Kennedy Street & Lohan Country vs. Sienna Swann & The Truelove Twins
Kennedy Street & Lohan Country vs. Sienna Swann & The Truelove Twins
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, August 28, 2018
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag team; 6 RP limit for six person tag
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ooc: Me and Omar agreed to shoot only. Should be fun.  

On a sunny, and clearly hot day in the city of Pittsburg, the scene opens with Dawn Lohan standing with her back turned to the camera as she looks at the famed Liberty Bell. The Wonderful One turns around to face the camera. Greeting everyone who is looking at video with a bright smile on her face, she begins to speak.  

“Teaming with Kennedy again is an emotional moment for me. Our final days as an official tag team you already know about, I’m not going to talk at great length about that. The shorthand version for you newer fans, we had our differences. The Cashmere Mafia exploded in the worst way possible. We went our separate ways. Patched things up in 2016. The rest is history. There is one specific feeling that comes to mind as Kennedy, and Lohan Country roll into the City of Brotherly Love to fend off The Beauty Factory.”

“That feeling is guilt.”

The smile Dawn sports suddenly forms into a frown.

Towards the tail end of 2016, me and Kennedy found our way back to each other. It took some time to resolve what had come between us. I was thrilled nonetheless. Kennedy is a sister to me. Not like a sister, Kennedy is a sister to me. We came in this company together. We won big matches together. We laughed together, cried together, was vulnerable enough to share each others deepest darkest secrets. Around the early part of 2017, I left SCW. You’ve heard me talk so many times about why I left, the main part I have never spoken about, until now, is how guilty I felt when I was trying to make a name for myself in UWA. I still feel to this day I let Kennedy Street down.

I wasn’t here when Ethan was being an asshole. I wasn’t around when Ethan used Thirteen as a hired gun. “God,” Lexi Von Aaron, Blake and Bree, I should have been here fighting in the trenches. Not somewhere else trying to find my place in this wrestling bubble. I know Donovan Kayl was here, so was Amy, I am grateful to her for the impact she made in Kennedy’s life. That doesn’t erase the guilt I feel. Kennedy will tell, and has, told me otherwise that I shouldn’t feel guilty. I can’t shake that feeling. Best friends don’t let each other down. I did that. I did miss out on getting my hands on Lexi during the tag team gauntlet match back at Flawless, there is NO WAY I’m missing this week. Kennedy made a promise to all of her fans. I fully intend to help Kennedy continue to keep that promise.  Lohan Country stands by Kennedy to keep the GOOD times rolling. Another win is the W column is all but academic.”

Dawn’s smile returns.  

While this match does give me a chance to stand by Kennedy’s side, Lohan Country has our own battle to fight, too. The way I see it, this six woman tag match is a make or break match for you Paris and London. After last weeks chaos, Breakdown is more important for you two then it is for Sienna. A loss this week will all but guarantee you two head to the back of the line for the World Tag Team Championships. Rise to Greatness, you couldn’t buy your way to victory. Last week, failed. This is a must win situation. Sorry. You have no hope of winning. Not this week. Not with me looking forward to teaming with Kennedy for the first time in three years. Not with me looking to make up for letting my best friend down last year.  

“Paris, London, hope you don’t mind. I’d like to have a heart to heart talk with Laura Steinbeck.”

“Do you know what truly astonishes me, Laura? Two weeks ago, I was in the back with my sister watching Kennedy Street defend the World Championship against your girl, Sienna. None of us can deny for one night, Sienna was better. I know how good Sienna is. Correction, I knew how good Sienna would become. It was a few years ago at Apocalypse, I walked in as the reigning, defending Women’s Champion. Without any cheap tricks, Sienna beat me. I passed the torch of the women’s division to her. She ran with it till the end. I can’t be anymore proud of Sienna. Britt saw something in her. Britt doesn’t respect a lot of people. Britt’s vote of confidence is enough for me to be a believer in Sienna Swann. Obviously I’d prefer Kennedy was walking into Breakdown with the World Championship. I can’t run from the fact I have always been a believer in Sienna’s talent. Contrary to your actions as of late, I am a believer in The Truelove Twins too. Both times I have been in the ring with them, they have shown me that when it is time for me and Abigail to move on from the tag team division, I have the confidence that the TrueLove Twins can become one of the best tag teams in the business. As good as The Cashmere Mafia? As good as Lohan Country? It’s tough to top two sets of former World Champions. I’ll give credit where credit is due, The Twins hit hard.  

“For the life of me Laura I don’t get it. Why don’t you have the same faith in the TrueLove Twins that you have in Sienna Swann?”

Dawn pauses allowing the question to linger in the air.

