Regan Street & Selena Frost vs. Damian Angel & Xander Valentine
4 RP Limit for tag

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, July 2, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
“Life’s not fair, is it? You see, I.. well, I shall never be King. And you… shall never see the light of another day. Beyond that, I am that rare and awesome thing. I am every inch a King, and yet I feel a twinge of doubt. When my name is whispered amongst the masses, is it out of love? Or genocide? Tell me I am adored… no. Tell me I am essential. That I serve purpose in the grand tapestry of good versus evil. 

You and your petty complaints. You don’t know real hungry. Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being. It’s like an itch: deep, persistent, profound…

I need more than fear… more than influence… more than power. I need… 

As a King, I need a Queen. As the Devil Himself, I need an Heir. 

Helena Evans sought to be that person, but she got greedy, as her Deitical brother had before her, so I had to cast her aside. It hurt me to do so, but it was oh so necessary. I require no equal. I have no equal. Helena thought otherwise… pity, for out of loyalty to her, I cast aside my army. She said I needed none, that they would be worthless in the quest for Eden. But what good is Eden if my line dies out with me. 

An Heir… is my guarantee to immortality. Sonia… no… Siona, MY child… was to carry on my bloodline, but I believe now her mind to be poisoned with thoughts of normalcy by Kennedy Street. She has sought an average life, to be a regular girl, instead of one with glorious purpose. And so, in time, I cannot trust that my plans for the girl would be fulfilled. Perhaps it was unfair to burden a child with such glory, such promises of grandeur. 

Then there was the child that Helena carries, but… she cannot be trusted not to corrupt that child’s mind to serve her purposes rather than the greater good of Eden. I simply cannot allow that. I need an Heir that is guaranteed to me. A shame, really… such good stock. Sister of God and seed of The Devil. That child should have been magnificent. Alas…

Still… the need for an Heir is pressing… So, my people… bring her to me, and she shall receive the same immortality that I shall enjoy. This is my purpose.”

And so it went out to the Denizens of Eden that their leader, Damian Angel - believed to be The Devil Himself - sought to father an Heir, one that he would be able to acclimate to the world and raise to be the Heir as he sees fit. But as it was, that was not all there was in the mind of Damian Angel, for he had other considerations… considerations of a more professional nature. Recently his one-time charge, Kali, had nearly ruined his machinations by erratically stating that Damian’s alliance with Giovanni Aries - an alliance that had united the concepts of Wonderland and Eden - was a sham on Damian’s part. She had claimed that he was using Aries and Wonderland for his own design, to build up the pair side by side until Eden was ready to cannibalize Wonderland and leave Damian as the sole leader of both fantastical ideals. It was a lofty goal, and Damian was not pleased to have it so callously thrown out there as though it were a child’s game. He would deal with Kali in time, but before then was the attack of Giovanni Aries by Xander Valentine. The trio had appeared to form something of an alliance that had been blown up by that attack. Now Damian, apparently the middle-man of this association, had some time to reflect upon it… But not without a little prodding from an SCW agent that he was very familiar with…

Dillusion: “Did you know it was happening?”

Damian looked up over the materials he was reading to see his former New Blood Rebellion ally and former SCW World Champion Dillusion standing in front of him. He smirked, returning his eyes to the parchment in hand.

Damian: “I had wondered how long it would be before you sought me out.”

Dillusion: “Sorry for disappointing you.”

Damian: “You did not. I had expected this timeframe.”

Casually, Damian folded up his parchment and set it beside him. Sitting back, he set his arms out on his knees, looking to Dillusion with intrigue.

Damian: “And to what do I owe this visit.”

Dillusion: “Didn’t you see? Xander attacked Giovanni Aries.”

Damian chuckled at the memory...watching a man he fought alongside laying out another man he fought alongside was an interesting place for a man like Damian to find himself in. Typically he would have been the man in Xander’s shoes as he had been so many times before. Still it was Damian’s laughter that piques Dillusion’s interests.

Dillusion: “Something amusing?”

Damian: “I suppose Xander had grown weary of Giovanni’s efficiency in his messaging.”

Dillusion: “Are you expecting me to believe you had nothing to do with it?”

This response made Damian curious…

Damian: “And why would I prompt Xander to attack Giovanni in such a… pronounced manner?”

Dillusion: “Playing innocent only works on those that don’t already know better. Besides, it seems every time Xander loses control, you’re somewhere pulling the strings. I just want to know why.”

Damian: “Dillusion, you and I both know that if Xander had truly lost control, I would be among his first victims.”

Dillusion: “Just tell me what I need to know.”

Damian snaps back at Dillusion.

