyone and in the moment her father wanted to walk up to her to talk about their own issues. However, he stays put right next to his brother, because the last thing he needs to do is trying to fix the problems he has with his daughter in front of the hold class.
“Patience, everyone… due to the tarnished reputation of the school, the fact that our attendance numbers are dropping, and the raise in number schools causing competition for new students.” He said, before he got a little too emotion to continue. He had to stop for a moment to recompose himself. “I have decided that it’s time for the doors of Forever Young Wrestling Academy to close its doors.”
At the moment there is a collective gasp from everyone in the room as they couldn’t believe that the man that was once called the cockroach of professional due to his persistence and never giving up was all of the sudden throwing in the towel.
“I know this is coming to many of as a shock, but this decision has been toyed with for several years now.” Her father said, she couldn’t believe it. They were really closing up the school right now. Part of her knew that it was coming, because as the director of the school she’s seen the drop in attendance, the drop in enrollment, and of course the main thing the drop of tuition fees.
“We appreciate each and every one of you that stayed with us till the point.” Her husband says, and it causes her off guard as it sounds like he was more in the know about this situation than what she originally thought he knew about it. “So as a token of our gratitude if any of you would like to continue your training we will reach out on your behalf to any wrestling school of your choice.”
“It’s been a long ride and I hate to see this place go out like this, but all good things must come to an end eventually. So for the final time… class dismissed!” Her uncle said, and like that the school was gone her refuge that was slowly helping her get her courage to get back in to the ring was gone. Patience looked around the room and most of the students had flocked over to Sam, Woody, and her uncle. She never saw what happened to Ash, but she saw that her father was heading straight towards her… she knew what he wanted. It’s the same thing that’s wanted ever since it happened… forgiveness.
“Patience, can we talk please.” He asked, but at that point Patience was already walking away from him. It’s not that she didn’t want to forgive her father for what happened with Charlie, because he hadn’t done anything to seek forgiveness for.
“Not now dad… I have a lot to process right now.” Patience said, which was true she did have a lot to process, but at the same time she was just trying to use that as a shield to deflect.
“Patience Elizabeth!” He yelled, he was getting more than a little frustrated with his daughter’s avoidance.
“What dad? What do you want from me? I can’t give you the forgiveness you’re searching for.” She said, and that revelation to her father hit him like a ton of bricks. She couldn’t bring herself to forgive him for the simple mistake deciding not to call her the moment he decided to take Charlie to the hospital the night he died. “Dad, just as I can’t blame myself for what happened… I can’t blame you either. So there is no reason for me to forgive you.”
“Patience, I’m still really sorry… I should have called you.” He said and he was on the verge of tears. It killed Patience to see her father hurting in such a way and that’s saying a lot, because he got the nickname of The Tragic Hero, because every time something started to go his way… something else was tragically taken from him. At that moment, Patience knew what she had to do to help heal her broken father even if it’s just a little a bit. She turns on her heels and rushes up to her father and gives him a hug.
“Alright dad, I forgive you.” She said, as she gave him a kiss on the side of his cheek and it wasn’t long after that he broke down and started to cry with relief that he was given what he was looking for. Knowing that sooner or later some of the students would come looking for her father she tucked him away in her office. Once he was tucked away in the office she leaned up against the door. She didn’t know which way was up at the moment so when she heard Ash’s voice she was a little startled by it.
“You have a strange relationship with your dad.” Ash said, but it wasn’t because she really thought it was strange. It’s more out of jealously, because she never had a chance to know her father.
“Maybe, what can I do for you Ash?” Patience asked, because she knew that there had to be something that Ash wanted. She always wanting something and more often than not it was training.
“Sucks this place is closing down.” Ash says, stating the obvious. “Especially considering all the traditions that were going to die, because of it.”
“It’s a shame, but my uncle knows what he’s doing. I mean he did build this place from the ground up.” Patience said, with a great sense of pride in her uncle, because she remembers back when she was seven and they held the ceremony for the ribbon cutting.
“Oh I don’t doubt that, but seeing as I’m going to be the last official graduate of the school… I don’t want to the one that breaks tradition.” Ash said, and it too Patience a moment to realize the tradition that she was talking about. Even though she along with Minka had been teasing her about finding a tag team partner for her big debut.
“What trad… oh…” Patience started to say, but she couldn’t finish it when the revelation hit her as to way Ash was bring it up to her of all people.
“Minka didn’t want me to ask you, but Patience. Will you please be my tag team partner?” Ash asked, and Patience couldn’t tell if it was, because of the raging conflicting emotions within herself, Ash’s plea not to let the tradition die with her, or if it’s the itch that’s finally taken a hold of her body.
“Yes, I’ll be your tag team partner.” Patience barely said, before she was hugged by Ash tightly.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you…” Ash just started to say on repeat, because she was entirely over the moon with the news that Patience was going to be her tag team partner of the match.
“Don’t thank me yet… I’m going to be rusty.” Patience said, but Ash was too far over the moon to care in the moment.
“I would like to say that this would be the first time for me that I have been in a match like this. However, I can’t as I have been in match like this before early on in my career.” At first all we can hear is Ember’s voice as the only thing we can see is the immediate darkness of the room. “However, this is the first time being in one when not everyone in the match is known. I have no idea who I am going to end up in the ring with even though I heard that a few familiar faces were going to be in the match.”
“Glory Braddock and of course my sister from another mister Crissy for starters. Having a history with both of them won’t give me a leg up on them, but then again the fact that I’m a virtual unknown to the major the roster… that does.” Ember says, and even though it’s still too dark to see Ember in the room, a smirk can be felt forming on her lips. “This match is truly something else with the prize being a World Title shot at Rise to Greatness, but also for the whole ‘open door’ policy of sorts. It’s because of that policy that I’m going to be taking part in the match, but the more I think about it the more that I realize that means even my dad or uncle could join the fight for the title.”
“Unfortunately, if you are one of the fans hoping to see that… don’t count it. My uncle and dad are coming out of retirement for the match, but hey I will give bonus points to anyone that guesses and are correct if my any of cousins show up. That’s what I love about this match, because it’s like taking a shot in the dark. Or maybe I should say swing, because as lax the rules are going to be for this match… I don’t someone is going to do anything lethal with a gun.” Ember said, with a short concise laugh at the little pun she just made. She’s talking about how the match is like taking a short in the dark and she’s sitting the dark to where no one can see her. “However, I’ll be damned if some of the wrestlers in this match don’t pack enough punch as gun would. I mean there could be some monstrous giant by the name of Blitzkrieg in the match for all I know.”
“I know that I haven’t been in the ring for a long while… in fact, you could say I’ve rusted completely through in terms familiarity in ring. Dealing with the pain of dropped on my head, back, neck… whatever, but don’t count me out.” Patience says, as she briefly pauses as we start to hear some rummaging. Most likely it’s Ember fishing through her pockets from something. “I just want to give a free lesson for everyone that’s going to be in the match. Be it SCW main stays or new comers to the party like me. I’m a woman of many things, but I am not stupid, nor do I have such a huge ego that I won’t woman up to mistakes that I make of the facts. Trust me, it hasn’t escaped me that even I, myself am just as likely to be eliminated in four seconds like the next person.”
“Do I honestly think that I deserve to be in the main event of Rise to Greatness? No, I’m not the same naïve girl I was in SWC, IWC, UWA… excreta. I haven’t done nothing to earn the right yet, but when I win this battle royal to take the main event at Rise to Greatness I will have earned it.” Finally, a bit of light enters the room and shines on Ember. It doesn’t take long to realize that the light is coming from the flashlight on her phone. She turns it from side to side, and we are finally given the opportunity to see that she is standing in the middle of a wrestling ring. “Ring rust or not… I won’t hold back. This insignificant ember… is about to set SCW in to a blazing inferno.”
[ OOC: Hardly a complete rp, but I'm just out of steam... need sleep and have to work tonight through the deadline. So I really just getting this up to say that I didn't wiff with Crissy for the match. Sorry in advance for the quality. ]


