Jones/Cruze/Vencejo VS Rice/Allocco/Angel
(4) Marie Jones, Owen Cruze & Maria Vencejo
(5) Peyton Rice, Alistaire Allocco & Damian Angel

For all matches, 2 RP Limit per wrestler
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, February 15, 2020
First one from me. Best of luck to everyone

OWEN #58
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[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

And the second one, guests with permission etc.

OWEN #59
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OOC: This is in conjuncture with Peyton Rice's RP to be posted.


It blinds. It burns. It coats the lungs of anyone too close to it. It endangers lives. It kills.

And right now, it billows out of Damian Angel’s home - his compound - with violence and destruction. As firetrucks pull onto the scene, their sirens blaring and their lights flashing, there is immediate concern for anyone who might have been trapped within. Rescue workers are quick to rush from the trucks toward the building, eager to douse the flames and bring the blaze under control. And while the fire rages on, a silhouette steps from it. A few workers rush towards the body, bringing a weighted blanket to drape over his shoulders, helping him get further away from it. 

The man is Damian Angel. 

The rescue workers, not recognizing their victim, move him towards a nearby ambulance. As Damian sits upon the open back, his eyes are drawn back to what had been his home for some twenty years. Upon his face is a look of shock… very unlike the Devil Himself. He watches his life go up in flames…


It was October 27, 2019. While most people were using the weekend to put the finishing touches on their children’s Halloween costumes or nursing the hangovers of their own parties, Supreme Championship Wrestling was in the midst of the Under Attack pay-per-view event. While the night would go down as the night Sierra Swann outlasted five other competitors in the vaunted Chamber match to win the SCW World Championship from Owen Cruze, for Damian Angel the night held different significance. For by the time the destructive match had begun, he was not in the building. At least, not as far as he was concerned. 

Earlier in the night, Damian had taken on Peyton Rice in what had been a match with lukewarm anticipation. For Peyton, it was an emotional contest, coming not long after the murder of Ricky Octavius. For Damian… it was another match in an effort to restore his place in the order of Supreme Championship Wrestling. And in the end, it was a match that Damian had lost. He would never admit to throwing a match, but a part of him was met with relief in defeat...


Damian is shown sitting up. He rolls out of the ring. Damian begins to walk around the ring. The cameras show him, stretching his arms out, before zooming in, catching a glimpse of him talking to himself, but nothing is audible.
Knots: “I believe the Devil has lost it.”
Sharper: “Damian Angel muttering to himself after losing this match. What is going on here?”
Damian stops, turning to look at the ring. He stares at it for a few moments, before making his way toward it. He gets ready to hop onto the apron, only to be grabbed.
Knots: “What in the blue hell?”
The cameras show Damian, struggling before he is pulled underneath the ring. The crowd is heard gasping. As cameras show the outside of the ring, where Damian was grabbed.
Sharper: “Folks, I don’t know what happened, but Damian Angel was just pulled under the ring, by who we don’t know.”
Cameras show the spot Damian was grabbed once again, before we cut away. Smoke starts to billow from it as the cameraman steps back. He then steps forward and looks under, more smoke billowing out before we cut away. 


Damian was dragged under the ring, a burlap sack thrown over his head and bound by rope. He had no cognizant idea of where he was - he was dragged out through a trapdoor under the ring, quickly whisked away from the arena. Unbeknownst to anyone else in SCW, by the time the main event was underway, Damian Angel was out of the city. An hour after the show, he was dumped into a damp cell, the bag removed from his head, and the light around him was blinding. Squinting, he tried to get a sense of his surroundings.

Angel: “Where the fuck…”

Focusing in, Damian finds himself inside a shark cage, looking out over a crowd of people, much like a Christian in the middle of the Roman coliseum. As he struggles to focus in on faces, he hears the roar of the crowd, followed by the appearance of a black-robed man. This man wears a hood over his head as he moves along a procession, pausing to survey The Devil Himself, before standing behind a podium. Staring towards Damian, he states in a booming, authoritative voice…

Judge: “Let the trial of Damian Angel commence!”

Damian moves forward, his hands rattling on the bars of the shark cage. 

Angel: “Trial? On what charges? On whose authority?”

Judge: “Now is not the time for you to question the process, Damian.”