Damian: “Why? So you can report back to Sasha? Dean? Perhaps the old bastard D himself.”

Dillusion: “Why do you have to be so difficult about this?”

Damian’s scowl slowly turns into a smile, then laughter.

Damian: “Don’t take it personally, Dilly… you and I have history, after all.”

Dillusion: “I’m aware.”

Damian: “This? This is simply a game of cat and mouse. In this case, you’re the cat seeking out what you want, and the information you believe I have is the mouse you’re trying oh-so desperately to acquire.”

Dillusion: “So you really know nothing about Xander’s motives.

Damian: “Would I lie?”

Dillusion examines Damian’s face, attempting to decode his features to determine any answer to his question.

Dillusion: “Fuck… I’m at a dead end.”

Damian: “Maybe Xander’s attack wasn’t part of a grand plan. Maybe he just felt like eviscerating Aries.”

Dillusion: “Do you honestly believe that?”

Damian laughs.

Damian: “No, but wild speculation sure is fun, isn’t it?”

Dillusion shakes his head as he turns, walking away and leaving Damian alone as he found him.

Dillusion: “You’re out of your mind, Damian.”

Damian hollers out after him as he goes.

Damian: “Why do you think they keep bringing me back?”

The scene fades...

“Do you ever wonder why I continue to put SCW through the rigors of my presence? Why I remain here to antagonize your heroes in the name of whatever whim expresses itself in my head? Am I a glutton for punishment? A man who is seeking to again find himself set on fire by Greg Cherry? Beaten within an inch of my life by CHBK? 

Nearly stabbed outside of a wrestling show in London by a hooligan? 

Do I do this for my benefit? Do I do this to be lauded as some kind of desired character amongst a tapestry of heroes and villains? An essential force in the battle of good versus evil? No… I do it for the promise of something greater than myself. I do it for the promise of Eden.

As I told you before, Eden is paradise. With it, all ills will be washed away and all shall be… unattainable. Eden is an idea that shall never be realized because people… because you do not deserve it. I do not deserve it. But I seek to provide a path so that future generations may deserve it. So that they might sneak past the gaze of the Archangel Gabriel and return to where man had once been banished before. And to attain that, I require my Heir. 

Ohhh, this is not going to be any sort of competition. Oh no… my Heir shall not be left to chance. Rather, He shall come through meticulous planning, through proper genetic selection and through the veneer of absolute loyalty to me. There has to be order amidst the chaos. 

That is how it has always been. Even as an agent of chaos, I have been meticulously planning every move. I have considered every scenario. I have plotted a course that has led me to this spot in this moment. I am the Devil Himself, and as such I am far more capable of this than you would rather I get credit for, but your comfort does not get to dictate my position. That is where your heroes fall. That is where fail to stop me at every turn. 

Sure… Selena Frost may relish her recent victories over me. Regan Street may reign as Adrenaline Champion… Believers and Hellcats. And yet, they cannot combine to a force capable of changing nature and that’s what I am! I am a force of nature in SCW. And with Abaddon by my side again…

Oh, what is that? You do not recognize the handiwork of Abaddon in the vessel of Xander Valentine? I can. I am all too aware of His handiwork. After all, it is I who unleashed him on the unsuspecting masses previously. I am not intimidated by my partner. I am perhaps the only person who truly accepts him for who he is, not who you want him to be. 

It was obsession at being seen as more to people like you that castrated Xander Valentine. It is acceptance of who he is that gave him his life back. The same could be said for Konrad Raab… everybody’s best friend was weak and easily manipulated. Black Ice is strong and stands for something. You see, when this company dies it’s death - as all do - it will not be the proclivity of “True Believers” or the desire and passion of “Hellcats” that lives as it’s legacy. It shall be the work of men like me. People like you may be the ones who bring others in. But people like me give people like you something to rally them behind. Without people like me, all that exists is people like you… and who are you going to unify them behind if not someone like me. 

Selena, you rally your True Believers against villainy, but without us, you are simply cannibalizing your own allies. Same for you, Regan, although as the Hellcat, you may not be so opposed to that possibility.

So do you as do. Rally your supports behind you facing against the wicked Devil and the monstrous Abaddon. Tell them how we poison your company and how things would be better without us - lie to the people. That is what you do. Lie to them. Tell them what they want to hear… what you want them to believe. I tell them the truth they cannot accept, because if they do their faith, their conscience, their entire world shatters as if I snapped my fingers wearing a fancy, bejeweled glove.

Face me at Breakdown but realize that I will not be vanquished. I will continue to rise. I will continue to shine a light on you as you are and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me for I am the Devil Himself!”
OOC: Here we go guys. The final set of rps of “I of the Storm”. Beyond excited to try this. Best of luck guys and here we go!