Things have seemingly started to look up for Minka as of late, because she and Samantha were able to pick up a win against an almost certifiable SCW hall of famer Thomas Valentine and his partner Kandis. That’s the type of win that Chance of Pain needs to get back in to contention for the tag team titles, but more importantly it gives them both momentum heading in to The Taking Hold of the Flame Battle royal. Now this year Samantha wasn’t taking part in the match. In fact, she wasn’t going to be having a match at the show in the slightest. Minka’s a little hazy on the details as to why she wasn’t, but she understood.

Back to the tag match it was the first time either one of them won a ‘big’ match in a while and could feel good about it. Not that wins against Team Desire is two point oh is something you can sneeze at. However, just something about this match seemed more important. This last match had definitely raised Minka’s confidence and brought back something that she had been searching for… her old self. Her old self in the way where she knew that she could win matches, she knew that anytime she stepped into that squared circle she was never out of the match. Minka not only found that this was not only helping her, but it meant that the competition, as much as they wanted to count her out, couldn’t take her lightly anymore.

Was it living at her Grandfather’s house or was it just that she was actually telling herself that she could win? She didn’t know, she couldn’t understand it, and if she couldn’t she knew damn well her opponents wouldn’t be able to understand where this new found confidence was coming from, and that gave her an advantage, because they couldn’t tear it down. They couldn’t claim that it was a fluke. Her new confidence could be equated a bit to one of the original Star Wars’ movies, Return of The Jedi.

This though, was the return of Crissy Gardner and she was going to make it a blockbuster thriller. She was going to make sure it become one of those blockbusters that everyone wants to see over and over again, and it starts at Taking Hold of the Flame. It’s where she starts her claim to the main event of Rise to Greatness, but she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. She knew that it was going to be a rigorous climb over thirty nine other wrestlers… some of them even friends. However, she couldn’t have doubt about the end result, she was going to make sure that she survived this match and was ready for anything. No matter who was in the ring and what they wanted to throw at her, she was going to make sure that she was going throw that and more back at them.

She wouldn’t admit to anyone that knows her, but she had come to the conclusion that Luke was a great sparring partner. Their training session they had just had went through a mix of hard takedowns, stiff body shots, and gut wrenching submission moves. She couldn’t help, but feel as tired as a corpse in the moment. She walked out of the barn, a bottle of water in her left hand, over her right shoulder was a towel that she uses to wipe some sweat away from the brow of her forehead. She walks up to the stoop of the main house and takes a seat on it.

Multiple thoughts starts to run through her head in the moment, one of them being how long it’s been since she held a title belt. It was at least a good six hundred days since she held the SCW Women’s championship in an unofficial manner. Just let that sink in for a moment… it’s probably been over a thousand days since the last time she was officially recognized as a champion anywhere, but she was planning on ending that drought at Rise to Greatness.

The thought of that number was just mind blowing to her, but it would be ending soon enough though… no matter the cost. She knew the odds of her winner the battle royal were low… hell she knew that she was going to have to go through Ash and Patience to get the title match, but that was something that she was prepared to do.
And here it is. My second attempt. Good luck to all, I hope you've enjoyed reading this as this is the most fun I've had writing in a long time.

[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
Necessary Evil, II
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)
OOC: Really Happy with this RP and I missed this crazy Cowgirl, enjoy.

Anything with the “REC” on it is Viewable to the Public.

