Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. The Jackass and Big Ass Connection
Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. The Jackass and Big Ass Connection

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, November 12, 2019
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP limit for tag; 8 RP Limit for the Eight person tag
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome

OOC: The development in this was a team effort after days of figuring out what we could do haha. 

"Bouncing Back"
[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK
ooc: The CD in this effort is basically what I had planned to do for my PPV match before getting called in to work on my day off, though it was a call I couldn't ignore as we apparently had a major security breach in our network and had to deal with it as quickly as possible, which is a stressful situation I never want to find myself in ever again. At least I have a chance to salvage it and use it after all, and for that I'm grateful.

<Anything between these signs is considered to be spoken in Spanish and translated into English for the benefit of the viewer>

It always felt weird to do this, but sometimes I reasoned it was the only way.

It had become a habit these days, to the point where I've lost track of how many times I've gone through this process. I don't even remember the name I was given upon my birth anymore, or even half of the names I've been called by now. I just seem to lock them out and forget they even exist once I make the transition, believing that if I remember nothing that I cannot suffer any longer.

Logic dictates that this is all just a fool's errand, but this is one instance of my existence where I simply cannot listen to my brain make rational points and follow the right path.

I've already shut out most of the past few months or so, knowing that was the norm by now for how long any of this lasted. I'm barely considered an adult and by this point in my life I've already visited most countries around the world and gone by so many names it could outnumber the population of smaller towns. The one thing I've always been grateful for is knowing people who can get me all the necessary IDs and appearance and record changes without questioning why. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this, including my latest “reset.” Maybe I'd even be sitting in a jail cell somewhere for some charge I could probably talk my way out of.

With my now immediate past quickly fading into yet another distant memory, my latest excursion of self-rediscovery has brought me south of the border, for reasons I decide have to do with needing a break from the decaying social and political structure of the United States. At this point, I'm probably being pursued in at least half of the country because of some past mistake or this need to try and reclaim me, ignorant of the fact that as far as they're all concerned the “people” they're all looking for may as well be dead. I have a new name and papers that claim I'm a dual citizen, and no one's questioning it as my trip to start anew leads me to Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, a place I've heard considered to be one of the best cities to live in.

Maybe this time I can actually settle down and have a live worth living.

Then again, it would also help if I really knew where to start.

My problem with bigger cities was always navigating them upon arrival if I've never been here before, knowing that risking conversations with locals could lead to terrible exchanges as by now I knew many weren't big fans of tourists no matter where in the world you find yourself. It's usually why I tried to avoid them, but I felt this time should be an exception considering a bigger city also meant more methods to hide should I ever have a reason to. I wish I could say that being in a different country easily resolved that, but I've sorely underestimated how desperate some fragments of my past have been to hunt me down for whatever reason and I'm not taking any more risks.

Still, I wish I could find myself in a more ideal situation than this. Night is beginning to fall and despite my best efforts to navigate this city on my own, the hotel I've been looking to stay in until I can sort things out regarding a new living arrangement doesn't seem like it wants to find itself in my field of vision. I've taught myself the native tongue just in case, but unsurprisingly the few times I've gambled on asking for directions have proven fruitless. I understand Spanish well enough to know that mine isn't at the level to pass the “tourist” belief to many, and their remarks in return have necessitated restraint on my end to avoid causing a scene and setting a new record for how long a new identity's lasted. Not feeling comfortable with having to simply hole up in an alley somewhere until morning, I decide to slip into a small bar in a last ditch effort to find someone willing to at least point me in the right direction.

The first thing I notice is the lack of a crowd present, though whether or not that's due to this being a work night for many in the week or this bar simply being too small and “off the beaten path” isn't an issue I concern myself with. A few tables and one or two stools at the bar have one occupant seemingly drinking and staying to themselves. One table tucked away in a dimly-lit corner has a red-haired woman in a trenchcoat seemingly discussing some business with a larger man in a suit, and I quickly turn away and walk towards the bar to grab a stool for myself when I notice the young woman glance at me out of the corner of her eye. As soon as I take my seat, the bartender is quick to approach.

