Drake Hemingway vs. Kandis
2 RP Limit

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, September 10, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
                                                                                  June 25th, 2018.
Los Angeles, California. 
Galen Center. 

Drake Hemmingway stood on the roof of the Galen Center, alone. He wanted to be alone. Staring off into the distance while the native people in Los Angeles went about their daily business gave him a sense of peace. That’s what he sought more then anything at the present moment, he knew, without question, he wasn’t going to receive any peace staying inside the building. He had a match earlier, Vanilla Sky, the General Manager of Emerge, organized a contenders gauntlet match, the winner going on to challenge whoever the Emerge Champion was going to be by the end of the night (spoiler, Peyton Rice was the winner). Drake waited his turn as the field continued to dwindle. He knew for absolute certain he was going to be the last entrant, by the time his music played, the only obstacle standing in his way would be a woman who represents everything Loretta had taught him to stand against, yet, that same woman is his friend. Kandis was one of the few people from day one that was nice to him.  He didn’t know why. The niceness was a much needed change of pace from everyone condemning him for condemning them about how they should live their lives. By the end, Kandis ran an entire gauntlet from bell to bell. She proved her worth, she would have a date with (spoiler alert, Peyton Rice) at Rise to Greatness 2018. 

Drake sighed. He wanted to push his failure to the back of his mind for as long as he could. He was pulled out of his own mind by the sound of an opening door. Drake knew what was coming, he wouldn’t be able to hide from the inevitable. Turning around to face the music, Loretta stormed towards him like a woman on a holy (some would say unholy) mission. Before he can open his mouth, Loretta greets him with an earth shattering slap. The sting of the slap from Loretta rocked Drake slightly, this was nothing new to him, Loretta is passionate at the best of times. The times she doesn’t get her way, he felt her wrath on select occasions. He isn’t surprised at all that tonight, of all nights, was the occasion Loretta would unleash holy fury upon him. 

Loretta said through gritted teeth, “What the hell happened out there!” 

The way she glared at him, he could swear that her glare felt like the heat of the sun. Without wasted motion, Drake responds. “I failed.”

Loretta rolls her eyes. “What REALLY happened out there, Drake! There is no way you should have lost that match. She was ripe for the picking. You should have tore that harlot apart, but no. Why did you hold back?”

“I didn’t, Loretta.” Drake closed his eyes knowing what was coming next.    

Again, Loretta violently slapped Drake, this time harder than before. “Look at me when I am talking to you.” Drake does as his mentor commands. He opens his eyes, Loretta still having the same disgusted look on her face. Most people would feel outrage if anyone slapped the shit out of them twice in succession. Not Drake. Shame flooded him. He never wanted to disappoint Loretta, tonight he did, he doesn’t blame her. Loretta continues. “I always knew your alleged friendship with Kandis was going to propose an issue. We can’t afford to mingle with the outsiders. Kandis will be one of us, I don’t understand your fascination with that woman.” 

“Not all outsiders are evil, Loretta. Kandis doesn’t condemn me like the others.”

“We both know why that is. Don’t be foolish.”

“Her intentions are--”

Loretta immediately cuts Drake off. “Don’t you dare use the word pure in the same sentence as that walking THOT.” Loretta’s cringes. “Lord forgive me, I used that acronym.”

Confused, Drake tilts his head to the side. “THOT?”

Loretta sighs, “That Ho Over There. Kandis is a ho. Wouldn’t shock me if she is going to celebrate her victory trolling the red light district.”

“I failed, Loretta. I apologize. Next time I’ll do better.”

“You still don’t get it. This is what Kandis does, Drake. She uses her assets to manipulate in and everyone, using her disgusting body and her smile  to further her own means. Bad enough she has manipulated you into taking it easy on her tonight, don’t think I haven’t noticed the way she looks at you. It’s all becoming clear. She wants to add you as another notch on her bedpost.”

“That’s nonsense. She knows I would never betray my vow of celibacy.”

“God, you really are being a fool right now. Even your brother agrees with me.” 

“Is that so?”

“Yes. He would know.” 

“Ironic you listen to a man who had been every bit the harlot you brandish Kandis as.”

“Your brother changed. Kandis is one sexual experience away from catching an STD. I pray for that to happen.”