The Views Expressed By Rachel Tatum Lee Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

[Image: 2cd7luu.jpg]

(Click Title)
[Image: RachelTatumLeeSig_zps8ttj7ifj.png]

- 1x SCW Underground Champion
- 1x UWA World Champion
- 1x IWC No Holds Barred Champion
-Lasted over 77 Minutes at Taking Hold of the Flame 2019
- 2017 UWA Wrestler of the Year
- 2016 UWA Icon Memorial Tournament Winner
- Longest Reigning Underground Champion in SCW History (405 Days)
- Longest Reigning IWC NHB Champion in History (420 Days)
- 2013 SCW Stable of the Year (The Coalition)
- 2013 SCW Feud of the Year (The Coalition Vs. Perfect World)

Singles Record - | W - 99| L - 8 | D - 2 |
Hardcore Record - | W - 40| L - 1 | D - 0 |

Overall Record - |W - 113| L - 21 | D - 2 |

SCW Goddess? | Katie Steward | "A Brat's Special Day/A Manifestation"

{The episode starts off in an unincorporated area of the city. The scene opens to the Goddess as she is walking on the sidewalk and just looks to be wandering around. Nothing seems to be bothering her as she’s clearly won in her war against Katie. A fire truck speeds by with it’s light on and siren roaring. She ignores it and continues walking on the sidewalk. A few more fire trucks roar on by and her interest is suddenly peaked. She turns around and heads the other way in the direction of the fire trucks. She gets closer to the action and starts to notice a huge blaze close by. She realizes that the building burning is the building she came from with the Moirai’s threads of fate. Her speed picks up and she darts her way back. She tries to run into the building, but is immediately cut off by a firefighter catching her and walking her back.}

Firefighter: Woah. I’m sorry Ma’am, but we can’t let around get near the building.

Goddess: I have to get inside. I need to see if it’s ok.

Firefighter: Ma’am again I’m sorry, but whatever was inside the building it’s probably already lost.

{The Goddess calms herself down and she stands back from the building as the firefighter returns to his duties.}

Goddess: Gone? It can’t be. She wouldn’t.

{The Goddess is overly frustrated with the turn of events that unleashes a Goddess Scream of her own as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie’s home in Los Angeles, California where the Brats bring Paris Dannon back after getting her arm put in a cast so it can heal. Katie walks into the room to meet them and see how Paris is doing as she is very concern for her Brat. Paris is a little too friendly for her and lights up when Katie walks into the room.}

Paris Dannon: Katie! Oh my God… dess. (laughs) Goddess. I totally get that. That’s funny. Anyone told you that you’re funny.

Katie Steward: Uh thanks. Is she...?

Robin Brooks: Yes. The doctor prescript her some and I have them so we’ll have fun Paris for the next couple of days.

Katie Steward: Oh ok, well that should be fun. At least she is put back together and alright.

Robin Brooks: What about you? Did you figure out what you’re going to do about the Goddess?

Katie Steward: I did actually and I’ll tell you all about it right now in the office.

{Katie leads the Brats into her office. Katelyn and Autumn sit down on the couch and Paris sits down in between them. She rests her head against Autumn’s shoulder and Autumn doesn’t seem to move a muscle. Robin pulls up a seat and sits down next to the couch. Katie walks in front of them with TJ sitting in the desk behind her.}

Katie Steward: I thought about it and I’ve decided what I’m going to do. Actually I kinda of already did it. I freed myself from my fate and now I’m free to do whatever I want.

Robin Brooks: What did you do?

Katie Steward: (smiling) I torched it. I burned the whole thing. So everyone’s fate when up in smoke. So if you think about it. I’m a real hero of this story.

Katelyn Buehler: Wait, so nobody has a future now? That seems kinda mean.

Katie Steward: No. I freed everyone. The thread basically planned out everyone’s entire life. No one is locked into a certain destiny.

Robin Brooks: I don’t know this seems a little sketchy. Then again I didn’t even work their a full day so what do I know.

Katie Steward: Well whatever. I took care of it. It was destroyed so now I’m not going to die. Also if anyone comes around here asking about it none of you know anything it, ok?

{The Brats all look a little confused not sure what Katie means by that, but then let is go with a simultaneous “Ok.”}

Robin Brooks: Well if you’re right that I guess you have nothing to worry about.

Katie Steward: Well I am right and now I got another plan that will we all can do together since I have everyone back. I’m going to defeat the Goddess, win Taking Hold of the Flame and continue to be the greatest Television Champion in SCW by main eventing Rise to Greatness.

Autumn Daniels: Are you serious? You can’t do all of that.

Katelyn Buehler: I know Kate could do all of that, but then again hearing it loud kind of sounded a bit ridiculous.

Katie Steward: No. Guys, when I burn that big thread I felt this power. A power that I hadn’t felt in awhile. I was standing up for myself and it felt good. It felt like I was the Goddess again. I really think that together we could do this.

Paris Dannon: (laughing)…

Katie Steward: I know I can do this. What I need is your help. We all bring something different to the table. That’s what I need. I need to train with each one of you. Learn the things that you do and with that I will be more powerful, more deadly. I am the Infinity Gauntlet and you are my stones.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh! I call Time stones.

Autumn Daniels: What are you doing?

Katelyn Buehler: Calling the best one. The one that saves everyone. Although maybe I’m the Soul stone. I think that might better reflect my place on the team. Autumn, you’re definitely the Power stone and Robin is the Reality stone.

{Katelyn looks at Paris who is asleep in between her and Autumn.}

Katelyn Buehler: Paris is the Space stone.

Katie Steward: Yeah, like I said. You all bring something different to the table and it makes me a better for it. This is what I need now so I’m asking if you girls will help me.

Katelyn Buehler: Sure, we will Kate. We’re here for you.

Autumn Daniels: Yeah, whatever.