“Running to Dante McCaffrey and his Network  to help your girls win the World Tag Team Championships is pretty low. All I keep reading on my twitter timeline is how The Twins are going to perform a Twin Killing. Can’t forget about them calling me and Abigail loctus. And yet you don’t have enough confidence in them to allow them to backup their own words. Why have you lost hope in the Twins? Did you ever have hope in the Twins to begin with? As soon as they worked their way up to stiffer competition, like David Callahan and Sophie James, you dipped into your pocket, slipped The Network money under the table. Since then, all you have tried to do is buy the World Tag Team Championships, which makes me wonder, is it just about becoming champion no matter what for you? You really don’t care? You want your Beauty Factory to succeed so badly that pimping out the Twins just to make a claim that you are the manager of champions is sad to me. Your approach is devaluing The TrueLove Twins.”

“I so desperately want to believe that they want to step up to the plate on their own. Without the cheap tricks. Without The Network. I want to believe they are more than just girls you pimp out for your own selfish purposes. There has to exist somewhere in the hearts of the Twins that they don’t agree with all these shenanigans. Just tell me I’m just naive. Wouldn’t be the first time, right?”

Dawn shrugs.

“Last week I was willing to put the championships on the line knowing you set up a trap. That is what real champions do. We defend our championships no matter the odds. Me and Abi weren’t naive, we knew The Network were lurking. Bet you didn’t count on Max Kane showing up, torpedoing your masterplan all together. You got what you deserved. It doesn’t take a genius to see how you are going to spin things. It was Max Kane’s fault. Just like it was a faulty voting system that quote unquote saved me and Max’s reign from your girls. It is always something Laura. You and The TrueLove Twins are always victims of circumstance beyond your control. Poor girls. Your girls had their shot last week. You blew it. Not Dante. Not Max. You did Laura for trying to buy greatness. Did you hear the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result?

“You can’t really expect this to go any differently, can you?

Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t. I do know one thing, Laura. When Kennedy, Abigail and I win this match. It doesn’t matter who gets pinned, whether it is Sienna, Paris or London, the only way The TrueLove Twins are getting consideration from ME to put the World Tag Team Championships on the line again against The Twins is by beating THREE, count’em, THREE former World Champions. Why should The Twins be rewarded due to your negligence? Complain about Max getting involved. Tell the story if it wasn’t for him or Dante, who is the one who ran to the Network to strike a deal in the first place? The failures of The Twins fall on YOU, Laura. That is a fact you can’t talk your way out of. When the bell rings, and Kennedy, Abigail, and myself are standing tall all but knocking your girls to the back of the line, they won’t have a voting system to blame. Or The Network to pass the buck too. The person they will have to think for going to the back of the line is you.

“The world doesn’t stop because you feel a certain way. The tag team division won’t be held hostage after this week. That is the promise I’m making.”

As Dawn concludes her speech smiling wonderfully, her sister and coconspirator, Abigail Lindsay, casually walks into the scene eating a Philly Cheesesteak sub. She hands her sub to Dawn, then faces the camera.  

“TrueLove Twins. I got three words for you.”

“Please don’t say I am Groot.”

Abi chuckles.

“Don’t be silly. I was gonna say....”

There is a dramatic pause that fills the air.

“I. Am. Bored.”

Rise to Greatness was fun. Five teams. Well, four teams plus Max Kane. Last week was fun, too. Like Dawnie said, we knew The Network involvement was coming. A blind squirrel could predict the inevitable. What baffled me Laura, you didn’t anticipate Max Kane’s involvement. Come on silly, did you truly think that a glory hound like Max can resist the spotlight? He is part of their Network after all. If he was confined to a wheelchair he would still find a way to get involved. That is who he is. He has a death wish. Literally. For reasons unknown to little ole me he is content with the notion that one day he is gonna die, so why not have a little fun while he is still capable of barely walking. I did have a good laugh when Max fell on top of me last week to cause the no contest. Deep down you found it funny too, sweety. Come on. Admit it. Have a laugh. Put a smile on your face for the first time in your life.

“As much fun as last week was knowing your masterplan fell flat on its face, this week, I don’t feel the same twinge of excitement to step into the ring with The TrueLove Twins again. Why should I? This will mark three of my four matches in this company in some shape of form against TrueLove. Paris, London, you’re hot, don’t get me wrong. You are a sight to look at. Twins. Hello. Can’t get any better than that. Francis Davison is the author who coined the famous saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”  Hope you understand, in order for little ole me to be interested in the two of you, there needs to be a little distance created between us. After last week, I have grown tired of seeing your faces. Can we do a raincheck of this dynamic in a couple months after Dawnie and me have our fun with the rest of the tag team division?

