Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO
[Image: YUYOcharacterimage.png]
Character Details
Name: Yumi Yoshida
Alias: Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO
Height:  4’11”
Weight:  95 Lbs.
Age: 18
Town of Birth: Fukushima prefecture, Japan
Picture Base: RIHO
Body Type: Petite
Alignment: Super Face
Entrance Music: "Angel With A Shotgun" by the Cab (Nightcore Version)
Wrestler Entrance: 
Lights shut off.  The “Nyan Cat “ song starts up for a second or two then stops, a bright pink spotlight shines on the stage but dies too. The crowd begins to cheer. “Nyan Cat” song plays again, with a baby blue light shining now onto the stage. The song stops but this time the crowd cheers have grown louder. Once more this happens, this time both the pink and baby blue spotlights hit the entrance stage, but this time the crowd has grown playfully loud. Finally, the starting lyrics of "Angel With a Shotgun" is played.

I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun
An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun

 With a crackle and a sizzle, itsy bitsy pyros go off in front of the curtains and the song fully hits its stride  over the PA. Out pops the Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO, leaping over the dying smoke of the tiny fireworks. She dances to the song, swinging her arms around and performing hand gestures as she dances down the ramps. YUYO's Party begins to follow her out, trailing behind, including Beezlebubble, Meowkazawa, Neko, and Sakura.

Get out your guns, battles begun

Are you a saint, or a sinner?
If loves a fight, than I shall die
With my heart on a trigger

They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

At the ring she stops, lifts her skirt as she skips up the ramps and along the ring apron. She comes to a screeching halt at the end at the ring post, she swings around. She shots a finger gun, "BANG!" out to the crowd before climbing up to the top turnbuckle from the outside. She pauses before she points towards the sky, shouts “FOREVER!”. She hops down and runs to the opposite corner, climbs up, again pointing towards the ceiling. "FOREVER!". She then starts blowing kisses to the crowd. Meanwhile, YUYO's Party sets up camp behind her corner. She leaps down onto the canvas, superhero landing! She then puts on a ‘mean’ face as she readies herself for the match to come.

She’s kind to everyone! She is super duper cute. She thinks it’s okay if she does get intimidated from time to time and maybe a little down in the dumps when people are mean to her. She’s only a poor girl. She is weird though as when under pressure, she likes to start playing pretend, coming up with fantastical delusions in attempt to kill the tension.

Yet behind the curtains, it's very much a different story. To her party members, YUYO can be a very aggressive, sometimes belligerent bully. Her fantasies are her reality by choice but not around her parties. While there are times where you see her as a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, she gang presses her crew to go on her adventure. She is the self-anointed leader the group. She can be outrageously stubborn, completely spoiled, and of course, bratty, but at the end of the day, she does love her ensemble. She will never show that side of her to the fans or to her peers. As a result, she is one of EMERGE's top merchandise sellers, having earned a cultlike following of impressionable young girls and horny lolicon neckbeards.

Finishing Moves and description:
M-A-G-I-C-A-L Knee

As an homage to her “dirty uncle”, with the opponent on the mat, YUYO moonwalks into a corner, she then begins to stomp her foot on the canvas, with each stomp she along with the fans spell out M-A-G-I-C-A-L before waving her hands outwards and holding them up high. Then when the moment is right, she runs out of the corner and hits a sick running bicycle knee strike to the face of his opponent.

DOKIDOKI! Stardust Splash
Standing on top of the top rope, she extends her fingers out and touches her finger tips together. She yells out “FOR LOVE” before completing her version of the frog splash onto her opponent.

Signature Moves and description:
The Hug
Yumi locks her opponent into a bear hug, but while doing so, she also nuzzles their body with her face as if that makes up for the submission move. If they’re a nasty heel, she then reels back and pinch her nose, acting as if they stink.

The Kiss
Knocking her opponent back into the corner, she leaps up on the second rope and kisses them on the forehead. She jumps back, spinning in her, nailing her opponent with an elbow to the face. She yells out “Justice!”

YUYO Funtime Song and Dance!
After capturing her opponent’s arm after some sort of evasive maneuver or corner, she quickly runs up the turnbuckle. She walks the ropes, but doing so with swagger to her step, her free arm pointing and her terrible singing; once she gets midway across the ropes, she swings her hips around before leaping off, throwing her entire body weight into her opponent’s face, landing her ass on the chest, often hooking the legs for the pin attempt.

