Blake Mason & Kelsai Mason vs The Jackass and Big Ass Connection
World Tag Team Championship Match

3 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag

Deadline: 5 PM ET Saturday, April 18, 2020
Two Years Ago
New York, New York

Blake Mason stood in front of a penthouse apartment with a pair of keys in his hand. He hesitated. He could easily slip the key into the hole, let himself in, no need for a dramatic entrance. Now wasn’t the time for subtly in his esteemed opinion. Blake took a deep breath. With all the gusto he could muster he banged on the front door of the penthouse. No one answered. He took a moment to compose himself. Again, he pounded on the door like his life depended on it.

“I KNOW you are in there” Blake screamed. “Open up or else I am going to kick the door down.”  

He stopped to give whoever it was inside the penthouse an opportunity to answer his very heated threat. Again, no answer. He goes to knock on the door yet again, this time the door opens. On the other side is his brother Victor Mason. His brother was wearing a white bathrobe. The squinting he does indicates that he is clearly tired. Looking at the keys in his brother's hand, Victor sighs “You... could have let yourself in.”

Blake slips the keys into his khaki pockets. “What fun would that be?”

Victor smiles. “I’ll tell Abi you’re borrowing her idioms.”

Blake rolls his eyes. “Don’t think you are going to charm your way out of this one.”

Victor responds, “Heh, only Kelsia finds me charming these days.”

Blake storms past Victor into his penthouse. Heading straight to the living room, he hears his brother shut the door. Blake turns around. He glares at him.

“Where is she?” Blake demands to know.

Victor meets his brother in the living room. “She’s in the bedroom.”

“Did she move her stuff in yet?” Blake said clearly wanting to know.

Victor shakes his head. “Not entirely.”

“Good!” Blake says satisfied. “There’s time.”

Victor looks confused. “Time for what?”

Blake points at Victor. “To correct the mistake you made.”

Blake couldn’t believe that his own brother shrugged off his request. He grew further annoyed when Victor walked away from him. He followed Victor into the kitchen. His brother picked up a cup of coffee he likely prepared before answering the door. Taking a sip of the straight black coffee, Victor addresses Blake. “Don’t you have anything else better to do?”

Blake folded his arms into his arms. “ You mean like protecting our family? I am so sorry you don’t completely understand that. What the hell are you thinking, Victor? One day? One fucking day? Are you afraid of being alone that badly you MARRY the first girl who bats a goddamn eyelash?”

Victor sighs. “If I was going to marry the first girl to come along it would have been Ivy Knight, remember?”

“She’s a great girl. A solid head on her shoulders. She wouldn’t marry you after one date. What made you think this would be a great idea.”


Blake tosses his hands in the air. “Of course!”

Victor sets the cup of coffee down. With absolute certainty, he says, “She made me realize I have been being too cautious with my life. I love her. Why not? Made perfect sense.”

“No Victor, none of this makes sense.” Blake sighs. “You don’t know that woman.”

“Her name is Kelsai Adamson-M--” Victor says aggressively.  

Sensing what Victor would say, Blake angrily cuts him off. “Don’t you dare call her a Mason. She is NOT one of us. She will NEVER be one of us. Make this right, Vic or I will.”

“Normally I can tolerate your attitude.” Victor walks right up to Blake staring him seriously in the eyes. “Not today. You can’t come into my home and make demands. This is my life. When are you going to finally accept that?”

“Did Dad put the burden of protecting our family on you? No.” Blake says. “He knows I am the assertive one, not you. And to think you were supposed to be the more sensible one between us. I never got married after one date. This ends no--”

“BLAKE. IS THAT YOU?” Kelsai Adamson-Mason (sorry Blake), screamed from the bedroom.

It wasn’t long until the newest addition of the Mason family burst into the kitchen. Before Blake could react, Kelsai hugs him for dear life. Caught off guard he stood in place, unable to react to a woman he clearly didn’t want in the family and yet, she welcomed him with open arms. Blake turns to his brother looking for help. The only help Victor offered in response was to take a sip of his coffee. Blake just shakes his head, trying not to look amused because he is not .

“Hi.” Blake says coldly.

“Finally glad to meet my big brother.” Kelsai flashes a smile that spans from ear to ear.

“I am not your brother.” Blake says leaving no doubt how he truly feels.  

Kelsia didn’t frown. She wasn’t deterred. She continues to smile. “Of course you are.” She flashes her wedding ring.

Blake stares at her wedding ring. “A wedding ring on your finger doesn’t make you family. You’ve barely known my brother for a week. That’s not how this works.”

“It does now, Big Brother.” She smiles. “Victor tells me you like bacon and eggs. I can make you breakfast.”  

Blake shakes his head. “I hate to break this to you Kelsai, you are going to have to move out.”

Kelsai looks confused. She looks at Victor. “Are we moving already? I love it here.”

Blake snaps his fingers. “Look. My brother made a mistake, ok? He is going through some problems at the moment. A girl he knew for years broke his heart. He is still trying to find his way back. I have no problem with who he dates, that is his prerogative...”

Victor cuts in, unable to tolerate what Blake is saying. “Seriously! What girl have I ever dated you approved of?”