Angel: “There is no authorization to try me for any crimes. Who are you? I demand answers.”

The Judge ignores Damian’s demands, which only causes further anger in the man once dubbed the “Hellbound Messiah”. 

Judge: “For our first witness, we call Helena Evans to the stand.”

Damian leers, watching as Helena strides past him, a smug expression in her eyes. She moves to a seat in front of the podium, facing Damian directly. 

Judge: “State your name for the record.”

Evans: “Helena Evans.”

Judge: “And what is the nature of your relationship with the accused?”

She looks at Damian again, her expression hardening as she stares death towards him. 

Evans: “I met Damian back in 2007.”

Judge: “Under what auspices?”

Evans: “He presented himself as a Doctor where I was staying.”

Judge: “Please, do continue.”

She continued relaying their story, not taking her eyes off of his as she does.

Evans: “At first, I thought he only wanted to help me… to allow me to heal on my terms. But I soon discovered that I was nothing more than an unwilling pawn in his game with my step-brother, Chad. Soon after he departed SCW the first time, I joined his order. We became lovers. I bore him a son. But then I was victimized by him.”

Judge: “In what way?”

Evans: “He cast me out like I was a common whore.”

Angel: “You attempted a coup.”

Evans: “I attempted to SAVE us! You were going to lead us into oblivion with a stupid smile on your face… all to show up some unworthy asshole wrestlers. Who gives a shit!? That was always your way… you never thought about the bigger picture. You never considered what anyone beyond yourself might have. You acted on impulse for your own desires.”

Damian sneers, breathing heavily through his nose, restrained only by the knowledge that the shark cage was imprisoning him. 

Evans: “I loved you. I was going to HELP you… but you couldn’t have that. You couldn’t have any EQUAL support… it had to be your will and your way above anything else. So yeah, I was planning to take over your “Order”. I would have done a fucking better job with it than you.”


Damian stands up forcefully, nearly knocking the shark cage to the ground. Helena grins, shaking her head.

Evans: “This isn’t my mechanation, Damian. This is all you. You’re responsible for everything that’s happening here. Just like you always have been. Just like you command.”

The two stare at each other a moment longer before…

Evans: “Am I done now?”

Judge: “Yes. Miss Evans Thank you.”

She steps down from her seat, walking towards the shark cage and looking at Damian.

Evans: “I hope you burn for this…”

She moves just out of reach, exiting into the swarm of people. 

Angel: “This is ridiculous. I demand to face my accuser.”

Judge: “Demand? Damian, you are in no position to demand anything of me or anyone else.”

Angel: “You have presented NO charges. NO accusations. Just a circus designed for what Godless purpose?”

The sound of the gavel banging on the podium can be heard. Damian glares towards the faceless judge.

Judge: “You have nothing. Your order has abandoned you. Do you really not understand that? Everything you promised… everything you have said has been built upon lies. The Devil Himself has truly become the great deceiver. Your order has burned around you… what do you say?”

Damian shakes his head.

Angel: “No…”

Lifting his eyes to the judge, he grins.

Angel: “Not yet, anyway.”

A glimmer flashes in the Devil’s eye, followed by a blood-curdling scream. 

Angel: “Do you really think you could organize a mob gathering against me without me having contingencies in place?”

Judge: “What is this?”

Angel: “I never go anywhere without back-ups to my back-ups. I have plans for every conceivable possibility.”

Judge: “You…”

Angel: “You cannot stop me. I know who I am. I know what I need to do. You want me to burn? You will burn in my place. You think I cannot be redeemed?”

He smirks.

Angel: “I am the Redeemer.”

Flames start to fly around the area. The crowd begins to disperse as Damian remains in his shark cage, staring at the judge as two other men start to approach him, getting him out of the scene.

Then in a flash, everything was black. Damian awoke in the back of an ambulance, oxygen pressed to his face as he looks around. Two paramedics work over him…

And the scene fades…


“I am a man who has not been one-hundred percent committed. I have not been one-hundred percent of anything. Not committed to Supreme Championship Wrestling. Not committed to my career. And despite everyone remembering the Damian Angel of old, the Damian Angel of 2007 who won Taking Hold of the Flame, broke Alex Desoubrais’ spine and went into a Holy War with Chad Evans… that man is long dead. The Devil Himself no longer lives. There are days I get up and I don’t even know how I did those things before. I mean I crucified a man against the stage, lashed him with a whip of barbed wire, and jammed a wire crown upon his head in a moment of religious iconography. 