Drakes rest his right hand on Loretta’s left shoulder. Calmly, he says, “Loretta. Relax.”

“Don’t tell me to relax! You still don’t get it.” Loretta swipes his hand off her shoulder. She taps her head. “ Kandis is inside your head. The man I helped save from the depth of his impurities would have treated that harlot like any other opponent. No. You allowed the guise of this faux friendship to see Kandis for more than she is. The woman is a sinner. A con artist. A harlot. Everything a woman should not be. She is an affront to the evolution of my gender. Because of you, we could have a harlot as Emerge Champion. She would represent this company--” Loretta grits her teeth. “I can’t believe I need to explain any of this to you. Incredible.”

“My friendship had nothing to do with tonight. She was better in the ring. I failed to capitalize.”

“I’m done with your excuses. Lets go. We’re leaving LA right now.”


“I need to ensure this doesn’t happen again. How can I trust you with my legacy if you are going to allow harlots like Kandis off the hook. I am going to make things right. You do trust me?”

Drake nods.“With my life.”

“Good.” Loretta places her right hand on Drake’s cheek. With a smile on her face, Loretta says,  “Call your brother, ask him to retrieve our items from our hotel. We are talking a little trip. When we get there, hand me your cell phone. I will make sure everyone at the compound knows where we are. I am going to set you straight.” 

Drake bends the knee. Looking up into Loretta’s eyes, with pure conviction he says, “Lead the way.”

Loretta rested her hand on Drake’s shoulder. “I care about you more than you’ll ever understand. What I am doing is for your own good... for our own good.”

Her smile comforted Drake. He trusted her, one hundred percent. 


June 30th, 2018...
Lacma Cafe.
Los Angeles. 

Loretta doesn’t normally travel by herself. She feels more comfortable traveling with Drake or with another member of the purity family. On this day she had to suck it up. She put herself in this predicament. Wearing an all white business casual suit, she wanted to look her best for her special guest. Sitting by the window, she watches as the door opens. In walks in Blake Mason. A smile forms on her face. Her eyes lock on his. He swiftly makes his way over to her table, taking a seat, she slides a cup of coffee in his direction. 

“Black with creamer, just how you like it?” 

Blake raises his eyebrow. “Yes... how would you--”

“Your brother told me.” she says offering a half smirk. 

Blake shrugs it off. He takes the coffee, has a sip. Then he notices... “No drink of your own?”

Loretta shakes her head. “Have to keep my body pure.”

“You could have water you know.”

“You can’t trust the companies who sell you bottled water. .Inspections occur once every three years. Restaurants neglect to keep their bathrooms clean, you really think companies that sell you bottled water will go to all liberties to ensure we are drinking the best possible water?”

“Fair point, I guess.” Blake takes another sip from the coffee mug. “Can I assume my brother is in the bathroom?”

Loretta shrugs. “I wouldn’t know. I’m unsure about his whereabouts...” 

Blake leaned forward. His eyes intense. Gave Loretta chills. “What do you mean you don’t know, Loretta?!

Loretta remains unflinching. “Might want to keep your voice down, you don’t want to draw attention.” She waits to see what Blake’s next move will be. He leans back in his chair, surveying the cafe just to make sure he didn’t draw all eyes on them. Loretta quickly surveys the cafe too, just to make sure. Blake wasn’t loud enough to cause a scene, good, the benefit of having this conversation in the open is she figured Blake would not cause her too much trouble should the conversation take a turn for the worse, she fears the darkness inside Blake. He has shown recently he is capable of keeping the cap on the bottle, she needed to cover her bases. “Very well, the last time I saw your brother was two days ago. We traveled to Nevada after he failed to get the job done. We went out into the Great Basin Desert. I left him there to think about his failure with no means to return. He is going to be creative to make it back to Los Angeles.”

Loretta keeps her eyes on Blake as he balls up his fist. “Your insane. My brother could die.”

Loretta dismisses the notion. “He has survived worse!”

“So all your followers are left for dead whenever they don’t live up to your standards.”

Loretta rolls her eyes. . “No one dies; don’t be dramatic.”

“What happened at Invasion: LA was unfortunate. Come on, him losing one match  does not warrant leaving my brother in a desert to fend for himself.”