Ignoring Victor's question, Blake continues. “What I am trying to say Kelsai is, my brother is in a vulnerable position, he doesn’t know what he wants out of life. Here you come, full of energy, he decides to say screw it, let's get married because it was your idea? Was he drunk? What exactly did you do to convince him you two can make a life out of one goddamn date.”

Unflinching, Kelsai responds. “I have always admired your family. Especially you. I am not naive to some of the things you’ve done to upset your friends and family. You have always been a strong willed man that knows what he wants. Victor. Look at him. He has always come across like an exceptional man. My sister, Cassie--”

Cutting in, Blake states, “She’s not your sister.”

Undeterred, Kelsai picks up where she left off. “-- is so full of life. How can I not respect what your family represents.”

“Most of the business considers my family a cancer.” Blake says.

“Well, they are dead wrong.” Kelsia confidently says  “Our family is the best. I am honored to be a Ma--”

Completely annoyed, Blake states. “Kelsai. Please. Don’t.”

“What? I am a Mason now.” Kelsai says standing her position.

“No!” Blake closes his eyes, takes a deep breath. Slightly less annoyed Blake demands. “Can you please pack up your stuff. Leave. We can get this marriage annulled. You don’t belong in our family. I would appreciate it if you stop using the Mason name from this day forward.”

Having heard enough, Victor asserts himself back into the conversation. “Blake! Enough! Get out!”

Kelsai walks over to her husband. She grabs his hand. “Victor, it’s ok. Can I talk to my Big Brother alone?”

Victor looks at Blake, then back at his wife. “In the mood he’s in? No!”

Kelsai please with her husband. “Please!”

“Yeah Vic... please.” Blake says mockingly.

Victor rolls his eyes. “Try anything and I’ll throw you out myself.”

Victor took his coffee and headed into the bedroom. Blake and Kelsai were alone. Her starry eyed enthusiasm about meeting Blake hasn’t favored. Blake still couldn’t properly gauge what Kelsai was about. No matter how much he screamed and demanded, she wouldn’t raise her voice or express any anger.

“All I am trying to do Kelsai is protect my family. This is nothing personal at all. You could be the nicest person to ever roam the planet in the history of mankind, all I see is a woman who decided to marry into my family after one God forsaken date, that’s not normal Kelsai. As much as I love this family, I haven’t elevated us to the highest of esteem. We’re not paragons. We are not a standard to aspire to, yet. I will do my best to change that. So you see, I can’t have it out there that my brother is going to be completely reckless, allowing someone he barely knows into our ranks, that is the last time the Mason’s need. We can sweep this under the rug. Just say you had a wild night in Las Vegas, had one too many drinks. Shit happens. My brother comes across like an adventurous playboy following in my footsteps. You become famous. Use your fame to lead into a modeling career. Everybody wins.”

“I already won. I’m a Mason.” she says proudly showing her wedding ring. “This is the greatest moment of my life.”

Blake blinks. “Are you high?”

Kelsai chuckles. “You're funny.”

Blake closes his eyes. He can’t believe he is making zero progress. Who is this woman? “I’m not trying to be. Kel--”

“It’s not conventional to get married in one day. When you love someone, you don’t let what makes sense stand in the way. I love my husband. Made sense. No regrets. One day I am going to prove to you Big Brother that I am worthy of being a Mason. I want to stay in this family more than ever. I now know you will protect me when it comes down to it. I love you.”

Kelsai hugs Blake again. He stands still for a moment. Not understanding why, hesitantly he wraps his arms around her. Catching himself, he prys Kelsai free from him. He could tell in that moment she was consumed by her own conviction to be a player for years to come. He turns his back to Kelsai, he walks towards the door. Looking back she waves at him.

“This isn’t over...” he said one hundred percent certain she wasn’t going to win him over. With that, he opened the door, stormed out of his brother’s apartment. He was going to win, he had too....  

Home of Victor and Kelsai Mason
New Orleans, Louisiana
Friday, April 17th, 2020
2 pm

This would be just like Kelsai, Blake thought silently to himself as he tried to wait downstairs in the living room patiently, but the pacing back and forth gave him away. He was not being patient about this, not at all, a fact that was accentuated by the way he keeps looking at his watch repeatedly. Blake Mason is not a man that is known for his patience however, especially when he is about to try and talk his sister out of what he has agreed to do with her today. His sister (technically his sister-in-law) Kelsai Adamson-Mason will have none of it however, because what they are doing today is important to her, and if she has her way it will end up being important to Blake as well.

What is it that they are supposed to be doing that Blake could be trying to figure a way out of while at the same time is so important to Kelsai that she will not let him not do it?

Volunteering at The Bourbon Street Diner of course, which has become something that is quickly becoming a very special place in the heart of Kelsai. It is more than just the owners of The Bourbon Street Diner, Cynthia and Sam, though they are wonderful people whose spirit exudes hope just to be around, or the way that people in New Orleans call The Bourbon Street Diner The Diner. It’s not even the way that both healthcare and public service workers who come into The Diner and eat for free during the coronavirus pandemic have started to recognize Kelsai and smile at her just the way that she smiles at them.