Bartender: <What can I get for you, miss?>

Me: <I'm just looking for some directions to a hotel. Can you->

Bartender: <Sorry, my bar rules state you have to buy and fully consume at least one drink before I talk. I'm in debt enough as it is and I can't give away information these days without compensation.>

Me: <Fine. I'll take whatever.>

???: <She can have what I usually get, and add one for me as well. My treat.>

I turn around in surprise and see the woman in the trenchcoat standing right behind me, wearing a smile that for some reason seemed to remind me of a cat trying to play nice in order to hide something. The bartender seems happy enough to oblige, though, and quickly pours us a couple of drinks before leaving to go refill some other glasses. I raise an eyebrow at the fact that I'm not even asked for my ID, despite knowing even without my latest rebirth I meet the age requirement in this country to consume alcohol, but I decide to ignore it. I'm more concerned as it is with the woman taking the seat beside me and wasting little time taking a big gulp of the beverage she's ordered for us both.

???: <Trust me, you'll love this drink. It's actually a bit watered down on the alcohol, but the flavor easily disguises it. Only place in the whole city I trust to serve it.>

Me: <I'm not exactly an alcohol consumer.>

???: <At least give it a sip. I promise it'll be worth your while.>

The wink she gives me certainly seems innocent enough, but I'm not one to buy into these kinds of acts so easily. Even if I trust in her enough to ignore the possibility of my drink somehow being spiked, it doesn't take away from the fact that I've become an object of interest to her in the first place.

Me: <You'll have to forgive me if I'm not so easily inclined to trust a stranger willing to buy me a drink. It's a familiar situation to me that tends to lead to terrible results.>

???: <I understand. I don't exactly come off as a trustworthy cat as it is and I know it.> And, if it helps, I'm fluent in English as well, since I can tell you're struggling a bit with Spanish with the time you're taking to respond.

I just blink at her, almost dumbfounded that I actually found someone who knows and was willing to speak English in response to my less-than-stellar Spanish thus far. She seems to take amusement in my reaction as she took another drink and held out her hand.

Maria: My name is Maria, and I'm sorry if I didn't give you a good first impression. What's your name?

Me: I'm Valeria.

I shook her hand, at least willing to show appreciation for her willingness to go through introductions to try and make this seem less awkward. That smile she wore still bugged me a bit, though, almost like she was trying to read me.

Maria: Interesting... now how about your real name? No offense, but you don't exactly look like someone who's native to this country.

Me: I'm afraid that's none of your business.

I turn away from her with a scowl, eyeing the drink she bought for me. A quick glance over to the bartender and I could see he was stealing glances at me while talking to another patron, trying to see if I'd actually consume the beverage placed in front of me so he could give me the information I was looking for. I could probably ask this Maria woman, but she didn't seem like she was interested in anything beyond trying to make herself a part of my new life, and past experience dictated that attaching myself to someone else right away was usually a sign of disaster.

Maria: I'm sorry if I touched a nerve. I'm sure you've got your reasons... truth be told, Maria isn't the only name I go by, though my other identity's one I prefer keeping out of conversation in a public setting for reasons of my own.

This certainly gets my attention as I glance at her in confusion, finding a more genuine expression on her face now as she seems like she really wants to form some kind of connection with me, and sharing even a tiny bit of something that she believes is not a matter of public knowledge was quite an effort to finish that bridge. I have to admit that my curiosity got the better of me in that moment, and as a sign that I was willing to continue our conversation I took a drink of the alcoholic beverage before me. I cringed slightly, having been telling the truth in not usually partaking in such drinks, but I did have to admit that I didn't feel like I was being hammered over the head with the taste of alcohol, instead indulging in the other flavors present. A low hum of contentment from me seemed to brighten up Maria's world.