“He shares the same weakness as you.” Loretta pointed her finger at Blake. “How many times has a beautiful woman come along that you sold your soul too? Kandis has gotten inside your brothers head, I need him to see the light. Nothing good comes from mingling with harlots of her ilk.”

Blake chuckles at Loretta’s tame diatribe. “She doesn’t have cuties.”

Under her breath, Loretta growls, “Why doesn’t anyone understand?! Would you want your daughter living the lifestyle, Kandis does?”

Blake glares at Loretta, “Leave Kayla out of this.”

“Do you, or don’t you?”

Blake sighs. “Of course not.”

“Your brother shouldn’t have to associate with a vile creature. So what she’s nice, it’s irrelevant. Beliefs and ideas are deadly, they are like a disease that spreads; once an idea takes over your mind, you can be led astray down a path that will lead to your damnation. I adore Drake, he has a lot to learn, still. His friendship with Kandis cost him a chance to compete for the Emerge Championship at Rise to Greatness. Whether I like it not--”

“Clearly not.”

“Kandis will always be a presence, I’m gonna have to put an end to all that.”

Blake takes a moment to process everything Loretta just told him. He looks around just to make sure everyone is minding their own business. With the coast clear, Blake leans in just to ensure Loretta is the only one who can hear what he has to say. “I tried to end Chris Cannon two years ago, even tried to kill him years before that, the ironic thing is Loretta, unless your enemies are put six feet deep, they’ll always come back. Wrestling 101.”

Blake being this close to her caused Loretta to lose her train of thought briefly. She regains her barings. In an instant Blake stands up. She immediately comments. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to call my best men to find my brother.”

Loretta shakes her head. “You can’t.”

“He’s family. Your not.”

Loretta reaches out to grab Blake’s wrist. Almost pleading, she fires back, “I am his Savior.”

Blake yanks his wrist away.“This conversation is over. I appreciate you being there for my brother when he needed someone but this is not sane. I’m outta here. Don’t try to stop me.”

She infuriatingly watched as Blake Mason walked out of the cafe, free to do what he needed to; to track down his brother before something could happen to him. Loretta wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She didn’t want to draw any more attention than warranted.  Loretta stood up calmly, placed some money on the table to pay for the coffee not caring about the tip she left behind. All she could do was leave the cafe hoping Drake would find his way to her before Blake could get in the way of her trial by fire...      


<Promo Time>

“Fifteen months Kandis I’ve been waiting for this...”

These are not the words of Drake Hemmingway that greet the viewer, they belong to an intense Loretta Inglewood as the scene fades into Loretta, dressed in all white, sitting down on the steps of a Catholic church. 

“I’m not going to pretend I ever liked you, Kandis. I don’t. I never will. There is a zero chance we will ever have a summit to iron out our differences. On the day of June 25th, 2018, inside the Galen Center of Los Angeles, California, Invasion: LA, I could have sworn you had the blessing of a higher power when you ran the gauntlet, not the entire gauntlet. Some clown was taken out backstage. Nevertheless, you went from bell to bell, surviving the entire ideal. You’d think I am supposed to respect your resilience, your never say die attitude. Is that the version of events that you remember? Not me. I saw a woman who was willing to do whatever it took to win, including laying the foundation months previous to make it so Drake Hemingway showed you an iota of leniency.”

“You paint yourself as a fighter, Kandis. I don’t see it. I know the real you, it is as clear as day for anyone with common sense. No one exists in your life without a reason. Dylan Cent? Used him. Where is he now? Off the grid. Irrelevant. Ryan Watson? Did you offer him  sexual favors in exchange for wrestling lessons. Weren’t you and Jason Dillinger best friends? Right, some friend you were, as soon as he showed that he valued someone else more than you, you discard him. Katya? She wasn’t your friend, but you used your “friends” to cozy up to the then boss around here. Tag title shot straight out the gate with the Red Empire slut, a shot you didn’t earn by the way. The minute Katya was ousted out, have you even sent her a card? Asked her how she is doing? Between the Adrenaline Championship shot you were handed, the Jackass And Big Ass Connect tag title reign, the only reason you got a shot was because Redemption beat everyone else, forcing SCW to come up with a last ditch option, when have you ever fought for anything in this company? What you are is Kandis, professional user, somehow, someway, you managed to get inside Drake’s head long enough, on the day in question, July 25th, 2018, when he should have systematically destroyed you, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Because of your “friendship.” Pathetic. Simply pathetic, he should not be friends with someone of your ilk. “He lost.” Loretta scoffs. “Drake failed me. You robbed him of a chance to challenge for the Emerge Championship. Every since that day I made it my mission Kandis to make sure YOU would pay for the consequences of your actions.”