June 9, 2019
Schoenburg Castle
Oberwesel, Germany

The two sat there within the quiet of the vehicle, ignoring the sounds of people speaking outside. Some were hysterical, others were angry, others still were calm and trying to direct other voices. None of their voices made a different to the couple, one dressed in the white lace (a contrast to her curly, red hair) and the other dressed in a black pant-suit (which was also a contrast to her hair – a platinum-blonde).

How long they sat there, neither of them had a clue. They merely just kept their arms wrapped around each other, as if their very beings would crumble to dust if they were separated.

“How did this happen?” the bride asked, her form trembling as her partner held her.
“I...I don't know...” the blonde whispered, stroking her wife's cheek. “Somewhere, along the way, we fucked up.”

The redhead had rarely heard her wife swear so casually and – despite the situation – she sputtered a giggle, though it was laced with sadness, as she cast her eyes up to the sapphire orbs of her darling – her minx.

“It can't be true.” she heard the taller woman assure her. “I don't believe it for a second...”

The redhead cast her eyes out towards the tower. She knew the woman sitting beside her in the vehicle was following her gaze. Several people were surrounding it, though none of the crossed the boundaries of yellow tape that told them (assuming German was anything like English yellow tape) to stay back. Beyond the table was smoke billowing from the open doorway – or rather the doorway that had been blasted open an hour or so ago. 

“Well then...” Deanna tried, gesturing with her her head towards the numerous uniformed police officers standing outside near the smoking building. She tried to recognize any of the faces nearby, considering she had spent so much time here in the past (including the past week) but, thanks to the dark of the night, little was recognizable to the frightened redhead.

Perhaps it was because her hands shook. Perhaps it was the circumstances that they found themselves in. Perhaps it was because- Deanna stopped herself, trying her best to calm her shaking, but failing miserably. Until about an hour or so ago, all that had happened – every thing – had made sense. 

But now? She had no idea and it frightened for her and her body would not stop shaking, that is until she felt Selena's arms squeeze her affectionately “I'm sorry...” she managed to whisper out. “Selena...please look at me.” she practically begged, earning the wrestler's attention.

Deanna looked deep into those sapphire orbs of her wife's. Where just last week, those had been brimming with unshed tears of joy and hope, now, they was only confusion, frustration and a sense of loss.

And it's my fault... Deanna thought bitterly, causing her tears to run anew as she clung to Selena as tight as she could, ignoring the red, blue and white sirens flashing all around them and the sirens going on and off within the castle courtyard...

I of the Storm

“The Renewal of Vows”

- Day Zero: June 2, 2019 -

Selena felt her heart hammering in her chest like a jackhammer as her eyes saw the flashing lights of red, blue and white, showing the entrance video of Jordan Majors and the graphics of SCW and Taking Hold of the Flame at the top of the ramp. She took another breath, feeling the sweat roll off her temple, the adrenaline slowly beginning to wear off. Jordan Majors had gotten her with a kick from behind and down-low, which was enough (when combined with the efforts of Ryan Watson and Bree Lancaster – OH! Selena was sure she was NOT going to hear the end of THAT come tomorrow morning!) had been enough to effectively eliminate her from the Taking Hold of the Battle Royal this year.

Part of her wanted to be more upset, wanted to feel the crushing disappointment and hear the voice in her head – condemnations of “letting down the True-Believers and SCW”. Another year of failing to provide “The Unbelievable Main-Event”. And as she made her way up the ramp, her senses still buzzing from the night, she pulled that depression to the forefront. Did she regret, in that moment, not using the Trios Contract she had last year for the main-event that had occurred between Giovanni and Kennedy Street? Now that she had a ) not been chosen for Trios and b ) had NO way of getting to that main-event now?

No...not for an instant. Mr. D. had spoken to her about that, asked her not to, but it was more than that. It wasn't just a boss telling an employee what to do. The leader and creator of SCW had understood Selena's fear of not taking this chance – what if I never get a chance like this again... – her hesitation to throw it away and use Trios later in the year for... well Selena hadn't known at the time what for. 

”Trust me...” her boss and mentor had said. ”Your time will're not done yet...”

“Not done yet...” Selena said under her breath. Had that been the reason why she had been able to risk her chance tonight? Because she knew her chance would one day come, even if it wasn't this year? That she believed the now former director of SCW's words? 