Maria: Good, isn't it? So, what brings you to this lovely little establishment?

Me: Well, since you've been a little less forward... I'm trying to find a hotel to stay in for the night until I can get myself settled in around here. There's one in particular I've been looking for, but I can't seem to-

I trail off when I notice Maria's gaze has moved from me to the door, eyes slowly widening at the sight of several men who very clearly looked like they were involved in shady business practices marching in. One of them got the attention of the bartender and was conversing with him, while the others headed towards the man Maria had been sitting with when I arrived. That conversation seemed to get heated quickly as the man quickly stood up and looked like he was going to stand his ground, the bartender yelling over at them in Spanish what I vaguely recognized as a warning not to start anything, but he was soon grabbed by the shirt and found a switchblade gently poking at his cheek from the one man of this little group that was dealing with him.

Maria: Come with me.

Before I could even grasp what was going on, Maria had grabbed my wrist and was pulling me towards an area near the back that looked like a rear exit. I found myself quickly exiting the establishment not of my own volition and being dragged along through an alleyway as her eyes darted all over the place, looking for something or perhaps someone in particular.

Me: What was that-

Maria: Long story short, those guys have a problem with my aforementioned 'other name.' As for why I'm dragging you along? Even though you're innocent, the moment they realize you were chatting with me is the moment they'll be all over you for anything they can get about me.

I certainly couldn't deny the valid point she had, and I wasn't too interested in getting caught in any crossfire just from an irrelevant conversation. We stopped momentarily as she seemed to duck her head into her trenchcoat a bit, to my confusion. I didn't gain any further clarity when she suddenly shed the coat and tossed it into one of the nearby garbage cans, revealing a full body black latex catsuit as well as a half-mask covering her mouth shaped to look like the maw of a hissing cat.

???: <Hey!>

I slowly turned at the shout and found two of the men from the bar suddenly standing not too far away from us, the realization of Maria deciding to somewhat hide her appearance from before suddenly setting in. The one who was unarmed slowly walked forward, and a slight glance behind me saw Maria look like she was ready to take off full speed if he kept approaching, her eyes even looking skyward briefly as though she might find a way up and out of this narrow pass.

Man: <You really think you can run away forever, Mala Suerte? You made a huge mistake stealing from our boss, and he's going to be quite happy when we bring you back to be made into a new rug for his office. As for your friend here...>

I scowled a bit as he came closer, noting the way he was eyeing me like I was some kind of cheap whore to be used and abused as he saw fit. While I'll admit that I possess an appearance that seems to attract all sorts of attention, I'm not as interested in 'flaunting what I got' unless I had a reason for it. And that gave me an idea...

Man: <I don't know what lies this little thief has been feeding you, but perhaps you can be shown a better time from someone with actual class.>

Maria moved maybe one or two steps in the opposite direction before putting on the brakes when she noticed me sauntering towards the imposing figure with the kind of swagger that made it clear I'd done this before, to my own internal disgust. He seemed pleased when I put myself close to him, running a finger along his suit coat and slowly trailing down. One look back to Maria, and her “what are you doing” look was met with a confident “I've got this” one from me.

Before the man even had any idea what was going on, he found himself dropping to his knees, his voice several octaves higher as tears began to trail down his cheeks. He let his guard down for a pretty woman and got emasculated in return, and I knew right away that wouldn't sit well with his buddy.

Other Man: <Being an accomplice to Mala Suerte is an act of suicide!>

I proved his statement false when he charged at me, switchblade aiming for my heart, but I'd quickly snatched the lid off one of the garbage cans and used his own force against him, the blade piercing the lid but getting stuck. He angrily tried to pull it free, and that was my opening to nod to my 'accomplice' who got the message and sprinted forward, using the kneeling neanderthal as a platform to launch herself into a knee that drove the metal lid right into the assailant's face. It was barely a second after she made contact that the sound of sirens could be heard, and she and I nodded to one another and immediately bolted, our sprint not coming to an end until we were god knows how many yards away, sticking to the shadows as a safety precaution. After a few minutes, we stopped to catch our breath as she removed the mask.