A smirk forms on Loretta’s face. “Tomorrow night presents a chance for Drake to redeem himself to me. He knows how much I was disappointed in him. Wins, loses, they come and go. He lost to Peyton two weeks ago. It doesn’t please me that she continues to be a thorn in his career, I can overlook that. Peyton, she is a good person. If it were up to me, Peyton would stand at my left hand with Drake on my right. Together, the three of us could lead SCW into a new age of purity. But with you Kandis, your Thirsty Thursdays, your F Me Friday’s, your shameless promotion of your way of life is an affront to everything me and Drake stand for. Nothing new, you know this already, of course you echo the sentiments of get laid like that is a permanent fix to lifes problems. When someone is angry, they need to  get laid? When someone is sad, they need to get laid? On and on and on it goes, not all problems can be solved with sex. Not all bottomless holes in a person's soul can be filled by sexual intercourse. Professional wrestlers hold so much power, young impressionable naive minds will latch on to what their favorites say, it sickens me that there is filth out there who would give you the time a day.” Loretta looks like she wants to vomit. She takes a moment to compose herself.” 

“On the 11th,  I am going to have the best seat in the arena for what is about to come. I will stand outside the ring, watch on as Drake redeems himself. June 25th you got lucky in my eyes, fifteen months ago he allowed his friendship to stand in the way of progress. No more. In Supreme Championship Wrestling there can be no grey area, as you learned at Rise to Greatness when your so called friends Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine took the World Tag Team Championships from you, their lust for gold trumped your bond. Take it from someone who has been in this business longer than you, I was touring the world way before you wiped Ryan’s you know what from your mouth.” Loretta shudders. “Friendships don’t work in pro wrestling, they bring forth complications, sooner or later, your so called friends are going to want the same thing that you do. I don’t have friends, I have a family committed to a common goal. Drake learned that friendships are a burden, he knows that now.  his way for one night. You are not one of us. You don’t support our mission to ensure Supreme Championship Wrestling and the world becomes a better, purer place. I can’t wait for Drake to drop you with the Mark of the Beast, in my eyes, you might as well be the Devil.” Loretta rolls her eyes. 

Walking down the steps behind her is Drake Hemingway. Wearing all black, he stands one step above Loretta. With his hands in his pockets, the mysterious Drake is about to speak. “Kandis, this day was inevitable. I am under no impression you will change your ways. You are quite content to settle in your station in life. I can not save an individual who does not wish or acknowledge that they need to embrace the virtues of purity. I know better than to offer you a true path to enlightenment, the inconvenient truth is, you are afraid in more ways than one, but you are not ready to hear from me that your existence is one of denial. You likely feel the same way about my path. That’s neither here nor there.”

“What I can tell you with absolute clarity, the mission always comes first. The same tenacity I showed the world at Rise to Greatness this year will be the same tenacity I show you tomorrow night. I  don’t agree with Loretta’s assessment that you got lucky fifteen months ago, you earned your victory. What I can concede is I let myself down.  With all circumstances on my side, I should had won. I didn’t. All I can do is learn from that experience. Over time, I have shown I have evolved from that night. I am more brutal. More focused. More determined. More deadly than I was the night you overcome the odds. On June 25th I wrestled a friend, on September 11th, when the bell rings, my appreciation for the kindness you showed me goes out the window. The mission comes first. The purity movement is my life. Loretta is my life, anyone who stands between me and that, shall receive The Mark of the Beast.” 

Drake gets down on his knees. He places his hands on Loretta’s shoulders. “In Loretta’s name, a-men.”

Drake closes his eyes. Loretta nods. The scene fades to black.
OOC: I did not read Drake's promo before finishing this. Appearance with approval. Good luck bro.

Breakdown 9-11-19
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SCW: 26 - 35 - 5 || Career: 35 - 41 - 5
SCW World Champion
4X SCW Tag Team Champion W/ Tommy Valentine
[The Connection]

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