Robin Brooks: (mumbles something incoherent)…

Katie Steward: Thank you. I’m happy that you’re all willing to do this for me.

{Katie is so happy to have her Brats back. She runs over and hugs Robin and the scene ends.}


{The scene changes to a couple of days later inside of Katie’s bedroom. She is dressed in her workout outfit, leggings, sports bra and cut Katie’s merch shirt. She packs her gym bag that’s on her bed with her yoga mat rolled up next to it. Katie looks really excited and ready for her day of training. There is a knock on the door and Katie tells them it’s safe to come in. TJ walks into the room.}

Katie Steward: Hi TJ.

TJ Johnson: Hey I just came to check on you to make sure you really wanted to do this. It looks like it’s going to be a lot of work.

Katie Steward: Yeah everything is fine. I’m really excited for doing this and I think it’s going to make me a lot better. I need to defeat the Goddess, I need to win Taking Hold of the Flame and I need to main event Rise to Greatness because I have to. I have to prove that Katya was wrong for backin Dark Fantasy. That Sasha was wrong in thinking I wasn’t a safe bet for Tactical Warfare. I’m ready to remind the world who I am. Also did I mention I’m super excited about this? Though I think Katelyn is even more excited about doing this with me. Also…

{Katie takes a pair of nun chucks out of her gym bag and holds them up for TJ to see.}

Katie Steward: I can’t wait for Autumn to teach me something cool.

TJ Johnson: Nun chucks? When did you get nun chucks?

Katie Steward: I had these since I was a kid.

TJ Johnson: Why?

Katie Steward: Uh, the ninja turtles.

TJ Johnson: You watched the ninja turtles? How did I not know this?

Katie Steward: Apirl O’Neil, TJ. She was just a great role model for girls. She was a reporter and an anchor and totally rocked the yellow jumpsuit.

TJ Johnson: Why didn’t you go into journalist instead of acting?

Katie Steward: I don’t know. I guess my passion has already been in being an actress. Anyways TJ, thanks for the concern. I appreciate it and I’m off to be a better me. Also I need to talk Robin and finds out what her plans are. She’s been avoiding me today.

{Katie puts the nun chucks back in her gym bag and picks up her phone. She checks to see if Robin has gotten back to her, but nothing. She puts her phone back and leaves the room with TJ as the scene fades.}


{The scene opens in a park in Los Angeles, California and Katie walks on a walkway in her workout outfit and her gym bag and yoga mat under her arm. She finds Autumn Daniels sitting on a picnic table under the shade waiting for her.}

Autumn Daniels: There you are, I was wondering if you were going to show.

Katie Steward: I’m here. I wouldn’t miss this. I’m ready to become a warrior that I need to be.

Autumn Daniels: Warrior, huh? Are you sure that’s what you want? I seen some flyers around some centers teaching women to be real warriors and self defense.

Katie Steward: Yeah I know about those and they’re really good programs, but I need something more. I’m going to fight a Goddess and compete against 39 others in a massive battle royal. Honestly I don’t know who has it out for me more.

{Katie walks up to the picnic table and sets her gym bag and yoga mat on the bench and sits on the table next to Autumn.}

Katie Steward: But I do know if I learn a thing or two from you. Someone whose actually looked at the manifestation of evil in the face. Well how could I go wrong with someone that fearless?

Autumn Daniels: Thanks Katie. It’s interesting to hear someone admirer me like that.

{Autumn notices something interesting sticking out of Katie’s gym bag. Autumn reaches down into the opening with her pinky and hooks it on a chain. She pulls Katie’s nun chucks up and shows them to Katie.}

Autumn Daniels: What are these?

Katie Steward: I was thinking for our training I’d be more bad ass if I learned how to use a weapon of some kind.

Autumn Daniels: No. No weapons. If you get hurt, when you get hurt Robin will be mad at me and Robin isn’t going to be mad at me.

Katie Steward: Come on, I’m not going to tell Robin anything. So she won’t know anything. I just want to learn to do something cool and then maybe after I’m done with everything I get cast in the next big TV Show that replaces Game of Thrones.

{Katie tries to show Autumn that she can do this. She reaches over and takes Autumn’s knife out of it’s sleeve on her leg. Katie tries to pull off a fancy twirl on her finger, but she doesn’t stick it and in falls off her finger. Autumn does manage to catch it before it hits the ground. She then points the knife at Katie.}

Autumn Daniels: I’m going to go with no weapon training and also don’t ever touch my knife.

Katie Steward: Sorry.

Autumn Daniels: What I can do is teach you some interesting martial arts, so if you want to start…

{Autumn stands up and grabs protective blocker pad off the table to hold for Katie to hit.}

Katie Steward: Ok, but what if I hurt you?

Autumn Daniels: (laughs) Whenever you’re ready.

{Katie looks a bit hurt and starts to think Autumn isn’t taking her too seriously. She spars with the protector. A montage begins to play showing Katie and Autumn’s training together and Katie adding a some aggression to her game.}

{The scene switches to Katie who is now with Katleyn Buehler in the same park. Katie doing another think that’ll help her in her upcoming battles.}

Katelyn Buehler: Oh my God, Katie I’m so happy we’re doing this.

Katie Steward: I know. I love this to. So what are we doing?

Katelyn Buehler: First, I got a gift for you.

Katie Steward: A gift? Really?

Katelyn Buehler: Yeah. I noticed that I’ve never seen you have one and honestly it’s a really good thing to have. Especially if we’re going to be doing what we’re going to do.

{Katelyn hands over a small box wrapped with a red ribbon and bow. Katie smiles as she takes the box from Katelyn.}

Katie Steward: Wow Katelyn this is amazing. I didn’t know you would do this. Thank you.