Maria: <So... what was... that about...?>

I shrugged off the fact that she'd slipped back into her native tongue as a force of habit, but I waited a few moments to rest up before I replied.

Me: Let's just say I've got a few demons from my past I'd rather not talk about. Just like 'Mala Suerte' I suppose.

Maria: I... guess the cat's out of the bag now. The name most around here know me by is Mala Suerte, Mexico's greatest cat burglar. I really only go after high value items in the possession of people that really don't deserve them, like drug lords or other thieves, but I sell them on the black market and other, quieter channels to make ends meet. Not the greatest living, but it's what I do, and I'm sorry if I got you caught up in it.

While it did annoy me if I could be honest, the more I thought about it the more I realized how good it felt. I know I said before I wanted to keep a low profile, but if this woman was as good as she claimed then maybe I would have nothing to worry about. Besides, my past lives had seen me try to be careful, and I still ended up needing to escape from unfavorable situations and start anew. Somehow, my intellect always attracted the worst humanity had to offer, so maybe the key was actually to try and find the trouble myself for once and not the other way around.

Me: No need to apologize. It's like they said, I'm apparently your accomplice now... if you're interested, of course.

Maria: <What?>

Me: I won't lie... that was the first real excitement I've had in a long time, and despite what you've told me you've still been the first person I've met since crossing the border that's been of any actual help to me. You saw how I outwitted those imbeciles... it seems like you're the kind of woman who acts first and thinks on the fly, which is well and good, though if you'd like some brains in on your operation as well...

Maria couldn't help but let her cat-like grin consume her face at that thought.

Maria: Consider it done Valeria, welcome aboard. It'll actually be nice having some help for a change, and whatever we get, I'm happy to split with you 50/50. That said... it may not be as nice as whatever hotel you were hunting for, but at this point I think my little apartment might be much safer for you after that little incident.

Me: Lead the way, partner.

That was how I came to meet Maria Vencejo and join her in her everyday operations, even if it didn't seem like my smartest move. The fact that we went undetected for so long was a clear sign that I knew what I was doing, and she was every bit as good as she claimed. What started out as a chance meeting slowly developed from there, and out of all the people I've come to know all across the globe in my life, I can honestly say that the woman known to many in the Mexican underworld as Mala Suerte is one of the very select few I can honestly say I'm glad to have met.

After all, I wouldn't have chanced returning to my life as Valeria and bringing our little partnership to SCW if it wasn't for her.


Our shot opens as the camera pans along a rooftop view of the beautiful city of London, England, taking in many of the sights the city has to offer such as Big Ben, the London Eye ferris wheel, the London Bridge, just to name a few. We can hear the cold wind blowing on this chilly afternoon, especially from such a high vantage point. This makes it easy to see why, as our shot pans back to settle on a duo of women standing near the edge of one of these rooftops, said women are bundled up expecting the change in climate. How they got up here is none of your concern, but one thing we know for sure is that Las Bandidas de Gata Negra do not look like they're in the best of moods. This is really only visible from Maria, however, as Valeria has instead donned a fairly standard luchador mask you can probably buy from anywhere on the internet that makes it much harder to discern her expression.

Garcia: Do you know what a mask does for a human being? A mask hides their identity, it allows them to become whoever they wish to be. In Mexican tradition, a mask has been used to allow men and women to essentially become the equivalent of real life super heroes and villains, portraying a character at all hours of the day solely because it makes them feel more important than they truly are. And yet... I do not need a mask to decide who I wish ti be, because at the end of the day it is a decision that only matters to me and everyone around me will simply have to accept it, regardless of whether or not they actually understand it. I am not like the buffoons SCW has decided to put their chips on as a means of trying to create some sort of cultural diversity campaign among its champions.

