Jordan Majors vs. Peyton Rice
SCW Television Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

11:59 pm ET Tuesday, June 18, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Jordan Majors hits the outside of the ring in a heap as the crowd cheers loudly. She hears nothing though, like a flashbang just went off right next to her head. She looks around and sees the jubilation on the faces of the crowd members nearby the ring as a referee approaches her from the front and seems to examine her. Her eyes narrow as she dismisses him and gathers to her feet. Holding her ribs with one hand she looks at the ring one last time and then starts her way up the ramp. Hands reach out in a mocking manner toward her, but she still hears nothing but a ringing in her head. As she steps through the curtain, sound comes streaming back in and snaps her to reality. The dreams is over, and now it’s the fallout. She paces a few steps down the hallway and stops to look at a monitor. Her shoulders slump down and her head hangs as a hand runs from her arm to her back and around to the opposite arm.

Abigail: You look awfully beat up for someone who spent, what, 10 minutes out there?

Jordan knows Abi teases her, but her head only raises to look at the monitor. Her shoulders rise as her arms cross and she starts to shake her head. She sneers watching who she sees in the ring at the moment. Abi takes notice and looks at the television in front of them, but she can’t figure out what’s grinding at Jordan.

Abigail: You know you need to forget all of this and start moving on, don’t you? You can’t focus on this one match against 39 other people. You kept talking about your hopes and dreams and I couldn’t stop you. If you had dreams of winning this match, who was I to tell you otherwise. Reality is different now. You have to pick yourself back up and focus on what’s next. It’s literally the only way forward.

Jordan: It shouldn’t have ended like this. I should have been in the ring celebrating and Cookie should have come out to get the big check I had for her. I ruined it all.

Abigail: Ruined? You’re being too hard on yourself.

Jordan turns and shakes her head, looking down at her feet before peering at Abigail.

Jordan: Maybe I’m not hard enough on myself. I was just as capable of winning that as the other 39, right?

Abigail: I mean, that’s the illusion of the match. You had a good draw though. Anything was possible.

Jordan: I don’t want anything is possible anymore. I want everything. I need everything.

Abigail: Just be careful about who you decide to align yourself with along the way if you’re trying to take the whole world. It seems like the Beauty Factory have started to see you as somewhat of an unofficial member. And Selena might kill you when she gets a chance. She might not let you in on it, but she can be pretty damn frosty when she feels like it.

Jordan puts her hands on her waist and shakes her head.

Jordan: I’ve messed up everything…

Abigail smiles and lets Jordan wallow for a moment before stepping forward and embracing her tightly. She runs her hand through Jordan’s blonde and pink hair and rocks back and forth with her for a minute.

Abigail: Start thinking of the future. This is in the past now. Let it die.

Jordan enjoys more silence and embrace between them as she lets that thought circulate through her head. She lets out a soft laugh.

Abigail: There you go.

Jordan: I was just thinking how you make everything so much easier. All you had to do was squeeze me and it’s like you forced the negative thoughts right out.

Jordan looks at the monitor as the final seven are fighting and again sneers.

Jordan: Ugh.

Abigail: What is it?

Jordan: It’s nothing… I need to start thinking of what I’ll do next. It felt so close, no matter how far. But it’s not the end for me. For the longest time, nothing else mattered but this match. But this is Rise to Greatness season now. My chance to make my star rise above all others is still there. It’s just hiding from me. I keep seeing it shining in my head. It’s somewhere out there in the distance. I search through the woods, walking between the tall trees and trying to see it. It gets brighter sometimes like I’m getting closer. Then I take another step in any direction and it gets dim again. It eludes me. But eventually I will catch it and it will be mine and no one will ever be able to snuff it out ever again.

Abigail has a somewhat concerned, but also amused look on her face as she listens to Jordan. She keeps the girl close, but doesn’t interject with her own thoughts.