How do I reconcile that thirteen years later? 

So what happens when we are faced with the realization that we are not what we once were? When I started in SCW, I made it a point to target people like I have become now. People clinging to their reputations and becoming albatrosses to the company at the expense of tomorrow. I look myself in the mirror and I am sickened by what I see. I had once woven together a tapestry of story and now I am merely a shell of myself. What do I have to offer?

And then I look to the future… to the likes of Peyton Rice and I see me place. 

Many have wondered why I find myself circling her orbit.  Let me make it clear: When I say she is responsible for my rebirth, I mean it entirely. I hold no sinister motives nor sexual proliferations towards her. Peyton is simply… the key. She is the key to tomorrow for me. Because when you have men like me, who’s best days are behind them… the path into tomorrow is through the faces that will carry the company there. Tomorrow is not mine. It is her’s. And so I secure my path by ensuring her safe passage to it. 

And it is through coincidence that I now find myself at her side for this Trios tournament.

I am telling you now… I am formally declaring that should my trio win this tournament, my contract is to be abdicated to Peyton. Allow her a second wish, for I have my new lease on life through her. And for the first time in my life… I have fear. 

I fear that I will let her down.

I fear that I will lose this chance at Redemption. 

But for those in this tournament, I fear that you will not know peace after I am through. Because whether by act or mere reputation, I AM The Devil Himself. And while that does not carry the weight it once had, I do not fear what I can do to the foe. Mark my words… I am coming for blood.”
ooc: I owe my teammates a huge apology. I was really hoping to make up for no-showing Breakdown this week with a great effort here, but life apparently has other plans for me. I'm going to be putting in an LOA request in a moment to give myself a bit of a break and straighten out my schedule, because I can't keep going like this. What should have been a day off to give this the effort it truly deserved became a mess when my keyboard died on me, and my best attempts to try and put something together despite that were halted when I got called in to cover for someone, losing out on what should have been my first day off in literally weeks. At least I was able to borrow a spare keyboard we didn't have hooked up at work to get something finished, but sadly I know I'm not going to have the time at this point to be able to do more than this. At least it's better than nothing, but I still deeply apologize for letting my team down.

As our scene opens, it's impossible to not find Maria Venecjo almost immediately. After all, she's seemingly the only human for miles, sitting in the back of a truck that seems to be parked in the middle of a barren wasteland. More careful examination allows us to realize that Valeria Garcia is also present, albeit inside the vehicle and seemingly more preoccupied with jotting things down in a notebook while on the phone with somebody. This is irrelevant to us, however, because the more pressing matter is following Maria's gaze along the dirt fields towards something off in the distance, which is barely discernible as a tall fence of some kind. Given the location, it shouldn't take a genius to figure out where these two are, or why the sight has Maria scowling.

Vencejo: It's truly a shame when mankind feels the pressing need to put up walls as opposed to tearing them down, but that's always been the case when it comes to human beings, hasn't it? Everybody has their issues of trust, their fears, their paranoid beliefs that someone is out to get them for one reason or another, and they do their best to create a feeling of isolation while praying that it will be enough to save them from the horrors of whatever lies just outside that border. Perhaps you're listening and finding amusement that someone of Mexican descent, and very much legal before you go making baseless claims, is sitting yards away from the very well along the border that separates the state of Texas from my homeland making what could easily be mistaken for political commentary.

Vencejo: Come on guys... even if I hate the man whose face looks like it's been hiding in a bag of Cheetos way too long as much as the rest of you, give me some credit for being willing to think a little outside the box.

Vencejo: This little statement of mine goes far beyond mere politics or trying to see if I can get anybody to start raising their torches and pitchforks thinking I've 'tread on them' or some nonsense like that. After all, SCW has this trios tournament on the horizon, and while I could feel more comfortable if I had mi amiga Valeria by my side, I do have the fact that she competed last year under a different identity to know exactly what I'm getting into. Considering a lot of people in SCW just love trying to pick fights with those who they may now have to work together with in hopes that water will run under the bridge long enough to get that golden prize at the end, perhaps my statement holds a little more weight than you first thought, huh?