Valeria slowly pulls off the mask to reveal her face, and while it may look calm one can clearly see a fire in her eyes that aligns with her disgust at recent events regarding her and her partner.

Garcia: SCW committed many atrocities at Under Attack, the most glaring being what happened after the show was done and what they allowed to happen in their main event. On a smaller scale, they decided that if Maria and I were to face El Lucho Brothers, then it would make sense to make the match a 'Lucha Libre Extravaganza.' Does your brass feel proud, making the assumption that if you're billed from Mexico than you should have to compete under their rules? Are you pleased with yourselves that just because of who I used to be, it's fair to stack the rules in favor of our opposition? Let me guess... those two are now the number one contenders and they get their shot under those same rules because you want to appeal to a market you do not fully comprehend?

Vencejo: <If anything, those two should feel lucky they stole a victory from us, because I can promise you it will not happen again. We can prove it too... if the coffee-peddling sideshow attractions are that confident in their abilities against the likes of us, then perhaps we should have a rematch? You lose, you ditch your masks and traditions and everything you take so much pride in, because clearly if you're as great as you now believe then you won't need to hide from your adoring public? Don't worry people... we know they will not accept. We are aware that such a challenge threatens everything they stand for, so they will rest on their one win and try to keep their eyes focused on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, ignoring the fact that we have an actual reason to hunt them now and make sure they understand what kind of enemies they've made.>

Valeria nods to Maria before she lets go of the mask, letting the breeze carry it off to someone who might appreciate the cheap gift. It was a simple challenge, but one that would be ignored either by SCW for Valeria's 'past transgressions' or by the men who were already showing how little they realized what kind of environment they now found themselves in. It was a laughable thought if you asked the former Ruby Amarant, and it proved that nothing had really changed despite her new decisions regarding her life and career.

Garcia: It's almost sad watching those two believe that one win determines anything around here, especially since I know how this tag division operates. Ryan and Autumn currently sit at the top, and I'm sure the likes of the team they recently took those belts back from as well as the original team they knocked off back at Rise to Greatness have something to say about that. After all, wouldn't it be fair to say they're more deserving based on their recent efforts alone? Or are we just going to stick with this 'new era' ideal that is continuously preached by so many young would-be main event talents that rewards otherwise irrelevant results with ridiculous prizes?

Garcia: Take an old acquaintance of mine, for example. Greetings Kandis, it's been quite some time, hasn't it? I'm sure you remember who I used to be, and while we were on the same page for a time mostly because you had somewhat of a friendship with someone else that stood by my side, we never really did seem to click as well as you and Scarlet did, huh? I'm sure you probably don't hold me in very high regard anymore purely because she's now doing whatever seems to interest her, even if it means opposing you, but Scarlet isn't my problem anymore. What she does from here is on SCW's head, and while Ruby Amarant may have been concerned about what happened between you two not that long ago, Valeria Garcia is only interested in the fact that you find yourself in the same boat as we are. Or does the idea of a fluke loss to the antics of Gavin Taylor followed up with the news that he's now going to challenge for the adrenaline title not bother you as much as you want me to believe?

Garcia: Now, it would be wrong of me to assume you plan on making a great big joke out of our defeat as some kind of validation for this match ending in any other result than a victory for you and your sex toy, but forgive me if I'm giving you too much credit there. Hypocrisy is an easy trap to walk into when you blindly charge in without fully considering the scenario at hand, and I wouldn't put it past you to ignore your own embarrassing shortcoming recently while attempting to drive ours into the dirt. Whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day I assume, but you know how dangerous I can be when it comes down to it Kandis, and having to serve as a manager of sorts because of past injuries has given me a firsthand look at how you operate in the ring. No matter how you decide to best throw your weight around between those ropes, nothing you have in your arsenal can truly surprise me, while I might just happen to have a few new tricks to my name now that you aren't familiar with.