No, for Kelsai, as Blake is about to find out, the greatest reason for volunteering at The Diner is something much more personal. Blake right now though is getting increasingly agitated as he is still pacing in the living room back and forth while looking at his watch. Coming into the room with a slight grin on his face seeing the state that Blake currently is in, is Blake’s younger brother and Kelsai’s husband Victor. Feeling that someone else has walked into the room from behind him, Blake wheels around only to see Victor standing there.

Victor: “Looks like you are fit to be tied brother, what’s wrong?”

Not in the least bit amused by the fact that Victor can probably tell what is wrong with him and likely is asking for nothing more than just to see what he will get for a response from him, Blake shakes his head.

Blake: “Your wife, I am sure that she told me 2:30. Is she not able to read a watch? I know that she owns a rather nice one which you bought her for Christmas. Shame that she still might not be able to tell what time it is.”

Victor smirks while sitting down to put on his shoes, not even looking up toward his brother as he comments.

Victor: “Kelsai, she knows what time it is, I am sure of it. That is one of the things though about volunteering at The Diner. Cynthia and Sam don’t have a schedule for volunteers. So if Kelsai told you 2:30, it’s really nothing concrete.”

Blake just stops pacing immediately, looking at Victor like he is searching for answers after the previous statement.

Blake: “Can I ask you a few things about all of this volunteering, since it is just the two of us out here right now anyway Vic?”

Noting the crispiness in Blake’s tone of voice and noting that he is still rather annoyed at this point, Victor nods, if for nothing else than he wants to know where Blake is going with his line of questioning.

Victor: “Sure, you can ask me what is on your mind Blake. But why don’t you go ahead and sit down. It could be a few minutes yet.

Seeing that there is no other alternative, Blake takes a seat in the chair across from Victor, though somehow he still manages to retain his annoyed expression.

Blake: “First of all, since you just mentioned them a few minutes ago, who are Cynthia and Sam?”

Knowing that the interrogation is just starting, Victor smiles at the first question, knowing that this is one that he can answer with relative ease, and realizing that there will likely be others that will not be so easy to answer.

Victor: “Cynthia and Sam the owners of The Bourbon Street Diner. You will meet them today, because they are also the two people we work with.”

Blake is listening to his brother carefully, taking mental notes along the way, though his mind is racing as he decides where he would like to attack next.

Blake: “I am really glad that you mentioned that the two of them own the place, though doesn’t that make it hard to run a place like that when you don’t even have a schedule for when your employees come on?”

Victor smirks again, realizing that Blake doesn’t completely understand what is going on today.

Victor: “It would be kind of hard yes, except for the fact that Kelsai and I are the only other people that Volunteer in the back room at The Diner right now.”

Looking at his brother completely flabbergasted, Blake really doesn’t know what to say next after finding out Victor and Kelsai are the only volunteers in the back.

Blake: “The only volunteers in the back are you and Kelsai? That must get really exhausting for Cynthia and..Sam is it? They are not able to get more help from other people in the community. At least now I know why Kelsai does this, because she must know that she does not have to, and you certainly do not Victor.”

Trying not to laugh at what Blake has just said, Victor can only shake his head about how wrong Blake is at this point.

Victor: “I think you are trying really hard Blake to understand why it is that Kelsai decides to do this, but if you think that it is simply a case of Cynthia and Sam not having enough help, I think that you are missing the point. I can tell you that for me, it makes me smile when I see the joy that this puts on my wife’s face, helping other people.”

Voice: “And for that? Just one more reason that I love you, Mister Mason.”

Coming into the room from behind, Kelsai joins Victor and Blake by jumping over the back of the sofa that Victor is sitting on, before sitting beside Victor and greeting him with a kiss, while Blake just rolls his eyes slightly, before grinning slightly at his precocious sister.

Kelsai: “Hi Big Brother!”

Blake: “Hi Kelsai. You still have not learned how to sit down in a living room. Impressive, for someone that is 23 years of age.”

Kelsai, knowing that Blake was going to say something about her entrance into the living room (and that indeed was why she did it) can only giggle in response.

Kelsai: “Sometimes I swear Big Brother that you have never had not even one day of fun in your entire life.”

Blake: “No, I just like my furniture to last for a little while after I have paid for it.”

Victor looks back and forth between two people that are huge parts of his life and their own lives for that matter but quickly realizes how quickly this conversation could go off the rails if they are not careful.

Victor: “Easy you two. Remember we are all on the same side here.”

Blake scoffs.

Blake: “I was just having some fun with Kelsai. Of course we are all on the same side here Victor. Although, I would like to know exactly what side that is before we head over to The Diner.”

Kelsai: “What would you like to know Blake?”

Blake: “You and I are going to Cold Blooded this Sunday with the opportunity to become the SCW World Tag Team Champions.”

Kelsai, as she always does, smiles from ear-to-ear, while Victor notices a change in demeanor from his brother, and realizes now that Blake believes that he might have a way to talk Kelsai out of going to The Diner.

Kelsai: “I know, is that not just the most incredible thing that you have ever heard of. You and I have never even been partners before. In fact, this is the first time that I will have wrestled in a tag team match in SCW other than matches involving the Trios Tournament.”

Blake: “I know, which is why I really think that we should talk about the match before, seeing how we have not talked about it yet.”

Victor: “And let me guess Blake you think that you are Kelsai’s time this afternoon would be spent better going through what you two want to do in that match Sunday rather than taking the time to volunteer at The Diner?”