Jordan: Everyone thinks I’m nothing. A nuisance. A pest. Something they need to deal with in order to gain the gold or prize that they ultimately want for their own. Well no more. The next time someone is picked to stand in the ring across from Jordan Majors they will feel what it’s like to have their dreams crushed by the very road block that is placed in front of them. No longer am I just a quick detour. No longer do they just drive their car or steer their ship past me. They have to break through me and leave me battered and bruised and broken. I will never again be the weak little girl that they use as their play thing on their trip to the top. I’m tired of playing that role for everyone else. It’s time for the world to see the true Jordan Majors. I wasn’t sent here to play games. I’m here to make them play my games. And when they get stuck in my head, it’s all over for them. Yes… it’s all over for them… heh. Heh.

Just then Cookie walks through the hallway speaking with SCW staff about the show and Jordan breaks off the embrace from Abigail and smiles wide as she waves.

Jordan: Hey Cookie! I forgot my oversized check book! But I’ll have it at Breakdown next week. I promise!

She blows the girl a friendly kiss and Cookie waves back excitedly. Abigail just holds Jordan loosely with her head cocked slightly sideways at what she just witnessed. Jordan leans back into her.

Jordan: They don’t know what they’ve done. They don’t understand the monster they’re about to unleash. They know not the mistakes they’re making…

Jordan goes quiet and looks up at Abigail with a smile.

Jordan: Abi, I’m starved. Let’s go get some food.

Abigail: Wait a minute. You don’t want to talk about what just happened? The whole world domination thing coming out of your mouth?

Jordan: I guess I don’t know what you’re talking about… did you think I looked ok in the match? I did exactly what Bree was hoping. I helped them. We’re like kind of friends and stuff. She said she wanted to be my mentor, but I’m not sure if I’m really what she would be looking for in a pupil. You know what I mean? We’re both rich and everything. But our styles are a little bit different.

Abigail: Uh, huh.

Jordan: I like playing with everybody. It keeps everyone guessing and trying to figure out what I’m going to do next. Don’t you think it’s pretty fun? Like with you and Ravyn. I’m going to help you and I’m going to make absolutely certain that you get what you want out of that. As long as it ends with you turning around and paying me off with a big kiss right on these lips.

Jordan points at her lips and then giggles and grabs Abigail by the hand and starts dragging her down the hall.

Jordan: Come on now, I want to see if they have pancakes in catering. He never liked them, but I love pancakes.

Abigail: What was that?

Jordan: Pancakes! I want some food.

The two venture down the hall and get some food in catering. They sit down and Jordan eats her food quickly. Abigail watches with some shock on her face for a moment and then stops and leans forward. Jordan is stuffing her face, but she feels Abigail’s eyes focused on her and she slowly puts the fork down and speaks with her mouth full.

Jordan: What is it?

Abigail: You’re doing and saying some pretty weird stuff tonight. Promise me you’re just messing around right now.

Jordan: Ok. I think. I don’t know exactly what you mean.

Abigail: The stuff you said earlier. In the hallway. You know I love deviance and chaos as much as anyone. But that was a little odd.

Jordan: I was just venting. I’m sorry if it crossed a line or something. My mind has a way of doing that when I’m upset. Trust me. Everything is fine.

Abigail watches her eat and nods as the scene fades out.

They say an experience like Taking Hold of the Flame can temporarily break those who don’t win it. I placed too much stock in a match that I thought I could win. Now I look at it and I somehow understand what that Wonderland guy was saying about it all along. It’s a match dedicated to those who want to be the false idol above others. But maybe, just maybe, I was ok being the idol. False as I might have been. Because now I find myself looking right at one of the titles that weirdo has yet to destroy for his personal gain. The Television Championship. It’s a beautiful little trinket. It looks great around Peyton Rice’s perfect waist. But I’m here now to make sure it’s time around her waist is temporary.

Peyton, I’m sorry that you had to pull out of Taking Hold of the Flame to see after your family. It must be really rewarding to have family that cares about you enough and that you care enough about that it would drive you to make such a tough decision. For you I’m sure it was the only decision, right? It had to be made. There was no other way. But if I were in that kind of situation and it was my dear mother lying in the hospital bed, I would not be as good as you. I would not return to her side and keep her company. She forsake me years ago in search of something better. All the family I’ve ever had abandoned me for personal gains. My father, to raise one of his many other families or prettier wives. My mother for her next personal venture to make her more money. Even the uncle who left me a fortune when he died didn’t know me from the next girl he’ll see on the street. But this is the match where all of that will change.