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set: 
She does a lot of evasive moves, like leap frogs, rolls, tumbling, all that jazz.
Toe drop holds
Arm Drags
Surprise pin packages a bounty
Stiff chops, chops, and more chopes
Elbows, knees, and kicks (rarely closed fist strikes)
Suicide Dive
Satellite Moves (DDT, Headscissors Takedown, Snapemare Slam, Etc)
Tilt-a-Whirl Moves (DDT, Stunner, Etc).
Octopus Hold
Standing Moonsault
Running Cross Body
Springboard Moves (Crossbody, Hurricanrana, etc)

Wrestler Biography:
You might have heard of her “dirty uncle”, Ikiro Yoshida, some popular SCW wrestler but she doesn’t want you talk about him! He’s nice but also gross! You should talking about her grand exploits because she is an amazing person, taking over not only the world of wrestling, but the entire universe, one heart at a time! Originally trained by family, she couldn’t stand their strict rule so she left and went to the Rising Sun Dojo. She trained under old man Hiro Tanaka until his dojo burned down last winter. She swore she turned off the stove before she left! Anyways, she’s been wrestling around the world, for the children, because they all need some happiness in their lives. She’s also doing it for the basement dwelling adult males who already idolize her on reddit, because everyone deserves some love in their lives! No touching though! Germs are gross!

On-Air Supporting Cast:

[Image: Meowkazawacharactericon.png]
Her Manservant aka Manager - Mister Meowkazawa - "The Square"
Meowkazawa used to be known as Cat Mask III and broke into wrestling alongside Yumi's father, the Great Koji. In Mexico, during the 2000s, Meowkazawa was wrestling for the biggest Mexican promotion. During a series of matches against the archnemesis, Dogman, Meowkazawa kept losing after Dogman pulled his mask off and taking advantage of the distraction. In order to prevent this, Meowkazawa used a certain adhesive to hold the mask in place. After winning the match, he realized he could not remove the mask. Shortly after the incident, Meowkazawa retired from active competition, citing personal issues. After several years, Meowkazawa started working for a talent agency, focusing on Joshi wrestlers. Through this method is how he became the manager of his friend's daughter, who had broken out at an early age in the Joshi circuit. When the decision was made to take Yumi Yoshida to America, he was asked to chaperone due to her perceived immaturity. He regrets openly agreeing to this business endeavor.

He does accompany her to the ring but does not play an active role, other than sorting out advice from the sidelines. Now with Yumi's party being sizable, filled with all sorts of eccentric characters, it is often Meowkazawa that at all costs hold back Yumi's allies from interfering or getting involved in her match, citing about the proper conduct of the corner crew, honor in professional wrestling, etc.

 Outside the ring, within "the Party", he has taken the role of the Square. In the mania that Yumi has created in the world around her, he's the anchor that grounds her and everyone's reality it seems. He also ensures that the bills are paid, so the lights stay on, the refrigerator stays full. He supports her as her manager and a parental figure, even though she actively ignores him and belittles him. In that sense, he is almost a dope. He left behind his wife and child back in Japan, who have completely written him off as simply a paycheck coming in from a foreign source. 

[Image: Beezlebubblecharacterimage.png]
Her YUYOSHI aka Bodyguard - Beezlebubble - "The Goofball"
Not much is known about Beezlebubble. He's a man that enjoys dressing like a dinosaur. In front of Yumi, he doesn't speak but instead mimics Jurassic Park dinosaur roars. To others, he speaks plainly. His name is Jack though. One day, when Yumi was out and about, he followed her home. The rest is written in the annals of history as Yumi adopted him as a pet of sorts. She doesn't bring him down to the ring, citing 'safety reasons' and claiming that management blocked such an action (but all honestly, she doesn't want anyone else to pet her dinosaur). He does accompany her everywhere backstage, often giving her piggyback rides from Point A to Point B. There is definitely some tension between Beezlebubble and Meowkazawa, some speculate this is because they both wear animal masks and fighting for the same comical niche, but it runs deeper than that. 

Beelzebubble will do what he needs to protect YUYO but follows her order obediently. He and Meowkazawa have come to a mutual understanding, respect of some kind. While they still do grate each other nerves, they seem to have an unspoken oath to protect Yumi and the other girls at all costs. This has given Jack a lot leeway within the party, where he fulfilled the "Goofball" archetype. In front of YUYO, he acts like he’s a dinosaur and only roars. Like Meowkazawa, he has a masochistic streak, unlike Meowkazawa, he has fully embraced his subservient position, enjoys it openly to the much chagrin of Meowkazawa. He often a very active and enthusiastic participant in Yumi’s ideas.