Even now, the disappointment, while still there, was diminishing – being replaced with a sense of accomplishment. She had lasted longer than she ever had before in this royale, she was certain, though Cannon was easily going to beat her for iron-woman – not that Selena wanted a nickname like that after Sienna had butchered the concept with her Iron Angel nonsense. But more importantly, she had-


Selena stopped in her tracks as she stood at the top of the ramp, her sense of hearing having returned now that the adrenaline in her had lowered moreso. At first, she was sure she was imagining things, but as she turned around, to face the ramp and the audience – their eyes were not on the ring and the contenders, where they should have been...

They were on her...

This isn't a dream... Selena thought, her mouth slightly agape as she looked around the arena, the masses of the audience watching her and chanting that beautiful catchphrase. Unable to stop herself, Selena held her hands up to her mouth, a few tears escaping her eyes from the utter joy. “Thank you!” she tried to shout but her voice was gobbled up by the SCW Universe. She wanted to stay and thank them all but she knew she couldn't. 

Rachel Tatum Lee deserved their attention.
Regan Street would be out soon and deserved their attention.
Owen Cruze, Amy Chastaine making her return, even those the Snow Queen despised like Cannon and Lancaster – the SCW Universe to focus on them, they needed their number one contender for the World title and it wasn't going to be her.

Perhaps that's for the best this year... Selena smiled, raising her hand to wave at the audience before making her to the back behind the curtain. Don't think I could focus on Syren right now... Like I don't have enough people who want my head.

She had barely stepped more than a few steps beyond the curtain, beginning her trek to the parking lot where her “Believe It!” bus was parked when that last thought almost stopped her dead in her tracks. Oh gods... she thought, almost missing the the few pats on the shoulder she got from SCW staff and crew, people she had befriended and spoke to all the time, on her performance in the royale. She saw tech staff, catering, security – but the dawning horrific thought made it more and more difficult to acknowledge the kind words of support from all of them. My head...

She had not come here, to this event, to win it – she had made that clear. She had sacrificed that focus, even been delighted when she had naturally drawn the number one spot. Because it meant that, if she stayed long enough, she'd make it to see...

“And Gio...” Selena's eyes widened, forcing her to suddenly break into a run, sprinting across the hallways while trying to duck and dodge superstars and staff that were standing there. Gods, she had gone straight for Giovanni – attacking him! Dropping him on his ass so the authorities could take him away! And then Xander...

She tried to run faster. She had not only taunted Xander, she had been the one to eliminate the Executioner! 

Giving him plenty of time to go to my bus while I was in the ring... stupid! Stupid! STUPID! Selena's mind cried as she burst through the doors to her bus... she could see it in the distance, but... people were there...

“Wha-” she half gasped as she ran the rest of the way. What if it was a medical team? An ambulance-

Her thoughts and worries died quickly as she travelled the last remaining distance and saw the SCW security guards standing there – or rather, the security SCW had hired. There were only three, but they surrounded the bus, as if on watch.

“Wha...” Selena tried but had to catch her breath as she stood there, still in her wrestling gear. 

One of the guards, a tall, but lean mine of dark complexion, saw her first, giving a smile as he walked over to her. “Mrs. Frost?” he asked, earning a nod from Selena.
“I...was...I thought...” Selena tried but had to take another breath.

“Relax.” the guard offered, giving Selena time to stand to her full height so he could continue. “Ms. Sasha Dracheywch insisted on placing us here at the start of the match – especially with what happened between you and Mr. Aries.”
“Really?” Selena's eyes widened.

“And when we got the notice that you had eliminated Mr. Xander Valentine, well, we were prepared.” The guard added, allowing Selena to see the nightstick and can of mace-spray on his belt.

“You would use that on him?” Selena asked in surprise.
“Our instructions were clear.” The young man stated. “Should Xander or Giovanni approach this vehicle, we were to instruct them to leave immediately. Should they refuse to comply, we were then allowed to use whatever means to remove them from this bus. Of course... Ms. D. insisted we try any means other than arresting them, but she didn't remove that option.”

“She...” it was hard for the Snow Queen to truly believe. “She did that for me?”

The guard only nodded – for he did not really know the inner-workings and relationship of SCW. He was merely hired security of the city. Selena knew that, but she still gave her thanks, her mind abuzz. It was one thing to be on the same page as Sasha D. – that was just them believing in the same things for SCW, the future of SCW. Building it for the next generation and the next superstars. Good form, respect, for the fans, all of it – that was one thing. But this? Selena was certain that Sasha didn't owe her anything, at least that's what the Snow Queen believed. It's not like she was required to protect the bus and all its occupants – that wasn't Sasha's job. Still... that she would do this much for Selena...

Again, that feeling filled her chest – she had felt back in the arena, when, despite being eliminated, the fans had shown their support. The feeling of caring, the feeling of respect, the feeling of... was it family? Was it support? Selena wasn't sure, but it only reinforced her belief as she thanked the other two guards. Her belief that this company, good or bad, win or lose, was worth fighting for – worth risking health and life for. 