The Television Championship might not mean as much to some people in this company. But to people like you and me, it’s pretty god damn important. That’s why as we look at this match together we both know we’re about to put each other through all sorts of layers of hell in order to have that title strapped around our waists. For you this is about surviving as champion. Its been a week, and the boy toy backstage thought it looked fantastic on you. But you’ll still look fantastic to him when they strap it around me, instead. So don’t you worry your pretty little head about Alistaire and how he reacts to you after I’m done taking this special token of your affection.

You see, my loved one told me very clearly: let the past die and focus on what’s next. Taking Hold of the Flame, it’s dead now. On to the next one. A childhood ruined by my mother, forget it. Use it to drive forward, but don’t dwell on it. I’m my own woman now. I know you could never truly understand me and why I do and say the things I do. You look at me and see a spoiled brat, when in reality I’m a girl that was sleeping in a car not that long ago. I got lucky, I know it. But I’m not going to let winning the life lottery be all that defines me. I’m going to be defined by my future accomplishments in that ring and what I do with the most beautiful woman in the world close to my side. Sorry, Sienna. It’s not you.

But I know you don’t like me. We had our early run ins when I returned from my brief hiatus. You rubbed it in my face plenty that I’d gone before. You had every right to point out those shortcomings. You don’t know the true stories behind them or what it’s like to live a day in my shoes. It might seem like it’s all glitz and glamour, but I promise you I just do a damn good job of putting on a show for the cameras when the red light comes on. Maybe last time I hired the outside forces to help me and sparked a rivalry that is making your wife more complicated than you imagined. That wasn’t what I ever imagined when I made that decision. You see, my hopes was more to create the kind of chaos that would change that match entirely. Everyone was pointing at it and saying, what’s with this random 4 vs. 4 match? I wanted it to be memorable. Did I fail? I think not.

And you probably think this match gives you change to make sure I pay for my crimes. Well believe me, the near concussion I suffered mere weeks later at the feet of Aaron Blackbourne was more than the punishment I probably deserved for all of that. But now, here’s your chance to air out your grievances and let the world know what you’re going to do to this bitch Jordan Majors after everything she did to you months ago. This is your chance to beat her down because she stands for all the things that are wrong with wrestling or in this world. I didn’t pick myself up off the arena floor at Taking Hold of the Flame and walk to the back and quit. I grew stronger because of that match. Even in losing I proved so many doubters wrong. They want to say I’m just about the dogs I keep on leashes. Well fuck that security company. You can have them for this match if you’d like, they still won’t help you avoid what is inevitably going to happen to your precious new gold. I’m not here to play games with you and try and get into your head. I’m here to beat your ass and take that title for my own.

Everything that’s ever been done to me. Every time you people in the back have laughed at my misfortunes. Every time I’ve been used as the butt of your own jokes, it’s all been building up to this moment when I take it all back away from you. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this since the day I signed as just an over determined, tryhard girl with long brown hair. You all rolled your eyes as I spoke of the hopes and dreams I had and dismissed me. I left and came back with blond lochs and a load of money and you all labeled me as a wannabe and a copycat. No more. This is my moment where I show every one of you and every one of those people in the crowd out there that I am more than what they think I am. I’m not showing up on their televisions and streaming services each week just to make them laugh while I get my ass beat. Or make them boo when I piss them off by doing something they don’t like. I’m here to take everything from them. And when we meet on Breakdown this week, I’ll do it. I’ll take that title from their beloved Peyton and I will hold it as the symbol of my excellence for weeks and months to come.