Blake: “Now you are talking Victor, I knew that you would see things my way!”

Victor is about to say something else to Blake when Kelsai suddenly gets a very determined look on her face, speaking to her husband first.

Kelsai: “Victor baby, can I have a few minutes alone with my Big Brother please?”

Victor nods.

Victor: “Certainly. I will go wait outside in the car.”

Kelsai: “Thank you.”

Victor gets up and leaves out the front door, leaving Kelsai’s attention completely on Blake.

Kelsai: “We have come a long way in the past two years haven’t we Blake? I can still remember the first time that you and I met in New York, at the penthouse that Victor and I shared, do you remember that?”

Blake: “Yes I do Kelsai, yes I do very well.”

Kelsai: “You and I, we were on different sides of things that day. You were so funny, coming into my home and telling me that I was going to have to move out, do you remember that Blake, because I do. Tell me Blake, who won that day, who moved out?”

Blake sighs and drops his head, already being able to tell where this conversation is headed whether he likes it or not.

Blake: “Nobody moved out that day Kelsai, you won.”

Kelsai: “Right, I did. And I am going to win this Sunday too, when I get to team with you for the first time. If you do remember, I wanted that at the Trios Tournament, but didn’t happen.”

Blake: “Kelsai, I really am…”

Kelsai: “Sorry? No, Blake you had your reasons, whatever they were and I respect that. Understand this though please, this Sunday, we are facing TWO Jackasses alright? Nobody wants to make those two Jackasses pay by losing their belts to us more than I do. That means that between now and Sunday I will be sure that we have plenty of time to discuss what we want to do in that match. For now though, I would like for you to come with Victor and I to The Diner like you agreed, because Blake, I know you want to know why this is so important to me and the thing is this; I have never had to work a job my entire life, and yet all of those people on the front lines fighting against this virus, they look at my like I am a hero, but they are the real heroes…

Please come with us?”

Blake: “Ok.”

And we fade.
OOC: Good luck guys! Enjoyed this one once the ideas started forming. As usual the guest appears with permission.

Backstage Following The TV Title Match vs Derek Adonis
April 8th

Kandis and I walked into the locker room following our altercation with Blake, all smiles for the camera. As soon as I closed the door behind us though, the smile vanished from my face and I tossed the titles on a nearby bench. Kandis was still smiling to herself as I folded my arms and frowned. "Want to tell me what all that was about?" I asked, no… Demanded to know as the smile slowly dropped from her face and she looked at me, puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Kandis asked, the smile now gone from her face.

I scoffed, disappointed that she hadn’t caught herself all but flirting with Blake’s hired help. "You know exactly what I mean" I exclaimed, doing my best to not get angry with her for once again seeming to take the flirting too far.

She laughed almost nervously as she then looked at me, the confusion still clear on her face. "Is this some kind of test? Because I'm not following…" Kandis murmured as I could feel the anger boiling once more, but once more I managed to at least appear calm. I didn’t like being angry with Kandis but sometimes it felt like she was testing boundaries.

"I thought we'd got past all of this" I said, once again hoping she’d drop the pretence of ignorance and just ‘fess up to what she’d done.

It appeared that she was still keeping to her story as I sighed. This seemed to cause her to be even more confused, however. "All of what? Tommy, I really just want us to focus on the fact that you're STILL a double champion and more importantly I want to give my man another reward" she said, a smirk on her face as I shook my head again. "Huh?" Kandis asked as I just stared at her.

"You're avoiding the question" I exclaimed as I took a few steps towards her.

The confusion had left her face now and she matched my gaze with her own now. "Just tell me what you want me to answer and I'll do it Tommy" Kandis said finally as I nodded slightly, glad she had finally quit it with the pretending.

I gestured to the door of the locker room, implying what I was talking about. The confrontation with Blake. "The flirting" is all I said as she looked at me, realisation dawning on her face

Kandis’ eyes widened before she smiled ever so slightly. "Oh that? It was nothing, just showing Blake that he'll always have to settle for the consolation prize" she said, a mischievous smirk now on her face. She was obviously proud of her handiwork but I wasn’t so sure if it was one of her finest ideas.

I ran a hand through my hair and looked at her with exasperation. There was no love lost between myself and Blake, but I wouldn’t put anything past him during this most recent crusade he had taken upon himself to go on with since his return. "Maybe so, but I'd rather not have to worry about him getting to me through you and your fondness for his hired help" I said gruffly, her blasé attitude towards what just happened rubbing me up the wrong way.

It appeared Kandis finally realised that it wasn’t a trivial matter to me as she walked over and stood right in front of me, close enough for me to feel her breath on my face. "You were there five minutes ago right? Even if Blake wasn't practically married now, I wouldn't touch him if he paid me all the money in the world. He makes my skin crawl Tommy…" she scoffed as she then cocked her head to the side and looked at me with the sly smile she flashed me when she was fired up and in the mood. She took my hand and pressed it to her cheek as she fixed me with a sultry stare to confirm what I suspected. "Whilst you make my skin tingle with pleasure… And you make ME want to do the crawling…" she murmured that last bit as she leant in and breathed heavily in my ear, knowing exactly what it did to me.