With the last guard thanked for their duty, Selena stood at the doors to her bus and quickly rapped her knuckles against the glass. Almost immediately, the doors swung open to reveal a smiling Eric as he sat at the driver's seat. 

“Selena.” he smiled knowingly. “She's in the back.” 
Perhaps hearing that news, from a friend, and seeing the smile on that friend's face, devoid of sadness or worry – perhaps that was what Selena needed for it to sink in. Still, it didn't stop her from bounding up the stairs.

“Thanks, Eric.” she said quickly. “Airport, jet hangar, you know the one.”
“I do, indeed.” replied Eric as he closed the door, the security team backing away as he started the engine.

Selena, meanwhile, was already moving down the long length of the luxury bus. Yes, part of her wanted to wait till the royale was over, but – and perhaps this was a bit of paranoia – the other part of her wanted to get this bus, and its occupants, out of here (and out of the America) as soon as possible.

We can watch it on the way to the hangar... she thought dismissively as she reached the door and pulled it open, stepping into the bedroom section of the bus and-

“Hey!” came the bright, smiling voice and face of the redhead sitting on the bed like a little kitten happy to see its mom. It took Selena a moment to take in the sight. Her beloved wife, Deanna, was there, perfectly safe. Not the target of a vengeful Giovanni or Xander. She wore a long, burgandy shirt that went down to her thighs and her hair was free, flowing just past her shoulder blades. For a moment, Selena was distracted by the television screen in the corner, the pay-per-view still going on. It was only for a second though before her wife's voice brought her back. “So, does this mean we root for Regan, Rachel, Owen or – AHHH!”

She barely could let out a scream as she was suddenly tackled to the bed by Selena! The Snow Queen diving onto her wife without any hesitation. The bed that took their impact let out a slight creak with the springs but Selena wasted no time in cupping her wife's face and kissing the breath out of the redhead's lungs. Deanna, for her part, only needed a moment to get over the surprise before reciprocating the kiss. Even when they broke the kiss, there was no initial speaking of words, only Selena resting her forehead against her wife's, the woman below her wrapping her arms around Selena to hold her tight.

It was only when they felt the bus jolt and shift a little as it began to move, Eric clearly starting to drive to its destination, did the Frost wives open their eyes, Selena lifting her head a little to gaze at her dazed wife.

“Um...what was I saying again?” Deanna asked using a hand to fan herself.
“Sorry.” Selena whispered, caressing her wife's face. “I was just...”
“Worried?” Deanna offered with a knowing smile, reaching up to caress her wife's cheek in return. “Doesn't matter now, right? We're safe.”

To ensure that, Selena turned her head to see through the windows of her bus, to the street lights and buildings of Montreal. For a moment, part of her wished that she and Deanna could have taken more time to enjoy the French culture. For the platinum-blonde, she had really spent most of her time working on her promo for the royale and then filming one – though she and Deanna had enjoyed visiting the Notre Dame basilica – that had been cool! But Deanna was right. They were on their way – SCW was getting farther and farther away. And while Selena had no intention of abandoning SCW, the fact that they now, officially, could begin their week long post-ppv-vacation was enough for her to smile – especially with where they were headed.


Quickly, Selena cast her gaze back down to her wife. “Yes, pet?” she asked, leaning down to kiss her wife's forehead.

“Well...not that I really mind, per say, but you're really sweaty.”

On instinct, Selena all but leaped off her wife and the bed to land on her feet, her leg groaning in protest, but that was only the start. Immediately, she felt a rather large, dull ache in her back and a sharp, tender pain in her ribs – everything that was injured within her making their presence known, as if to say “Hey! You ignored us long enough!”

Selena clenched her jaw and grit her teeth as well, trying to will the pain away, or at least be able to ignore it like she had been when she was running on adrenaline from the royale or rushing to the back. But everything: the scaffold match weeks ago (and all the kicks and punches people had done, targeting her ribs), the near-hour of wrestling, almost as long as she had endured in that iron-woman match over a year ago, and then, of course, Xander powerbombing her into the ground like she was a body-bag.

“Selena!” when was Deanna right in front of her, rushing to remove her wrestling gear. “I'm sorry – I don't mind if you're sweaty on the bed – hell, sometimes you make me sweaty – that isn't what I met, though it is true – you know when it's hot at night or we're really into things and – why am I bringing that up?!”

A pair of slender fingers pressed against Deanna's lips, effectively silencing her. “Easy, pet.” Selena tried to purr, but the pain was really bothering her. “I'm alright. Just really sore.” she admitted. “I didn't expect it to hurt this much after-” she stopped as she felt Deanna's hands resume their work in undressing her. “What are you doing?”