[Image: Hirotanakacharacterimage.png]
The Wise Wizard of the Ring aka Her Mentor - Hiro Tanaka - "The Sage"
Paid actor. Yumi first approached Hiro Tanaka when she wanted to break into American professional wrestling. She joined his Rising Sun Dojo up in Washington until that burned down. But after she graduated, she and Hiro went their separate ways. Until that is, that Yumi decided she needed to go on a journey of enlightenment and find a sage, she decided on Hiro. Hiro knowing he had already taught her all that she wanted, ended up accepting a huge bribe to pretend to be her teacher again. He only spent a few weeks, here and there, having her go through a regime that would only work as a training montage, but that what Yumi paid him to have her do. She still continues to bug him from time to time, asking for more quests, more lessons, especially now that he’s a member of the Emerge Locker Room.

Unlike the other party members, Hiro rarely accompanies YUYO to the ring. He might if it’s a high-profile match. He isn’t likely to get involved in her matches as a result. He might, however, come to her rescue if she’s badly numbered and is outgunned, which is going to be a rarity nowadays given with all the people she has surrounded herself with.

[Image: NEMOcharacterimage.png]
The Original Partner in Crime aka Childhood Friend- "NEMO" Neko Mori - "The Bigmouth"
Neko and Yumi grew up together, sharing a very strange friendship. Neko used to be the leader and Yumi the follower, until one day, Yumi lost her temper and basically rose up against Neko, overthrowing her and becoming the Queen. Ever since then, Yumi wears the pants in the relationship. There are hints and suggestions that in high school, they both engaged in lesbian activities, but it’s never confirmed, and vaguely referred to (mostly by Neko). Neko is loud, obnoxious, and oftentimes pile onto whoever is the target of Yumi’s bullying. She’s basically mean to almost everyone BUT Yumi, though when she knows she push someone past their limits, she goes easy on them and give them a break. 

She is part of the Shining Maidens (of EMERGE) and teams with Yumi and Sakura. She will accompany Yumi to the ring, where she will be very vocal and loud with her support. She oftentimes has to be held back by Meowkazawa or Beezlebubble from getting involved. On-air, she’s the Scrappy Doo of YUYO’s party. 

[Image: Sakuracharacterimage.png]
Magical-Princess-In-Training aka YUYO's #1 Fan - "SAWA" Sakura Watanabe - "The Precocious"
Sakura is like, or was like YUYO’s biggest fan… the president and the only member of the YUYO Intergalactic Fan Club. A chance encounter between her and her idol, Sakura found herself abducted by Yumi. Upon Yumi’s persistence, Sakura is an alien princess from another galaxy, sent here to learn from her. She is often the victim of YUYO’s activities, even though she quickly becomes endearing to everyone in YUYO's party. She is a little dimwitted, very naïve, and despite her whining, will publicly state YUYO is truly magnificent, because she suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.  She is often dressed up in different cosplays, which features a different hair color, all at the whim of Yumi's mood for that night.

She is one of the Shining Maidens (of EMERGE) and teams regularly with Neko and Yumi. Unlike other members of the party, she is typically reserved. If Yumi or Neko are engaged in a barbaric battle, Sakura tends to hide behind Beezlebubble and cover her face. She sometimes says quiet prayers too. If someone comes towards her while at ringside, she runs, including hopping into the front row. She is also can get flustered during a match, leading to mistakes and having her clumsiness comes out.

Off-Air Supporting Cast:
The Demon Lord aka EMERGE's Assigned Caretaker - Catrin Lloyd - "The Stick"
Catrin is fresh out of art school, had an internship at EMERGE's production team as a graphic artist, asked for a full-time assignment. She didn't think that would involve becoming the keeper of YUYO's party. While she does get tasked with designing teeshirts and other merchandise, her primary responsibility is to make sure YUYO and her merry gang of misfits stay in line. This of course wouldn't have happened if YUYO and her friends had any awareness. The reason behind her assignment was the vast number of noise complaints, minor criminal activity, and suspected drug use across three continents. She is the definiton of a very uptight, stuck-up stickler for the rules. She NEVER approves of any of YUMI's plans or activities, tries to be the moral police, and is generally unliked by everyone in the party, other than Meowkazawa who feels sympathy for her and her assignment. 
[Image: YUYOFORUM.png]


1x EMERGE Spirit Champion 

Added her on-air supporting cast: bodyguard and manager.
[Image: YUYOFORUM.png]


1x EMERGE Spirit Champion 

Major Overhaul:
- New Theme Song
- Updated Entrance
- New Cast Characters (Hiro Tanaka, Neko Mori, Sakura Wanatabe, Caitin Lloyd)
- Updated Existing Cast Members (Beezlebubble, Meowkazawa)
- Updated YUYO's Personality/Gimmick
- Added Match History to Signature
[Image: YUYOFORUM.png]


1x EMERGE Spirit Champion 


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