I’d have been fucking her against the wall right there and then if my mind hadn’t been preoccupied with the concerns slowly taking root in my head. I somehow fought back my urge to take Kandis there and then as I took a half step back and left myself just out of her reach so I could talk to her. "I'm being serious" I said as calmly as I could.

"So am I" Kandis said as she tried to close the gap between us once more, but once again and took myself to the same distance so I could say what needed to be said.

We’d just started to get back on track following my misunderstanding of the conversation between Kandis and Ashley that I’d caught the end of and assumed the worst, but I couldn’t help feel that this was a situation that could have slowly drifted into dangerous territory again if I didn’t speak up and tell her my concern. "I just don't want you to forget about our agreement" I said, seeing the look of exasperation on her face as she shook her head.

Kandis closed the gap between us once again and this time I didn’t move as she put a hand on my chest and stroked it up and down before looking at me. "I thought we dealt with this issue you had back at the club opening? I haven't… I won't do anything unless you tell me to because it'll help us. I promise"she stated and I was just about to nod when an idea hit me. It might not lead to anything but it was always good to have a contingency plan, right?

"You promise?" I asked her, a smile creeping to my face.

"Yes!" Kandis exclaimed with a solemn nod before she looked at me properly and noticed the smile on my face which caused her features to contort back into confusion.

"Why?" I asked her as I ran a hand along her shoulder and up into her hair.

Kandis smiled at my touch. "Because I belong to you, silly" she purred as she leant into my hand as I finally relaxed enough to move my hand. She frowned a little but then the smile was back as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Yeah, you're right… But speaking of what you promised, how about if Blake gets a bit too big for his boots, you show him how easy his sidekick can be swayed to our way of thinking, huh?" I said, a smirk on my face as Kandis was soon grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

She nodded, understanding exactly what I was getting at, especially as he wasn’t going to take me blind-siding him very well "Ooo I do like that idea" she said with a knowing smile on her face now.

I ran my hands slowly down her back. "Good… But do you know what I like?" I asked as I grabbed her irresistible ass in both hands.

"What?" she asked, my actions causing her to squeal the word out instead of saying it, which made me chuckle for a few moments before I could answer properly.

Returning the favour from earlier, I leant right in to her ear and after nibbling the earlobe, causing her to groan in the process, I breathed my answer into her ear. "I'm liking the sound of watching you crawl over to me as you said before" I murmured as Kandis was already stepping back and peeling her top off, revealing the goods that I couldn’t get enough of.

"Mmmm, I think after your heroics in that ring, it's the least I can do" Kandis purred as she then pulled down the booty shorts, leaving herself naked before she dropped onto her hands and knees and crawled over to me, skilfully pulling down my the bottom half of my ring gear as I stroked her head.

"That's my girl" I managed to moan before Kandis began to give me my reward for being the best at what I do.


So here we are…

After quite a successful few months in my career, we get to this stage. Now with the collective intelligence of most people out there, I can bet there's going to be a lot of focus on how Breakdown turned out for me… Which wasn't ideal, but that's just how things go in this business. It's infuriating for many reasons but on the bright side, the fact I am one of the only people to have won the Television Title on three different occasions already sets me on a pedestal above most others anyway, so I wonder how long it'll be before that becomes something that needs to be beaten due to gold lust…? Moving on though, as I could talk all day about that particular title and the circumstances around it… I'll get my chance again one day and it'll be pretty sweet setting a record of my own! Cold Blooded is something that Kandis and I anticipated, we had to create our own chance of getting a title shot by taking out everyone put in front of us both inside and outside the ring… We had to intervene when a couple of entitled gold whores tried to jump the queue… Then we had to overcome said team as well as once again throwing down with my frenemies, the Infamous to prove what we had been saying from the moment our straight up rematch was denied due to semantics.

We ARE the tag division!

We WILL take out anyone who gets in the way!

We WON'T be disrespected!

Now at this point, I'll say I'm pleasantly surprised that we have a completely new team cobbled together that we get to dismantle bit by bit for our first title match, because after Regan's on air tantrums and sulking, I expected management to throw 'Frozen Hell' another title shot just because both those women can do no wrong… But I guess giving her the Television Title shot she suddenly decided she wanted was obviously enough to appease her for the time being… So Kandis and I get to play with two new scrubs in our division… Two that I'm pretty familiar with but for completely different reasons. Now don't get me wrong, I can quite obviously tell how "The Mason's" have managed to get a shot at our titles, I mean I made a complete mockery of Blake after I told him to keep his beak out of my business and he chose to ignore my bit of professional advice… And I didn't shake Kelsai's hand after a match so I instantly became the Devil Incarnate, instantly Out-Deviling Damian in one motion… So yeah, Sasha was obviously going to book a match based on my behaviour towards the two of them. Well done Sasha for being smart and feeding us two people that really deserve a reality check and who will learn to stick to their lane in future after we've done with them. But herein lies my problem…

Could you imagine if the two of them got their hands on these titles. Belts that we have shed so much blood, sweat and tears over? That we've decimated so many teams to get to possess? That we've silenced so many critics regarding? There's a reason we became the 'gatekeepers' of the division, and stopping people like Blake and Kelsai from ever getting anywhere near these belts is a big part of it. 