“I just want to see.” she stated, carefully removing all of Selena's clothes with care. Gently, her hands running along Selena's bare shoulder blades, the redhead turned her wife around to gaze at her ribs, back, legs, anywhere Selena mentioned there was pain. “Well, I don't see any really bad bruising. Maybe a little on your ribs and a bit of red on your back.”

“Yeah...Xander planted me.”
“I saw.” Deanna bit her lower lip. “Does he have to kill someone before they deal with him?”
“I...” Selena's voice hitched a little. “I think they're going to have Regan or I deal with him...” her voice trailed off.

Deanna's eyes widened a little before they settled back to normal. “This is where I tell you how crazy it is and you follow up with 'I have to! I have to!' and I question the whole concept of you wrestling and fighting all of SCW's battles by yourself and I remind you that neither you or Regan owe that man anything...”

“Except a good beating.” Selena said under her breath, but Deanna caught it. “But yes-” the Snow Queen added. “All of that.”

Deanna sighed – a mixture of groan of frustration and one of exhaustion. “Sometimes it's exhausting being married to 'The Face of SCW'.” she waved her hands for emphasis before turning and taking Selena's hand, guiding her to the back of the bedroom (the bed resting on the far left of the section of the bus). Carefully, she opened the door to the bathroom, the light bouncing off the tiles of the floor, wall, shower, and the tub on the other side, which was filled with water and – Selena was quick to see the icecubes. “But...” Deanna continued as she pulled open a cabinet on the farthest side of the wall to pull out three large towels, one purple, one blue and one black, placing them near the tub. “I have no regrets.” she smiled before pulling off her burgundy shirt, allowing herself to be as naked as Selena was. “Except these are always hard to get into...” she stated before opening up the sliding door that lead into the bathtub. With a deep breath and an “okay.” to steady herself, the redhead stepped into the tub, immediately releasing a “holy cats! That's cold!” that Selena almost predicted.

A giggle from the Snow Queen caused Deanna to turn and beckon her forward with her hand. It did not take long, though with her soreness, it was a little slower for the platinum-blonde, to join her wife in the tub. Immediately, Deanna pulled her wife up against her, Selena's back resting against Deanna's front. 

“Why do you do this if you don't like the cold?” Selena asked as she settled comfortably in her wife's arms. There was a moment of silence before she heard her wife's voice.
“Meh. Like you a lot more.” Deanna answered. “I'll put up with it if I get you like this.” she added with a whisper before she was suddenly massaging Selena's shoulders.

Without hesitating, Selena released a moan from deep within her throat as her wife worked every part of her stiff and sore body. It was amazing. Deanna was firm with the uninjured, tight muscles like her shoulders and arms, but she was slow and gently with Selena's back and ribs, where she knew there was injury. 

“I can't believe we have a whole week to ourselves.” Selena purred, feeling her body actually relax under her wife's ministrations. “I mean – we're going to be spending most of our time getting the renewals all set, but... we can still enjoy Oberwesel.”

“Yes we can.” Deanna smiled, leaning in to kiss her wife's cheek as she massaged the wrestler's long, pale neck. “But...I was thinking of something...”
“Hmmm?” Selena asked, her eyes shut and not entirely listening in that moment. “What?”
“Well... and I know it's a lot to ask, do you feel about taking a little detour?”

The question was enough for Selena to open her eyes and sit up a little in order to turn to her wife. “What kind of detour, Deanna?” she asked. “Did...did your sister change your mind and is coming?”

Deanna's expression drooped a little. “No...” she admitted. “I tried calling her earlier tonight, but...she's still not answering. Lydia said that she'd love to go but...I mean, Amy, right?”
“I'm sorry.” Selena tried, annoyed that she had guessed wrong and, in doing so, upset her wife, even a little. “I shouldn't have even guessed that. It just... it seemed like a logical place for you to go.”

“Yeah...this...isn't exactly logical – and you're REALLY not going to believe it.” Deanna tried, scratching the back of her head carefully.

Selena scoffed. “Do you even know me? The whole 'believe it' stuff? Kinda my schtick.”
“Okay... well, I was thinking... we're going straight to the hangar, right?”
“And you know Chris and Sienna will be staying in Quebec – probably first class and 'oh my darling, let us BATHE in eachother's love!”