{Katie removes the ribbon and opens the box. Inside is a smart watch.}

Katelyn Buehler: It’s a Smart Watch. It’s really cool. I measures your heart rate and all kinds of cool stuff. It’s going to tell you how much your body can take. We’re going to make you a super solider.

Katie Steward: Thanks Katelyn. I really appreciate this. You’re also probably right. I should’ve had this a long time ago.

{Katie puts the smart watch on her wrist so the two brats can begin their training. Katelyn starts to jog in place as she watches Katie finish putting on her watch.}

Katelyn Buehler: Ok are you ready? We have all those Ambrosia cakes to burn off now.

Katie Steward: Yes. I’m ready.

{Katie and Katelyn bring their jog around the park and the camera has a couple of quick shots of Katie’s smart watch showing her heart rate. The footage is added to the montage and we see Katie working out with Autumn and Katelyn, Katie wearing her watch with both of them.}

{The scene changes to Katie sitting on the picnic as she waits for Robin Brooks. Katie checks her phone to see any updates, but nothing. Katie waiting for Robin is also added to the montage with Autumn and Katelyn as it looks like Robin stood Katie up.}

{The scene changes now to Katie Steward whose laid her yoga mat on the ground and she’s practicing her yoga on it while Paris sits on the picnic bench and watches her. Paris looks happy or maybe it’s her pain meds. Either way, Katie’s yoga is adding to her fight training montage.}

{The scene changes one last time to a strip mall near by where Robin is seen walking on the sidewalk. She walks by a fitness center where Katie suddenly leaps from the shadows and catches her. Robin jumps back and looks ready to deck her.}

Katie Steward: Uh huh, I got you.

Robin Brooks: Katie, what the hell? I could’ve knocked you out.

Katie Steward: Oh, you’re upset with me? You’ve been avoiding me. Robin I need your help. Autumn, Katelyn and Paris have all help me get ready. Well Paris just watched, but she looked happy. Now as much as the young gentlemen in a couple of picnic tables over, but still happy. This is important to me.

Robin Brooks: I’m sorry, Katie. I can’t.

Katie Steward: Why not?

Robin Brooks: It’s… embarrassing.

Katie Steward: What? What do you mean? Like an STD? Did something flare up? Hey, I’m not judging. I mean after Hurse you owe it to yourself for having a little fun.

Robin Brooks: No. It’s just since Barry and he’s 3 and really into Pokemon Go.

Katie Steward: Oh.

Robin Brooks: I know. It keeps me active enough to stay in shape, but that’s about it.

Katie Steward: Well you could’ve just told me. We could’ve done it together. I’d love to catch those little monsters.

Robin Brooks: There not monsters. There creatures and some of them are adorable looking.

Katie Steward: Yeah, let catch them.

Robin Brooks: Catch them all.

Katie Steward: What?

Robin Brooks: Just, let’s go.

{Robin walks with Katie and Katie grabs Robin by the arm and pulls her along to get with the Pokemon hunting before letting Autumn turn them into warriors.}


{The scene changes to Katie’s church where Katie returns to it after training with her brats earlier in the week. She opens the doors and walks inside where she find The Goddess inside. The Goddess is looking at a statue inside and she knows Katie just walked in.}

The Goddess: This is an interesting piece. Doesn’t have my figure though.

Katie Steward: Well I used a different model for the design of it.

The Goddess: And why is the head missing?

Katie Steward: The model and I have our disagreements in the past. We’re kinda working through it, but nothing to talk about in awhile so it’s unfinished.

The Goddess: Did you think you were clever? Burning the threads of fate. Do you think that’ll save you?

Katie Steward: I think that I’m the master of my own fate. I don’t need another thing telling me my place. I get enough of that in SCW. So I thought I’d free myself and everyone else.

The Goddess: So you want chaos.

Katie Steward: I just wanted to find a way to get my Goddess powers back. I didn’t want anything else that’s happened.

Ash: (shouting from inside the church) Katie!

Katie Steward: Ash? What did you do?

The Goddess: Nothing. You did this when you took away my King.

{Katie enrages and charges at the Goddess tackling her and crashing through the doors into the church. They roll on the ground and Katie rolls further down the aisle. She looks up to see Ash tied to a chair. Katie crawls and picks herself up trying to run to Ash, but the Goddesses speed is quicker and she gets around Katie and blocks her. The two fight it out on the aisle. Katie using the moves Autumn taught her to get a few shots in. Katelyn’s smart watch on Katie’s wrist beeps with every blow. Katie gets the upper hand and knocks the Goddess to the ground. Katie rushes to the altar and gets Ash untied.}

Ash: Thank you Katie. I don’t know how it happened, but she got me.

Katie Steward: It’s ok. I’ll take care of her.

{Katie turns and goes back to dealing with the Goddess, but she’s no where to be found. Ash sticks close to Katie and follows her down the steps of the altar. The Goddess surprises them both by jumping out of the shadows. She’s now armed with the Claíomh Solais. The sword of light. She swings it around trying to slash at Katie, but Katie dodges the attacks.}

The Goddess: I can’t make you a Goddess, but you’ll have to settle for an Angel.

Katie Steward: No thanks, SCW already has one of those and she’ll really be bad at it lately.

{The Goddess swings and thrust the sword trying to hit Katie. Ash sees an opportunity and she leaps onto the Goddesses back. The Goddess knocks her off and spins trying to go for Ash, but Katie stops her. Katie goes to take the sword, but the Goddess shoves Katie back and knocks her to the ground. Ash grabs the Goddess by the shoulder who turns and thrust the sword into Ash. Ash falls to the ground with the sword inside her. Katie is shock and let’s out a scream she rushes to Ash pushing the Goddess away to check on her.}

Katie Steward: Ash, it’s ok. Talk to me.