Listen Pey Pey, you’ve got a lot going on right now. Between your friend who is missing and your time sitting beside hospital beds, winning this title was a big plus for you and the people around you who just can’t wait to shower you with love and affection. But let’s just be honest for a moment. You need to focus more on those other people. It’s ok to admit that. You are a ray of sunshine in this world that cares as much about the people around you as you do about anything else. Whether or not you’re a champion, you can still play humanitarian and Alistaire’s girlfriend, right? How Adam would be so happy and Goddard so upset when that finally comes to fruition. But Ali is still going to be just as happy cuddling up with you over a movie and a pizza when the title is off of your waist as he is when you wear it around for all your friends to see. You’ve got too much going on in your life. And me? I’m in the perfect position to not only take that title off of your pretty, perfect waist and put it over my shoulder where it would look just as good if not better. I don’t need to be perfect to beat you. And you know it. I just need to be more focused than everyone’s image of perfection that has her mind in a million different places right now. Think about, sweetie. It’s not all that unreasonable to believe I’ll beat you while you’re still searching your mind for who you need to help next.

But it’s not me. I don’t need your help. No, the era of watching Jordan Majors lose at her own devices is over. The new era of seeing her change the game and erase the old narrative is here. Soon enough you’ll all forget that old Jordan Majors. Keep that title warm for me while you have it in your grasp, Peyton. I’m ripping it out of your grubby little fingers on Wednesday and I’m closing out the night proudly displaying it where it belongs, draped over the shoulder of the new, deserving champion. Pretty little Peyton. Pey Pey, is that what they call you. You have no idea what you’re about to experience. See ya soon, bitch.

The scene opens to Jordan and Abigail sitting in the airport, waiting for their flight to board. Abigail looks out and sees that the plane still isn’t at the gate. An announcement above them mentions the flight to Los Angeles is delayed. They both sigh and Abigail hops up.

Abigail: I’m getting anxious just sitting here. I’m gonna go grab us something eat and then I’ll be back.

Jordan looks up from her phone smiles wide and nods as Abigail walks away. She shuffles through Twitter when she feels someone plop down next to her.

Jordan: I thought you… oh?

Jordan puts her phone in her lap as she stares down at a small girl, maybe 4 or 5 years old, with brown hair and pigtails and bright blue eyes. The girl wears an old school care bears t-shirt and returns the glance back up at Jordan and kicks her legs back and forth.

Girl: Are you Jordan Majors!?

Jordan: Why, yes, I am.

The girl goes giddy with excitement and swings her legs faster. She smiles as wide as Jordan does when she’s happy and puts her hands together.

Girl: I’m one of your biggest fans!

Jordan: Really!?

Girl: Yes! My favorite moment of all time is when you got knocked out by Aaron Blackbourne that time.

Jordan is sort of taken back for a moment and furrows her brow as she leans back in her chair. It was like this small child had just crossed her up with a left jab and a right hook. She was dazed.

Girl: I know everything about you. I know where you came from and how you first debuted and had hair like me. And then how you got that money and got all sassy and self important with some other people. Oh! And I know all about you and Miss Abi. Even the secrets you two try to keep from people. Maybe you should be more careful when you’re posting things on Twitter.

Jordan: You have a Twitter? How old are you?

The girl smiles as she turns in the seat and brings her legs up to sit crossed legged.

Girl: Do you ever think about the decisions you make and how they might affect others? Like, I always get up early so I can watch the Care Bears. But my mommy doesn’t like that. She’ll get up and light her cigarette and kick my toys and tell me to turn it down or turn it off and leave her alone. After she drinks during the day, she doesn’t like her girl much in the mornings. It’s kind of like how you took that offer from the Beauty Factory because you secretly admire Bree Lancaster.

Jordan: What the… that’s not true at all. I was taking the offer from them because… wait… why the hell am I explaining this to a child? Where are your parents, kid?

Girl: Well, my mommy doesn’t like to be around me that much if she doesn’t have to. So I try to be strong and look out for myself. And my dad, I barely see him. I don’t even think he loves me.

Jordan: Some dads are just more distant. I’m sure he cares.

Jordan, forgetting the previous moments of the conversation immediately tries to reassure the girl with a comforting look. The girl quickly brushes it off.

Girl: Yeah, well do you have siblings? Mine don’t even act like I exist. My dad even keeps them away from me. Just like he keeps away from me. Sometimes it feels like no one wants me. I have to do everything for myself. But someday maybe I’ll grow up to be a great fighter. Maybe I’ll be strong enough to fight for myself and everyone who gets close to me. Isn’t that what you do?