Maria proceeds to leap out of the truck bed and walks around to face the camera, a knowing smirk on her face as she can almost guess how people are viewing the trios team she ended up getting assigned to. Luck of the draw could be a mysterious angel at times, and a demon aiming to tear you down otherwise.

Vencejo: What do you all see when you look at my team? When Marie Jones, Owen Cruze and yours truly are put together, a number of things pops into your mind, doesn't it? There's the realization that a pair of women who are known tag team specialists stand alongside 2019's male wrestler of the year, the doubt that we can function as Marie and Owen seem like they may have some conflicting beliefs while I can be doubted by either one simply because I'm fairly new and don't have their experience, especially if you want to point to the fact that I am not standing here as TV champion right now because sometimes real world experience of needing to go it alone does not translate as well to the ring when all you've known up to this point is tag team wrestling. Or maybe you want to raise a problem with the fact that I don't seem 'trustworthy' just because... well, apparently a lot of you either understand spanish better than I would've thought or at least know how to use Google Translate.

Vencejo: If I were you guys, I'd be more concerned with your own teams and less about mine, because if there's one thing I know how to do, it's be loyal when I have to.

Vencejo: I get it, nobody knows a whole lot about me, and I have my reasons for it being that way. But considering I don't exactly have any direct issues with either of my trios partners, unlike many in the field, why would I sacrifice an opportunity to wield a contract that gives me the power to do virtually anything just to create drama that didn't exist before? Trust me, if I have an issue with either Owen or Marie, I'll be sure to let them know AFTER the tourney's set and done. Right now, though? It's all about staking claim to what belongs to us.

Maria stops as she glances through the window at Valeria, who seems to have taken a break from whatever she was working on to watch her partner work. There's no doubt the genius of the two knows going it alone in a situation like this isn't something she's used to, but Maria is doing her best to make the most of the situation at hand in order to earn something that could be very beneficial to the both of them when the time is right.

Vencejo: I guess that may be an issue with our first round opponents though, huh? I don't expect the good little couple of Peyton and Alistaire to have any issues for that very reason, even if they may find it hard to deal with the fact a friend of theirs is on my side of the battlefield. Damian, on the other hand... he seems to have an issue with anyone that's not Peyton, and he's already looking to bury poor Alistaire before giving him a chance. I would consider it amusing if I actually bought into his whole 'reincarnation' spiel, but let's be honest: you can change your name or give yourself a fresh coat of paint, but you can never change who you truly are, and Damian is, and always will be, a 'legend' in SCW who has simply overstayed his welcome because he believes SCW needs him.

Vencejo: If every religious person I knew kept talking about how much god and satan and all of that are necessary or need to be resisted or anything like that, I'd have run out of internal organs to vomit up years ago.

Vencejo: Still, as much as I'm sure Owen won't like this, the reality of the situation is that we have a fully functioning team as far as I'm concerned, and they don't. That's their problem to sort out, and our only problem needs to be moving past them and making our way to the very end where our reward awaits. Owen wants to show everyone how to 'properly' use one of these contracts, Marie knows it's her ticket to a promised land she feels she deserves but has been denied her opportunity to get to... and me? Well, why should I spoil what my plans are? After all, that's a lot of power I'd be holding, and there may be something far more valuable than Valeria and I 'cutting in line' to continue our pursuit of tag team gold. You'll just have to wait and see...

With that, Maria moves around to the passenger side of the truck, causing Valeria to have to move some things around so she can get in before they drive off, letting our scene fade to black.
OOC: This RP is in conjunction with Alistaire’s RP. Thanks and enjoy.

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(Click Title)
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Career Achievements

- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 1x EMERGE Champion
- 2019 SCW Rookie of the Year
- Under Attack 2020 Elimination Chamber Winner
-Winner of the 2019 Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament
- Made her SCW Debut at Rise to Greatness XV by defending the EMERGE Championship successfully against Kandis. 7.21.18

Singles Record - |W - 61| L - 04| D - 2|
Overall Record - |W - 67| L - 11| D - 2|

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