{Ash being held in Katie’s arm coughs a bit bwfore slipping into unconsciousness.}

The Goddess: A King for a Goddess. Fair trade.

{Katie is suddenly overcome with emotions of rage. She eyes seem to turn red and something very wrong awakens inside of her. It’s not her Goddess powers, but much, much darker. Wings suddenly spread from her back, but there not her butterfly wings like in Ireland or Sienna’s beautiful angel wings, but ugly scaly wings. The Goddess sees the sight and stumbles back in horror. Katie stands up and pounces on the Goddess knocking to the ground. She gives her a few vicious punches knocking her out.}

{Katie stands up off the Goddess. She tries to get her breathing under control as the smart watch on her wrist looks to be broken. Katie revers back to her normal self and the feelings of anger leaves her in tears as the scene fades out.}


{The last scene opens a few days later back inside the church. Katie’s daughter Ash lays inside a coffin on the altar as services just ended and people have just left. Katie sits in the front pew wearing a black ring robe with pink designs on it.}

Katie Steward: What have I done? I made her in my own image. A Goddess. Something to bring love and warmth into the world, but now everything is different. The world has ground much darker since I burn everyone’s fates. I grew closer to my Brats. I found the desire to win Taking Hold of the Flame. To stand up and show SCW that they are wrong about me. What’s happens is something inside of me has awakened. I’m not the Goddess anymore and I’m very scare what that is. I’m scare what everyone else is going to think of me. At Taking Hold of the Flame I will be inside a ring with other wrestlers and if something goes wrong they could see that side of me.

{Katie looks down at her smart watch and it’s back to normal and reads Katie as calm.}

Katie Steward: I defeated the Goddess like I said I was going to do and I doubt that she wants to go round 2 with me. Now I turn my attentions to Taking Hold of the Flame and I will win this match and I will go on to main event Rise to Greatness. Whether it is to renew either my past with Syren or Sienna or whoever steps in. They’ve got a whole new Katie Steward to worry about and this one isn’t an actress trying to make SCW TV must watch. This isn’t a spot that Katie Steward deserves to be at. No 14 years in this company and finally she’s going to be the face of this company. I don’t want it. I don’t want people to see that face, but I don’t think I have a say in the matter. Something is going to happen at Taking Hold of the Flame. I know I’m going to be responsible for it. The darkest days of SCW is going to return again and this time it’s not Damian Angel that delivers it. Maybe my Horsewomen will rise again. Whatever happens though. A warning to anyone participating in Taking Hold of the Flame. You’re not going to like what happens next.

{Katie stands up from her pew and walks up the aisle. The shadow trail behind her is something sinister looking before the scene and episode end.}
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OOC: I'll be honest... I'm a little frustrated here. This effort is CD only from me. I could chalk it up to spending most of the day at a local convention with my brother, but even if I didn't have that to fall back on I doubted I could've put together anything more for Blackbourne. I really wanted to give him a good shot here, but I finally remembered why I've notoriously had a ton of difficulty in even having a decent performance in this match. I've spent the past few hours trying to come up with something to run with for a promo, but despite my best efforts I've found myself hating everything I've written. The CD I wrote is something I like, at least, and it helps build towards part of where I'm looking to take the character on the road to Rise to Greatness. At this point, I'd rather just post what I've got that I'm happy with as opposed to fighting with myself any further hoping that I can concoct a promo that helps more that hurts this effort. I'm sorry guys... one of these days I swear I'm going to figure out the winning formula for this kind of match, but this year just doesn't seem like it for right now.

Life could be fickle sometimes. It was often never sure if it wanted to reward you for all your hard work or continue to challenge you to see how much you were truly capable of enduring to get to wherever you wanted to go at the end of the day. Adding to it was the fact that even if you felt like continuing the challenge would simply lead to a greater reward, there was never a way to tell when, or even if, you would get that reward sometimes.

Aaron certainly felt like the challenges were beginning to outweigh the rewards at this point in his life.

With Taking Hold of the Flame on the horizon, it was hard to say that the creative soul didn’t have any momentum in his favor. After all, between this upcoming pay-per-view and the last one he’d only taken one loss, though he hardly considered it to be much of one since it was a hard-fought battle and in the end things between himself and Alistaire Allocco had seemed to be patched up. Beyond that match on last week’s Breakdown, it had been hard to keep the artist from finding his way into the winner’s circle, building valuable momentum along the way.

That said, while no one could question the momentum he was building, there were plenty who could question some of the business he was willing to get involved in. Aaron thought it was pretty cut and dry that he was willing to both throw down with Chris Cannon even if it meant causing a disqualification and cut off Alistaire’s father mid-rant because he was standing up for his friend in the process, but there were many who simply didn’t see it that way. He knew Owen was more than capable of being able to fight his own battles, but when you’re on the verge of potentially having your neck broken or being run into the ground when you aren’t present to defend yourself, sometimes it was nice to have a friend willing to look out for you. Considering what had Owen preoccupied outside the ring, Aaron could hardly blame the kid for needing to put other matters first.

It was something he was finding more difficult to do himself, more so in regards to exactly which issue he needed to focus on clearing up first.

It seemed like the choice was pretty clear to him initially. Sure, he had the lingering questions he needed to resolve around this mysterious person that was trying to stalk him and make it seem like he was potentially being haunted by the ghost of his deceased brother, but things on that front had actually been quiet since he’d left Seattle to return to the rigors of the SCW touring schedule, something he’d been grateful for. With his only other option being figuring out a way to help Liane and her siblings sort things out with their parents over the way they’re being treated, which wasn’t an immediate top priority as much as that pained him to say since sorting out his own head would go a long way in helping him to sort that mess out on top of the fact he needed a free opportunity to actually truly meet Mr. and Mrs. Forte to get a full understanding of what he was getting into there, that left the ongoing war over his imagination that was starting to emerge as the key to putting all his proverbial dominos back in order at long last.