Jordan: Well, I try. But I don’t always make the best decisions. I’ve gotten better lately.

Jordan turns and looks back to see Abigail standing at the counter of a little airport bakery and waiting to receive her order.

Girl: Yes, Miss Abi has been good for Jordan from what this girl can tell. It’s fun to watch how happy she makes Jordan some times. I wish I could feel some of that happiness now.

Jordan: I wish I could help you somehow.

Girl: You’re helping me even though you don’t know it. Even this girl can tell that Jordan keeps secrets locked deep down inside of her. She’s afraid to open up and let it out. But the more she lets out, the stronger she gets. The more she lets other people in, the more she can accomplish. It is hard for Jordan, I can tell that. But when she finally does decide to be her true self, it will be tough for anyone to stop her ever again. Ever, ever again.

Jordan: You are quite a smart little girl. Where does all this wisdom come from little one?

Girl: I don’t know. Care Bears?

Jordan lets out a laugh and shakes her head as she looks at the girl. Suddenly, she tilts her head as she really studies the girl for the first time. There was an eerie familiarity about her. Like she’d seen her before. But not recently. Her mind searched for the answer. It was there. In the past. Her eyes widened for a moment but then she shook the thought away and just smiled.

Jordan: Well I suppose I need to start watching the Care Bears then. I’ll have to get with Miss Abi and see if she’s up for watching something different in the hotel room at night. Maybe we can both learn a thing or two from the girl that was made so smart by those cute little bears that wear their emotions right on their chest. You must love them a lot to wear that shirt! I think I had one just like that when I was a little girl.

The girl smiles and lays her head on the back of the chair as she stares back at Jordan.

Jordan: Hey, what did you say your name was? Maybe I can find something to autograph for you. Something to remind you that someday you can be a fighter just like me!

Girl: Ok! My name is Kylie!

Jordan: Kylie! Oh! A perfect name. That’s my name, too!

Girl: Oh, I know.

The girl trails off and Jordan looks at her to see that she is looking very seriously at someone who must be standing behind her. Jordan turns around to see Abigail standing there staring down at her with a strange look on her face.

Jordan: Hey! Oh thank god you got some food. I’m so starved.

Abigail: Who you talking to?

Jordan: Oh this is just a little girl named…

Jordan had turned to introduce Abigail to the little girl, but no one was there. She turned back to look at Abigail and laughed.

Jordan: I was just talking to this little girl who’s a fan of mine.

Abigail: I’ve been standing here watching you talk to yourself for at least five minutes. There’s been no one sitting in that seat since I left.

Jordan turned to her side and looked down. She nodded her head and then looked back at Abigail.

Jordan: Must’ve drifted off. I’m so low on energy. Must have been sleep talking. Let’s just get some food into me.
Abigail: You know, I’m starting to actually worry about you a little bit. First you were talking like a supervillain after Taking Hold of the Flame, and now you’re talking to little girls that apparently only exist in your head. Because I promise you, Jordan. There isn’t a single child around here, let alone one that came and sat in my chair while I was getting us breakfast.

Abigail sat down and looked at Jordan for a moment, who sat silently eating her breakfast sandwich. Abigail looked out the window and gestured. Jordan says nothing, but nods slightly as her eyes stare a hole through the carpeted floor of the airport.

Abigail: Finally. There’s the plane. We’ll be boarding soon.

Jordan stayed quiet as her mind raced with thoughts. Number one: what the fuck was happening to her. The scene fades to black as the girls gather their bags and head toward the gate.
OOC: If you want to know the full story on Ricky Octavius, read Jennifer and Willow’s RP’s from this past EMERGE. Thanks.

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The Views Expressed By Peyton Rice Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

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Career Achievements

- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 1x EMERGE Champion
- 2019 SCW Rookie of the Year
- Under Attack 2020 Elimination Chamber Winner
-Winner of the 2019 Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament
- Made her SCW Debut at Rise to Greatness XV by defending the EMERGE Championship successfully against Kandis. 7.21.18

Singles Record - |W - 61| L - 04| D - 2|
Overall Record - |W - 67| L - 11| D - 2|

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