Valeria flashes an innocent smile, addressing Kandis in a somewhat subdued manner out of respect for their brief past, but such respect will cease to exist when the bell rings and a much-needed victory for both sides is up for grabs. After all, that win is just as important to Kandis and Tommy for getting back in the hunt for sure as it is to Valeria and Maria for really getting themselves set for their entry into this little race for championship gold.

Vencejo: Perhaps someone who isn't feeling the same way as we are would be you, Tommy. After all, you are the one man among all of us women who happened to take a shot at gold on that fateful Sunday night, giving it your all against a woman who openly declared you inferior to her skills... and ultimately fell short. Maybe, in that respect, your loss is the most devastating one of all? Letting a valuable prize slip through your fingers has to sting a lot more than simply feeling screwed over by a few clowns freshly escaped from the circus, and no 'good time' could ever hope to erase those feelings no matter how long it lasted or how good it felt. Valeria and I know you and Kandis were tag champions not that long ago, but how long has it been since you could stand alone and say you were at the top of one of the mountains around here?

Vencejo: Deep down, I know it's bothering you amigo. You have a place in SCW's hall of fame, and yet your only claims to fame as of late have been with Kandis by your side. Nothing against her, but surely you can hear the whispers from people who question if you're still the same man who was once a world champion from what I've heard. It may seem simple to shrug off, but the more people question how much of the proverbial load Kandis is carrying in your team, the more a legend such as yourself begins to question how much longer you can truly last without proving you're still just as dangerous on your own as you are without her smashing someone's skull with her knee or her ass.

Vencejo: It's different with Valeria and myself. She's making a fresh start after having proved herself capable of becoming a champion on her own once already this year, and I'm still a new face to SCW altogether. It makes sense for us to be able to find our way through the maze that is the tag division around here and go from there, and people don't have a whole lot to truly go on from the few matches we've had to really be able to say anything. When you've been to the peak multiple times in the past, it's a much different story, and sooner or later you come to realize that maybe you are losing steam, that maybe your claims are made of false bravado because you don't want to let your lady friend down. It doesn't matter to us if your knee is or isn't injured, if you do or don't have confidence issues you're desperately trying to hide... all that matters to us is the win we aim to take off of you and what it means to our standing around here.

The two pause as we can hear Big Ben chiming in the distance, feeling like there's a perfect metaphor for the clock running out on the likes of Kandis and Tommy as they slowly fall from grace and others begin to pass them by at the worst possible moment, just when they feel like there is still no much to gain from turning it all around.

Garcia: Make no mistake about it: Under Attack's failures aside, Las Bandidas de Gata Negra are fully prepared to confront the Jackass and Big Ass Connection and proceed to slip right past them on our way towards the gold waiting for us at the end. You can tell us all you want that you're just as ready to stop us, but until we see it for ourselves in the ring based on how you've reacted thus far, know that you are treading a tightrope that you may not have the capability to navigate without tumbling over the edge and back down to the very bottom.

Vencejo: We apologize if the view from down there may not be as glamorous as, say, the colossal ass Kandis has that we know she'll want us to admire and envy if the roles were reversed, but what kind of  Bandidas would we be if we took our eyes off the true prize we're all pursuing? Hopefully the two of you can continue to have your fun, but it won't be at our expense nor will it be something to shove down our throats when we all leave London after Wednesday night. After all, you had your turn already, so it's only fair if we get our own crack at it, right loves?

Maria giggles a bit at her poor attempt to 'speak British' through her accent, and Valeria shakes her head in slight amusement. Still, the look in their eyes makes it clear how bad they want this, and a win over former champions immediately makes the likes of El Lucho Brothers reconsider their place around here. Will it be enough to convince SCW management of who truly deserves to be next in line? It was doubtful, but this was as good a place for the two of them to start as any.

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