Up until recently, Aaron had pondered the fact that after all they’d done to him, the Twin Stars – who had been one of the catalysts for this whole debacle, to begin with – were actually trying to be on his side in being rid of Nemesis once and for all. He would’ve found it hard to believe if not for his recent meetings with Gleeful and Dreambender, who insisted that they were simply staying true to the way they were designed and only wanted the best for Aaron and his mental stability like most of the other entities that resided within his mindscape. They’d certainly gone out of their way to help him understand several other options he had regarding his other problems, and the fact they were openly willing to appear before him knowing how much he’d wanted to get his hands on them was proof that, if nothing else, they were hoping for an alliance to take down a common enemy that was, admittedly, a far greater threat right now. It might be a gamble, but the more he thought about it the more Aaron began to realize that maybe this was a necessary risk in order to get some kind of ending to this chapter of his imaginary escapades for the time being. Besides, maybe only in the aftermath would he see if the twins were being honest with him or simply aiming to eliminate a common enemy and nothing more, and getting to that point required the embodiment of all his stress to fall.

That task was starting to seem more and more like an insurmountable climb the more other factors sought to add to his stress.

Hi! You all thought I was dead, but you just abandoned me! I’m only dead because you think I am to all of you! Thanks family!

The more his eyes scanned over that text message sitting on his phone, the more tempted he was to actually try to crush the device in his hand as though he were The Incredible Hulk. It wasn’t the text itself that was the problem, as in any other scenario it might either seem like one of those spam texts going around that wasn’t just limited to e-mails or social media hijackings anymore or someone either sending it to the wrong person or just trying to get a rise out of him. What was truly bothering him about this was the person who sent it to him.

After all, dead men can’t send text messages.

The more he looked over the whole picture before him, the more his brain was trying to pass it off either as some sick joke or really messed up dream he was having, but he knew it couldn’t be the latter. He’d asked Liane to pinch him to be sure and it hurt enough to prove he was wide awake, meaning he truly was sitting beside his future wife at the lookout of Mount Royal in Montreal trying to figure out what his reaction should truly be to this situation that had gone unnoticed for a little over a week now because of his divided focus. He’d come here with Liane so the two could relax a bit ahead of the battle royal Aaron would be throwing himself into with the hope of being able to go on to showcase his creativity in the biggest fashion imaginable, and things had started off well enough as he immersed himself in sketching the city skyline to do something more with later while she was busy working on some new material she’d come up with for a night club gig she’d managed to land for a few nights while they were in town. Aaron had only checked his text messages after receiving one that was a reminder of some lingering bills he needed to sort out quickly and finally came across the message that had been sitting there, waiting to taunt him for some time.

“Someone’s got a sick sense of humor, and trust me when I say that’s not something you want to hear a comedian tell you.”

Liane had glanced over to confirm that Aaron wasn’t just seeing things after questioning why she’d been asked to pinch him just a moment ago, and the appalled look on her face didn’t even do justice to how sick to her stomach she was over this sight herself. Ignoring how late he was even bothering to look at it, the fact that it came from Andrew’s number gave Aaron a sneaking suspicion that someone hasn’t completely turned over everything they were supposed to of the deceased’s belongings.

“It really wouldn’t surprise me if that sick son of a bitch thought this was funny. The man he supposedly loved is dead and gone forever… what’s the point of trying to continue any of this?”

“Are you even sure it’s him? I know he’s the most likely answer, but you said he’s got friends that kind of helped contribute to some of Andrew’s problems, so maybe one of them is feeling stupid enough to take this farther than it ever needed to go.”

Aaron raised an eyebrow at his fiancée, but she did raise a valid point. Even still, he had to go with his gut on this one, knowing full well that if Dylan was the kind of manipulative asshole that would completely destroy who his brother used to be throughout their mess of a relationship, the ex-boyfriend was also probably not the kind of guy to quit while he thought he was ahead. Maybe, somewhere in his twisted little mind, he felt like losing one of their own hadn’t been enough for the Blackbourne family, though what kind of vendetta he or anyone associated with him would have against them beyond the fact that they all saw straight through his game and did everything in their power to pull Andrew out of it was a mystery in and of itself.

“I don’t want to rule that out Liane but at the same time… I can’t help but feel this is too well-timed. I don’t know what’s going on back home, and I’ll probably be checking in on that shortly to see if I’m unfortunately right about this, but this text was sent out to everyone in my family just before the Breakdown where I was concerned with how to approach the mess I inadvertently made with Alistaire. Dylan would know the business I’m in and when I compete regardless of how much he actually cares for wrestling since Andrew always kept up with my endeavors. I’m actually a little glad I noticed this late because God only knows how much worse this could’ve affected me going into last Wednesday night.”

Aaron spat out a frustrated sigh as he looked down at his sketchbook, the etchings of the Montreal cityscape from this beautiful view pretty much done aside from some smaller details he’d planned on throwing in to help guide his artistic vision when he tackled this full-fledged later. Liane draped an arm over his shoulder and kissed his cheek to help remind him that he always had her when he needed someone to help pick him up.

“Don’t worry about it, Aaron. It’s not like the guy can do anything more right now than just be an internet troll hoping he throws you off, and you know I won’t let him get that satisfaction at the expense of my future husband. Just take a deep breath… you’re stronger than he is, and you’re stronger than whatever he thinks he can gain from this.”