This match isn't going to be a labour of love... No pun intended, for you when you step between the ropes and face us down. This will be the two of you trying to get over the embarrassment that The Connection has caused you and gaining some kind of Absolution in the process. The Tag Titles would be just a mere by-product of gaining that petty revenge and as you saw when we won the belts for the second time, we aren't allowing people who are in it for anything other than the honour of being the champions and the prestige that comes with them to get their mitts on them… I'd rather eat my own arms first! You have no business being in our world, and at Cold Blooded you'll finally realise that and perhaps you'll be better people for it. Something that will undoubtedly be invaluable to you in particular, Blake; you really do think you're the bona fide badass don't you? Coming back and involving yourself in everyone's business… Vintage Billy Boy by the way... You so badly want people to view you as this person that's like Frank Castle, taking care of business through any means necessary and all that jazz… When in actual fact, if people were honest… They would view you as what you really are.

A fucking parasite.

Think about it, since everyone was introduced to William Blake Mason… With the odd moment where I thought, 'hey, this guy might not be a complete douchecanoe' there has always been someone he's attached to, leeched from or rode their coattails… Whether it's my greatest failed experiment Harmony Fisher, the unhealthy obsession with Kelcey Wallace, his marriage to Bree Lancaster who I can't help but admire these days, his shacking up with Taylor Chase and now his fascination with intervening in Peyton's life for no real reason other than to just be the cockroach that SCW can't get rid of for too long before it comes back… He's attached himself to individual after individual and come up with some justification that probably sounds all cool and tough in his head for most cases… But is really just sad.

This is another one of those instances, William. The only difference this time is that the person you've attached yourself to is Kelsai. A naive young woman that has a potentially great career in the business ahead of her, with all the tools in the world to aid her… Not quite sure why she'd marry into your family without being forced at gunpoint, but hey horses for courses… Victor might actually be the brother that received the redeeming qualities from the genes, who knows! The point I was going to make before being sidetracked is this, I thought you were a piece of work before… But Kelsai doesn't need you, and she doesn't need dragging into trouble that you running your mouth and forgetting your place has gotten you into. She was happy to go skipping around in the back with her cutesy little mantra and that happy go lucky attitude, reflecting on where she went wrong when I took the Television Title away from her and stopped the momentum she had built dead right there in the space of seconds.

Because of you William Blake Mason, your sister in law becomes collateral damage. You had the balls to Tweet me saying I brought this on myself? What about Kelsai? Did she bring this on herself? Does she deserve what's going to happen for the sake of your ego? You may think that you are some vigilante that's going to show me the error of my ways, but we both know that as talented and tenacious as you are in that ring, Kandis and I are better. However much potential Kelsai has for the future, The Connection are the best in the here and now. At the Pay Per View, this parasite finally gets the dose of Vermicide he needs, and I'm sorry Kelsai, but that means that you and any hopes of vengeance you have will be Knee Deep in trouble!
[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK
OOC: Good luck Ash and J. Similar to last nights effort where it was Randy and I with a collaborative CD, tonight we have a collaborative shoot. Hope everyone enjoys!

The scene opens up inside the BlackOut Academy. This is an establishment that means a lot to the woman who is sitting on the ring apron without a care in the world, Kelsai Adamson-Mason. Dressed casually, she doesn't come across like her normal exuberant self.  

“Before anything else I want to make sure that I give a shout out to Regan Street and say congratulations on winning the SCW Television Championship this past Wednesday night on Breakdown.

Now turning all of my attention to the task at hand, initially when it happened I was upset.

Maybe upset is not even the right word, because while I was certainly upset yes, it seems to me that there must be a word that is even stronger to deny what I am feeling right now.

Alright, I was angry, and if I am being completely honesty with all of you that seems to run in spurts, because sometimes I am still angry, really angry. That is not something that I like to admit to being, because it is not me, but it is what is it, and sometimes?

Sometimes I want to take my fist shove it so far down both of their throats that I be able to massage their livers for them.”

Thinking careful about how she wants to proceed with the next point, Kelsai takes a deep breath before continuing.

“By the time that we get in the ring for SCW Cold Blooded ten days will have passed since all of the garbage went down and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that I am still angry, in fact there is a good chance that I might be even more angry now. I can take a lot of things, and when I decided to go into professional wrestling I did so knowing that people were going to do things to me that I might now always like, and that is alright. But for two people to make a mockery of everything that I believe in? That is uncalled for, I am still angry, and I will still be very angry when my big brother Blake and I finally get our hands on them, and who are they, in case you have been living in a cardboard box since last Thursday and don’t know? They are the most appropriately named tag team of all time, The Jackass and The Big Ass Connection.

I know that is a not nice thing to say and honestly I am sure that I will look back on it at some point in my life and regret the fact that I am being like this, but for now I believe that The Jackass and Big Ass Connection sounds just about perfect to me. Individually they are Thomas Valentine and Kandis, but collectively they are nothing more than one unbelievable Jackass, and his partner who is what she advertises herself as, a Big Ass indeed. There is no doubt also that they are one incredibly talented tag team, as the now two time and reigning SCW World Tag Team Champions, which will be the prize that Blake and I will be challenging for when we face the two of them Sunday.