Selena raised an eyebrow. “Are you impersonating Sienna or Chris – and aren't WE bathing in each other's love?”
“Yes, no one will see that on twitter.”
“Well...” Selena shrugged, eyeing her wife playfully. “Certainly would get alot more likes than the abomination of Can-Swann.”
“What?” Deanna asked with surprised expression as they sat in the cold water.
“Just trying the whole 'shipping names' thing.” Selena shrugged once more. “Does not work.”
“Anyway...they'll be in Montreal... why don't WE go to Los Angelas first... and find Kelcey!”

Selena's eyes widened. “Kelcey?”

Immediately, Selena's thoughts went to her old friend. Before she had regained her friendship with Regan, or even Kennedy for that matter, Kelcey and her had become friends in the oddest of fashion – actually, now that Selena thought about it, she had regained her friendship with Regan the same way – insane, professional, beating the holy-hell out of eachother to gain a respect for one another in that ring. Part of the whole magic of the wrestling ring, Selena imagined.

Regardless, she, like most, had heard of Kelcey slipping into a coma thanks to the promo aired by Chris Cannon – oh how she had enjoyed getting a few good kicks on that son of a-

“It's ridiculous.” Selena stated. “We don't know where she is-”
“Don't tell me you don't want to see her.” Deanna challenged.
“Of course I want to see her!” Selena countered sitting up straighter in the tub, the icecubes floating around her. “But we don't know what hospital or anything! And on top of that – you can't just walk in!”

“What do you mean?” Deanna asked. 
“Remember when you were in a coma? When you gave birth to Amiliah?”
“When the bus hit me, yeah?” Deanna added, causing Selena to wince a little.
“Yeah... I had to okay every person that saw you. No one was allowed that I didn't okay – mostly because I was afraid the Frost or Frostmeres would show up.”
“So...” Deanna's voice trailed off.

“So, I was your closest of people and I got to make that call. Who do you think made that call for Kelcey?”
The answer came faster than Deanna could blink. “Her husband.”
“Chris 'I'm screwing another woman' Cannon – and by the way? His girl on the side hates my guts!”
“But-” Deanna tried.

“Deanna...” Selena sighed. “I wish I could see her. I WANT to see her more than you know. Tell her about us... the renewal, how we're going to be there when she wakes up. Ask her to come live with us. We have enough room. But...” Selena's voice trailed off. “I just don't think it's possible.”

There was a moment of silence, the only sound being that of the bus as it made its way through Quebec.

“One day.” came a whisper from Deanna.
“We can call Kennedy – or Trinity! Or Jennifer! She's part of the Beauty Network! Maybe she knows!”
“Just twelve hours, okay? We got to Los Angelas – do all we have to and then hope back on the plane and fly to Germany! At most, we lose half a day!”

Selena rolled her eyes at her redhaired beauty of a wife. “You want to throw half a day – probably a day actually – on a wild goose chase?”
“Yep.” Deanna nodded. 

The younger Frost looked away. “Because...what if something happens... I mean... in one week.”
“Nothing is going to happen.” Selena assured, reaching out to wrap her arms around her wife.
“But what if it does?!” Deanna pressed. “And you can't say goodbye to one of your best friends?”
“I don't WANT anything to happen, but...if it were me – and I had a chance to talk to a friend like that-”
“Okay!” Selena suddenly blurted. “Okay! If it will make you happy – we can try and find her and SEE if we can get in. But if we can't, then we head to Germany, immediately, understand?”

“Absolutely!” Deanna cried happily, leaning over to place a soft kiss to her wife's lips before she jumped out of the tub to dry herself off.
“Where are you going?” Selena asked, remaining in the tub as she watched her wife.
“Going to call Kennedy-”
“She's probably still in the royale!” Selena shook her head. “Don't bother her now!”
“You're right – oh! Then Trinity! I'll try her! Or Jennifer!”

The Snow Queen could only give a roll of her eyes as she watched her wife disappear back into the bedroom. “Seven days...” she whispered to herself as she settled into the ice and water, letting the cold heal and invigorate her body. “What have I gotten myself into?”


The Royal Letter

Dear SCW Universe, 

I said last week that things are not always as simple as we’d like them to be. Sometimes, what we feel is one thing or what we think is one thing can turn out to be something else. What we see or what we are told as truth may not be the entire truth. People lie, the eyes deceive and the mind plays tricks or makes assumptions.

And while I’m not going to absolve or pardon Giovanni Aries for everything that has happens – my instincts telling me that there is more here than what is on the surface – I will not deny that the simple war that was being waged between me and the Wonderland is not as grouped as I thought. It is splintered, fragmented, and what I thought was one source of problems was actually far, far more.

Now, immature as this sound, but I wish I could wave a magic wand or something and solve all the problems SCW has. That’s something certain people need to realize. Even the people that think I’m just in it for myself or I’m “blinded” by lizard people. I wish I had the power to solve every problem – but that is something… that is something that I cannot believe I can do. In my near six years here, I’ve learned, quite often the hard way, that not everything can be fixed or solved by me. You have to choose. Pick your battles.