“It’s not going to be that easy, Abi.

I know. You did teach me to ask first. Being polite is a lost art.

Abigail smirks.

Laura. I have a little proposition. Dawnie has hope that your Twins, not those twins. The TrueLove Twins. My sister believes that your TrueLove Twins have what it takes to get the job done all by themselves. I’m a bit of a negative nancy. No. I don’t think your girls can get it done against us all by their lonesome. If by the oft chance The Beauty Factory does win, it will be because Sienna is on the other side. Hence, not really proving anything. The whole story of this alleged war here is that Laura, you need someone to hold the TrueLove Twins hand to secure what Dawnie and me possess. So, I have a proposal Ms. Steinbeck. IF Paris or London can pin either Dawnie or me this week in our six woman tag team match, we will go to management to insist that we put up the World Tag Team Championships at Apocalypse. That’s not all. Not only will we put the belts on the line against your TrueLove Twins, as an added caveat, we can make it a handicap match.

Lohan Country versus Paris, London, Jack Parker and Ms. Budde.

Why play this same ole game every single time where The Network is lurking around the corner. Make Ms. Budde and Jack Parker’s involvement legal. I’d say throw Dante in there too. He and I both know he is not going to fight me. He won’t stand across the apron to look me in the eye knowing he screwed up our friendship for money. Max Kane is Max Kane. He won’t be of any real use. To make this more fun, put Max in a SHARK CAGE.

That’s the deal, if Dawnie and I are pinned by either Paris or London, you get four LEGAL people against Lohan Country. But... if The Beauty Factory loses, not only do you concede to go to the back of the line. Since Dawnie and I are willing to go against all odds to defend our belts should either Paris or London pin Dawnie or me, I think it is only fair that Paris and London agree to have dinner with Katelyn and I if Beauty Factory loses.  It is a fair trade. Handicap match for a double date with the twins. Can’t beat that, can you?

Abi winks.

A bit of a gamble? No. Not really. I am that confident Dawnie, Kennie and me will walk out of Pittsburg standing tall that I am willing to “risk” a handicap situation. The way I see it Laura, if you do accept my offer, you prove me right. You prove that you have no faith in your TrueLove Twins to get the job done by themselves. If you truly did have faith we wouldn’t be here in this situation. Actions speak louder than words. Your actions have shown how dirty you are willing to play. Hey, I admire that, by the way. Not judging. Dawn is confused why you need to hold Paris and London’s hand. I see this as a neat little game.

“I love to play.”

“Do you?”

Abigail points at the camera Uncle Sam style.

Now I’m excited. I am excited about the prospect of ending this once and for all with a FLAWLESS victory. When it is all said and done, I won’t have three words for you. I’ll have one, said twice. And that word is...

Ta Ta.”

Abigail blows a kiss into the camera. Dawn gives her back her sub. Both Lohan’s walk off screen as the scene fades to black.
OOC: SHOOT Only as Agreed Upon With Randy.

The Views Expressed by Your Sexy Flawless Diva Are That of Her Own and Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
[Image: Kennedy-Street2021.png]
Kennie's Achievements Honey:

- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 3x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 2013 SCW Star of Tomorrow

Kennie's Singles Record - |W - 080 | L - 10 | D - 03|
Kennie's Overall Record - |W - 107 | L - 21 | D - 03|
OOC: SHOOT Only As Agreed Upon With Randy.

Anything with the “REC” on it is Viewable to the Public.

The Views Expressed By Sienna Swann Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

[Image: t5kf0z.jpg]

(Click Title)
[Image: Sienna2020.png]

Angelic Achievements:

- 3x SCW World Champion
- 3x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2018 SCW Female Wrestler of the Year
- 2019 SCW Female Wrestler of the Year
- 2018 SCW Stable of the Year (Past.Present.Future)
- 2018 SCW Match of the Year (Vs. Selena Frost, Iron Woman Match at Retribution) 
- 2019 Elimination Chamber Winner (Under Attack 2019)
- 2019 Double Jeopardy Winner (Clarity 2019)
- 2020 SCW Feud of the Year (Vs. Jordan Majors)
- 2020 SCW Match of the Year (Vs. Jordan Majors, Rise To Greatness XVII)


Singles Record -|W - 68| L - 09 | D - 02 |
 Overall Record - |W - 93| L - 19 | D - 02 |

OOC: SHOOT Only as Agreed Upon With Randy.

The Views Expressed by The Truelove Twins Are of Their Own and Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
'[Image: 2a7agsl.jpg]
Tag Team Record - | W - 11 | L - 02 | D - 01 |
Overall  Record -     | W - 13 | L - 03 | D - 01 |

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