This match would have been big enough already, this is the first time that my brother and I have ever competed as a team, and we have the opportunity to become World Champions. Not only that but this event is taking place in New Orleans, my hometown so you know that my lovelies will be out in full force, the I might not be in my normal head space come Sunday night when I look across the ring and see Thomas and Kandis looking back at my Big Brother and myself.

All things considered you would think that I would be excited about this match, and believe me when I tell you that I am, though, it is another circumstance that really has me chomping at the bit for this match. Again, I can take a lot of things. I can take and give you love back in your face in return. I know that this is very frustrating for some people, and others don’t understand this at all, especially from a professional wrestler, because as we all know, professional wrestlers are prone to violent outbursts, right?

Don’t worry, it was sarcasm for those that can’t understand that.

But that is who I am and what I believe in;  love.

Love is the most powerful force in the world. I am not saying that to blow smoke up someone’s rear end. I won’t even say I believe that because I know that it is true. I understand that not everyone else feels that way, and in fact I know that believing in this makes me is one of things that makes me unique in SCW. I can handle that, but you want to know what really makes me want to smack a couple of people right upside the head? When people become so narrow minded that I become the subject of mock and ridicule because I believe in love, which is why initially I became very angry about this. I mean who mocks and ridicules other people because they believe in love? I still get a little sick to my stomach when I stop and think about that sometimes.

Recently I have started to volunteer at restaurant named The Bourbon Street Diner, or The Diner for short, it’s not too far from here. The restaurant is no longer open like as it normally is due to concerns about the coronavirus in a city that has been ravaged by it. Owned and operated by Cynthia and Sam Thompson however, when they were told that their restaurant was being closed due to these concerns, did they complain about no longer able to serve the community? No, they simply asked, how can we help? Then they turned their restaurant into what it is currently, a place where healthcare and public service workers can come in and receive a free meal while they are fighting on the front lines against this disease. Cynthia and Sam do this out of nothing more than the goodness of their hearts, because that is love people, that is what I believe in, and that why I started to think about this match a little differently the last few days.

Because I know exactly what love has given to me going into this contest. It has given me the best tag team partner I could possibly ask for in SCW, given that my husband Victor does not work for this company. You see, I still a touch green around the gills in a manner of speaking. I wont even be in SCW for a year until after this event, so yeah, I am still learning on the job, but the same cannot be said for Blake, no Blake is one of the very best in this industry whether people want to admit it or not.

Thomas did you really know what you were doing when you decided to disrespect me on multiple occasions? Did you understand what it might end up costing you Kandis when you decided to mock and ridicule me over the love that I try to spread to other people. Take a look around you in the city of New Orleans this weekend. There are people that could use hope, could use love from someone and yet when someone like me tries to break the mold of a professional wrestler and use love as my platform for how I reach people you think that this is a joke?

I am going to show you Sunday night that this is nothing for you to laugh at, and I am going to have my Big Brother to help me to do it. In the last two months, I have had some ups in my career, but quite honestly there have been a lot more downs. My resolve has changed though, rather it has gotten even stronger. After all, what does not kill you makes you stronger or so they say and I am certainly not dead yet.

Thomas, you won the SCW Television Championship from me on Breakdown not too long ago.


This Sunday, I want you and Kandis to please do something for me. I want you to keep smiling and laughing at me. I want you to keep taking love as a joke. That way, when you lose the SCW World Tag Team Championships to Blake and myself just the way that I lost the SCW Television Championship to you Thomas, I can take heart in the fact that at least that the two of you will still be smiling and laughing.

Because again I believe in the power of love, and that means I like smiling and laughing to, even when it is misguided and you never know what it is that is going to hit you until it is too late.”

Done with her speech, Blake Mason comes into the scene. He sits right next to his sister. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder she opens up by saying--

“Welcome to---”

Blake stops himself from carrying on with his normal intro. Pondering how to push forward for three seconds, he continues. “Normally I would say WELCOME TO THE BLAKE-MASON-EXPERIENCE. Doesn’t feel right. I am not walking down to the ring alone this Sunday. For the first time ever, myself and Kelsai will showcase what we collectively bring to the table. B & K Experience? Blake shakes his head. Not catchy. Mason Consolidated? Hm. Saying Welcome to Mason Consolidated comes across like I am welcoming you to my family's company. Forgive me for the intro. We’ll figure something out next time.”

“With that bit of rambling out of the way, lets officially begin.”

Blake takes a deep breath.

“We can debate how we got here. Tommy, Kandis, you believe me repeatedly questioning Tommy about his disrespect of Kelsai was me getting involved in YOUR business. I can turn around and say the minute you two disrespected my family, you made it MY business. I am not going to belabor a point we are not going to find any agreement on. Why waste time. Energy. Focus. Not important who got into whose business, the end result is that Sasha took note of our interactions and thought the four of us created a recipe for a great match. Here we are, on the precipice of having one of the most unique tag team title matches in Supreme Championship Wrestling history.”