Pick your battles…

It is why I not only understand the choices of my sister-in-arms, Regan, but also am proud of her. Does that surprise some of you? No doubt Damien and Xander will echo the words of their comrade Giovanni that she has “abandoned me to this war” – oh please forgive me, Gio and Xander are not comrades. Giovanni’s partner in the Wonderland, Damian Angel, and his newest turned brainwashed Konrad Raab attacked Regan and I last week and Damian teams with Xander in a few days against us, but they are CERTAINLY not in cahoots.

But I digress, I restate that I am proud of Regan’s choices. She had desired a match with Datura for months  and months. She has been patient and has demanded nothing else like Syren or Sienna. She was prepared to drop this desired match – a mixture of professional and personal in pride and skill – when it was dropped at her feet, for me and for all of SCW. To fight the fight for SCW as she did in Tactical Warfare. But, she trusted me to bring the fight to the enemies of SCW without her. She trusts me to do what she would do. You see now that I cannot hold malice against her? She is trusting me with something as important to her as the title she holds – perhaps more. 

I am not mad – rather, I have been inspired by her. For as I said, the reality that struck me last week was that there were multiple sources of evil and war against SCW. Had it not been for her, my dear friend and sister, I would still be in the ring, riling against them both – demanding them both to fight me and take me on. 

And isn’t that how I lost the United States Championship? 

Trust… keyword in tag matches. Keyword in this letter. Regan trusts me to bring the fight. I trust her to stay safe but last week, with the partial card of Rise to Greatness announced, I must also choose my battle and place my faith in James Evans. I am not a fan of his attitude or his entitlement but, after last week, I was somewhat impressed by his aggression. The relentless attack on Giovanni with that chair. For now, James, and for that, you have your desired match and desired opponent. All I will say to you is that I wish you luck… and hope you do not lose yourself and, once more, become Giovanni’s plaything.

So, Regan has Datura.
James has Giovanni…

That leaves me and my choice – which is you, Xander Valentine.

Are you feeling clever, executioner? You came out smirking and mocking me for my theories and views. You desired to take credit for all you’ve done…

I would not call that clever. I’d call that foolish.

You were effective when we were distracted by the Wonderland. You were efficient when my attention was turned to Giovanni. But now? All that focus? All these emotions – anger, frustration, bitterness, and yes, fear – all of it is focused on you and you alone. Just like at Taking Hold of the Flame, where I dumped your ass to the ground.

Make no mistake, Xander, I will not be seeking my revenge or your destruction at Breakdown. No. That night is saved for Rise to Greatness. And, for all you’ve done, I feel it is “unworthy” for you. For all you’ve done. Rather, Xander, I plan on making these next few weeks the longest of your life. For so long, you’ve been promising destruction and you didn’t hesitate to show your hand last week – so allow me to do the same. 

You wish to take down SCW piece by piece? Well, that is how I, too, shall handle this. Every time you show your face in SCW, from now until we reach Texas for Rise to Greatness, I will be there. I will be there and I will be hunting for a piece for you. To take with me even if you take a part of me. Every Breakdown, every house show, I will be there to seize part of you.

This Breakdown, Regan and I – for the first time in years and supposedly impossible – we will work together to take a pound of flesh, like Shylock from Shakespeare. While you and Damian have shown your violence, you’ve no idea what Regan and I can do as a tag team. 

But… I am sure, on the first night of our journey to RtG, that you will understand soon enough. And more than that, I believe you will better understand exactly what kind of “fake queen” is sitting on “your” throne.

Because if you want it back, Xander, whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to pay more than you’ve ever imagined to get it.

Believe it, Valentine. This Wednesday… we begin…

[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
Debated whether or not to keep everything or save it for the bigger match but decided that this sets the stage well for Rise to Greatness for what I have planned. Have nothing but respect for all three for you gents. Can't wait for the real meat.

OOC: The Road to RTG Continues As The Hellcat Faces Her Biggest Fears, another obstacle for Regan, enjoyed writing it, good luck bros.

Warning: The Comments and views expressed in this promo are those of Regan Helms and do not reflect that of the publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
[Image: regan2018.png]

- SCW Supreme Champion
- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2012 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2016 Feud of the Year Winner Vs. Ace Marshall
- 2019 SCW Trios Contract Winner
- 2020 Tag Team of The Year (Frozen Hell)

Singles Record - | W - 099| L - 13 | D - 06|
Overall Record - | W - 133| L - 29 | D - 08|

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