Aaron couldn’t resist giving his wife a smile as he took her advice and started taking several deep breaths to collect himself. It was an annoyance, sure, but Dylan wasn’t the bigger issue just yet as Aaron knew full well he could turn this all around on the little sadist in a heartbeat if he wanted to. The last thing he truly needed right now was the extra stress threatening to make Nemesis an even bigger problem now that it seemed like he truly had some sort of plan of attack starting to form with this potential alliance with the Twin Stars. If he let the stress consume him, not only was he going to become too wrapped up in his own head and cause further damage, but his body was also going to begin to fail him when he needed it most, whether it be in the battle royal or in whatever endeavor he found himself fighting for going into Rise to Greatness afterward. Dylan would never know the damage his assistance was creating, but the creative soul had no plans on falling prey to either source of his headaches right now, or ever for that matter.

“Thanks hon, I really don’t know what I’d do without you in times like this. Still… maybe I should check in with my family to see how they’re taking this and figuring things out from there.”

Exchanging a brief kiss to help keep him in good spirits, Aaron proceeded to find his mom in his contacts list and give her a call. It took until the final ring, which was a little unusual for her unless she was tied up with something, but she finally answered, and almost immediately he could sense the woman trying to hide something by virtue of the tone of her voice.

“Hey hon. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing alright, kind of. I was calling to ask you about something, but maybe I should be turning your question back at you. Everything alright?”

“Everything’s fine Aaron. Can I presume you're calling about the mass text our family got from Andrew’s number?”

Aaron wasn’t fully buying the first line from her, but clearly, she was trying to change the subject to what he was calling her about in the first place. He wasn’t sure why yet, but he’d get to the bottom of that soon enough. For now, he let her deflection slide.

“Yeah. I have this feeling it’s got something to do with Dylan, but-”

“You’d be right, unfortunately. The police actually let that little son of a bitch keep Andrew’s phone, never mind the fact he doesn’t pay for the plan on it and I can promise you it’s got evidence the police really need to see that Andrew’s carrier is fighting me on over the subpoena for the phone records at the very least. Apparently, he finds it amusing to try and play games like this, not just with text messages, but Andrew’s social media accounts as well.”

That one was news to Aaron, considering he’d silently left his brother behind in terms of social media when he got tired of the constant posts and tweets regarding the relationship that made his skin crawl and ultimately led to his brother’s unfortunate demise. Still, he can only imagine the kind of outrage this guy thought he was stirring up for whatever sick pleasure he was getting out of it, and it made his blood boil. Liane frowned for a moment before taking hold of his wrist, trying to help keep him calm as he continued the phone conversation.

“That can’t be legal in any sense of the word.”

“You think he cares? The guy pretty much deals drugs in his spare time when he’s not hunting for someone to use and abuse just like he did Andrew. It’s bad enough that Alec got dragged into this web of his now-”

“I’m sorry… what!?”

Aaron could hear the audible sigh of frustration from the other end of the call, as well as finally picking up on some background noise that indicated she wasn’t at home when she’d answered him, which might explain why it took her a moment before picking up.

“You remember that girl I told you he was hitting it off pretty well with from another school before you left after the funeral to get back on the road? Turns out it was Dylan catfishing him, and I know he’s behind this because it’s the same games he played with Andrew to screw with him when they were apart in order to try and drive him back into that toxic relationship. I know you didn’t buy that whole ‘everything’s fine’ line I fed you a bit ago… I’m just still in a foul mood from having to go to his school to play damage control because that asshole managed to talk Alec into sending ‘those’ kinds of pics of himself, and instead of replying in kind since he can’t because he’s not who he convinced him ‘she’ is he went and plastered them all over social media. As if Alec wasn’t having enough trouble being bullied as it is…”

Aaron nearly dropped his phone at this revelation, the turn of events causing his jaw to work as though he had something to say only for the words to fail him. If he wasn’t disgusted and angry enough assuming they were hitting the bullseye on all of this, and they had a pretty good reason to be on the money with these suspicions, he could almost feel his internal organs melting from the flames or pure rage that were trying to consume him right now.

“Does that jackass really not know when to stop? I get it, he thinks he’s invincible because he’s probably certain he essentially got away with murder, but last I checked he’s not out of the woods on those charges just yet, is he?”

“Absolutely not… not if I have anything to say about it.”

“Add to that the fact that he’s got to get busted for dealing and doing sooner or later, and stack what’s clearly a charge of pedophilia onto that since Alec’s still under eighteen…” Aaron needed a second to catch his breath, trying to return himself to a level-headed state before he truly lost it, especially since the slowly increasing volume of his voice was starting to attract a few stares from nearby passersby who were also visiting this great tourist spot today. “Breakdown’s coming to North Carolina the week after Taking Hold of the Flame is in the books, and if the police haven’t done a damn thing by then I’m tempted to swing back to Lowell quick and kill that son of a bitch myself to make him understand he’s not as untouchable as he thinks he is.”

“Please don’t do that Aaron. I know Dylan deserves that and then some, but your career and life aren’t worth throwing away just because of him. He knows that, and that’s why he keeps playing these games. Please… focus on your wrestling, and we’ll figure this out if you are able to come back this way soon. Don’t let him get to you the way he managed to get to Andrew and now Alec. You’re much stronger than this… I know that firsthand.”

It was a reassuring way to wrap up the call, and as Aaron put his phone away once the goodbyes were said he held Liane close as she willingly allowed herself to become a ‘cuddle buddy’ in a sense before he did something irrational in the wake of this newfound information. Anything to help try and keep the stress from fueling a certain someone within his thoughts and keep himself focused on the task ahead of him in trying to overcome thirty-nine other men and women for the ultimate prize. It wasn’t going to be easy before, but now it was an even greater challenge, and the only solace he could take was the thought that if the cards fell the way he’d hoped, the battle royal would present him with several opportunities to deal with a few people who deserved to be nowhere close to the Rise to Greatness main event.

If nothing else, those close to him would always fuel the flame that drove him, and sometimes that was all he needed to push himself that little bit more to get the job done.
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