“I am not a man who is going to shy away from the obvious. You two have been a tag team since 2019. Won the tag team titles off the current World Champion, James Evans and a woman who is a Hall of Famer in multiple companies, Angelica Jones. Since you two lost the tag team titles at Rise to Greatness 2019, both of you have had to go through multiple obstacles for months on end just to get those belts back, which recently includes overcoming Infamous and holding back the challenge of a Hellcat and a Snow Queen. Safe to say you two are battle tested in ways Kelsia and I haven’t been as a team. Right. This will be our first official match as a tag team. Come to think of it, how much of a chance do we really have, especially when you factor in that Kelsai and I operate on two spectrums on the philosophical divide. I will take any short cut presented. She won’t. She loves the fans. Maybe all the years in the sport made me jaded, I could care less about the audience. The audience adored me when I did what they felt was right, boo’ed me out the building when they felt I was wrong. The fans? Meh. Kelsai has no problem letting love in. Me? Not to brag or anything, a lot of women have felt my love over the years... but that isn’t what Kelsai means. Her view of letting love in, not mine.”

“So you are probably asking yourselves, with the odds so clearly against us, how the hell are Blake and Kelsia going to become the brand spanking new Tag-Team-Champions... of the World.”

“Simple. We’re Mason’s. What is the one characteristic that defines us all? Stubbornness.”

Blake smirks with pride. “My history for being a stubborn asshole is legendary. It sounds redundant repeating history. You two might be served with this friendly reminder. Years ago when I got myself exiled from the Perfect World, the wrestling audience believed I was done. There were days where I felt that way, I lost out on an Elimination Chamber match to become #1 contender for the World Championship, everyone wrote me off. I didn’t. I rebounded from personal and career difficulty to beat Katie Steward, Greg Cherry and I believe Thirteen for the SCW Adradline Championship, know what else happened that year besides me being on the outs with Kelcey? My father passed away. No one would blame me if I didn’t come back to work. He wouldn’t allow me to quit, even beyond the grave. If that flashback doesn’t work for you, as everyone knows I walked away from this sport over a year ago due to reasons. I wasn’t going to come back, I thought I was done. That voice inside me kept nagging. Blake, you need to go back. I told that voice no, I’m done. But the itch to come back wouldn’t go away. Here we are.”

“Us Mason’s no matter the circumstances, are not the type to go away when the odds aren’t in our favor.”

“Take Kelsai for example. Andrew Raynes tried to bully her. Me, my brother, Amy tried to caution Kelsai against picking a fight with Raynes. But she did. And she came out on top. Kelsai has this innate talent for not exactly listening to what isn’t possible. Jerks like you two keep mocking her beliefs. Her way of doing things has led to her becoming a two time SCW Television Champion, where is your singles title reign Kandis... Kelsai has had several show stealing performances in her Supreme Championship Wrestling career, if that isn’t impressive enough, she eventually won me over. No secret I threw a fit when she married into the family. I thought by pure force of will, I would make her think twice about having me as a Big Brother. I lost count of how many people I have pushed away. Kelsai didn’t budge, she saw something in me worth weathering the storm for. I was a bastard for not dropping the non-compete in Trios. Despite all that, she still views teaming with me as special... that makes me want to cry. I’ll save that for when the camera fades to black. I have to protect what little is left of my reputation.”

“There you go, we’re stubborn.”

Blake strokes his chin.

“So what this is our first tag team match together.”

“So what, you have been a tag team longer.”

“So what you overcame Hall of Fame talent recently to get the tag team championships back.”

“To that I say, GOOD. We have no problem being the underdogs. What pushes men and women forward to achieve greatness is taking on challenges head on. What is the point is being prideful in an achievement if you can walk over it. Climbing the mountains in life is what pushes up to become great. To struggle. To rise above your paygrade. To scratch. To claw. To beat the very best the world throws at you. To grow because of it. That is the marking of true greatness. There are a lot of men and women in this sport who are content in their station, they will rest on their laurels, to leech off the past, to believe every advantage they have is enough to carry them through the day. What a year away has put into perspective for me is to always stay hungry. Kelsia shares that same hunger. She is not content by a long shot. If we are being honest I have no reason to be content due to my resume. The older one gets the more settled into their station they become. I am not going to allow myself to settle for anything, not anymore, this could be very well by my last run in pro wrestling.”

“Don’t worry, I am not retiring within the next six months, come on, I have been in this sport since the age of eighteen. So many times I have started. Stopped. Failed to win World Titles. The grind can become a burden. I go into every match I have knowing the next time I stop will be the end. I am not content knowing that if we lose it would be one and done. Nope. I am expecting one thousand percent that me and Kelsai are going to achieve the impossible on the very first try.”

“I won’t allow us to fail.”

Blake wags his finger. He places his hand over his heart.  

“We can, and we will become the brand new tag team champions of the world.”

“Tommy. You brought this on yourself. All you had to do was respect my sister. You already lost the Television Championship. The only thing you’ll leave New Orleans with is Kandis big ass; as big of an ass as it is, knowing you failed her by crossing my path, that’s going to suck. Don’t worry, Drake will take good care of her...

Blake offers Kandis a friendly wink and the scene fades to black.
OOC: I will freely admit I had zero idea what I was going to do with this when I woke up this morning, and one of the scenes only came to me after I finished and posted Bree's RP. But, I ended up with something I really like and had fun with, and I actually can't believe I got everything finished, lol.
Good luck gents, always a pleasure.


Cold Blooded
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SCW: 26 - 35 - 5 || Career: 35 - 41 - 5
SCW World Champion
4X SCW Tag Team Champion W/ Tommy Valentine
[The Connection]

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